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Dimension  Stone  Crushed  Stone 

Geology     Technology    Distribution     Utilization 



Supervising  Engineer,  Bxiilding  Materials  Section 
United  States  Bureau  of  Mines 

Second  Edition 


NEW     YORK     AND     LONDON 


Copyright,   1934,   1939,  by  the 
McGraw-Hill  Book  Company,  Inc. 


All  rights  reserved.  This  book,  or 

parts  thereof,  may  not  be  reproduced 

in  any  form  without  permission  of 

the  publishers. 



Since  the  first  edition  of  this  volume  appeared,  the  stone  industries 
have  suffered  the  most  severe  depression  in  their  history.  Now  they  are 
emerging  toward  a  more  normal  rate  of  production,  and  there  is  definite 
prospect  of  increasing  activity  in  building  which  should  promote  further 
gains.  In  this  new  edition  most  of  the  tables  have  been  revised  to  show 
the  latest  available  figures,  and  corresponding  changes  have  been  made  in 
the  text  to  embody  the  most  recent  data. 

Centers  of  production  have  shown  so  Httle  change  during  recent  years 
that  only  minor  corrections  were  needed.  The  sections  on  technology 
of  quarrying  and  fabrication  as  covered  in  the  first  edition  were  based 
largely  on  the  author's  personal  observation  and  study  of  hundreds  of 
quarries  and  stone-finishing  mills,  and  they  reflect  modern  practice  so 
comprehensively  that  little  revision  was  required.  Although  refinements 
in  equipment  and  methods  are  constantly  in  evidence,  no  fundamental 
modifications  have  occurred  since  1934;  therefore,  the  portrayal  of  condi- 
tions as  set  forth  in  the  new  edition  approximates  a  true  picture  of  the 
stone  industries  as  they  exist  today. 

Oliver  Bowles. 
Washington,  D.  C, 
January,  1939. 


No  book  adequately  covering  the  stone  industries  has  been  available 
recently.  Building  stones  were  described  many  years  ago  by  Dr.  George 
P.  Merrill  in  his  well-known  volume,  Stones  for  Building  and  Decoration, 
the  third  edition  of  which  appeared  in  1910  and  is  now  out  of  print. 
The  venerable  doctor  was  planning  a  much-needed  revision,  but  his 
plans  were  cut  short  by  his  sudden  death  in  1929.  Other  books,  such  as 
E.  C.  Eckel's  Buildijig  Stones  and  Clays  and  C.  H.  Richardson's  volume 
of  the  same  title,  are  valuable  for  certain  phases  of  the  stone  industries. 
Various  bulletins  on  granites,  marbles,  and  slates  by  T.  Nelson  Dale 
contain  a  wealth  of  detailed  information,  chiefly  of  geological  import. 
Bulletins  of  several  State  geological  surveys  describe  the  stone  resources 
and  developments  of  their  States  quite  thoroughly,  but  few  have  been 
published  during  recent  years.  Certain  textbooks  for  engineers  and 
architects  contain  brief  and  frequently  quite  inaccurate  references  to 
stone  as  a  material  of  construction.  None  of  the  publications  mentioned 
presumes  to  cover  the  many  ramifications  of  the  stone  industries;  the 
purpose  of  this  volume  is  to  fill  this  gap  in  American  technical  literature. 

The  author  began  his  studies  of  the  stone  industries  in  Minnesota  in 
1912;  and  during  the  years  since  1914,  as  a  quarry  specialist  of  the 
United  States  Bureau  of  Mines,  he  has  visited  and  made  intimate  exami- 
nations of  hundreds  of  quarries  and  mills  scattered  throughout  many 
States.  Results  of  successive  detailed  studies  were  embodied  in  a  series 
of  reports,  several  of  which  are  now  out  of  print.  The  background  of 
first-hand  knowledge  thus  gained  was  the  chief  incentive  that  urged  him 
toward  the  laborious  task  of  compiling  this  book. 

Acknowledgment  is  made  to  the  officials  of  the  United  States  Bureau 
of  Mines  for  permitting  wide  reference  to  its  published  information. 
Grateful  acknowledgment  is  rendered  to  many  who  have  assisted  in 
preparing  the  material.  In  presenting  a  broad  subject  in  a  comprehen- 
sive manner  innumerable  occasions  for  errors  occur,  and  while  mis- 
statements may  still  remain,  review  by  competent  authorities  and 
repeated  revisions  have  greatly  minimized  this  liability.  The  author 
desires  to  make  special  mention  of  noteworthy  service  by  Harold  Ladd 
Smith  of  Proctor,  Vt.;  J.  B.  Newsom  of  Bloomington,  Ind.;  J.  L.  Mann 
and  R.  M.  Richter  of  Bedford,  Ind.;  Charles  H.  Behre  of  Evanston,  111.; 
W.  S.  Hays  of  Philadelphia;  Lawrence  Childs  and  Jules  Leroux  of  New 
York,  and  Societe  Anonyme  de  Merbes-Sprimont,  Brussels,  Belgium. 
Several  quarry  operators  have  kindly  reviewed  sections  of  the  book 


relating  to  their  industries.  The  chapters  devoted  to  crushed  and  broken 
stone  involved  so  much  detail  regarding  deposits  and  their  geology  that 
the  services  of  State  geologists  were  enlisted  for  review  and  comment. 
The  author  desires  to  express  to  them  his  keen  appreciation  of  their 
most  helpful  and  hearty  cooperation.  To  Paul  M.  Tyler,  Paul  Hatmaker, 
and  H.  Herbert  Hughes,  associates  of  the  author  in  the  United  States 
Bureau  of  Mines,  acknowledgment  is  due  for  many  helpful  suggestions. 
Miss  A.  T.  Coons  of  the  Bureau,  whose  intimate  knowledge  of  the  stone- 
producing  industries  is  widely  recognized,  supplied  valuable  comment 
and  advice.  To  my  wife,  Eva  H.  Bowles,  grateful  acknowledgment  is 
made  for  assistance  in  proof  reading,  and  to  my  sons,  George  and  Edgar, 
for  corrections  and  revisions  of  certain  sections. 

Oliver  Bowles. 
Washington,  D.  C. 
July,  1934 



Preface  to  the  Second  Edition v 

Preface  to  the  First  Edition vii 

Introduction xiii 



Extent  and  Subdivision 3 

Extent  of  the  Industry — Major  Divisions  of  the  Industry — Varieties  of 
Stone  Used 


Minerals  and  Rocks 5 

Distinction  between  Rock  and  Stone — Relation  of  Rocks  to  Minerals — 
Rock-forming  Minerals — Classification  of  Rocks — General  Distribution  of 
Rocks  in  the  United  States 


Factors  Governing  Rock  Utilization 8 

Rock  Qualities  on  Which  Use  Depends — Importance  of  Other  Factors  than 
QuaUty — Available  Markets — Diversification  of  Products — Transportation 
Facilities — Production  Costs 


Prospecting  and  Development II 

Prospecting — Stripping— General  Methods  of  Operation — Bibliography 



General  Features  of  Dimension-stone  Industries 23 

Definition  of  Dimension  Stone — Principal  Uses — Requisite  QuaUties  of 
Dimension  Stone — Adaptations  of  Raw  Materials  to  Use — Complexities  in 
Marketing — Royalties 


Limestone 33 

Definition: — Origin — Physical  Properties — Varieties — Qualities  on  Which 
Use  Depends — Uses — Industry  by  States — Occurrences  of  Travertine — 
Quarry  Methods — MiUing  Methods — Limestone  Products — Cost  of  Quarry- 
ing and  Manufacture — Waste  in  Quarrying  and  Manufacture — Utilization 
of  Waste — Limestone  Marketing — Bibliography 



Sandstone 67 

Varieties — Composition — Size  and  Shape  of  Grains — Cementation — Color — 
Porosity — Uses — Production — Industry  by  States — Quarry  Methods — 
Quarry  Processes — Yard  Service — Sandstone  Sawmills  and  Finishing  Plants 
— The  Bluestone  Industry — Waste  in  Sandstone  Quarrying  and  Manufac- 
ture— Bibliography 


Granite 103 

General  Character — Mineral  Composition — Chemical  Composition — Physi- 
cal Properties — Varieties — Related  Rocks — Structural  Features- — Uses — 
Distribution  of  Deposits — Industry  by  States — Quarry  Methods  and  Equip- 
ment— Milling  Methods  and  Equipment — Market  Range — Imports, 
Exports,  and  Tariffs — Prices — Bibliography 


Marble 168 

History — Definition — Composition — Origin  and  Varieties — Physical  Prop- 
erties— Jointing  or  Unsoundness — Chief  Impurities  of  Marble — Uses — Dis- 
tribution of  Deposits — Production — Industry  by  States — Quarry  Methods 
and  Equipment — Transportation — Equipment  and  Operation  in  Mills  and 
Shops — Waste  in  Quarrying  and  Manufacture — Marketing  Marble — 
Imports  and  Exports — Tariff — Prices — Bibliography 


Slate 229 

Definition — Origin — Mineralogical  Composition — Chemical  Composition — 
Physical  Properties — Structural  Features — Imperfections — Uses — History 
of  Industry — General  Distribution — Production — Industry  by  States — 
General  Plan  of  Quarrying — Quarry  Operations — Quarry  Methods — Yard 
Transportation — Manufacture  of  Roofing  Slate — Storage  of  Roofing  Slate — 
The  Art  of  Roofing  with  Slate — Manufacture  of  School  Slates — Manufacture 
of  Mill  Stock — Slate  Floors,  Walks,  and  Walls — Crushed  and  Pulverized 
Slate  Products — Waste  in  Quarrying  and  Manufacturing — Tests  and 
Specifications — Marketing — Imports  and  Exports — Tariff — Prices — 



Composition  and  Properties — History — Uses — Origin  and  Occurrence — 
Quarry  Methods — Milling  Processes — Marketing — Rocks  Related  to  Soap- 
stone — Bibliography 


Boulders  as  Building  Materials 296 

Origin  and  Nature  of  Boulders — Stone  Fences — The  Use  of  Boulders  in 


Foreign  Building  and  Ornamental  Stones 301 

Scope    of    Discussion — Imports    of    Stone — Foreign    Limestones — Foreign 


Sandstones — Foreign       Granites — Foreign       Marbles — Foreign       Slates^ — 


Miscellaneous  Rocks  and  Minerals  Used  for  Building  and  Ornamental 

Purposes 342 

Agalmatolite — Alabaster — Amazonite — Catlinite — Clay — Diatomite,  Trip- 
oli and  Pumice — Fluorite — Jade — Labradorite — Lapis-lazuli — Malachite 
and  Azurite — Meerschaum — Mica  Schist — Porphyry — Quartz — Snow  and 
Ice — Sodalite — Bibliography 


Deterioration,  Preservation,  and  Cleaning  of  Stonework 348 

Deterioration  of  Stone — Preservation  of  Stone — Cleaning  Stone — Bibliog- 



General  Features  of  the  Crushed-stone  Industries 371 

History — Types  and  Values  of  Stone  Used — Crushed  Stone  and  Dimen- 
sion Stone  Contrasted — Uses  of  Crushed  Stone — Competition — Markets — 
Transportation — Prices — Royalties — Capital  Required 


Crushed  and  Broken  Limestone 377 

Types  of  Stone  Included — Extent  of  Industry — Uses  of  Crushed  and  Broken 
Limestone — Uses  for  Which  Physical  Properties  Are  Most  Important — Uses 
for  Which  Chemical  Properties  Are  Most  Important — Uses  of  Dolomite  and 
High-magnesian  Limestone — Industry  by  States — Quarry  Methods  and 
Equipment — Bibliography 


Crushed  and  Broken  Stone  Other  Than  Limestone 473 

General  Features — Uses — General  Distribution  and  Value — Industries  by 
States — Quarry  Methods  and  Equipment — Marketing — Bibliography 

Index 493 


Stone,  the  foundation  and  superstructure  of  the  everlasting  hills, 
is  the  most  abundant  of  all  material  things.  It  is  the  earth  itself  on  which 
we  live.  Although  widespread  in  occurrence  to  a  point  that  breeds 
contempt,  stone  is  used  so  extensively  that  it  touches  the  extremes  of 
human  activity — from  lowly  shattered  fragments  trampled  under  foot 
to  flawless  statuary  marbles  that  provide  material  for  the  highest  forms 
of  art.  Between  these  two  extremes  stone  and  its  products  are  essential 
to  multitudes  of  industries;  they  take  part  in  the  affairs  of  practically 
every  community  and  touch  the  life  of  nearly  every  person.  To  cover 
in  detail  so  broad  a  field  would  far  exceed  the  scope  of  a  single  volume,  but 
an  attempt  is  made  to  present  a  moderately  comprehensive  picture  of  the 
properties  and  characteristics  of  stone,  the  methods  of  removing  it  from 
its  native  beds  and  preparing  it  for  use,  its  many  applications  in  modern 
industry,  production  centers  at  home  and  abroad,  and  the  outstanding 
economic  features  of  each  branch  of  this  far-reaching  industry. 

Remarkable  progress  has  been  made  in  the  quarrying  and  utilization 
of  stone.  Its  application  to  practical  use  was  one  of  the  oldest  human 
activities,  extending  far  back  before  the  earliest  records,  for  the  name 
"stone  age"  is  applied  to  that  period  of  history  of  which  knowledge  is 
conveyed  to  us  only  by  crude  tools  and  implements  of  stone  fashioned 
by  the  aborigines.  Neolithic  man,  using  a  crooked  reindeer  antler  as  a 
mining  tool,  dug  flint  balls  from  the  chalk  cliffs  of  England  and  shaped 
them  into  spear  heads  or  other  implements.  During  later  periods 
American  cliff-dwellers  constructed  crude  homes  with  walls  of  stone. 
The  slow  progress  made  through  long  ages  from  these  primitive  begin- 
nings makes  interesting  chapters  in  ancient  history  but  has  little  bearing 
on  the  stone  quarrying  of  today.  Development  of  the  industries  in  their 
present  scope  has  been  comparatively  recent.  From  caverns  and  shelter- 
ing slabs  of  rock  constituting  the  earliest  human  habitations  to  stately 
mansions  of  cut  and  polished  stone  is  a  long  journey,  and  every  step  of 
progress  has  been  marked  by  accelerated  speed.  Thus,  although  the 
industries  have  existed  for  many  centuries,  the  greatest  advances  in 
manufacture  and  use  have  been  crowded  into  the  last  fifty  years.  To 
give  a  true  picture  of  the  status  of  these  industries  today  is  the  purpose 
of  this  book. 



Extent  of  the  Industry. — Stone  production  is  the  most  widespread  of 
all  industries  in  this  country  except  agriculture,  for  rock  deposits  are 
exploited  in  every  State  and  in  a  great  majority  of  the  counties.  In 
the  United  States  the  average  annual  production  of  stone  of  all  kinds, 
including  slate,  from  1927  to  1931,  was  more  than  176,500,000  short  tons, 
with  an  annual  value  exceeding  $216,300,000.  About  2,800  quarries  and 
mines  are  in  operation,  and  the  number  of  employees  in  them  and  in 
directly  associated  plants  is  approximately  90,000. 

Delivery  of  the  enormous  tonnage  of  stone  to  innumerable  markets 
is  an  important  transportation  item,  involving  rail,  water,  and  truck 
haulage.  Coal  and  oil  burned  in  quarries,  mills,  cement  plants,  and  lime 
kilns  constitute  an  appreciable  part  of  the  fuel  production  of  the  country, 
and  the  machinery  and  explosives  used  create  an  extensive  market  for 
factory  products.  Thus,  through  its  wide  scope  and  complex  ramifi- 
cations stone  holds  a  dominant  place  in  the  Nation's  industry  and  exerts 
a  pronounced  influence  on  national  growth  and  development. 

Major  Divisions  of  the  Industry.  Dimension  Stone. — The  oldest  use 
of  stone  and  the  one  that  has  become  increasingly  important  through  the 
centuries  is  for  building  purposes.  At  first,  rough  walls  were  built  of 
scattered  boulders,  but  with  increasing  knowledge  of  the  use  of  tools 
stone  was  quarried  from  solid  ledges.  Before  the  age  of  explosives  and 
before  steam  and  compressed  air  were  utilized  quarrying  was  slow  and 
laborious;  nevertheless,  the  pyramids  and  obelisks  represent  remarkable 
engineering  skill.  These  magnificent  stone  structures  were  built  by 
innumerable  slaves,  whose  labor  extended  over  many  decades.  Since 
ancient  times  stone  has  been  a  favorite  material  for  constructing  the 
finest  buildings.  Growth  and  development  in  art  and  architecture  have 
been  expressed  in  noble  structures,  and  we  are  indebted  to  the  enduring 
nature  of  stone  for  the  preservation  of  many  invaluable  records  of  past 

The  hewing  of  stone  from  its  native  beds  with  only  the  crudest  hand 
tools  made  it  too  costly  for  use,  except  in  temples,  palaces,  and  similar 
structures.  With  the  invention  of  explosives,  the  advent  of  steam  power, 
and,  later,  the  use  of  electricity  and  compressed  air,  blocks  of  stone  were 
obtained  with  increasing  ease,  and  rock  became  more  and  more  widely 
available  as  a  building  material.     From  cathedrals,  bridges,  and  other 



great  public  works  it  has  found  its  way  to  smaller  and  less  pretentious 
structures,  even  to  small  one-family  homes. 

Dimension  stone  is  used  for  other  purposes  than  for  building.  In 
ancient  times  a  pile  of  stones  was  raised  as  a  memorial,  and  from  this 
custom  has  developed  the  monument  or  headstone  cut  from  suitable  rock 
and  carved  with  a  fitting  inscription.  Stone  blocks  are  also  used  for  pav- 
ing streets  and  roads  and  for  the  manufacture  of  curbing.  In  addition, 
stone  has  many  special  uses,  such  as  for  electrical  switchboards  and 

Crushed  Stone. — ^The  use  of  crushed  or  broken  stone  developed  much 
later  than  that  of  dimension  stone.  Stone  sledged  by  hand,  usually  by 
convict  labor,  was  used  in  road  construction,  and  this  use  increased 
rapidly.  With  the  invention  of  cement  and  with  mass  production  made 
possible  through  explosives,  power  crushers,  and  screens  the  broken-stone 
branch  of  the  industry  grew  with  phenomenal  speed.  In  1886  the  output 
of  crushed  and  broken  stone  was  smaller  than  that  of  dimension  stone, 
while  in  1930  it  was  thirty  times  as  great.  Concrete  aggregate,  road 
stone,  and  ballast  are  the  principal  products. 

Stone  Used  in  Manufacturing  Processes. — For  practically  all  the  uses 
mentioned  above,  stone  is  employed  crude  and  untreated.  It  may  be 
shaped,  polished,  crushed,  or  ground,  but  its  physical  and  chemical 
properties  remain  essentially  unchanged.  In  many  modern  industries, 
however,  stone  undergoes  physical  and  chemical  changes,  the  final 
product  being  quite  different  from  the  raw  material  in  both  form  and 
composition.  Outstanding  examples  are  limestones  manufactured  into 
cement,  lime,  or  calcium  carbide;  dolomite  made  into  refractories;  and 
crushed  sandstone  fused  with  other  products  into  glass. 

Varieties  of  Stone  Used. — The  more  common  rocks  used  in  com- 
merce are  granites  and  related  igneous  rocks,  limestones,  marbles,  slates, 
and  sandstones.  Soapstone  also  is  included  as  a  branch  of  the  dimension- 
stone  industry.  Many  rocks  in  commercial  use  do  not  properly  belong 
to  any  of  the  foregoing  groups.  When  employed  as  dimension  stone 
they  usually  are  classed  with  one  of  the  major  groups;  when  used  in 
crushed  or  broken  form  they  are  considered  a  miscellaneous  group. 


Distinction  between  Rock  and  Stone. — While  the  words  "rock"  and 
"stone"  are  often  regarded  as  synonyms,  there  is  a  definite  distinction 
in  their  meaning.  The  term  "rock"  is  applied  to  a  geologic  formation 
in  its  crude  form  as  it  exists  in  the  earth.  "Stone"  is  more  properly 
applied  to  individual  blocks,  masses,  or  fragments  that  have  been  broken 
from  their  original  massive  ledges  for  application  to  commercial  use. 
Therefore,  in  chapter  I  the  term  "stone"  is  generally  employed  because 
reference  is  made  to  manufactured  products;  in  Chapter  II  "rock"  is 
used  because  the  text  relates  to  geologic  formations  as  they  exist  in  nature 
before  exploitation  for  economic  use. 

Relation  of  Rocks  to  Minerals. — To  understand  rocks  properly  one 
should  be  acquainted  with  minerals,  because  rocks  consist  of  them. 
The  relationship  may  be  brought  out  most  clearly  by  comparing  minerals 
with  letters  and  rocks  with  words.  Just  as  there  is  a  word  of  one  letter, 
the  article  "a,"  so  we  have  rocks  made  up  essentially  of  a  single  mineral; 
for  example,  limestone,  which  is  the  mineral  calcite,  or  sandstone,  a  form 
of  quartz.  Some  words  are  made  up  of  many  letters,  and  in  like  manner 
some  rocks  consist  of  several  minerals;  thus,  granite  consists  of  feldspar, 
quartz,  mica,  and  sometimes  small  quantities  of  hornblende,  magnetite, 
pyrite,  garnet,  and  other  minerals.  A  knowledge  of  rock-forming  miner- 
als is  therefore  a  necessary  preliminary  to  a  well-balanced  concept  of 
rocks.  It  may  be  mentioned,  however,  that  some  rocks  consist  wholly 
or  partly  of  natural  glass  or  volcanic  dust — materials  that  cannot  properly 
be  classed  as  minerals. 

Rock -forming  Minerals. — It  is  assumed  that  the  reader  or  student 
who  attempts  to  gain  knowledge  of  the  stone  industries  through  these 
pages  has  had  at  least  an  elementary  course  in  mineralogy.  Those  who 
lack  this  advantage  or  who  desire  to  refresh  their  minds  on  the  subject 
are  referred  to  textbooks  or  handbooks  on  mineralogy,  because  space  will 
not  permit  descriptions  of  minerals  or  means  of  their  identification. 

The  important  minerals  in  igneous  rocks  are  feldspars,  quartz,  mica, 
hornblende,  and  augite.  Those  most  abundant  in  sedimentary  rocks  are 
calcite,  dolomite,  and  kaolinite  (clay).  Minor  constituents  include 
chlorite,  epidote,  tremolite,  actinolite,  olivine,  serpentine,  garnet,  sphene, 
zircon,  talc,  pyrite,  marcasite,  magnetite,  hematite,  limonite,  and 



Classification  of  Rocks. — Rocks  are  classified  according  to  their  origin 
into  three  great  groups — igneous,  sedimentary,  and  metamorphic. 
Igneous  rocks  are  those  that  originated  from  molten  masses  or  magmas 
more  recently  regarded  as  high-temperature  solutions.  Semiliquid  mag- 
mas deep  within  the  earth  cool  more  or  less  slowly  as  they  approach  the 
surface  until  a  condition  of  solidification  is  attained.  The  nature  of 
the  resulting  rock  depends  on  both  the  composition  of  the  magma  and  the 
rate  of  cooling.  Magmas  that  cool  very  slowly  at  great  depth  tend  to 
form  coarse-grained  rocks,  such  as  granites  and  gabbros,  because  slow 
cooling  ordinarily  promotes  coarse  crystallization.  On  the  other  hand, 
rapid-cooling  magmas  form  fine-grained  rocks,  such  as  basalt  and  aplite. 
Some  rocks,  consisting  of  relatively  coarse  crystals  scattered  throughout 
a  fine-grained  ground  mass,  are  known  as  the  "porphyries." 

Sedimentary  rocks  are  sometimes  referred  to  as  "stratified,"  because 
they  are  formed  of  sediments  laid  down  in  successive  strata  or  layers. 
The  materials  of  which  they  are  formed  are  derived  from  preexisting 
rocks.  Processes  of  rock  decay  or  disintegration  on  the  surface  of  the 
earth,  though  very  slow,  are  continuous  and  produce  stupendous  results 
through  centuries  and  geologic  ages.  Alternate  frost  and  heat  open 
innumerable  fractures  in  rocks;  chemical  agents  of  the  atmosphere  or  of 
surface  and  subterranean  waters  penetrate  them  and  dissolve  part  of  the 
rocks.  Rain,  streams,  waves,  tides,  and  glaciers  loosen  the  shattered 
fragments,  grind  them  up,  and  transport  them  far  from  their  sources. 
Wind,  too,  is  an  agent  of  erosion  and  transportation.  .  Millions  of  tons, 
even  cubic  miles,  of  rock  are  disintegrated  by  these  various  agencies  and 
carried  away  to  oceans,  lakes,  and  river  beds  where  they  are  deposited 
as  sediments.  In  addition  to  these  products  of  rock  decay,  myriads  of 
organisms  that  inhabit  the  oceans  or  lakes  secrete  calcium  carbonate  or 
silica  from  the  water  to  form  their  shells,  and  their  skeletal  remains  add 
to  the  accumulations  of  rock-forming  material.  Thus,  three  great  proc- 
esses— rock  disintegration,  transportation,  and  redeposition — are  now 
and  have  been  at  work  for  ages.  These  processes — aided,  as  has  been 
stated,  by  organic  agencies — have  formed  most  of  the  sedimentary  rocks. 
Four  major  types  are  thus  formed — conglomerate,  sandstone,  shale,  and 

Metamorphism  means  change  in  form.  Rocks  of  either  igneous  or 
sedimentary  origin  that  have  been  changed  profoundly  during  the  course 
of  their  existence  are  known,  therefore,  as  "metamorphic  rocks."  The 
chief  agencies  that  produce  such  changes  are  pressure,  heat,  and  chemical 
reaction.  Rocks  deep  in  the  earth  may  become  plastic  under  great  pres- 
sure and  high  temperature  and  by  earth  movement  may  be  tilted  or  folded 
into  complex  forms  with  a  banded  or  schistose  structure.  Pressure  may 
cause  recrystallization,  and  thermal  waters  may  dissolve,  transport,  and 
reprecipitate  many  minerals.     Thus,  new  rocks  may  be  formed  of  a 


texture  and  composition  quite  different  from  those  of  unaltered  igneous 
or  sedimentary  types. 

The  principal  igneous  rocks  are  granite,  aplite,  syenite,  diorite,  gabbro, 
basalt,  diabase,  rhyolite,  and  tuff.  Sandstone,  conglomerate,  shale, 
limestone,  and  dolomite  constitute  the  group  of  sedimentary  rocks.  The 
metamorphic  group  includes  gneiss,  schist,  quartzite,  slate,  marble,  and 
soapstone.  Most  of  the  above-named  varieties  are  defined  and  described 
in  some  detail  in  various  following  chapters  devoted  to  discussion  of  their 
distribution  and  exploitation.  For  those  desiring  a  more  thorough 
treatise  several  textbooks  on  petrography  are  available. 

General  Distribution  of  Rocks  in  the  United  States. — As  may  be 
inferred  from  the  foregoing  brief  description  of  the  origin  of  rocks,  their 
occurrence  is  directly  related  to  the  geologic  history  of  each  region. 
The  Appalachian  district  of  eastern  United  States,  extending  from  Maine 
and  Vermont  to  Georgia,  is  a  rugged,  mountainous  region  that  has  suffered 
more  or  less  extreme  folding  or  metamorphism ;  therefore,  as  one  would 
expect,  metamorphic  rocks,  such  as  crystalline  marbles,  slates,  gneisses, 
and  schists,  are  to  be  found  there.  Throughout  the  district  many  unal- 
tered rock  areas  also  occur  and  comprise  important  deposits  of  granite, 
diabase,  gabbro,  sandstone,  and  limestone. 

Between  the  Appalachian  belt  and  the  Rocky  Mountains  is  a  vast 
area  in  which  characteristic  metamorphic  rocks,  such  as  marble,  slate, 
and  gneiss,  occur  rarely  because  this  is  primarily  a  region  of  flat-lying 
sediments  that  have  been  distorted  very  little  by  mountain-building 
forces.  Nearly  horizontal  limestone  and  sandstone  beds  are  the  charac- 
teristic commercial  rocks  of  the  area  comprising  the  eastern  portions  of 
West  Virginia,  Kentucky,  and  Tennessee;  all  of  Ohio,  Indiana,  Illinois, 
Iowa,  Nebraska,  North  and  South  Dakota,  Kansas,  Mississippi,  Louisi- 
ana, Florida,  Oklahoma,  southern  Minnesota,  Wisconsin,  and  Michigan; 
and  most  of  Missouri,  Arkansas,  and  eastern  Texas.  Isolated  areas  of 
granite  occur  in  Wisconsin,  Minnesota,  Missouri,  South  Dakota,  Arkan- 
sas, Oklahoma,  and  eastern  Texas. 

West  of  the  prairie  country  is  another  belt,  the  Rocky  Mountain  area, 
in  which  the  rocks  are  greatly  crumpled  and  folded.  Here  again  the 
igneous  and  metamorphic  rocks  are  abundant.  This  belt  passes  through 
Idaho,  Montana,  Colorado,  and  New  Mexico.  Some  of  the  granites, 
gneisses,  and  marbles  where  accessible,  have  commercial  importance. 
From  the  Rocky  Mountains  to  the  Pacific  Coast  igneous  rocks,  of  both 
the  granitic  type  and  the  more  basic  varieties  such  as  basalt  and  gabbro, 
are  very  common.  Regional  metamorphism  has  produced  marbles  and 
slates,  but  many  unaltered  limestones  and  sandstones  are  found.  Vul- 
canism  of  comparatively  recent  geologic  age  characterizes  much  of  this 
great  western  area;  and  the  resulting  rocks,  such  as  lava,  rhyolite, 
andesite,  and  volcanic  tuff,  are  common.  Such  rocks  are  rarely  found  in 
the  Eastern  or  Central  States. 


Rock  Qualities  on  Which  Use  Depends. — Although  rock  is  the  most 
abundant  of  all  material  things  only  a  small  fraction  of  the  occurrences  at 
or  near  the  earth's  surface  is  fit  for  commerce.  Requisite  qualities  which 
are  variable,  depending  upon  the  use  to  which  the  stone  is  to  be  applied, 
are  covered  in  following  commodity  chapters. 

Importance  of  Other  Factors  Than  Quality. — Although  utilization 
depends  to  a  marked  degree  on  physical  or  chemical  adaptability,  other 
factors  are  equally  important.  Owners  of  rock  deposits  are  prone  to 
assign  too  much  importance  to  the  quality  of  their  materials  without 
adequate  attention  to  certain  economic  factors  that  affect  the  success  or 
failure  of  any  stone  enterprise.  For  example,  building-stone  deposits  of 
most  excellent  quality  would  be  valueless  if  situated  in  northern  Alaska 
because  the  cost  of  transportation  to  the  nearest  market  would  be 

Available  Markets. — A  study  of  market  outlets  for  the  type  and 
quality  of  stone  available  is  essential  to  most  successful  operation.  If  the 
quarry  product  is  crushed  stone  or  similar  material  that  commands  a  low 
price  per  ton,  local  markets  are  more  important  than  those  at  a  distance ; 
favorable  transportation,  however,  may  extend  the  market  range,  which 
is  also  influenced  directly  by  production  costs.  A  low-cost  plant  can 
compete  in  a  wider  area  than  a  high-cost  plant  handling  the  same  class 
of  commodities.  Present  and  probable  future  demand  should  be  con- 
sidered in  relation  to  the  production  capacity  of  plants  handling  com- 
petitive materials  within  the  economic  shipping  radius.  For  relatively 
high-priced  products,  such  as  ornamental  granites  and  marbles,  trans- 
portation is  a  less  formidable  item  in  the  total  delivered  price,  and  the 
market  range  may  be  nationwide.  A  wide  market  area,  however,  brings 
them  into  competition  with  all  other  similar  materials ;  successful  market- 
ing depends  upon  quality,  workmanship,  popularity  with  consumers, 
prompt  delivery,  and  aggressive  salesmanship. 

Diversification  of  Products. — Practically  every  quarry  and  pit  can 
produce  a  variety  of  grades  and  classes  of  materials,  A  slate  quarry  may 
yield  roofing  slate,  structural  and  electrical  slate,  blackboards,  roofing 
granules,  and  slate  flour.  A  granite  quarry  may  provide  monumental 
stone,  cut  stone,  ashlar,  rubble,  paving  blocks,  curbing,  and  crushed  stone. 
Many  operators  tend  to  concentrate  on  one  product  and  discard  as  waste 


any  material  that  can  not  be  applied  to  this  particular  use.  For  profitable 
operation  in  a  competitive  market  diversification  of  production  is 
desirable,  and  a  market  should  be  sought  for  all  types  of  materials  avail- 
able in  a  quarry.  Although  a  certain  amount  of  waste  is  inevitable  the 
enormous  piles  of  rejected  stone  in  many  quarry  regions  indicate  that  an 
inquiry  might  profitably  be  conducted  into  the  possibility  of  more 
extended  utilization  of  by-products. 

Transportation  Facilities. — Stone  is  heavy,  and  the  haulage  charge  is  a 
considerable  proportion  of  the  delivered  price;  for  the  lower-priced 
products  it  may  be  the  chief  item  of  cost  at  point  of  consumption. 
Trucks  now  handle  local  delivery  almost  universally,  and  the  cost 
depends  primarily  on  the  nature  of  the  roads.  They  are  also  being 
employed  to  an  ever-growing  extent  for  distant  delivery,  the  main 
incentives  being  the  increasing  mileage  of  hard-surfaced  roads  and  the 
increasing  speed  of  travel,  as  trucks  carrying  6  to  8  tons  now  attain  a 
speed  of  35  to  50  miles  an  hour. 

For  distant  markets  rail  or  water  facilities  are  essential.  Even 
though  the  rock  is  of  superior  quality,  deposits  far  from  railroads  may 
have  little  value.  Such  markets  are  controlled  largely  by  freight  rates. 
Wherever  possible  commodity  rates  should  be  established.  Many 
railroad  companies  prefer  to  haul  stone  because  its  imperishable  nature 
permits  shipment  in  open  cars. 

Transportation  by  water  is  becoming  increasingly  important,  as 
indicated  by  the  recent  completion  of  a  deep  waterway  on  the  Ohio  River, 
and  the  great  increase  in  quantities  of  limestone,  gypsum,  and  cement  now 
conveyed  by  this  means.  Attention  may  be  directed  to  increasing 
tonnages  of  limestone  carried  on  the  Great  Lakes:  13,933,378  tons  in 
1927;  15,679,551  tons  in  1928;  and  16,269,612  tons  in  1929.  Water  rates 
are  usually  lower  than  rail  rates. 

Production  Costs. — The  success  of  any  stone  enterprise  depends 
largely  on  maintaining  low  production  costs.  High-cost  plants  can  exist 
in  a  competitive  market  only  where  some  favorable  circumstance,  such  as 
superior  quality  of  the  stone,  by-product  utilization,  effective  sales 
organization,  or  rapid  delivery,  gives  them  an  advantage.  Quarrymen 
must  therefore  keep  abreast  of  the  times  in  efficiency  of  methods  and 
equipment.     Today  low  cost  depends  primarily  on  plant  mechanization. 

Only  by  using  some  effective  system  of  accounting  can  a  knowledge 
of  costs  be  obtained.  Hence  systematized  cost-keeping  is  to  be  regarded 
as  an  important  economic  factor  in  conducting  any  stone  enterprise. 

Competitive  Products. — Stone  is  meeting  increasing  competition 
from  metals  and  synthetic  products.  Aluminum  is  employed  in  place 
of  stone  for  both  interior  and  exterior  use.  The  movement  toward  all- 
metal  construction  is  attracting  much  attention,  while  glass,  enameled 
steel,    and    other    ceramic    products    are    finding   new   and   important 


uses.     Alert  stone  producers  are  watching  all  such  trends  with  exceeding 

Labor  and  Wages. — Usually  the  largest  single  item  in  production  cost 
is  the  amount  paid  in  wages.  Abundance  or  scarcity  of  labor,  the 
prevailing  wage  level,  and  living  conditions  have  an  important  influence 
on  quarry  methods.  Scarcity  of  labor  or  abnormally  high  wages  encour- 
age more  complete  mechanization.  Most  stone  producers  recognize  the 
value  of  giving  special  attention  to  the  health,  safety,  and  comfort  of  their 
workers,  for  by  so  doing  they  build  up  a  personnel  of  steady  employees,  a 
condition  advantageous  to  both  employer  and  laborer. 



Development  work  should  not  be  started  on  a  deposit  without 
reasonable  assurance  of  an  available  mass  of  rock  sufficiently  high  in 
quality  and  abundant  in  supply  for  profitable  exploitation.  Prospecting 
is  often  found  advantageous  in  quarries  that  have  long  been  in  operation ; 
it  is,  in  fact,  a  continuous  activity  with  some  companies,  which  enables 
them  to  determine  the  extent  of  reserves  and  to  plan  future  developments 

If  the  rock  appears  in  bare  outcrop,  usually  a  rough  estimate  of  its 
quality  and  extent  can  readily  be  made.  Sedimentary  rocks  are,  as  a  rule, 
fairly  constant  in  composition  throughout  the  same  bed  or  zone  of 
deposition,  and  the  greatest  variations  are  found  in  passing  from  one  bed 
to  another;  therefore,  all  beds  that  may  be  included  in  a  quarry  are 
usually  sampled.  A  cliff  or  escarpment  along  a  stream  or  gulley  is 
especially  valuable,  because  it  provides  a  cross  section  which  permits 
tests  of  quality  at  various  levels.  If  such  a  cross  section  is  not  available 
in  nature,  test  holes  are  drilled  at  such  intervals  as  will  supply  adequate 
data  on  the  whole  area  under  consideration. 

The  prospecting  method  is  governed  to  some  extent  by  the  type  of 
operation.  If  the  chemical  composition  of  the  rock  is  of  primary  impor- 
tance, as  in  furnace  flux,  lime,  or  cement  materials,  churn-drill  cuttings 
will  supply  material  for  chemical  analyses.  Drill  cuttings  are  sampled 
at  regular  intervals,  for  example,  every  5  feet,  and  an  exact  record  is  kept 
of  the  drill  hole  and  depth  at  which  each  sample  is  taken.  The  distance 
between  samples  is  governed  by  the  uniformity  of  the  rock.  Where 
analyses  lack  uniformity  samples  are  taken  at  closely  spaced  points  while 
in  rock  of  more  constant  composition  they  are  obtained  at  wider  intervals. 

For  dimension-stone  and  most  crushed-stone  uses  the  physical  are 
more  important  than  the  chemical  properties  of  a  rock.  Dimension  stone 
must  be  free  from  cracks,  of  uniform  texture,  of  attractive  color,  and  for 
some  uses  capable  of  taking  a  polish.  For  crushed-stone  uses  rock  must 
have  satisfactory  strength,  soundness  and  low  absorption.  Churn-drill 
samples  can  not  be  used  for  testing  these  qualities.  Core  drilling  is 
desirable  because  it  not  only  provides  data  on  the  structure  and  extent 
of  the  deposit,  but  this  type  of  drill  cuts  out  cylindrical  masses  suitable 
for  making  physical  tests.     Diamond  core  drills  which  are  in  common 



use,  consist  of  a  rotating  steel  drum  with  black  diamonds  (carbonados) 
set  in  its  lower  edge.  Some  of  the  newer  types  of  extremely  hard  alloys 
are  now  being  used  as  substitutes  for  diamonds  in  cutting  softer  rocks. 
Shot  drills  also  give  satisfactory  service;  cutting  is  done  with  a  rotating 
steel  drum  fed  with  steel  shot  as  an  abrasive.  Prospect-drill  cores  are 
usually  3  inches,  or  smaller,  in  diameter. 

The  position  and  spacing  of  holes  are  governed  by  the  nature  of  the 
rock.  Usually  the  geology  of  a  region  is  studied  thoroughly.  General 
information  regarding  the  geology  usually  may  be  obtained  from  Federal 
or  State  geological  reports,  although  some  companies  employ  trained 
geologists  to  work  out  the  structure  and  relationships  of  all  rock  forma- 
tions associated  with  an  operating  or  prospective  quarry. 

No  definite  rules  can  be  given  for  the  position  or  arrangement  of  holes. 
In  flat-lying  beds  of  uniform  thickness  and  fairly  constant  composition 
they  may  be  spaced  at  wide  intervals — 100,  500,  or  1,000  feet;  where 
rocks  are  folded  or  tilted,  or  where  changes  in  composition  or  structure 
occur  within  short  distances,  they  should  be  spaced  more  closely. 
Detailed  maps  are  made  for  complex  deposits.  From  a  map  constructed 
after  careful  study  of  exposures  the  position,  thickness,  and  slope  of  beds 
may  be  determined  with  fair  accuracy.  In  bedded  deposits  drill  holes 
usually  are  projected  approximately  at  right  angles  to  the  bedding.  To 
intersect  steeply  dipping  beds  inclined  drill  holes  may  be  required;  for  this 
purpose  a  core  drill  has  advantages  over  a  churn  drill,  for  it  may  be  used 
to  drill  holes  at  any  angle,  even  in  a  horizontal  position  if  so  desired,  while 
except  in  rare  instances  churn-drill  holes  are  vertical. 

Accurate  records  of  every  drill  hole  are  kept,  and  a  map  is  made 
showing  its  exact  location.  As  each  core  section  is  removed  it  is  marked, 
recorded,  and  stored  for  future  reference.  Some  large  companies  main- 
tain fireproof  storage  sheds  for  prospect-drill  cores. 

The  direct  cost  of  sinking  5}^-  to  6-inch  churn-drill  holes  in  limestone 
is  20  to  60  cents  a  foot.  These  figures  apply  to  constant  drilling  by 
experienced  workmen.  Drilling  harder  rocks,  such  as  trap  rock  and 
granite,  is  more  expensive,  the  cost  ranging  from  $1.50  to  $6.00  a  foot. 
Core  drilling  with  shot  or  diamond  drills  costs  $3.00  to  $5.00  a  foot, 
depending  on  the  nature  of  the  rock  and  drilling  conditions. 

When  the  extent  of  a  stone  deposit  is  known,  the  approximate  ton- 
nage may  easily  be  determined.  Rocks  vary  somewhat  in  weight. 
Merrill^  compiled  tables  of  the  weight  of  many  building  stones.  The 
average  of  68  granites  was  166  pounds  per  cubic  foot;  of  36  limestones, 
dolomites,  and  marbles,  161  pounds;  of  76  sandstones,  141  pounds; 
and  of  4  trap  rocks,  182  pounds.  Sandstones  are  the  most  variable 
because  they  differ  so  much  in  porosity. 

1  Merrill,  G.  P.,  Stones  for  Building  and  Decoration.  3d  ed.,  John  Wiley  & 
Sons,  Inc.,  New  York,  1910,  pp.  498-507. 


To  determine  the  approximate  number  of  short  tons  available  in  a 
limestone  deposit  the  length,  width,  and  depth  in  feet,  as  proved  by- 
prospect  drilling  or  other  methods,  may  be  multiplied  and  this  product 
is  then  multiplied  by  the  average  weight  per  cubic  foot  (161  pounds) 
and  divided  by  2,000.  For  granite  or  sandstone  the  corresponding  figure 
for  weight  per  cubic  foot  may  be  substituted.  Generally  it  is  deemed 
unwise  to  expend  the  large  sum  necessary  to  establish  quarries  and  finish- 
ing plants  unless  as  a  result  of  prospecting  a  reserve  of  good  rock  suflficient 
for  at  least  20  years'  operation  is  assured.  Some  companies  operating 
dimension-stone  deposits  open  up  quarries  at  moderate  expense  and  sell 
their  products  in  rough  blocks  until  the  quality  of  the  rock  is  proved, 
marketability  established,  and  a  definite  income  assured.  In  due  time 
finishing  mills  may  be  built  and  equipped. 

The  determination  of  overburden  is  a  phase  of  prospecting.  Both 
the  depth  and  nature  of  overlying  material,  whether  sand,  gravel,  clay, 
or  inferior  rock,  may  be  learned  by  drilling  or  trenching. 


Nature  and  Thickness  of  Overburden. — Stripping  is  the  process  of 
removing  the  overburden  of  clay,  gravel,  or  sand  from  the  rock  surface. 
Many  deposits  of  marketable  rock  are  overlain  with  inferior  quality  rock, 
which  in  a  sense  may  be  regarded  as  overburden.  However,  as  methods 
of  removing  solid  rock,  whether  barren  or  useful,  are  quite  distinct  from 
those  employed  in  handling  soil,  removal  of  inferior  waste  rock  is  to  be 
classed  as  a  quarrying  rather  than  a  stripping  problem. 

Most  stone  producers  are  interested  in  stripping.  In  certain  places 
quarries  are  worked  in  rock  formations  that  appear  in  bare  outcrop,  and 
fortunate  owners  of  such  quarries  may  view  their  neighbor's  stripping 
problems  with  a  certain  degree  of  complacence.  Most  commercial 
rock  deposits,  however,  are  covered  with  varying  depths  of  rock  debris. 
Indeed,  the  absence  of  all  overburden  is  not  always  an  unmixed  blessing. 
The  writer  has  observed  granite  areas  where  10  feet  or  more  of  soil  has 
preserved  the  rock  almost  to  the  surface,  while  other  parts  of  the  area 
that  were  in  bare  outcrop  were  altered  and  discolored  too  greatly  for 
monumental  use  to  depths  of  4  to  8  feet.  Removal  of  such  rock  as  waste 
is  moreover  more  costly  than  removing  several  feet  of  soil. 

The  depth  of  overburden  ranges  from  a  few  inches  to  10,  20,  30,  and 
in  exceptional  instances  even  40  or  50  feet.  Likewise,  the  nature  of  mate- 
rials composing  it  is  variable.  It  may  be  easily  disintegrated  loam, 
sticky  plastic  clay,  sand,  gravel,  boulders,  or  even  a  hardpan  that  may 
require  blasting. 

Stripping  usually  is  a  problem  of  greater  magnitude  in  the  crushed 
than  in  dimension-stone  industries.  For  crushed-stone  uses  a  great 
volume  of  stone  must  be  handled;  many  quarries  produce  thousands  of 


tons  a  day.  This  great  bulk  of  material  demands  rapid  widening  of 
quarry  walls,  and  stripping  may  become  continuous.  The  dimension- 
stone  branches  of  the  industry  handle  relatively  higher-priced  products 
per  ton  which  require  much  more  labor  in  preparation,  and  the  tonnage 
produced  is  correspondingly  lower.  Working  at  much  greater  depths  is 
justified  by  the  more  valuable  products,  and  5  or  10  years  may  elapse 
before  a  new  pit  is  started  or  a  new  bench  opened. 

Clean  Stripping. — For  certain  classes  of  quarries  clean  stripping  is 
essential;  for  others  it  is  immaterial.  Purity  has  first  importance  for 
stone  applied  to  chemical  uses.  Silica  and  alumina  are  most  undesirable 
impurities  in  limestone  for  lime  manufacture  and  for  furnace  flux,  and 
such  impurities  are  the  chief  constituents  of  the  overburden.  Clean 
stripping  is  therefore  essential  at  such  quarries.  On  the  other  hand,  in 
the  manufacture  of  portland  cement  clay  is  added  to  the  limestone  to 
obtain  a  proper  mixture;  hence,  if  some  clay  is  quarried  with  the  rock 
and  proper  care  exercised  in  subsequent  addition  of  clay,  no  detriment 
to  the  product  will  ensue.  Similarly,  in  dimension-stone  production 
surface  debris  will  not  harm  the  product ;  it  will  be  separated  from  quarry 
blocks  in  due  course  and  removed  with  other  quarry  waste.  In  best 
quarry  practice,  however,  as  much  of  the  overburden  as  can  be  handled 
conveniently  is  removed  before  underlying  rock  is  quarried. 

Stripping  Difficulties  Due  to  Erosion  Cavities. — Limestone  and  marble 
are  exceptionally  difficult  to  strip  because  the  slow  erosion  of  circulating 
water  follows  joints  and  cracks  and  thus  wears  away  the  rock  surface 
very  irregularly,  leaving  numerous  tortuous  cavities  filled  with  clay, 
sand,  or  gravel.  Generally  the  upper  10  or  20  feet  consists  of  knobs  or 
pinnacles  of  rock  standing  in  a  mass  of  clay.  Granites,  sandstones,  and 
trap  rocks  are  also  subject  to  erosion,  and  quite  irregular  surfaces  may 
result;  usually,  however,  they  are  comparatively  smooth  and  regular. 
Erosion  cavities  cause  much  difficulty  and  greatly  increase  the  cost  of 

Stripping  Methods. — No  quarry  process  is  more  variable  than  strip- 
ping. The  nature  and  depth  of  overburden  and  conditions  of  its  removal 
and  disposal  show  wide  differences  from  quarry  to  quarry.  Therefore, 
equipment  and  methods  commonly  employed  are  subject  to  similar 
variations,  which  are  discussed  briefly  in  the  following  paragraphs. 

Hydraulic  Method.— The  hydraulic  method,  which  simply  involves 
washing  the  overburden  away  with  a  stream  of  water  under  pressure,  is 
the  cheapest  and  most  effective.  Conditions  for  its  successful  use  are, 
however,  somewhat  exacting,  the  chief  requirements  being  as  follows: 

1.  An  ample  supply  of  water  must  be  obtainable.  An  average  of 
about  10  tons  of  water  is  needed  for  each  ton  of  overburden  removed. 
However,  the  same  water  may  be  used  repeatedly  if  settling  basins  are 
provided  for  clarification. 



2.  A  favorably  situated  waste-disposal  area  is  essential.  The  best 
conditions  exist  where  the  soil  may  be  washed  back  from  the  quarry  face 
or  laterally  into  ravines  or  basins  where  it  may  remain. 

3.  Hydraulicing  is  effective  only  where  the  overburden  is  friable 
enough  to  be  washed  down  and  carried  away  with  a  stream  of  water. 
The  presence  of  hardpan  or  of  numerous  heavy  boulders  may  cause  great 
difficulty  and  justify  the  use  of  other  methods. 

The  equipment  required  for  hydraulic  stripping  includes  a  pump,  a 
pipe  line,  a  mounted  nozzle  or  monitor,  and  possibly  an  additional 
dredging  pump,  together  with  the  necessary  source  of  power.  A  great 
advantage  of  the  hydraulic  method  is  the  wide  range  of  action  and  ease  of 
moving  from  one  point  to  another.  Its  adaptability  for  removing  clay 
and  sand  from  irregularly  eroded  surfaces  is  an  outstanding  advantage. 

1  I  .    1       A  rugged  ruck  builaet  stripped  b>  the  hj  draulic  method. 

Soil  that  could  be  removed  only  with  great  difficulty  by  other  means  is 
washed  out  by  the  stream  of  water  directed  into  pockets  and  cavities. 
This  means  is  therefore  particularly  adaptable  for  stripping  limestone  or 
marble  deposits.  Figure  1  shows  a  typical  eroded  limestone  surface 
from  which  practically  all  soil  has  been  washed  away  by  this  method. 

Hydraulic  stripping  is  a  potent  source  of  stream  turbidity  which  may 
be  detrimental  to  other  interests.  This  drawback  may  be  overcome  by 
establishing  wide  settling  basins. 

The  cost  of  hydraulic  stripping  is  quite  variable  but  usually  very  low. 
Costs  range  from  less  than  1  cent  to  12  cents  a  cubic  yard  in  quarries  in 
different  parts  of  the  country. 

Dragline  Scraper  or  Excavator. — Where  a  convenient  dumping  ground 
is  available  a  dragline  scraper  is  effective.  It  lacks  flexibility  in  lateral 
movement,  however,  unless  provided  with  special  attachments;  if  worked 


from  a  derrick  arm  it  is  much  more  flexible,  as  the  entire  equipment  is  on  a 
portable  mounting,  and  the  lateral  motion  of  the  derrick  arm  gives  the 
excavator  a  wide  range  of  action.  Draglines  have  been  used  successfully 
in  cleaning  out  large  erosion  cavities  filled  with  clay. 

Power  Shovel. — The  power  shovel  is  the  most  popular  type  of  stripping 
equipment.  Steam  and  electric  shovels  are  in  common  use,  and  com- 
pressed-air shovels  are  employed  in  a  few  localities.  Power  shovels 
handle  material  of  all  kinds  with  great  facility  but  are  not  well-adapted 
for  work  on  uneven  rock  surfaces.  For  removing  clay  from  the  larger 
erosion  cavities  some  of  the  smaller  types  of  tractor  or  caterpillar  shovels 
with  dippers  not  more  than  three-fourths  yard  in  size  are  used.  Various 
methods  have  been  tested  to  overcome  successfully  the  difficulty  of 
stripping  rough,  eroded  limestone  surfaces  with  a  power  shovel.  As 
they  are  encountered  rock  projections  may  be  broken  by  blasting  and 
set  to  one  side  or  thrown  over  the  edge  of  a  quarry  by  means  of  the  shovel 
dipper;  better  access  to  the  soil  is  thus  provided.  Another  method  is  to 
blast  and  load  rock  and  soil  together,  but  unless  a  washer  is  used  clean 
separation  later  is  difficult. 

Costs  of  power-shovel  stripping  vary  greatly  according  to  conditions. 
A  thick  overburden  of  easily  excavated  soil  on  a  smooth  rock  surface  may 
be  loaded  and  removed  to  a  near-by  dump  for  only  15  to  30  cents  per 
cubic  yard.  Under  average  conditions  the  cost  runs  from  30  to  50  cents 
a  cubic  yard,  but  where  loading  is  difficult  it  may  be  considerably  higher. 

Other  Mechanical  Equipment. — For  cleaning  out  deep  erosion  cavities 
clamshell  buckets  worked  from  derrick  arms  have  limited  application. 
Small  tractor  excavators  similar  to  those  for  road  grading  are  also 
employed.  Where  the  overburden  is  moved  only  a  short  distance 
mechanical  conveyors  are  used.  Scrapers  with  or  without  wheels,  hauled 
by  horses  or  mules,  are  employed  where  the  overburden  is  too  thin  for 
successful  power-shovel  operation.  Various  methods  may  be  combined, 
as,  for  example,  a  dragline  scraper  which  dumps  through  a  trap  in  a 
platform  into  cars  that  are  hauled  by  locomotives. 

Hand  Methods. — Removal  of  overburden  by  hand  methods,  involving 
the  use  of  picks  and  shovels  by  quarry  workers,  is  slow  and  laborious. 
Under  modern  wage  conditions  it  is  also  costly.  Dirt  loading  by  hand  at 
quarry  floors  is  often  done  by  contract  at  15  to  25  cents  a  cubic  yard, 
but  the  dirt  is  loose  and  easily  loaded.  Loosening  and  loading  undis- 
turbed soil  may  cost  30  to  45  cents  a  cubic  yard,  and  a  haulage  charge 
must  also  be  added.  Clay  dug  from  deep  pits  and  cavities  by  hand  may 
require  several  handlings  and  the  cost  is  increased  proportionally. 

Utilization  of  Overburden. — At  some  cement-plant  quarries  clay 
which  overlies  the  limestone  may  be  one  of  the  necessary  raw  materials; 
otherwise,  it  is  rarely  used  except  as  a  filling  material.  In  the  latter 
capacity  it  may  be  employed  to  fill  swamps,  ravines,  or  other  low  places. 


rendering  such  areas  available  for  agriculture  or  building.  Overburden 
may  also  be  used  for  dams,  roadways,  or  railroad  grading.  In  rare 
instances  clay  overburden  is  suitable  for  brick. 

Disposal  of  Overburden. — Proper  disposal  of  material  stripped  from 
rock  surfaces  requires  keen  judgment  and  foresight.  Desire  to  attain 
quick  results  at  small  expense  and  lack  of  foresight  regarding  probable 
extent  of  future  operations  are  the  chief  causes  of  removing  soil  to  an 
insufficient  distance  from  the  excavation,  a  common  mistake  in  stripping. 
In  quarrying  dimension  stone  a  large  amount  of  waste  usually  is  added 
to  the  pile  of  overburden,  and  in  the  course  of  years  the  accumulation 
may  be  very  extensive.  Consequently,  after  a  few  years'  operation 
quarry  owners  find  it  necessary  to  handle  waste  a  second  time,  augment- 
ing greatly  the  expense  of  quarrying.  If  excavations  are  too  close  to 
spoil  banks,  as  quarries  are  gradually  enlarged  rock  slides  may  result; 
some  quarries  have  been  abandoned  on  this  account. 

As  important  as  distance  is  the  direction  in  which  waste  is  carried. 
If  prospecting  has  been  adequate  the  direction  future  development  must 
take  usually  can  be  determined.  Thus,  if  workable  beds  are  narrow  and 
steeply  inclined,  obviously  lateral  development  must  follow  the  direction 
of  strike;  nevertheless,  in  many  quarry  regions  waste  has  been  piled 
directly  over  good  rock  that  would  in  the  natural  course  of  events  be 
quarried  in  a  few  years.  Thus,  extension  of  workings  is  impeded  or 
made  more  costly. 

Provision  for  adequate  disposal  of  waste  is  therefore  an  important 
part  of  every  quarry  plan.  It  may,  indeed,  be  found  necessary  to  carry 
waste  a  considerable  distance,  in  which  event  an  efficient  transportation 
system  is  essential.  Overburden  and  waste  are  at  times  thrown  into 
abandoned  quarries,  but  before  this  is  done  an  operator  should  be  assured 
that  permanent  abandonment  is  fully  justified. 

Avoidance  of  Stripping  by  Underground  Mining. — By  adopting  under- 
ground mining  methods  the  stripping  problem  is  sometimes  effectively 
solved.  An  unusually  heavy  overburden  is  one  of  the  chief  incentives  for 
undertaking  excavation  of  rock  by  means  of  drifts  and  tunnels,  for  this 
method  eliminates  stripping  costs. 


Open-pit  Quarrying. — Most  rock  products  of  commerce  are  obtained 
from  open  quarries.  Material  suitable  for  use  ordinarily  is  found  at  or 
near  the  surface  of  the  earth,  and  the  most  economical  method  of  working 
is  to  open  up  a  face  of  the  rock  ledge.  As  rock  is  separated  by  blasting  or 
other  means,  an  opening  is  gradually  enlarged  and  deepened,  its  size  and 
shape  depending  greatly  on  the  rock  structures.  Wide,  shallow  openings 
may  be  made  in  comparatively  thin  flat-lying  beds,  such  as  are  common 
in  limestone  districts  of  the  Middle  West.     Where  beds  are  folded  and 


tilted  at  high  angles,  as  in  the  Appalachian  region  of  the  Eastern  States, 
open  pits  may  be  narrow  and  deep.  Some  open-pit  slate  quarries  of 
Pennsylvania  have  reached  depths  of  500  to  700  feet  because  the  desirable 
beds  are  relatively  narrow  and  almost  vertical.  Also,  where  land  values 
are  high,  and  property  lines  restricted,  or  where  a  heavy  overburden  of 
soil  or  waste  rock  makes  lateral  extension  expensive,  quarries  are  likely 
to  be  narrow  and  deep. 

There  are  two  types  of  quarries,  the  "shelf"  quarry  and  the  "pit" 
quarry.  Sometimes  a  ledge  of  serviceable  rock  stands  above  the  level 
of  the  surrounding  country,  and  by  working  into  the  hillside  a  quarry 
can  be  developed,  with  the  floor  little  if  any  lower  than  the  surrounding 
land  surface.  Such  ready  access  and  easy  transportation  are  advan- 
tageous. Furthermore,  drainage  is  usually  automatic,  and  pumping 
expense  is  avoided.  Excavations  of  the  shelf-quarry  type  can  usually  be 
classed  as  low-cost  operations. 

Conditions  are  not  always  so  favorable;  a  rock  deposit  may  not 
extend  above  the  general  level,  and  a  pit  must  be  sunk.  Access  is  gained 
by  ladders,  stairs,  or  mechanical  hoists,  and  material  is  transported  from 
the  quarry  by  inclined  tracks,  derricks,  cableway  hoists,  or  other  means. 
Such  pit  quarries  also  require  pumping.  Though  less  advantageous  than 
shelf  quarries,  thousands  are  in  regular  operation.  When  properly 
designed  and  well-equipped  they  may  be  operated  at  a  cost  which 
compares  favorably  with  that  at  many  shelf  quarries. 

Underground  Mining. — When  quarrying  of  rock  first  was  begun  as  an 
industry,  excavations  were  made  in  formations  readily  available  at  the 
surface  of  the  earth.  Through  long  years  of  continued  operation  the 
most  available  outcrops  were  gradually  worked  away,  and  quarries 
reached  increasing  depths.  Many  limestone  beds  which  provide  suitable 
stone  dip  at  steep  angles  and  are  of  limited  thickness.  In  following  these 
beds  down  the  dip  greatly  increasing  depths  of  overburden  are  encoun- 
tered. Consequently,  in  many  localities  mounting  difficulties  in  the 
way  of  open-pit  quarrying,  with  rising  costs,  have  induced  operators  to 
change  their  systems  of  excavating  and  to  develop  underground  mining 
methods.  Many  limestone  and  marble,  and  a  few  granite  and  slate 
deposits,  are  successfully  mined  underground.  Selective  mining  can  best 
be  accomplished  by  the  underground  method,  for  drifts  and  tunnels 
may  be  confined  to  serviceable  rock,  waste  and  overburden  being  left 
undisturbed.  As  workmen  are  not  exposed  to  the  weather,  working 
conditions  are  also  more  favorable. 

Gloryhole  Mining. — Gloryhole  mining  is  adapted  only  to  the  produc- 
tion of  broken  stone.  This  method  has  features  in  common  with  both 
open-pit  and  underground  mining,  and  is  modified  to  suit  varying  condi- 
tions. A  circular  or  oblong  open  pit  is  the  most  usual  type.  Rock 
is  quarried  around  the  sides  and  conveyed  by  dragline  or  other  means 


to  a  funnel-shaped  opening  at  the  center,  where  a  chute  is  provided 
through  which  the  rock  is  conducted  to  cars  which  convey  it  to  the 
surface  through  a  tunnel. 


The  following  bibliography  contains  references  to  a  few  important  articles  that 
have  appeared  during  recent  years  on  prospecting  and  stripping. 
Armstrong,    W.    D.     Hydraulic    Removal  of   Overburden   from   a   Stone   Quarry. 

Cement,  Mill,  and  Quarry,  vol.  27,  no.  2,  1925,  p.  35. 
Bowles,  OLrvER.     Stripping  Methods  at  Pits  and  Quarries.     Pit  and  Quarry,  vol.  8, 

no.  3,  1923,  p.  108. 

Stripping   Clay  from   Seams  and   Pockets  in  the   Shenandoah   Valley   of 

Virginia.     Rock  Products,  vol.  26,  no.  5,  1923,  p.  53. 

Stripping  a  Stone  Quarry.     Cement,  Mill,  and  Quarry,  vol.  33,  no.  3,  1928, 

pp.  6-14. 
Engineering  and  Mining  Journal.     Finding  New  Mines.     Vol.  116,  1923,  p.  573. 

Selling  a  prospect.     Vol.  123,  1927,  p.  2. 

Hauer,  D.  J.     Developing  a  Quarry.     Pit  and  Quarry,  vol.  9,  no.  1,  1924,  p.  61. 
Massey,  G.  B.     Hydraulic  Stripping.     Pit  and  Quarry,  vol.  10,  no.  10,  1925,  p.  77. 
MiLKowsKi,  V.  J.     Hydraulic  Stripping  of  Quarry  Overburden.     Rock  Products, 

vol.  26,  no.  5,  1923,  p.  51. 
Pit  and  Quarry.     Top  Soil  Removed  by  Two  Clever  Excavating  Schemes.     Vol.  8, 

no.  5,  1924,  p.  112. 

Hydraulic  Stripping  of  Overburden.     Vol.  12,  no.  3,  1926,  p.  85. 

When  to  Strip  Overburden.     Vol.  12,  no.  11,  1926,  p.  93. 

Hydraulic  Stripping  in  the  Indiana  Limestone  District.     Vol.  14,  no.  10, 

1927,  p.  77. 

Rock  Products.     Round-Table  Discussion  of  Quarry  Operation;  Quarry  Stripping. 

Vol.  27,  no.  5,  1924,  p.  78. 
Rush,  D.  B.     Exploration  and  Geological  Examination  of  a  Quarry  Property  and 

Their  Relation  to  Financing.     Rock  Products,  vol.  27,  no.  5,  1924,  p.  56. 
Stone,  R.  W.     What  State  Geological  Surveys  Are  Doing  for  Rock  Products,     Rock 

Products,  vol.  27,  no.  4,  1924,  p.  27. 





The  term  ''dimension  stone"  is  generally  applied  to  masses  of  stone 
prepared  for  use  in  the  form  of  blocks  of  specified  shapes  and  usually  of 
specified  sizes.  Other  forms  that  find  commercial  use  are  designated 
"broken,"  "crushed,"  or  "pulverized"  stone.  Stone  fragments  that 
are  classed  in  the  second  group  may  be  of  specified  sizes,  the  sizing  usually 
being  accomplished  by  screening,  but  the  outstanding  distinction  between 
fragments  of  broken  or  crushed  stone  and  masses  of  dimension  stone  is 
that  the  former  are  irregular  and  are  in  an  infinite  variety  of  forms, 
while  the  latter  are  cut  to  definite  shapes  such  as  rectangular,  columnar, 
tabular,  or  wedge-shaped. 


Building  Stone. — One  of  the  chief  uses  of  dimension  stone  is  as  a 
material  of  construction,  but  this  branch  of  the  industry  contains  many 
subdivisions.  In  its  broader  sense  the  term  "building  stone"  includes 
stone  in  any  form  that  constitutes  a  part  of  a  structure;  however,  cut  or 
rough-hewn  blocks  for  exterior  w^alls  are  most  widely  used.  They  may 
be  employed  only  for  certain  parts,  as  for  window  sills,  trim,  cornice, 
base  courses,  chimneys,  or  steps. 

Cut  stone  is  employed  extensively  for  both  interior  and  exterior 
columns.  The  more  ornamental  types  are  utilized  for  interiors, 
as  floor  tiles,  steps,  wainscoting,  fireplaces,  hearths,  mantels,  baseboards, 
banisters,  toilet  inclosures,  laundry  tubs,  and  in  various  other  ways. 
Slabs  are  used  for  flagging.  Cut  stone  is  also  in  demand  for  bridges, 
dams,  retaining  walls,  docks,  sea  walls,  lighthouses,  and  similar  structures 
where   strength,    permanence,    and   resistance   to   shock   are   essential. 

Building  stone  used  in  the  construction  of  walls  is  of  four  main  types — 
cut  or  finished  stone,  ashlar,  rough  building  stone,  and  rubble.  Cut 
or  finished  stone  is  the  most  costly  because,  for  the  most  part,  blocks 
are  accurately  shaped  in  accordance  with  detailed  drawings.  They 
may  be  plain  rectangular  blocks  for  uninterrupted  walls  or  cut  and 
carved  to  special  shapes  and  designs  for  corners,  window  and  door 
spaces,  caps,  or  cornices.  This  classification  includes  sawed  limestone 
and  marble,  finished  or  semifinished. 




"Ashlar"  is  a  term  applied  in  general  to  small  rectangular  blocks 
of  stone  having  sawed,  planed,  or  rock-face  surfaces,  contrasted  with 
cut  blocks  which  are  accurately  sized  and  surface-tooled.  Many  types 
are  in  use.  Even-course  ashlar  consists  of  blocks  of  uniform  height  for 
each  course,  although  succeeding  courses  may  be  of  thicker  or  thinner 
blocks.  They  may  be  of  uniform  or  of  random  length.  Exceptionally, 
end  joints  are  slanting  or  irregular.     Random  ashlar  consists  of  blocks 














Fig.  2. — Ashlar  in  two-unit  heights. 

^ n ^^- 






Fig.  3. 

-A  common  method  of  laying  ashlar  in  three-unit  heights. 
Limestone  Company.) 

(Courtesy  of  Indiana 

of  several  sizes  that  may  be  fitted  together  to  make  a  wall  having  irregular 
and  unequally  spaced  joints.  Two,  three,  or  more  unit  heights  may  be 
employed,  as  several  smaller  sizes  may  give  the  same  height  as  one  of  the 
larger  blocks.  Thus,  as  shown  in  figure  2,  the  two  smaller  blocks  with  a 
mortar  space  between  reach  the  same  height  as  the  larger  block.  In 
figure  3  the  use  of  random  ashlar  in  three-unit  heights  is  shown.  It 
may  be  observed  from  this  figure  that  blocks  which  fit  together  properly 
with  3^^-inch  motor  joints  must  have  thicknesses  of  4,  8)^,  and  13  inches, 
respectively.  Random  ashlar  not  only  provides  builders  with  means 
of  attaining  remarkable  variety  in  architectural  design  but  permits 
quarry  and  mill   operators  to  utilize  fragments  of  various  sizes  that 


might  otherwise  be  wasted.  The  building  of  random  ashlar  walls  is 
mason's  work,  while  the  setting  of  cut  stone  is  a  separate  art. 
^  Rough  building  stone  consists  of  rock-faced  masses  of  various  shapes 
and  sizes.  Stone  masons  build  them  into  walls  having  irregular  joints. 
They  are  widely  used  in  residential  construction  for  chimneys,  basements, 
or  entire  walls,  and  also  to  some  extent  for  public  buildings,  bridges, 
fences,  and  the  more  ornamental  types  of  retaining  walls. 

Rubble  is  the  crudest  form  of  building  stone.  The  term  is  generally 
applied  to  irregular  fragments  having  one  good  face.  Such  rock  was  once 
in  ordinary  use  for  basement  walls,  retaining  walls,  or  similar  types 
of  construction  for  which  concrete  is  now  generally  employed.  Produc- 
tion of  rubble  has  declined  greatly  during  recent  years. 

Monumental  Stone. — Memorials  range  from  simple  markers  and 
headstones  to  elaborate  and  massive  monuments.  Usually  stone  that 
takes  a  good  polish  is  requisite;  in  fact,  the  very  highest  types  of  flawless, 
uniform  stone  are  used  for  monumental  purposes.  However,  monuments 
with  tooled,  hammered,  or  even  rough-hewn  surfaces  are  not  unusual, 
and  less  flawless  stone  may  be  thus  employed. 

No  sharp  line  can  be  drawn  between  monumental  and  building  stone, 
for  monuments  merge  into  buildings.  The  Washington  Monument  is 
essentially  a  building  equipped  with  an  elevator  for  passenger  service, 
though  in  design  and  purpose  it  is  a  monument.  The  Lincoln  Memorial, 
the  Arlington  Amphitheater,  the  Bok  Singing  Tower,  and  mausoleums  in 
various  parts  of  the  country  are  other  memorials  that  have  many  features 
of  buildings  and  for  which  building  stone  is  used. 

Paving  Stone. — One  of  the  early  uses  of  stone  was  for  street  and  high- 
way paving,  the  old  Roman  roads  of  Britain  being  outstanding  examples. 
While  the  demands  for  hard-surfaced  roads  were  not  so  urgent  long  ago  as 
today,  there  was  real  need  for  something  better  than  dirt  or  even  broken- 
stone  roadways,  particularly  for  the  heavy  traffic  of  growing  cities. 
Concrete  was  unknown,  and  blocks  of  native  stone  were  the  logical 
materials.  "Cobblestones" — rounded  or  irregular  blocks — were  widely 
used  but  were  gradually  replaced  by  rectangular  paving  blocks  with 
smooth,  even  surfaces.  During  recent  years  concrete  and  macadam  have 
far  outstripped  paving  blocks  for  hard-surfaced  road  construction,  but 
many  stone  pavements  still  give  unsurpassed  service  under  the  most 
severe  traffic  demands.  They  are  found  chiefly  in  railroad  freight  yards, 
around  docks,  and  in  streets  traversed  by  many  heavy  drays  and  trucks. 
Paving  blocks  are  also  much  in  use  between  street-car  tracks,  not  only 
because  of  their  wearing  qualities  but  because  of  the  facility  with  which 
they  may  be  taken  up  and  replaced  when  track  repairs  are  necessary. 

Although  the  softer  types  of  paving  stones  are  gradually  disappearing 
with  heavy  traffic  increasing  year  by  year,  granite  and  indurated  sand- 
stone, the  most  resistant  types,  are  still  in  wide  and  steady  demand. 


Curbing. — The  manufacture  of  curbing  is  an  important  branch  of  the 
stone  industry.  Curbstones  are  of  two  types — straight  and  corner. 
Corner  curbs  are  curved;  they  are  more  difficult  to  make  than  straight 
curbstones  and  require  more  material,  as  a  considerable  amount  of  rock 
is  wasted  in  shaping  them.  The  harder  stones  are  more  durable  than 
concrete  and  on  this  account  are  particularly  well-adapted  for  corner 
curbs  where  shocks  from  the  wheels  of  traffic  are  exceptionally  destructive. 

Flagging. — Flagging  is  used  chiefly  for  sidewalks  and  for  paving 
courts,  landings,  and  platforms,  but  the  advantages  of  concrete  for  such 
uses  have  led  to  a  rapid  decline  in  output.  In  the  past  probably  95  per 
cent  of  the  total  flagstones  produced  were  of  bluestone,  a  variety  of 
sandstone.  Ornamental  slate  flagging  is  now  used  quite  extensively 
and  limestone,  granite,  and  trap  rock  to  a  limited  extent. 

Miscellaneous  Uses. — Stone  is  utilized  in  a  multitude  of  minor  ways 
that  may  not  be  included  in  any  of  the  above  groups.  In  household 
equipment  it  is  found  as  radiator  covers,  table  and  dresser  tops,  lamp 
bases,  vats,  sinks,  refrigerator  shelves,  and  flour  bins.  Ornamental 
types  are  used  for  novelties,  such  as  ink  w^ells,  paper  weights,  smoking 
sets,  ash  trays,  clocks,  and  statuary.  Slate  is  used  for  blackboards, 
bulletin  boards,  and  billiard-table  tops.  Several  types  of  stone  are 
widely  used  for  electrical  panels  and  switchboards.  In  yards,  gardens, 
and  parks  stone  is  employed  for  walks,  stepping  stones,  statuary,  foun- 
tains, bird  baths,  and  garden  seats. 


General  Requirements. — Although  innumerable  occurrences  of  rock 
are  to  be  found  throughout  the  world  only  a  small  part  of  them  consist  of 
rock  that  will  satisfy  the  exacting  requirements  of  dimension  stone. 
Freedom  from  cracks  and  lines  of  weakness  is  essential.  No  deposit 
that  has  irregular  or  closely  spaced  joints  is  suitable,  because  sound 
blocks  of  moderate  to  large  size  are  demanded.  Uniform  texture  and 
grain  size,  together  with  a  constant  and  attractive  color,  are  usually 
required.  The  rock  must  also  be  free  from  minerals  that  may  cause 
deterioration  or  staining. 

Another  important  quality  is  the  state  of  aggregation.  If  the  grains 
are  loosely  coherent  the  rock  may  be  described  as  "earthy"  or  "friable." 
Rock  in  which  the  grains  adhere  closely  and  strongly  is  the  most  desirable. 
However,  when  cementation  is  carried  to  an  extreme  as  in  the  case  of 
some  quartzites,  the  rock  is  very  difficult  and  expensive  to  work.  Some 
important  qualities  that  demand  consideration  are  discussed  in  the 
following  paragraphs. 

Composition. — A  rock  consists  of  one  or  more  minerals  made  up  of 
elements  combined  in  definite  proportions,  which  may  be  determined  by 
chemical  analysis,  and  the  minerals  may  be  determined  by  visual  observa- 


tion  with  the  unaided  eye  or  with  the  assistance  of  a  hand  lens  or  micro- 
scope. Often  the  value  of  a  chemical  analysis  of  dimension  stone  is 
overemphasized,  as  adaptation  to  use  depends  chiefly  on  physical 
properties.  At  times  an  analysis  may  have  value;  for  example,  it  may 
indicate  the  amount  of  clay  in  a  limestone,  a  fact  which  has  some  bearing 
on  its  durability.  Usually  study  with  a  petrographic  microscope  is 
much  more  effective  than  chemical  investigation;  it  is  also  quicker  and 
cheaper.  One  skilled  in  the  use  of  a  microscope  may  identify  the  minerals 
in  a  rock  and  note  their  state  of  aggregation,  freshness,  relative  abundance, 
impurities,  and  texture  and  to  some  extent  interpret  the  history  of  the 
rock  and  learn  what  influences  have  been  at  work  to  improve  or  impair 
it  for  structural  or  other  uses. 

Hardness  and  Workability. — The  hardness  of  a  rock  is  its  resistance 
to  abrasion  and  depends  directly  on  the  hardness  and  texture  of  its 
component  minerals.  Most  of  the  constituents  of  granite  are  as  hard  as 
or  harder  than  steel,  and  such  rock  is  therefore  difficult  to  tool.  Pure 
limestones  are  soft  enough  to  be  scratched  easily  with  a  knife.  Marbles 
are  somewhat  harder  than  limestones.  The  grains  of  a  sandstone  consist 
of  quartz,  which  is  very  hard,  but  workability  depends  rather  on  the 
nature  of  the  cementing  material  and  its  state  of  aggregation.  A  friable 
sandstone  may  be  worked  readily  because  the  grains  separate  with  ease, 
while  a  siliceous  sandstone  or  quartzite,  in  which  they  are  firmly  cemented 
together  with  quartz,  is  very  difficult  to  cut  and  dress. 

Hardness  has  direct  bearing  on  the  workability  of  all  rocks,  yet  its 
effect  on  use  is  quite  variable.  For  exterior  or  interior  walls  or  for 
decorative  effects  the  hardness  of  a  rock  is  unimportant,  in  so  far  as 
quality  is  concerned,  because  it  is  not  subjected  to  wear.  On  the  other 
hand,  for  floor  tile  or  stair  treads  hardness  is  very  important,  as  the  rock 
is  subjected  to  severe  abrasion.  It  is  the  most  essential  quality  of  stone 
used  for  paving  and  curbing,  for  such  stone  must  be  able  to  resist 
adequately  the  abrasive  action  of  heavy  traffic. 

Texture. — The  term  "texture"  as  applied  to  rock  means  size,  degree  of 
uniformity,  and  arrangement  of  its  constituent  mineral  grains.  In  the 
rougher  types  of  building  stone  uniformity  is  not  required;  in  fact,  recent 
architectural  demands  tend  toward  variable,  uneven  texture.  In  the 
more  ornamental  types  of  building  and  monumental  stone  uniform 
texture  has  vital  importance. 

Qolor. — Rocks  are  of  many  colors,  and  choice  depends  on  individual 
taste  or  "prevailing  fashion.  Choice  of  color  in  stone  is  influenced  by 
location.  For  smoky  cities  white  and  very  light  colors  are  undesirable. 
Some  rocks  change  in  color  with  age,  but  this  is  not  always  objection- 
able. Practically  all  colors  are  in  demand  for  monumental  stone, 
and  those  rocks  in  which  there  is  marked  contrast  between  polished  and 
tooled  surfaces  are  preferred,  for  on  such  monuments  inscriptions  are 


most  easily  read.  For  building  stone,  red,  brown,  buff,  gray,  or  white 
rocks  are  widely  employed.  Dark-gray  or  black  rocks  are  in  demand 
only  for  certain  special  uses.  The  buff  or  yellow  tints  of  many  limestones 
and  sandstones  and  the  red  or  pink  coloration  of  many  granites  are  due 
to  the  presence  of  minute  grains  of  iron  oxides,  but  these  are  stable  minerals 
that  cause  no  stains.  Surface  stains  are  serious  blemishes  and  are 
generally  due  to  the  presence  of  small  grains  of  pyrite,  marcasite,  or 
siderite  which  oxidize  by  weathering.  Stains  sometimes  are  caused  by 
cementing  materials  used  in  setting  the  stone. 

Strength. — Rock  is  a  very  strong  material.  Structural  stone  that  is 
sound  and  suitable  in  other  respects  is  almost  invariably  strong  enough 
for  any  use.  Bridge  piers,  arches,  and  the  bases  of  tall  monuments  must 
sustain  great  pressure,  but  even  in  such  structures  the  strength  of  ordinary 
stone  far  exceeds  the  requirements  of  safety.  The  pressure  on  the  base 
course  of  the  Washington  Monument  is  less  than  700  pounds  a  square 
inch;  and  high-grade  granites,  limestones,  and  marbles  will  sustain  a 
crushing  load  of  10,000  to  25,000  pounds  a  square  inch.  Recent  tests 
at  the  United  States  Bureau  of  Standards  on  samples  of  Montana 
quartzite  indicated  the  remarkably  high  compressive  strength  of  63,000 
pounds  a  square  inch.  A  structure  of  such  material  would  have  to  be 
over  10  miles  high  before  failure  would  occur  from  crushing  of  the  lower 
courses.  It  is,  however,  generally  conceded  that  rock  disintegrates  and 
tends  to  weaken  more  readily  when  under  severe  stress ;  therefore  a  factor 
of  safety  of  20  is  usually  demanded — that  is,  stone  must  be  able  to  resist  a 
crushing  stress  twenty  times  as  great  as  that  to  which  it  will  be  subjected 
when  placed  in  a  wall.  For  ordinary  uses,  a  stone  that  will  sustain  a 
crushing  strength  of  5,000  pounds  to  the  square  inch  is  considered 

Tests  of  transverse  strength — strength  required  to  sustain  a  load 
applied  at  the  middle  of  a  bar  of  stone  supported  at  the  ends — are  more 
important  than  crushing-strength  tests,  for  they  show  the  adaptabil- 
ity of  the  stone  for  use  as  window  and  door  caps. 

Porosity. — Pore  space  or  porosity,  expressed  as  the  percentage  of  pore 
space  to  the  total  rock  volume,  is  quite  variable  in  different  types  of  rock. 
Sandstones  may  have  a  porosity  of  1  to  10  per  cent.  Commercial 
limestones  range  from  less  than  0.5  to  5  per  cent.  Marbles,  granites, 
and  slates  are  usually  of  very  low  porosity,  many  of  them  less  than  one- 
tenth  of  1  per  cent.  Porosity  affects  the  durability  of  stone  by  permitting 
infiltration  of  water  which  may  contain  solvents,  or  which  may  freeze  in 
the  pores.  Early  writers  have  stated  that  danger  from  frost  action  is 
directly  proportional  to  the  percentage  of  pore  space,  but  Buckley^  has 
pointed  out  that  the  important  factor  to  consider  is  the  facility  with  which 

^  Buckley,  E.  R.,  The  Building  and  Ornamental  Stones  of  Wisconsin.  Wisconsin 
Geol.  and  Nat.  Hist.  Survey  Bull.  4,  Econ.  Ser.  2,  1898,  p.  22. 


the  stone  gives  up  water.  Rocks  having  pores  of  subcapillary  size  give 
up  their  included  water  much  more  slowly  than  those  with  larger  pores, 
therefore  those  with  fine  pores  suffer  most  seriously  from  frost  action. 
Parks^  determined  the  permeability  of  many  rocks  and  found  that  it 
bore  no  relation  to  the  percentage  of  porosity  or  to  the  effect  of  frost. 
It  is  apparent,  however,  that  the  solvent  effect  will  be  greater  in  rocks  of 
greater  permeability.  The  extent  to  which  a  stone  will  take  up  water  is 
usually  expressed  as  ratio  of  absorption,  which  is  the  proportion  of  the 
weight  of  absorbed  water  to  the  weight  of  the  dry  sample. 

Specific  Gravity  and  Weight  per  Cubic  Foot. — The  specific  gravity 
of  a  stone  is  its  weight  compared  with  the  weight  of  an  equal  volume  of 
water.  It  may  be  expressed  in  two  ways — as  "apparent"  or  as  "true" 
specific  gravity.  Apparent  specific  gravity  is  that  obtained  when  pore 
spaces  are  filled  with  air  throughout  the  determination.  True  specific 
gravity  is  obtained  when  pore  spaces  are  eliminated,  either  by  so  com- 
pletely saturating  the  rock  that  they  are  filled  with  water  or  by  using 
finely  ground  rock  powder  in  making  the  determination. 

The  specific  gravity  of  common  rocks  ranges  from  2.2  to  2.8  and  the 
weight  per  cubic  foot  from  140  to  180  pounds,  depending  upon  the  weight 
and  relative  abundance  of  the  constituent  minerals  and  upon  the  porosity. 

Data  on  Physical  Properties. — Merrill*  presents  numerous  tables 
showing  specific  gravity,  strength,  weight  per  cubic  foot,  ratio  of  absorp- 
tion, chemical  composition,  and  other  properties  of  many  building  stones. 
Since  that  book  was  written  many  thousands  of  tests  have  been  made 
and  the  results  recorded.  The  United  States  Bureau  of  Standards  has 
made  the  most  noteworthy  contributions  to  our  knowledge  of  the  physical 
properties  of  building  stones.  Publications^  covering  marbles,  lime- 
stones, and  slates  are  now  available.  Dale's  various  reports  on  marble, 
granite,  and  slate  as  recorded  in  the  bibliographies  of  the  respective 
chapters  in  this  volume,  also  contain  a  great  deal  of  physical  test  data. 
Numerous  textbooks  and  State  reports  also  present  tables  or  incidental 
information  on  crushing  and  transverse  strength,  ratio  of  absorption, 
weight,  and  other  physical  properties  of  stones  from  innumerable  specific 
localities.     A  compilation  of  this  great  mass  of  data  would  constitute 

^. Parks,  W.  A.,  Report  on  the  Building  and  Ornamental  Stones  of  Canada.  Can- 
ada Dept.  Mines,  vol.  1,  pt.  1,  1912,  p.  62. 

*  Merrill,  G.  P.,  Stones  for  Building  and  Decoration.  3d  ed.,  John  Wiley  &  Sons, 
Inc.,  New  York,  1910,  pp.  497-579. 

^  Kessler,  D.  W.,  Physical  and  Chemical  Tests  on  the  Commercial  Marbles  of  the 
United  States.     U.  S.  Bur.  of  Standards  Tech.  Paper  123,  1919,  54  pp. 

Kessler,  D.  W.  and  Sligh,  W.  H.,  Physical  Properties  of  the  Principal  Commercial 
Limestones  Used  for  Building  Construction  in  the  United  States.  U.  S.  Bur.  of 
Standards  Tech.  Paper  349,  1927,  94  pp. 

Kessler,  D.  W.,  Physical  Properties  and  Weathering  Characteristics  of  Slate. 
U.  S.  Bur.  of  Standards  Research  Paper  447,  1932,  35  pp. 


a  book  in  itself,  and  lack  of  space  forbids  its  presentation  herein.  There- 
fore, the  reader  who  desires  knowledge  of  the  qualities  of  stones  from, 
certain  locations  is  referred  to  the  texts  mentioned  in  the  footnotes  or 
given  in  the  appropriate  bibliographies. 

Durability. — Climate  has  a  very  definite  bearing  on  the  durability 
of  stone.  Cleopatra's  Needle,  a  column  of  granite  which  was  transported 
to  New  York  and  set  up  in  Central  Park,  is  said  to  have  suffered  more 
from  exposure  during  a  score  of  winters  in  the  climate  of  America  than 
during  the  centuries  it  stood  in  the  mild,  uniform  climate  of  Egypt. 
Probably  incipient  decay  had  begun  before  its  removal,  and  the  severe 
climate  of  this  country  speedily  made  the  deterioration  apparent. 

Most  standard  commercial  types  of  building  and  ornamental  stones 
are  sufficiently  durable  for  ordinary  use.  By  examining  the  effects  of 
weathering  on  outcrops  that  have  long  been  exposed  to  the  elements  in 
undeveloped  deposits  the  durability  of  rock  may  be  judged,  or  where 
stone  has  been  quarried  for  many  years  observations  may  be  made  on 
old  structures  in  which  it  was  used.  In  this  respect  America  does  not 
have  the  advantages  of  the  Old  World,  for  even  our  oldest  buildings  are 
comparatively  new  when  considered  on  the  basis  of  the  life  of  high-grade 

Durability  of  stone  is  now  tested  quite  extensively  in  laboratories, 
chiefly  by  means  of  accelerated  freezing  and  thawing  tests  and  by  accel- 
erated acid  tests.  Resistance  to  fire  is  an  important  consideration.  It 
has  been  found  that  limestones  withstand  the  effects  of  fire  up  to  the 
point  of  calcination  better  than  other  stones.  Next  in  order  are  sand- 
stones, fine-grained  crystalline  rocks,  and  the  coarser  crystalline  rocks. 
As  a  rule,  the  finer  grained  and  more  compact  the  stone  and  the  simpler 
its  mineral  composition  the  better  it  will  resist  damaging  effects  of 
extreme  heat  or  the  spalling  effects  that  result  from  rapid  cooling  when 
water  is  applied. 

More  detailed  requirements  for  specific  uses  will  be  included  under 
the  discussion  of  each  commodity. 


Stone  is  employed  in  many  different  ways.  Obviously  the  require- 
ments of  use  are  variable.  Stone  products  differ  from  synthetic  com- 
pounds in  that  the  composition  and  properties  of  the  latter  can  within 
certain  limits  be  changed  at  will,  whereas  the  composition  and  physical 
character  of  stone  remain  exactly  the  same  in  the  finished  material  as  in 
the  solid  rock  ledge.  Man  can  fashion  rock  into  any  desired  size  or  shape 
and  can  polish  or  otherwise  finish  the  surface,  but  he  is  powerless  to 
change  in  the  slightest  degree  the  texture,  inherent  color,  hardness,  or 
proportion  or  character  of  constituent  minerals.  He  has,  however,  the 
power  of  selection,  and  this  must  be  exercised  with  great  care.     The 


stoneworker  must  study  his  material,  be  familiar  with  its  properties, 
and  understand  the  requirements  of  use.  He  is  thus  enabled  to  judge 
the  possibilities  of  a  rock  deposit  and  its  adaptations.  Some  rocks 
are  eminently  fitted  for  monumental  uses,  some  for  building,  and  others 
for  interior  decoration. 


Some  quarrymen  simplify  their  marketing  problems  by  selling  prod- 
ucts in  rough-block  form  to  dealers  or  manufacturers.  Rough  blocks, 
however,  command  a  much  lower  price  than  finished  products,  and  the 
desire  for  larger  incomes  and  increased  profits  has  led  many  operators 
to  establish  mills  of  their  own.  If  structural  stone  is  manufactured 
marketing  may  become  complex.  Some  quarries  specialize  in  one 
product,  the  marketing  of  which  may  be  simple.  While,  as  previously 
shown,  diversification  has  its  advantages,  marketing  becomes  more 
complex  because  the  various  products  may  enter  entirely  different  fields 
of  utilization.  Large  quantities  of  granite,  limestone,  and  sandstone 
are  sold  as  rough  blocks  to  independent  mills,  but  slate  is  usually  manu- 
factured in  plants  directly  associated  with  quarries. 


Stone  deposits  are  sometimes  owned  by  one  individual  or  company 
and  operated  by  an  independent  concern.  Such  properties  are  usually 
worked  on  a  royalty  basis.  Factors  to  be  considered  for  the  most 
reasonable  determination  of  royalty  are  the  value  of  the  deposit  and  the 
quantity  of  commercially  available  material  therein.  Thus  a  fair  market 
value  for  the  property,  divided  by  the  number  of  tons  or  number  of 
cubic  feet  of  rock  available,  will  give  a  fair  figure  for  royalty. 

The  value  of  rock  in  the  ground  is  commonly  overestimated,  for  it 
really  constitutes  only  a  small  part  of  the  selling  price  of  the  finished 
product.  A  fair  market  value  is  often  difficult  to  determine.  It  may  be 
defined  as  the  value  agreed  upon  between  a  willing  seller  and  a  prudent 
purchaser,  both  of  whom  have  enlightened  understanding  of  the  com- 
modity involved. 

Royalty  is  commonly  expressed  as  a  percentage  of  the  selling  price 
at  the  mine  or  quarry.  According  to  the  Leasing  Act  of  June  30,  1919,  as 
amended  December  16,  1926,  a  minimum  royalty  of  5  per  cent  of  the 
net  value  of  the  output  at  the  mine  is  charged  for  minerals  taken  from 
Government  lands.  The  royalty  may  exceed  5  per  cent,  the  exact  figure 
being  determined  from  a  review  of  all  the  circumstances  surrounding 
each  individual  commodity  or  deposit. 

Whatever  the  basis  of  determination,  royalty  is  usually  charged  as 
so  much  a  ton  or  cubic  foot  of  material  sold.  Royalties  vary  considerably 
depending  upon  size  of  operation,  value  of  product,  and  other  factors.     In 


the  Atlanta  (Ga.)  district,  a  royalty  of  25  cents  a  cubic  foot  of  block 
granite  and  2  to  5  cents  a  cubic  foot  of  granite  curbing  is  customary. 
For  Indiana  limestone  sold  as  cut  stone,  commanding  a  price  of  $2  or  S3 
a  cubic  foot,  royalties  ordinarily  range  from  4  to  10  cents  a  cubic  foot. 
If  the  limestone  is  sold  as  rough  building  stone  the  royalty  is  lower  and 
may  be  2  to  5  cents  a  cubic  foot.  Royalties  on  slate  are  commonly  about 
10  per  cent  of  the  net  selling  price.  A  minimum  average  daily  or  monthly 
production  is  usually  a  condition  of  a  royalty  agreement. 




Limestone  is  a  rock  consisting  essentially  of  calcium  carbonate 
(CaCOs),  the  mineral  calcite.  Rocks  classed  commercially  as  limestones 
may  contain  varying  quantities  of  magnesium  carbonate;  when  10  per 
cent  or  more  is  present  they  are  termed  "magnesian"  or  "dolomitic" 
limestones;  if  the  amount  approaches  45  per  cent  the  rock  is  composed 
essentially  of  the  double  carbonate  of  lime  and  magnesia  (CaCOs, 
MgCOs),  the  mineral  dolomite.  When  used  as  dimension  stone  dolomite 
is  classed  commercially  as  limestone. 


As  pointed  out  in  a  preceding  discussion  of  sedimentary  rocks, 
limestones  have  originated  chiefly  from  calcareous  organic  remains, 
supplemented  to  some  extent  by  chemical  precipitation.  Only  those 
limestones  that  have  been  firmly  consolidated  have  importance  as 
dimension  stone. 


Limestones  vary  greatly  in  physical  characteristics.  Hardness 
depends  on  the  degree  of  consolidation  as  well  as  on  the  actual  hardness 
of  the  component  minerals,  but  even  the  densest  forms  of  limestone  can 
be  easily  scratched  with  a  knife.  They  range  from  pure  white  to  black, 
the  color  effects  being  brought  about  chiefly  by  impurities.  In  texture 
they  may  be  amorphous,  semicrystalline,  or  crystalline.  They  vary  in 
compactness  from  loosely  consolidated  marls  through  the  denser  chalks 
to  compact  normal  limestones  and  the  harder  marbles.  The  less-compact 
limestones  have  the  higher  degree  of  porosity  and  may  weigh  as  little  as 
110  pounds  per  cubic  foot,  whereas  the  more  compact  varieties  may 
weigh  150  to  170  pounds.  For  most  uses  dense,  highly  consolidated 
forms  are  preferred. 


Limestones  are  classified  according  to  the  nature  of  their  impurities. 
"Siliceous"  or  "cherty"  limestone  contains  considerable  silica  and 
"argillaceous"  limestone  clay  or  shale.  The  so-called  "cement  rock," 
which  is  widely  used  for  cement  manufacture  in  the  Lehigh  Valley  district 
of  Pennsylvania,  is  a  good  example  of  the  latter.     A  "ferruginous" 



limestone  contains  iron,  which  usually  gives  rock  a  buff,  reddish,  or 
yellowish  color;  the  "carbonaceous"  or  "bituminous"  type  contains 
carbonaceous  matter,  such  as  peat  or  other  organic  materials. 

Another  series  of  names  is  applied  to  limestones,  according  to  their 
texture,  state  of  aggregation,  or  appearance.  "Common  compact" 
limestone,  the  most  widespread  type,  consists  of  a  fine-grained,  dense, 
homogeneous  aggregate  ranging  from  light  gray  to  almost  black.  "Lith- 
ographic" limestone  is  an  extremely  fine-grained,  uniform,  crystalline, 
magnesian  variety,  usually  drab  or  yellowish.  As  its  surface  can  be 
etched  with  weak  acid,  it  may  be  employed  for  lithographic  printing. 
"Oolitic"  limestone,  so-called  because  of  its  resemblance  to  fish  roe,  is 
composed  of  small  rounded  grains  of  lime  carbonate  of  concentrically 
laminated  structure.  When  the  grains  approach  the  size  of  a  pea  the 
rock  is  called  "pisolite." 

Limestone  is  composed  primarily  of  shells  of  ancient  sea  animals. 
Usually  they  have  been  comminuted  so  completely  that  no  trace  of 
organic  structure  remains.  Some  beds,  however,  have  been  formed  under 
conditions  that  have  left  the  shells  almost  intact  or  at  least  in  fragments 
well  preserved  enough  to  indicate  their  character  and  origin;  these  are 
known  as  "fossiliferous"  limestones.  Some  are  made  up  almost  entirely 
of  shells  of  one  kind  and  are  named  accordingly.  "Coral,"  "crinoid," 
and  "coquina"  are  common  types.  "Chalk"  is  a  fine-grained,  white, 
friable  limestone  composed  largely  of  minute  shells  of  foraminifera.  In 
places,  oyster-shell  beds  are  quite  extensive  in  area  and  thickness  and 
are  more  or  less  firmly  consolidated;  therefore,  they  may  be  regarded  as 
shell  limestones  of  very  recent  origin. 

"Travertine"  is  a  variety  of  limestone  that  is  regarded  as  a  product 
of  chemical  precipitation  from  hot  springs.  As  it  is  deposited  in  suc- 
cessive layers  and  as  chemical  composition  and  conditions  of  deposition 
may  vary  during  this  process,  a  banded  structure  commonly  results.  The 
rock  is  characterized  by  the  presence  of  numerous  irregular  cavities 
ranging  from  the  size  of  a  pin's  head  or  smaller  to  one-half  inch  or  more 
across.  Some  porous  limestones  are  classed  commercially  as  travertines, 
though  they  differ  from  them  in  origin.  Some  travertines  will  take  a 
fair  polish,  but  most  of  them  are  used  with  a  sand-rubbed  finish  and 
therefore  are  classed  as  limestones  rather  than  marbles.  Travertine 
is  used  principally  for  interior  walls,  decorative  effects,  floor  tile,  and 
steps.  Some  varieties  are  remarkably  resistant  to  wear.  Use  as  a 
flooring  material  in  the  concourse  of  the  Grand  Central  Station  in  New 
York  is  a  good  illustration  of  the  adaptability  of  travertine  for  service 
where  abrasion  is  constant  and  intense.  Artificial  travertines — syn- 
thetic products — are  sold  as  substitutes,  but  they  have  neither  the  wearing 
nor  the  decorative  qualities  of  true  travertine,  "Tufa"  is  a  name  applied 
to  a  cellular  calcareous  deposit  originating  from  mineral  springs. 


Another  form  of  calcium  carbonate  is  precipitated  from  cold-water 
solutions  in  limestone  caves  and  forms  many  ornate  structures,  such  as 
stalactites  and  stalagmites.  It  is  incorrectly  called  "onyx,"  although 
the  more  descriptive  term  "Mexican  onyx"  or  "onyx  marble"  is  often 
applied  to  distinguish  it  from  true  onyx,  a  form  of  silica.  As  Mexican 
onyx  will  take  a  polish  and  is  highly  ornamental  it  is  classed  with  marble 
rather  than  with  limestone. 


Although  innumerable  deposits  of  limestone  are  to  be  found  through- 
out the  country,  only  a  small  part  of  the  rock  will  satisfy  the  exacting 
requirements  of  dimension  stone.     Sound  rock,  free  from  deleterious"^ 
impurities  and  providing  blocks  of  adequate  size,  is  essential.     Uni- 
formity of  texture,  grain  size,  and  color  is  usually  required. 

Purity  is  not  regarded  as  an  essential  property  of  building  limestone, 
but  chemical  composition  may  have  some  bearing  on  quality.  Silica 
may  make  the  stone  more  difficult  to  work.  The  appearance  of  sulphur 
in  an  analysis  usually  indicates  the  presence  of  pyrite  or  marcasite, 
minerals  that  may  cause  stains.  Objectionable  impurities  are  recognized 
generally  more  easily  by  means  of  a  microscope  or  a  hand  lens  than  by  a 
chemical  analysis.  Waste-stone  by-products  from  relatively  pure 
deposits  are  more  easily  marketed  than  impure  by-products. 

Hardness  and  workability  are  important  qualities.  Limestones  are 
worked  with  comparative  ease  unless  flint  or  other  siliceous  minerals  are 
present.  Hardness  has  a  direct  bearing  on  the  workability  of  limestone, 
but  its  effect  on  use  has  minor  importance,  because  limestones  are  used 
where  they  are  subjected  to  abrasion  only  to  a  limited  extent. 

Limestones  are  of  many  colors.  Brown,  buff,  gray,  or  white  varieties 
are  widely  employed  for  building  purposes,  while  the  dark-gray  or  black 
are  in  demand  only  for  certain  uses.  Buff  or  yellow  coloring  is  due  to 
minute  grains  of  iron  oxides — stable  minerals  that  cause  no  stains.  Sur- 
face stains  may  result  from  oxidation  of  the  iron  sulphides  or  carbonates 
sometimes  present. 

Sound  structural  limestone  which  is  suitable  in  other  respects  is 
usually  strong  enough  for  any  use.  Even  for  bridge  piers,  arches,  and 
tall  monuments  the  strength  of  standard  high-quality  limestone  far 
exceeds  the  requirements  of  safety. 

Pore  space  is  variable;  in  most  commercial  limestone  it  ranges  from 
less  than  0.5  to  5  per  cent,  though  occasionally  is  much  higher. 

Appearance  depends  chiefly  on  color  and  texture.  Blue  limestones 
may  change  to  buff  by  oxidation  of  the  iron.  Generally,  however, 
permanence  of  color  is  preferred.  Although  uniform  texture  is  usually 
desired  for  the  more  ornamental  stones,  variations  in  both  texture  and 



color  are  now  much  in  demand  for  sawed  and  rock-faced  stone  used  in 
domestic  construction. 


Limestone  in  the  form  of  dimension  stone  is  used  principally  in  build- 
ing. Its  very  limited  application  for  monuments,  curbing,  and  flagging 
may  almost  be  disregarded.  The  largest  amount  is  employed  in  the  form 
of  cut  or  rough-hewn  blocks  for  exterior  walls,  either  for  entire  structures 
or  for  certain  parts,  such  as  window  sills,  caps,  cornice,  or  base  course. 
Columns  and  balusters  of  the  more  ornamental  types  are  widely  utilized 
for  both  interior  and  exterior  building.  Limestone  is  also  employed 
extensively  for  interior  structural  uses  and  decorative  effects.  Massive 
blocks  of  cut  limestone  are  used  for  bridges,  dams,  docks,  sea  walls,  and 
similar  structures  where  strength,  permanence,  and  resistance  to  shock 
are  essential. 

Limestone  for  the  construction  of  walls  is  of  four  main  types — cut 
or  finished  stone,  ashlar,  rough  building  stone,  and  rubble.  The  signifi- 
cance of  these  terms  is  fully  covered  in  a  discussion  of  the  general  features 
of  dimension  stone  on  pages  23  to  25.  Limestone  is  being  used  increasingly 
as  ashlar,  rough  building  stone,  and  rubble.  The  denser,  harder  varieties 
are  used  for  street  curbing  and  to  a  smaller  extent  for  flagging  and 

Production  of  dimension  limestone  by  uses  for  a  series  of  years  is 
shown  in  the  following  table: 

Dimension  Limestone  Sold  by  Producers  in  the  United  States,    1925-1937, 

BY  Uses 


Building  stone 

Curbing,    flagging, 
and  paving 


Total  value 

Cubic  feet 



































93 , 700 

$  98,587 










44 , 229 



84 , 570 

693 , 678 













.  6,309,369 



Limestones  occur  in  every  State;  but,  except  in  widely  scattered 
localities  in  about  one-half  of  the  States,  they  are  either  unsuitable  for 
use,  or  conditions  have  been  unfavorable  for  their  development  as  sources 
of  dimension  stone.  The  more  important  producing  centers  are  briefly 
described  alphabetically  by  States  in  the  following  section.  No  attempt 
is  made  to  cover  undeveloped  deposits  or  to  include  all  that  are  or  have 
been  worked  on  a  small  scale. 

Alabama. — The  Bangor  oolitic  limestone  of  Palaeozoic  age  occurs  in 
Franklin  County,  northwestern  Alabama.  The  deposit  extends  from 
Newberg  to  Belgreen,  about  20  miles,  and  has  an  average  thickness  of  20 
to  25  feet,  though  it  is  much  thicker  in  places.  The  best  occurrences  are 
near  Rockwood  and  Russellville.  The  rock  is  a  characteristic  oolitic 
limestone  similar  to  the  extensive  deposits  near  Bedford,  Ind.  Most  of  it 
is  of  uniform  texture,  though  some  is  distinctly  veined.  It  grades  in  color 
from  light-  and  medium-gray  to  buff  and  is  somewhat  harder  than 
Indiana  limestone.  Many  quarry  openings  have  been  made,  and  since 
1924  production  has  increased  notably.  Recent  developments  are 
chiefly  near  Rockwood,  where  a  large  stone-finishing  mill  is  in  operation. 
Here  quarrying  is  conducted  with  the  most  modern  equipment,  and  the  mill 
is  provided  with  all  conveniences  for  rapid  and  skillful  fabrication.  The 
easy  workability  of  the  stone  gives  the  product  a  wide  market  range; 
large  contracts  have  been  filled,  even  for  cities  as  far  north  as  Montreal, 
Canada.  The  technique  of  quarrying  and  manufacture  is  covered  in  a 
later  section  of  this  chapter,  for  while  most  of  the  discussion  on  this  sub- 
ject applies  to  Indiana,  much  of  it  will  apply  equally  to  Alabama. 

Colorado. — A  sandy  limestone  of  Cambrian  age,  occurring  near 
Manitou,  El  Paso  County,  is  marketed  under  the  trade  name  "Manitou 
Green-Stone."  The  body  color  is  reddish  brown,  on  which  is  imposed  an 
attractive  green  mottling.  Calcium  and  magnesium  carbonates  con- 
stitute about  half  the  rock,  the  remainder  consisting  chiefly  of  quartz, 
with  a  minor  percentage  of  iron  oxide.  The  green  color  is  attributed  to 
the  presence  of  glauconite  or  a  related  mineral.  Quarry  conditions  are 
favorable,  as  the  rock  occurs  in  easily  separable  beds  having  a  maximum 
thickness  of  about  2  feet.  Tests  by  the  Colorado  Geological  Survey 
indicate  that  it  is  strong  and  durable.  Active  development  of  this  very 
attractive  building  stone  began  in  1930.  Colorado  travertine  is  discussed 
on  page  44. 

Florida. — The  coquina  or  shell  limestone  of  Florida  is  probably  the 
first  building  stone  used  in  America.  It  consists  of  stratified  shell 
fragments  cemented  together  with  finely  divided  calcium  carbonate 
derived  from  abrasion  and  comminution  of  the  shells,  and  it  is  soft  enough 
to  be  cut  easily  with  a  handsaw.     Although  too  porous  for  exterior  use  in 


northern  climates  it  appears  to  be  quite  enduring  in  the  Florida  climate. 
Experiments  are  being  conducted  in  search  of  a  practical  method  of 
hardening  the  stone  and  reducing  its  porosity  to  make  it  suitable  for  use 
in  climates  subject  to  severe  frost  action. 

It  occurs  in  a  belt  about  200  yards  wide  on  Anastasia  Island  and 
was  first  quarried  about  1580  to  supply  blocks  of  stone  for  building  at 
St.  Augustine  the  famous  Fort  San  Marco  (the  present  Fort  Marion), 
which  required  many  years  for  its  construction.  Though  soft  and  porous 
the  fort  walls  were  remarkably  resistant  to  gun  fire.  St.  Augustine  is 
called  "the  coquina  city,"  because  so  much  of  this  material  has  been  used 
for  buildings.  There  has  been  little  recent  production  in  this  district,  but 
a  similar  coquina  limestone  is  quarried  near  Volusia,  Volusia  County.  At 
Islamorada  on  Windly's  Island,  Monroe  County,  a  considerable  quantity 
of  limestone  is  quarried  and  sold  as  cut  and  sawed  stone  and  as  flagging. 
The  Tampa  limestone,  occurring  at  New  Port  Richey,  Pinellas  County,  is 
quarried  to  some  extent  for  building  purposes.  In  places  it  is  porous,  like 
travertine,  and  is  said  to  be  very  pure,  containing  about  98  per  cent  of 
calcium  carbonate. 

A  soft  limestone  deposit  at  Marianna,  Jackson  County,  in  northern 
Florida  is  known  locally  as  "chimney  rock."  Many  years  ago  it  was 
quarried  in  a  small  way  and  sawed  into  slabs  when  first  taken  from  the 
ledge.  The  blocks  or  slabs  became  quite  hard  after  seasoning  and  were 
used  for  making  chimneys,  house  supports,  or  entire  houses. 

Florida  travertine  is  referred  to  on  page  44. 

Illinois. — At  times  building  limestone  is  quarried  near  Quincy,  Adams 
County;  at  Alton,  Madison  County;  and  at  Joliet,  Will  County.  In  the 
last  locality  the  rock  occurs  in  flat-lying  homogeneous  beds  6  to  30  inches 
thick.  It  is  a  fine-grained,  light-drab  stone  which  upon  exposure  becomes 
buff  by  oxidation  of  the  small  iron  content.  Large  blocks  are  obtainable. 
Production  in  the  State  is  small,  and  practically  all  of  it  is  for  rough 

Indiana. — Indiana  limestone,  also  called  Bedford  limestone,  Bedford 
oolitic  limestone,  and  Indiana  oolite,  is  one  of  the  most  widely  known 
building  stones.  Figures  compiled  from  returns  of  individual  companies 
to  the  United  States  Bureau  of  Mines  show  that,  exclusive  of  a  small 
amount  of  stone  sold  for  rough  construction,  data  for  which  are  not 
available,  and  also  exclusive  of  rubble,  Indiana  in  1930  produced  12,702,- 
980  cubic  feet  of  dimension  limestone  valued  at  $16,186,172,  or  more  than 
81  per  cent  of  the  total  quantity  and  87  per  cent  of  the  total  value  for  the 
United  States.  Corresponding  figures  for  1931  were  7,874,470  cubic  feet 
valued  at  $8,595,612,  and  for  1937,  4,442,360  cubic  feet  valued  at  $3,529,- 
420.  More  than  twenty  large  companies  operate  thirty  to  forty  quarries 
and  mills.  About  a  dozen  more  operate  only  finishing  mills.  The  value 
of  finished  products  from  independent  mills  is  not  included  in  the  total 


value.  Its  easy  workability,  adaptability  for  carving,  attractive  appear- 
ance, endurance,  and  abundant  supply  have  given  to  Indiana  limestone 
nationwide  popularity.  Chief  production  is  in  the  Bedford-Bloomington 
district  in  Lawrence  and  Monroe  Counties,  but  building  limestone  is  also 
quarried  at  St.  Paul,  Decatur  County,  and  at  Romona,  Owen  County. 

Structural  Features. — Bedford  oolitic  limestone,  known  geologically  as 
the  Salem  limestone,  is  of  Subcarboniferous  (lower  Carboniferous)  age. 
It  rests  on  the  Harrodsburg  limestone  and  is  overlain  by  the  Mitchell 
limestone.  All  the  formations  are  tilted  gently  a  little  south  of  west, 
with  a  dip  of  34  to  70  feet  per  mile.  Thus,  in  following  the  formations 
westward  they  are  found  at  gradually  increasing  depths  beneath  the 
surface.  In  the  eastern  part  of  the  area  quarries  are  on  the  hilltops ;  in  the 
west  part,  in  the  valleys. 

The  Salem  limestone  occurs  in  a  massive  bed  25  to  nearly  100  feet 
thick.  In  Indiana  it  extends  from  near  New  Albany  on  the  Ohio  River 
northward  through  Salem,  Bedford,  and  Bloomington  to  a  point  north  of 
Greencastle,  a  distance  of  about  125  miles.  Active  quarrying  is  confined 
chiefly  to  the  central  part  of  the  belt,  from  Bedford  at  the  south  to  a  few 
miles  beyond  Bloomington  at  the  north. 

The  rock  has  little  tendency  to  split  along  bedding  planes.  Its 
freedom  from  cleavage  is  a  great  advantage  in  carving,  as  corners  and 
projections  are  not  liable  to  split  off.  Cross-bedding  occurs  in  places. 
Joints  generally  appear  in  two  systems,  the  major  having  a  general  east 
and  west  direction,  with  minor  joints  north  and  south.  As  joints  are 
spaced  20  to  40  feet  apart  in  most  places  large,  sound  blocks  are  easily 

The  rock  is  remarkably  free  from  ordinary  bedding  or  lamination 
planes;  however,  unusual  types  known  as  "suture  joints,"  "crowfoot," 
"toe  nails,"  or  "stylolites"  occur  in  many  places.  They  appear  on  the 
quarry  face  as  dark-gray  to  black  jagged  lines  in  zones  a  fraction  of  an 
inch  to  several  inches  wide.  The  dark  material  is  mainly  organic  matter 
or  chlorite,  and  the  peculiar  zigzag  form  is  attributed  to  differential 
solution  under  pressure.  Some  of  the  thicker  stylolites  tend  to  weather 
rapidly  at  the  exposed  face  but  are  not  generally  detrimental  to  quality 
or  strength.  "Crowfoot"  rock,  sold  under  the  classification  "Old 
Gothic,"  is  preferred  for  certain  architectural  effects. 

Bedford  stone  is  described  as  oolitic  because  of  its  resemblance  to  fish 
roe.  The  small,  spherical  grains  or  oolites  are  regarded  as  having  orig- 
inated from  chemical  precipitation  of  calcium  carbonate  in  sea  water. 
Usually  small  grains  of  sand  or  shell  fragments  form  nuclei  of  the  spherical 
masses,  and,  if  crystalline,  the  calcium  carbonate  deposited  about  them 
may  be  radial  or  concentric.  True  oolites  are  not  so  numerous  in  Indiana 
stone  as  one  would  expect  from  the  name,  as  most  of  the  grains  are  simply 
shell  fragments  of  foraminifera  or  other  marine  animals.     What  is  known 


as  select  stone  is  fine-grained  (less  than  3'^4  inch  in  diameter),  though 
medium-grained  (3-^4  to  3^^  inch)  and  coarse-grained  (more  than  3=-^  inch) 
are  also  popular. 

A  "rift,"  or  direction  of  easy  splitting,  is  present  in  most  Indiana 
quarries.  In  places  it  is  horizontal  but  more  generally  is  inclined  north 
or  south  at  a  low  angle  and  probably  is  due  to  crossbedding. 

Color. — Indiana  limestone  is  divided  into  two  general  color  classifica- 
tions, buff  and  gray.  The  buff  color  is  regarded  as  a  result  of  slow 
oxidation  of  the  small  iron  content,  because  the  gray  to  bluish-gray  stone 
is  generally  found  below  ground-water  level  and  the  buff  above.  It  is  a 
curious  fact,  however,  that  uniform  gradation  from  blue  to  buff  is  rarely 
seen;  the  boundary  is  usually  sharp  and  distinct.  The  buff  stone  appears 
in  various  shades,  which  in  general  are  divided  into  dark  and  light  buff. 
Variegated  rock  is  a  mixture  of  buff  and  gray  in  the  same  block,  though 
weathering  processes  gradually  blend  the  colors  until  little  or  no  differ- 
ence is  observable.  Variegated  stone  is  preferred  for  the  contrasted 
color  effects  desired  in  modern  architecture. 

Hardness  and  Workability. — When  first  quarried  Indiana  limestone  is 
comparatively  soft  and  is  easily  worked  but  when  thoroughly  dried  it  is 
somewhat  harder.  Consisting  as  it  does  of  an  aggregation  of  rounded 
grains,  it  has  certain  working  qualities  that  are  among  its  most  admirable 
characteristics.  It  can  be  readily  planed,  turned,  or  carved  into  any 
desired  form  and  is  therefore  well  adapted  for  any  type  of  architectural 
design.  It  can  be  tooled  so  rapidly  that  it  has  an  advantage  in  cost  of 
manufacture  over  almost  all  other  stones. 

Durability. — The  statement  is  sometimes  made  that,  because  it  is 
slowly  soluble  in  water  containing  carbon  dioxide  gas,  limestone  is  not  to 
be  classed  with  the  durable  rocks.  Loughlin^  has  pointed  out,  however, 
that  carbon  dioxide  gas,  even  in  a  humid  atmosphere,  has  no  corrosive 
effect  on  limestone  and  that  when  dissolved  in  water  it  exerts  a  solvent 
action  so  slow  that  under  ordinary  weathering  conditions  it  would  require 
450  years  for  this  solution  alone  to  corrode  the  surface  two-fifths  of  an 
inch.  Limestone,  therefore,  may  be  regarded  as  durable  enough  for  all 
ordinary  uses. 

Generally  the  heavier  stone  is  the  more  durable  because  it  is  more 
firmly  cemented  and  less  porous  than  varieties  that  are  comparatively 
light  in  weight.  Weight  per  cubic  foot  may  therefore  be  regarded  as  an 
index  of  its  durabihty.  The  average  specific  gravity  is  2.3,  and  the 
average  weight  per  cubic  foot  about  144  pounds. 

Most  standard  building  limestones  are  unaffected  by  frost  after 
they  are  properly  seasoned,  but  unseasoned  stone  is  subject  to  damage; 

*Loughlin,  G.  F.,  Indiana  Oolitic  Limestone;  Relation  of  Its  Natural  Features  to 
Its  Commercial  Grading.  Contributions  to  Economic  Geology,  1929,  pt.  1,  U.  S. 
Geol.  Survey  Bull.  811,  1929,  p.  113. 


therefore  quarry  blocks  should  be  exposed,  with  access  of  air  to  all 
surfaces,  for  1  to  2  months  before  heavy  frost.  Quarrying  is  discontinued 
during  the  winter  because  of  the  damage  that  would  result  from  the 
freezing  of  freshly  quarried  stone. 

Grades  of  Stone. — Loughlin,^  working  in  cooperation  with  Indiana 
producers,  has  devised  the  following  classification : 

Buff;  AA,  statuary;  unusually  fine,  uniform  grained.  A,  select;  fine,  uniform 
grained.  B,  standard;  prevailingly  medium  grained  with  rather  distinct  bedding. 
C,  rustic;  prevailing  coarse  grained.  Gray;  D,  E,  EE,  correspond  to  grades 
A,  B,  and  C  of  buff  stone.  Variegated  (buff  and  gray  in  a  single  block):  F, 
variegated  statuary,  corresponding  to  AA;  G,  variegated,  corresponding  to  B 
and  C.  Special  grades:  Hard,  "Indiana  travertine,"  very  coarse  grained  with 
many  large  shell  holes;  "old  Gothic,"  or  stone  of  any  color  or  grade,  with  or 
without  "crowfeet"  or  other  features  that  would  exclude  it  from  regular  grades; 
"short  length"  stone  equal  in  quahty  to  the  regular  grades  but  in  blocks  smaller 
than  those  usually  sent  to  stone  mills. 

A  limited  supply  of  rock  classed  as  Indiana  travertine  is  available. 
Although  fine-grained  stone  is  desirable,  too  rigid  insistence  on  this 
grade  would  work  a  hardship  on  the  industry,  as  it  would  cause  excessive 
waste  of  other  grades  that  must  be  quarried  at  the  same  time,  neces- 
sitating a  higher  price  and  automatically  limiting  the  market  range. 
The  coarser  grained  stone  is  equally  as  good  as  the  fine;  consequently 
the  grading  is  not  excessively  rigid,  and  a  moderate  tolerance  is  allowed. 

Extent  of  Supply. — The  occurrences  of  Salem  limestone  are  very 
extensive,  but  quarrying  is  necessarily  confined  to  a  zone  near  the 
outcrop  as  the  removal  of  more  than  40  to  60  feet  of  overburden  would  be 
unprofitable.  Even  in  this  comparatively  narrow  zone  the  supply  of 
rock  will  be  abundant  for  many  years.  Naturally  the  supply  of  buff 
stone  is  more  limited  than  that  of  blue-gray.  Although  certain  local 
areas  may  be  nearly  exhausted,  new  deposits  are  constantly  being 

Prospecting  in  Indiana. — As  the  quality  of  stone  varies  from  point  to 
point,  careful  prospecting  is  necessary  before  development  work  can  be 
undertaken.  The  essential  features,  such  as  color,  grain  size,  and  extent 
of  beds,  can  be  determined  from  drill  cores.  Because  the  beds  are  almost 
flat  lying  and  changes  in  texture  and  color  are  gradual,  prospect  holes 
may  be  spaced  100  to  300  feet  apart,  although  some  operators  prefer 
closer  spacing.  A  log  of  the  thickness,  color,  and  texture  of  the  limestone 
found  in  each  drill  hole  is  kept. 

Kansas. — A  light-cream  limestone  has  been  quarried  quite  exten- 
sively near  Silverdale,  Cowley  County  and  white  limestone  suitable  for 
cutstone  trim  near  Manhattan,  Riley  County.  Other  production  in  the 
State  is  chiefly  for  local  rough  construction. 

^  Work  cited,  p.  114. 


Kentucky. — The  most  widely  known  building  stone  of  Kentucky 
is  the  oolitic  limestone  of  Warren  County  quarried  near  Bowling  Green. 
The  rock  is  similar  to  Indiana  limestone  in  color,  texture,  composition, 
and  durability.  It  occurs  in  sound  beds  10  to  20  feet  thick ;  and,  although 
it  is  notably  uniform  in  composition,  care  must  be  taken  in  selection  to 
avoid  small  pyrite  lenses  that  may  cause  stains  on  exposure  to  the 
weather.  A  peculiar  feature  is  the  presence  of  bituminous  matter  which 
gives  the  freshly  quarried  stone  a  displeasing  coloration,  but  which 
evaporates  rapidly  upon  exposure,  leaving  a  clean  cream-white  to 
light-gray  surface.  Quite  a  number  of  quarries  have  been  worked  at 
various  times,  but  only  two  companies  have  produced  building  stone 
during  recent  years.  Rough  blocks  are  shipped  to  Bowling  Green  for 
manufacture  into  finished  products.  The  stone  has  been  used  in  many 
large  buildings  throughout  the  Middle  Western  and  Southern  States 
and  is  employed  to  some  extent  for  monuments. 

Maryland. — Dolomite  quarried  near  Mount  Washington  at  the 
northern  edge  of  Baltimore  is  used  at  times  for  rough  construction  in  and 
near  the  city.  A  deposit  of  attractive  gray  limestone  near  Texas, 
Baltimore  County,  is  also  quarried  for  building  purposes. 

Minnesota. — Dolomitic  limestones  ranging  from  nearly  pure  white 
to  yellow  or  buff,  occur  in  flat-lying  beds  in  southeastern  Minnesota. 
Certain  beds,  notably  at  Mankato,  are  blue  when  first  quarried  but 
turn  buff  on  exposure,  probably  from  oxidation  of  the  iron  originally 
present  as  carbonate. 

The  chief  producing  centers  are  Mankato,  Blue  Earth  County; 
Kasota,  Le  Sueur  County;  Mantorville,  Dodge  County;  and  Winona, 
Winona  County.  The  stone  at  Mankato  and  Kasota  is  strong,  attrac- 
tive, and  obtainable  in  large  blocks;  it  is  well-adapted  for  construction  of 
heavy  masonry  and  bridges.  The  chief  commercial  beds  at  Kasota  are 
recrystallized  to  such  an  extent  that  the  material  will  take  a  polish  and 
is  therefore  sometimes  classed  as  marble  rather  than  limestone.  Yellow 
and  pink  Kasota  stones  are  popular  for  interior  decoration.  A  gray  to 
white  attractive  and  durable  building  stone  is  obtained  high  on  the 
river  bluffs  near  Winona.  In  some  ledges  the  stone  is  porous  and  is 
marketed  as  travertine. 

Missouri. — Stone  quarried  at  Carthage  and  Phoenix  is  classed  as 
marble  and  is  described  in  the  marble  chapter. 

New  York. — Limestones  for  building,  both  dressed  stone  and  rubble, 
are  quarried  near  Syracuse,  Onondaga  County.  A  small  amount  is 
produced  elsewhere,  chiefly  for  local  rough  construction. 

Pennsylvania. — There  are  many  important  deposits  of  limestone  in 
Pennsylvania,  but  they  are  used  very  little  for  building  purposes.  Beds 
that  should  furnish  the  best  building  stone  are  situated  in  the  south- 
eastern part  of  the  State  where  geological  forces  have  folded  and  shattered 


them  excessively.  Cambrian  and  Ordovician  limestones  of  Northamp- 
ton, Lehigh,  and  Berks  Counties  were  used  for  foundations  and  house 
building  many  years  ago.  The  rock  is  available  only  in  small  blocks 
but  apparently  is  quite  durable.  The  date  1821  appears  in  the  gable 
of  a  limestone  house  about  4  miles  north  of  Easton,  Pa.,  and  the  building 
apparently  is  still  in  excellent  condition.  Limestones  of  Cumberland, 
Franklin,  and  Montgomery  Counties  have  been  used  locally  for  dwellings 
and  arched  bridges.  Local  limestone  was  used  in  the  construction  in 
1766  of  the  Harris  Mansion,  the  oldest  house  in  Harrisburg,  and  also 
for  the  Paxtang  Church  just  east  of  that  place  built  in  1740.  Pennsyl- 
vania limestones  evidently  have  an  interesting  history,  but  they  are 
used  very  little  at  present.  Limestones  now  produced  in  Pennsylvania 
are  classed  chiefly  as  rough  construction  stone,  and  the  annual  value  of 
the  output  is  S25,000  to  $100,000. 

Texas. — Texas  limestone  quarrying  has  exhibited  increasing  activity 
during  recent  years.  At  Cedar  Park,  Williamson  County,  a  ledge  about 
30  feet  thick  provides  a  pale-buff  to  cream  oolitic  limestone  of  even 
texture,  well  adapted  for  carving.  Certain  beds  contain  large  fossils  and 
are  porous,  resembling  travertine.  Large  shipments  of  building  stone 
are  made  from  these  quarries. 

At  Lueders,  Jones  County,  a  deposit  of  thin-bedded,  light-gray  and 
variegated  limestone  covering  a  wide  area  has  been  quarried  quite 
extensively.  Three  beds — 8  inches,  1  foot  5  inches,  and  1  foot  10  inches 
thick,  respectively — are  separated  by  loose  beds  about  2  inches  thick. 
Therefore,  no  channeling  machines  are  required,  as  the  rock  is  easily 
removed  by  drilling  and  wedging. 

Near  Del  Rio,  Kinney  County,  a  15-  to  30-foot  ledge  in  layers  2  to  4 
feet  thick  has  been  quarried  over  an  area  of  5  or  6  acres.  The  stone  is 
harder  and  less  uniform  than  that  quarried  at  Cedar  Park. 

Utah. — A  fine-grained,  light-colored,  oolitic  limestone  is  quarried  near 
Ephraim,  San  Pete  County,  and  used  as  building  stone  in  Salt  Lake  City 
and  Provo.     Some  has  been  shipped  to  San  Francisco. 

Wisconsin. — Limestone  of  Niagara  age  is  quarried  at  Wauwatosa, 
Mihvaukee  County.  It  is  light  gray,  with  variations  to  white  and  buff. 
Two  types  are  procured,  a  finely  crystalline  compact  limestone  and  one  of 
coarse  granular  texture  in  heavy  beds.  The  chief  market  is  in  Milwaukee, 
where  the  stone  has  been  used  for  bridges,  ashlar,  footings,  sills,  and  rubble. 

A  thin-bedded,  hard,  gray  dolomite,  exceptionally  strong  and  durable, 
occurring  near  Lannon,  Waukesha  County,  has  been  used  quite  exten- 
sively for  curbing  and  flagging ;  some  is  employed  also  as  building  stone. 


Travertine  has  not  been  produced  extensively  in  the  United  States, 
although  sales  have  been  recorded  from  a  few  States  during  recent  years. 


Some  porous  limestones  sold  commercially  under  this  classification  are 
not  true  travertines. 

A  quarry  near  Bridgeport,  Mono  County,  Calif.,  which,  many  years 
ago,  furnished  what  was  regarded  as  marble  for  buildings  in  San  Francisco, 
was  again  operated  in  1929.  The  stone  comes  in  a  variety  of  colors; 
some  of  it,  ranging  from  clear  white  to  pale  yellow  and  gray,  is  said  to  be 
of  the  same  texture  and  quality  as  the  best  Roman  travertine.  It  is  also 
obtainable  in  orange,  pink,  red,  and  brown. 

A  deposit  that  compares  favorably  with  the  famous  Italian  travertine 
has  been  developed  about  6  miles  east  of  Salida,  Colo.,  close  to  the 
Denver  &  Rio  Grande  Western  Railway.  The  deposit  forms  one  side  of  a 
hill  rising  250  feet  from  the  valley  floor  and  is  worked  as  a  shelf  quarry 
conveniently  situated  for  waste  disposal  and  with  automatic  drainage. 
The  exposure  is  1,300  feet  long  and  200  feet  thick.  Joints  are  spaced  so 
widely  that  blocks  large  enough  for  monolithic  columns  are  obtainable. 
The  rock  is  said  to  have  a  compressive  strength  of  12,000  to  14,000  pounds 
a  square  inch  and  on  account  of  its  porosity  weighs  only  135  pounds  a 
cubic  foot.  It  is  light  buff,  is  very  attractive,  and  is  being  used  widely  in 
Denver  and  other  cities  for  both  interior  and  exterior  building. 

Two  other  travertine  quarries  have  been  opened  recently  in  Colorado, 
one  near  Salida,  Chaffee  County,  and  one  near  Canon  City,  Fremont 
County.     Up  to  1931  production  was  confined  to  terrazzo. 

In  1932  production  of  travertine  was  begun  at  Gardiner,  Mont.,  near 
the  north  entrance  to  Yellowstone  National  Park.  As  the  material  occurs 
in  a  variety  of  ornamental  colors  and  is  adapted  for  polishing,  possibly 
it  should  be  classed  as  onyx  marble.  Several  carloads  have  been  shipped 
to  St.  Paul,  Minn.,  for  sawing  and  finishing.  Travertine  also  occurs  west 
of  Landusky,  Phillips  County,  Mont. 

A  deposit  of  rock  well-adapted  for  architectural  use  has  been  worked 
near  Bradenton,  Fla.  The  stone  exhibits  the  characteristic  porous 
texture  of  Italian  travertine  and  resembles  it  in  general  appearance. 
Production  has  been  recorded  since  1929,  some  of  the  material  being 
sold  under  the  trade  name  "Floridene"  stone. 

A  travertine  quarry  was  operated  for  a  brief  period  near  Cuthbert, 
southwestern  Georgia.  The  rock  is  brown  to  golden  and  of  porous 
structure.  Limited  amounts  were  sold  for  interior  building  and  waste 
material  was  marketed  as  chips  for  terrazzo  floors. 

The  output  of  certain  porous  beds  in  the  limestone  bluffs  near 
Winona,  Minn.,  is  sold  as  travertine,  though  most  of  the  limestone  in  this 
district  is  massive  and  compact.  Similarly,  exceptional  beds  resembling 
travertine  occur  in  the  Indiana  limestone  deposits,  but  very  little  is 
marketed.  An  attractive  porous  limestone  is  quarried  near  Cedar  Park, 



Quarry  Plan. — Most  deposits  of  limestone  used  as  dimension  stone 
are  approximately  flat  lying  and  of  limited  thickness.  Thus,  the  stone 
available  in  any  one  opening  may  be  removed  within  a  short  time  and  a 
new  ledge  uncovered.  The  abandoned  pits  may  therefore  be  utilized  for 
disposal  of  waste  and  overburden  from  succeeding  benches. 

In  Indiana,  where  a  greater  part  of  the  building  limestone  is  produced, 
most  ledges  are  120  to  140  feet  in  width  to  permit  service  by  a  derrick 
boom ;  sometimes  blocks  from  the  most  remote  parts  of  the  ledge  must  be 
dragged.  At  large  quarries  a  series  of  derricks  is  set  in  line  and  a  long 
ledge  worked  down  in  a  succession  of  floors  until  all  the  good  stone  is 
removed.  The  line  of  derricks  is  then  moved  back  120  to  140  feet  and 
another  ledge  begun.  Stripping  and  waste  from  the  last  operation  are 
thrown  into  the  opening  previously  made;  thus,  a  wide  area  may  be 
worked  out  in  successive  strips. 

Stripping. — In  the  Indiana  district  red  clay  covers  the  limestone  beds 
to  a  depth  of  1  to  20  feet  or  more.  In  some  places  it  is  stripped  by  power 
shovels  into  worked-out  pits.  The  hydraulic  method  is  employed  where 
the  surface  contour  favors  washing  the  soil  into  abandoned  pits  or  other 
low-lying  areas.  Mud  seams  are  usually  present  in  the  upper  level,  and 
the  hydraulic  method  is  especially  advantageous  for  washing  clay  from 
such  irregular  surfaces.  However,  loose  rock  fragments  mixed  with  the 
clay  may  hamper  removal  by  water,  and  some  other  process  may  be 
better.  Hydraulic  stripping  has  been  described  in  a  previous  chapter 
(see  pages  14  and  15). 

A  second  phase  of  stripping  involves  the  removal  of  overlying  non- 
commercial rock,  which  at  many  quarries  occurs  to  a  depth  of  5  to  15 
feet  immediately  beneath  the  clay  covering.  In  some  quarries  near 
Bedford  40  to  60  feet  of  such  waste  must  be  removed.  The  method  of 
removal  is  governed  chiefly  by  the  nature  of  its  contact  with  the  under- 
lying beds.  If  it  is  separated  from  the  good  rock  by  a  layer  of  clay, 
shale,  or  an  open  bedding  seam  that  serves  as  a  cushion,  it  may  be 
drilled  and  blasted  with  light  charges  of  black  blasting  powder  without 
danger  of  shattering  the  commercial  rock.  In  some  places,  however,  the 
rock  overburden  is  continuous  with  that  of  good  quality,  which  under  such 
circumstances  would  be  easily  destroyed  by  the  shock  of  an  explosive. 
In  such  cases  it  is  necessary  to  channel  the  waste  and  remove  it  in  blocks, 
a  stripping  process  almost  as  expensive  as  removal  of  good  stone.  A  more 
recent  development  is  adaptation  of  a  wire  saw  for  making  cuts  beneath 
the  inferior  rock,  permitting  explosives  to  be  used  without  damage  to  the 
underlying  ledge. 

Where  mud  seams  extend  through  waste  rock  into  marketable  stone 
the  clay  which  accumulates  during  removal  of  the  upper  benches  must  be 



removed  as  a  floor-cleaning  operation,  which  is  not  properly  regarded  as 

Channeling. — After  all  overburden  is  stripped  from  the  rock  surfaces 
the  next  step  is  to  make  primary  channeling-machine  cuts  for  block  separa- 
tion. A  channeling  machine  operates  with  a  chopping  action  similar  to 
that  of  a  reciprocating  drill.  It  is  mounted  on  a  frame  with  four  wheels 
and  travels  back  and  forth  on  a  track.  The  cutting  tool  comprises  three 
or  five  steel  bars  sharpened  to  a  blunt  chisel  edge  and  solidly  clamped 

Fig.  4.- 

-Steam  channeling  machines  at  work  in  an  Indiana  Hmestone  quarry. 
Indiayia  Limcstojie  Company.) 

{Courtesy  of 

together.  When  three  bars  are  used  the  cutting  edge  is  in  the  form  of  the 
letter  A^;  when  five  are  used  they  are  in  the  form  of  two  such  letters,  or 
with  the  second  A^  reversed.  On  channelers  of  one  type  the  cutting  tools 
are  secured  with  wedges  to  an  upper  and  lower  clamp.  The  bars  are 
undamped  and  lowered  after  every  6  inches  of  channel  cut,  and  at  a 
depth  of  5  feet  the  9-foot  steel  is  changed  for  bars  14  feet  long.  On 
another  type — the  duplex  electric  channeler — the  bars  are  set  in  a  cross- 
head  and  changed  every  2  feet.  Steam  channelers  were  once  the  only 
kind  used  and  are  still  employed  to  some  extent.     They  cut  faster  than 


other  types  but  require  more  labor.  A  steam  boiler  is  attached  to  the 
machine  which  cuts  a  single  channel.  The  blows  of  the  channel  head  are 
actuated  by  a  piston  in  a  cylinder,  the  action  being  similar  to  that  of  a 
steam  drill.  Steel  is  changed  about  every  2  feet.  Some  are  of  the 
duplex  type,  but  both  machines  work  in  the  same  channel.  Single 
channeling  machines  are  advantageous  for  cutting  unusual  widths. 
Steam  channelers  are  shown  in  figure  4. 

The  duplex  electric  channeler  is  now  widely  used.  The  chopping 
action  is  accomplished  with  cranks  driven  by  25-h.p.  motors  and  intensified 
by  heavy  springs.  The  machine  operates  on  a  track  of  7-foot  2-inch 
gage  and  cuts  a  channel  on  each  side.  The  cuts  are  8  feet  4  inches  to 
8  feet  5%  inches  apart  and  may  be  8  to  12  feet  deep.  The  cutting  edge 
of  the  steel  is  IJs  to  2%  inches  wide  and  cuts  a  channel  about  2  or  23^:4 
inches  wdde.  The  steel  is  reduced  one-eighth  inch  for  each  change. 
Cuts  may  be  50  to  100  feet  in  length;  for  long  cuts  several  machines 
operate  on  the  same  track.  Some  large  quarries  keep  20  or  more  machines 
in  use. 

When  a  pair  of  cuts  is  completed  the  tracks  are  moved  and  a  second 
pair  made.  On  the  completed  floor  they  average  4  feet  apart,  but  occa- 
sionally are  narrower  or  wider.  In  some  regions  channels  are  cut  parallel 
with  the  east-and-west  mud  seams,  while  in  other  places  they  are  at  right 
angles  to  them.  Cross  channels  are  made  only  for  wall  cuts,  for  removal 
of  key  blocks,  or  as  "head  cuts"  to  divide  strips  that  are  too  long  to  be 
turned  down  en  masse. 

Where  mud  seams  are  present  the  first  cuts  are  made  wdth  some 
difficulty.  Tracks  must  be  supported  with  posts  and  scaffolding.  It  is 
difficult  to  keep  a  cut  straight  on  an  uneven  surface,  and  channeling 
becomes  slow  and  tedious  until  it  has  passed  the  irregularities.  The 
addition  of  water  is  not  feasible  until  a  fairly  continuous  channel  is 
obtained;  therefore,  cuttings  must  be  removed  by  hand.  In  the  regular 
process  a  stream  of  water  carries  away  the  cuttings  as  thin  mud,  and 
cutting  is  much  faster  wet  than  dry.  After  the  quarry  floor  is  leveled  it 
is  relatively  simple  to  move  and  place  tracks. 

The  rate  of  channeling  is  difficult  to  determine  because  some  operators 
measure  it  in  terms  of  actual  cutting  time,  while  others  estimate  on  the 
basis  of  average  accomplishment  over  a  long  period.  The  most  reason- 
able time  basis  is  "channeling  hours,"  that  is,  the  time  for  which  machine 
operators  are  actually  paid.  Using  such  a  basis  for  time,  and  regarding 
1  square  foot  of  channeling  equivalent  to  33^^  cubic  feet  of  gross  produc- 
tion, the  calculated  daily  rate  is  200  to  300  square  feet  for  each  duplex 
machine.  Most  operators  will  estimate  a  faster  rate,  but  they  fail  to 
allow  fully  for  all  interruptions.  The  cost  of  channeling  is  8  to  12  cents  a 
square  foot;  in  fact,  it  is  the  largest  single  item  of  quarry  cost  and  may 
exceed  half  the  total  cost. 



Wire  Sawing. — The  high  cost  of  channeling  has  led  some  operators  to 
attempt  more  economical  methods.  The  unqualified  success  of  the  wire 
saw  in  Pennsylvania  slate  quarries  offers  encouragement,  for  there  a  wire 
saw  will  do  the  work  of  two  or  three  channeling  machines  with  much 
lower  first  cost,  as  well  as  lower  operating  expense.  The  wire  makes  a 
cut  only  about  one-fourth  inch  wide  and  thus  wastes  little  rock  as  cuttings. 
No  tracks  are  required,  the  saw  may  be  operated  by  one  man,  and  the 
power  charge  is  small.     It  is  particularly  advantageous  in  cutting  upper 

Fig.  5. 

-Method  of  cutting  and  removing  key  blocks  in  a  limestone  quarry. 
Indiana  Limestone  Company.) 

{Courtesy  of 

irregular  beds.  Its  design  and  operation  are  described  in  detail  in  a 
subsequent  chapter  on  slate  (see  pages  255-260). 

Two  Indiana  companies  were  using  this  equipment  with  fair  success 
in  1931.  In  one  quarry  a  cutting  rate  of  26  square  feet  an  hour  was 
attained  under  rather  unfavorable  conditions.  Another  company  made 
quite  exhaustive  tests  in  1931.  A  cutting  rate  of  87  square  feet  an  hour 
was  attained,  and  the  average  cost  during  the  second  month  of  operation 
was  11.2  cents  a  square  foot.  Details  have  been  published  by  Newsom,^ 
who  directed  the  work. 

Removal  of  Key  Block. — In  opening  up  a  new  floor  where  no  free 
face  is  present  the  most  difficult  task  is  removal  of  the  first  or  key  block. 

»  Newsom,  J.  B.,  Results  of  Wire-saw  Tests.  Trans.  Am.  Inst.  Min.  and  Met. 
Eng.,  vol.  102,  1932,  pp.  117-121. 



The  block  is  channeled  on  four  sides,  and  wedges  are  driven  in  the  cuts 
to  break  it  free  at  the  floor.  In  some  quarries,  after  an  8-  by  8-foot 
block  has  been  channeled  the  tracks  are  shifted,  and  two  2-foot  blocks 
are  channeled  as  shown  in  figure  5.  The  narrower  masses,  known  as 
"pulling  blocks,"  usually  are  comparatively  easy  to  break  loose  by 
wedging  in  the  channel  cut.  When  the  block  is  free,  corners  are  chipped 
from  the  edges  of  the  cuts  to  make  room  for  the  dogs  or  hooks,  and  the 






a                                  1 

Fig.  6. 

-Arrangement  of  channel  cuts  for  removing  key  blocks. 


a,  2-foot  channel;  6,  key 

block  is  hoisted  out,  as  shown  in  the  figure.  If  only  part  of  the  block 
is  thus  removed  the  process  must  be  repeated  with  the  lower  sections. 
If  unusual  delay  and  difficulty  are  experienced  in  removing  the  first 
block,  it  may  be  advisable  to  break  it  up  and  remove  it  as  waste.  When 
it  is  out  of  the  way  floor  space  is  provided  for  removing  succeeding  blocks. 
They  are  wedged  free  at  the  floor  and  removed  one  by  one,  providing  a 


A  B 

Fig.  7. — Diagram  showing  effect  of  rift  on  floor  breaks,  a,  dip  of  rift;  6,  wedge  holes. 
A,  break  in  a  direction  up  the  dip  of  rift  giving  uneven  floor;  B,  break  in  a  direction  down 
the  dip  of  rift  giving  a  more  uniform  floor. 

wider  working  space.  Another  method  of  removing  key  blocks  is 
shown  in  figure  6.  The  pulling  blocks  are  in  the  center,  as  indicated. 
A  mass  2  feet  wide  is  removed  along  the  wall  to  provide  space  for  slush 
from  the  channelers.  A  third  long  cut  is  made  20  feet  from  the  2-foot 
space,  and  crosscuts  4  feet  apart  are  subsequently  channeled.  When  the 
pulling  blocks  are  removed  the  4-  by  20-foot  masses  are  turned  down  as 



usual.     Various  modifications  of  the  method   are  in  use  in  different 

Bed  Lifting. — After  masses  of  rock  4  feet  wide,  8  or  10  feet  deep,  and 
50  or  60  feet  long  are  channeled,  the  next  step  is  to  separate  them  at  the 
floor  line  by  drilling  and  wedging.  An  air-driven  hammer  drill  is  used 
to  sink  a  series  of  holes  8  to  12  inches  deep,  1  foot  to  18  inches  apart, 
slanting  a  little  downward  from  points  near  the  floor  line.  They  are  not 
made  at  right  angles  to  the  wall  but  at  such  an  angle  that  wedges  placed 
in  them  may  be  sledged  conveniently.  They  slant  right  or  left,  depend- 
ing on  whether  the  sledger  is  right-  or  left-handed.     Plugs  and  feathers 

Fig.  8. 

-Method  of  turning  down  blocks  in  an  Indiana  limestone  quarry. 
Building  Stone  Association  of  Indiana,  Inc.) 

{Courtesy  of 

are  placed  in  the  holes  and  driven  in  succession  until  a  floor  break  is 
made.  At  intervals  wedges  are  driven  to  full  depth,  and  the  pressure 
being  thus  relieved  most  of  them  may  be  removed. 

Commonly  the  rift  of  the  rock  is  inclined  at  an  angle  of  5°  to  10°  from 
horizontal,  which  may  result  in  a  very  uneven  floor.  It  is  best  to  quarry 
in  such  a  way  that  floor  breaks  are  made  in  the  direction  of  dip  of  the 
rift,  which  then  tends  to  hold  or  guide  the  break  to  the  bottom  of  the 
channel  cut,  as  shown  in  B,  figure  7.  If  a  break  is  made  in  the  opposite 
direction  it  will  follow  upward  on  the  rift  from  the  bottoms  of  the  shallow 
drill  holes  and  reach  a  point  several  inches  above  the  bottom  of  the 
channel  cut,  as  shown  in  A,  figure  7.  The  floor  will  then  consist  of  a 
series  of  humps  and  hollows,  and  much  waste  rock  will  result. 



More  uniform  breaks  could  probably  be  made  by  drilling  some  of 
the  holes  almost  the  full  width  of  a  block  and  using  long  wedges  in 
them — a  method  in  common  use  in  marble  quarrying — but  apparently 
such  a  plan  has  not  been  tried  in  limestone. 

Turning  Down  Blocks. — After  a  block  is  wedged  free  it  is  turned  down 
in  a  horizontal  position  on  the  quarry  floor  before  further  subdivisions 
are  made.  On  a  long  block  two  notches  or  dog  holes  are  made  in  the 
back  channel  cut,  wide  enough  to  accommodate  massive  hooks.  By 
means  of  sheaves  and  tackle  these  are  connected  with  another  pair  of 
hooks  firmly  secured  to  the  quarry  floor  some  distance  in  front  of  the  face. 

Fig.  9. 

-General  view  of  a  limestone  quarry.     (Courtesy  of  Building  Stone  Association  of 
Indiana,  Inc.) 

When  a  heavy  strain  is  exerted  on  the  cable  by  the  derrick  hoist  the 
block  is  gradually  pulled  over,  as  shown  in  figure  8.  Bull  wedges  may 
be  sledged  in  the  back  channel  cut  to  assist  the  process.  Piles  of  broken- 
rock  "pillows"  are  so  placed  that  the  block  falls  on  them  and  comes  to 
rest  with  little  impact  and  without  danger  of  breaking.  Such  "pillows" 
are  shown  in  figure  8.  Figure  9  is  a  general  view  of  a  limestone  quarry, 
showing  an  unusually  large  mass  of  stone  just  turned  down. 

Subdivision  of  Blocks. — The  next  step  is  to  divide  the  mass  of  stone 
into  commercial  sizes.  It  is  first  laid  out  with  a  carpenter's  square  and 
straightedge ;  and  if  more  than  one  grade  of  rock  is  present,  a  longitudinal 
break  is  made  between  the  grades.  All  subdivisions  are  made  by  plugs 
and  feathers  or  "slips  and  wedges,"  as  they  are  called  in  Indiana.     Holes 



are  drilled  in  line,  6  to  8  inches  deep  and  12  to  18  inches  apart.  Indiana 
limestone  may  be  drilled  rapidly.  One  man  with  a  hammer  drill  can 
sink  about  four  holes  a  minute.  Plugs  and  feathers  are  then  placed 
therein.  "Feathers"  are  strips  of  iron  flat  on  one  side  for  contact  with 
the  wedge  and  curved  on  the  other  to  fit  the  wall  of  the  drill  hole;  two 
are  inserted  in  a  drill  hole,  and  a  "plug"  (a  steel  wedge  about  6  inches 
long)  is  driven  between  them.  They  are  sledged  lightly  in  succession, 
beginning  at  one  end  of  the  line,  to  maintain  an  even  strain  on  the  rock. 
Sledging  is  continued  until  a  fracture  appears.     Common  block  sizes 

Fig.   10. — Method  of  subdividing  and  hoisting  limestone  blocks.      (Courtesy  of  Indiana 

Limestone  Company.) 

are  10  by  4  by  3  feet  and  10  by  4  by  4  feet.  Where  mud  seams  occur 
or  where  separations  must  be  made  according  to  grades,  many  irregular 
sizes  may  be  produced.  Figure  10  shows  the  method  of  subdividing 

Hoisting. — Steel  or  wooden  derricks  of  about  30-  to  50-ton  capacity 
are  used  for  hoisting  blocks  from  quarries.  The  derrick  masts,  of 
swinging-boom  type,  are  supported  by  12  to  15  guy  cables  secured  to  dead 
eyes  in  the  rock  or  attached  to  buried  timbers.  Derricks  now  in  use  have 
masts  80  to  110  feet  high  and  booms  70  to  100  feet  long.  "Dog  holes" 
are  cut  on  opposite  sides  of  a  block  to  hold  the  tips  of  grab  hooks  (dogs). 
A  chain  passed  through  the  eyes  of  the  hooks  draws  them  firmly  against 
the  block,  holding  it  securely,  as  shown  in  figures  5  and  10. 


The  end  block  is  first  raised  about  3  feet  at  the  outer  end  and  lowered 
again  to  the  floor.  This  procedure  crowds  it  outward,  making  a  space 
of  a  foot  or  more  for  attaching  dogs.  Dog  holes  are  cut,  hooks  attached, 
and  blocks  removed  in  succession  and  placed  on  cars  or  piled  for  later 
disposal.  Workers  become  very  skillful  in  choosing  positions  for  attach- 
ing dogs  so  that  blocks  are  balanced  exactly.  Each  block  is  marked 
with  letters  or  numbers  in  black  paint  to  indicate  its  classification  and 
for  use  in  office  records. 

Cleaning  Floor. — Waste-rock  fragments,  muddy  cuttings  from 
channeling  machines,  and  clay  from  seams  extending  downward  from  the 
surface  accumulate  on  the  quarry  floor  and  must  be  removed  before  a 
succeeding  floor  is  channeled.  The  cleaning  of  floors  is  usually  slow, 
costly,  and  somewhat  disagreeable,  especially  in  rainy  weather.  Waste 
is  shoveled  by  hand  into  great  iron  dump  pans,  which  are  hoisted  out 
and  dumped  into  abandoned  pits  with  the  quarry  derrick.  If  much 
waste  accumulates  a  power  shovel  may  be  used. 

Transportation  and  Storage. — As  the  average  quarry  block  weighs 
10  to  12  tons  standard  railway  cars  are  invariably  used  for  haulage. 
Large  storage  capacity  is  essential,  for  enough  stone  must  be  accumulated 
to  supply  the  demands  of  the  four  winter  months  when  quarries  are 
idle.  Outdoor  storage  or  "stacking  yards"  may  be  maintained  at  quar- 
ries, at  mills,  or  at  both  places.  A  common  method  of  storage  is  to  pile 
blocks  within  reach  of  derrick  booms.  They  are  usually  piled  high  in  a 
limited  area,  and  at  times  it  is  difficult  to  sort  them.  Overhead  traveling- 
crane  storage  is  preferred  by  some  operators,  because  the  blocks  are  more 
accessible  and  handled  more  quickly. 

Scabbling. — Some  companies  quarry  only,  and  sell  rough  blocks  to 
stone  mills;  others  have  both  quarries  and  mills.  Companies  that  own 
no  mills  frequently  ship  blocks  to  distant  points,  and  these  must  be 
trimmed  carefully  to  avoid  freight  charges  on  waste.  The  process  of 
trimming  blocks  to  uniform  rectangular  shape  is  known  as  "scabbling." 
It  may  be  done  at  the  quarry  or  storage  pile  and  is,  therefore,  a  sort  of 
transitional  process  that  may  be  classed  with  either  quarrying  or  milling. 

Several  methods  of  scabbling  are  employed.  Scabbling  picks 
similar  to  ordinary  miners'  picks  are  commonly  used  to  remove  all 
irregularities.  One  point  is  bent  at  a  sharp  angle  toward  the  handle 
for  use  in  chopping  dog  holes  for  attaching  grab  hooks.  Hand  picks  and 
spalling  hammers  also  are  employed  to  remove  corner  masses  from 
blocks  to  be  turned  into  columns.  For  squaring  up  ends  of  blocks  some 
companies  use  two  heavy  disks  of  iron  about  3  feet  in  diameter  which 
run  in  opposite  directions  but  in  the  same  plane  and  with  their  peripheral 
edges  nearly  meeting.  On  the  face  of  each  disk  are  attached  two  single 
and  one  pair  of  cutting  tools.  As  a  block  travels  on  a  car  the  rotating 
disks  cut  down  the  surface.     Blocks  scabbled  with  this  machine  are 


easily  recognizable  by  the  two  sets  of  semicircular  grooves  or  markings 
on  their  surfaces. 

Scabbling  saws  are  preferred  by  many,  not  only  because  they  leave 
a  smooth,  even  surface,  but  also  because  in  a  single  operation  they  remove 
large  projections  which  must  be  removed  piecemeal  by  the  pick  or  disk 
method.  Scabbling  saws  are  of  various  types.  Diamond-toothed  drag 
saws  are  used  singly  or  in  parallel  pairs  adjustable  for  width.  Diamond- 
toothed  circular  saws  (commonly  of  60-  or  72-inch  diameter)  cut  rapidly, 
and  if  mounted  in  pairs  adjustable  in  spacing  may  scabble  both  sides  of  a 
block  at  once.  The  greatest  limitation  of  the  circular  saw  is  the  depth 
of  cut,  as  it  can  reach  only  from  the  arbor  to  the  rim;  a  60-inch  saw  can 
cut  only  26  or  27  inches  deep  and  a  72-inch  saw,  32  or  33  inches.  This 
difficulty  is  overcome  by  making  one  pair  of  cuts  to  the  maximum  depth 
the  saws  will  reach  and  then  turning  the  block  over  and  cutting  from  the 
reverse  side.  If  the  cuts  fail  to  meet  the  intervening  rock  is  easily 

A  clever  adaptation  of  a  Carborundum  scabbling  saw  has  been 
observed.  The  saw  is  mounted  at  the  end  of  a  shaft  and  secured  with 
counter-sunk  set  screws  flush  with  the  outer  surface.  When  a  cut  is 
made  as  deep  as  the  arbor  will  permit  the  scabbled  slab  is  broken  off 
with  a  hammer;  and  a  second  cut  of  equal  depth  may  be  made,  for  the 
smooth  outer  surface  of  the  blade  interferes  in  no  way  with  the  sawed 
surface  of  the  block. 

Scabbling  planers  are  effective  substitutes  for  saws.  Rough  blocks 
are  placed  on  a  bed  which  travels  between  two  sets  of  massive  blades  set 
at  right  angles  to  the  block  and  with  edges  vertical.  Irregularities  are 
thus  scraped  from  the  surfaces  of  the  stone.  By  screw-feed  adjustment 
the  cutters  are  set  closer  after  each  motion,  until  a  smooth  surface  is 
obtained.  On  blocks  6  feet  high  each  cut  removes  i^  inch  of  stone  and 
on  blocks  4  feet  high,  3^^  inch.  About  three  blocks  may  be  scabbled  an 
hour.  A  wire  saw  consisting  of  a  ^{q-  or  H-inch  three-strand  cable 
running  as  an  endless  belt  driven  by  an  electric  motor  is  also  used  for 
scabbling.  Where  the  wire  comes  in  contact  with  the  stone  it  is  fed  with 
sand  and  water.  Several  blocks  may  be  lined  up  and  cut  at  the  same 
time.  The  equipment  may  be  operated  by  one  man,  and  an  average 
cutting  rate  is  20  to  25  square  feet  an  hour. 

Various  sawing  methods  are  emploj^ed  for  slabbing  off  the  sides  of 
blocks;  but  the  ends  are  usually  scabbled  with  picks,  although  they  are 
sometimes  cut  with  wire  saws  or  circular  disk  scabblers.  The  state- 
ment has  been  made  that  rough,  scabbled  blocks  weigh  abolit  200  pounds 
a  cubic  foot  sale  measurement,  whereas  smooth  blocks  weigh  only  180 
pounds  a  cubic  foot,  which  indicates  the  advantage  of  scabbling  by  saw 
or  planer.  Scabbling  is  done  most  carefully  where  blocks  are  prepared 
for  export  trade  or  for  shipment  to  mills  long  distances  from  the  quarries. 



Mill  Processes. — Quarried  blocks  are  taken  to  mills  for  fabrication 
into  finished  products  ready  for  use  in  various  types  of  construction. 
Briefly,  the  steps  in  mill  operation  are  drafting  and  pattern  making, 
block  transportation,  sawing,  planing  (including  curved  and  molded 
work),  jointing,  milling,  turning,  fluting,  cutting,  carving,  packing,  and 
shipping.  These  processes  are  considered  in  some  detail  in  the  following 

Drafting  and  Pattern  Making. — Before  any  cut-stone  job  can  be 
begun  accurate  detailed  drawings  must  be  made  of  every  piece  of  stone 
that  differs  from  another  in  size  or  shape.  Architects'  drawings  are 
usually  insufficient,  for  the  stone  must  be  fitted  accurately  to  the  steel 
framework,  and  detailed  data  of  the  size  and  position  of  each  steel 
member  are  necessary  before  stoneworkers'  shop  drawings  can  be  made. 
These  consist  of  elevations  showing  the  position  and  dimensions  of  each 
piece  of  stone.  Some  sizes  and  shapes  may  be  duplicated  many  times  in  a 
building;  others  may  not  be  duplicated  at  all.  Patterns  for  molded  and 
carved  work  are  of  zinc  or  other  soft  metal ;  sometimes  paper  patterns  or 
stencils  are  used.  For  the  most  intricate  carved  work  plaster  models 
are  supplied  by  the  stone  mill  or  by  the  architect. 

Few  people  realize  how  much  labor  and  expense  are  involved  in  the 
drafting  required  for  a  large  stone  structure.  This  so-called  "paper 
work  "may  cost  one-half  to  two-thirds  as  much  as  the  entire  quarry 
expense  of  supplying  the  rough  blocks  of  stone. 

Ticket  System. — After  shop  drawings  are  made  draftsmen  prepare  a 
card  or  ticket  for  every  block  of  stone.  On  each  ticket  is  a  drawing  of  the 
block  with  exact  dimensions  indicated.  A  number  is  assigned,  and  if  a 
pattern  is  to  be  used  the  pattern  number  is  given.  Even  though  many 
blocks  of  one  kind  are  to  be  made  a  ticket  is  prepared  for  each.  The  man 
in  charge  of  gang-sawing  first  gets  the  ticket  and  cuts  the  block  required. 
As  this  piece  of  stone  passes  to  the  planer,  jointer,  and  all  subsequent 
machines  and  operations,  the  ticket  goes  with  it,  and  each  workman 
consults  it  before  any  work  is  begun.  By  this  means  workmanship  is 
constantly  verified,  and  very  few  mistakes  occur.  The  highest  degree 
of  care  and  skill  is  required,  for  one  small  error  in  measurement  or  one 
wrong  blow  with  a  tool  may  ruin  a  block  on  which  much  labor  has  been 
expended.  The  above  system  is  used  particularly  in  Indiana.  In  some 
New  York  mills  one  ticket  or  schedule  is  used  for  all  blocks  of  a  general 

Handling  Blocks. — Overhead  traveling  cranes  with  at  least  70-foot 
spans  and  lifting  capacities  up  to  50  tons  are  used  almost  universally. 
Mills  are  of  two  general  types.  Some  are  wide  and  equipped  with  two 
pairs  of  crane  tracks,  one  for  a  heavy  crane  used  in  handling  quarry 


blocks  and  placing  them  on  the  saw  beds,  while  the  second  pair  is 
furnished  with  lighter,  more  rapidly  moving  cranes  for  conveying 
smaller  blocks  as  they  pass  from  one  operation  to  another.  Some 
means  of  transferring  stone  from  heavy  to  light  cranes  is  required.  Other 
mills  are  long  and  narrow,  with  one  pair  of  tracks  on  which  several 
cranes  operate.  For  example,  there  may  be  a  25-ton-,  a  15-ton-,  and  a 
71^^-ton-capacity  crane  on  the  same  tracks.  Some  are  of  the  three-motor 
type,  one  of  which  is  used  for  propelling  the  entire  crane  from  one  end  of 
the  mill  to  the  other,  one  for  lateral  motion  to  cover  any  point  from  side 
to  side,  and  one  for  hoisting.  Most  of  them  are  of  the  two-motor  type, 
one  motor  with  two  friction  clutches  serving  for  both  lateral  motion  and 
hoist.  In  a  very  short  time  a  block  may  be  picked  up  at  any  point  in  a 
mill  and  placed  at  any  other. 

Railway  tracks  enter  the  mills  across  the  end,  down  one  side,  or  across 
the  middle.  They  bring  quarry  blocks  to  the  mills  and  carry  away 
finished  products.  All  rough  blocks  and  single  unfinished  slabs  are 
handled  with  grab  hooks;  finished  and  semifinished  blocks  or  piles  of 
slabs,  with  cable  slings  or  with  slings  of  rubber  belting  to  avoid  damage  to 
corners  and  edges.  Operators  travel  back  and  forth  in  cabs  attached 
to  the  crane.  Some  cabs  are  attached  to  one  end  of  the  crane,  the 
operator  always  being  near  one  wall ;  others  are  attached  to  the  buggy 
that  moves  back  and  forth  from  one  side  of  the  mill  to  the  other.  The 
latter  type  has  the  advantage  of  placing  the  crane  man  always  immediately 
above  the  blocks  handled,  so  that  he  can  guide  the  movement  accurately 
and  quickly.  A  ground  force  usually  consists  of  two  men,  known  as 
"hookers,"  who  attach  and  release  hoisted  blocks  and  signal  the  crane 
man.  This  work  requires  much  rapid  walking  back  and  forth  in  the  mill, 
for  cranes  travel  at  high  speed,  and  after  hooks  or  slings  are  attached, 
hookers  must  as  quickly  as  possible  reach  the  point  where  the  block  is  to 
be  placed. 

Sawing. — The  first  step  in  manufacture  is  to  saw  rough  blocks, 
into  either  slabs  or  blocks,  of  the  required  dimensions.  Gang  saws 
are  almost  universally  used  for  this  purpose.  They  consist  of  a  series 
of  soft  steel  blades  set  in  parallel  position  in  a  frame  which  has  a 
backward  and  forward  motion.  These  blades  may  be  spaced  as  desired 
for  thin  slabs  or  thick  blocks.  Gangs  vary  in  dimensions,  one  of  average 
size  being  14  feet  long,  8  feet  high,  and  8  feet  wide. 

Abrasives  are  fed  to  the  blades  with  water;  those  most  commonly 
used  are  clean  silica  sand,  most  of  which  is  obtained  from  Ottawa,  111., 
and  "chats,"  a  name  given  to  a  cherty  rock  obtained  as  gangue  at  the 
Missouri  lead  and  zinc  mines  and  crushed  to  the  consistency  of  sand. 
Steel  shot  is  also  employed,  chiefly  to  obtain  the  deeply  scored,  "ripple- 
mark"  surface  desired  for  some  architectural  effects.  When  this  type  of 
abrasive  is  used  the  blades  are  notched  on  the  lower  edge  and  used  in  a 


straight-line  drag-saw  frame.  Most  gangs  are  of  the  swinging  type  and 
are  suspended  from  above  by  nearly  vertical  rods  attached  to  the  two 
ends.  As  the  frame  moves  back  and  forth,  actuated  by  a  crank  and 
connecting  rod  (pitman),  the  cutting  blades  lift  toward  the  end 
of  each  stroke.  This  permits  sand  to  wash  under  them,  and  as  they 
start  back  on  the  return  stroke  the  blade  bears  down  on  the  sand  which 
abrades  the  stone  rapidly.  Some  gangs  have  a  straight  backward-and- 
forward  motion,  but  the  swinging  type  is  more  common.  Sand  or  chats  is 
collected  in  a  concrete  trough  beneath  the  gangs  and  pumped  to  a  box 
above  the  saws  from  which  it  is  distributed,  with  fresh  abrasives,  to  the 
cutting  blades.  If  much  shot  is  employed  it  is  shoveled  for  reuse  rather 
than  pumped.  An  adjustable  automatic  gear  feeds  the  gangs  downward 
at  any  desired  rate.  In  the  Indiana  limestone  district  an  average  rate  is 
about  6  inches  an  hour. 

A  straight  steel  blade  with  diamond  teeth  on  the  lower  edge  is  used  as  a 
drag  saw  for  making  single  cuts.  A  drag  tooth  is  mounted  with  six 
diamonds  of  about  three-fourths  carat  size  placed  in  alternate  positions 
on  opposite  sides  of  the  cutting  face.  A  single  tooth  may  cost  $40  or  $50. 
This  saw  will  cut  at  a  rate  of  30  to  40  square  feet  an  hour. 

Circular  diamond  saws  are  used  almost  universally  for  making  sub- 
sequent cuts.  Common  sizes  are  60  and  72  inches  in  diameter,  though 
smaller  ones  are  sometimes  employed.  The  blades  are  of  steel  one-fourth 
inch  thick,  with  a  series  of  square  notches  around  the  rim.  Steel  teeth 
mounted  with  diamonds  are  set  in  the  notches  and  held  in  place  with 
copper  rivets.  A  60-inch  saw,  a  size  widely  used,  has  84  teeth  and  a 
72-inch  saw,  110  teeth.  Teeth  for  rip  saws  designed  for  heavy  service 
are  supplied  with  two  3^^-  to  ^s-carat  diamonds.  Jointing-saw  teeth 
contain  6  to  10  smaller  diamonds,  which  give  reasonably  smooth  stone 
surfaces  and  cause  less  breakage  of  corners  than  ripsaws.  Circular-saw 
teeth  cost  $8  to  $11  each.  Extreme  care  and  most  exacting  workmanship 
are  required  in  the  manufacture  of  diamond  circular  saws  to  insure 
accurate  balance,  uniform  cutting,  and  true  running.  Each  saw  is 
designed  for  a  standard  speed  (11,000  to  13,000  surface  feet  a  minute) 
and  should  be  run  at  no  other.  With  care,  a  saw  will  perform  constant 
service  for  6  months  to  a  year  without  being  conditioned.  Resetting 
costs  about  $1  a  tooth  if  no  diamonds  are  lost. 

A  ripsaw  has  a  stationary  mounting,  and  a  bed  actuated  with  a  worm 
gear  carries  the  block  of  stone  beneath  it.  An  exception  is  the  gantry 
saw,  which  is  mounted  on  a  wheeled  frame  that  travels  on  a  track  after 
the  manner  of  a  gantry  crane  and  spans  the  block  resting  on  a  timber  bed. 
A  jointing  saw  is  mounted  on  a  movable  frame  actuated  by  worm  gear, 
which  carries  the  saw  through  the  stone. 

The  cutting  edge  of  a  diamond  saw  is  cooled  with  a  stream  of  water, 
which  also  carries  away  the  cuttings.     An  average  sawing  rate  is  3  to  16 


inches  a  minute,  depending  on  the  depth  of  the  cut.  Ripsaws  cut  faster 
than  jointers.  The  first  cost  of  a  diamond  saw  is  high,  but  it  cuts 
rapidly,  and  with  care  maintenance  cost  is  low. 

Silicon  carbide  (Carborundum)  circular  saws  are  also  in  common 
use.  They  are  usually  smaller  than  diamond  saws  and  are  of  two 
types — continuous  rim,  which  are  more  generally  employed,  and  toothed, 
which  are  larger,  approximately  30  inches  or  more  across.  They  give 
excellent  service  for  the  smaller  cuts,  as  they  leave  smooth  surfaces  and 
are  less  liable  than  diamond  saws  to  chip  the  corners  of  stone  blocks. 

Some  experiments  are  being  performed  in  mounting  saw  teeth  with 
extremely  hard  alloys,  such  as  tungsten  carbide.  Commercial  develop- 
ment has  scarcely  been  attained,  but  the  field  offers  wide  possibilities. 

Planing. — Planers  are  used  for  cutting  stone  blocks  and  slabs  to 
smooth  surfaces  and  desired  thickness  and  also  for  cutting  moldings. 
The  frame  that  holds  the  cutting  tool  has  lateral  and  vertical  motion, 
actuated  by  power-driven  worm  gear.  The  cutter  is  placed  in  position, 
and  a  block  of  stone  is  carried  beneath  it  on  a  traveling  bed  called  a 
"platen"  at  a  rate  of  30  to  45  feet  a  minute.  A  thin  layer  of  stone  is 
thus  scraped  from  the  surface,  and  the  process  is  repeated  until  proper 
shapes  or  dimensions  are  obtained.  Machines  are  equipped  to  cut  tops 
and  sides  of  blocks  simultaneously.  For  cutting  moldings  tools  are 
shaped  in  the  blacksmith  shop  to  fit  exactly  against  patterns;  that  is,  the 
tool  is  the  reverse  of  a  pattern.  If  a  great  length  of  molding  of  one 
profile  is  to  be  made,  a  Carborundum  wheel,  shaped  in  reverse  form 
or  as  a  negative  of  the  pattern,  may  be  used,  but  in  limestone  the  planer 
is  employed  more  commonly  for  this  work.  For  both  flat  and  molded 
work  the  planer  is  a  time  saver,  its  estimated  production  being  equivalent 
to  that  of  seven  stone  cutters  using  hammer,  chisel,  and  modern  pneu- 
matic tools. 

Planers  are  adaptable  for  curved  as  well  as  straight  work.  A  second 
bed  or  platen,  capable  of  rotating  through  an  arc  of  a  circle,  rests  on  the 
regular  bed.  On  some  planers  an  arm  pivoted  on  a  fixed  point  at  one 
side  is  connected  with  the  upper  bed,  and  its  length  governs  the  curvature 
of  the  arc.  Another  type  is  guided  by  a  pin  following  any  one  of  a 
series  of  curved  grooves  having  different  radii.  If  a  radius  approaching 
12  or  14  feet  is  required,  it  is  accomplished  through  movement  of  the  outer 
end  of  the  bar  in  a  slot  set  at  an  angle.  A  stone  block  is  placed  on  the 
upper  bed,  and  when  the  planer  is  operated  in  the  usual  way  the  tool 
cuts  a  curved  form,  the  shape  of  which  is  governed  by  the  motion  of  the 
block  and  the  pattern  of  the  tool.  Garden  seats  and  arches  for  doors, 
windows,  or  ceilings  are  made  with  such  machines. 

A  Carborundum  planer  consists  of  two  saws  with  a  drum  of  smaller 
diameter  between  them,  all  of  silicon  carbide.  The  saws  trim  the  sides 
of  slabs  while  the  drum  smooths  the  upper  surfaces.     The  planer  bed 



travels  at  a  rate  of  only  20  to  30  inches  a  minute,  but  it  finishes  the  job 
in  one  cut  and  accomplishes  much  more  in  a  given  time  than  an  ordinary 
planer  with  which  many  successive  cuts  may  be  required. 

Turning  and  Fluting. — Lathes  are  employed  for  turning  columns, 
balusters,  and  similar  forms.  Large  columns  are  first  scabbled  to 
cylindrical  shape  and  then  mounted  in  lathes,  essentially  the  same  as 
those  used  for  wood  or  metal  turning.  The  column  rotates  against  a  tool 
actuated  by  machine-driven  worm  gear  traveling  slowly  back  and 
forth  the  full  length  of  the  stone.  The  tool  post  is  moved  forward  or 
backward  by  a  hand  or  automatic  screw  feed,  which  may  be  adjusted  for 
any  change  in  diameter  required  for  tapered  columns.  Limestone 
columns  are  turned  to  a  smooth  surface,  but  final  rubbing  is  usually  by 
hand.  Ordinary  lathes  will  handle  15-  to  30-foot  columns,  and  some  are 
specially  designed  for  massive  50-  or  60-foot  columns.  Smaller  sizes 
are  used  for  balusters. 

Many  columns  are  fluted,  the  fluting  is  done  on  a  lathe.  A  column 
is  first  turned  to  the  desired  outer  dimensions.  The  width  and  length  of 
the  flutes  are  then  laid  out  on  the  surface  with  pencil.  The  column 
remains  stationary  while  the  fluting  tool  attached  to  the  tool  post  of  the 
lathe  travels  back  and  forth.  This  process  is  continued  until  the  line 
bounding  the  flutes  is  reached.  If  a  column  is  tapered  the  flutes  may  be 
cut  to  shallower  depth  on  the  smaller  parts  of  the  column,  which  auto- 
matically makes  them  narrower.  When  a  flute  is  completed  the  column 
is  rotated  with  a  hand  bar,  and  the  process  repeated  in  the  new  position. 
After  this  machine  work  the  ends  of  the  flutes  are  finished  with  pneumatic 
tools,  and  the  column  is  rubbed  by  hand.  Carborundum  fluters  are 
also  used.  A  Carborundum  wheel  cut  as  a  negative  of  the  pattern  is 
generally  used  for  making  balusters,  particularly  if  many  of  one  kind 
are  to  be  fabricated. 

Milling. — Some  confusion  exists  in  application  of  the  term  "milling." 
The  word  is  used  in  a  general  way  to  cover  all  mill  processes,  such  as 
sawing,  planing,  cutting,  or  carving,  and  is  also  applied  to  a  particular 
type  of  equipment  known  as  a  mflling  machine.  This  machine  consists 
essentially  of  a  rotating  head  with  right-and-left  and  vertical  worm-gear 
motions.  A  movable  platen  provides  front-and-back  motion.  The 
head  carries  tools  of  various  sizes  and  shapes,  by  means  of  which  stone 
may  be  cut  in  irregular  patterns.  This  machine  is  particularly  advan- 
tageous in  preparing  for  the  carvers  blocks  in  which  deep  recesses  must 
be  cut,  for  it  removes  the  bulk  of  the  stone  much  more  rapidly  than  it 
can  be  cut  away  with  hand  tools.  A  skilled  milling-machine  operator 
can  outline  lettering  and  intricate  patterns,  thus  reducing  hand  carvers' 
work  substantially. 

Cutting  and  Carving. — Cutting  is  usually  defined  as  straight-line 
work  and  carving  as  curved  work.     Carving  requires  more  skill   than 


any  other  limestone-cutting  operation  and  is  usually  done  by  experienced 
workers.  Many  years  ago  all  carving  was  done  with  chisel  and  mallet, 
and  these  tools  are  still  necessities  for  certain  operations.  Modern 
pneumatic  tools,  however,  have  revolutionized  the  art  and  greatly 
increased  the  production  per  man.  The  great  bulk  of  the  work  is  now 
done  with  them. 

At  first  the  use  of  compressed-air  tools  was  vigorously  opposed. 
It  was  feared  that  the  art  of  stone  cutting  would  be  destroyed,  and  that 
health  would  be  impaired  through  vibration  of  the  tools.  Such  fears  were 
unfounded,  for  pneumatic  tools  enhance  the  skill  and  artistry  of  the 
carvers  and  lighten  labor  to  a  marked  degree.  Many  a  stonecutter  of 
advanced  age,  who  could  not  bear  the  strain  of  constant  toil  with  chisel 
and  mallet,  has  found  his  labor  so  lightened  by  pneumatic  tools  as  to 
add  several  years  of  active  work  to  an  already  long  experience. 

The  stonecutter  uses  a  great  variety  of  tools,  heavy  ones  for  removing 
larger  fragments  when  blocking  out  a  design  and  smaller  ones  for  com- 
pleting the  work.  Intricate  carving  may  require  tools  almost  as  fine  as 
those  of  a  dentist.  Patterns  insure  accuracy  and  symmetry.  A  pattern 
may  be  placed  on  the  surface  of  the  stone  and  marked  around  the  border 
or  through  perforations,  or  the  design  may  be  transferred  by  dusting 
with  burnt  umber.  Models  of  the  most  complicated  figures  are  made  in 
plaster  of  paris,  and  reproducing  them  in  stone  is  work  of  the  highest  skill. 

Carving  adds  greatly  to  the  expense  of  preparing  stone.  Architects 
who  design  structures  requiring  much  hand  carving  must  expect  a  cost 
per  cubic  foot  much  higher  than  that  for  buildings  consisting  of  plain 
blocks.  Oolitic  limestone,  however,  carves  more  easily  and  tends  to 
split  on  the  bed  less  than  most  other  limestones,  bringing  it  within 
a  cost  range  which  greatly  widens  the  field  of  carved-stone  architecture. 
Many  beautiful  structures,  churches,  chapels,  libraries,  and  other 
public  buildings  bear  witness  to  the  adaptability  of  oolitic  limestone  for 

Finishing. — Much  limestone  used  in  buildings  has  no  other  surface 
finish  than  that  given  by  machines  with  which  it  has  been  worked.  Cer- 
tain parts,  however,  such  as  columns,  may  require  smoothly  rubbed 
surfaces.  Usually  final  finish  is  done  by  hand,  the  stone  being  rubbed 
down  wet  or  dry  with  sandstone,  sand  and  water,  or  bricks  of  artificial 
abrasives.  A  small  electric-driven  disk  faced  with  sandpaper  may 
finish  flat  surfaces.  Steel  scrapers  are  also  used  and  wire  brushes 
employed  to  brush  all  cuttings  from  the  surface. 

Nature  of  Finished  Surfaces. — Architects  and  builders  demand 
various  types  of  surface  finish,  A  tooled  surface,  which  is  covered  with 
fine  grooves  in  parallel  lines,  is  made  with  a  pneumatic  or  planer  tool 
having  fine  teeth.  A  bush-hammered  surface  is  rough  and  pitted,  as  the 
hammer  used  has  a  face  covered  with  small  projections.     A  hand-picked 



surface  is  indented  with  a  sharp-pointed  tool,  A  small-fluted  surface  has 
small,  parallel  corrugations.  A  four-cut  surface  is  made  with  a  planer 
tool  that  has  four  corrugations  to  the  inch.  A  rubbed  surface  is  smoothed 
by  hand  rubbing  with  sand  and  water  or  some  other  abrasive.  A  shot- 
sawed  or  ripple  surface  is  deeply  scored  or  grooved  by  using  steel  shot  as 
abrasive  for  the  gang  saws.  Chat-sawed  stone  is  rough  but  smoother 
than  the  shot-sawed.  The  chats  used  as  abrasive  in  sawing  are  of 
three  different  grades  of  fineness  to  give  smoother  or  rougher  surfaces  as 

Preparation  for  Shipping. — Building  stone  is  a  product  so  heavy  that 
provision  must  be  made  for  handling  all  blocks  by  machinery,  in  such  a 
way  that  corners  or  edges  will  not  be  broken.     For  smaller  pieces  a  pair 


-Interior  of  a  limestone  finishing  mill 

Limestone  Company.) 

of  converging  holes  is  drilled  in  an  edge  or  face  that  will  be  covered  when 
the  block  is  in  final  position  in  a  building.  Lewis  pins,  with  eyes  at  the 
top,  fit  loosely  in  the  holes.  Through  them  a  chain  is  passed,  and  as  it 
is  drawn  tight  the  pins  bind  so  firmly  that  the  block  can  be  hoisted  safely. 
For  large,  heavy  blocks  Lewis  key  pins  are  commonly  used.  The  holes 
which  are  drilled  for  them  are  enlarged  at  the  bottom.  The  two  side 
keys  are  wide  at  the  base  and  held  apart  in  the  hole  with  a  center  key 
inserted  last.  All  three  are  secured  with  a  bolt  which  passes  through 
holes  in  their  upper  ends  and  also  holds  a  ring  for  hoisting.  Much 
handling  is  done  with  slings  or  chains,  lumber  being  used  to  protect  the 
edges.  All  blocks  are  numbered  and  lettered,  to  show  their  positions 
in  the  structure  in  which  they  are  to  be  placed,  and  carefully  packed  for 
shipment,  usually  in  open-top  gondola  cars.  Each  block  is  surrounded 
with  excelsior  and  limestone  dust  and  packed  so  solidly  that  no  damage 


can  result  during  shipment.  For  the  Department  of  Commerce  Building 
in  Washington,  D.  C,  one  of  the  largest  stone  buildings  in  America, 
nearly  70,000  blocks  of  Indiana  limestone  averaging  1,500  pounds  in 
weight  were  used;  1,100  railway  cars  were  required  to  haul  the  finished 

Figure  11  illustrates  the  interior  of  a  modern  limestone  finishing  mill. 


Some  companies  quarry  and  saw  only,  selling  the  stone  in  blocks 
or  slabs.  Standard-size  blocks  are  most  salable  and  command  the  highest 
price.  Because  of  the  presence  of  mud  seams  or  other  reasons  odd-size 
blocks,  usually  designated  "chunks,"  are  necessarily  produced.  The 
quarry  operator  who  has  no  mill  suffers  some  disadvantage,  for  while 
off -size  blocks  may  with  judicious  management  be  utilized  to  advantage 
they  are  not  disposed  of  readily  and  command  a  low  price. 

A  second  and  larger  group  of  companies  both  quarries  and  manu- 
factures stone  into  finished  products.  The  mills  are  either  at  quarries 
or  in  near-by  towns,  the  latter  usually  being  preferred  because  the  labor 
requirement  is  large,  and  living  conditions  are  more  favorable  than  in 
most  quarry  regions.  A  third  group  of  companies  buys  sawed  or  rough 
stock  and  manufactures  products,  but  does  not  operate  quarries. 

Therefore,  rough  blocks,  slabs,  and  cut  stone  or  other  forms  of 
building  stone  are  the  products  chiefly  marketed.  Cut  stone  includes  all 
types  of  finished  blocks,  columns,  sills,  moldings,  balusters,  and  carved 
stone.  It  is  the  chief,  though  not  the  only,  product  of  many  limestone 

A  rougher  type  of  building  stone,  known  as  "sawed  or  broken  ashlar," 
is  not  usually  regarded  as  a  cut-stone  product.  It  is  particularly  adapted 
for  residential  work,  though  it  is  also  used  in  larger  structures.  It  is 
much  less  expensive  than  cut  stone  and  thus  brings  homes,  having  the 
permanence  and  dignity  of  stone,  within  the  cost  range  of  people  of 
moderate  means.  This  type  of  ashlar  is  fabricated  in  sawed  strips  usually 
3  or  4  inches  thick  and  in  different  height  units  that  will  combine  to  give 
even-range  levels  if  desired.  It  is  sold  either  in  strips,  cut  on  the  job 
to  specified  or  standard  lengths  that  will  fit  together  and  make  even 
corners  with  very  little  cutting,  or  sawed  on  four  sides  and  broken  to 
give  various  lengths.  Random  sizes  and  mixed  colors  give  very  attrac- 
tive effects.  Rough  ashlar  is  comparatively  inexpensive,  because  it 
requires  no  drafting  or  pattern-making,  no  machine  work  except  sawing, 
no  cutting  or  carving,  and  no  careful  packing  for  shipment  and  because 
it  may  be  set  by  a  stone  mason  or  brick  layer.  Its  use  is  advantageous 
to  the  producer  because  it  permits  him  to  use  many  small  sizes  that 
would  otherwise  be  wasted.     It  is  of  benefit  to  the  user  because  it  makes 


it  possible  to  build  innumerable  homes  of  moderate  cost,  low  upkeep 
expense,  high  rental  and  sales  value,  and  attractive,  dignified  appearance. 


Quarrying  and  milling  costs  are  both  variable  because  they  depend 
on  conditions  that  may  be  quite  diverse  in  different  localities,  for  example, 
depth  of  overburden,  degree  of  hardness  of  the  rock,  type  of  equipment 
used,  working  efficiency,  skill  of  the  workers,  and  size  of  operation.  The 
general  range  of  quarry  costs  is  20  to  30  cents  a  cubic  foot  of  block  stone. 
The  chief  item  is  channeling,  which  ranges  in  cost  from  8  to  12  cents  a 
cubic  foot  of  recovered  stone. 

Milling  costs  are  extremely  variable  because  some  blocks  have  little 
work  expended  on  them,  and  others  require  much  labor.  Sawing  is  a 
heavy  item  of  expense,  the  subdivision  of  rough  blocks  into  slabs  by  gang 
saws  costing  35  to  45  cents  a  cubic  foot  of  finished  product.  Sawing  in  a 
second  direction  (jointing)  costs  12  to  15  cents  more.  Planing,  milling, 
and  cutting  costs  must  be  added  for  most  products.  Carving  is  very 
expensive  because  so  much  labor  is  required  per  cubic  foot  produced. 
Gothic  carving  is  one  of  the  most  difficult  operations  to  estimate;  it 
may  cost  as  much  as  $7.50  a  square  foot  of  surface  carved.  The  handling 
of  material  is  an  item  that  should  not  be  disregarded.  Paper  work, 
including  drafting,  shop  drawings,  tickets,  and  patterns,  may  cost  15  to 
20  cents  a  cubic  foot  on  average  jobs  and  exceed  $1  a  cubic  foot  on  elabo- 
rate structures.  For  jobs  requiring  a  moderate  amount  of  carved  work 
the  total  cost  is  $1.50  to  $2.50  a  cubic  foot.  If  much  carving,  column 
cutting,  or  curved  work  is  demanded  it  may  be  much  higher. 


Rock  of  inferior  quality,  which  is  regarded  as  overburden  rather  than 
waste,  usually  overlies  the  Salem  beds  and  is  removed  before  quarrying 
is  begun.  Aside  from  this  overlying  material,  waste  in  the  commercial 
oolitic  beds  is  high,  and  efforts  are  being  made  to  discover  ways  in  which 
it  may  be  reduced.  Some  of  the  waste  is  due  to  rock  imperfections  and 
some  to  rock  lost  in  quarry  processes.  The  problem  of  waste  has  been 
discussed  in  some  detail  by  Newsom.* 

Coarse  texture  was  once  regarded  as  a  serious  imperfection,  but 
tests  have  shown  that  coarse-grained  stone  compares  favorably  in 
durability  and  strength  with  that  of  finer  texture,  and  modern  demands 
for  variety  rather  than  absolute  uniformity  in  texture  have  led  to  its 
wider  use.  Fine-grained  rock  always  has  been  in  demand  and  still 
commands  a  premium. 

Erosion  cavities  filled  with  clay  cause  much  waste,  particularly 
in  the  upper  beds.     Many  small,  irregular  blocks,  necessarily  produced, 

'  Newsom,  J.  B.,  Quarry  Waste  in  the  Indiana  Limestone  District.  Am.  Inst. 
Min.  and  Met.  Eng.  Tech.  Pub.  444,  1932,  10  pp. 


are  discarded  because  they  can  not  be  used  advantageously.  Incipient 
seams  or  '^drys/'  small  cracks  difficult  to  detect,  must  be  carefully 
avoided.  Some  quarries  contain  many  of  them,  and  others  have  very 
few.  They  are  excluded  so  carefully  that  they  are  rarely  seen  in  blocks 
used  for  building.  Stone  is  sometimes  rejected  because  it  is  variegated  in 
color,  but  present  demands  have  led  to  a  wider  use  of  such  material. 
Further  waste  results  from  quarrying  processes.  It  is  estimated  that 
1  square  foot  of  channeling  is  required  for  each  33^^  cubic  feet  of  gross 
production.  Therefore,  if  each  channel  cut  is  234  inches  wide  at  the 
top,  4  to  5  per  cent  of  the  rock  is  cut  away.  Uneven  floor  breaks  may 
cause  the  loss  of  a  zone  of  rock  1  foot  or  more  deep  at  the  bottom  of 
each  floor.  Crooked  cross  fractures,  strain  breaks,  cutting  of  dog  holes, 
and  other  factors  incident  to  quarrying  further  increase  the  waste.  It 
is  estimated  that  not  more  than  40  per  cent  of  the  rock  stripped  and 
blocked  out  in  a  quarry  is  recovered  in  usable  form.  Much  high-grade 
commercial  material  is  also  wasted  as  it  passes  through  the  mill  in  the 
manufacturing  process.  Outside  slabs  from  gang  saws  and  rough  ends 
from  jointers  reduce  the  volume  of  every  block  by  several  per  cent.  Saw 
blades  convert  much  rock  into  fine  mud.  Each  diamond-saw  cut  and 
each  stroke  of  a  planer  takes  its  small  toll  of  stone,  while  in  making 
curved  and  irregular  designs  more  than  half  of  the  mass  may  be  cut 
away.  It  is  estimated  that  mill  waste  amounts  to  between  10  and  20 
per  cent  of  the  gross  footage  entering  a  mill.  The  smaller  percentage 
is  in  mills  where  material  is  utilized  to  best  advantage  as,  for  example, 
where  cubical  blocks  are  sawed  diagonally  to  make  two  triangular  corner 
blocks  or  two  cornices  wide  at  one  end  and  narrow  at  the  other. 


Limestone  of  commercial  grade  in  the  State  of  Indiana  generally 
analyzes  97  to  more  than  99  per  cent  of  total  carbonates.  Building  lime- 
stones in  various  other  States  are  also  of  high  purity.  Pure  limestones 
are  useful  for  many  chemical  purposes,  and  some  operators  have  sought 
to  develop  markets  that  will  absorb  part  of  their  waste  materials.  Some 
high-grade  material  is  burned  into  lime,  which  is  used  widely,  not  only 
for  mortar  and  plaster,  but  in  paper  mills  and  steel  furnaces  and  for  water 
purification.  Finer  sizes  of  waste  are  used  as  agricultural  limestone,  in 
glass  factories,  for  tennis-court  surfacing,  as  chicken  grit,  or  as  filler. 
Many  thousand  tons  from  4-  to  12-inch  size  are  sold  as  flux  for  open- 
hearth  steel  furnaces,  for  which  a  very  low  silica  content  is  demanded. 
Many  carloads  of  stone  ranging  from  1-  and  2-man  sizes  to  stones  weigh- 
ing 30  tons  are  sold  as  riprap  and  breakwater  stone.  Slabs  of  attractive 
colors  are  sold  as  stepping  stones,  flagging,  and  for  garden  walks.  If  the 
stone  is  suitable  it  may  be  utilized  as  railway  ballast  and  concrete  aggre- 
gate.    Mill  ends  and  other  small  sizes  are  converted  into  ashlar.     While 


waste  limestone  can  be  used  for  many  purposes,  the  amount  consumed  is  a 
mere  fraction  of  the  thousands  of  car  loads  of  quarry  and  mill  waste  now 


Under  normal  marketing  conditions  two-thirds  to  three-fourths  of  all 
building  limestone  is  sold  as  rough  blocks  or  sawed  slabs  to  mills  situated 
in  large  cities,  where  it  is  fabricated  chiefly  for  small  or  moderate-size 
building  contracts.  The  balance  of  the  production  is  manufactured  in 
mills  operated  in  the  quarry  districts.  Much  of  their  output  is  devoted 
to  large  projects.  These  mills,  supplied  only  with  shop  drawings,  can 
fabricate  stonework  for  a  structure  hundreds  of  miles  away  and  can 
supply  in  exact  dimensions  and  in  finished  form  thousands  of  blocks, 
each  fitted  accurately  for  its  particular  position  in  the  wall.  Although 
furnishing  stone  for  large  buildings  directly  from  quarrying  centers  is 
perhaps  the  most  spectacular  phase  of  limestone  marketing,  the  impor- 
tance of  mills  situated  in  consuming  centers  must  not  be  overlooked. 
They  perform  a  vital  function,  for  they  supply  stone  to  innumerable 
users,  many  of  whom  require  quantities  too  small  to  be  obtained  directly 
from  the  great  quarrying  and  milling  centers. 

The  smaller  limestone  quarries  in  various  States  sell  much  of  their 
production  directly  to  builders  and  contractors  for  local  use.  Some, 
however,  undertake  fairly  large  building  contracts  or  supply  limestone 
to  be  used  in  conjunction  with  other  varieties  of  stone  in  both  near  and 
distant  projects.  Some  of  it  is  handled  through  local  mills  in  many 


Anderegg,  F.  O.,  and  others.  Indiana  Limestone,  Efflorescence  and  Staining. 
Purdue  Univ.  Eng.  Exp.  Sta.  Bull.  33,  1928,  84  pp. 

Ashley,  G.  H.  The  Geology  of  the  Lower  Carboniferous  Area  of  Southern  Indiana, 
Indiana  Dept.  Geol.  and  Nat.  Resources  Twenty-seventh  Ann.  Rept.,  1903. 
pp.  83-84. 

Beede,  J.  W.  Geology  of  the  Bloomington  Quadrangle  (including  section  on  Utili- 
zation of  Waste  Stone,  by  G.  C.  Mance).  Indiana  Dept.  Geol.  and  Nat.  Re- 
sources Twenty-ninth  Ann.  Rept.,  1914,  pp.  190-312. 

Hopkins,  T.  C.,  and  Siebenthal,  C.  E.  The  Bedford  Oolitic  Limestone  of  Indiana. 
Indiana  Dept.  Geol.  and  Nat.  Resources  Twenty-first  Ann.  Rept.,  1897,  pp. 

Kessler,  D.  W.,  and  Sligh,  W.  H.  Physical  Properties  of  the  Principal  Com- 
mercial Limestones  Used  for  Building  Construction  in  the  United  States.  U.  S. 
Bureau  of  Standards  Tech.  Paper  349,  1927,  94  pages. 

LouGHLiN,  G.  F.  Indiana  Oolitic  Limestone;  Relation  of  Its  Natural  Features  to 
Its  Commercial  Grading.  Contributions  to  Economic  Geology,  pt.  1,  1929, 
U.  S.  Geol.  Survey  Bull.  811,  1930,  pp.  111-202. 


Newsom,   J.   B.     A  Geologic  and  Topographic   Section  across  Southern  Indiana. 

Indiana  Dept.  Geol.  and  Nat.  Resources  Twenty-sixth  Ann.  Rept.,  1903,  p.  281. 
Richardson,  C.  H.     The  Building  Stones  of  Kentucky.     Kentucky  Geol.  Survey, 

1923,  p.  355. 
Stone,   Ralph  W.     Building  Stones  of  Pennsylvania.     Pennsylvania  Topog.   and 

Geol.  Survey  Bull.  Ml 5,  1932,  316  pp. 




The  term  "sandstone"  is  applied  to  rock  composed  of  small  mineral 
grains,  usually  quartz,  which  are  cemented  together  more  or  less  firmly. 
"Conglomerate"  is  a  name  given  to  rock  consisting  of  pebbles  of  various 
sizes  which  are  cemented  together;  if  the  pebbles  are  large  and  well- 
rounded  the  rock  is  sometimes  called  "  puddingstone  " ;  if  angular  in  shape 
it  is  called  "breccia."  "Quartzite"  is  a  variety  in  which  the  individual 
grains  are  cemented  together  with  quartz  so  firmly  that  the  rock  fractures 
as  easily  through  the  grains  as  through  the  cement.  Some  quartzites 
look  like  massive  quartz  with  scarcely  a  trace  of  their  original  fragmental 
character.  A  "ferruginous"  sandstone  is  one  rich  in  iron  and  a  "micace- 
ous" sandstone,  one  in  which  mica  flakes  are  prominent.  "Arkose"  is  a 
feldspathic  or  granitic  sandstone  composed  of  angular  grains  which  have 
resulted  from  the  disintegration  of  granites,  the  debris  thus  formed 
having  been  recemented  into  solid  rock  without  any  extensive  water 
action  or  decomposition.  The  siliceous  sandstones  may  originate  from 
similar  granite  rocks,  but  they  have  been  so  thoroughly  decomposed  and 
worked  over  by  water  before  cementation  that  practically  nothing  is 
left  of  the  original  rock  except  the  rounded  grains  of  quartz.  A 
"calcareous"  sandstone  is  one  containing  a  considerable  amount  of 
calcium  carbonate,  and  an  "argillaceous"  sandstone  one  containing  an 
appreciable  amount  of  clay. 

Sandstones  are  also  named  from  their  characteristic  colors,  such  as 
"bluestone,"  "redstone,"  or  "brownstone."  The  term  "bluestone," 
however,  is  applied  to  certain  thin-bedded  or  easily  cleavable  sandstones 
irrespective  of  color.  The  name  "flagstone"  is  applied  to  sandstones 
that  split  readily  into  thin  slabs  or  sheets  suitable  for  flagging.  "Free- 
stone" is  a  sandstone  that  can  be  cut  or  carved  readily  with  equal  ease  in 
all  directions.  "Canister"  is  a  type  of  quartzite  suitable  for  the  manu- 
facture of  silica  brick. 


Sandstones  consist  essentially  of  quartz;  some  are  nearly  pure  quartz. 
Those  consisting  principally  of  other  materials  are  rarely  found,  although 
many  contain  minor  quantities  of  feldspar,  garnet,  magnetite,  and  mica. 
Muscovite  or  white  mica  is  a  common  constituent.  Iron  oxides,  calcium 
or  magnesium  carbonates,  and  clay  are  other  common  accessory  minerals. 




The  grains  of  which  sandstone  is  composed  vary  greatly  in  size. 
Some  sandstones  are  so  fine-grained  that  they  may  be  used  for  razor 
hones.  A  screen  test  of  a  typical  sandstone  from  the  famous  Amherst 
(Ohio)  district  indicates  that  practically  all  the  grains  will  pass  through  a 
sieve  having  40  meshes  to  the  linear  inch,  and  that  one-third  of  the  grains 
are  finer  than  100-mesh.  Sometimes  the  coarser,  angular-grained  sand- 
stones are  called  "sandstone  grits";  however,  the  use  of  this  term  is 
often  confusing  because  it  is  applied  commercially  to  sandstones 
which  are  well-adapted  for  abrasive  purposes  and  not  necessarily  to 
those  of  coarse  grain;  for  example,  the  "Berea  grit"  of  northern  Ohio  is  in 
places  very  fine-grained.  Grains  of  sandstone  may  be  well-rounded  or 
angular,  depending  upon  the  degree  to  which  they  were  waterworn  before 

As  pointed  out  in  the  section  on  the  origin  of  sandstone,  water  has  the 
ability  to  sort  and  classify  loose  materials  according  to  size.  Some 
deposits  show  remarkable  uniformity  in  size  of  grains,  a  very  desirable 
feature.  Usually  the  sizes  of  grains  are  nearly  uniform  throughout  the 
rock  of  one  bed,  and  much  greater  variation  is  found  in  passing  from  one 
bed  to  another.  This  is  to  be  expected  because  sand  of  an  individual 
bed  has  been  deposited  under  nearly  uniform  conditions  over  a  wide  area, 
whereas  succeeding  beds  may  have  been  deposited  after  long  intervals 
and  under  quite  different  conditions  of  depth  or  water  movement. 


The  usefulness  of  a  sandstone  depends  greatly  upon  the  nature  of  the 
cementing  material  between  the  grains  and  the  degree  of  cementation. 
Of  the  four  common  cementing  materials — iron  oxides,  clay,  calcite,  and 
quartz — the  last  is  most  desirable,  as  it  provides  the  strongest  and  most 
durable  stones.  All  stages  of  cementation  are  found  in  nature,  from 
incoherent  sandstones  that  may  be  crumbled  between  the  fingers  to 
indurated  quartzites.  All  types  between  these  extremes  are  used  com- 
mercially, but  friable  sandstones  are  useless  as  dimension  stone.  Some 
sandstones  are  cemented  more  firmly  in  certain  parts  than  in  others. 
Such  lack  of  uniformity  causes  hard  and  soft  spots,  an  undesirable  condi- 
tion for  all  ordinary  uses. 

As  the  cementing  materials  and  degree  of  induration  vary  greatly 
sandstones  are  the  most  variable  of  all  common  rocks  in  hardnQ^s,  Con- 
fusion may  arise  from  this  statement,  for  it  may  be  supposed  that  as  all 
siliceous  sandstones  consist  essentially  of  quartz,  which  has  a  hardness  of 
7,  all  sandstones  will  have  the  same  hardness.  However,  this  quality, 
which  is  a  measure  of  the  ease  with  which  stone  may  be  scratched,  is 
governed  by  the  degree  of  cementation,  for  scratching  loosens  individual 


grains.  Hardness,  therefore,  refers  to  the  degree  of  adhesion  between 
grains  rather  than  to  the  resistance  offered  to  abrasion.  In  this  sense, 
therefore,  it  is  synonymous  with  workability. 


.  The  purest  sandstones  are  nearly  white.  Iron  oxides  are  the  more 
important  coloring  agents.  Limonite  (2Fe203.3H20)  usually  gives 
yellow,  brown,  or  buff  shades,  and  hematite  (Fe203),  darker  brown  or  red. 
Oxidation  of  iron-bearing  minerals  upon  exposure  may  cause  the  rock  to 
change  in  color.  If  the  change  is  uniform  throughout,  the  general  aspect 
of  the  rock  may  not  be  impaired,  but  changes  in  streaks  and  spots  may 
detract  greatly  from  the  appearance. 

Permanence  of  color  is  usually  desirable.  Generally  the  deeper 
shades  of  red,  brown,  yellow,  or  buiT  are  permanent  because  they  are  due 
to  the  presence  of  the  stable  iron  oxides — limonite  or  hematite.  Blue  or 
gray  sandstones,  which  occur  deep  down  in  the  lower  ledges  of  a  deposit, 
may  contain  ferrous  sulphides  or  carbonates  which  upon  exposure  will 
oxidize  to  the  more  stable  forms  with  gradual  change  to  a  buff  or  reddish 

Although  it  is  generally  claimed  that  uniform  color  is  desirable,  for 
certain  architectural  effects  diversity  is  now  in  demand.  Blocks  of  stone 
that  would  at  one  time  have  been  thrown  on  the  waste  heap  on  account  of 
nonuniformity  of  color  distribution  are  now  being  utilized  for  ornamental 


Sandstones  are  generally  more  porous  than  other  rocks,  although 
quartzites  may  have  as  little  pore  space  as  granites.  The  percentage  of 
porosity  of  commercial  sandstones  ranges  from  2  to  15.  High  porosity, 
especially  if  the  pores  are  small,  is  undesirable  if  the  stone  is  exposed  to 
the  weather  in  cold  climates. 

Pores  or  intergranular  spaces  in  sandstone  may  be  divided  into  two 
classes — capillary  and  subcapillary.  The  former  group  includes  openings 
more  than  0.00002  centimeter  in  diameter,  and  the  latter,  those  of  smaller 
size.  Water  in  pores  of  capillary  size,  termed  "water  of  saturation," 
passes  off  readily  when  the  rock  is  exposed  to  a  dry  atmosphere.  Sub- 
capillary  pores  contain  "water  of  inhibition,"  which  is  released  with 
greater  difficulty. 

Normally  the  intergranular  spaces  of  sandstone  in  an  undisturbed 
quarry  ledge  are  completely  filled  with  "quarry  water,"  which,  particu- 
larly that  part  defined  as  "water  of  inhibition,"  carries  mineral  matter  in 
solution.  When  the  water  evaporates  the  dissolved  material  is  deposited 
as  a  cement  between  the  grains,  making  the  rock  appreciably  harder, 
and  subsequent  wetting  will  not  soften  it.     As  evaporation  takes  place 


at  the  surface,  a  sort  of  casehardening  results.  For  this  reason  freshly 
quarried  sandstone  works  more  easily  than  seasoned  blocks.  However, 
some  recent  investigations  indicate  that  the  surface-hardening  effect  is 
less  pronounced  than  has  been  supposed. 

The  time  required  for  the  escape  of  quarry  water  depends  on  pore 
size  and  rock  structure.  Rock  with  subcapillary  pores  requires  a  loijg 
drying  period,  and  one  that  parts  easily  along  bedding  planes  usually 
dries  more  quickly  than  one  with  no  rift  or  direction  of  easy  splitting. 
If  sandstone  is  exposed  to  frost  action  while  the  pores  are  filled  with 
water,  the  expansion  caused  by  freezing  may  result  in  serious  disintegra- 
tion. Blocks  should  therefore  be  quarried  in  time  to  dry  before  a  heavy 
frost.  Quarrying  is  usually  suspended  in  cold  climates  during  the  late 
fall  and  winter.  Sometimes  quarries  are  protected  from  damage  in 
winter  by  flooding  them  with  water,  scattering  quarry  refuse  over  the 
floor,  or  covering  the  vertical  face  with  cornstalks. 


Building  Stone. — Sandstone  is  used  principally  for  exterior  and 
interior  building;  that  having  siliceous  cement  is  especially  useful  for 
exterior  work  because  of  its  insolubility.  It  may  be  sawed  or  cut  as 
even-course  stone  or  as  broken  ashlar  and  used  for  entire  walls  or  for 
trim  on  buildings  made  chiefly  of  brick  or  other  materials.  It  is  also 
employed  for  steps,  sills,  water  tables,  coping,  pillars,  or  columns.  For 
interior  use  the  more  attractive  types  are  demanded,  particularly  the 
fine-grained  stones  adaptable  for  carving.  Sandstone  with  low  absorp- 
tive properties  is  used  in  lavatories.  That  which  splits  readily  into  thin 
slabs  is  used  for  floor  tile. 

Strong  sandstones  available  in  large  blocks  are  used  in  bridge  and 
dam  construction  and  in  sea  walls,  retaining  walls,  and  dock  facings. 
Irregular  fragments  having  one  good  face  are  used  as  rubble.  Sandstone 
is  commonly  built  into  attractive  masonry  walls  around  cemeteries  and 
country  or  suburban  estates. 

Paving  and  Curbing. — Sandstone  is  used  quite  extensively  for  street 
paving.  Only  those  stones  which  consist  of  grains  firmly  attached  to 
each  other  with  siliceous  cement  and  which  thus  approach  quartzite  in 
texture  resist  abrasion  sufficiently  to  make  good  paving  stones.  Some 
authorities  claim  that  moderately  cemented  rock  is  better  than  quartzite 
for  paving  because  it  presents  a  gritty  surface  and  wears  at  about  the 
same  rate  as  the  cementing  material  in  the  cracks,  thus  maintaining  a 
level  rather  than  a  smooth,  rounded  surface.  Sandstones  that  have  a 
good  rift  (easy  bed  splitting)  and  a  good  run  (a  second  direction  of  easy 
splitting,  perpendicular  to  the  bed)  may  be  trimmed  most  readily  and 
therefore  are  most  suitable  for  paving  stones. 


Curbstones  may  be  made  of  material  softer  than  that  used  for  paving 
stones.  They  are  manufactured  extensively  in  conjunction  with  paving 
stones  and  at  quarries  where  building  stone  and  grindstones  are  made. 
If  the  rock  splits  readily,  curbing  may  be  split  out  and  hand-trimmed  at 
the  quarry.  The  more  massive  sandstones  are  sawed  into  curbing. 
Production  is  about  five  times  as  great  in  value  as  that  of  paving  stones. 

Flagging. — A  type  of  sandstone  known  as  ''bluestone"  is  well- 
adapted  for  flagging  or  sidewalks  because  it  splits  readily  into  thin, 
uniform  slabs  of  large  size.  Sandstone  is  also  sawed  into  thin  slabs  for 
sidewalks,  but  concrete  is  used  for  this  purpose  so  universally  that 
production  of  flagging  is  now  a  very  small  part  of  the  industry. 

Grindstones,  Pulpstones,  and  Other  Abrasives. — Only  sandstones 
having  special  properties  may  be  used  for  grindstones.  The  grains 
should  be  uniform,  moderately  fine,  angular  rather  than  rounded,  and 
cemented  in  such  manner  as  to  grind  steel  readily  and  at  the  same  time 
wear  rapidly  enough  to  prevent  glazing  of  the  surface.  At  several 
quarries,  especially  in  Ohio,  grindstones  are  manufactured  in  various 
sizes  up  to  7  feet  6  inches  in  diameter.  Many  similar  stones  are  manu- 
factured to  grind  pulpwood  for  making  paper.  Small  pieces  of  very 
fine-grained  sandstone  are  used  for  making  grindstones  to  sharpen 
cutlery  and  scissors  or  for  making  hones,  whetstones,  and  scythestones. 

Buhrstone  is  a  type  of  sandstone  particularly  adapted  for  the  manu- 
facture of  millstones.  Foreign  buhrstone  is  a  hard,  tough,  porous  rock 
consisting  of  silica  mixed  with  calcareous  material.  American  buhrstone 
is  a  quartz  conglomerate  occurring  on  the  eastern  slope  of  the  Appalachian 
Mountains,  notably  in  New  York,  Pennsylvania,  and  Virginia.  The 
New  York  variety,  known  as  "esopus"  stone,  occurs  in  a  strip  about  10 
miles  long  extending  southward  from  High  Falls  in  Ulster  County.  The 
Pennsylvania  variety,  known  as  "cocalico"  stone,  occurs  in  Lancaster 
County.  In  Virginia  similar  rock,  known  as  "Brush  Mountain"  stone 
is  found  near  Blacksburg,  Montgomery  County.  Miflstones  were  used 
extensively  for  grinding  equipment  50  years  ago,  but  the  industry  has 
declined  greatly,  par-tly  because  of  the  gradual  disappearance  of  the  old 
master  craftsmen  skilled  in  dressing  the  stones  and  partly  because  of 
the  development  of  more  efficient  methods  of  grinding  grain,  paint,  and 

The  manufacture  of  sandstone  into  abrasive  products  is  a  declining 
industry.  Synthetic  abrasives  of  the  aluminum  oxide  or  the  silicon 
carbide  type  made  in  electric  furnaces  are  gradually  displacing  those 
of  natural  rock  origin.  Segmental  Carborundum  pulpstones  have  lately 
come  into  use. 

Miscellaneous  Uses. — Sawed  slabs  of  fine-grained  sandstone  are  used 
widely  for  grave  vaults.  Dense,  impervious  rock  is  cut  into  thin  slabs 
for  constructing  laundry  tubs  and  similar  plumbing  fixtures.     Small 




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amounts  are  fabricated  into  electrical  switchboards  and  billiard-table 
tops,  and  line  furnaces  and  acid  tanks.  Cubical  blocks  may  serve  as 
footings  or  underpinnings  for  posts  under  heavy  structures.  Sandstone 
is  employed  for  monuments  to  a  very  small  extent.  Highly  indurated 
quartzite  is  used  for  grinding  pebbles  and  for  tube  and  ball-mill  linings. 


The  accompanying  table,  compiled  from  figures  supplied  to  the 
United  States  Bureau  of  Mines,  shows  production  by  principal  uses  of 
sandstone  employed  as  blocks  or  slabs. 


Sandstones  suitable  for  commercial  use  occur  in  widely  distributed 
deposits  in  nearly  every  State.  Those  that  have  been  worked  for  dimen- 
sion stone  on  a  fairly  extensive  scale  during  recent  years  are  described 
by  States  in  alphabetical  order. 

Arkansas. — Novaculite,  a  highly  siliceous  sedimentary  rock  suitable 
for  abrasive  purposes,  is  quarried  at  Hot  Springs,  Garland  County. 
The  value  of  the  stone  depends  upon  its  peculiar  texture.  It  consists  of 
minute,  interpenetrating,  sharp-edged  crystals  with  innumerable  small 
cavities  between  them — an  ideal  condition  for  maximum  cutting  power. 
The  rock  is  used  chiefly  for  the  manufacture  of  oilstones  and  whetstones. 

California. — Sandstones  of  many  varieties  occur  in  more  than  20 
counties  but  during  recent  years  production  has  been  confined  to  only  a 
few  quarries.  A  massive  blue-gray  and  buff  sandstone  that  has  been 
used  for  several  notable  buildings  in  San  Francisco  came  from  a  deposit 
extending  for  8  miles  in  the  northern  part  of  Colusa  County,  but  there 
has  been  no  recent  production.  A  moderately  fine-grained  arkose 
sandstone  used  more  for  breakwaters  than  for  buildings  is  found  west 
of  Chatsworth,  Los  Angeles  County.  A  deposit  of  buff  sandstone  was 
worked  many  years  at  Graystone,  Santa  Clara  County,  and  provided 
stone  for  buildings  at  Stanford  University.  Brown  sandstone  occurs 
abundantly  in  Lespe  Canyon,  Ventura  County.  Stone  for  rough 
construction  is  quarried  in  Santa  Barbara  County  at  times.  A  porous, 
argillaceous  sandstone  merging  into  shale  is  quarried  near  Carmel, 
Monterey  County.  An  unusual  feature  is  the  presence  in  some  of  it  of 
a  high  precentage  of  opaline  silica.  It  is  used  for  building  patios  and 
houses,  as  garden-wall  rock,  and  for  flagstones. 

Colorado. — A  sandstone  that  has  been  quite  popular  for  building 
purposes  at  times  is  quarried  near  Turkey  Creek,  Pueblo  County. 

Connecticut. — Sandstones  of  Triassic  age  occurring  in  the  Con- 
necticut River  Valley  formerly  were  worked  extensively  at  Portland, 
Middlesex  County.  The  well-known  "Portland  brownstone"  was 
widely  used  as  building  stone  in  New  York,  Brooklyn,  and  other  eastern 


cities.  The  deposit  is  large,  extending  from  New  Haven  to  northern 
Massachusetts,  or  about  110  miles,  with  an  average  width  of  20  miles. 
At  Portland  the  stone  is  uniform,  medium-grained,  and  reddish  brown 
and  lies  in  solid,  nearly  horizontal  beds.  Though  quite  porous,  most 
Triassic  stone  is  durable  if  carefully  selected  and  properly  used.  Com- 
plaint has  often  been  made  of  the  spalling  of  brownstone  in  buildings,  but 
deterioration  has  been  due  more  to  faulty  construction  than  to  defects 
in  the  stone.  Much  of  it  was  split  into  slabs  and  placed  on  edge,  a  posi- 
tion which  results  in  more  extensive  spalling  than  when  blocks  are  placed 
wdth  the  bedding  horizontal.  The  stone  is  still  quarried  and  gives  excel- 
lent service  if  properly  placed  in  the  wall. 

Idaho. — Medium-grained  light-buff  and  also  fine-grained  gray  sand- 
stones are  quarried  on  Table  Rock  near  Boise  in  Ada  County.  They 
are  used  for  local  building  in  Boise  and  are  shipped  to  Colorado,  Oregon, 
and  Washington. 

Indiana. — A  sandstone  quarry  has  been  worked  for  several  years  in 
northern  Orange  County,  a  few  miles  south  of  Mitchell.  It  is  reported 
that  wire  saws  are  used  quite  successfully  in  this  deposit.  Sandstone 
for  abrasive  purposes  is  quarried  at  Floyds  Knobs,  Floyd  County. 
Orange  County  was  at  one  time  a  source  of  considerable  quantities  of 
whetstones.  Building  sandstone  is  quarried  also  at  St.  Meinrad,  Spencer 

Kentucky. — In  Kentucky  the  most  important  deposits  are  at  Blue- 
stone  and  Farmers,  Rowan  County,  and  Wildie,  Rockcastle  County. 
The  Rowan  County  stone  is  very  fine-grained  and  takes  an  excellent 
sand-rubbed  finish.  It  is  sold  as  sawed  and  cut  stone  for  building  pur- 
poses, finer  grades  being  used  for  mantels  and  other  interior  work. 
Kentucky  and  near-by  Ohio,  especially  Cincinnati,  are  the  chief  markets, 
though  some  of  the  stone  is  shipped  to  distant  cities.  The  Rockcastle 
County  stone  was  used  chiefly  for  trimming,  such  as  sills,  caps,  and 
copings,  but  quarrying  has  been  discontinued. 

Massachusetts. — Triassic  sandstone  similar  to  the  Portland  (Conn.) 
stone,  ranging  from  red  to  brown,  has  been  quarried  extensively  for 
building  purposes  at  East  Longmeadow,  Hampden  County.  Although 
it  is  durable  if  used  properly  the  stone  has  been  in  less  demand  during 
recent  years. 

Michigan. — Grindstones  are  manufactured  at  Grind  Stone  City, 
Huron  County. 

Minnesota. — The  most  important  sandstone-quarrying  region  in 
Minnesota  is  at  Sandstone,  Pine  County.  For  many  years  the  Kettle 
River  quarries  at  this  place  have  produced  an  even-grained  stone  of 
light-pink  to  yellow  or  brownish-red  color.  It  is  probably  of  Keweena- 
wan  age.  Quartz  is  the  cementing  material,  and  the  grains  are  cemented 
so  firmly  that  the  rock  approaches  quartzite  in  texture.     On  this  account 


it  is  well-adapted  for  paving  stones  for  which  it  is  chiefly  used.  It  has 
also  been  employed  quite  extensively  for  interior  and  exterior  building, 
also  as  flagging  and  rubble  and  to  a  limited  extent  for  furnace  lining. 

In  southwestern  Minnesota  the  Sioux  quartzite  of  Huronian  age  is 
prominently  exposed  in  Rock,  Pipestone,  and  Nicollet  Counties,  The 
rock  is  extremely  vitrified,  having  the  appearance  of  massive  quartz. 
It  is  red  and  makes  a  very  beautiful,  durable  building  stone;  however,  on 
account  of  its  extreme  hardness  it  is  not  used  extensively.  During 
recent  years  material  quarried  at  Jasper,  Rock  County,  has  been  used 
extensively  to  line  tube  mills  and  as  grinding  pebbles.  For  the  latter  use 
it  compares  favorably  in  service  with  Danish  flint  pebbles. 

Associated  with  the  quartzite  in  Pipestone  County  is  a  bed  of  an 
interesting  red  mineral  called  "catlinite"  or  "pipestone."  This  material 
is  described  more  fully  on  pages  343  and  344. 

New  Jersey. — Sandstone  has  been  used  extensively  for  bridge  con- 
struction in  New  Jersey.  Recent  production  for  various  building  pur- 
poses has  been  confined  chiefly  to  Raven  Rock,  Hunterdon  County, 
and  Wilburtha,  Mercer  County.  Argillite  occurring  in  Mercer  and 
Huntingdon  Counties  has  been  used  for  construction  of  many  buildings 
in  and  about  Princeton. 

New  York. — Several  types  of  sandstone  occur  in  New  York,  The 
largest  quarries  are  in  the  Medina  formation,  Orleans  County.  This 
stone  was  formerly  used  to  a  considerable  extent  for  building,  but  the 
chief  output  now  is  for  paving  stones  and  curbing.  Both  red  and  gray 
stones  occur;  the  former  is  very  attractive  for  building,  and  the  latter  is 
best  adapted  for  paving.  Because  the  rock  is  very  resistant  to  abrasion 
it  gives  good  service  on  streets  having  heavy  traffic.  Large  quarries  are, 
or  have  been,  worked  at  Albion,  Holley,  Hulberton,  Medina,  and  other 
places  in  Orleans  County, 

The  sandstones  most  widely  used  in  this  State  are  the  so-called 
"bluestones"  of  Devonian  age,  which  occur  chiefly  along  the  Hudson 
River  in  Albany,  Green,  and  Ulster  Counties  and  along  the  Delaware 
River  in  Sullivan,  Delaware,  and  Broome  Counties.  Other  outcrops 
are  in  Wyoming  County  and  in  the  counties  bordering  Pennsylvania 
westward  from  Chemung.  Typical  bluestone  is  an  argillaceous  sand- 
stone, which  is  usually  dark  blue-gray.  It  occurs  mostly  in  thin  beds 
and  splits  readily  into  smooth,  uniform,  thin  slabs.  Thus,  it  is  par- 
ticularly useful  for  flagging,  curbs,  sills,  caps,  and  steps.  The  annual 
sales  value  of  bluestone  for  the  entire  State  is  about  three-quarters  of  a 
million  dollars. 

Red  Potsdam  sandstones  have  been  quarried  in  the  northern  Adiron- 
dacks  for  building  purposes,  but  none  of  the  quarries  are  now  in  operation. 
At  times  small  quarries  are  operated  in  various  parts  of  the  State,  mainly 
for  special  jobs,  but  they  are  not  regular  and  consistent  producers. 



Ohio. — Just  as  Indiana  is  the  leading  producer  of  block  limestone  so 
Ohio  leads  in  sandstone,  producing  between  50  and  60  per  cent  of  the 
total  output  for  the  United  States.  Extensive  deposits  of  Mississippian 
(lower  Carboniferous)  age  appear  in  a  broad  belt  which  extends  from 
Portsmouth  on  the  Ohio  River  in  the  southern  part  of  the  State  almost 
due  north  to  Norwalk,  Huron  County,  and  from  there  eastward  to  the 
northeastern  corner  of  the  State.  Except  near  South  Euclid  the  lower 
member,  the  Bedford  stratum,  contains  little  sandstone  of  commercial 
value.     The  largest  quarries  in  Ohio  are  in  the  Berea  formation,  which 

Fig.    12. — A  large  sandstone  quarry  near   Amherst,   Ohio.      {Cov/rtesy  of  The   Cleveland 

Quarries  Company.) 

lies  above  the  Bedford.  The  Cuyahoga  formation,  which  lies  above 
the  Berea  and  is  separated  from  it  by  the  Sunbury  shales,  is  quarried 
in  Scioto  County,  southern  Ohio.  Pennsylvanian  (upper  Carboniferous) 
sandstones  outcrop  throughout  the  eastern  third  of  the  State  except  in 
the  north,  and  are  quarried  in  many  places.  The  largest  quarries,  one 
of  which  is  shown  in  figure  12,  are  near  Amherst,  Lorain  County, 
where  the  rock  lies  in  horizontal  beds  which  were  once  the  shore  cliffs 
of  Lake  Erie.  The  sandstones  are  fine-  to  medium-grained  and  are  blue, 
gray,  buff,  and  variegated.  Complete  oxidation  of  impurities  as  a 
result  of  high  elevation  has  given  a  stable  buff  coloration  to  the  upper 
beds.  The  rock  varies  considerably  in  character  from  one  bed  to 
another,  and  each  bed  may  show  adaptability  for  some  particular  use. 
Thus,  at  different  levels  stone  is  obtained  for  building,  for  bridge  con- 



struction,  for  curbing,  flagging,  and  rubble,  or  for  grindstones.  The 
buff  and  variegated  stones  are  used  both  for  exterior  building  and  for 
interior  work  in  office  buildings,  churches,  and  residences.  Much  of  the 
building  stone  is  sold  in  rough  or  sawed  blocks.  Differences  in  texture 
have  given  rise  to  various  local  terms.  An  evenly  stratified  stone  that 
splits  well  is  called  "split  rock";  rock  of  irregular  stratification,  marked 
by  fine  transverse  and  wavy  lines,  is  called  "spider  web";  and  massive 

FiG.  13. — An  attractive  use  of  sandstone  ashlar.      {Courtesy  of  Briar  Hill  Stone  Company.) 

stone  which  shows  no  evidence  of  stratification  is  termed  "liver  rock." 
The  Amherst  rock  contains  about  95  per  cent  silica;  the  remainder  is 
made  up  principally  of  lime,  magnesia,  iron  oxides,  and  alumina.  To 
avoid  injury  to  the  stone  through  freezing  of  the  quarry  water,  the 
quarries  are  operated  only  about  eight  months  in  the  year. 

The  quarries  near  Berea,  Cuyahoga  County,  are  about  40  feet  deep. 
The  stone  is  a  little  darker  than  the  principal  products  at  Amherst  and 
is  adapted  chiefly  for  building,  grindstones,  curbing,  and  flagging. 
"Euclid  bluestone,"  quarried  near  Euclid  in  the  same  county,  is  finer- 
grained  than  the  Berea  stone  and  must   be  selected  carefully  because 


of  the  common  occurrence  of  pyrite  crystals.  It  is  sawed  for  flagging, 
steps,  caps,  sills,  and  laundry  tubs. 

Sandstones  from  near  Empire,  Jefferson  County,  and  at  Constitu- 
tion and  Marietta,  Washington  County,  are  used  chiefly  for  grindstones 
and  pulpstones.  A  fine-grained  sandstone  from  McDermott,  not  far 
from  Portsmouth,  Scioto  County,  is  quarried  for  a  great  variety  of  uses, 
including  interior  and  exterior  building,  burial  vaults,  grindstones, 
flagging,  and  many  small  abrasive  stones,  such  as  hones  and  whetstones. 

Sandstone  quarried  near  Killbuck,  Holmes  County,  is  widely  known 
as  "Briar  Hill"  stone  and  is  popular  for  building  purposes  on  account  of 
its  variegated  colors.  The  quarries  are  situated  at  a  high  level,  and  the 
stone  is  brought  down  by  cable  cars.  Production,  chiefly  of  dressed 
building  stone,  has  increased  greatly  during  recent  years.  Its  use  as 
ashlar  in  home  construction  is  shown  in  figure  13. 

A  quarry  at  Sherrodsville,  Carroll  County,  produces  sandstone  which 
is  sold  chiefly  as  sawed  and  dressed  building  stone.  Sandstone  for  rough 
construction  is  obtained  at  Lisbon,  Columbiana  County,  and  both 
curbstones  and  rubble  are  manufactured  at  Youngstown,  Mahoning 
County.  Other  quarry  locations  are  Sugar  Grove  and  East  Lancaster, 
Fairfield  County,  and  Kipton,  Lorain  County. 

Ohio  building  sandstone  is  marketed  throughout  the  Middle  West 
and  even  in  eastern  cities.  Most  of  the  other  products  are  distributed 
even  more  widely. 

Pennsylvania.— Sandstones  are  widely  distributed  in  Pennsylvania 
and  are  of  many  different  types.  Carboniferous  sandstones  and  quartz- 
ites  appear  in  many  places.  Triassic  sandstone  quarried  at  Waltonville, 
Dauphin  County,  was  sold  in  past  years  as  a  building  stone  under  the 
name  "  Hummelstown  brownstone,"  but  the  quarries  are  now  idle.  Much 
material  has  been  quarried  for  bridge  work  and  other  heavy  construction ; 
Curwensville  (Clearfield  County),  Koppel  (Beaver  County)  and  Ellwood 
City  (Lawrence  County)  are  noteworthy  centers  of  the  most  recent 
production.  Sandstone  for  rough  construction  is  quarried  at  Avondale, 
Chester  County.  A  very  attractive  variety  for  interior  and  exterior 
construction  occurs  at  Waynesburg,  Greene  County,  in  the  extreme 
.southwestern  part  of  the  State.  Many  small  quarries  produce  rubble, 
rough  building  stone,  curbing,  flagging,  and  paving  blocks.  Devonian 
bluestones  similar  to  the  occurrences  in  New  York  are  quarried,  prin- 
cipally along  the  bluffs  of  the  Delaware  and  Susquehanna  Rivers  in 
northeastern  Pennsylvania.  Some  of  the  more  important  production 
centers  are  Pond  Eddy  and  Kimble,  Pike  County;  Alford  and  Stevens 
Point,  Susquehanna  County;  and  Meshoppen,  Wyoming  County.  A 
stone  ranging  from  a  quartzite  to  a  quartz-sericite  schist  is  quarried  near 
Edge  Hill,  Montgomery  County,  for  building  stone  and  as  a  refractory 
for  furnace  lining. 


South  Dakota. — Sandstone  for  building  purposes  has  been  produced 
for  many  years  near  Hot  Springs,  Fall  River  County.  The  Sioux 
quartzite  is  quarried  as  building  stone  near  Sioux  Falls,  Minnehaha 
County.     The  deposit  is  continuous  with  that  quarried  at  Jasper,  Minn. 

Tennessee. — A  thin-bedded  quartzite  occurs  near  Crab  Orchard 
and  Crossville,  Cumberland  County.  The  rock  splits  into  remarkably 
uniform  slabs  ^s  inch  to  15  inches  in  thickness  and  is  noteworthy  for  its 
adaptability.  The  thin  slabs  may  be  used  for  roofing;  thicker  slabs  for 
floor  tile,  flagging,  and  steps;  and  the  heavier  beds,  for  building  stone. 
For  many  years  it  has  been  quarried  in  a  small  way,  but  the  industry 
expanded  considerably  in  1929  and  1930. 

Virginia. — Sandstone  of  Triassic  age  was  quarried  many  decades  ago 
at  Aquia  Creek,  Stafford  County.  It  supplied  stone  for  the  United 
States  Capitol,  the  White  House,  Patent  Office,  and  other  buildings  in 
Washington.  The  quarries  were  idle  for  many  years  but  were  reopened 
and  have  provided  a  substantial  supply  of  building  stone  for  use  in 
Washington  and  other  cities.  The  rock  is  light  gray,  streaked  or  clouded 
with  buff,  yellow,  or  red, — combinations  that  are  popular  with  architects. 
Similar  rock  was  quarried  many  years  ago  near  Manassas,  Prince  William 

Washington. — Sandstone  development  in  Washington  has  been 
confined  largely  to  regions  having  efficient  means  of  transportation. 
Pierce  and  Thurston  Counties  have  the  most  available  occurrences. 
At  Wilkeson,  Pierce  County,  a  medium-grained  gray  sandstone  is 
quarried  for  local  use  and  for  shipment  to  near-by  States.  It  is  sold  as 
cut  stone,  sawed  stone,  rubble,  paving  blocks,  and  pulpstones.  Stone 
which  is  dark  gray  at  depth  and  dark  or  light  buff  above  ground-water 
level  is  quarried  at  Tenino,  Thurston  County,  and  used  for  building 
purposes  in  Washington,  Oregon,  Idaho,  and  California.  Abrasive  stones 
known  as  ''holystones"  are  at  times  manufactured  from  Tenino  sandstone. 

West  Virginia. — Sandstones  are  abundant  in  West  Virginia  and 
represent  many  geologic  formations.  A  quarry  in  the  Saltsburg  sand- 
stone at  Kingwood,  Preston  County,  has  furnished  good-quality  building 
stone  for  use  in  New  York,  Philadelphia,  Washington,  and  other  eastern 
cities,  but  very  little  has  been  produced  since  1914.  Grindstones  and 
pulpstones  are  produced  near  Ravenswood,  Jackson  County,  and  near 
Fairmont,  Morgantown,  Opekiska,  and  Uffington,  Monongalia  County. 

Wisconsin. — A  belt  of  Potsdam  (Cambrian)  sandstone,  known  as 
"Lake  Superior  brownstone,"  skirting  the  southern  shore  of  Lake 
Superior  has  been  quarried  chiefly  at  Port  Wing,  Bayfield  County,  but 
there  has  been  little  recent  activity.  The  stone  is  a  coarse-grained, 
reddish-brown  material  that  has  been  used  in  Wisconsin,  in  near-by 
States,  and  to  some  extent  in  Canada.  In  the  west-central  part  of  the 
State,  chiefly  in  Dunn  County,  a  southern  belt  of  the  Potsdam  sandstone 


also  provides  commercial  stone.  Fine-grained  cream-colored  and  buff 
stones,  marketed  under  the  trade  name  "Dunville  Stone,"  are  used  for 
exterior  building  purposes  for  entire  structures  or  as  trimming  of  schools, 
churches,  and  other  public  buildings  throughout  the  Middle  West  and 
to  some  extent  in  the  East.  Rock  for  rough  building  stone,  paving 
blocks,  curbing,  and  rubble  is  quarried  in  various  other  parts  of  the  State. 


Influence  of  Induration. — As  previously  stated,  the  workability  of 
sandstones  probably  varies  more  than  that  of  all  other  common  rocks, 
owing  mainly  to  the  condition  of  cementation  of  constituent  grains.  The 
degree  of  cohesiveness  may  range  from  loose  and  friable  types  to  indurated 
quartzites.  Quarry  methods  are  governed  largely  by  workability.  For 
example,  highly  indurated  sandstone  can  not  be  channeled  but  must  be 
blasted,  with  the  probable  result  that  much  of  it  will  be  shattered  and 
wasted,  whereas  a  soft  rock  may  be  cut  into  rectangular  blocks  with  a 
channeling  machine,  and  the  waste  will  be  much  less.  Quarry  costs  per 
cubic  foot  are  usually  much  higher  in  the  harder  rocks. 

Influence  of  Rock  Structures. — Rock  structures  that  have  a  pre- 
dominating influence  on  quarry  methods  are  joints,  bedding  seams,  rift, 
reeds,  and  run. 

Joints. — Natural  open  seams  or  joints  presumed  to  originate  mainly 
through  compressional  or  torsional  earth  strains  characterize  most  sand- 
stone deposits.  In  flat-lying  deposits  they  are  usually  perpendicular  to 
the  bedding  and  hence  are  vertical,  or  nearly  so.  They  generally  occur 
in  two  or  more  systems,  the  joints  of  which  approximately  parallel 
each  other.  When  occurring  in  two  vertical  systems  at  right  angles 
and  spaced  10  to  40  feet  apart,  they  greatly  facilitate  quarrying. 

To  promote  economy,  quarry  walls  are  maintained  parallel  with  the 
major  joint  systems.  Thus,  joints  may  be  utilized  to  take  the  place  of 
openings  that  must  otherwise  be  made  by  channeling  or  blasting. 
The  term  "cutter"  is  generally  applied  to  closed  or  inconspicuous  joints, 
sometimes  called  "blind  seams"  or  "closed  seams."  Usually  they  are 
planes  of  weakness  that  must  be  avoided  in  dimension  stone. 

Bedding  Seams. — Open  seams  parallel  with  the  bedding  occur  com- 
monly in  sandstones  and  usually  are  of  great  advantage  in  quarrying. 
If  they  are  present  at  intervals  of  a  few  inches  to  3  feet  apart,  the  deposit 
is  described  as  "thin-bedded";  if  at  intervals  of  10  or  15  feet,  it  is  "thick- 
bedded  " ;  rock  in  massive  form  with  no  open  bed  seams  is  "  tight-bedded." 
Deposits  near  Amherst,  Ohio,  are  of  the  latter  type. 

Most  sandstone  quarries  are  situated  in  horizontally  bedded  deposits. 
Such  flat-lying  beds  afford  the  simplest  type  of  quarrying.  The  Potsdam 
sandstone  of  northern  New  York  is  an  exception,  as  the  beds  dip  20  to  25 
degrees,  but  very  little  quarrying  is  now  carried  on  in  this  rock. 


Rift. — Rift  is  the  plane  of  easiest  splitting  in  sandstone;  almost  with- 
out exception  it  parallels  the  bedding.  It  is  a  variable  property;  some 
beds  split  with  the  utmost  ease,  whereas  others  have  so  poor  a  rift  that 
the  rock  splits  in  other  directions  almost  as  easily  as  it  does  parallel  with 
the  bed.  Such  rocks  are  said  to  be  lacking  in  rift.  Rift  is  due  chiefly  to 
orientation  of  grains.  The  presence  of  flaky  minerals  like  mica  or  clay 
may  increase  the  rift,  for  in  the  process  of  sandstone  deposition  such 
grains  tend  to  come  to  rest  horizontally,  parallel  with  the  bedding.  In 
like  manner,  other  mineral  grains  tend  to  have  their  long  axes  parallel 
the  bedding  plane,  and  this  parallelism  increases  to  a  marked  degree 
the  ease  of  splitting. 

Rift  may  vary  greatly  in  successive  beds  of  a  deposit.  In  the  Amherst 
(Ohio)  quarries  the  "split-rock"  beds  have  excellent  rift,  which  gives 
smooth  uniform  surfaces.  In  "cross-grained"  beds  the  rift  is  diflficult 
and  uncertain;  it  may  slant  at  abrupt  angles  to  the  general  bedding  plane. 
The  "liver  rock"  has  a  massive  structure  with  no  indication  of  bedding 
and  consequently  lacks  rift. 

In  quarrying,  a  good  rift  assists  greatly  as  it  facilitates  bed  lifting 
where  open  bed  planes  are  absent.  Ease  of  splitting  and  the  smooth 
surfaces  obtained  are  also  of  great  advantage  in  subsequent  operations  of 
shaping  blocks  into  various  finished  products  in  the  mill  or  yard. 

Reeds. — The  rift  may  not  be  the  same  in  all  parts  of  the  same  bed; 
that  is,  the  rock  may  split  much  more  easily  along  certain  planes  than 
along  others.  This  may  be  due  to  a  change  in  sedimentation,  such  as  the 
deposition  of  a  thin  layer  of  foreign  material,  as  clay,  to  which  the  sand 
grains  above  and  below  do  not  adhere  readily.  Again,  it  may  be  due  to  a 
pause  in  the  process  of  deposition  with  a  smoothing  over  of  the  surface 
and  a  filling  up  of  the  irregularities  that  are  essential  to  a  condition 
of  relatively  high  cohesion  perpendicular  to  the  bedding  plane.  It  may 
also  be  due  to  parallelism  of  grain  orientation  in  certain  zones.  Such 
planes,  along  which  the  rock  tends  to  split  with  greater  ease  than  in  inter- 
mediate planes,  are  termed  "reeds."  They  are  characteristic  of  many 
bluestone  deposits.  The  quartzites  near  White  Haven  (Pa.)  split  easily 
along  reeds  marked  by  fine  white  lines  and  with  difficulty  in  intermediate 
positions.     Like  rift,  the  reeds  are  very  helpful  in  separation  of  blocks. 

Run. — The  term  "run"  is  applied  to  a  second  direction  of  easy  split- 
ting less  pronounced  than  rift.  It  is  also  called  the  "breaking  way"  or 
"grain,"  though  the  term  "grain"  is  used  by  some  quarrymen  as  a 
synonym  for  rift.  Usually  the  direction  of  run  is  perpendicular  to  the 
rift,  and  therefore  in  flat-lying  beds  the  run  is  in  some  vertical  plane, 
since  the  rift  is  horizontal.  Bownocker^"  states  that  from  Berea  to  Berlin 
Heights,  Ohio,  the  run  is  nearly  east  and  west — that  is,  it  parallels  the 

1"  Bownocker,  J.  A.,  Building  Stones  of  Ohio.  Geol.  Survey  of  Ohio,  ser.  4,  Bull. 
18,  1915,  p.  111. 


old  shore  line.  Run  is  probably  due  to  orientation  of  minerals  and  in 
the  above  locality  prevailing  ocean  currents  at  the  time  of  deposition 
may  have  arranged  the  minerals  with  their  long  axes  parallel  to  a  particu- 
lar direction  of  the  compass.  In  some  sandstone  deposits  a  distinct  run 
is  recognizable  and  is  of  considerable  advantage  in  giving  smooth, 
straight,  broken  surfaces  or  in  permitting  wide  spacing  of  drill  holes 
for  blasting  or  wedging.  In  other  deposits  it  is  absent  or  is  so  indefinite 
that  it  exerts  no  apparent  influence  on  quarry  processes. 

Quarry  Methods  in  the  Softer  Sandstones. — By  far  the  larger  part  of 
the  sandstone  produced  in  the  United  States  is  from  the  softer  types  of 
moderately  easy  workability.  Channeling  machines  may  be  employed 
in  such  stone,  the  extent  of  their  use  depending  mainly  on  joint 
systems.  Where  few  joints  are  found  it  may  be  necessary  to  channel 
all  wall  cuts  and  whatever  other  cuts  may  be  required  for  separating 
the  larger  masses  of  rock,  except  where  an  occasional  joint  may  be  utilized. 
The  larger  quarries  in  northern  Ohio  are  of  this  type.  If  joints  are  in  one 
parallel  series,  spaced  20  to  50  feet  apart,  it  may  be  necessary  to  channel 
wall  cuts  only  along  the  side  at  right  angles  to  the  joints.  These  are 
called  "back-wall  cuts."  Where  joints  are  in  two  intersecting  systems, 
meeting  approximately  at  right  angles,  channeling  may  be  required  only 
for  the  removal  of  key  blocks.  In  deposits  where  joints  are  more 
closely  spaced,  channeling  machines  may  not  be  required,  the 
necessary  breaks  being  made  by  blasting  or  wedging.  An  effort  is  always 
made  to  work  into  such  deposits  in  the  direction  of  convergence  of  the 
joints  in  order  that  blocks  may  be  removed  without  binding  against 
walls.  Sandstone  deposits  near  Springfield,  Mass.,  and  Hummelstown, 
Pa.,  are  of  this  type.  Wire  saws,  described  in  a  later  chapter  on  slate, 
are  used  to  a  limited  extent  as  substitutes  for  channeling  machines. 

Quarry  methods  are  influenced  greatly  by  the  nature  of  the  bedding. 
In  massive,  tight-bedded  deposits  floor  breaks  must  be  made  by  wedging, 
and  in  heavy-bedded  deposits  like  those  at  Berea,  Ohio,  large  masses  are 
channeled  and  subsequent  breaks  made  with  black-powder  shots.  Cham 
neling  usually  is  required  only  for  wall  cuts  in  thin-bedded  deposits,  and 
wedging  generally  is  better  than  blasting  for  further  subdivision  because 
straighter  breaks  may  be  made  and  less  waste  results.  Deposits  of  this 
kind  occur  near  South  Euclid,  Ohio,  and  Farmer,  Ky.  A  good  rift 
greatly  assists  quarrying  and  is  especially  advantageous  in  tight-bedded 
deposits  where  floor  breaks  are  required.  If  the  rift  is  good,  a  mass  of 
stone  12  to  15  feet  wide  may  be  lifted  by  wedging,  whereas,  in  a  "liver 
rock,"  beds  are  rarely  lifted  in  widths  of  more  than  5  or  6  feet. 

Quarry  Methods  in  Indurated  Sandstones. — As  a  rule,  sandstones 
sufficiently  indurated  for  good  paving  blocks  are  too  hard  to  be  channeled 
economically,  and  blasting  or  wedging  must  be  substituted.  Quarrying 
in  such  deposits  is  therefore  more  complex  and  costly  than  in  the  softer 


types.  Even  in  some  hard  rocks  channeling  machines  are  used  for  wall 
cuts  because  much  shattering  results  from  blasting  if  only  two  free 
vertical  faces  are  present.  In  best  practice,  quarry  walls  are  maintained 
parallel  with  the  major  open  joints,  which  are  utilized  wherever  possible 
instead  of  channel  cuts.  Larger  masses  are  subdivided  by  separating 
along  bed  planes  and  making  cross  breaks  by  wedging  in  drill  holes  in 
directions  of  rift  and  run,  if  such  are  present.  Easy  splitting  of  beds  and 
conveniently  spaced  vertical  open  joints  are  favorable  structural  features. 


Channeling.  Rate  of  Cutting. — When  sandstone  was  first  quarried  in 
the  United  States  channels  were  cut  with  hand  picks  wide  enough  to 
admit  the  body  of  a  workman.  About  1880  this  slow,  wasteful  method 
was  superseded  by  steam-driven  channeling  machines  capable  of  making 
cuts  6  inches  wide  or  less.  Channeling  machines  of  the  steam,  electric, 
and  electric-air  types  similar  to  those  described  in  the  preceding  chapter 
on  limestone  are  now  widely  used.  The  rate  of  cutting  depends  on  the 
condition  of  cementation  of  the  rock  and  ranges  from  100  to  500  square 
feet  a  day.  If  hard,  flinty  masses  are  encountered  the  rate  will  be 
diminished  temporarily,  and  the  channel  cut  may  be  diverted  from  its 
straight  course.  Usually  the  average  rate  of  cutting  is  much  less  than  the 
maximum  rate  of  which  the  machine  is  capable,  because  heavy  blows 
struck  by  channel  bars  when  a  machine  is  driven  at  its  maximum  capacity 
tend  to  shatter  or  "stun"  the  rock.  "Stunning"  is  a  quarryman's  term 
for  the  production  of  impact  fractures  that  may  extend  a  foot  or 
more  into  the  rock  and  thus  waste  otherwise  good  stone. 

In  terminating  a  channel  cut  in  solid  rock  the  cutting  out  of  the  lower 
corner  to  give  a  vertical  end  is  slow  and  tedious,  but  sometimes  is  greatly 
facilitated  by  sinking  a  4-inch  vertical  drill  hole  at  the  place  where  the 
cut  is  to  end. 

Wear  on  Steel. — Channeling  in  sandstone  is  quite  different  from  that 
in  limestone  or  marble.  Although  the  rate  of  cutting  may  be  much 
faster  the  steel  wears  much  more  rapidly  on  account  of  the  abrasiveness 
of  the  sand  grains.  In  the  quarries  of  northern  Ohio  the  machine  usually 
works  back  and  forth  on  a  cut  about  30  feet  long,  and  for  such  a  cut  the 
steel  must  be  changed  about  every  18  inches  of  depth  attained  because 
of  the  loss  in  gage  from  wear.  The  first  set  of  bars  makes  a  cut  about 
4  inches  wide,  and  each  successive  set  must  be  narrower  than  the  preced- 
ing to  avoid  binding.  Until  recently  cutting  was  done  dry  as  the  steel 
wears  more  rapidly  if  water  is  added.  One  or  two  men  were  employed 
at  each  machine  to  scoop  out  the  sand  cuttings,  which  in  soft  sandstone 
amounted  to  several  tons  a  day.     Wet  methods  are  now  used. 

Maintaining  Minimum  Number  of  Channel  Cuts. — Channeling  is  more 
expensive  than  blasting  or  wedging  per  square  foot  of  surface  obtained 



and  therefore  is  employed  only  for  wall  cuts,  for  separation  of  key  blocks, 
and  for  whatever  other  cuts  may  be  necessary  to  prepare  a  block  or  mass 
of  stone  for  wedging  or  blasting.  The  latter  processes  are  very  ineffective 
or  wasteful  unless  the  mass  to  be  separated  has  five  free  faces,  leaving 
only  one  to  be  broken  free.  Thus,  the  mass  of  stone  shown  in  figure  14 
had  only  four  free  faces  before  channel  cut  "x"  was  made,  namely,  the 
two  sides,  front,  and  top,  and  therefore,  it  could  not  be  wedged  or  blasted 
effectively.  After  cut  ''x"  is  made  it  is  fast  at  the  floor  only  and  there- 
fore has  five  free  faces.  A  floor  break,  "a,"  may  be  easily  made  by 
wedging,  and  the  block  may  be  subdivided  further  by  wedging  or  blasting 

at  "b."  For  this  and  each  sub- 
sequent break  there  will  always 
be  five  free  faces.  Quarrying 
should  be  so  planned  that  the 
least  possible  channeling  may  be 
done  to  attain  favorable  wedging 
or  blasting  conditions.  Vertical 
joints  may  be  of  great  assistance 
Fig.  14. — Separating  blocks  with  five  free  in  obtaining  the  necessary  num- 

faces.     X,    channel    cut    providing    fifth    free    ,  £   r  £  ta    •        i  -u 

face;  a,  first  break;  b,  second  break.  bcr   of   free   faces.      It   IS  also  ob- 

vious  that  open  bedding  planes  or 
a  good  rift  will  reduce  the  number  of  channel  cuts. 

Direction  and  Spacing  of  Cuts. — Channel  cuts  should  parallel  or  be 
at  right  angles  to  the  major  jointing  systems.  The  spacing  of  channel 
cuts  should  be  governed  by  the  size  of  quarry  block  desired;  that  is,  the 
number  of  feet  between  cuts  should  be  multiples  of  the  final  quarry- 
block  dimensions. 

Drilling.  Machinery. — Tripod  drills,  bar  drills,  and  hammer  drills 
are  the  chief  types  used.  The  first  is  a  reciprocating  drill  mounted  on  a 
tripod,  and  the  second  is  a  similar  drill  attached  to  a  horizontal  bar 
supported  by  four  legs.  The  tripod  must  be  moved  to  a  new  position 
for  each  hole  drilled,  but  a  line  of  holes  may  be  drilled  from  one  position 
of  the  bar,  the  drill  being  moved  along  and  clamped  successively  in  new 
positions.  Bar  and  tripod  drills  usually  are  operated  by  steam.  A 
hammer  drill  is  a  nonreciprocating  impact  drill  with  an  automatic  rotat- 
ing device.  It  employs  hollow-steel  drill  bits  through  which  the  exhaust 
air  passes  and  blows  the  cuttings  from  the  hole.  It  is  usually  unmounted, 
is  held  in  position  by  a  handle  bar,  and  may  be  moved  with  very  little 
loss  of  time.  This  offers  certain  advantages,  particularly  in  thin- 
bedded  rock  where  holes  are  shallow  and  frequent  moves  are 

Compressed  air  generally  is  preferred  to  steam  for  quarry  drilling, 
particularly  in  cold  climates  where  the  condensation  loss  of  steam  is 
heavy.     Moreover,  when  steam  drills  are  used  water  must  be  supplied 


to  remove  the  cuttings,  which  necessitates  extra  labor  and  makes  a  wet 
or  muddy  floor. 

Drill  Steel. — Drill  steel  should  be  of  a  consistency  that  will  withstand 
excessive  abrasion.  Efficiency  in  drilling  depends  largely  on  the  shape 
of  the  bit.  As  narrow  wings  wear  away  quickly  the  drill  head  is  shaped 
to  keep  as  much  steel  as  possible  near  the  circumference  of  the  bit. 
Most  sandstones  cut  rapidly,  therefore  drill  bits  must  have  grooves  large 
enough  to  provide  easy  clearance  for  cuttings.  Some  drillers  prefer 
square  bushings  to  hexagonal,  as  they  do  not  wear  off  so  quickly. 

Rate  of  Drilling. — The  rate  of  drilling  varies  with  the  hardness  of  the 
stone;  1  foot  in  38  seconds  for  a  l^:4-inch  hole  has  been  recorded  in  a 
northern  Ohio  quarry.  Holes  of  )^  inch  diameter  were  drilled  in  White 
Haven  (Pa.)  quartzite  at  a  rate  of  3  inches  in  35  seconds,  a  much  slower 
rate  for  holes  of  very  small  diameter. 

Circle-cutting  Drill. — In  some  localities  where  grindstones  or  pulp- 
stones  are  made,  rectangular  blocks  are  scabbled  to  a  circular  shape. 
In  southeastern  Ohio  it  has  been  found  more  convenient  and  less  wasteful 
to  cut  out  circular  blocks  in  the  quarry  with  a  machine  known  as  a 
"ditcher"  or  "circle-cutting  drill,"  which  is  supported  by  tripod  legs  and 
a  vertical  bar  which  fits  into  a  4-  by  4-inch  square  hole  in  the  surface  of  the 
rock.  The  drill  is  attached  to  one  end  of  a  heavy  crossbar,  with  a 
counterbalance  weight  at  the  other  end,  and  is  rotated  by  a  worm  gear. 
By  securing  the  drill  in  different  positions  on  the  bar  the  diameter  of  the 
circle  to  be  cut  may  be  varied.  In  cutting  a  circle  7  feet  in  diameter  the 
steel  is  changed  about  every  6  inches  in  depth,  and  each  successive  drill 
bit  is  about  one-fourth  inch  smaller  to  allow  for  loss  in  gage  by  wear.  A 
four-pointed  star-shaped  drill  head  is  used.  If  cuts  run  from  their  true 
course,  as,  for  example,  at  the  point  where  they  meet  other  cuts,  a 
sharp-pointed  bar  is  used  to  trim  and  straighten  them.  It  is  claimed  that 
a  ditcher  will  cut  as  many  square  feet  in  a  day  as  a  channeling  machine, 
and  much  less  time  is  required  to  set  it  up,  as  no  tracks  are  necessary. 

When  a  circular  cut  is  completed  a  drill  hole  for  the  floor  break  is 
made  by  means  of  an  air  drill  which  slides  on  a  horizontal  bed.  The 
drill  is  held  in  proper  position  and  advanced  by  means  of  a  hinged  handle 
and  crossbar. 

Blasting.  Explosives. — Black  powder  is  used  almost  invariably  for 
blasting  dimension  sandstone  because  dynamite  unless  of  very  low  grade, 
gives  a  sudden  and  violent  explosion,  thus  shattering  the  rock  too 
greatly.  Just  enough  powder  should  be  used  to  make  the  fracture,  and 
no  more. 

Knox  System  of  Blasting. — The  Knox  system  has  two  essential  fea- 
tures— a  grooved  drill  hole  and  an  air  space  above  the  charge.  Holes 
are  drilled  nearly  to  the  bottom  of  beds  and  reamed  or  grooved  with  a 
flanged  tool  driven  into  the  hole  by  sledging  or  operated  as  a  drill  bit 



with  the  rotating  device  of  the  drill  thrown  out  of  gear.  The  grooves, 
about  one-fourth  inch  in  depth  and  on  opposite  sides  of  the  drill  hole,  are 
made  exactly  in  line  with  the  direction  along  which  the  break  is  to  be 
made.  A  small  charge  of  black  blasting  powder  is  added,  and  a  plug 
of  cotton  waste  or  other  suitable  material  is  placed  in  the  hole  some 
distance  above  the  charge.  The  hole  above  the  plug  is  filled  with  sand 
or  other  stemming.  When  an  air  space  is  thus  provided  the  force  of  an 
explosion  is  exerted  over  a  relatively  wide  surface  and  causes  less  shat- 
tering of  rock  than  when  the  intensity  of  the  force  is  localized  in  one 
spot.  Moreover,  the  explosive  force,  as  it  enters  the  grooves  formed  by 
the  reamer,  tends  to  give  ^  straight  break.     In  the  heavy-bedded  rock 

Fig.  15. — Uneven  sandstone  surface  resulting  from  a  break  oblique  lo  the  "run.' 

near  Berea,  Ohio,  the  system  is  modified  by  leaving  air  spaces  above  and 
below  the  charge. 

Methods  of  Shot  Firing. — For  single  shots  either  a  fuse  or  an  electric 
firing  machine  may  be  used.  Where  a  number  of  drill  holes  are  to  be 
fired  at  once  electric  firing  is  necessary  and  may  be  done  with  a  hand- 
operated  machine  or  by  connection  with  the  quarry  current. 

Arrangement  of  Drill  Holes. — Holes  for  bed-lifting  are  drilled  in  line 
with  the  bedding  planes  or  rift.  If  the  rock  has  a  pronounced  "run," 
as  described  earlier,  vertical  breaks  are,  in  best  practice,  made  in  line 
with  it.  If  breaks  are  made  oblique  to  the  run  two  disadvantages  are 
entailed.  First,  the  rock  splits  with  greater  difficulty,  and  holes  must 
be  closely  spaced ;  and  second,  a  very  uneven  surface  is  obtained.  Figures 
15  and  16  illustrate  the  contrast  in  surfaces  obtained  in  making  breaks 
obhque  to  the  run  and  parallel  with  it. 



blasting  for  Subdivision  of  Larger  Blocks. — The  preceding  discussion 
of  channeling  and  blasting  relates  almost  entirely  to-  separation  of  larger 

Fig.  16. — Smooth  sandstone  surface  resulting  from  a  break  parallel  to  the  "run." 

rock  masses  from  solid  ledges.  These  masses  usually  are  subdivided  by 
blasting  in  heavy-bedded  rock  and  by  wedging  in  thin  beds.  It  is  a 
generally  recognized  principle  that  the  blast  should  be  centered;  that  is, 
an  equal  mass  of  rock  should  be  on  each  side  of  the  line  of  fracture.  If 
drill  holes  are  so  placed  that  the  rock 
mass  is  not  balanced  properly,  the 
break  tends  to  run  toward  the  lighter 
mass.  Therefore,  the  process  of  sepa- 
ration is  a  halving  of  the  masses  suc- 
cessively until  blocks  of  the  desired 
dimensions  are  obtained. 

The  procedure  in  an  Ohio  quarry 
illustrates  a  typical  process  of  sub- 
division. As  shown  in  figure  17,  the 
primary  masses  are  44  by  26  feet. 
Fractures  made  by  blasting  are  shown 
by  small  letters.  The  shots  are  dis- 
charged in  order  of  lettering,  a,  h,  c, 
d,  e.  The  final  subdivisions  give  a 
series  of  blocks  63-^  by  5,i^  feet,  a  size 
most  convenient  for  curbing  and  flagging.  This  indicates  the  foresight 
necessary  in  selecting  for  the  larger  masses  dimensions  suitable  for  eco- 
nomical subdivision. 

In  rock  with  a  pronounced  run  most  subdivisions  may  be  made  by 
blasts  in  single,  centrally  located,  drill  holes.     If  the  break  is  inclined 





<— -26-— -* 






Key    Blocks 

Fig.  17. — Method  of  subdividing 
blocks  in  an  Ohio  sandstone  quarry. 
Breaks  are  made  in  the  order  of  lettering, 
a,  h,  c,  d,  e. 


to  the  run,  or  if  the  run  is  poor,  more  than  one  blast  hole  may  be  required. 
Shots  in  single  holes  are  commonly  used  for  breaks  up  to  15  or  20  feet 
long.  If  the  mass  to  be  separated  is  more  than  twice  as  long  as  it  is 
wide  it  is  advisable  to  use  at  least  two  holes,  which  should  be  so  arranged 
that  the  center  space  is  a  little  more  than  twice  as  long  as  the  end  spaces. 
If  the  mass  to  be  broken  off  is  a  small  part  of  a  much  larger  mass,  the 
break  tends  to  curve  at  the  ends  and  slant  toward  the  lighter  part.  This 
tendency  may  be  overcome  in  some  measure  by  blasting  in  two  drill 
holes  with  a  relatively  long  center  space  between. 

Wedging.  Operations  in  Which  Wedging  Is  Employed. — Bed-lifting 
and  subsequent  separation  of  blocks  on  the  bed  or  rift  are  accom- 
plished almost  exclusively  by  wedging.  Vertical  breaks  are  made  by 
wedging,  except  in  heavy-bedded  rock,  where  blasting  usually  is 

Type  of  Wedge  Employed. — For  wedging  in  drill  holes  quarrymen  use 
the  "  plug-and-feather"  type  of  wedge  described  in  the  chapter  on 
limestone.  Wedges  are  of  different  lengths  to  accommodate  them  for 
use  in  deep  or  shallow  holes.  Blunt-steel  wedges  used  without  feathers 
are  employed  for  driving  in  notches.  A  small  steel  wedge  that  tapers 
to  a  thin  edge  is  known  as  a  "point."  This  term  is  applied  also  to  a 
tool  having  a  pyramidal  point  used  in  finishing  the  surface  of  stone. 
A  short,  blunt  wedge  with  a  rectangular  sledging  face  and  triangular 
cross  section  is  known  as  a  "bull  wedge." 

Use  of  Wedges  in  Bed-lifting. — In  tight-bedded  deposits,  when  by 
means  of  channel  cuts  or  open  joints  four  free  vertical  faces  are  provided 
for  a  large  mass  of  stone,  the  next  step  is  to  free  this  mass  from  the  quarry 
floor.  As  the  bedding  in  most  sandstone  quarries  is  horizontal,  this 
process  of  separation  is  known  as  "bed-lifting,"  and  the  breaks  are  called 
"floor  breaks."  Wedges  are  used  very  generally  for  bed  lifting.  Ease 
of  splitting  depends  on  the  rift,  but  breaks  are  so  easily  made  in  almost 
any  sandstone  that  drill  holes  are  unnecessary.  In  their  place  notches 
are  cut  into  the  face  of  the  rock  by  means  of  hand  picks.  The  notch  is 
known  locally  as  a  "grip"  or  "side  shear."  Its  lower  face  is  horizontal 
or  has  a  slight  upward  slant;  and  the  upper  face  slants  sharply  downward, 
forming  a  V-shaped  cut  several  inches  deep.  A  sharp  steel  pick  is  used 
to  finish  the  grip  to  bring  it  to  a  sharp  point;  otherwise,  the  end  of  the 
wedge  would  strike  against  the  solid  rock  and  fail  to  exert  the  desired 
effective  upward  and  downward  pressure.  Blunt  wedges  are  placed  in 
the  grip  and  driven  with  sledges.  In  hard-splitting  rock  or  in  making  an 
excessively  wide  break  wedges  may  be  placed  almost  touching  each 
other.  Occasionally  grips  are  cut  on  two  faces,  and  the  mass  is  raised 
by  simultaneous  wedging  at  the  side  and  end. 

In  making  floor  breaks  for  large,  circular  masses  cut  out  for  grind- 
stones, wedging  in  a  grip  is  supplemented  by  wedging  in  a  single  drill 


hole  4  or  5  feet  deep  passing  under  the  center  of  the  stone.  A  long 
wedge  with  feathers  attached  to  its  extremity  is  inserted  in  a  drill  hole. 
When  it  is  driven  between  the  feathers  the  lifting  force  is  exerted  near  the 
bottom  of  the  hole. 

Wedging  for  Subsequent  Breaks  on  Bed. — The  softer  sandstone  blocks 
may  be  split  on  the  bed  by  cutting  grip  holes  and  driving  points  in  them. 
In  easy-splitting  rock  they  may  be  placed  1  to  2  feet  apart;  in  tougher 
rock  they  may  be  placed  close  together  in  a  continuous  grip. 

In  the  more  indurated  sandstones  pick  holes  can  not  be  cut  readily. 
In  some  quarries  it  is  customary  to  place  a  block  on  edge  and  split  it  by 
sledging  on  a  ''sett" — a  quarryman's  term  for  a  square-faced  steel  tool 
held  in  position  by  means  of  a  handle.  The  block  is  marked  at  the  ends 
and  struck  successive  blows  along  the  line  of  desired  splitting  until  a 
fracture  is  made.  Quartzites  are  usually  split  by  wedging  in  shallow  drill 

Wedging  for  Vertical  Breaks. — In  quarries  which  have  open  bedding 
planes  spaced  at  distances  of  5  feet  or  less,  wedging  may  be  largely 
substituted  for  channeling,  channel  cuts  being  made  only  where  clearance 
is  required.  If  possible,  such  breaks  should  be  made  parallel  with  the 
run  of  the  rock.  In  some  northern  Ohio  sandstone  quarries  for  making  a 
cross  break  in  a  mass  of  stone  4  to  5  feet  thick  quarrymen  first  drill  a 
row  of  holes  18  inches  apart.  Every  third  hole  is  made  4  feet  deep  and 
larger  than  the  others,  which  are  2  feet  deep.  Plug-and-feather  wedges 
are  placed  in  the  holes  and  sledged  in  succession,  beginning  at  one  end 
of  the  line,  one  blow  being  given  to  each  of  the  smaller  and  two  blows  to 
each  of  the  larger  ones.  Sledging  is  continued  back  and  forth  along  the 
line  until  a  fracture  appears.  Breaks  thus  made  may  be  80  or  100  feet 
long  and  20  to  40  feet  back  from  the  face.  For  thin  beds,  shallow  holes 
are  adequate. 

In  heavy  beds  with  a  poor  run,  deep-hole  wedging  is  employed. 
Thus,  for  a  bed  5  feet  thick  holes  may  be  made  43^  feet  deep  and  1}^  to 
23^^  feet  apart.  Holes  of  this  depth  are  usually  about  1%  inches  in 
diameter  at  the  top  and  1  %  inches  at  the  bottom  and  are  drilled  exactly 
in  the  same  plane.  To  assist  in  producing  a  straight  break  in  tough  rock 
a  channel  about  2  inches  deep  is  cut  with  hand  picks  across  the  rock 
surface  in  line  with  the  drill  holes.  Occasionally  the  holes  are  reamed, 
as  in  the  Knox  system  of  blasting.  For  deep-hole  wedging  the  long 
plugs  and  feathers  used  are  so  constructed  that  when  the  plug  or  wedge 
is  driven  the  feathers  are  forced  apart  a  uniform  distance  at  all  points 
from  top  to  bottom.  Thus  the  pressure  is  uniformly  distributed  through- 
out the  full  length  of  the  wedge  and  is  much  more  effective  than  when 
exerted  at  a  single  point  or  over  only  a  small  part  of  the  drill-hole  wall. 
Furthermore,  a  wedge  with  a  long  taper  exerts  great  force  without  heavy 



As  soon  as  a  fracture  appears  chips  are  broken  out  midway  between 
drill  holes,  and  blunt  wedges  are  inserted.  By  sledging  these  wedges  the 
pressure  is  relieved  from  the  plugs  and  feathers,  and  they  are  removed. 
If  the  mass  is  not  too  heavy  it  may  then  be  moved  by  steel  bars  which  are 
inserted  in  the  drill  holes  as  levers. 

In  rock  with  a  good  run  breaks  up  to  3  feet  in  thickness  may  be  made 
in  beds  merely  by  driving  points  in  a  row  of  holes  cut  with  hand  picks. 
Even  in  tough  rock  small  breaks  may  be  made  by  cutting  a  continuous 
grip  and  driving  wedges  placed  close  together. 

To  assist  in  making  straight  breaks  wedging  is  sometimes  employed 
in  conjunction  with  blasting.     A  powder  charge  is  placed  in  a  reamed 


Fig.  18. — Arrangement  of  derricks  for  hoisting  blocks  from  an  Ohio  sandstone  quarry. 

hole  in  the  center  of  a  mass  of  stone.  Two  wedge  holes  are  drilled,  one  on 
each  side  of  the  blast  hole  midway  between  it  and  the  edge  of  the  block. 
Plug-and-feather  wedges  are  driven  into  them  until  considerable  strain  is 
placed  on  the  rock  before  the  shot  is  fired. 

Hoisting.  Equipment  Used. — Most  hoisting  at  sandstone  quarries  is 
done  with  derricks  consisting  of  a  mast  and  swinging  boom.  Portable 
types  are  used  for  wide  and  shallow  quarries  where  frequent  moves  must 
be  made.  A  type  of  stiff-leg  derrick  used  near  McDermott,  Ohio,  may  be 
moved  to  a  new  position  in  about  two  hours.  When  placed  in  position 
the  base  is  loaded  with  blocks  of  stone  to  give  it  stability.  For  light 
hoisting  a  power  shovel  having  a  boom  equipped  with  a  running  cable 
may  be  substituted  for  a  derrick.     Thus,  power  shovels  which  are  used 


for  stripping  operations  in  the  winter  and  would  otherwise  be  idle  all 
summer  are  put  to  practical  use. 

Position  of  Derrick. — For  large,  deep  quarries,  such  as  those  near 
Amherst,  Ohio,  many  derricks  arranged  at  regular  intervals  along  the 
quarry  bank  are  required.  The  mass  of  rock  worked  out  from  one 
position  of  a  derrick  is  called  a  "motion."  This  includes  the  area  covered 
by  the  radius  of  the  boom  together  with  that  from  which  the  rock  may  be 
dragged  economically.  The  average  area  of  a  motion  in  one  Ohio  quarry 
is  134  by  61  feet.  Figure  18  illustrates  a  ledge  or  bench  and  the  series  of 
derricks  used  to  hoist  the  stone  from  it. 

Cable  Attachment. — Grab  hooks,  chains,  and  cable  slings  are  used  to 
hoist  quarry  blocks  from  the  pit  to  the  bank.  Grab  hooks  are  more 
generally  used,  for  they  have  an  advantage  over  other  methods  in  that  a 
block  may  be  lifted  from  a  flat  position  on  a  quarry  floor,  whereas 
chains  or  slings  necessitate  raising  it  several  inches  from  the  floor  and 
blocking  it  up  in  order  that  the  lifting  apparatus  may  be  passed  beneath 
it.  Shallow  holes  are  made  for  the  tips  of  the  hooks.  For  hoisting  heavy 
blocks  two  pairs  of  grab  hooks  may  be  used,  one  being  attached  near  each 
end  of  the  block.  Some  companies  prefer  chains  or  slings,  as  they  are 
considered  more  secure  than  grab  hooks.  They  may  be  left  around 
blocks  which  are  hoisted  from  a  quarry  and  placed  on  flat  cars  for  trans- 
portation to  mill  or  yard.  It  is  then  a  simple  matter  to  hook  into  the 
chain  for  unloading,  and  much  time  is  saved. 

Pumping. — Some  quarries  of  the  hillside  or  shelf  type  are  fortunate 
enough  to  have  automatic  drainage.  Even  pit  quarries  may  in 
exceptional  instances  be  underlain  by  permeable  beds  which  permit 
water  to  drain  away.  In  those  that  do  not  have  automatic  drainage, 
pumps  must  be  installed.  If  only  surface  water  enters  a  quarry  little 
pumping  is  necessary,  except  in  times  of  heavy  rain  or  flood,  but  if 
springs  are  encountered  the  water  has  to  be  removed  almost  constantly. 
For  shallow  quarries  with  a  drainage  basin  lower  than  the  floor  a  siphon 
may  be  used  if  the  lift  is  less  than  30  feet.  This  method  has  been 
used  at  Hummelstown,  Pa.,  and  in  a  number  of  bluestone  quarries. 
Piston  pumps  operated  by  steam,  electricity,  or  gasoline  engines,  cen- 
trifugal pumps,  and  pulsometers  are  the  types  most  generally  used. 


Yard  service  relates  to  transportation  from  quarry  banks  to  mills  or 
finishing  plants  or  direct  to  transportation  lines  where  mills  are  not 
operated.  It  also  includes  transportation  of  finished  mill  products  to 
railway  lines  or  navigable  waters  over  which  they  are  carried  to  their 

If  mills  are  close  to  quarries  a  yard  derrick  may  take  stone  from  the 
quarry  bank  and  deliver  it  direct  to  the  mill.     If  mills  are  at  a  distance 


blocks  are  loaded  onto  cars  for  transportation.  When  finishing  processes, 
such  as  shaping  grindstones  or  splitting  and  trimming  curbstones,  are 
conducted  outdoors,  yard  derricks  may  be  employed  to  handle  heavy 
rock  masses.  They  are  also  used  to  load  gang  cars,  to  pile  finished 
products  in  the  yard,  or  to  load  them  ready  for  transportation.  A  derrick 
with  a  boom  which  may  be  swung  in  a  complete  circle  around  the  mast 
but  can  not  be  raised  or  lowered  is  convenient  for  handling  material  of 
small  size.  The  boom  is  in  the  form  of  an  I-beam,  and  a  small  traveling 
crane  runs  back  and  forth  on  it.  In  some  places,  locomotive  cranes  do 
the  work  of  derricks.  Overhead  traveling  cranes  that  are  commonly  used 
in  mills  may  be  extended  to  give  yard  service. 

Transportation  of  rock  from  quarries  to  mills  or  from  mills  to  shipping 
points  may  require  cars  and  trackage.  Haulage  may  be  by  gravity  or 
by  locomotives,  cables,  horses,  or  mules.  Teams  and  wagons  or  auto 
trucks  are  also  used. 


Mills  Connected  with  Quarries. — Although  large  quantities  of  sand- 
stone are  sold  to  dealers  or  finishing  plants  nearly  all  quarries  that 
produce  building  stone,  grindstones,  curbing,  or  flagging,  except  blue- 
stone  quarries,  also  operate  mills  or  finishing  plants.  This  association  of 
activities  has  certain  advantages.  For  instance  transportation  expense 
of  waste  rock  is  avoided,  as  it  is  left  near  the  quarry;  also  the  quarryman 
understands  his  rock  and  can  work  it  most  economically. 

Mills  usually  are  close  to  quarries.  Even  when  quarries  are  at  high 
levels — for  example,  those  near  Empire,  Ohio — mills  are  at  the  same  level, 
and  finished  products  are  brought  down  by  cable  cars.  At  Sherrodsville, 
Ohio,  however,  the  quarry  is  at  a  high  level,  and  the  finishing  plant  is  at 
the  foot  of  the  hill. 

Sawing.  Gang  Saws. — Sandstone  is  sawed  mostly  with  gang  saws — 
iron  blades  set  in  a  frame.  Sand  and  water  are  fed  to  them  as  they 
travel  backward  and  forward,  and  they  cut  by  abrasion.  Blocks  of  any 
width  or  slabs  of  any  thickness  may  be  obtained  by  merely  adjusting  the 
spaces  between  the  blades.  The  frames  are  of  various  widths  and  lengths, 
depending  on  the  sizes  of  blocks  sawed. 

Two  types  of  gangs  are  in  common  use — the  rope  feed  and  the  screw 
feed.  The  rope-feed  gang  is  suspended  by  a  steel  cable  attached  to 
counterbalance  weights.  The  weights  may  be  so  adjusted  that  the 
gangs  can  exert  any  desired  downward  pressure  of  the  saws  on  the  rock. 
Thus,  constant  pressure  may  be  maintained,  and  the  rate  of  cutting  will 
be  governed  by  the  hardness  of  the  rock.  If  a  hard,  flinty  mass  is 
encountered,  the  rate  of  descent  is  reduced  automatically  until  the 
obstruction  is  cut  through. 


Screw-feed  gangs  are  fed  downward  by  gears,  and  although  the  rate  of 
downward  motion  may  be  regulated,  the  device  is  not  self-adjusting.  If  a 
flinty  mass  is  encountered  the  rate  of  sawing  is  not  automatically  reduced, 
and  if  the  saw  is  overcrowded  the  blade  is  inclined  to  run  to  one  side,  with 
consequent  production  of  an  uneven  rock  surface.  The  screw  feed  is 
employed  on  nearly  all  modern  gangs. 

The  saw  blades  are  carefully  adjusted  to  run  straight  and  true  without 
any  side  motion,  which  may  involve  adjustment  of  shafts  and  bearings, 
as  well  as  of  the  blades  themselves. 

Abrasives. — Silica  sand  is  the  abrasive  used  most  commonly  in  sawing. 
It  leaves  a  smooth  surface  and  causes  no  staining  of  the  rock.  Although 
crushed  steel  and  steel  shot  cut  25  to  50  per  cent  faster  than  sand  under 
similar  circumstances,  they  have  some  disadvantages.  They  leave  a 
much  rougher  surface,  and  if  the  stone  is  to  be  used  for  structural  pur- 
poses, sand-rubbing  of  the  surface  may  be  required,  whereas  if  sand  alone 
is  used  as  abrasive  this  process  may  be  omitted.  If  the  stone  is  porous, 
stains  may  result  from  iron  rust.  Steel  abrasive  is  satisfactory  if  the 
stone  is  to  be  used  for  curbing  or  flagging,  as  slight  stains  have 
little  consequence.     A  mixture  of  sand  and  steel  sometimes  is  used. 

Sand  Pumps. — Centrifugal  sand  pumps  are  commonly  used  for 
elevating  the  abrasive  to  a  point  above  the  gangs  from  which  it  may  be 
distributed  to  the  saws  for  repeated  use.  A  belt  with  crossbars  may  be 
used  to  convey  the  sand  to  the  pump  well  if  the  concrete  bed  beneath  the 
gangs  is  too  flat  to  return  it  automatically.  In  many  mills  an  air  lift  is 
used.  A  well  deep  enough  to  have  about  one  and  a  half  times  as  much 
pipe  submerged  as  above  water  level  is  required.  A  jet  of  compressed 
air  entering  at  the  bottom  agitates  and  aerates  the  water,  causing  it  to 
rise  in  the  pipe  and  carry  the  sand  with  it.  The  great  advantages  of  an 
air  lift  are  its  simplicity  and  the  absence  of  moving  or  rotating  parts, 
which  are  rapidly  worn  out  by  sand.  At  some  mills  pumps  are  not 
employed,  the  abrasive  being  shoveled  by  hand.  Where  river  sand  is 
obtainable  near  by,  it  may  be  allowed  to  escape  after  one  use. 

Rate  of  Sawing. — The  rate  of  sawing  sandstone  blocks  depends  on  a 
number  of  factors,  such  as  length  and  number  of  blades,  kind  of  abrasive 
and  hardness  of  the  stone.  Gangs  containing  10  to  15  blades  saw  average 
sandstone  blocks  5  to  7  feet  long  at  the  rate  of  3  to  8  inches  an  hour  when 
sand  is  used,  and  6  to  12  inches  when  steel  is  used.  The  rate  also  is 
governed  by  the  nature  of  the  product.  For  rough  material,  such  as 
curbing,  saws  may  be  crowded  to  their  maximum  capacity,  but  when 
building  blocks  are  being  sawed  this  is  not  permissible,  as  it  may  produce 
irregularities  on  the  surface.  The  more  indurated  sandstones  can  not  be 
sawed  profitably. 

Gang  Cars. — In  old-fashioned  mills  timber  beds  were  provided  on 
which  blocks  were  placed  for  sawing.     The  difficulty  encountered  and  the 



excessive  time  spent  in  loading  and  unloading  the  bed  led  to  introduction 
of  the  gang  car,  which  is  simply  a  portable  saw  bed — a  small  four-wheeled 
car  which  runs  on  a  track  beneath  the  gang  and  is  braced  securely. 

Transfer  Cars. — In  some  mills  much  loss  of  time  occurs  in  removing 
sawed  slabs  from  gang  cars  and  reloading  them  with  blocks  ready  for 
sawing.  To  reduce  the  time  in  which  the  gang  saw  is  idle  the  more 
modern  mills  are  equipped  with  "transfer  cars"  which  run  on  a  depressed 
track  in  front  of  the  gangs  and  are  provided  with  a  short  section  of  track 
across  the  top.  Thus,  a  gang  car  may  be  run  from  beneath  a  gang  saw 
onto  the  top  of  a  transfer  car  and  removed  very  quickly.  Another  gang 
car  loaded  with  a  block  of  stone  is  held  ready  on  a  second  transfer  car, 
which  may  be  shifted  quickly  into  proper  position  in  front  of  the  gang-car 
tracks,  and  a  new  block  is  thus  placed  beneath  the  saws  with  little  loss  of 











~  b 


:            : 

b          : 




:            : 




:  - 


19. — Arrangement  of  transfer  and  gang-car  tracks  in  a  sandstone  sawing  mill, 
gang  saws;  h,  gang-car  tracks;  c,  depressed  transfer-car  track;  d,  transfer  car. 

time.  The  track  arrangement  is  shown  in  figure  19.  At  some  mills 
gang  cars  are  readily  loaded  and  unloaded  by  derricks  or  overhead 
traveling  cranes,  and  transfer  cars  are  not  used. 

Other  Types  of  Saws. — While  gang  saws  generally  are  used  for  major 
cuts,  smaller  blocks  and  slabs  are  usually  shaped  with  other  types  of 
saws.  Circular  saws  with  Carborundum  teeth  have  given  satisfac- 
tory service,  even  in  hard  sandstones.  Blades  mounted  with  diamond 
teeth  and  set  in  straightcut  gang  frames  are  used  to  some  extent.  Dia- 
mond circular  saws  have  not  given  satisfactory  service. 

Wire  saws  are  used  for  jointing  sandstone  mill  blocks  at  McDermott, 
Ohio.  Blocks  are  placed  on  the  saw  bed  in  piles  about  10  feet  wide  and  4 
to  12  inches  high,  and  thus  12,  or  more  are  cut  at  one  time.  Sand  is 
used  as  abrasive.  The  saw  cuts  downward  by  automatic  feed  at  about 
24  inches  an  hour.  It  cuts  very  effectively  and  to  reasonably  accurate 
dimensions  with  a  tolerance  of  about  one-eighth  inch.     Wire  saws  also 


are  used  very  effectively  in  northern  Ohio  sandstone  mills.  Clever 
adaptations  have  been  devised  for  cutting  rough  columns  and  even  for 
blocking  out  carved  work. 

Rubbing.  Nature  of  Process. — Rubbing  is  the  process  of  smoothing 
the  surface  of  stone  by  abrasion.  Exposed  surfaces  of  structural  blocks 
usually  require  such  treatment.  Where  sand  is  used  as  the  abrasive  in 
sawing  the  resulting  surface  may  be  so  smooth  that  rubbing  will  be 
unnecessary.  However,  where  steel  is  used  the  surface  usually  is 
scratched  and  scored  to  the  extent  that  rubbing  is  required. 

Rubbing  Beds. — A  rubbing  bed  consists  of  a  heavy  iron  disk  10  or  12 
feet  in  diameter,  which  rotates  in  a  horizontal  plane.  A  block  or  slab  of 
stone  that  requires  rubbing  is  placed  on  the  upper  flat  surface,  and  while 
the  disk  rotates  the  block  is  prevented  from  rotating  with  it.  Sand 
and  water  are  supplied,  and  the  surface  is  rubbed  or  ground  to  desired 
smoothness  and  uniformity.  Rubbing  beds  also  are  used  for  grinding 
blocks  or  slabs  to  accurate  dimensions. 

Reuse  of  Sand. — At  some  mills  sand  once  supplied  to  rubbing  beds  is 
carried  away  without  being  reused.  A  more  economical  method  is  to 
return  it  to  the  bed  until  it  is  worn  out.  To  accomplish  this  purpose 
the  sand  is  washed  to  a  sink  in  which  the  larger  particles  remain  while 
the  fines  are  carried  away  in  the  water.  A  bucket  elevator  or  some  other 
device  is  used  to  carry  the  sand  to  a  point  above  the  rubbing  bed. 

Planing. — Planers,  chiefly  of  the  Scottish  reversible-head  type,  are 
used  in  shaping  such  forms  as  cornices,  moldings,  and  curbstones.  In 
planing  the  harder  sandstones  difficulty  is  experienced  in  getting  a  tool 
that  will  stand  the  work  required  of  it,  as  the  heat  generated  burns  the 
steel.  Overheating  may  be  overcome  by  directing  a  heavy  stream  of 
water  on  the  tool. 

Manufacture  of  Curbing. — The  manufacture  of  curbstones  is  an 
important  part  of  the  sandstone  industry.  The  larger  blocks  usually  are 
drilled  and  split  into  smaller  sizes  with  plug-and-feather  wedges.  Final 
splitting  into  rough  curbstones  is  accomplished  in  different  ways,  depend- 
ing upon  the  ease  of  splitting.  In  "split  rock"  a  series  of  notches  are 
cut  in  line  by  means  of  a  pick,  the  rock  is  then  marked  along  the  line 
with  a  chisel-edged  tool  and  hammer,  and  the  split  is  made  by  sledging 
bull  wedges  in  the  notches.  In  rock  which  splits  with  greater  difficulty 
plugs  and  feathers  may  be  used.  Massive  rock  is  sawed  into  curbing 

Some  Ohio  mills  are  designed  especially  for  manufacture  of  curbing. 
Planers  are  arranged  in  two  parallel  series  with  tracks  between.  The 
sandstone  blocks  are  brought  in  on  cars  and  transferred  to  the  planers 
with  overhead  traveling  cranes  or  pneumatic  hoists.  Finished  curb- 
stones are  reloaded  in  the  same  way  and  conveyed  from  the  mill  for 
storage  or  shipment. 



Manufacture  of  Grindstones  and  Pulpstones. — In  southern  Ohio 
the  larger  grindstones  and  pulpstones  are  cut  in  circular  form  in  the 
quarry  by  means  of  circle-cutting  drills,  as  described  on  a  previous  page. 
In  northern  Ohio  they  are  quarried  as  rectangular  blocks  and  scabbled 
to  circular  form.  Stones  thus  roughly  shaped  are  finished  by  cutting 
square-center  holes,  placing  them  on  shafts,  and  turning  them  to  true 
form  with  steel  tools  as  they  rotate.  Both  faces  and  sides  are  trimmed 
in  this  way.  Figure  20  illustrates  the  method  of  shaping  a  7-foot  stone. 
The  upright  pins  on  the  timber  base  are  for  the  purpose  of  holding  the 
cutting  bar  in  various  positions.  A  workman  may  stand  on  either  side, 
and  if  two  men  are  employed  both  sides  of  the  stone  may  be  trimmed 

Fig.  20. — Method  of  shaping  a  large  grindstone  in  a  lathe. 

simultaneously.  Grindstone  lathes  are  operated  by  steam,  electricity, 
gasoline,  or  natural-gas  engines,  the  choice  of  power  depending  upon 
relative  costs  and  availability.  Most  lathes  are  provided  with  suction 
pipes  in  the  pits  to  carry  away  the  dust  and  thus  reduce  the  danger  of  its 
injurious  effects  upon  workmen. 

Smaller  stones  which  are  not  circular  are  mounted  in  lathes  and 
marked  at  each  side  for  their  proper  circumference  by  holding  pointed 
tools  against  them.  The  grooves  are  not  cut  deeply  into  the  rock  as 
this  would  involve  the  danger  of  masses  of  rock  flying  from  the  stones, 
impelled  by  centrifugal  force.  While  the  stones  are  at  rest  the  outer 
masses  are  broken  off  with  hammers  and  thereafter  the  stones  are  turned 
to  finished  form  in  the  usual  way. 

Cutting  and  Carving. — A  certain  amount  of  hand  cutting  is  necessary, 
especially   in   plants   where   building   stone   is   produced.     It   involves 


rough  work,  such  as  the  cutting  of  rock-face  ashlar  from  irregular  waste 
blocks,  and  also  the  finer  carving  required  for  decorative  effects.  Sand- 
stones are  so  variable  in  character  that  both  methods  and  tools  differ 
widely  in  various  localities.  For  example,  a  light  and  springy  tool 
"plucks"  less  than  a  heavy  tool  in  the  fine-grained  sandstones  of  McDer- 
mott,  Ohio.  The  best  methods  of  cutting  and  the  most  efficient  tools 
to  use  can  be  determined  only  by  experience. 

Handling  of  Material. — Stone  is  a  heavy  material,  and  speed  in  mill 
work  demands  the  most  efficient  types  of  crane  service.  Derricks  are 
sometimes  employed,  but  the  overhead  traveling  crane  is  handled 
more  quickly  and  easily  and  has  a  wider  range.  Pneumatic  cranes  give 
very  efficient  service  for  handling  the  smaller  pieces,  such  as  curbstones. 
In  some  Ohio  curbing  mills  a  pneumatic  crane  of  2,000-pound  capacity 
serves  each  planer,  and  other  cranes  are  employed  for  yard  service. 


Definition  of  Bluestone. — Bluestone  is  a  commercial  name  for  a 
variety  of  sandstone  having  properties  sufficiently  characteristic  and 
distinctive  to  justify  its  recognition  as  a  separate  rock  type.  It  may  be 
defined  briefly  as  an  indurated  arkose  sandstone,  most  of  which  splits 
easily  into  thin,  smooth  slabs.  The  term  was  first  applied  to  certain 
blue  sandstones  quarried  in  Ulster  County,  N.  Y.  With  the  develop- 
ment of  the  industry  it  was  found  that  stone  of  similar  character  was 
abundant  in  various  other  localities  in  New  York  and  in  Pennsylvania. 
Although  they  differ  considerably  in  composition,  size  of  grain,  and  color, 
all  are  dense,  compact,  hard,  and  usually  dark,  and,  particularly  in  the 
upper  beds,  split  into  thin  and  uniform  slabs.  The  term  "bluestone" 
therefore  is  applied  to  all  varieties,  irrespective  of  color.  Blue,  gray, 
red,  pink,  and  greenish  colors  have  been  observed. 

Composition  of  Bluestone. — After  making  a  microscopic  study  of 
bluestone  from  Ulster  County,  N.  Y.,  Berkey'^  states  that  the  rock 
consists  of  feldspars,  quartz,  sericite,  chlorite,  calcite,  clay,  and  a  little 
pyrite  and  organic  matter.  Hornblende  and  biotite  probably  were 
present  in  the  rock  originally  but  have  altered  entirely  to  the  more  stable 
sericite  and  chlorite.  The  grains  are  angular  and  are  held  together  with 
a  strong,  siliceous  cement.  Although  certain  variations  in  composition 
and  texture  may  occur  in  bluestone  from  different  localities,  in  general 
they  are  all  of  this  type. 

Structural  Features.  Joints. — Joints  usually  are  in  two  vertical 
systems,  nearly  at  right  angles  to  each  other  and  spaced  5  to  70  feet 
apart.  Generally  the  systems  are  north-south  and  east-west;  the 
former  are  termed  "heads"  and  the  latter  "sides."     Usually  joints  are 

^1  Berkey,  C.  P.,  Quality  of  Bluestone  in  the  Vicinity  of  Ashoken  Dam.  Columbia 
Sch.  Mines  Quart.,  vol.  29,  1907-1908,  pp.  154-156. 


straight,  though  sometimes  they  are  curved  and  irregular.  Moderately 
spaced  straight  joints  are  of  great  assistance  in  quarrying. 

Beds  and  Reeds. — Most  bluestone  beds  lie  horizontal  or  nearly  hori- 
zontal. Open  bedding  planes  are  a  few  inches  to  several  feet  apart, 
or  in  the  massive  rock  may  be  at  25-  to  35-foot  intervals.  Inter-bedded 
shales  are  common,  such  rock  being  termed  "pencil"  by  quarrymen. 

The  chief  characteristic  of  bluestone  is  its  weak  cohesion  in  certain 
well-defined  planes,  resulting  in  a  strong  tendency  to  split  in  thin  sheets 
that  parallel  the  bedding.  In  the  upper  beds  the  partings  usually  are 
developed  to  such  an  extent  that  the  rock  splits  with  great  ease  into 
large,  thin  slabs.  At  greater  depths  the  partings  are  less  pronounced, 
though  in  most  beds  the  rock  may  be  split  easily  along  certain  streaks 
termed  "reeds,"  which  have  already  been  defined.  The  presence  of 
reeds  has  made  bluestone  a  valuable  rock  for  the  production  of  flagging. 

In  some  deposits  or  in  certain  parts  of  deposits  reeds  are  lacking. 
Cross-bedding  may  be  present,  or  the  rock  may  be  massive — a  "liver 
rock."  In  some  quarries  such  beds  are  avoided  because  flagging  can 
not  be  made  from  them.  However,  they  are  the  strongest  and  most 
durable  and  therefore  the  most  valuable  for  structural  purposes. 

Run. — In  bluestone  there  is  usually  one  vertical  plane  in  which 
splitting  is  comparatively  easy.  This  is  known  as  the  "run"  of  the  rock 
or  the  "free  way,"  and  the  vertical  plane  at  right  angles  to  it  is  termed 
the  "hard  way."  Fortunately  in  most  deposits  the  run  parallels  one  of 
the  major  jointing  systems,  thus  permitting  easy  separation  of  right- 
angled  blocks. 

Strength  and  Durability. — Good-quality  bluestone  is  very  strong. 
Berkeyi^  states  that  the  great  strength  of  the  rock  is  due  to  the  facts  that 
alteration  of  the  ferromagnesian  and  aluminous  minerals  has  freed 
considerable  secondary  quartz,  which  has  attached  itself  to  the  original 
quartz  grains,  making  them  more  angular  and  developing  an  interlocking 
texture,  and  that  the  secondary  fibrous  minerals  have  promoted  further 
interlocking  of  the  grains. 

Bluestone  is  probably  the  most  durable  of  any  quarried  stone  except 
quartzite.  The  coarse-grained  varieties  are  somewhat  more  resistant 
to  weathering  than  those  of  finer  grain.  The  presence  of  clay  in  a 
bluestone  renders  it  less  durable.  In  natural  outcrops  of  bluestone  along 
steep  hillsides  the  more  durable  beds  can  be  recognized  easily  by  their 
steep,  almost  clifflike  contour,  whereas  the  softer,  more  easily  weathered 
beds  outcrop  as  more  gradual  slopes.  Thus,  if  the  ledge  consists  of  alter- 
nate hard  and  soft  beds,  the  face  of  the  hill  will  present  a  series  of  terraces. 

Uses. — Bluestone  has  been  used  very  widely  for  sidewalks  and  flagging. 
It  is  well-suited  for  these  purposes,  as  it  resists  wear  and  does  not  become 

12  Berkey,  C.  P.,  Work  cited,  p.  157. 


slippery.  Bluestone  with  the  reeds  spaced  more  widely  than  in  sidewalk 
stone  is  used  for  curbing,  steps,  sills,  caps,  water  tables,  and  coping. 
Heavy  mill  blocks  are  sawed  into  forms  suitable  for  the  various  purposes 
mentioned  above,  or  into  building  blocks.  The  rock  is  used  to  some 
extent  for  floor  tile.  Various  colors  may  be  combined  to  make  attrac- 
tive floor  patterns  or  borders.  The  more  massive  varieties  of  bluestone 
are  suitable  for  heavy  masonry. 

Commercial  Types. — The  primary  product  of  the  quarry  is  marketed 
in  three  forms — flagging,  "edge  stone,"  and  "rock"  or  mill  blocks. 
Flagging  is  stone  from  beds  that  split  with  remarkable  ease  into  thin, 
uniform  sheets.  Commonly  the  slabs  are  10  by  12  feet  and  only  2  inches 
thick.  What  is  termed  "edge  stone"  splits  out  in  thicker  beds  and  is 
dressed  for  curbing,  sills,  caps,  and  coping  or  other  similar  uses.  "  Rock  " 
or  mill  blocks  are  taken  from  the  more  massive  beds  that  are  not  reedy 
and  are  therefore  well-suited  for  structural  purposes.  Mill  blocks  are 
more  valuable  per  cubic  foot  than  the  other  forms  quarried. 

Quarry  Methods.  Types  of  Quarries. — Bluestone  quarrying  differs 
from  most  other  types  because  there  are  few  large  operations  and  many 
small  ones.  Numerous  small  openings  quarried  by  one  to  eight  men  are 
operated  in  summer,  some  being  worked  only  at  brief  intervals  in  connec- 
tion with  farming  or  other  occupations.  The  product  is  hauled  by  teams 
or  automobile  trucks  and  sold  to  stone  dealers.  Although  the  quarries 
are  small,  total  production  amounts  to  considerable  quantities;  New 
York  and  Pennsylvania,  the  chief  producing  States,  normally  sell  annually 
an  amount  valued  at  about  $1,000,000  at  the  quarry. 

Quarry  Equipment. — In  many  small  quarries  the  equipment  is  limited 
to  the  necessary  tools  and  appliances,  such  as  crowbars,  shovels,  hammers, 
points,  drills,  wedges,  picks,  plugs,  and  feathers.  In  numerous  quarries 
no  derricks  are  provided,  the  rock  being  handled  by  crowbars.  Hand- 
power  or  horsepower  derricks  are  common,  though  steam  or  gasoline 
engines  are  employed  in  some  places.  Some  derricks  are  provided  with 
gears  giving  two  speeds,  a  rapid  speed  for  light  loads  and  a  slow  speed  for 
heavy  loads.  Some  of  the  larger  quarries  have  compressed-air  plants  for 
operating  drills.  For  drainage  purposes  steam  or  gasoline  pumps  or 
pulsometers  are  operated  in  a  few  places.  In  others,  siphons  are  employed, 
and  in  many  quarries  conditions  favor  automatic  drainage.  A  black- 
smith shop  for  sharpening  and  shaping  tools  is  a  necessity  at  every  quarry. 

Separation  of  Larger  Masses. — When  vertical  seams  occur  in  two 
systems  at  right  angles  to  each  other  and  10  to  30  feet  apart  they  are  of 
great  assistance  in  quarrying,  and  the  quarryman  endeavors  to  work  to 
these  seams  wherever  possible.  Where  seams  are  far  apart  artificial 
cross  breaks  must  be  made,  a  process  known  locally  as  "snubbing," 
which  usually  is  accomplished  by  drilling  holes  about  6  feet  apart  and 
blasting  by  the  Knox  method,  as  described  on  a  previous  page.     The 


masses  thus  separated  may  be  15  or  20  feet  in  lateral  dimensions  and 
1  to  3  or  4  feet  thick  depending  upon  the  spacing  of  the  open-bed  seams. 
Another  method  less  commonly  used  is  to  drill  a  row  of  holes  1  or  13^ 
inches  apart  and  to  broach  out  the  cores  between  them,  making  a 
continuous  cut. 

Cross  Breaks. — For  smaller  cross  breaks,  particularly  those  in  thin- 
bedded  rock,  the  wedging  method  is  employed.  In  drilling  wedge  holes  a 
"starter"  and  a  ''follower"  are  sometimes  used.  The  starter  drill  is 
commonly  l^i  inches  in  diameter  and  drills  only  the  upper  13^^  inches  of 
the  holes.  Then  the  follower,  a  drill  of  J^  inch  diameter,  finishes  the 
holes.  In  the  process  of  wedging  in  such  holes  the  pressure  of  the  plugs 
and  feathers  comes  at  a  point  some  distance  below  the  surface  of 
the  rock,  whereas  if  the  holes  are  of  the  same  size  throughout  their  full 
depth  the  pressure  is  inclined  to  be  excessive  near  the  surface,  causing 
the  rock  to  shell  off.  A  row  of  pick  holes  along  the  line  helps  to  make  a 
straight  break.  Wedge  holes  may  be  spaced  considerably  farther  apart 
when  splitting  parallels  a  pronounced  run  than  when  a  break  is  made 
parallel  with  the  hard  way. 

For  separation  of  large  masses  blasting  sometimes  gives  better  results 
than  wedging.  A  charge  of  black  blasting  powder  fired  in  a  single 
reamed  hole  may  make  a  straight  break  12  to  18  feet  long  and  3  to  4  feet 
deep.  In  many  quarries  it  is  customary  to  blast  the  rock  parallel  with 
the  run  and  to  wedge  it  the  hard  way. 

Splitting  Beds. — In  rocks  in  which  the  reeds  are  pronounced,  beds  are 
easily  split  by  wedging,  but  more  massive  rock,  with  greater  difficulty. 
A  typical  method  is  to  cut  notches  about  }^  inch  deep  and  3  inches  apart 
across  both  ends  and  along  one  side  of  the  block.  A  fracture  is  started 
by  driving  points  into  the  holes  successively  first  at  one  end  of  the  block 
and  then  at  the  other  end.  When  a  fracture  is  formed  some  distance  from 
each  end  thin  wedges  are  driven  into  it  at  both  ends  and  on  the  edge. 
The  block  is  then  turned  down  and  started  on  the  opposite  edge,  and  the 
fracture  is  completed  by  wedging.  When  the  process  is  thus  carefully 
conducted  it  gives  a  uniform  fracture.  A  bull  wedge  sometimes  is  used  in 
splitting  curbstones. 

Trimming. — There  is  usually  need  of  trimming  edges,  especially 
where  such  products  as  curbstones,  steps,  and  coping  are  made.  Where 
curved  corner  curbstones  are  made  much  trimming  is  necessary. 
With  careful  handling  two  corner  curbs  may  be  broken  from  a  single 
block  by  making  a  curved  break.  The  amount  of  trimming  required  is 
influenced  by  cross  bedding,  which  may  result  in  oblique  splitting  of 
beds.  If  a  slab  for  curbstones  is  thicker  at  one  edge  than  the  other,  it  is 
"pitched  off"  with  a  hand  tool  and  hammer,  a  process  that  wastes  rock 
and  requires  much  time  and  labor.  When  trimming  is  done  in  the 
quarries  hand  tools  and  hammers  generally  are  employed. 


Marketing  Bluestone. — Operators  of  the  many  small  bluestone 
quarries  sell  their  products  to  stone  dealers,  or  dealers  may  operate  the 
quarries  themselves.  They  have  yards  termed  "docks,"  situated  on 
navigable  water  or  railway  lines,  where  stone  from  the  quarries  is  unloaded 
and  shipped  by  rail  or  water  to  its  destination.  The  docks  almost 
invariably  are  equipped  with  derricks.  Transportation  is  usually  by 
wagons  and  trucks,  as  very  few  quarries  have  railway  sidings.  The  cost 
of  transportation  is  borne  by  the  quarryman  and  ranges  from  8  to  50 
per  cent  of  the  value  of  the  stone,  depending  on  the  haulage  distance  and 
the  condition  of  roads.  Structural  stone  is  sold  to  building  contractors, 
and  curbing  and  flagging  to  street-construction  contractors,  highway 
boards,  or  municipalities. 


Cause  of  Waste. — Even  in  sandstone  deposits  of  the  highest  quality 
much  rock  is  either  unsuitable  for  use  or  is  wasted  in  quarrying 
and  manufacture.  Much  of  the  waste  may  be  due  to  imperfections  in  the 
rock,  over  which  man  has  no  control.  Joints  may  be  irregular  or  closely 
spaced,  or  they  may  intersect  at  sharp  angles.  Bed  seams  may  be  close 
together  or  wavy  and  uneven,  or  the  rock  may  be  cross-bedded,  with 
intersecting  bed  seams.  The  texture  may  be  uneven,  and  the  degree  of 
cementation  may  lack  uniformity.  Iron  compounds  may  cause  stains, 
and  the  presence  of  clay  may  increase  the  absorption.  Such  defects  in 
composition  and  structure  may  bring  about  the  rejection  of  many  blocks 
of  stone. 

Much  serviceable  rock  is  wasted  in  quarrying  and  milling.  Excessive 
blasting  with  unnecessarily  heavy  charges,  the  ''stunning"  of  channeling 
machines,  and  improper  wedging  are  common  causes  of  excessive  waste. 
Even  in  the  best-conducted  quarries  and  mills  part  of  the  good  stone  must 
be  cut  and  trimmed  away  to  fashion  blocks  and  slabs  to  their  required 
shapes  and  dimensions.  Therefore,  the  volume  of  finished  products 
may  be  less  than  one-half  of  the  gross  quarry  output. 

Waste  Utilization. — Sandstone  is  chemically  inert,  and  its  waste 
products  therefore  have  much  more  limited  application  than  waste  lime- 
stone or  marble.  However,  the  economical  quarryman  seeks  to  cultivate 
certain  fields  of  utilization  to  win  some  profitable  return  from  at  least 
part  of  his  waste  material.  Heavy,  irregular  blocks  of  sandstone  unsuit- 
able for  other  use  may  be  used  for  shore  protection  along  rivers,  for 
spillways  at  dams,  or  for  the  construction  of  harbor  breakwaters.  Irregu- 
lar small  fragments  which  have  one  good  face  are  used  to  some  extent  as 
rubble,  though  rubblestone  has  been  displaced  by  concrete  quite  generally 
during  recent  years.  Waste  blocks  may  also  be  trimmed  to  suitable 
sizes  and  shapes  for  regular  course  or  broken  ashlar  walls.  Waste  sand- 
stone may  be  crushed  for  concrete  aggregate.     As  a  rule,  sandstone  is  not 


suitable  for  road  surfaces,  although  some  argillaceous  sandstones  contain 
enough  binding  material  to  render  them  satisfactory.  Some  quartzites 
are  used  for  road  surfaces  where  traffic  is  heavy.  Sandstones  are  more 
suitable  for  road  bases,  as  they  provide  good  drainage  and  cushion, 
and  a  market  for  waste  is  found  in  this  field. 

Sand  is  an  important  by-product  at  many  sandstone  plants,  especially 
where  the  more  friable  types  are  worked.  The  sand  may  be  used  for 
sand-lime  brick  manufacture,  for  mortar,  for  furnace  floors,  or  as  engine 
sand.  The  utilization  of  pulverized  sandstone  as  asphalt  filler  is  receiv- 
ing some  attention. 

Prevention  of  Waste. — In  view  of  the  limited  number  of  uses  for 
which  waste  sandstone  may  be  employed,  quarry  operators  endeavor  to 
keep  the  proportion  of  waste  at  a  minimum  by  quarrying  in  accordance 
with  joint  systems  and  other  rock  structures,  by  exercising  great  care  in 
blasting,  by  employing  skill  and  good  judgment  in  wedging,  and  by 
careful  selection  of  rock  that  it  may  be  suitable  for  its  intended  use. 
Waste  may  be  reduced  by  skillful  milling.  Blocks  containing  streaks 
or  spots  may  be  cut  in  such  manner  that  the  blemishes  do  not  appear 
on  exposed  surfaces.  There  is  an  advantage  in  operating  a  mill  in  con- 
nection with  a  quarry,  for  the  quarryman  understands  his  rock  and  can 
therefore  cut  it  to  much  better  advantage  than  a  millman  unacquainted 
with  its  peculiarities. 


AuBURY,  Lewis  E.     The  Structural  and  Industrial  Materials  of  California.     Cali- 
fornia State  Min.  Bur.  Bull.  38,  1906,  pp.  114-116. 
Bowles,  Oliver.     Sandstone  Quarrying  in  the  United  States.     U.  S.  Bur.  of  Mines 

Bull.  124,  1917,  143  pp. 
BowNOCKER,  J.  A.     Building  Stones  of  Ohio.     Geol.  Survey  of  Ohio,  4th  ser.,  Bull. 

18,  1915,  160  pp. 
Eckel,  E.  C.     Building  Stones  and  Clays.     John  Wiley  &  Sons,  Inc.,  New  York, 

1912,  pp.  127-149. 
Galliher,  E.  Wayne.     Geology  and  Physical  Properties  of  Building  Stone  from 

Carmel  Valley,  California;  Mining  in  California.     California  Dept.  Nat.  Res., 

Div.  of  Mines,  January,  1932,  pp.  14-41. 
Richardson,  Charles  H.     Building  Stones  and  Clays.     Syracuse  Univ.  Book  Store, 

Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  1917,  pp.  229-266. 
Stone,   R.   W.     Flagstone  Industry  in  Northeastern  Pennsylvania.     Pennsylvania 

Bur.  Topog.  and  Geol.  Survey  Bull.  72,  1923,  7  pp. 
Building  Stones  of  Pennsylvania.     Pennsylvania  Topog.  and  Geol.  Survey 

Bull.  M15,  1932,  316  pp. 



As  pointed  out  in  the  discussion  of  rock  classification,  granite  is  of 
igneous  origin,  coming  up  from  unknown  depths;  thus,  except  in  rare 
instances,  it  may  be  rehed  upon  to  extend  downward  far  beyond  the 
possibihty  of  economical  quarrying.  Granites  and  related  rocks  are 
the  hardest  of  all  ordinarily  used  for  structural  purposes  and  the  most 
difficult  and  expensive  to  quarry  and  shape  into  finished  forms.  The 
many  troublesome  problems  that  confront  the  granite  quarryman  have 
stimulated  his  inventive  genius  to  devise  new  and  better  ways  of  winning 
this  important  structural  material  from  the  earth  and  fashioning  it 
into  useful  and  attractive  products.  The  technology  of  granite  is 
therefore,  of  unusual  interest. 


Chief  Minerals. — The  essential  constituents  of  granite  are  feldspars, 
quartz,  and  either  mica  or  hornblende;  and  their  proportions  vary 
greatly.  According  to  Merrill, ^^  one  European  granite  contains  52  per 
cent  feldspars,  44  per  cent  quartz,  and  4  per  cent  mica;  another  contains 
35  per  cent  feldspars,  59  per  cent  quartz,  and  6  per  cent  mica.  Granites 
as  high  in  quartz  as  these  are  very  difficult  to  work,  but  few  quarried  in 
the  United  States  have  as  large  a  proportion  as  these  foreign  granites. 
The  red  granite  of  St.  Cloud,  Minn.,  contains  70  to  80  per  cent  feldspars, 
15  to  20  per  cent  quartz,  and  5  to  10  per  cent  combined  mica  and  horn- 
blende. Dale^*  found  that  a  Hardwick  (Vt.)  granite  contains  about  62 
per  cent  feldspars,  22  per  cent  quartz,  and  16  per  cent  biotite  mica.  He 
also  states^^  that  dark  Barre  granite  contains  about  65  per  cent  feldspars, 
27  per  cent  quartz,  and  8  per  cent  mica. 

A  simple  method  of  determining  the  proportions  of  the  chief  constit- 
uent minerals  is  described  by  Dale.^**  A  network  of  lines  intersecting  at 
right  angles  is  traced  on  the  polished  surface  of  granite  and  spaced  at 
such  intervals  that  no  two  parallel  lines  will  traverse  the  same  mineral 

1^  Merrill,  G.  P.,  Stones  for  Building  and  Decoration.  3d  ed.,  John  Wiley  &  Sons, 
Inc.,  New  York,  1910,  p.  46. 

1*  Dale,  T.  Nelson,  The  Commercial  Granites  of  New  England.  U.  S.  Geol. 
Survey  Bull.  738,  1923,  p.  110. 

1*  Work  cited,  p.  124. 

"  Work  cited,  p.  100. 



grain.  The  total  length  of  the  lines  is  measured,  the  diameters  of  all 
the  particles  of  each  mineral  variety  are  added  separately,  and  their 
proportion  to  the  total  length  of  the  lines  is  calculated. 

Feldspars  are  the  most  conspicuous  and  ordinarily  the  most  abundant 
minerals  in  granites.  Several  kinds  usually  are  present.  The  potash 
feldspars  (microcline  and  orthoclase)  are  the  most  prevalent  and  are 
generally  accompanied  by  small  percentages  of  one  or  more  members  of 
the  lime-soda  group  (the  plagioclases).  Feldspars  may  be  white,  gray, 
opalescent,  reddish,  brown,  or  green,  and  the  prevailing  color  determines 
to  a  large  extent  that  of  the  rock.  Quartz  grains  may  be  recognized 
readily  by  their  glassy  luster,  absence  of  cleavage,  and  uneven  fracture 
surface.  Quartz  is  commonly  clear  and  transparent  but  may  be  milky, 
bluish,  yellow  (citrine),  opalescent,  purple,  or  smoky.  Next  to  the 
feldspars  and  quartz,  black  mica  (biotite)  is  the  mineral  most  abundant 
in  a  majority  of  granites;  dark  green  or  black  hornblende  may  be  nearly 
as  abundant ;  and  muscovite  frequently  occurs.  When  large  percentages 
of  biotite  or  hornblende  are  present  the  rock  may  be  nearly  black. 

Accessory  Minerals. — Accessory  minerals  are  those  that  may  or 
may  not  be  present  in  a  rock.  When  present  they  are  usually  in  sub- 
ordinate amounts,  and  some  may  be  detected  only  with  a  microscope. 
Garnet,  zircon,  epidote,  titanite,  magnetite,  hematite,  limonite,  ilmenite, 
pyrite,  apatite,  augite,  and  rutile  are  the  more  important  accessory 
minerals  of  granite,  and  minute  quantities  of  many  others  may  occur. 


The  chemical  composition  of  granite  has  little  economic  significance. 
Many  prospective  granite-quarry  operators  wish  to  have  samples  of 
their  rock  analyzed  to  determine  its  quality  and  probable  value,  failing 
to  realize  that  any  one  element  or  compound  may  form  constituent 
parts  of  several  different  minerals,  some  of  which  may  be  desirable  and 
some  undesirable.  For  example,  an  analysis  may  show  a  certain  amount 
of  iron,  but  without  a  very  complete  analysis  and  careful  calculation  the 
amount  of  iron  present  as  a  constituent  of  a  stable  biotite  or  hornblende 
or  of  an  unstable  and  detrimental  pyrite  or  garnet  can  not  be  determined. 
A  chemical  analysis,  however,  may  indicate  the  general  composition; 
thus  a  high  silica  content  would  indicate  a  high  percentage  of  free  quartz. 
Analysis  of  a  granite  is  therefore  much  less  important  than  determination 
of  its  mineralogical  composition. 


The  adaptability  of  a  granite  for  structural  or  ornamental  use  is 
governed  mainly  by  its  physical  properties,  the  character  of  its  con- 
stituent minerals,  and  their  grouping. 


Texture. — The  texture  of  granite  signifies  the  size  and  arrangement  of 
mineral  grains.  Uniform  grain  size  usually  is  demanded  in  commercial 
granites  for  building  or  ornamental  uses.  Lack  of  such  uniformity 
condemns  thousands  of  deposits  throughout  the  world  for  practical  use. 
Grain  size  varies  greatly  in  different  granites.  They  accordingly  are 
classed  as  fine-,  medium-,  and  coarse-grained.  Medium-grained  granites 
are  those  in  which  the  feldspars  average  about  one-fourth  inch  across. 

Uniform  distribution  of  the  minerals  is  as  important  as  uniform 
grain  size.  Light  and  dark  minerals  should  be  distributed  evenly 
throughout  the  rock  mass,  for  this  gives  uniform  color  and  texture. 
Many  commercial  deposits  display  remarkable  homogeneity;  the  rock 
may  not  vary  in  color  or  texture  for  many  feet,  either  vertically  or 
horizontally.  A  number  of  granite  enterprises  owe  their  success  to  such 
consistent  qualities. 

Color. — The  color  of  a  granite  is  governed  largely  by  that  of  the 
feldspar,  usually  the  most  abundant  mineral.  However,  it  may  be 
modified  to  some  extent  by  the  quartz,  hornblende,  or  mica,  if  consider- 
able amounts  are  present.  White,  light  gray,  dark  gray,  pink,  red,  and 
olive-green  commercial  granites  are  common.  Uniform  color  distribu- 
tion is  a  desirable  feature. 

Hardness. — The  hardness  of  a  granite  is  determined  by  that  of  its 
constituent  minerals.  As  feldspar  and  hornblende  have  a  hardness  of 
about  6,  and  quartz  of  7,  all  granites  must  be  exceedingly  hard.  Those 
having  abundant  quartz  are  the  hardest.  Some  are  quite  brittle  and 
shatter  readily,  while  others  have  interlocking  grains  that  make  them 
very  tough  and  consequently  difficult  to  separate  by  blasting  or  wedging. 

Porosity. — Although  freshly  quarried  granite  appears  very  dense  and 
impervious  to  moisture,  investigations  by  Merrill,  Watson,  Buckley, 
Parks,  and  others  show  that  the  pore  space  of  average  granites  is  0.10  to 
0.50  per  cent.  These  microscopic  pores  are  both  within  and  between 
the  mineral  particles.  Dale^^  states  that  an  average  granite  contains 
0.8  per  cent  water  and  can  absorb  about  0.2  per  cent  more;  that  is, 
1  cubic  yard  of  granite  weighing  about  2  tons  contains  about  33^^  gallons 
of  water  and  if  immersed  can  absorb  nearly  1  gallon  more. 

Although  the  total  pore  space  is  very  small  it  may  have  interesting 
effects.  Pores  of  subcapillary  size  do  not  give  up  their  water  content 
readily  and  damage  from  frost  action  may  result.  As  will  be  shown  later, 
the  fluidal  cavities  in  quartz  probably  bear  definite  relation  to  the  rift. 


Granites  generally  are  named  from  the  most  prominent  ferro-mag- 
nesian  mineral  present;  thus,  they  may  be  called  "biotite  granites," 
"hornblende  granites,"  or,  more  rarely,  "augite  granites."     If  two  such 

"  Work  cited,  p.  12. 


minerals  are  prominent  a  compound  word  may  be  used,  as  "hornblende- 
biotite  granite."  The  name  "binary  granite"  is  sometimes  given  to  one 
consisting  only  of  quartz  and  feldspars.  Sometimes  granites  are  named 
from  an  unusually  prominent  accessory  mineral,  as  "epidote  granite" 
or  "tourmaline  granite."  Classification  by  color  provides  for  red, 
gray,  white,  or  other  groups. 

Granites  are  also  classed  according  to  texture.  They  may,  for  exam- 
ple, be  designated  "fine-grained"  or  "coarse-grained."  "Porphyritic 
granite"  consists  of  relatively  coarse  grains  in  a  fine-grained  groundmass. 
The  term  "aplite"  is  usually  applied  to  a  fine-grained,  light-colored 
granite  that  occurs  in  dikes.  A  rock  may  have  the  mineral  constituents 
of  a  granite  but  show  a  banded  arrangement  of  light  and  dark  minerals, 
owing  to  folding  while  the  rock  was  plastic  or  semimolten.  Such  meta- 
morphic  rocks  (gneisses)  are  classed  commercially  with  the  granites  and 
may  be  designated  "gneissic  granites." 


Granite  is  only  one  of  many  igneous  rocks,  but  it  occupies  so  promi- 
nent a  place  in  any  discussion  of  dimension  stone  that  the  other  less 
important  types  are  included  with  it.  When  igneous  rocks  are  considered 
for  building  and  similar  purposes  granite  predominates  for  two  reasons. 
First,  there  are  few  other  igneous  rocks  of  composition,  texture,  or  color 
suitable  for  structural  or  ornamental  uses.  Second,  most  igneous 
rock  types  so  employed  are  classed  commercially  as  granites,  even  though 
some  are  far  removed  petrographically. 

Certain  related  varieties  are  logically  classed  with  granites,  as  they 
are  so  similar  as  to  be  distinguishable  only  by  very  careful  examination, 
sometimes  only  by  the  use  of  a  microscope.  The  more  prominent  of 
these  closely  related  types  are  syenite,  diorite,  quartz  diorite,  and 
quartz  monzonite. 

Other  rocks  classed  commercially  as  granites  differ  sharply  from  them. 
The  most  important  of  the  distantly  related  types  are  the  so-called 
"black  granites,"  which  may  be  gabbros,  diabases,  or  dark  diorites. 
They  are  similar  to  true  granites  in  structure  and  texture  but  consist 
essentially  of  plagioclase  feldspar  and  augite,  with  little  or  no  quartz. 
Some  are  quite  ornamental,  will  take  a  high  polish,  and  are  used  in  the 
same  way  as  granites.  Rhyolites  and  volcanic  tuff,  uses  of  which  are 
limited,  also  are  distantly  related  to  granites. 


Certain  structural  features  affect  both  the  quality  and  workability 
of  granite.  Joints,  sheet  structure,  rift,  grain,  dikes,  knots,  and  hair 
lines  are  the  most  important. 

Joints. — Joints,  or  seams,  are  natural  fractures  that  traverse  the 
granite  mass,  usually  in  a  nearly  vertical  direction.     Pynamic  geologists 



generally  agree  that  they  are  caused  by  compressive  or  torsional  strain, 
which  has  been  resolved  into  two  components,  each  at  an  angle  of  about 
45°  with  the  direction  of  strain.  This  theory  has  some  confirmation  in 
the  fact  that  joints  occur  quite  generally  in  two  main  systems,  called 
"major"  systems,  which  intersect  at  about  90°;  less  prominent  systems 
are  termed  "secondary."  Joints  may  have  resulted  from  a  constant 
force  exerted  in  one  direction  over  a  wide  area,  for  the  systems  tend  to 
run  in  the  same  compass  directions  in  many  quarries  throughout  an 
extended  deposit.     Thus,  in  the  St.  Cloud  (Minn.)  region,  where  the 

Fig.  21. — Strike  of  major  and  secondary  joints  in  granite  deposits  near  St.  Cloud,  Minn. 

writer  some  years  ago  took  numerous  compass  readings,  most  of  the 
major  joints  strike  either  approximately  north  and  south  or  east  and 
west,  as  shown  diagrammatically  in  figure  21. 

Major  systems  are  common  in  granite  deposits,  but  many  inter- 
mediate and  irregular  joints  may  occur,  and  in  some  deposits  no  sys- 
tematic arrangement  may  be  evident.  Obviously  an  arrangement  in 
two  parallel  systems  meeting  at  right  angles,  with  few  intermediate  or 
irregular  joints,  is  the  most  favorable  for  quarrying,  as  it  facilitates 
removal  of  blocks  and  maintains  a  low  percentage  of  waste. 

The  spacing  of  joints  is  extremely  variable.  If  they  are  only  a  few 
inches  apart  the  rock  is  useless  as  dimension  stone,  except  possibly  for 
small  rubble.  Straight  major  joints  10  to  30  feet  apart  usually  are 
regarded  as  advantageous  in  quarrying.  If  only  3  or  4  feet  apart,  blocks 
of  sufficient  size  may  be  obtainable,  but  the  rock  may  be  stained  by 
weathering  agencies  acting  from  the  joint  walls.  Such  staining  detracts 
from  its  quality  for  memorial  uses  but  may  be  an  asset  for  certain  archi- 


tectural  effects  now  in  demand.  In  some  localities,  such  as  the  Lithonia 
district  of  Georgia  and  the  Mount  Airy  region  of  North  Carolina,  the 
rock  may  be  sound  and  massive  over  wide  areas  without  any  joints. 

Sheeting  Planes. — Sheeting  planes  are  approximately  horizontal 
partings  that  separate  a  granite  mass  into  sheets  or  layers.  They 
generally  parallel  the  rock  surface  and  are  consistently  closer  together 
near  the  surface  than  at  depth.  In  some  granites  they  are  very  promi- 
nent and  closely  spaced.  On  Crotch  Island,  Me.,  they  are  only  2  to 
4  feet  apart  near  the  surface  and  present,  although  more  widely  spaced,  at 
a  depth  of  at  least  140  feet.  Widely  separated  sheeting  planes  occur  at 
a  depth  of  250  feet  at  Quincy,  Mass.  In  the  St.  Cloud  district,  Minne- 
sota, they  are  few  and  widely  separated.  As  a  rule,  they  are  more  closely 
spaced  than  joints  in  New  England,  while  the  reverse  is  true  in  Min- 
nesota. On  this  account  quarrymen  who  have  worked  both  in  New 
England  and  in  the  St.  Cloud  district  describe  the  rock  of  the  latter 
region  as  "standing  on  end."  Just  as  the  granites  of  Lithonia,  Ga.,  and 
Mount  Airy,  N.  C,  are  crossed  by  few  joints,  so  are  they  without  sheet 
structure.  In  such  deposits  artificial  sheets  must  be  forced  in  the  process 
of  quarrying. 

The  origin  of  sheeting  planes  is  obscure.  Dale^^  discusses  in  some 
detail  all  the  theories  advanced,  concluding  that  compressive  strain 
was  probably  the  main  factor  in  producing  them,  though  expansion  under 
solar  heat  may  have  been  a  contributory  cause  in  the  surface  layers. 
The  arched  structure  commonly  found  in  sheeting  planes  may  account 
for  the  conspicuous  domelike  form  that  characterizes  many  granite 

Rift  and  Grain. — Many  granites  split  in  some  directions  with  greater 
ease  than  in  others.  The  direction  of  easiest  splitting  or  the  fracture 
system  that  makes  splitting  possible  is  called  the  "rift."  A  second 
less  strongly  marked  fracture  system  may  stand  at  right  angles  to  the 
rift.  It  is  generally  called  the  "grain,"  but  in  Minnesota  it  is  called 
the  "run."  The  direction  at  right  angles  to  both  rift  and  grain  is 
called  the  "hard  way"  or  "head  grain." 

In  Minnesota  the  rift  is  nearly  always  horizontal,  and  the  grain  in 
some  vertical  plane.  In  many  Vermont  and  Maine  quarries  conditions 
are  reversed,  the  grain  usually  being  horizontal  and  the  rift  vertical. 
In  New  Hampshire  conditions  more  nearly  resemble  those  in  Minnesota. 
There  are  many  variations,  but  one  direction  of  comparatively  easy 
splitting  is  almost  invariably  horizontal  and  the  other  at  right  angles  to  it. 
The  direction  of  grain  may  be  constant  over  a  wide  area.  Thus,  through- 
out central  Minnesota  the  grain  like  the  major  joints  is  predominantly 
north  and  south,  except  in  one  small  area  where  it  is  east  and  west. 

18  Work  cited,  pp.  26-36. 


The  origin  of  rift  and  grain,  like  that  of  sheeting  planes,  is  obscure. 
They  are  apparently  independent  of  sheets  and  of  flow  structure.  Ac- 
cording to  Dale  they  are  caused  principally  by  orientation  of  the  minerals 
— that  is,  by  the  arrangement  of  the  minerals  in  lines  or  planes  or  with 
parallelism  in  their  cleavage  directions.  They  may  also  be  caused  by 
the  arrangement  of  fluidal  cavities  in  parallel  planes  in  the  quartz  grains; 
by  incipient  jointing  caused  by  strain;  or  by  microscopic  faults  or  frac- 
tures. That  rift  and  grain  in  the  granites  of  central  Minnesota  originated 
in  orientation  of  minerals  is  indicated  rather  definitely  by  two  facts: 
First,  the  rift  surface  is  smoother  than  other  surfaces.  A  skilled  paving- 
block  cutter  can  detect  the  rift  blindfolded  by  the  feel  of  the  surface. 
This  condition  would  indicate  predominance  of  feldspar  cleavage  faces 
parallel  to  the  rift.  Second,  some  quarrymen  have  stated  that  they 
recognize  the  rift  by  "the  direction  in  which  the  grains  point."  They 
appear  to  base  their  observations  rather  on  the  dark  than  on  the  light 

Some  granites  display  no  evidence  of  rift  or  grain.  Even  in  rocks 
in  which  they  are  most  fully  developed  rift  and  grain  are  obscure  proper- 
ties that  may  be  recognized  only  by  a  skilled  stonecutter.  Nevertheless, 
they  are  of  the  utmost  importance  in  quarrying,  as  they  make  splitting 
easy  and  give  comparatively  smooth,  uniform  surfaces.  Paving-block 
cutters  are  exceptionally  skilled  in  recognizing  rift.  It  may  be  safely 
said  that  the  granite  paving-block  industry  could  not  exist  were  it  not 
for  rift  and  grain  in  the  rock. 

Dikes. — Dikes  are  defined  as  fissures  filled  by  mineral  matter  injected 
in  a  plastic  to  fluid  condition.  Dike  material  is  of  two  main  types — 
acidic  or  basic;  that  is,  it  may  be  siliceous,  like  granite,  or  may  contain 
a  large  percentage  of  ferromagnesian  minerals,  thus  having  the  composi- 
tion of  a  basalt  or  diabase.  Dikes  in  granite  deposits  may  range  in 
width  from  a  fraction  of  an  inch  to  several  feet  and  occasionally  to  50 
or  even  150  feet. 

Acidic  Dikes. — Some  dikes  consist  of  granite  which  differ  radically 
from  that  into  which  it  is  injected.  In  Minnesota,  red  granite  dikes 
commonly  traverse  gray  granites.  The  well-known  granites  of  Westerly, 
R.  I.,  are  quarried  in  a  formation  that  has  been  interpreted  as  a  great 
dike  50  to  150  feet  thick.  The  occurrence  of  commercial  granite  in  dike 
form  is  quite  exceptional. 

Aplite  dikes — fine-grained,  light-colored  granite — are  very  common. 
They  are  usually  quite  narrow,  and  their  fine-grained  texture  probably 
is  due  to  comparatively  rapid  cooling  caused  by  contact  with  the  previ- 
ously solidified  rock  masses  on  either  side. 

Pegmatite,  according  to  Hess,^*  is  a  general  name  for  rocks  with 
coarsely   and   unevenly   crystallized   segregated   minerals   occurring   as 

19  Hess,  Frank  L.,  Pegmatites.     Econ.  Geol.,  vol.  28,  no.  5,  1933,  pp.  447-462. 


dikes,  veins,  or  metamorphic  masses.  During  their  formation  the 
constituents  of  ordinary  granite  were  supplemented  by  water  vapor  and 
numerous  volatile  elements,  such  as  fluorine,  chlorine,  boron,  phosphorus, 
and  sulphur.  A  slow  process  of  crystallization  and  mineral  replacement 
caused  large  crystals  of  feldspar,  quartz,  and  mica  to  form,  and  associated 
with  them  in  many  places  was  a  series  of  characteristic  pegmatite  min- 
erals, such  as  tourmaline,  scheelite,  garnet,  cassiterite,  apatite,  and  beryl. 

Pegmatites  supply  practically  all  the  feldspar  and  sheet  mica  of 
commerce  but  have  little  value  as  sources  of  structural  or  ornamental 

Basic  Dikes. — The  more  common  types  of  basic  dikes  are  those 
termed  "diabase"  or  "trap"  dikes.  They  are  dark  green,  dark  gray, 
or  black,  are  very  hard  and  dense,  and  are  common  in  many  granite 
regions.  More  than  360  have  been  counted  in  the  Rockport  quarries, 
Cape  Ann,  Mass. 

Effect  of  Dikes  on  Granite. — Granite  traversed  by  dikes  of  any  kind 
rarely  is  utilized  as  dimension  stone.  Basic  dikes,  particularly,  stand 
out  as  dark,  conspicuous  bands  that  mar  the  appearance  of  the  stone. 
They  are  unwelcome  in  quarries  because  of  the  time  and  labor  wasted  in 
removing  them  and  of  the  granite  they  render  valueless  commercially. 
It  has  also  been  observed  that  rock  near  dikes  tends  to  be  unsound. 
Such  a  condition  is  to  be  expected,  because  the  shattering  which  formed 
the  open  fractures  into  which  the  dike  material  was  injected  may  have 
developed  fine  cracks  or  incipient  seams  in  the  near-by  rock. 

In  some  deposits,  however,  granite  close  to  dikes,  though  not  actually 
cut  by  them,  may  be  of  good  quality.  The  heat  of  the  dike  material 
may  have  developed  minute  cracks  in  the  quartz  and  feldspar  of  the 
adjoining  granite,  but  this  contact  effect  may  not  extend  beyond  a  depth 
of  1  or  2  inches. 

Knots. — The  term  "knot"  is  applied  to  a  circular,  oblong,  or  irregu- 
lar mass  that  commonly  occurs  in  a  granite  otherwise  of  uniform  texture. 
Knots  are  usually  dark  and  are  regarded  as  serious  blemishes,  par- 
ticularly on  polished  surfaces,  where  they  stand  out  like  blots  on  a  sheet 
of  paper.  As  they  in  no  wise  affect  strength  or  durability,  stone  con- 
taining them  may  be  used  for  curbing,  paving,  or  other  purposes  where 
color  means  little.     Knots  are  of  two  kinds — segregations  and  inclusions. 

The  more  common  types  are  segregations — groupings  of  dark  minerals 
in  spots  during  cooling  and  solidification.  Segregations  consist  of  the 
same  minerals  as  the  parent  rock;  but  the  dark  minerals,  hornblende 
and  biotite,  are  more  abundant  than  the  light  quartz  and  feldspar.  Both 
the  origin  and  distribution  of  segregations  are  difficult  to  explain.  No 
conclusions  have  been  reached  regarding  their  occurrence,  and  the 
probability  of  their  presence  or  absence  in  any  locality  is  a  matter  of  mere 


Knots  designated  as  "inclusions"  are  masses  of  foreign  material 
caught  up  by  a  semiliquid  magma  and  held  within  it  until  the  whole  has 
solidified.  Such  knots  are  somewhat  angular  and  comprise  material 
different  from  the  rock  in  which  they  are  inclosed.  As  inclusions  consist 
of  foreign  materials  they  are  most  apt  to  occur  near  the  borders  of  granite 
masses — that  is,  in  the  zones  nearest  contact  of  the  granite  with  other 

Methods  of  Distinguishing  Knots. — As  noted  previously,  some  rules 
can  be  laid  down  for  the  occurrence  of  inclusions,  but  none  have  been 
established  for  segregations.  At  times,  therefore,  it  is  rather  important 
to  interpret  the  origin  of  knots  and  classify  them  correctly.  A  specific 
example  best  illustrates  the  method  of  interpretation.  In  a  certain 
granite  two  types  of  knots  occur.  Microscopic  examination  in  thin 
section  reveals  that  one  consists  of  orthoclase,  plagioclase,  quartz,  and 
biotite,  the  same  minerals  that  occur  in  the  surrounding  rock,  though  the 
proportion  is  different,  biotite  being  in  excess.  These  minerals  have  the 
same  peculiarities  as  corresponding  minerals  in  the  main  rock  mass;  for 
example,  the  biotite  contains  inclusions  of  apatite  and  zircon,  a  condition 
characteristic  of  this  granite.  Such  knots  are  undoubtedly  segregations. 
The  other  type  of  knot  is  quartz  and  biotite,  with  no  feldspar.  The  mica 
flakes  show  parallel  orientation  and  have  no  inclusions  of  apatite  or 
zircon.  Therefore,  the  minerals  have  different  characteristics  from 
corresponding  minerals  in  the  surrounding  rock,  and  their  character  and 
arrangement  suggest  the  probability  that  the  knot  is  an  inclusion  of 
biotite  schist.  The  shape  of  knots  is  also  indicative  of  their  origin, 
angular  knots  being  inclusions  and  ellipsoidal  or  spherical  knots  more 
probably  segregations. 

Hair  Lines. — The  term  "hair  line"  is  applied  in  some  regions,  par- 
ticularly in  Minnesota,  to  all  fine  lines  of  discoloration  in  granite.  These 
lines  are  practically  unrecognizable  on  rough  or  tooled  granite  and 
therefore  are  objectionable  only  on  polished  surfaces,  where  they  stand 
out  quite  prominently  and  detract  greatly  from  appearance.  Some 
black  hair  lines  appearing  in  granite  close  to  trap  dikes  are  really  minute 
dikes;  others  are  very  small  veins  filled  with  dark  or  smoky  quartz. 
Green  hair  lines,  consisting  of  epidote  veinlets,  are  common.  If  they 
follow  joint  systems  they  are  unimportant,  but  if  they  wander  irregularly 
they  may  mar  the  stone.  Quarrymen  examine  rock  very  carefully  for  hair 
lines  before  selecting  it  for  monumental  purposes.  They  can  be  observed 
best  if  water  is  thrown  over  the  surface. 


Dimension  granite  is  used  for  five  principal  products.  These  are,  in 
order  of  their  production  value:  Monumental  stone,  building  stone, 
paving  blocks,  curbing,  and  rubble.     Only  stone  of  the  highest  quality  is 



used  for  monuments,  because  much  of  it  is  polished  and  polishing  empha- 
sizes all  defects.  Increasing  quantities  of  polished  granite  are  being 
used  also  for  structural  purposes,  not  only  because  it  is  attractive,  but 
because  it  is  easily  cleaned  and  is  not  soiled  so  quickly  as  unpolished 
granite;  therefore,  highly  ornamental  stones,  as  well  as  the  more 
ordinary  types,  are  used  for  building.  For  paving  blocks  and  curbing 
appearance  is  less  important. 

The  following  table,  compiled  by  the  United  States  Bureau  of  Mines, 
indicates  the  amount  and  value  of  granite  sold  for  various  uses. 

Granite  Sold  or  Used  by  Producers  in  the  United  States,   1936  and  1937, 

BY  Uses 








Building  stone  (rough  and  dressed),  cubic  feet. 

Approximate  equivalent  in  short  tons 

Monumental  stone,  cubic  feet 

Approximate  equivalent  in  short  tons 

Paving,  number  of  blocks 

Approximate  equivalent  in  short  tons 

Curbing,  linear  feet 

Approximate  equivalent  in  short  tons 

Rubble,  short  tons 










Total  value. 








2 , 657 , 630 







$  3,068,155 






The  corresponding  total  for  1929  was  $25,369,396  and  for  1932, 


Granites  are  quarried  in  many  parts  of  the  United  States,  but  the 
principal  deposits  may  be  grouped  in  four  chief  areas,  as  follows:  (1)  The 
Appalachian  district  of  eastern  United  States,  from  Maine  to  Georgia; 
(2)  the  Middle  Western  States,  particularly  Minnesota  and  Wisconsin;  (3) 
the  Rocky  Mountain  States,  where  deposits  have  not  been  developed 
extensively;  and  (4)  the  Pacific  Coast  States,  particularly  California. 
The  general  distribution  of  granites  in  the  United  States  is  shown  in  figure 
22.  The  leading  producing  centers  for  monumental  granite  are  Barre, 
Vt.,  Quincy,  Mass.,  and  St.  Cloud,  Minn.  In  order  of  production  value 
of  monumental  stone  in  1928  the  10  leading  States  were  Vermont, 
Minnesota,  Wisconsin,  Massachusetts,  California,  Georgia,  Rhode  Island, 
North  Carolina,  New  Hampshire,  and  Maine,  which  produced  about  86 
per  cent  of  the  total.  The  10  leading  States  in  order  of  production  value 
of  building  stone  for  the  same  year  were  Massachusetts,  Minnesota, 























.S  "^ 

.2  ® 



North  Carolina,  New  York,  New  Hampshire,  Maine,  Georgia,  Mary- 
land, Pennsylvania,  and  Vermont.  The  totals  and  relative  standing 
of  the  States  vary  from  year  to  year.  Figures  may  be  obtained  from  the 
U.  S.  Bureau  of  Mines,  which  annually  publishes  complete  statistics  by 
States  and  uses. 


About  96  per  cent  of  the  production  value  of  granite  dimension  stone  is 
confined  to  16  States,  which  may  be  arranged  in  two  groups,  those  of 
major  importance  as  producers  and  those  less  important.  The  first 
group,  comprising  the  following  States,  listed  in  order  of  production  in 
1928,  furnished  about  81  per  cent  of  the  total  quantity  for  that  year: 
Vermont,  Massachusetts,  Minnesota,  North  Carolina,  Maine,  Georgia, 
Wisconsin,  and  New  Hampshire.  The  second  group,  accounting  for 
about  15  per  cent  of  the  total  production,  included  New  York,  California, 
Maryland,  Rhode  Island,  Connecticut,  Pennsylvania,  South  Dakota,  and 

The  order  of  arrangement  of  the  States  and  much  of  the  statistical 
data  given  in  the  following  pages  are  based  on  1928  production  because 
a  fairly  complete  analysis  of  the  1928  figures  has  been  published. -° 

Principal  Producing  States 

Vermont. — Vermont,  with  an  output  valued  in  1928  at  $4,227,  525,  or 
17.1  per  cent  of  the  total  for  block  granite  in  the  United  States,  is  the 
largest  producer  in  the  country.  It  specializes  in  monumental  stone,  a 
material  that  accounts  for  about  96  per  cent  of  the  total  value  of  granite 
produced  in  the  State.  About  36  per  cent  of  the  monumental  stone  of  the 
United  States  was  produced  in  this  State  in  1928.  The  total  output  in 
1929  was  valued  at  S4, 113,886,  in  1930  it  was  $3,348,938,  in  1936,  $2,238,- 
724,  and  in  1937,  $2,511,986. 

In  this  and  in  most  of  the  States  the  granites  are  described  briefly  by 
counties  in  alphabetical  order. 

Caledonia  County. — The  Newark  rock  is  a  coarse-grained,  light 
pinkish  gray  biotite  granite  marketed  as  "Newark  pink."  The  Kirby 
Mountain  granite,  which  is  bluish  gray  and  medium-  to  fine-grained,  has 
been  worked  to  a  limited  extent.  The  Hardwick  granites,  which  are 
fine  to  medium,  even-grained  and  bluish  gray,  are  well-known  to  the 
monument  trade  as  "Hardwick"  and  "Dark  Blue  Hardwick."  Typical 
"Ryegate"  granite,  also  known  as  "Vermont  gray,"  is  a  medium-grained, 
light  gray  stone  suitable  for  monuments  or  building.  Stone  of  a  decided 
blue-gray,  "Vermont  blue,"  is  quarried  at  Groton. 

20  Bowles,  Oliver,  and  Hatmaker,  Paul,  Trends  in  the  Production  and  Uses  of 
Granite  as  Dimension  Stone.     Rept.  of  Investigations  3065,  Bur.  of  Mines,  1931, 21  pp. 


Orleans  County. — The  rock  at  Derby  is  a  fine-grained,  light  bluish 
gray  biotite-muscovite  granite,  sold  chiefly  for  monuments  and  monu- 
ment bases  under  the  trade  name  "Derby  Gray."  Sheeting  planes  are 
3  to  18  feet  apart,  and  one  set  of  vertical  joints  provides  a  heading  at  the 
north  wall  of  the  quarry.     Quarrying  was  begun  about  1880. 

Washington  County. — The  district  surrounding  Barre  and  Graniteville, 
Washington  County  and  Williamstown,  Orange  County  is  the  most 
important  monumental  granite-producing  center  in  the  United  States. 
The  granite  occurs  in  two  prominent  domes.  Cobble  Hill  and  Millstone 
Hill;  the  latter  supplies  most  of  the  commercial  stone.  The  two  hills 
are  regarded  as  parts  of  a  single  mass  appearing  at  or  near  the  surface  in 
an  area  4  miles  long  and  23-^  miles  wide.  The  rock  is  a  fine-  to  medium- 
grained  gray  to  white  biotite  granite ;  the  various  shades  are  designated  as 
"white  Barre,"  "light  Barre,"  "medium  Barre,"  "dark  Barre,"  and 
"very  dark  Barre."  The  darker  varieties  are  most  in  favor  for  monu-" 
ment  dies  and  the  lighter  for  buildings,  mausoleums,  and  monument 
bases.  An  average  sample  of  dark  Barre  granite  consists  of  about  65 
per  cent  feldspars,  27  per  cent  quartz,  and  8  per  cent  mica. 

Sheeting  planes  6  inches  to  30  feet  apart  are  present  in  some  quarries; 
in  others  they  are  spaced  more  widely  or  are  absent.  Masses  40  to  80 
feet  thick  without  sheeting  planes  have  been  encountered.  This  incom- 
plete development  of  sheet  structure  makes  quarrying  difficult.  Joints 
are  irregular,  following  at  least  five  different  compass  directions.  The 
spacing  also  is  quite  variable,  ranging  in  most  quarries  from  1  to  50 
feet  and  in  others  from  100  to  200  feet.  Black  knots  rarely  occur.  Its 
remarkably  uniform  texture  is  one  of  the  chief  assets  of  Barre  granite. 
The  rift  ranges  from  85°  to  vertical  and  varies  somewhat  in  direction, 
on  Millstone  Hill  from  N.30°E.  to  N.60°E.,  and  on  Cobble  Hill  from 
N..50°E.  to  N.75°E.  Almost  invariably  the  grain  is  horizontal.  Peg- 
matite, aplite,  and  basic  dikes  occur  but  are  not  numerous. 

For  many  years  a  dozen  or  more  large  companies  operated  quarries 
in  this  district.  Recent  consolidations  have  reduced  the  number,  though 
the  extent  of  operations  has  not  been  curtailed. 

Monumental  stone  is  the  chief  product.  The  industry  consists  of  two 
distinct  branches — quarrying  and  manufacturing.  Some  quarry  compa- 
nies also  manufacture ;  but  most  of  them  produce  rough  blocks  only,  which 
they  furnish  to  neighboring  manufacturing  plants  and  ship  to  all  parts 
of  the  country.  Figures  compiled  by  the  Barre  Granite  Manufacturers' 
Association  show  that  the  quarries  of  the  district  produced  1,549,443 
cubic  feet  of  rough  stock  in  1928.  Of  this  amount,  1,239,554  cubic  feet 
were  manufactured  in  the  district  and  309,889  cubic  feet  shipped  as 
rough  blocks.  More  than  100  plants  for  the  manufacture  of  granite 
products  are  situated  in  and  about  Barre,  Montpelier,  and  neighboring 


Woodbury  granite  occurs  in  numerous  outcrops  within  an  area  about 
33^  miles  square  occupying  the  northeastern  part  of  the  town  of  Wood- 
bury. The  principal  quarries  are  on  the  southeast  flank  of  Robeson 
Mountain  where  several  types  of  dark  to  light  bluish  gray  biotite  granites 
occur.  Most  of  them  are  porphyritic  in  texture,  with  large,  scattered 
feldspar  crystals.  The  products  are  known  to  the  trade  as  ''Woodbury 
Gray,"  "Imperial  Blue,"  "Woodbury  Bashaw,"  and  "Vermont  White." 
They  are  used  for  both  building  and  monumental  purposes.  Woodbury 
has  produced  more  building  granite  than  other  Vermont  quarries,  except 
possibly  those  at  Bethel. 

The  Cabot  granite  is  dark  bluish  gray  and  of  fine,  even-grained  texture. 
It  is  used  for  monuments  and  markers.  Quarries  at  Calais,  or  more 
properly  at  Adamant,  are  in  a  ridge  of  attractive  fine-grained,  light  gray 
biotite  granite  sold  as  monumental  stone. 

Windham  County. — The  source  of  Dummerston  granite  is  a  dome 
about  1  square  mile  in  area  which  rises  approximately  900  feet  above 
West  River,  about  5}4  miles  from  Brattleboro.  Sheeting  planes  6  inches 
to  2  feet  apart,  in  a  zone  25  to  35  feet  thick  with  much  more  widely  spaced 
sheeting  planes  both  above  and  below,  are  an  unusual  feature.  Major 
joints  strike  N.15°E.  and  are  7  to  30  feet  apart.  Rift  and  grain  are 
pronounced,  the  former  being  vertical,  with  a  N.15°E.  course,  and  the 
latter  horizontal.  There  are  two  main  types  of  granite,  the  better 
known  being  the  "Dummerston  White,"  an  even-grained,  light  gray 
rock  speckled  with  bronze  mica,  which  is  used  for  building,  monuments, 
paving  stones,  and  curbing;  the  second  type  is  a  light  bluish  gray  rock 
employed  for  monuments. 

Windsor  County. — The  best  known  Windsor  County  granite  is 
quarried  at  Bethel,  on  Christian  Hill,  a  dome  at  least  one  half  mile  long, 
550  to  650  feet  wide,  and  350  feet  high.  The  rock  is  a  bluish  or  milk- 
white  muscovite  granite,  of  medium  to  coarse  texture.  Sheeting  planes 
are  6  inches  to  8  feet  apart.  Major  joints  are  variable  but  follow  a 
general  east-west  direction.  The  rift  is  horizontal  or  dips  eastward 
slightly,  and  the  grain  is  vertical,  with  a  nearly  east-west  course  in  the 
largest  quarry.  "Bethel  White"  is  used  for  both  monumental  and  build- 
ing purposes  but  is  particularly  adapted  for  the  latter.  The  Union 
Station  and  the  Post  Office  at  Washington,  D.  C,  were  made  of  this  stone. 
It  is  one  of  the  whitest  granites  quarried  and  is  often  mistaken  for  marble. 

A  light  greenish  gray  muscovite  granite,  well-adapted  for  building, 
occurs  near  Rochester.  "Plymouth  White,"  "Windsor  Granite,"  and 
"Ascutney  Green"  are  commercial  types  found  near  Plymouth  and 

Massachusetts. — Massachusetts  ranked  second  as  a  producer  of 
dimension  granite,  with  an  output  in  1928  valued  at  $3,749,668,  or  15.2 
per  cent  of  the  total  for  the  United  States.     Corresponding  figures  for 


1929  are  $4,005,083;  for  1930,  3,024,669;  for  1936,  $2,003,302;  and  for 
1937,  $1,956,408.  Unlike  Vermont  producers,  who  specialize  almost 
exclusively  in  monumental  stone,  Massachusetts  quarrymen  diversify 
their  production.  Of  the  1928  production  45.5  per  cent  was  building 
stone,  24  per  cent  monumental,  10.2  per  cent  paving  stones,  18.9  per  cent 
curbing,  and  1.4  per  cent  rubble.  During  recent  years  a  gradual  increase 
in  the  proportion  of  building  stone  has  been  noted.  There  are  several 
important  producing  centers,  notably  Quincy,  Milford,  West  Chelmsford, 
and  Rockport,  as  well  as  quite  a  number  of  less  productive  areas  scattered 
throughout  the  State. 

Berkshire  County. — The  more  important  granites  of  Berkshire  County 
occur  near  Becket.  The  rock  is  a  fine-grained,  bluish  gray  muscovite- 
biotite  granite  with  a  tendency  toward  gneissic  structure.  Two  main 
types  are  marketed  as  memorial  stones,  "Chester  dark"  and  "Chester 
light,"  the  variation  in  color  being  due  to  differences  in  the  proportion 
of  biotite  present.  Sheeting  planes  are  6  inches  to  30  feet  apart  and 
thicken  gradually  with  depth.  Joints  are  in  two  prominent  systems, 
which  intersect  at  right  angles.     Gray  granite  has  been  quarried  at  Otis. 

Bristol  County. — Important  deposits  of  rock  in  two  colors  occur  near 
Fall  River  in  southeastern  Massachusetts.  "Fall  River  Pink"  is  a 
pinkish  gray,  gneissoid,  biotite  granite;  "Fall  River  Gray"  is  similar, 
except  that  it  is  light  buff-gray.  Both  are  suitable  for  rough,  massive 
construction  and  for  curbing.  Sheets  are  13^^  to  16  feet  thick,  and  joints 
are  spaced  20  to  200  feet  apart.  Pegmatite,  aplite,  and  basic  dikes  occur 
in  places,  and  black  knots  in  the  form  of  inclusions  are  not  uncommon. 

About  2  miles  northwest  of  New  Bedford  is  a  deposit  of  substantial 
and  attractive  building  granite.  The  "New  Bedford"  is  a  light  pinkish 
gray  biotite-muscovite  granite  gneiss  of  coarse  texture,  cut  by  an  unusual 
series  of  dikes,  including  diorite,  diabase,  and  pegmatite.  Rough  and 
dressed  building  stone,  paving  blocks,  and  curbing  are  the  chief  products. 

"Dartmouth"  granite  is  quarried  about  8  miles  southeast  of  Fall 
River.  It  is  similar  to  the  New  Bedford  stone,  except  that  it  is  light 
buff-gray.  The  sheets  are  1  to  12  feet  thick,  the  rift  is  horizontal,  and 
the  grain  is  vertical.     It  is  used  for  rough  construction  and  curbing. 

Essex  County. — An  olive-green  hornbende-augite  granite  somewhat 
resembling  that  quarried  at  Quincy  is  found  in  the  Peabody-Lynnfield 
district,  southern  Essex  County.  The  rock,  known  to  the  trade  as 
"Peabody  Green,"  is  used  for  trimming,  base  courses,  steps,  curbing,  and 
paving  stones. 

The  most  important  granites  of  the  county  occur  on  Cape  Ann,  at 
the  extreme  east.  The  entire  cape  is  made  up  of  granites  and  related 
rocks,  though  they  are  covered  in  part  with  sandy  hillocks,  flats,  and 
marshes.  Rockport  granite  is  of  two  main  sorts — gray  and  green.  The 
grays  are  abundant  and  are  known  commercially  as  "Rockport  Light 


Gray,"  and  "  Bayview  Gray."  The  latter  is  a  medium-  to  coarse-grained, 
black-spotted  gray  hornblende  granite  which  is  rather  hard  to  work 
because  of  a  high  content  of  free  quartz.  The  second  type,  known  as 
"Green  Granite"  or  "Seagreen,"  is  a  dark,  black-spotted,  olive-green 
hornblende  granite.  As  already  stated,  a  conspicuous  feature  of  the 
Rockport  quarries  is  the  large  number  of  basic  dikes  which  traverse 
them.  Pegmatite  dikes  and  black  knots  are  not  uncommon.  The  rift  is 
generally  east-west  and  vertical,  and  the  grain  horizontal.  Sheets  are 
6  inches  to  35  feet  thick.  Numerous  joints  intersect  at  various  acute 
angles.  The  rock  is  adapted  to  a  variety  of  uses.  As  the  location  of 
the  quarries  at  tidewater  is  a  great  advantage  for  shipping  many  large 
blocks  are  quarried  for  docks  and  other  types  of  heavy  shore-line  con- 
struction. The  granite  is  also  used  for  rough  and  dressed  building  stone, 
rough  and  dressed  monumental  stone,  paving  blocks,  curbing,  and  rubble. 
The  two  large  fountains  on  the  Union  Station  plaza,  Washington,  D.  C, 
are  made  of  the  sea-green  stone. 

Hampden  and  Hampshire  Counties. — A  fine-grained,  dark  gray, 
quartz-diorite  gneiss  found  near  Monson  is  used  chiefly  for  building  and 
curbing.  The  banding  is  attributed  to  flow  structure  rather  than  to 
metamorphism.  A  gneissoid  granite  similar  to  the  Monson,  quarried  in 
a  small  way  at  Pelham,  has  been  used  principally  for  local  building. 

Middlesex  County. — A  light  bluish  gray  biotite-muscovite  granite 
gneiss  (more  properly  a  quartz  monzonite),  quarried  near  Acton,  is  used 
chiefly  for  building  and  curbing.  Coarser  grained  granites  from  the 
vicinity  of  Groton  are  used  chiefly  for  paving  stones. 

Important  deposits  occur  near  Graniteville,  Westford,  West  Chelms- 
ford, and  Lowell.  The  ''Oakhill,"  from  the  neighborhood  of  Westford, 
is  a  light  bluish  gray  muscovite-biotite  granite  gneiss.  It  is  medium- 
grained  and  slightly  porphyritic.  Sheets  are  8  inches  to  12  feet  thick. 
Joints  are  in  three  main  systems  intersecting  at  oblique  angles.  The 
rift  is  horizontal  and  the  grain  vertical.  The  best-quality  rock  is  used 
for  monuments  and  dressed  building  stone,  and  the  coarser  and  less 
uniform  material  for  bridges,  rough  building  stone,  paving  blocks, 
curbing,  and  rubble.  The  ''Graniteville"  is  similar,  though  generally 
lighter  in  color.  About  a  dozen  companies,  some  with  extensive  quarries, 
operate  in  the  West  Chelmsford- Westford  district.  The  largest  quarry 
at  West  Chelmsford  is  about  1,500  feet  long,  500  feet  wide,  and  100  feet 
or  more  deep.  Sheeting  planes  are  horizontal,  and  sheets  are  progres- 
sively thicker  at  depth.  Vertical  joints  are  widely  spaced.  The  quarry 
is  exceptionally  well-equipped  for  production  of  building  stone,  curbing, 
and  paving  stones. 

Norfolk  County. — The  granite  industry  in  the  neighborhood  of 
Quincy  is  one  of  the  most  important  in  the  United  States.  The  rock 
occurs  7  or  8  miles  south  of  Boston  in  the  Blue  HiUs,  a  ridge  which  attains 


a  maximum  height  of  about  640  feet.  The  quarries  are  in  a  lenticular 
area  about  10  miles  long  from  east  to  west,  and  one  half  to  2  miles  wide. 
The  rock  is  of  unusual  composition,  being  described  as  a  riebeckite- 
aegirite  granite.  Riebeckite  and  aegirite  are  varieties  of  amphibole  and 
of  pyroxene,  respectively,  both  rich  in  soda  and  iron  but  low  in  alumina, 
magnesia,  and  lime.  Average  Quincy  granite  consists  of  about  60 
per  cent  feldspars,  31  per  cent  quartz,  and  9  per  cent  riebeckite  and 
aegirite.  Unlike  most  granites  it  contains  no  mica.  In  color  it  ranges 
from  medium  or  greenish  gray  to  dark  bluish  gray.  The  bluish  shades 
probably  are  due  to  the  presence  of  the  riebeckite  and  the  greenish  color 
to  the  aegirite.  It  is  a  medium-  to  coarse-grained  rock  of  uniform  texture 
and  is  noted  for  its  ability  to  take  a  high  polish.  The  darker  varieties 
are  marketed,  chiefly  as  rough  monumental  stone,  to  manufacturers  who 
distribute  it  to  retail  monument  dealers  in  all  parts  of  the  country. 
The  various  trade  names  are  "Quincy  Medium,"  "Quincy  Dark," 
"Quincy  Extra  Dark,"  and  "Goldleaf."  The  last  is  the  lightest  shade 
of  monumental  stone  sold,  and  is  characterized  by  yellowish  and  reddish 
specks  of  iron  oxide  derived  in  part  from  oxidation  of  the  unusual  mineral, 
aenigmatite.  "Extra  Light"  or  "Pea-Green"  are  even  lighter  colored 
varieties,  used  principally  for  building. 

Sheet  structure  is  well-defined  in  places,  the  planes  ranging  in  spacing 
from  6  inches  to  27  feet.  The  sheets  consist  of  lenses  with  an  undulating 
course,  usually  parallel  to  the  rock  surface,  and  with  increasing  thickness 
at  depth.  Planes  have  been  found  at  a  depth  of  250  feet.  In  other 
parts  of  the  deposit  the  sheeting  is  obscure  and  irregular.  Joints  are  in 
several  systems,  meeting  at  various  oblique  angles.  As  their  course  is 
followed  downward  many  disappear,  and  new  ones  may  appear  at  various 
levels.  Such  discontinuity  is  characteristic  of  the  Quincy  district. 
The  spacing  of  joints  is  very  irregular,  ranging  from  1  or  2  to  over  100 
feet.  Another  unusual  feature  is  the  presence  of  rift  and  grain,  both  in 
vertical  directions.  Generally  the  course  of  the  rift  is  from  N.65°W. 
to  west,  and  the  grain  is  about  north  and  south,  though  there  are  excep- 
tions. Frequently  the  grain  is  obscure.  Trap  dikes  and  black  knots 
occur  in  places. 

The  Quincy  granite  industry  first  became  important  in  1825,  when 
stone  for  Bunker  Hill  monument  was  quarried.  For  many  years  five  to 
eight  companies  have  been  in  operation,  and  the  annual  value  of  their 
combined  product  has  been  $370,000  to  $675,000. 

Granite  is  produced  in  several  places  in  Norfolk  County  outside  the 
Quincy  district.  In  the  extreme  east,  near  Cohasset,  a  mottled  yellowish 
gray  granite  of  coarse  texture  is  quarried  for  monuments  and  church 

At  Weymouth,  south  of  Quincy,  a  gray  granite  is  sold  for  decorative 
ashlar  and  rough  masonry.     The  walls  of  the  closely  spaced  joints  are 


stained  yellow  and  brown,  providing  variegated  colors  for  seam-faced 
stone  now  so  popular  with  architects.  A  coarse-grained  gray  stone 
quarried  near  Stoughton  is  used  for  local  building.  A  light  gray,  medium- 
grained  hornblende  granite  from  Wrentham  is  used  for  building  and 

Plymouth  County. — At  Hingham,  in  the  northeastern  part  of  the 
county,  a  greenish  gray  aplite  is  quarried  for  building  purposes.  Few 
sheeting  planes  occur,  but  joints  are  numerous  and  closely  spaced.  As 
the  rock  is  stained  to  a  rusty  color  in  the  numerous  seams  it  is  not  suitable 
for  monumental  work  but  fulfills  modern  demands  for  decorative  building 
admirably.  Like  the  rock  near  Weymouth,  described  in  the  preceding 
paragraph,  it  is  marketed  as  seam-faced  granite  and  has  been  used  in 
many  notable  buildings.  Stone  for  similar  uses  is  obtained  near  Lake- 
ville  in  the  southern  part  of  the  county. 

Worcester  County. — The  most  important  granite  district  of  Worcester 
County  is  near  Milford,  about  16  miles  southeast  of  Worcester.  Between 
15  and  20  quarries  have  been  opened  in  various  parts  of  this  extensive 
deposit.  The  Milford  rock  is  a  light  pinkish  or  greenish  gray  biotite 
granite  characterized  by  black  spots  of  mica.  It  is  of  medium  to  coarse 
texture,  with  a  slight  tendency  toward  banding  or  parallelism  which  is 
attributed  to  flow  structure.  When  the  rock  is  cut  parallel  with  the  flow 
structure  the  black  spots  are  largest,  because  the  mica  flakes  parallel 
this  direction.  Another  characteristic  feature  is  the  blue  color  of  the 
quartz  grains.  The  rock  is  cut  by  diorite,  aplite,  and  porphyritic  granite 
dikes.  Black  knots  are  present  in  places,  some  being  inclusions  and  some 
segregations.  Sheeting  planes  are  6  inches  to  18  feet  apart.  Joints  are 
in  three  main  systems  N.10°E.,  N.45°-60°E.,  and  N.55°-70°W.;  though 
they  are  also  found  in  other  directions.  The  rift  is  uniformly  horizontal 
and  the  grain  vertical,  ranging  in  direction  from  N.40°E.  to  east-west. 
''Milford  Pink,"  the  prevailing  commercial  type,  has  a  pleasing  color, 
either  with  tool-dressed  or  polished  surface,  and  is  particularly  effective 
for  carved  or  other  architectural  work.  It  has  been  used  in  many  large 
buildings  in  the  Eastern  and  Middle  Western  States,  notably  in  the 
Pennsylvania  Railroad  station  in  New  York. 

At  Uxbridge,  about  8  miles  southwest  of  Milford,  a  light  gray, 
medium-textured  biotite  granite  gneiss,  useful  for  construction  purposes, 
is  quarried.  Though  sheets  are  absent,  joints  are  numerous.  Alteration 
or  staining  from  the  joint  surfaces  forms  the  so-called  "sap"  rock  to  a 
depth  of  a  foot  in  places.  The  stone  is  used  for  rough  construction, 
dressed  building  stone,  curbing,  and  rubble  and  to  some  extent  for 

Near  Fitchburg  in  the  northern  part  of  the  county  a  light  bluish  gray 
muscovite-biotite  granite  gneiss  is  quarried  for  building  stone,  paving 
blocks,  and  curbing.  A  little  rough  construction  stone  is  obtained  at 
Holden,  near  Worcester. 


Minnesota. — Minnesota,  which  ranked  third  in  production,  has 
deposits  of  high-grade  granites  of  several  distinctive  types.  The  major 
part  of  the  industry  is  centered  near  St.  Cloud,  in  Stearns  and  Sherburne 
Counties,  about  60  miles  northwest  of  Minneapolis.  St.  Cloud  ranks 
second  as  a  national  monumental  granite  center,  being  exceeded  in  value 
of  output  only  by  Barre,  Vt. 

The  value  of  dimension  granite  produced  in  Minnesota  in  1928  was 
$2,637,704,  or  10.6  per  cent  of  the  total  for  the  United  States.  Corre- 
sponding figures  for  1929  are  $3,226,665;  for  1930,  $2,648,909;  for  1936, 
$1,205,688;  and  for  1937,  $883,179.  Building-granite  production  is  a 
much  more  important  industry  in  Minnesota  than  in  Vermont,  as  about 
40  per  cent  of  the  output  is  used  for  construction  and  60  per  cent  for 
monumental  purposes.  Paving-block  and  curbing  production  have 
become  almost  negligible  in  recent  years. 

Minnesota  granites  occur  in  two  main  districts.  Those  usually  classed 
as  of  lower  Keweenawan  age  outcrop  in  many  parts  of  central  Minnesota, 
notably  in  Stearns,  Sherburne,  Benton,  Morrison,  and  Millelacs  Counties; 
in  the  southwestern  part  of  the  State,  along  the  Minnesota  River  Valley 
from  New  Ulm  to  Ortonville,  those  of  Archean  age  occur.  Granites 
appear  in  other  counties  but  are  not  considered  here,  as  they  are  utilized 
to  a  very  limited  extent  as  dimension  stone.  Recently  a  small  production 
of  monumental  and  rough  building  stone  has  been  reported  from  St. 
Louis  County  in  the  far  north. 

As  the  granites  occur  in  two  distinct  areas  it  seems  more  logical  to 
consider  each  separately  than  to  discuss  the  occurrences  alphabetically 
by  counties. 

St.  Cloud  District. — Granites  occur  at  or  near  the  surface  over  an  area 
of  about  200  square  miles  near  St.  Cloud,  "the  Granite  City."  The 
most  active  quarry  region,  in  which  25  to  30  companies  operate,  is  3  to  4 
miles  west  and  southwest  of  the  city.  Many  well-equipped  mills  for 
cutting  and  polishing  are  situated  in  St.  Cloud;  and,  unlike  those  of  the 
Barre  district  of  Vermont,  most  of  the  mills  are  operated  by  quarry 
owners.  Therefore  Minnesota  products  enter  the  market  as  cut  or 
dressed  stone,  whereas  much  of  the  Vermont  production  is  sold  in  rough 
blocks.  On  this  account,  the  unit  value  of  the  Minnesota  stone  is  much 
higher  than  that  of  the  Vermont  product. 

The  rock  is  of  three  main  types,  "St.  Cloud  Red,"  "St.  Cloud  Gray," 
and  "Rockville."  The  red  granite  is  medium-  to  coarse-grained,  the 
feldspars  averaging  about  one  fourth  inch  in  diameter.  These  minerals, 
which  constitute  about  75  per  cent  of  the  rock,  consist  of  orthoclase  and 
microcline  with  a  smaller  amount  of  plagioclase.  Quartz,  forming  about 
15  to  20  per  cent  of  the  rock,  occurs  in  coarse  glassy  grains.  Hornblende 
and  biotite  form  5  to  10  per  cent.  The  rock  is  deep  red,  is  very  attractive 
when  polished,  and  is  therefore  used  chiefly  for  monuments.  The  gray 
granite  consists  principally  of  orthoclase,  plagioclase,  hornblende,  and 


quartz,  the  last  mineral  being  much  less  prominent  than  in  the  red 
granite.  It  is  used  chiefly  for  monuments,  though  a  subordinate  amount 
is  used  for  paving  blocks  and  curbing.  "Rockville"  is  much  coarser- 
grained  than  the  red  and  gray  types,  the  feldspars  being  one  half  to  three 
fourths  inch  across.  It  is  a  pinkish  gray  biotite  granite,  consisting  of 
feldspar,  chiefly  orthoclase,  quartz  in  large  glassy  grains,  and  black  mica. 
Though  used  for  monuments  to  some  extent,  it  is  essentially  a  building 

The  deposits  are  cut  by  granite,  aplite,  and  trap  dikes.  In  many 
places  red  granite  dikes  cut  the  gray,  while  the  converse  is  never  found, 
indicating  that  the  red  granite  is  a  later  intrusion.  Aplite  dikes  are 
common,  especially  in  the  gray  granites.  Diabase  or  trap  dikes,  occurring 
in  many  places  throughout  the  region,  range  in  width  from  a  fraction  of  an 
inch  to  6  or  8  feet.  Hair  lines  of  various  types  are  present.  Black 
knots,  both  segregations  and  inclusions,  are  not  abundant  but  are  fre- 
quent enough  to  be  troublesome.  As  stated  earlier,  joints  are  well- 
developed,  usually  in  two  major  systems,  one  running  approximately 
north  and  south  and  the  other  east  and  west.  They  are  spaced  at 
convenient  intervals  for  quarrying,  usually  2  to  12  feet  apart.  Sheeting 
planes  are  scarce  or  entirely  absent,  a  circumstance  which  makes  quarry- 
ing difficult.  The  rift  is  horizontal  and  the  run  vertical,  ordinarily 
north  and  south. 

Stearns  County. — The  chief  quarry  district  is  in  western  St.  Cloud 
township,  where  15  to  20  quarries  are  in  operation.  Both  red  and 
gray  granites  are  quarried.  The  rock  occurs  in  a  series  of  low  domes 
which  may  be  worked  as  shelf  quarries  of  shallow  depth,  but  most  of  the 
quarries  are  deep  enough  to  be  of  the  pit  type.  The  rift  and  run  are  more 
pronounced  in  the  gray  than  in  the  red,  on  which  account  the  former  is 
better  adapted  for  paving  stones  and  curbing.  For  monumental  uses 
the  deep  reds  are  more  desirable.  Quarrymen  have  their  own  special 
trade  names,  among  which  may  be  mentioned  "Rose  Red  St.  Cloud," 
''Indian  Red  St.  Cloud,"  "Victory  Red  St.  Cloud,"  "St.  Cloud  Superior 
Red,"  "Red  Rock,"  "Melrose  Red,"  "Minnesota  Mahogany,"  "Black 
Diamond  Red,"  "Red  Pearl,"  "North  Star  Red,"  "St.  Cloud  Gray," 
"Victory  Gray  St.  Cloud,"  "St.  Cloud  Superior  Gray,"  "Melrose 
Gray,"  "Pioneer  Gray,"  "Royal  Gray,"  and  "Dark  Gray."  The 
granites  are  much  in  demand  and  are  widely  marketed,  even  in  States  far 
from  the  quarries. 

The  Rockville  district  is  about  10  miles  southwest  of  St.  Cloud  in  a 
pale  pink  coarse-grained  granite  of  exceptionally  uniform  texture  and 
color.  The  rock  rises  in  a  dome  which  is  exposed  over  at  least  an  acre. 
Open  joints  are  far  apart  and  somewhat  irregular  in  direction.  The  most 
prominent  strike  N.70°W. ;  others  strike  N.45°E.,  N.55°W.,  and  N.10°W. 
If  joints  were  closely  spaced,  this  irregularity  would  result  in  much 


waste  rock,  but  here  where  they  are  spaced  20,  40,  and  even  100  feet  apart 
the  irregularity  has  httle  consequence.  In  fact,  quarrying  would  be 
much  easier  if  they  were  spaced  more  closely.  There  are  also  few 
sheeting  planes.  The  rock  is  so  uniform  and  so  free  from  defects  that 
very  little  waste  results.  "Rockville"  granite  is  an  attractive  structural 
stone,  for  the  cleavages  of  the  coarsely  crystallized  feldspars  give  a 
glittering  reflection  on  the  hammered  surface.  It  is  also  well-suited  for 
carving,  but  is  used  to  a  limited  extent  for  monuments.  The  granite  is 
quarried  by  two  long-established  companies  and  is  sold  under  the  trade 
names  ''Minnesota  Pink"  and  "Minnesota  Pearl  Pink."  It  has  been 
used  in  many  notable  buildings,  for  example,  in  the  cathedral  at  St.  Paul, 

Sherburne  County. — Granites  are  available  only  in  the  northwest 
corner  of  Sherburne  County.  Though  red  and  some  intermediate 
varieties  are  present,  gray  predominates.  The  gray  rock  has  a  horizontal 
rift  and  vertical  run  (grain)  north  and  south.  Black  knots  and  aplite 
dikes  occur  in  places.  Most  of  the  joints  are  widely  spaced.  In  some 
quarries  sheeting  planes  are  4  to  16  feet  apart;  in  others  few  are  encount- 
ered. The  rock  is  adapted  chiefly  for  building  and  for  paving  blocks. 
One  large  quarry  is  operated  by  the  State  reformatory,  and  the  rock  is 
used  for  construction  of  the  main  building  and  walls.  Several  companies 
operate  in  both  red  and  gray  granite,  producing  building  stone,  paving 
blocks,  curbing,  and  monument  stock.  During  recent  years,  however, 
paving  and  curbing  manufacture  have  decreased  greatly.  "Minnesota 
White"  and  "Hilder  Gray"  are  common  trade  names. 

Benton  County. — Outcrops  are  more  numerous  in  Benton  than  in 
Sherburne  County,  but  the  rocks  are  less  uniform  and  present  a  greater 
diversity  of  types.  The  most  abundant  rock  is  a  dark  diorite  some  of 
which  has  been  used  for  building  stone,  paving  blocks,  and  monumental 

Mille  Lacs  County. — On  the  west  branch  of  Rum  River  a  few  miles 
west  of  Milaca  a  red  granite  is  quarried  for  monuments  and  sold  under 
the  name  "Sunset  Red."  Most  of  the  rocks  in  the  county  are  diorites 
and  are  not  attractive  for  high-grade  work. 

Morrison  County. — A  granite  of  the  "St.  Cloud  Red"  type  is  quarried 
near  Glenola  for  manufacture  of  monuments.  A  dark,  fine-grained  rock 
quarried  near  Little  Falls  is  described  as  an  augite-diorite,  consisting  of 
numerous  lathlike  crystals  of  plagioclase,  biotite,  green  hornblende,  and 
almost  colorless  augite.  It  is  marketed  as  a  black  granite  under  the  trade 
name  "Little  Falls  Black." 

The  Granites  of  the  Minnesota  River  Valley. — Thousands  of  years  ago 
an  immense  volume  of  water  derived  from  melting  ice  sheets  and  from 
rainfall  over  an  area  that  may  almost  be  termed  continental  poured  down 
the  valley  of  what  is  now  the  Minnesota  River.     In  its  passage  it  swept 


away  all  decayed  and  weathered  debris  and  eroded  a  valley  2  miles  wide  in 
places,  a  valley  entirely  out  of  proportion  in  magnitude  to  the  small 
river  that  now  flows  through  it.  Ancient  Archean  rocks  ordinarily 
protected  by  a  covering  of  Cretaceous  sediments,  are  exposed  in  this 
valley;  and  not  only  have  overlying  formations  been  removed,  but  the 
scouring  effect  of  the  great  river  has  swept  away  the  upper  zone  of 
weathered  granite,  leaving  the  rock  fresh  and  unaltered  at  the  surface. 
Both  granite  and  granite  gneiss  outcrop  in  many  places,  and  have  been 
quarried  at  various  points  between  Odessa  and  Morton. 

Big  Stone  County. — There  are  numerous  outcrops  near  Ortonville, 
Odessa,  and  Correll.  The  "  Ortonville  "  stone  is  a  deep  red  biotite  granite 
or  granite  gneiss,  which  takes  an  excellent  polish.  In  quarrying,  much 
waste  results  from  the  presence  of  pegmatite  dikes,  black  knots,  and 
closely  spaced  or  irregular  joints.  Monumental  stone  and  ornamental 
columns  sold  as  "Ruby  Red"  have  been  obtained  from  these  deposits. 

Redwood  and  Renville  Counties. — The  best  rock  in  these  counties  occurs 
in  outlying  masses  in  the  Minnesota  River  Valley.  These  are  prominent 
domes  at  North  Redwood  and  across  the  river  from  Morton;  near  the 
latter  town  a  dome  covers  many  acres  and  reaches  an  elevation  which 
affords  an  extensive  view  of  the  river  basin  from  its  summit.  The  rock 
exhibits  little  or  no  weathering,  even  at  the  surface.  Two  types  are 
available  near  North  Redwood — one  a  medium-grained,  greenish  gray 
biotite  gneiss,  and  the  other  a  pale  pink  biotite  granite  or  quartz  diorite. 
Both  rocks  are  even-grained  and  are  exceptionally  attractive  for  monu- 
mental and  building  uses.  A  type  known  as  "Rainbow"  granite  is  well 
known  in  the  monument  trade. 

The  rock  near  Morton  is  a  biotite  granite  gneiss  with  distinct  banding. 
Although  of  uneven  texture  it  takes  a  good  polish,  and  about  half  of  the 
production  is  suitable  for  monumental  stone.  It  is  also  used  for  monu- 
ment bases,  curbing,  building  stone,  and  bridge  construction.  It  is 
very  strong,  even  in  a  direction  parallel  to  the  banding.  Sheeting  planes 
are  12  to  20  feet  apart  and  dip  5  to  15°,  always  toward  the  margin  of  the 
dome.  Major  joints  are  6  to  30  feet  apart,  in  systems  approximately  at 
right  angles.  Black  knots  and  streaks  are  present  in  places.  The 
strength  of  the  rock  and  its  availability  in  large  sound  blocks  make  it 
particularly  suitable  for  heavy  construction. 

North  Carolina. — The  value  of  block  granite  produced  in  North 
Carohna  in  1928  was  $2,253,435,  or  9.1  per  cent  of  the  total  for  the 
United  States.  As  in  Massachusetts,  the  production  is  diversified;  43.7 
per  cent  of  the  total  for  the  year  was  building  stone,  15  per  cent  monu- 
mental stone,  13.7  per  cent  paving  blocks,  26.2  per  cent  curbing,  and  1.4 
per  cent  rubble.  Building  granite  has  become  increasingly  important 
in  North  Carolina  since  1926,  the  growth  in  volume  being  due  to  the 
increased  use  of  ashlar  granite  in  medium-priced  dwellings.     So  much  of 


the  production  was  "undistributed"  in  the  years  1929  to  1937  that 
figures  obtainable  do  not  give  a  true  picture  of  the  extent  of  the  industry. 

Granites  and  gneisses  are  distributed  widely  in  the  State,  being  found 
in  all  three  of  the  larger  geologic  provinces— the  Coastal  Plain,  the 
Piedmont  Plateau,  and  the  Appalachian  Mountains.  Those  that  have 
been  used  most  are  in  the  Piedmont  Plateau  region. 

Granites  occur  in  several  counties  of  the  Coastal  Plain  in  the  region 
bordering  the  Piedmont  Plateau,  and  are  extensions  of  the  crystalline 
rocks  of  the  latter  region  beneath  the  Coastal  Plain  sediments.  They 
range  from  fine  even  granular  to  coarse  porphyritic  in  texture  and  from 
gray  to  pink  in  color.  Most  of  them  are  biotite  granites.  Joints 
are  well-developed  in  three  main  systems,  northwest,  north,  and 
northeast.     Diabase  dikes  are  of  common  occurrence. 

Much  stone  of  good  quality  is  readily  available  within  the  limits  of 
the  Piedmont  Plateau.  Numerous  quarries  have  been  worked  over 
many  parts  of  this  region,  which  has  been  divided  geologically  into  four 
belts.  The  northeastern  area,  including  Wake,  Franklin,  Vance,  Gran- 
ville, and  Warren  Counties,  borders  the  Coastal  Plain.  Most  of  the 
granites  in  this  section  are  schistose  and  therefore  have  limited  commercial 
value.  In  certain  areas,  however,  granites  of  good  quality  for  building 
purposes  have  been  worked  for  many  years.  The  next  belt  to  the  west 
consists  of  slates,  schists,  and  altered  volcanic  rocks,  with  little  or  no 
granite  of  commercial  value.  West  of  this  is  the  central  belt,  including 
Mecklenberg,  Gaston,  Cabarrus,  Iredell,  Rowan,  Davidson,  Davie, 
Forsyth,  Guilford,  and  Alamance  Counties,  where  biotite  granite  is  one  of 
the  principal  and  most  widespread  rocks.  It  occurs  in  each  of  the  10 
counties  mentioned  and  has  been  quarried  from  time  to  time,  usually  to 
satisfy  local  demands.  Two  distinct  types  occur,  an  even  granular  rock 
and  a  porphyritic  granite,  much  of  which  shows  evidence  of  gneissic  or 
schistose  structure.  Colors  range  from  white  to  various  shades  of  gray 
and  occasionally  pink.  The  western  belt  includes  Surry,  Wilkes,  Alle- 
ghany, Alexander,  and  Cleveland  Counties,  with  greatest  development  in 
Surry  County.  This  area  is  well-supplied  with  railway  lines,  which 
greatly  aid  marketing.  The  commercial  granites  here  are  in  the  form  of 
igneous  intrusions  of  both  massive  and  schistose  types. 

The  Appalachian  belt  is  mountainous,  and  quarrying  has  been 
confined  chiefly  to  a  few  areas  of  gneiss  suitable  only  for  crushing  or  for 
rough  construction.  In  Madison  County  an  area  of  mixed  dark  green 
and  yellow  biotite-epidote  granite  should  prove  of  economic  value. 

The  commercial  granites  will  be  considered  in  the  three  geologic 
provinces  in  succession: 

Coastal  Plain  Granites,  wilson  county. — Only  small  areas  of  granite 
are  exposed  in  Wilson  County,  the  more  important  about  3  miles  north 
and  3  miles  south  and  southwest  of  the  town  of  Wilson.     During  recent 


years  the  latter  area,  with  exposures  on  both  sides  of  Contentnea  Creek,  is 
the  only  one  quarried.  The  rock  is  coarse-grained,  pinkish  red  and  of 
porphyritic  texture.  It  is  used  for  bridge  construction  and  rough 

While  granites  occur  in  other  Coastal  Plain  counties  little  or  no 
block  granite  has  been  produced  in  late  years. 

Piedmont  Plateau  Granites. — surry  county. — The  most  important 
granite  district  of  North  Carolina  is  near  Mount  Airy  in  Surry  County 
near  the  northern  boundary  of  the  State,  Originally  the  outcrop  was  a 
dome  rising  about  125  feet  above  the  valley,  but  much  of  the  upper  part 
has  been  removed.  The  surface  area,  now  exposed  partly  as  a  natural 
outcrop  and  partly  by  stripping,  covers  about  70  acres.  The  rock  is  a 
very  light  gray,  almost  white,  biotite  granite  of  medium  texture.  The 
biotite  is  unequally  distributed;  some  masses  contain  little  or  none,  in 
consequence  of  which  they  are  exceptionally  white.  For  the  most  part, 
however,  the  rock  is  of  uniform  color  and  texture.  Veins  and  dikes,  so 
common  in  most  granites,  are  nowhere  evident  in  the  Mount  Airy  deposit. 
Absence  of  joints  and  sheeting  planes  is  the  most  remarkable  feature, 
the  rock  being  massive  throughout,  with  no  natural  partings.  It  has  a 
horizontal  or  slightly  dipping  rift  and  a  vertical  grain — structural 
features  of  the  utmost  importance  in  quarrying  and  manufacture. 

Production  has  grown  steadily  since  1890,  when  the  rock  was  first 
quarried.  Operations  are  now  more  extensive  than  in  any  other  district 
south  of  New  England.  The  rock  has  exceptional  merit  for  building 
purposes  and  for  mausoleums,  as  it  is  light  in  color  and  pleasing  in 
appearance,  and  also  for  bridge  work,  as  sound  blocks  of  any  desired  size 
are  obtainable.  Granite  from  this  deposit  valued  at  $1,500,000  was  used 
in  the  Arlington  Memorial  Bridge  over  the  Potomac  River  at  Washington, 
D,  C,  shown  in  the  frontispiece.  It  has  been  employed  in  many  large 
structures  throughout  a  wide  market  area  extending  to  Philadelphia, 
New  York,  and  more  distant  cities.  Although  the  chief  market  is  for 
cut  stone  used  in  bridges,  dry  docks,  and  large  buildings,  quite  an  exten- 
sive market  has  been  developed  recently  for  the  smaller  fragments  in  the 
form  of  ashlar  for  constructing  moderate  priced  dwellings.  Such  material 
is  being  shipped  as  far  north  as  eastern  Pennsylvania.  Mount  Airy 
granite  is  also  well-adapted  for  the  manufacture  of  paving  stones  and 
curbing,  and  the  latter  use  accounts  for  about  one  fourth  of  the  total 
production  value.  It  is  less  suitable  for  monuments,  as  the  color  contrast 
between  cut  and  polished  surfaces  is  not  decided  enough.  Both  quarries 
and  mills  at  Mount  Airy  are  equipped  with  the  most  modern  machines 
and  appliances, 

ROWAN  COUNTY. — Next  in  importance  to  the  Mount  Airy  granite  are 
those  found  near  Salisbury,  Rowan  County.  The  rock  rises  in  a  nearly 
continuous  ridge,  beginning  about  4  miles  east  of  Salisbury  and  extending 


southward  more  than  12  miles.  In  the  northern  part  two  distinct  types 
occur,  a  very  Hght  gray  or  nearly  white  rock,  and  a  pink  or  flesh-colored 
granite.  They  are  of  identical  texture  and  mineral  content  and  evidently 
parts  of  the  same  intrusion.  In  the  pink  rock  quarried  near  Granite 
joints  are  in  two  systems  striking  N.10°E.  and  N.70°W.,  and  are  spaced 
widely  enough  to  permit  quarrying  large  blocks.  Sheeting  planes  are  2 
to  8  feet  apart.  The  rock  is  notably  free  from  veins  or  dikes,  is  medium- 
grained,  uniform  in  texture,  and  attractive  in  color.  It  is  sold  both  rough 
and  dressed  and  is  popular  as  a  monumental  stone  marketed  under  the 
trade  name  "Balfour  Pink." 

In  the  gray  rock,  also  quarried  near  Granite,  joints  are  less  systematic 
than  in  the  red  but  are  widely  spaced.  The  stone  has  good  working 
qualities  and  dresses  well  under  the  hammer.  It  has  been  used  widely 
as  a  building  stone  and  for  curbing  and  paving  but  little  for  monuments. 
Similar  granites,  both  gray  and  pink,  are  quarried  near  Faith,  5  to  9  miles 
south  and  southwest  of  Salisbury. 

DAVIDSON  AND  WAKE  COUNTIES. — Gray  granites  of  various  types  occur 
in  Davidson  County,  but  in  recent  years  they  have  been  quarried  only  in 
the  vicinity  of  Southmount  and  used  chiefly  for  paving  blocks.  In  the 
vicinity  of  Wake  Forest  in  the  northern  part  of  Wake  County  a  medium- 
to  fine-grained,  light  gray  biotite-muscovite  granite  is  quarried  for  build- 
ing, curbing,  paving  blocks,  and  rubble. 

Appalachian  Mountain  Granites.  Henderson  county. — A  medium- 
grained,  light  gray  biotite  gneiss  occurs  near  Hendersonville,  It  is  of 
uniform  color  and  texture,  though  a  few  black  knots  occur  in  places. 
Large  blocks  are  obtainable.  Most  of  the  granite  quarried  in  Henderson 
and  in  Buncombe  County  to  the  north  is  used  for  crushing,  though  it  is 
used  to  some  extent  in  rough  construction. 

Maine. — The  value  of  granite  in  the  form  of  dimension  stone  produced 
in  Maine  in  1928  was  $2,249,715  or  9.1  per  cent  of  the  total  for  the 
United  States.  Paving  stones,  which  represented  54.8  per  cent  of  this 
amount,  are  the  chief  products.  Maine  produced  more  than  42  per  cent 
of  all  the  granite  paving  blocks  in  the  country.  The  value  of  building 
stone  was  25.2  per  cent,  monumental  stone  6.9  per  cent,  curbing  12.9 
per  cent,  and  rubble  0.2  per  cent  of  the  total.  There  is  evidence  of  a 
trend  toward  a  larger  percentage  of  building-granite  production,  as  the 
location  of  quarries  at  the  coast  is  favorable  for  water  transportation  to 
New  York  and  other  coast  cities,  where  it  is  gaining  in  popularity. 
Production  in  1929  was  valued  at  $2,630,266;  in  1930,  $2,039,058;  in  1936 
$1,212,855;  and  in  1937,  $1,280,122. 

Granite  is  distributed  widely  in  Maine ;  in  fact,  it  is  the  most  abundant 
rock.  It  occurs  in  three  main  areas — in  the  western  tier  of  counties, 
along  the  eastern  coast,  and  in  the  Mount  Katahdin  area  in  the  north- 
central  part.     In  addition,  there  are  three  small  areas  in  Lincoln,  Ken- 


nebec,  and  Somerset  Counties.  Except  for  important  centers  at  Hallowell, 
Kennebec  County,  North  Jay,  Franklin  County,  and  several  develop- 
ments of  minor  importance,  all  quarries  are  along  the  seaboard,  either  on 
or  within  a  few  miles  of  navigable  waters.  The  industry  is  centered  in 
Penobscot  and  Bluehill  Bays  and  the  islands  in  or  adjacent  to  them. 
Occurrences  now  of  commercial  importance  will  be  described  by  counties 
in  alphabetical  order, 

Cumberland  County. — A  fine,  even-grained  gray  biotite  granite  is 
quarried  about  33^^  miles  northeast  of  Westbrook.  It  has  a  distinct  flow 
structure  which  gives  it  the  appearance  of  a  gneiss.  Sheeting  planes  are 
6  inches  to  2}^  feet  apart  and  nearly  horizontal.  Joints  are  few,  and  the 
rift  is  horizontal  and  grain  vertical,  striking  eastward.  The  rock  is  used 
for  monuments  and  curbing. 

Franklin  County. — An  important  granite  center  of  the  county,  par- 
ticularly for  building  granite,  is  at  North  Jay.  The  rock,  a  light  gray 
biotite-muscovite  granite  of  fine,  even-grained  texture,  is  known  to  the 
trade  as  "North  Jay  White."  The  whiteness  is  due  to  the  quartz  being 
clear,  not  smoky  as  in  many  granites,  and  to  the  light  color  of  the  feldspars 
visible  through  the  quartz,  as  well  as  on  the  surface.  The  sheets  are  4 
inches  to  6  feet  thick,  being  quite  thin  in  the  upper  25  feet  and  gradually 
thickening  at  increasing  depths.  The  chief  joints  run  N.62°E.,  N.70°E., 
and  N.50°W.  and  are  widely  spaced.  The  rift  is  horizontal,  and  there  is 
no  grain.  Black  knots  are  rare,  but  a  few  pegmatite  dikes  are  present. 
The  rock  is  exceptionally  attractive  for  building,  though  it  is  also  used 
extensively  for  monuments,  mausoleums,  paving  stones,  and  curbing. 
Though  one  of  the  few  important  granite  centers  of  Maine  distant  from 
tidewater,  it  has  direct  rail  connection,  and  its  products  are  widely 
employed  not  only  in  New  York,  Philadelphia,  and  other  eastern  cities 
but  also  throughout  the  Middle  West. 

Hancock  County. — More  granite  is  produced  in  Hancock  than  in  any 
other  county  in  Maine.  Over  a  dozen  quarry  companies  operate  near 
Franklin.  The  rock  is  a  medium-  to  coarse-grained,  gray  biotite  granite, 
of  uniform  texture.  Sheeting  planes  are  2  to  13  feet  apart.  For  the 
most  part,  joints  are  widely  spaced.  The  rift  is  horizontal  and  grain 
vertical,  usually  striking  east-west.  Black  knots  and  trap  dikes  are  not 
unusual.  Paving  blocks,  curbing,  and  monument  bases  are  the  chief 

A  light  buff  to  gray  biotite  granite  of  medium  to  coarse,  even-grained 
texture  is  quarried  near  Mount  Desert.  The  four  chief  minerals — buff 
orthoclase,  milk-white  plagioclase,  smoky  quartz,  and  black  biotite — 
present  very  attractive  color  contrasts  which  are  enhanced  by  polishing. 
In  one  part  of  the  deposit  the  rock  is  pinkish  gray  and  is  marketed  as 
"Sommes  Sound  Pink."  Sheets  are  2  to  12  feet  thick.  Widely  spaced 
major  joints  strike  N.25°W.,  N.50°E.,  and  N.85°E.     The  rift  is  horizontal, 


and  grain  vertical,  usually  striking  east-west.  Dark  gray  knots  up  to  6 
inches  in  diameter  occur  in  places.  The  quarries  are  close  to  tide-water, 
and  the  wharves  are  accessible  to  schooners  of  20-foot  draft.  Building 
stone,  monument  stock,  and  paving  stones  are  the  chief  products.  The 
stone  has  a  wide  market  and  has  been  used  in  many  important  structures. 

Another  important  quarry  district  covers  an  area  of  about  4  square 
miles  around  Stonington,  including  parts  of  Deer  Isle  and  Crotch  Island. 
On  the  southern  half  of  the  latter  island  the  rock  rises  in  a  dome  about  140 
feet  above  sea  level.  At  its  center  the  sheets  are  horizontal  but  dip 
downward  at  angles  of  10  to  25°  toward  both  the  northwest  and  the 
southeast.  East- west  vertical  joints  are  prominent.  The  Crotch  Island 
rock,  a  coarse,  even-grained,  gray  biotite  granite  with  lavender  tint,  is 
well-suited  for  massive  construction.  Its  polished  surface  shows  pleasing 
contrasts,  and  on  this  account  it  is  in  demand  for  base  courses,  wainscot- 
ing, and  monuments. 

An  important  deposit  of  similar  granite  occurs  on  Deer  Isle  and  is 
quarried  about  2  miles  from  Stonington.  Sheets  are  6  inches  to  16  feet 
thick  and  dip  10  to  15°  north  and  south,  away  from  the  top  of  the  hill. 
Joints  are  widely  spaced,  the  rift  is  vertical  and  runs  N.60°-65°W.,  and 
knots  are  rare  and  small,  but  granite  dikes  4  to  12  inches  thick  occur  in 
places.  The  stone  is  used  widely  for  massive  construction,  such  as  for 
piers,  sea  walls,  and  bridges  and  also  in  many  large  buildings. 

Near  Sullivan  a  fine-  to  medium-grained,  uniform  gray  biotite  granite 
is  quarried.  The  sheets  in  one  quarry  are  3  to  8  feet  thick.  Joints 
strike  N.80°-85°W.  and  N.10°-20°E.  There  are  many  black  knots.  In 
another  quarry  the  sheets  are  only  1  to  5  feet  thick.  A  coarse-  to  medium- 
grained  gray  granite  is  also  quarried  in  this  district.  Paving  blocks  and 
curbing  are  the  chief  products.  Similar  granites  are  quarried  for  monu- 
ment bases,  paving  blocks,  and  curbing  near  North  Sullivan. 

Kennebec  County. — An  important  inland  stone-producing  district  near 
Hallowell  is  one  of  the  oldest  in  the  country,  the  quarries  first  having 
been  opened  in  1826.  Though  a  considerable  distance  from  the  coast, 
they  are  only  2}-^  miles  from  a  wharf  on  the  Kennebec  River  and  are 
accessible  to  schooners  of  12-foot  draft.  The  well-known,  fine-textured, 
light  gray  "Hallowell  granite"  consists  essentially  of  feldspar,  quartz, 
biotite,  and  muscovite.  The  most  striking  structural  feature  of  the 
quarries  is  the  gradual  increase  in  thickness  of  the  sheets  downward,  from 
4  inches  to  14  feet.  Joints  are  spaced  more  closely  than  in  many  New 
England  granites  and  intersect  the  rock  at  various  angles.  The  rift  is 
horizontal,  and  a  poorly  developed  grain  vertical,  striking  N.25°W. 
Black  knots  occur  in  places,  and  sap  rock  bordering  the  joint  planes  may 
be  a  foot  deep.  The  stone  is  widely  used  for  building  purposes,  where  it 
is  particularly  adapted  to  carving,  and  also  for  monuments  and  paving 


Knox  County. — The  principal  quarries  of  Knox  County  are  near 
Long  Cove,  St.  George,  and  South  Thomaston,  south  and  southwest  of 
Rockland,  and  on  Vinalhaven  Island.  In  the  former  region  most  of  the 
rock  is  fine-  to  medium-grained  and  blue-gray.  Sheeting  planes  are  2  to 
13  feet  apart  and  usually  dip  at  small  angles.  Joints  vary  in  direction 
and  are  closely  spaced  in  places.  The  rift  is  vertical,  with  a  general  east- 
west  course.  Many  paving  blocks  are  made  and  as  the  stone  takes  a 
good  polish  it  is  popular  also  for  monuments. 

Vinalhaven  and  the  adjacent  islands  have  been  known  as  the  Fox 
Islands,  and  their  granite  as  "  Fox  Island  Granite."  Many  quarries  have 
been  operated  at  various  times,  chiefly  near  Vinalhaven  Island  and  on 
Hurricane  Island.  During  recent  years  two  companies  have  been 
responsible  for  the  chief  production.  Much  of  the  rock  is  pinkish  buff 
and  coarse  textured,  but  some  quarries  produce  a  fine,  even-grained,  gray 
granite.  In  this  rock  sheets  are  1  to  6  feet  thick;  vertical  joints  strike 
N.80°W.  and  N.5°-10°E.  The  rift  is  vertical,  striking  N.5°-10°E.  In 
the  coarse  rock,  sheets  are  2  to  10  feet  thick,  and  the  joints  are  in  several 
intersecting  systems.  Although  building  stone  has  been  produced  from 
these  quarries,  recent  production  has  been  confined  principally  to  paving 
stones.     An  attractive  black  granite  is  quarried  at  Vinalhaven. 

Lincoln  County. — A  fine-grained  dark  gray  quartz  diorite,  classed 
commercially  with  the  "black  granites,"  is  quarried  near  Round  Pond 
for  monuments  and  paving  blocks.  Sheets  are  1  to  12  feet  thick.  Major 
joints  striking  N.60°E.  are  5  to  40  feet  apart,  and  a  second  system 
N.40°W.  is  at  wider  intervals.  The  rock  is  cut  by  both  pegmatite  and 
trap  dikes.  It  takes  a  good  polish  and  shows  marked  contrast  between 
tooled  and  polished  surfaces. 

Somerset  County. — A  light  gray,  even-grained  granite  with  a  distinct 
flow  structure  has  been  quarried  at  several  points  about  2}^  miles  south 
of  Norridgewock.     It  is  used  for  both  buildings  and  monuments. 

Waldo  County. — A  fine-  to  medium-grained,  light  gray,  muscovite- 
biotite  granite  is  quarried  near  Lincolnville,  chiefly  for  monumental  use. 
The  sheets  are  6  to  15  feet  thick  and  dip  25°S.  The  chief  joints  strike 
N.60°-65°  W.  The  rift  is  vertical  and  parallels  the  major  joints.  Quarries 
at  Mt.  Waldo  near  Frankfort,  which  had  been  idle  25  years,  were  reopened 
in  1930  and  equipped  to  produce  building  granite  on  a  large  scale.  The 
rock  is  a  fine,  even-grained,  gray  biotite  granite.  Stone  from  these 
quarries  was  used  extensively  in  the  George  Washington  Bridge  at  New 
York.     Water  transportation  on  the  Penobscot  River  is  available. 

Washington  County. — Washington  County  granites  are  of  two  main 
types— ''black  granites"  and  medium-grained  pinkish  gray  biotite 
granites.  Some  of  the  so-called  black  granites  are  norites  but  that 
quarried  near  Addison  is  a  gabbro  which  poHshes  to  a  jet-black  surface 
mottled  with  a  little  white,  and  one  occurring  near  Calais  is  a  dark  gray 


quartz  diorite.  As  they  all  take  a  good  polish,  they  are  used  for  monu- 
ments. The  pink  granites,  one  of  which  is  sold  under  the  trade  name 
"Back  Bay  Pink,"  quarried  near  Marshfield  and  Millbridge  are  used  for 
monuments  and  building. 

York  County. — A  coarse-grained,  light  gray  granite  occurs  near 
Biddeford  in  sheets  1  to  15  feet  thick.  The  rift  is  vertical,  and  the  grain 
horizontal.  It  is  used  for  monuments  and  rough  construction.  "North 
Berwick  Black  Granite"  (gabbro)  quarried  near  North  Berwick  is  well 
adapted  for  monuments. 

Georgia. — Block  granite  produced  in  Georgia  in  1928  was  valued  at 
$1,985,838,  or  8  per  cent  of  the  value  of  total  production  for  the  United 
States.  About  26  per  cent  was  sold  as  building  stone;  21  per  cent, 
monumental;  19  per  cent,  paving  blocks;  33  per  cent,  curbing;  and  1  per 
cent,  rubble.  Although  fluctuations  have  occurred  the  trend  in  produc- 
tion was  gradually  upward  from  the  World  War  until  1928.  Production 
in  1929  was  valued  at  $1,741,938;  in  1930,  $1,673,529;  in  1936,  $920,355; 
and  in  1937,  $875,529. 

The  granites  of  Georgia  are  entirely  within  the  limits  of  the  Piedmont 
Plateau,  a  northeast-southwest  belt  extending  from  the  eastern  base  of  the 
Appalachian  Mountains  to  the  Coastal  Plain  sediments  occupying  the 
middle-northern  part  of  the  State.  Dimension  stone  is  produced  in 
three  main  districts — in  the  vicinity  of  Stone  Mountain  and  Lithonia  in 
De  Kalb  County,  near  Elberton  in  Elbert  County,  and  near  Sparta 
in  Hancock  County. 

De  Kalb  County. — The  most  notable  occurrence  of  granite  in  Georgia 
is  Stone  Mountain  in  eastern  De  Kalb  County.  It  is  a  massive  dome 
measuring  7  miles  in  circumference  at  its  base  and  rising  686  feet  above 
the  adjacent  lowlands.  The  rock  is  an  even-textured,  medium-grained, 
light  gray  muscovite-biotite  granite  of  uniform  color  and  texture.  Joints 
in  two  well-defined  systems,  striking  northeast  and  northwest  are  widely 
spaced,  as  are  also  the  sheeting  planes.  The  granite  is  well-adapted  for 
building  purposes  and  for  bridges  and  mausoleums,  as  it  is  available  in 
sound  blocks  of  any  desired  size.  Paving  blocks,  rubble,  and  a  limited 
amount  of  monument  stock  are  also  produced.  A  wide  market  has  been 
developed  for  the  stone  in  Northern  and  Middle  Western  States,  as  well 
as  in  Atlanta  and  other  adjacent  cities.  One  large  company  has  operated 
for  many  years  on  the  flank  of  the  dome. 

A  project  to  carve  in  massive  proportions  high  on  the  cliff  face  a 
group  of  great  Confederate  generals  has  created  much  interest  in  Stone 
Mountain  during  recent  years.  The  actual  carving  was  begun  in  June 
1923,  but  work  was  suspended  3  or  4  years  later  with  the  task  far  from 

In  the  Lithonia  district  the  rock  a  fine-grained,  highly  contorted 
biotite  granite  gneiss,  occurs  in  similar  bosslike  masses,  though  much 


smaller  than  Stone  Mountain.  Red  garnet  and  tourmaline  are  present 
in  places,  the  latter  mineral  being  associated  with  pegmatite  dikes.  In 
some  quarries  well-defined  joint  planes  appear,  while  in  others  they  are 
few  in  number.  Sheeting  planes  are  absent.  The  rock  has  a  distinct  rift 
and  grain  which  are  of  great  assistance  in  quarrying.  Eight  or  ten  com- 
panies have  worked  the  deposits  for  many  years.  The  chief  products,  pav- 
ing stones  and  curbing,  are  sold  in  Atlanta  and  other  southern  cities  and 
also  shipped  to  many  distant  points.     Rubble  is  produced  as  a  byproduct. 

Elbert  County. — Granite  is  confined  chiefly  to  the  middle  southwestern 
part  of  the  county,  though  it  extends  into  adjacent  counties.  In  many 
places  the  rock  appears  in  bare  outcrop.  There  are  two  main  types — a 
fine-  to  medium-grained,  light  gray,  biotite  granite  and  a  dark  blue-gray 
granite  similar  to  the  first,  except  in  color.  The  former  is  best  adapted 
for  building  purposes.  The  blue-gray  granite  is  so  uniform  in  texture 
and  attractive  in  color  and  general  appearance  that  it  is  used  widely  as 
monumental  stone.  Several  companies  operate  in  the  district  and 
market  their  products  under  various  trade  names,  such  as  "Elberton 
Blue,"  "Oglesby  Dark  Blue,"  and  "Oglesby  Light  Blue."  Red  or  pink 
granites  occur  less  commonly.  One  commercial  variety  is  sold  under  the 
trade  name  "Sunset  Pink."  Railway  facilities  are  available  for  ship- 
ment to  many  distant  markets. 

Hancock  County. — The  Hancock  County  granite  area  is  about  11 
miles  long  and  extends  northeast  from  Sparta.  The  rock  occurs  in  bare 
outcrops,  some  several  acres  in  extent.  The  prevailing  type  is  a  coarse- 
grained, medium  gray,  porphyritic  biotite  granite  used  for  curbing, 
paving  stones,  and  monuments. 

Wisconsin. — The  value  of  Wisconsin  block  granite  produced  in  1928, 
as  reported  to  the  United  States  Bureau  of  Mines,  was  $1,581,612,  or 
6.4  per  cent  of  the  value  of  total  production  of  the  United  States.  Nearly 
three  fourths  of  the  product  in  value  is  sold  for  monuments  and  one 
fourth  for  paving  blocks.  The  proportion  by  uses  was  as  follows  in  1928 : 
Monumental  stone,  72.9  per  cent;  paving  blocks,  24.9  per  cent;  building 
stone,  1.7  per  cent;  and  curbing,  0.5  per  cent.  Production  in  1929  was 
valued  at  $1,572,010;  in  1930,  $1,327,913;  in  1936,  $673,846;  and  in 
1937,  $794,578.  Paving-stone  production  fluctuates  greatly  from  year 
to  year,  with  a  general  downward  trend. 

Igneous  rocks  underlie  about  one  third  of  Wisconsin.  Throughout 
this  area  granites  of  many  colors  and  textures  are  found,  and  several  dis- 
tinctive varieties  are  marketed.  Dark  reds  and  reddish  browns  predomi- 
nate, a  condition  that  contrasts  sharply  with  the  prevailing  grays  of  New 
England.     The  granites  are  described  by  counties  in  alphabetical  order. 

Ashland  County. — A  dark  gabbro  is  quarried  near  Mellen.  It  takes  a 
good  polish  and  is  sold  for  monumental  and  building  uses  as  "black 

GRANITE  "  .  133 

Green  Lake  County. — Rhyolite  is  quarried  near  Berlin,  Green  Lake 
County.  Joints  and  sheeting  planes  are  numerous  and  intersect  at 
various  angles,  which  results  in  the  production  of  many  small  angular 
blocks,  though  large  blocks  are  available.  The  rift  is  nearly  horizontal 
and  the  "run"  (grain)  vertical.  The  rock  polishes  well  on  the  run  and 
hard  way  but  not  on  the  rift  surfaces.  It  is  dense  and  compact,  of  uni- 
form texture,  and  generally  grayish  black.  "Berlin  rhyolite"  is  strong 
and  durable  and  is  used  for  monuments,  paving  blocks,  and  building  stone. 

Marathon  County. — The  widely  known  "Wausau  Granite"  outcrop- 
ping at  numerous  places  over  an  area  of  many  square  miles  is  quarried  at 
Wausau  and  Granite  Heights.  The  rock  now  quarried  is  not  uniform  in 
color  but  ranges  from  gray  through  reddish  brown  to  brilliant  red.  Major 
joints  are  in  two  systems,  striking  approximately  northeast  and  north- 
west. Sheeting  planes  are  horizontal.  Sound  blocks  of  large  dimensions 
are  obtainable  in  most  quarries,  though  in  some  places  joints  are  less  than 
4  feet  apart.  It  is  used  almost  exclusively  for  monuments  and  sold 
under  various  trade  names,  such  as  "Wisconsin  Mahogany,"  "Red 
Wausau,"  "Wisconsin  Ruby  Red,"  and  "Parcher  Green." 

Marinetta  County. — Granite  in  a  variety  of  textures  and  colors  is 
quarried  along  the  Pike  River  near  Amberg.  Three  distinct  types  are 
produced — a  fine-grained,  gray  granite  (Pike  River  Gray),  a  coarse- 
grained, red  or  pale  pink  (Amberg  Red),  and  a  coarse-grained  gray.  In 
general  the  joints  are  spaced  far  enough  apart  to  provide  suitable  monu- 
ment stock,  but  in  some  places  are  undesirably  close  together,  or  intersect 
at  oblique  angles.  The  rift  is  indistinct.  In  the  past  considerable 
building  stone  was  produced,  but  during  recent  years  monument  stock 
is  the  chief  product  with  a  subordinate  amount  of  paving  stones.  "  Mont- 
rose Red"  and  "Marinetta  Red"  are  other  trade  names  applied  to  the 

Marquette  County. — High-grade  granite  is  obtained  from  two  mounds 
near  and  within  the  city  of  Montello.  In  the  larger  quarry,  prominent 
joint  systems  strike  N.85°E.,  N.25°E.,  and  N.40°W.  Many  discontinu- 
ous parting  planes  break  the  rock  into  polygonal  blocks,  but  masses  of 
reasonable  size  for  monuments  are  obtainable.  Several  greenstone  dikes 
(trap)  follow  jointing  planes.  Streaks  or  hair  lines  which  mar  some  of 
the  rock  are  of  two  types,  minute  trap  dikes  and  white  quartz  veins. 
The  rock  is  a  dense,  fine-grained  granite  in  two  colors,  a  cheerful  bright 
red  and  a  grayish  red.  "Montello  Granite"  is  a  widely  known,  popular 
monumental  stone.  It  takes  a  good  polish  and  is  attractive,  but  is 
difficult  to  work.  Paving  stones  are  manufactured,  though  not  so 
extensively  as  in  former  years. 

Waupaca  County. — A  coarse-grained  or  porphyritic  biotite-hornblende 
granite  of  striking  color  and  texture  is  quarried  about  5  miles  north  of 
Waupaca.     The    two    more    important    commercial    types    are    "Red 


Waupaca"  and  "Gray  Waupaca."  The  former  consists  of  large,  bright 
pink  feldspars  surrounded  by  green  epidote  and  chlorite,  and  the  latter 
is  a  combination  of  paler  pink  feldspars,  black  biotite,  and  hornblende. 
Numerous,  irregular  joints  cause  much  waste.  Waupaca  granite  is 
well-suited  for  interior  or  exterior  use  in  monuments  or  buildings.  On 
account  of  its  brilliant  coloring  it  is  particularly  adapted  for  ornamental 
work,  such  as  wainscoting  and  balustrades. 

Waushara  County. — A  granite  deposit  at  Lohrville  and  Redgranite  in 
southeastern  Waushara  County  presents  favorable  quarry  conditions. 
Major  joints  strike  N.30°-40°W.  and  N.75°-80°E.  and  are  spaced  at 
sufficient  width  to  give  large  sound  blocks.  Sheeting  planes  2  to  4  feet 
apart  near  the  surface  provide  bench  floors.  A  decided  rift  strikes 
N.50°E.  Several  coarse  granite  dikes  traverse  the  deposit,  and  pegma- 
tites, veins,  and  knots  are  present  in  some  quarries,  though  in  others  they 
are  absent.  About  90  per  cent  of  the  rock  consists  of  feldspar  and 
quartz,  with  subordinate  hornblende  and  muscovite.  It  is  light  pink 
(considerably  lighter  than  the  Montello  granite),  is  of  uniform,  fine- 
grained texture,  and  takes  a  good  polish.  Three  or  four  companies 
produce  monuments,  paving  blocks,  curbing,  rubble,  and  rough  construc- 
tion stone. 

New  Hampshire. — In  1928  the  block  granite  produced  in  New 
Hampshire  was  valued  at  $1,359,229,  or  5.5  per  cent  of  the  value  of  total 
production  in  the  United  States.  Distribution  among  the  various  uses  in 
1928  on  the  basis  of  value  was  as  follows:  Building,  about  50  per  cent; 
monumental,  19;  curbing,  19;  paving,  11;  and  rubble,  1.  During  recent 
years  building  stone  has  shown  an  upward  trend  in  production,  while 
that  used  for  monuments  has  declined.  Production  in  1929  was  valued 
at  $1,063,112;  in  1930,  $1,411,084;  in  1936,  $293,540;  and  in  1937, 
$359,451.  Granite  production  is  confined  chiefly  to  Carrol  County  in 
the  east-central  part  of  the  State  and  to  Cheshire,  Hillsborough,  and 
Merrimack  Counties  in  the  south.  Gray,  bluish  gray,  and  various  pinks 
are  the  prevailing  colors. 

Carroll  County. — Building  and  memorial  granites  are  produced  near 
Redstone  and  Conway.  There  are  two  principal  varieties — a  coarse- 
grained, light  pinkish  gray  biotite  granite,  "Conway  Pink,"  and  a  coarse- 
grained, dark  yellowish  green  biotite-hornblende  granite,  "Redstone 
Green."  Though  in  contact,  they  represent  originally  different  materials. 
Sheeting  planes  in  the  pink  granite  are  4  to  30  feet  apart  and  arch  across 
the  axis  of  the  hill.  The  most  abundant  joints  strike  east  and  west  and 
are  5  to  40  feet  apart.  The  rift  is  horizontal  and  the  grain  vertical  in  an 
east-west  direction ;  they  appear  to  follow  sheets  of  microscopic  cavities  in 
the  quartz  grains.  Pegmatites  and  black  knots  appear  in  places.  In  the 
green-granite  quarry  sheets  are  11  inches  to  14  feet  thick  and  dip  about 


15°W.  Joints,  rift,  and  grain  are  the  same  as  in  the  pink  rock.  Both 
varieties  are  used  in  buildings,  as  well  as  for  polished  columns  and 

Cheshire  County. — A  fine-grained,  light  bluish  gray  biotite-muscovite 
granite  occurs  near  Fitzwilliam  and  Marlboro,  adjacent  to  the  southern 
border  of  the  State.  Estimated  mineral  percentages  are:  Quartz,  about 
44;  feldspar,  46;  and  mica,  10.  The  granite  takes  a  good  polish  and  is 
well-adapted  for  fine  carving.  The  rift  is  horizontal  and  the  grain  vertical, 
striking  nearly  east-west.  In  places  pegmatite  dikes  and  black  knots 
are  present.  Near  Marlboro  the  sheets  are  6  inches  to  6  feet  thick,  and 
joints  are  more  plentiful  than  in  the  rock  near  Fitzwilliam,  where  neither 
sheets  nor  joints  are  well-developed.  Stone  from  the  latter  district,  sold 
under  the  trade  names  "Victoria  White"  and  "Snowflake,"  is  used  for 
buildings  and  monuments.  Paving  stones  are  the  principal  products  of 
the  Marlboro  quarries. 

Hillsborough  County. — Milford,  where  10  or  12  companies  are  in 
operation,  is  the  most  important  granite  center  of  New  Hampshire. 
"Milford  Granite"  is  generally  a  fine,  even-grained,  gray  rock  of  light 
and  dark  shades,  some  having  a  slight  bluish,  pinkish,  or  buff  tinge. 
Although  variable  the  major  joints  fall  in  a  general  way  within  two  main 
quadrants,  N.15°-50°E.  and  N.35°-80°W.  In  some  quarries  they  are 
spaced  only  3  to  5  feet  apart  but  usually  exceed  10  feet.  The  rift  is 
generally  horizontal  and  grain  vertical,  striking  N.70°-80°W.  In  places 
trap  dikes  have  altered  the  color  of  the  granite.  The  stone  takes  a 
good  polish,  with  marked  contrast  between  cut  and  polished  surfaces; 
it  is  also  well-adapted  for  carving.  Building  stone,  monuments,  paving 
blocks,  and  curbing  are  manufactured.  A  fine-grained,  buff-gray  monu- 
mental granite  closely  related  to  the  Milford  rock  is  obtained  near 
Brookline  and  South  Brookline,  that  from  the  latter  locality  being 
marketed  as  "Brookline  Blue." 

Merrimack  County. — An  important  deposit  of  fine-grained,  medium 
gray  muscovite-biotite  granite  occurs  on  Rattlesnake  Hill  near  Concord. 
"Concord  Granite"  is  used  for  cut  building  stone,  monuments,  paving, 
curbing,  and  ashlar.  In  one  large  opening  typical  of  the  district  sheets 
are  only  6  inches  thick  in  the  upper  30  feet  but  increase  to  a  thickness  of 
40  feet  at  a  depth  of  130  feet.  The  joints,  which  strike  N.62°E.  and 
N.45°W.,  are  few.  The  rift  is  horizontal  and  grain  vertical,  striking  east- 
west.  A  few  pegmatite  dikes  and  quartz  veins  occur.  Concord  granite 
was  used  in  construction  of  the  massive  edifice  of  the  First  Church  of 
Christ,  Scientist,  in  Boston,  Mass.  At  Suncook,  south  of  Concord,  an 
even-grained,  light  gray  granite,  marketed  as  "Allenstown  Granite," 
is  used  for  building  purposes,  paving  blocks,  and  curbing.  It  has  been 
employed  in  many  large  buildings. 


Minor  Producing  States 

In  preceding  pages  granites  of  the  eight  principal  producing  States 
have  been  described.  Consideration  will  now  be  given  to  a  group  of  eight 
States  of  less  importance  in  this  industry.  Like  the  major  producers, 
they  will  be  considered  in  the  order  of  their  production  in  1928. 

New  York. — The  value  of  block  granite  sold  in  New  York  in  1928  was 
$948,991,  which  was  3.8  per  cent  of  the  total  value  of  production  for  the 
United  States.  About  82  per  cent  was  used  for  building  purposes  and 
18  per  cent  for  monuments.  Since  1923  the  building-granite  industry  of 
the  State  has  grown  rapidly,  annual  production  value  increasing  from 
less  than  $50,000  to  nearly  $800,000.  This  increase  is  due  partly  to  the 
demand  for  stone  in  the  construction  of  the  Cathedral  of  St.  John  the 
Divine  in  the  city  of  New  York;  however  the  demand  for  building  granite 
has  decreased  since  1928.  Total  production  in  1929  was  valued  at  only 
$301,486;  in  1930,  $497,576;  in  1931,  $430,042;  and  in  1932,  $78,661. 

Production  in  New  York  is  restricted  to  two  areas,  the  Adirondack 
region  in  the  north  and  the  Highlands  in  the  southeast. 

Adirondack  Granites. — The  most  important  northern  granite  occurs 
near  Ausable  Forks,  Clinton  County.  Anorthosites  (granitoid  rocks,  the 
essential  mineral  of  which  is  plagioclase),  syenites,  and  true  granites  occur 
in  this  district.  Although  the  anorthosites  and  granites  are  very  attrac- 
tive, recent  development  has  been  confined  chiefly  to  the  green  syenites. 
The  typical  syenite  consists  of  about  75  per  cent  feldspars  and  25  per 
cent  other  minerals,  including  pyroxene,  magnetite,  and  zircon.  It  is 
medium-grained,  is  dark  to  yellowish  green,  takes  a  good  polish,  is 
attractive  for  monumental  purposes,  and  is  also  used  to  some  extent  for 

Attractive  red  granite  is  quarried  on  Wellesley  and  near-by  islands  in 
the  Thousand  Island  district,  Jefferson  County.  It  is  suitable  for 
monuments  and  building  purposes,  but  production  has  recently  been 
confined  to  paving  blocks  only.  A  gray  to  pinkish  type  occurring  near 
Alexandria  Bay  is  also  used  in  this  way. 

Granites  of  Southeastern  New  York. — The  granite  industry  of  West- 
chester County  is  becoming  increasingly  important.  Stones  of  two 
types,  light  pinkish  gray  and  a  rich  yellowish  brown,  are  obtained  from 
the  Mohegan  quarry  about  3  miles  east  of  Peekskill.  The  yellowish 
brown,  one  of  the  most  attractive  eastern  granites  for  structural  and 
monumental  work,  is  widely  used  in  New  York  City.  Joint  systems  and 
other  quarry  conditions  are  favorable.  Granite  quarried  about  1  mile  to 
the  south  in  the  Millstone  Hill  district  is  gray  to  almost  white  and 
suitable  for  both  building  and  monumental  uses.  At  West  Point, 
Orange  County,  dark-gray  gneiss  has  been  quarried  for  construction  of 
the  Military  Academy  buildings. 


Near  Yonkers  a  light  blue  to  reddish  granite  with  gneissoid  foliation 
is  obtained  for  rough  construction  work.  Similar  banded  granites  for 
rough  building  are  quarried  at  various  points  near  New  Rochelle.  Rock 
for  building  and  monumental  use  occurs  near  the  Bronx.  Much  of  the 
granite  in  this  area  north  of  New  York  is  useful  as  rock-faced  ashlar  for 
residential  building. 

California. — Production  of  block  granite  in  California  was  valued  at 
$620,790  in  1928.  About  one  fourth  was  monumental  and  three  fourths 
building  stone.  The  value  of  building  granite  has  fluctuated  greatly. 
In  1925  it  reached  a  high  point  of  $1,200,000  but  declined  to  less  than  one 
sixth  of  that  amount  in  1928.  A  large  proportion  is  used  in  San  Francisco 
and  Los  Angeles,  therefore  the  demand  depends  to  quite  an  extent  on 
local  conditions.  Paving,  curbing,  and  rubble  production  was  very 
small  in  1928  but  increased  greatly  in  1929  and  1930.  Total  production 
in  1929  was  valued  at  $1,560,314;  in  1930,  $1,047,256;  in  1936,  $247,967; 
and  in  1937,  $78,412. 

During  recent  years  granites  for  building  and  monumental  uses  have 
been  produced  in  Fresno,  Imperial,  Madera,  Nevada,  Placer,  Plumas, 
Riverside,  Sacramento,  San  Diego,  and  Tulare  Counties.  A  high- 
quality,  medium-grained  building  and  monumental  granite,  light  gray 
specked  with  brilliant  black  mica  crystals,  is  produced  at  Raymond, 
Madera  County.  It  has  been  used  widely  in  San  Francisco  for  residences, 
hotels,  banks,  and  State  and  Federal  buildings  and  also  quite  extensively 
for  monuments  and  mausoleums.  The  granite  near  Rocklin,  Placer 
County,  is  light  gray  and  of  fine-  to  medium-grained  texture ;  it  is  used  for 
buildings  and  monuments,  chiefly  the  latter.  At  Porterville,  Tulare 
County,  near  Perris,  Riverside  County,  and  also  in  Fresno  and  Plumas 
Counties  fine-textured,  dark  blue  hornblende  diorites  classed  as  black 
granites  are  quarried  for  monumental  uses. 

Near  Lakeside,  San  Diego  County,  a  fine-grained,  light  gray  granite 
known  as  "Silver  Gray"  is  quarried  for  monumental  and  other  orna- 
mental work.  Granite  is  also  produced  in  this  county  at  El  Cajon, 
Escondido,  Santee,  and  near  Temecula,  the  latter  locality  providing  a 
dark  blue  rock.  Building  and  monumental  granites  are  obtained  at 
Corona,  Riverside,  and  Wineville,  Riverside  County,  and  near  Academy, 
Fresno  County.  Granite  for  levees  and  reclamation  work  is  quarried  at 
times  near  Andrade,  Imperial  County.  Monumental  stone  is  quarried 
at  Nevada  City,  Nevada  County,  and  near  Chilcoot,  Plumas  County, 
that  from  the  latter  place  being  sold  as  "Light  Pearl."  A  quarry  at 
Folsom,  Sacramento  County,  provides  stone  for  the  construction  of 
prison  buildings. 

Maryland. — Block  granite  produced  in  Maryland  in  1928  was  valued 
at  $430,946,  or  1.7  per  cent  of  the  total  production  value  for  the  United 
States.     About  87  per  cent  in  value  was  used  for  structural  purposes, 


chiefly  as  rough  building  stone,  about  10  per  cent  as  rubble,  and  the 
remainder  as  curbing  and  paving  stones.  The  building-granite  industry- 
has  grown  from  a  value  qf  less  than  $50,000  in  1919  to  nearly  $400,000 
in  1928.  Production  in  1929  was  valued  at  $229,080;  in  1936,  $44,955; 
and  in  1937,  $190,546. 

The  Maryland  granites  are  confined  to  a  belt  running  north-east  from 
the  Potomac  River  to  the  Pennsylvania  border,  the  southern  end  of  the 
belt  extending  from  Washington,  D.  C,  to  a  point  near  Seneca.  It 
occupies  a  position  on  the  eastern  slope  of  the  Piedmont  Plateau  bounded 
on  the  east  by  the  gravels  and  clays  of  the  Coastal  Plain  and  on  the  west 
by  the  less  crystalline  rocks  of  the  western  Piedmont  slopes.  Within 
this  zone  granite  is  prominently  developed  in  about  15  areas,  and  in  at 
least  5,  quarries  of  considerable  importance  have  been  developed.  The 
more  important  commercial  deposits  are  the  granites  of  Cecil  and 
Baltimore  Counties  and  the  granite  gneisses  of  Baltimore  and  Mont- 
gomery Counties. 

Granites  of  Cecil  and  Baltimore  Counties. — At  Port  Deposit,  Cecil 
County,  about  3  miles  above  Havre  de  Grace  on  the  Susquehanna  River, 
a  light  bluish  gray  biotite  granite  occurs.  A  noticeable  feature  of  the 
rock  is  a  secondary  gneissic  structure  which  is  due  to  parallel  arrangement 
of  the  mica  flakes.  It  is  uniform  in  texture  and  color,  and  quarry  condi- 
tions are  favorable.  Moderately  spaced  joints  are  in  three  systems,  two 
at  about  right  angles  to  each  other,  while  the  third  intersects  the  major 
series  at  about  60°.  Quarrying  is  facilitated  by  sheeting  planes.  The 
granite  is  used  principally  for  building  purposes,  such  use  dating  back  to 
1816  and  1817  when  large  stones  were  supplied  for  abutments  of  a  bridge 
across  the  Susquehanna  River. 

An  attractive  gray  biotite  granite,  widely  used  for  general  building 
purposes  and  to  some  extent  for  memorial  stone,  occurs  northeast  of 
Woodstock  over  the  county  line  in  Baltimore  County.  Well-defined 
sheeting  planes  dip  10  to  15°,  but  jointing  is  somewhat  irregular. 

Gneisses  of  Baltimore  and  Montgomery  Counties. — A  dark  to  blue-gray 
biotite  gneiss  occurs  near  Baltimore.  Conditions  favor  quarrying,  as 
sheets  dipping  30  to  40°  are  4  inches  to  5  or  6  feet  thick,  joints  are  in  two 
series  approximately  at  right  angles  and  moderately  spaced,  while  the 
grain  (rift)  is  vertical  and  nearly  parallels  one  of  the  jointing  systems. 
The  rock  breaks  out  so  readily  into  cubical  blocks  that  scarcely  any 
explosives  are  necessary.  It  is  used  chiefly  for  rough  construction  in  and 
about  Baltimore. 

In  southern  Montgomery  County  a  similar  dark  gray  granite  gneiss  is 
used  for  bridge,  house,  chimney,  and  foundation  building.  It  is  so  well- 
supplied  with  joints  and  sheeting  planes  that  it  is  easily  quarried.  Iron 
oxide  stains  in  the  joints  provide  attractive  nonfading  colors  for  "seam- 
faced  granite."     Several  bridges  on  the  new  Mount  Vernon  Highway  and 


many  other  artistic  structures  including  numerous  residences  in  and  near 
Washington,  D,  C,  are  built  of  stone  from  these  quarries. 

Rhode  Island. — Granite  in  the  form  of  dimension  stone  produced  in 
Rhode  Island  in  1928  was  valued  at  $413,707,  or  1.7  per  cent  of  the  value 
of  total  production  for  the  United  States.  Monumental  stone  dominates 
the  industry,  amounting  to  92  per  cent  in  value  of  the  total  for  1928. 
About  4.4  per  cent  was  used  for  building  and  3.6  per  cent  for  curbing. 
Production  of  building  granite  was  much  greater  during  pre-war  years 
than  now.  Production  in  1929  was  valued  at  $348,173 ;  in  1930,  $366,602; 
in  1936,  $292,577;  and  in  1937,  $320,712. 

The  industry  is  centered  in  and  near  Westerly  and  Bradford,  Washing- 
ton County.  The  deposits  are  unusual,  in  that  they  take  the  form  of 
massive  dikes  50  to  150  feet  thick  intruded  into  the  older  granite  gneisses, 
which  dip  30  to  45°  to  the  south.  The  chief  j oint  systems  run  N.  10°-25°E., 
though  various  other  systems  have  been  noted.  The  rift  is  horizontal  or 
slightly  inclined,  and  the  grain  is  vertical  or  nearly  so.  Three  main  types 
of  commercial  granite  occur:  "Westerly  Pink,"  sometimes  called 
"Westerly  Statuary,"  a  pinkish  or  buff  biotite  granite  (quartz  monzonite) 
of  very  fine  uniform  texture;  "Blue  Westerly,"  a  bluish  gray  biotite 
granite  of  fine,  even-grained  texture;  and  "Red  Westerly,"  a  reddish  gray 
granite  speckled  with  black,  having  an  even-grained  medium,  inclining  to 
coarse,  texture.  "Westerly  Pink"  and  "Blue  Westerly,"  the  fine- 
grained rocks,  are  used  for  monuments,  and  the  coarser-grained  red  rocks 
for  construction.  The  pink  and  blue  varieties  take  a  high  polish  and  are 
attractive  in  color  and  texture.  They  are  well-known  to  the  monument 
trade  and  have  been  widely  used  for  many  years. 

Connecticut. — The  value  of  block  granite  produced  in  Connecticut  in 
1928  was  $396,344,  or  1.6  per  cent  of  the  value  of  production  for  the 
entire  country.  About  61  per  cent  was  devoted  to  monumental  purposes, 
23  to  building,  and  16  to  curbing.  Production  in  1929  was  valued  at 
$710,739;  in  1930,  $496,124;  in  1936,  $144,108;  and  in  1937,  $233,059. 

Granites,  granite  gneisses,  and  related  rocks  occur  in  many  parts 
of  the  State,  and  their  geologic  relations  are  complex.  Production  of 
dimension  stone  is  confined  chiefly  to  four  counties — Hartford,  New 
Haven,  New  London,  and  Windham. 

Hartford  County. — Near  Glastonbury  a  biotite  granite  gneiss  occurs 
in  nearly  horizontal  sheets  up  to  3  feet  thick.  The  rift  follows  the  folia- 
tion, dipping  about  10°  in  a  direction  N.50°W.  The  rock  is  well-adapted 
for  rough  construction  and  curbing,  and  the  products  are  sold  chiefly 
in  Hartford. 

New  Haven  County. — Near  Ansonia  a  blue-gray  muscovite-biotite 
granite  gneiss  is  quarried  for  rough  construction  and  curbing.  The  most 
important  quarries  of  the  county  are  near  Branford  and  Stony  Creek. 
The  "Branford  Red"  rock  is  a  reddish  gray  biotite  granite  gneiss  of 


medium  to  coarse,  irregular  texture.  It  is  an  attractive  building  stone 
and  has  been  used  widely  in  many  important  structures;  it  is  also 
employed  to  a  limited  extent  for  monuments  and  curbing.  "Branford 
Pink"  is  another  type  produced  in  this  district.  "Stony  Creek  Red"  is  a 
reddish  gray  coarse-grained  gneissoid  granite  used  for  buildings,  monu- 
ments, and  mausoleums. 

New  London  County. — The  most  important  granite  quarries  of  Con- 
necticut are  in  southern  New  London  County  near  East  Lyme,  Groton, 
Millstone,  Niantic,  and  Waterford.  At  East  Lyme  and  Niantic  an  even- 
grained,  pinkish  gray  granite  provides  an  attractive  monumental  stone 
sold  under  the  name  "Golden-Pink  Niantic."  Like  the  Westerly  (R.  L) 
granite  it  occurs  as  a  dike,  in  this  instance  about  40  feet  thick  intruded 
into  a  gneiss.  At  Groton  a  fine-grained,  greenish  gray  granite  is  quarried 
for  monuments.  Production  is  most  active  in  the  Millstone  and  Water- 
ford  districts.  "Millstone"  granite  which  is  available  to  both  rail  and 
water  transportation  is  a  fine-grained,  dark  gray  stone  used  for  monu- 
ments, paving  stones,  curbing,  and  to  a  limited  extent  building  stone. 
At  Waterford  the  rock  is  buff-gray,  but  the  hammered  face  is  light  gray. 
It  takes  a  fine  polish  and  is  marketed  as  "Connecticut  White,"  being  used 
as  an  architectural  stone,  for  monuments,  and  for  paving  stones.  Like 
the  other  granites  of  this  district  it  occurs  in  dikelike  masses. 

Windham  County.— A  biotite  granite  gneiss  is  quarried  near  Oneco  in 
southern  Windham  County  near  the  Rhode  Island  line.  "Oneco"  is  an 
attractive  fine-grained,  dark  bluish  gray  stone  used  for  building  purposes 
and  for  curbing. 

Pennsylvania. — Granite  dimension-stone  production  in  Pennsylvania 
in  1929  was  valued  at  about  $383,500.  About  70  per  cent  of  this  amount 
was  building  stone;  22,  monumental;  6,  rubble;  and  2,  paving  stones. 
The  1928  figures  were  not  representative.  Production  in  1930  was  valued 
at  $359,045;  in  1936,  $263,287;  and  in  1937,  $268,859.  Pennsylvania  is 
unique  in  that  large  quantities  of  granite  gneiss  are  quarried  for  house 
construction  and  other  local  uses,  particularly  in  the  Philadelphia  district. 
Figures  as  reported  are  probably  low  because  a  great  number  of  small 
operators  do  not  submit  reports. 

Monumental  Granites. — Diabase  and  gabbro,  classed  as  "black 
granites"  are  produced  in  small  quantities  in  Berks  County,  and  in  larger 
quantities  in  Bucks  and  Chester  Counties.  Black  granite  has  been 
quarried  in  Bucks  County  near  California — "French  Creek  Black"  at 
Roedey  and  "Blue  and  Dark  Pearl"  at  Shelly — but  recent  production 
has  been  chiefly  from  the  Coopersburg  district.  A  jet-black  stone  show- 
ing splendid  contrast  between  polished  and  tooled  surfaces  is  marketed  as 
"Bonnie  Brook  Black  Granite."  Similar  stone  is  produced  near  Saint 
Peters,  Chester  County. 


Building  Granites. — Practically  all  the  rock  classed  as  building  granite 
is  an  attractive,  durable,  dark  granite  gneiss  which  occurs  abundantly  in 
many  parts  of  Philadelphia  and  Delaware  Counties  and  to  some  extent  in 
Montgomery,  Chester,  and  Bucks  Counties.  None  of  the  quarries  are 
large,  though  some  provide  considerable  tonnage  for  use  in  and  about 
Philadelphia.  In  many  places  stone  excavated  in  digging  cellars  is  used 
for  foundation  work  and  even  for  buildings.  The  extensive  use  of  these 
gneissic  rocks  has  had  a  marked  influence  on  the  architecture  of  the 
Philadelphia  district.  Some  of  the  buildings  have  withstood  weathering 
influences  remarkably  well  for  more  than  140  years. 

South  Dakota. — The  value  of  block  granite  produced  in  South  Dakota 
in  1928  was  S220,898,  or  0.9  per  cent  of  the  value  of  total  production  for 
the  United  States.  Practically  the  entire  amount  is  classed  as  monu- 
mental stone.  Before  1925  South  Dakota  was  a  producer  of  granite  in  a 
very  small  way,  but  since  that  date  the  industry  has  grown  rapidly. 
Production  in  1929  was  valued  at  $280,245;  in  1930,  $397,047;  in  1936, 
$406,115;  and  in  1937,  $547,334. 

Production  is  confined  almost  exclusively  to  Grant  County,  where 
about  five  companies  operate.  The  deposits  are  part  of  the  granite  belt 
of  the  upper  Minnesota  River  Valley,  which  is  described  in  the  section 
on  Minnesota,  and  the  rock  quarried  near  Milbank  and  Bigstone  City  is 
similar  to  that  near  Ortonville  and  Odessa,  Minn.  It  is  sold  under  the 
trade  names  "Hunter's  Mahogany"  and  "South  Dakota  Mahogany." 
Some  of  the  stone  is  shipped  in  rough  blocks  to  finishing  plants  in  Orton- 
ville, Minn. 

Rushmore  Mountain,  in  the  Black  Hills  of  South  Dakota,  has  been  a 
center  of  interest  since  1929,  when  Congress  authorized  funds  for  carving 
a  gigantic  memorial  on  the  granite  mountain  face.  A  brief  story  of  Our 
Country  written  in  part  though  not  completed  by  Calvin  Coolidge  will 
be  carved  deeply  upon  an  entablature  80  feet  wide  and  120  feet  high; 
accompanying  this  history,  carved  in  colossal  proportions,  will  appear 
the  figures  of  Washington,  Jefferson,  Lincoln,  and  Theodore  Roosevelt. 
A  related  project  at  Stone  Mountain,  Ga.  is  described  under  the  granites 
of  Georgia. 

Texas. — Block-granite  production  in  Texas  in  1928  was  valued  at 
$191,084,  or  0.8  per  cent  of  the  value  of  total  production  for  the  United 
States.  Production  in  1929  was  valued  at  $165,807 ;  in  1930,  $220, 189 ;  in 
1936,  $66,708;  and  in  1937,  $52,361.  The  industry  is  confined  chiefly 
to  Llano,  Burnet,  and  Gillespie  Counties  in  the  west-central  part  of  the 
State.  Llano,  the  most  productive  county,  is  the  source  of  a  fine-  to 
medium-grained,  light  to  dark  gray  granite  which  is  used  almost  entirely 
for  monuments.  A  coarse-grained  red  granite  quarried  at  Granite  Moun- 
tain near  Marble  Falls,  Burnet  County,  is  well-adapted  for  building 


purposes  and  was  used  for  the  construction  of  the  Texas  State  Capitol  at 
Austin.  It  is  also  used  for  jetties,  breakwaters,  and  other  wave-resistant 
structures  and  employed  to  a  limited  extent  for  monuments.  Near 
Fredericksburg,  Gillespie  County,  an  attractive  red  monumental  stone  is 
quarried.  Most  of  the  products  are  sold  within  the  State,  though  some 
are  shipped  as  far  as  New  York  City. 

Other  Producing  States. — The  16  States  discussed  in  the  preceding 
pages  provide  nearly  96  per  cent  of  the  production  of  granite  as  dimension 
stone  in  the  United  States.  Most  of  the  remaining  4  per  cent  is  reported 
from  six  States — South  Carolina,  Colorado,  Oklahoma,  Delaware, 
Montana,  and  Washington.  In  production  value  some  of  these  States 
exceed  members  of  the  minor  group  of  eight  States  previously  described, 
but  the  number  of  producers  is  so  small  that  production  statistics  have 
been  withheld  to  avoid  revealing  individual  figures. 

An  attractive  fine-grained,  gray  biotite  granite  quarried  at  Rion, 
Fairfield  County,  S.  C,  is  sold  widely  for  monuments  under  the  trade  name 
"Winnsboro  Blue." 

Colorado  also  produces  attractive  monumental  granites  valued  at 
more  than  $200,000  a  year.  Chief  production  is  from  Salida,  Chaffee 
County,  where  a  fine-grained,  dark  blue-gray  quartz  diorite  is  sold  under 
the  names  "Salida  Blue"  and  "Salida  Dark  Gray."  Monumental  stone 
is  also  obtained  in  Fremont  County. 

Oklahoma  and  Montana  are  producers  of  monumental  granite,  and 
Delaware  supplies  a  rough  construction  stone  similar  to  that  produced  in 
eastern  Pennsylvania. 

An  attractive  dark  red  granite  or  syenite  is  quarried  near  Graniteville, 
Iron  County,  Mo.  The  products  are  monumental  stone  and  paving 
blocks,  the  former  being  marketed  widely  as  "Missouri  Red  " 

A  light  gray  granite  has  been  quarried  quite  extensively  in  Little 
Cottonwood  Canyon  about  20  miles  from  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah,  and  used 
for  building  purposes  in  that  city. 

Block-granite  production  in  the  State  of  Washington  ranges  from 
$10,000  to  $50,000  a  year  in  value.  The  most  important  production 
center  is  Medical  Lake,  Spokane  County,  where  a  fine-  to  medium-grained, 
light  gray  granite  is  quarried,  chiefly  for  the  manufacture  of  memorial 
stones.  A  small  production  of  building  and  monumental  granite  is 
reported  at  times  from  Index,  Snohomish  County. 

Volcanic  tuffs  and  related  rocks  are  used  to  some  extent  for  building 
in  Idaho,  Arizona,  New  Mexico,  Nevada,  and  California.  Those  in 
Idaho  have  been  described  by  Behre.^'^  The  Arizona  State  Capitol  and 
several  buildings  of  the  University  of  Arizona  are  built  of  tuff.     An 

2^  Behre,  C.  H.,  Jr.,  Tertiary  Volcanic  Tuffs  and  Sandstones  Used  as  Building 
Stones  in  the  Upper  Salmon  River  Valley,  Idaho.  Contributions  to  Economic 
Geology,  pt.  1,  1929,  U.  S.  Geol.  Survey  Bull.  811-E,  pp.  237-248. 


ash-gray  tuff  weighing  only  65  pounds  a  cubic  foot  occurs  near  Pioche, 
Nev.  Nails  may  be  driven  into  it  almost  as  easily  as  into  wood.  Porous 
tuff  and  pumice  are  cut  into  blocks  and  used  as  natural  light-weight 
building  materials. 


Choice  of  Location.— Granites  occur  widely  in  many  States.  Single 
masses,  as  indicated  by  numerous  related  outcrops,  may  extend  over 
thousands  of  square  miles.  However,  relatively  few  of  these  occurrences 
have  the  qualities,  locations,  or  working  conditions  requisite  for  adapt- 
ability to  industrial  uses.  Nature  has  been  the  fabricator  of  the  rocks, 
and  man  is  powerless  to  change  the  inherent  qualities  of  native  beds; 
therefore,  selection  of  an  area  of  rock  with  qualities  suitable  for  industrial 
uses  is  of  paramount  importance.  First,  outcrops  should  be  examined 
carefully.  If  a  mantle  of  overburden  hides  the  surface  of  the  rock  it  may 
be  trenched,  but  adequate  study  can  be  made  only  when  it  is  removed. 
Stripping  may  be  done  by  any  method  described  in  a  previous  chapter. 
Some  quarrymen  recommend  examination  of  rock  during  or  immediately 
after  a  rain,  because  hair  lines,  streaks,  and  knots  ai^e  recognized  more 
easily  on  a  wet  than  on  a  dry  surface.  Areas  chosen  for  quarrying 
usually  include  masses  of  rock  of  uniform  texture,  attractive  color,  and 
relative  freedom  from  irregular  or  closely  spaced  seams  and  from  dikes, 
knots,  or  hair  lines.  Requirements  for  monumental  and  polished  archi- 
tectural stones,  are  most  rigid;  but  more  liberal  variations  in  color  and 
texture  are  permissible  for  building,  paving,  and  curbing  granite,  while 
rock  of  quite  uneven  texture  and  color,  such  as  the  gneisses  and  schists, 
may  be  used  for  rubble  and  other  rough-faced  types  of  building  stone. 

Plan  of  Quarrying. — The  position  and  direction  of  quarry  walls 
usually  are  governed  by  the  joint  systems,  because  an  open  joint  usually 
constitutes  a  "heading"  or  quarry  wall.  Quarrying  conditions  are  most 
favorable  where  two  systems  of  vertical  joint  seams  are  at  right  angles  to 
each  other,  as  this  permits  easy  development  of  a  rectangular  quarry 
opening  and  the  production  of  rectangular  blocks.  Many  granite 
deposits  occur  as  domes  rising  above  the  general  level,  permitting  wide  and 
shallow  quarries,  with  easy  access.  This  type  of  quarry  has  many 
advantages,  particularly  in  New  England  because  the  sheeting  planes, 
which  assist  greatly  in  separation  of  blocks,  are  almost  invariably  much 
closer  together  near  the  surface  than  at  depth.  A  typical  bench  or  shelf 
quarry  is  shown  in  figure  23.  In  some  places  quarries  are  sunk  to  depths 
of  200  feet  or  more.  Deep  quarrying  may  be  occasioned  by  restricted 
property  lines  or  by  improvement  in  the  quality  of  the  rock  at  depth. 
The  plan  of  quarrying  may  be  influenced  by  dikes  or  other  structures. 

Quarry  Operations.  Drilling. — Drilling  greatly  exceeds  every  other 
quarry  operation  in  importance,  for  granite  is  so  hard  that  no  tools  but 



drills  can  cut  it  in  a  quarry.  Hand-sledged  drills  date  back  many  years 
but  have  been  gradually  superseded  by  steam-driven  reciprocating  drills. 
The  latter  types,  both  steam-  and  air-driven,  are  still  in  use,  but  com- 
pressed-air hammer  drills  are  most  common  in  modern  granite  quarries. 
Drilling  equipment  has  been  improved  greatly  during  recent  years.  The 
increasing  rate  of  drilling  is  due  in  part  to  the  use  of  better  machines  and 
in  some  measure  to  the  employment  of  highly  efficient  mechanical  drill 
sharpeners.  A  modern  quarry  blacksmith  shop  is  a  marvel  of  speed  and 
accuracy  in  reconditioning  drill  bits. 

The  principal  constituents  of  granite  are,  with  the  exception  of  mica, 
as  hard  as,  or  harder  than,  steel,  hence  drill  bits  dull  rapidly  and  lose  their 

Fig.  23. 

-A  typical  bench  or  shelf  granite  quarry  in  Vermont  with  convenient  railroad 

gage  as  a  result  of  abrasion  of  the  outer  edges.  Therefore,  after  depths 
of  2  to  4  feet  are  attained  steel  is  changed,  and  with  each  change  a  bit 
M  to  }{q  inch  smaller  is  used.  In  general  practice,  many  holes  are 
drilled  12  to  15  feet  deep,  and  depths  of  20  to  30  feet  are  not  uncommon. 
Starting  bits  are  l^i  to  2^i  inches  in  diameter  on  the  cutting  end;  the 
larger  size  is  used  for  deep  drilling. 

A  great  advance  in  drilling  practice  was  attained  with  the  invention 
of  hollow  steel.  Exhaust  air  passes  down  the  hole  in  the  center  of  the 
bit  and  blows  rock  dust  from  the  cutting  edges,  promoting  effective  work. 
Air-operated  devices  for  feeding  the  bit  downward  and  for  lifting  the  drill 
head  when  steel  is  changed  have  reduced  greatly  the  physical  labor  and 
increased  the  speed  of  drilling. 


The  drilling  rate  in  granite  is  slower  than  in  most  rocks.  At  Westerly, 
R.  I.,  thirty  4-foot  holes  a  day  is  a  fair  average  rate  attained  with  a 
tripod  reciprocating  drill  using  a  1^^-  to  2-inch  bit.  At  Barre,  Vt.  each 
bar-drill  machine  averages  100  to  120  linear  feet  a  day  for  moderately 
deep  drilling,  using  a  2,^:4-inch  bit  as  a  starter.  Exceptional  rates  of 
175  to  200  feet  a  day  have  been  attained. 

A  bar  drill  is  a  type  of  equipment  which  has  long  been  used  but 
recently  has  been  greatly  improved.  A  horizontal  bar  12  to  14  feet  long 
is  supported  by  a  pair  of  steel  legs  at  each  end.  A  heavy  hammer  drill  is 
mounted  on  the  bar  and  may  be  moved  quickly  to  any  desired  position  by 
means  of  a  pinion  working  in  a  rack  of  cogs  extending  the  full  length  of 
the  bar.  The  chief  function  of  this  drill  is  to  make  rows  of  closely  spaced 
holes  exactly  in  line  and  in  one  plane.  A  four-point  hollow  steel  bit 
generally  is  used.  Reciprocating  drills  mounted  on  tripods  are  sometimes 
used  for  deep  drilling,  and  are  occasionally  used  on  bars. 

For  shallower  holes  used  in  plug-and-feather  wedging  hammer  drills 
held  in  the  hands  usually  are  employed.  The  ordinary  hammer  drill, 
with  a  six-point  bit  and  automatic  rotating  device,  is  used  for  "foot 
holes,"  a  name  applied  in  Vermont  to  holes  1  or  2  feet  deep.  Hand-held 
hammer  drills  are  also  used  for  putting  down  deep  single  holes  or  small 
groups  of  holes  for  blasting.  These  are  much  lighter  in  weight  than 
the  machines  used  on  bars,  and  the  drilling  rate  is  somewhat  slower, 
averaging  75  to  100  feet  a  day. 

For  holes  4  to  6  inches  deep  and  about  ^^  inch  in  diameter  a  smaller 
type,  known  as  a  "plug  drill,"  is  used.  Valve  action  depends  upon 
pressure  of  the  bit,  therefore  it  operates  only  when  the  steel  is  pressed 
firmly  against  the  rock.  The  bit,  usually  of  the  chisel-point  type,  is 
rotated  by  a  hand  wrench  or  automatically  as  a  result  of  special 

Reaming. — A  reamer  is  a  flanged  tool  driven  into  a  drill  hole  to  cut 
grooves  on  opposite  sides.  Reaming  greatly  assists  blasting,  especially 
by  the  Knox  method,  mentioned  in  its  application  to  granite  quarrying 
under  Blasting.  It  may  also  be  employed  to  assist  straight  splitting 
when  the  wedging  method  is  followed. 

Broaching. — Broaching  is  the  process  of  cutting  out  webs  or  "cores," 
as  they  are  sometimes  called,  between  closely  spaced  drill  holes  to  make  a 
continuous  channel.  A  broaching  tool  resembles  a  flattened  drill  bar. 
The  cutting  end  is  about  3  or  3)^^  inches  wide  and  \}i  inches  thick, 
sometimes  with  transverse  ridges  on  the  face.  It  may  be  used  in  a  drill 
head.  After  a  row  of  holes  has  been  completed  the  full  length  of  the  bar 
broaching  tools  are  substituted  for  drills,  and  all  cores  or  webs  between 
holes  are  cut  away.  Broaching  is  usually  slow  and  with  increasing  depth 
becomes  even  more  laborious,  for  as  drill  holes  become  smaller  the  cores 
or  webs  become  correspondingly  wider. 


Blasting. — Blasting  is  commonly  employed  to  obtain  large  fractures, 
but  great  care  must  be  exercised  in  the  use  of  explosives  to  avoid  shatter- 
ing the  rock.  Dynamite  is  used  for  breaking  up  waste  rock,  but  in  good 
granite  the  slower-acting  black  blasting  powder  is  invariably  employed. 
A  charge  is  the  minimum  amount  that  will  make  a  single  fracture.  If  too 
much  explosive  is  used  incipient  fractures  may  be  developed  in  quarry 
blocks.  Such  fractures,  which  may  be  so  small  as  to  be  unobservable 
until  the  rock  is  polished,  are  doubly  detrimental,  as  they  not  only  cause 
waste  but  result  in  condemnation  of  a  block  after  much  time  and  labor 
have  been  spent  in  shaping  and  finishing  it. 

Straight,  even  breaks,  with  a  minimum  number  of  drill  holes,  may  be 
made  by  employing  the  Knox  system.  This  involves  the  use  of  a  reamer 
which  when  driven  into  the  hole  cuts  grooves  about  one-fourth  inch  deep 
on  opposite  sides.  Care  is  taken  to  cut  the  grooves  exactly  in  line  with 
the  desired  direction  of  splitting.  This  system,  already  described  in 
detail  in  the  chapter  on  sandstone,  also  involves  the  use  of  an  air  space 
above  the  powder  charge,  which  increases  the  effectiveness  of  the  explo- 
sive force.  A  uniform,  straight  fracture  with  an  area  greater  than 
100  square  feet  sometimes  is  made  by  blasting  in  a  single  reamed  drill 
hole.  Occasionally  several  parallel  holes  are  made,  or  three  or  four  may 
be  drilled  in  a  fanlike  arrangement. 

Wedging. — Channeling  and  blasting  have  their  proper  places  in  quarry 
work;  but  most  fractures,  especially  those  of  smaller  area,  are  made  by 
wedging.  Plug-and-feather  wedging  has  been  described.  Small  plugs 
and  feathers  are  used  in  ^^-inch  "plug"  holes  4  or  5  inches  deep  and 

6  to  18  inches  apart.  They  are  sledged  lightly  in  turn  back  and  forth 
along  the  line  until  a  fracture  is  made.  Plug-hole  wedging  is  effective 
in  rift  and  grain  directions,  even  for  large  breaks.  A  few  years  ago  the 
writer  observed  in  a  Georgia  quarry  a  single  mass  of  granite  8  feet  thick, 

7  feet  8  inches  wide,  and  375  feet  long  separated  by  the  plug-and-feather 
method  with  holes  5  inches  apart  and  only  5  inches  deep.  If  a  break  is  to 
parallel  the  hard  way  of  the  rock  "foot  holes"  1  to  1}^  feet  deep  are 
drilled  1}^  to  4  feet  apart,  with  plug  holes  between  them.  The  longer 
plugs  and  feathers  used  in  the  deeper  holes  are  known  as  "foot  wedges." 
The  straightest  fractures  are  obtained  when  made  in  the  center  of  a  rock 
mass.  If  a  small  piece  is  to  be  wedged  from  the  side  of  a  larger  block  the 
fracture  tends  to  run  toward  the  lighter  side.  In  making  large  fractures 
the  wedging  process  is  not  hurried.  Plugs  are  driven  firmly,  and  then 
a  little  time  is  allowed  for  the  fracture  to  start  before  sledging  is  resumed. 

Hoisting. — Most  granite  quarries  are  equipped  with  derricks  having 
steam  or  electric  hoists.  In  wide  quarries  where  booms  can  not  reach  all 
parts,  stone  blocks  or  boxes  of  waste  may  be  handled  beyond  the  boom 
radius  by  attaching  a  line  from  some  other  near-by  derrick,  the  two  work- 
ing in  conjunction. 


In  New  England  wooden  derricks  with  masts  and  booms  of  Oregon 
pine  are  generally  used.  They  are  large  and  powerful,  can  handle 
blocks  weighing  40  or  50  tons,  and  in  exceptional  instances  attain  a 
capacity  of  80  tons.  At  some  Maine  quarries  the  original  timber  for  the 
boom  is  sawed  lengthwise  in  the  center,  blocks  of  timber  are  placed 
between  the  two  parts  at  various  points,  and  the  halves  are  bolted 
together  through  the  blocks.  Sheaves  are  mounted  in  the  space  between 
the  halves.  Such  "split"  booms  are  less  liable  to  warp  and  twist  than 
single  timbers,  and  therefore  the  sheaves  run  true  and  do  not  wear  the 
cable.  A  50-ton-capacity  derrick  may  have  a  mast  100  feet  high  and  a 
boom  95  feet  long.  In  Minnesota  angle-steel  derricks  generally  have 
replaced  wooden  derricks.  Several  quarries  are  equipped  with  overhead 
cableways,  but  their  lifting  capacity  is  usually  very  much  lower  than  that 
of  derricks. 

Quarry  Methods.  Influence  of  Physical  Properties  and  Rock  Struc- 
tures.— Channeling-machine  methods  used  in  the  softer  rocks  (limestones, 
sandstones,  slates,  and  marbles)  do  not  apply  to  granite,  which  is  an 
exceptionally  hard  rock;  hence,  as  previously  explained,  drilling  is  sub- 
stituted therefor.  As  artificial  cuts  are  costly,  full  advantage  is  taken  of 
open  seams  or  "headers"  for  quarry  or  bench  walls.  As  far  as  possible, 
all  block  separations  parallel  the  directions  of  easiest  splitting — the  rift 
and  grain.  It  is  a  fortunate  circumstance  that  in  many  granite  districts 
the  rift  parallels  one  of  the  major  jointing  systems,  for  in  the  natural 
development  of  a  quarry,  successive  partings  thus  parallel  both  rift  and 

Sheeting  planes  or  "bottom  joints"  greatly  assist  quarrying.  In 
fact,  vertical  breaks  can  not  be  made  successfully  until  the  mass  is  free  at 
the  quarry  floor.  If  open  sheeting  planes  are  provided  in  nature,  succes- 
sive masses  may  be  removed  with  ease.  If  such  bottom  joints  are  far 
apart  or  absent  artificial  sheeting  planes  must  be  made,  possibly  by 
drilling  a  series  of  horizontal  holes,  sometimes  termed  "lift  holes,"  and 
making  a  fracture  with  wedges  or  by  the  use  of  explosives.  The  cost  of 
quarrying  is  usually  relatively  high  in  deposits  where  floor  breaks  must  be 
forced  by  wedging  or  blasting. 

Many  deposits  occur  in  characteristic  domelike  form,  and  sheeting 
planes  usually  are  arched  to  parallel  in  a  general  way  the  surface  contour 
of  the  rock.  This  attitude  of  sheeting  planes  is  an  advantage  in  quarry- 
ing, for  as  an  opening  is  made  in  the  side  of  the  dome  the  quarry  floor 
slopes  away  from  the  working  face,  providing  automatic  drainage  and 
greatly  facilitating  the  movement  of  heavy  blocks  of  stone.  Sheets  are 
sometimes  relatively  thick,  and  joints  are  spaced  close  together.  Open- 
ings in  deposits  having  such  a  preponderance  of  joints  are  sometimes 
termed  "block  quarries,"  because  they  provide  massive  cubical  blocks. 
Quarries  in  the  St.  Cloud  district,  Minnesota,  are  of  this  type.     Con- 



trasted  with  them  are  the  typical  quarries  of  New  England,  where  sheets 
are  thin  and  joints  widely  spaced.  In  such  openings  the  quarry  face 
rises  in  a  series  of  low  steps.  The  layers  are  usually  thin  near  the  out- 
crop, gradually  thickening  as  the  quarry  face  is  worked  back  into  the 
dome.  As  a  rule,  they  also  gradually  thicken  with  depth.  Openings  in 
rock  of  this  type  are  sometimes  known  as  "sheet  quarries."  Figure  24 
shows  the  typical  New  England  sheet  structure.  Exceptionally,  sheeting 
planes  are  far  apart  in  New  England  quarries,  for  example,  in  some  at 
Barre,  Vt. 

Channeling. — "Channeling"  in  granite  quarrying  has  quite  a  different 
meaning  than  when  employed  in  limestone  or  sandstone.     In  the  latter 

Fig.  24 

A  typical  New  lingland  granite  (iu;ui\-  illut^tI■alin 


^lll'(•t  ^Inicture;  Stonington, 

rocks  it  is  the  process  of  making  a  cut  with  a  channeling  machine,  whereas 
in  granite  it  refers  to  the  drilling  of  a  closely  spaced  row  of  holes  and 
broaching  or  cutting  out  the  narrow  webs  or  cores  between.  Cuts  thus 
obtained  are  similar  to  those  resulting  from  the  operation  of  channeling 
machines  in  the  softer  rocks.  This  method  is  employed  in  many  quarries 
in  preference  to  blasting  because,  although  slow  and  more  costly,  it  gives 
a  straight  surface  and  does  not  cause  shattering.  Its  advantages  are 
most  apparent  in  making  cuts  in  the  hard  way.  Channeled  rock  surfaces 
are  shown  at  the  top  and  upper  right  corner  of  figure  25. 

Primary  Cuts. — The  first  step  in  quarrying  is  to  separate  the  larger 
masses  from  the  solid  ledge.  To  obtain  space  for  movement  of  blocks 
at  the  quarry  wall  it  may  be  necessary  to  cut  a  channel.  Wall  channeling 
usually  is  done  in  the  direction  of  the  head  grain,  or  hard  way.  Channel- 
ing tight  ends  is  sometimes  difficult  because  the  rock  in  some  deposits, 



especially  those  in  which  few  joints  occur,  is  under  compression,  and  when 
the  drill  holes  provide  a  means  of  relief  the  rock  expands :  thus  pressure 
may  partly  close  the  drill  holes.  It  is  claimed  that  at  Stone  Mountain, 
Ga.,  a  mass  60  feet  long  will  expand  2  inches. 

The  most  difficult  step  in  opening  up  a  new  bench  on  a  quarry  floor  is 
to  obtain  a  free  face  from  which  to  work.  To  give  necessary  working 
space  a  mass  of  rock  3  to  5  feet  wide,  and  the  depth  of  the  bench,  must  be 
removed.     Different  methods  are  employed  to  make  such  a  trench  or 

Fig.  25. 

-Granite  quarry  at  Barre,  Vt.,  in  which  various  methods  cf  driUing  are  illustrated. 
{Courtesy  of  E.  L.  Smith  &  Co.) 

keyway.  If  the  mass  is  flanked  on  either  side  by  an  open  seam  the  inter- 
vening rock  may  be  removed  by  drilling  and  blasting.  If  open  seams 
can  not  be  utilized  holes  may  be  drilled  in  two  parallel  rows  3  to  5  feet 
apart,  and  the  intervening  rock  shattered  with  dynamite  may  be  removed 
as  waste.  Another  method  is  to  make  two  channel  cuts  10  to  15  feet 
apart  by  the  process  described  in  a  preceding  paragraph  and  to  remove 
the  mass  of  rock  between  them.  This  method  is  less  wasteful  than 
blasting,  as  the  rock  between  channel  cuts  may  be  removed  as  quarry 
blocks  and  utilized,  at  least  in  part. 

A  unique  method  is  employed  in  a  large  quarry  at  West  Chelmsford, 
Mass.  A  drum  core  drill,  using  steel  shot  as  abrasive,  cuts  a  series  of 
holes  along  the  center  and  across  the  ends  of  the  quarry.  Webs  8  to  10 
inches  wide  are  left  between  the  holes  to  protect  the  drill  from  rock 


movement  occasioned  by  pressure.  The  webs  are  removed  later  with 
light  powder  blasts,  and  a  channel  is  thus  formed.  The  circular  cores, 
52  inches  in  diameter,  are  cleverly  utilized  by  quartering  them  for  the 
manufacture  of  corner  curbstones.  They  are  more  accurate  in  shape 
and  have  smoother  surfaces  than  rough-hewn  curbstones. 

Separation  of  Larger  Masses. — When  an  open  bench  has  been  secured 
by  any  of  the  methods  previously  described,  free  faces  being  thus  pro- 
vided, the  next  step  is  to  separate  large  masses  from  the  solid  ledge.  In 
''block  quarries"  or  "boulder  quarries,"  as  they  are  called  in  Vermont, 
where  sheeting  planes  are  widely  spaced,  primary  separations  may  set 
free  blocks  weighing  thousands  of  tons.  If  the  bench  approaches  20  or 
more  feet  in  height  the  larger  fractures  are  made  by  blasting.  "Lewis" 
holes  2}  2  to  3  inches  in  diameter  are  drilled  several  feet  apart  and  from 
one  half  to  almost  the  full  depth  of  the  bench,  at  the  bottom  of  which  is  a 
sheeting  plane.  A  fracture  is  made  by  discharging  black  blasting  powder 
in  the  holes  according  to  the  method  described  under  blasting.  Usually 
this  break  is  on  the  rift  or  grain.  In  rock  which  splits  easily  three  holes 
in  fan-like  arrangement  may  suffice.  A  series  of  deep  holes  in  which 
explosives  have  been  discharged  are  shown  in  the  center  of  figure  25. 

When  a  vertical  break  is  thus  made  the  mass  of  rock  may  still  be 
too  heavy  for  wedging.  If  so,  horizontal  holes  are  drilled  at  a  point  about 
halfway  down  the  bench  face,  and  light  charges  of  powder  are  used  to 
fracture  the  rock  along  the  plane  of  horizontal  rift  or  grain.  Some 
quarrymen  do  not  favor  channeling  beyond  a  depth  of  10  or  12  feet.  If 
sheeting  planes  are  20  or  more  feet  apart  the  rock  is  removed  in  two 
''lifts,"  the  bottom  of  the  first  being  opened  with  powder  charges  in 
horizontal  holes. 

In  "sheet  quarries"  where  sheeting  planes  are  close  together  blasting 
may  be  required  only  for  making  primary  trenches,  and  all  subsequent 
breaks  are  made  by  wedging.  In  such  deposits  quarrying  usually  is 
simpler  and  less  costly  than  in  those  where  sheeting  planes  are  widely 

Forcing  Sheeting  Planes  with  Compressed  Air. — An  ingenious  method 
of  making  artificial  bottom  joints  is  employed  in  North  Carolina  and 
Georgia.  Certain  deposits,  notably  at  Lithonia,  Ga.,  and  Mount  Airy, 
N.  C,  consist  of  low,  massive  domes  that  are  unique  in  that  one  may  walk 
over  the  bare  surface  of  the  rock  for  hundreds  of  feet  without  finding  any 
indication  of  a  joint.  Sheeting  planes  are  likewise  far  apart  or  entirely 
absent.  To  remove  the  larger  masses  of  stone  it  is  first  necessary  to 
make  artificial  floor  breaks. 

At  one  Lithonia  quarry  as  observed  by  the  writer,  two  holes  of  about 
3-inch  diameter  are  drilled  close  together  to  a  depth  of  about  8  feet. 
Two  men  may  work  at  these  holes  for  weeks  or  even  months.  A  very 
small  charge  of  black  blasting  powder,  not  more  than  a  spoonful,  is 


placed  in  each  and  tamped  with  clay,  and  the  charges  are  fired  simul- 
taneously with  an  electric  battery.  The  force  of  the  explosion  starts  a 
small  fracture  running  outward  from  the  bottoms  of  the  holes.  This 
process  is  repeated  time  after  time,  with  gradual  increase  in  the  size  of 
charges,  and  the  fracture  extends  slowly.  A  quarryman  skilled  in  this 
type  of  work  can  readily  judge  the  extent  of  the  fracture,  for  when 
standing  on  the  surface  of  the  rock  some  distance  from  the  drill  holes  he 
can  determine  from  the  nature  of  the  jar  when  charges  are  fired,  whether 
or  not  the  fracture  has  reached  the  point  over  which  he  is  standing. 
Any  attempt  to  hasten  the  operation  by  increasing  the  charges  too 
greatly  would  be  disastrous,  as  it  would  force  a  vertical  or  inclined 
fracture  and  render  continuance  of  the  process  impossible.  Solar  heat 
assists  the  process  so  materially  that  it  is  deemed  advisable  to  suspend 
operations  in  winter. 

The  blasting  process  is  continued  until  the  outward  boundary  of  the 
horizontal  fracture  forms  a  circle  with  a  60-  to  80-foot  radius.  An  iron 
pipe  is  then  placed  in  each  drill  hole  and  the  space  between  the  pipe 
and  the  rock  filled  with  jute  or  sand  bags  and  melted  sulphur,  making 
a  strong,  airtight  joint.  Connection  is  then  made  with  the  air  line, 
and  compressed  air  at  a  pressure  of  about  100  pounds  per  square  inch  is 
injected  through  the  pipes  to  the  fracture.  The  effect  is  remarkable,  for 
the  air  pressure  immediately  widens  and  extends  the  fracture  until  it 
emerges  at  the  surface  on  the  flank  of  the  dome  or  at  some  distant  line  on 
the  quarry  floor.  A  sheeting  plane  thus  formed  may  cover  an  area  of 
1  or  2  acres  and  provide  a  mass  of  rock  large  enough  for  an  entire  season's 
operation.  The  above  process  is  modified  somewhat  by  different 

Employment  of  compressed  air  to  break  rock  in  this  manner  does  not 
bear  promise  of  being  accepted  as  general  quarry  practice,  because  its 
application  is  greatly  restricted  by  quarry  conditions.  Most  commercial 
deposits  are  intersected  by  joint  systems,  and  obviously  open  joints  would 
provide  a  means  of  escape  for  explosive  gases  generated  during  the 
blasting  process,  rendering  it  ineffective  and  also  permitting  escape  of  the 
compressed  air  used  in  the  final  operation.  Thus,  the  process  can  be 
employed  only  in  those  unique  occurrences  where  joints  are  very  far 

Subdivision  of  Blocks. — After  large  masses  are  separated  from  a  solid 
ledge  the  next  step  is  to  subdivide  them  into  blocks  of  the  approximate 
sizes  and  shapes  desired  for  finished  products  or  into  sizes  convenient  for 
removal  from  the  quarry.  Quarrymen  follow  the  direction  of  rift  and 
grain  in  making  secondary  and  following  fractures,  just  as  they  do  in 
primary  breaks.  The  wedging  method  is  used  almost  universally. 
Wedging  in  plug  holes  may  suffice  to  give  a  straight  fracture  in  directions 
of  rift  and  grain.     For  subdivision  of  large  blocks  the  line  of  plugs  may  be 



continued  down  the  ends,  as  well  as  along  the  top,  as  shown  in  figure  26. 
Wedging  from  both  ends  and  top  tends  to  insure  a  straight  split.  For 
breaks  on  the  hard  way  "foot  holes"  may  be  put  down  to  depths  of 
12  to  18  inches  and  2  or  more  feet  apart,  with  several  shallow  plug  holes 
between.  "Foot  wedges"  are  driven  in  the  foot  holes,  and  small  wedges 
in  the  plug  holes.  Foot  holes  with  four  intervening  plug  holes  are  shown 
at  the  left  center  of  figure  25,  page  149.  Holes  sometimes  are  reamed  for 
making  splits  on  the  head  grain. 

Fig.  26.- 

-Subdivision  of  a  block  of  granite  in  a  Westerly,  R.  I.,  quarry  by  wedging  on  top 
and  end.      {Photo  by  the  author.) 

The  above  methods  apply  where  the  weight  is  approximately  balanced, 
that  is,  where  the  line  of  drill  holes  is  near  the  center  of  the  mass.  Fre- 
quently there  is  a  demand  for  a  relatively  thin  mass  of  rock,  possibly  not 
more  than  2  or  3  feet  thick  but  of  wide  area,  such  as  for  a  platform  or  the 
roof  of  a  mausoleum.  At  Barre,  Vt.,  separating  such  a  mass  is  known  as 
"deep  holing."  Holes  about  6  inches  apart  are  drilled  in  line  to  almost 
the  full  depth  of  the  bench,  and  a  fracture  is  made  by  driving  "foot-hole" 
wedges  therein;  or,  sometimes  long  wedges  are  used.     If  shallow  holes 



were  employed  the  fracture  would  curve  and  run  out  toward  the  thinner 
mass,  but  deep  ones  carry  the  fracture  straight  through.  The  same  rule 
applies  in  the  subdivision  of  smaller  blocks.  In  figure  27  a  thin  slab  that 
has  been  separated  by  deep-hole  wedging  is  shown  suspended  in  midair. 
It  may  be  observed  that  the  block  was  removed  from  a  point  near  the 

Aj^  \^' 

Fig.  27. — A  thin  slab  of  granite  that  has  been  quarried  by  deep-hole  wedging.      {Courtesy 

of  E.  L.  Smith  &  Co.) 

center  of  the  photograph,  where  plug  holes  for  the  final  vertical  break 

An  interesting  modification  of  the  wedging  method  is  used  in  Rhode 
Island.  For  making  a  fracture  6  or  7  feet  deep  holes  about  5  feet  deep, 
spaced  1  to  13>^^  feet  apart,  are  drilled  in  a  row.  A  steam  pipe  with  numer- 
ous right-angled  tees  is  placed  parallel  with  the  row  of  holes,  and  lengths 
of  hose  attached  to  the  branch  pipes  are  inserted  to  the  bottoms  of  the 


holes.  Live  steam  is  blown  into  the  holes  for  1  to  2  hours,  and  the  expan- 
sion caused  by  the  hot  steam  makes  the  desired  fracture. 

Products  of  monumental  granite  quarries  are  of  two  main  types, 
which  may  be  designated  as  stock  sizes  and  specials.  The  former  are  the 
standard  sizes  that  satisfy  the  majority  of  manufacturers'  demands 
for  smaller  monuments  supplied  to  the  retail  trade.  As  they  may  be  kept 
in  stock  quick  delivery  is  assured.  Specials  are  cut  to  order  and  may 
be  large  or  small.  Most  of  them  are  used  in  larger,  more  expensive 
monuments  and  mausoleums.  They  may  be  made  up  of  10,  12,  or  a 
greater  number  of  stones  of  different  sizes  and  shapes,  cut  to  size  after  an 
order  is  received.  The  larger  companies  usually  have  a  variety  of  blocks 
on  hand  or  have  benches  in  the  quarry  available  from  which  desired  sizes 
may  be  cut  with  little  delay. 

Removal  of  Stone  from  Quarry. — Several  diverse  methods  are  used  for 
removing  granite  blocks  from  a  quarry.  In  wide,  shallow  quarries,  like 
those  at  Mount  Airy,  N.  C,  and  Lithonia,  Ga.,  standard-type  tractors, 
caterpillar  tractors,  auto  trucks,  or  two-wheeled  mule  carts  are  employed. 
For  handling  moderate-size  blocks  a  caterpillar  derrick  crane  may  be 
used.  Derricks  are  usually  employed  for  deeper,  narrower  quarries. 
Derricks  usually  are  placed  in  the  most  convenient  positions  for  loading, 
and  for  taking  full  advantage  of  a  sloping  quarry  floor  if  such  is 

As  mentioned  previously  the  tendency  of  sheeting  planes  or  rift  to 
dip  downward  from  the  quarry  face  is  of  great  advantage  in  removal  of 
blocks.  At  some  quarries,  notably  at  Stone  Mountain,  Ga.,  the  quarry 
floor  is  so  steep  that  blocks  slide  to  the  lower  edge,  where  they  are  lifted 
by  large  derricks  to  standard  flat  cars  for  transportation  to  the  mill. 

Some  New  England  water-front  quarries  are  so  convenient  to  docks 
that  derricks  may  place  blocks  directly  on  barges.  Others  have  some 
means  of  intermediate  transportation,  and  supplementary  loading  der- 
ricks are  provided  at  the  docks. 

Service  Yard. — The  aim  of  the  quarryman  is  to  produce  either 
blocks  of  special  sizes  cut  to  order,  or  standard  blocks  that  may  be 
marketed  readily.  In  the  course  of  quarrying  many  odd-size  or  irregular 
blocks  are  produced ;  others  may  contain  imperfections  in  color  or  texture 
in  certain  places  only,  necessitating  the  removal  of  defective  parts.  By 
consulting  his  order  sheet  the  yard  foreman  may  find  that  certain  special, 
or  smaller  standard  sizes  can  be  obtained  from  irregular  or  defective 
blocks  with  minimum  waste,  and  some  companies  maintain  what  is  known 
as  a  "service  yard"  on  the  quarry  bank  where  such  blocks  are  subdivided 
to  best  advantage. 

Quarry  Haulage. — Where  quarries  are  on  the  water  front  direct 
loading  on  barges  is  possible.  Sometimes  mills  are  so  close  to  quarries 
that  little  or  no  intermediate  transportation  is  required,  but  generally 


they  are  some  distance  from  quarries.  As  granite  usually  is  quarried  in 
large  blocks  standard  railway  cars  and  locomotives  ordinarily  are 
employed  for  conveyance.  Locomotive  cranes  are  very  convenient,  as 
they  not  only  haul  cars  but  load  and  unload  blocks.  This  type  of 
conveyance  is  used  at  Westerly,  R.  I.,  and  in  other  districts.  Where  the 
distance  from  quarry  to  mill  is  short  (as  at  Mount  Airy,  N.  C.)  overhead 
cableways  are  used  both  for  hoisting  blocks  from  quarries  and  conveying 
them  to  the  mills.     Wagon  and  truck  haulage  is  used  to  a  limited  extent. 

Disposal  of  Waste. — Waste  at  granite  quarries  results  from  many  and 
varied  causes.  Some  of  it  is  "sap  rock,"  which  consists  of  weathered  or 
stained  material  bordering  open  seams  and  extending  into  the  rock  from 
a  few  inches  to  2  or  more  feet.  Irregular  or  closely  spaced  joints,  as  well 
as  dikes,  streaks,  knots,  hair  lines,  or  poor  color,  are  common  causes  of 
waste.  Much  rock  is  lost  during  manufacture.  At  Barre,  Vt.,  waste 
constitutes  80  to  85  per  cent  of  gross  production. 

Disposal  of  waste  is  a  difficult  problem  at  many  quarries.  Some 
operators  have  developed  a  market  for  part  of  it.  At  quite  a  number  of 
quarries  waste  is  crushed  and  sold  for  road  stone  and  concrete  aggregate, 
and  large  masses  are  sometimes  sold  for  riprap.  Other  owners  are  using 
the  waste  from  the  high-priced  products  to  make  cheaper  materials,  such 
as  ashlar  and  rubble,  but  success  in  such  enterprises  may  be  expected  only 
where  there  is  a  potential  market  within  reasonable  distance. 

If  a  great  volume  of  waste  must  remain  unutilized  it  usually  must  be 
hauled  some  distance,  for  if  piled  close  to  the  excavation  it  may  impede 
future  development.  Various  means  of  transportation  are  employed, 
and  alert  quarrymen  are  constantly  trying  to  simplify  operation  and  thus 
reduce  costs.  A  common  method  of  conveyance  is  by  cable  cars  on 
inclined  tracks  leading  to  the  top  of  the  waste  heap,  the  tracks  being 
extended  as  the  size  of  the  pile  increases.  Many  cars  have  automatic 
trips  that  dump  loads  endways  or  sideways,  and  the  expense  of  keeping,-- 
laborers  continually  at  work  on  the  waste  heap  is  thereby  avoided.  In 
many  places  overhead  cableways,  usually  with  self-dumping  skips,  have 
been  successful.  Waste  often  is  used  to  advantage  in  the  neighborhood 
of  quarries  and  mills  to  improve  harbors,  to  level  low  places,  to  build 
roads,  or  to  provide  ballast  for  railways. 

To  most  quarrymen  elimination  of  waste  is  obviously  of  primary 
importance;  and  much  attention  is  being  given  to  thorough  understanding 
of  the  splitting  properties  of  stone,  to  efficient  sawing  and  surfacing 
equipment,  and  to  the  most  complete  utilization  of  the  rock  for  a  variety 
of  products. 

Manufacture  of  Curbing. — The  manufacture  of  curbing  commonly  is 
conducted  on  the  quarry  floor  or  in  an  adjacent  yard.  Blocks  usually 
are  split  on  the  rift  and  grain  to  the  desired  thickness  and  depth,  plugs 
and  feathers  being  used  in  small,  shallow  drill  holes.     Curb-stones  are 


of  two  types — straight  and  corner;  the  latter  are,  of  course,  curved. 
Corner  curb  is  the  most  expensive  to  make,  as  more  stone  is  required  than 
for  the  straight  and  more  labor  needed  for  splitting  and  dressing.  An 
experienced  worker  can  make  a  curved  split.  The  part  of  the  stone  that 
appears  above  the  ground  or  pavement  when  a  curb  is  placed  in  position 
is  dressed  to  a  smooth  surface,  usually  with  a  pneumatic  tool,  the  rougher 
projections  first  being  removed  with  a  hand  tool  and  hammer;  the  part 
that  remains  underground  may  have  a  much  rougher  surface.  Specifica- 
tions for  size  and  surfacing  differ  in  various  cities. 

Manufacture  of  Paving  Blocks. — Paving  blocks,  like  curbing,  usually 
are  manufactured  in  or  near  the  quarries.  Blocks  are  subdivided  by 
driving  plug-and-feather  wedges  in  shallow  drill  holes,  and  the  directions 
of  rift  and  grain  are  followed  carefully  because  splitting  is  easier  and  stone 
split  in  the  directions  of  natural  cleavage  has  smooth  surfaces  that  require 
little  trimming. 

A  "bull  wedge"  is  sometimes  used  for  final  subdivision.  An  air- 
driven  chisel-edged  tool  cuts  a  shallow  notch  parallel  to  the  direction  in 
which  the  rock  is  to  be  split.  Two  iron  "feathers"  are  placed  in  the 
notch,  and  a  short,  blunt,  steel  plug  is  placed  between  them.  One  blow 
on  the  plug  or  "bull  wedge"  with  a  sledge  will  split  the  block  and  provide 
smooth,  uniform  surfaces.  It  is  claimed  that  by  such  means  a  good 
break  can  be  made  to  parallel  the  hard  way.  The  manufacture  of  paving 
blocks  is  entirely  a  hand  process  that  has  changed  little  or  none  in  the  past 
50  years.  Stonecutters  become  very  proficient  in  determining  the 
directions  of  rift  and  grain  and  in  the  use  of  tools. 

Paving  stones  are  made  in  a  variety  of  sizes,  and  there  have  been 
attempts  to  standardize  and  reduce  the  number  of  sizes.  Market 
quotations  in  New  York  usually  specify  30  blocks  a  square  yard.  Specifi- 
cations for  granite  paving  blocks  have  been  published  by  the  American 
Society  for  Testing  Materials.  ^^ 

Quarry  Costs. — The  cost  of  quarrying  granite  varies  considerably, 
depending  upon  quarry  conditions,  proportion  of  waste,  and  methods 
employed.  A  detailed  study  by  the  United  States  Tariff  Commission, 
the  results  of  which  were  published  in  1929  (see  bibliography  at  end  of 
chapter),  reveals  useful  data  relative  to  the  monumental  granite  industry. 
The  average  direct  cost  f.o.b.  quarry  for  selected  operations  in  Ver- 
mont, Massachusetts,  and  Pennsylvania  was  found  to  be  S2.07  a  cubic 
foot  of  unmanufactured  stone. 


Some  companies  quarry  only  and  sell  rough  blocks  to  finishing  mills; 
others  own  both  quarries  and  mills;  while  a  third  group  operates  mills 
only,  buying  rough  blocks  from  quarry  companies. 

"  A.S.T.M.  Standards  1927,  pt.  2,  pp.  445-450. 


Rough  blocks  of  stone  constitute  the  raw  material  handled  in  granite- 
finishing  plants.  At  first  sight  it  might  appear  that  rock,  a  commodity 
so  plentiful  in  nature,  is  quite  ordinary  and  inexpensive,  but  the  superior 
quality  demanded  for  monuments  and  ornamental  building  stone 
requires  such  careful  selection  and  preparation  that  costs  are  com- 
]mratively  high.  First-class  monumental  granite  in  unfinished  blocks  is 
worth  $3.50  to  $5  a  cubic  foot.  The  fabricator,  therefore,  must  utilize 
his  material  to  best  advantage,  eliminate  waste  as  much  as  possible,  and 
exercise  skill  and  judgment  in  every  operation,  for  mistakes  are  difficult, 
if  not  impossible,  to  correct. 

The  granite-finishing  plant  of  30  or  40  years  ago  was  a  shed  in  which 
blocks  were  dressed  to  desired  sizes,  shapes,  and  surface  finish  almost 
entirely  by  hand.  Machinery  has  gradually  replaced  many  hand  opera- 
tions, and  mechanization  has  increased  with  accelerating  speed  during 
the  past  10  years.  Practically  every  large  granite-cutting  plant  is  now 
equipped  with  pneumatic  surfacing  machines,  saws.  Carborundum 
machines,  lathes,  and  polishing  machines.  However,  even  in  the  best- 
equipped  mills,  many  operations  must  be  classed  as  hand  cutting. 

Hand  Cutting.  General  Processes. — Hand  cutting  includes  the  use  of 
hand  tools  and  hammers,  and  also  of  pneumatic  tools  and  surfacing 
machines  that  are  power-driven  but  guided  over  the  surface  by  hand.  A 
rectangular  block,  as  it  comes  from  the  quarry,  is  known  as  a  "pattern." 
It  is  raised  and  supported  on  timbers  at  a  height  convenient  for  working. 
The  cutter  first  studies  the  working  drawing  of  the  stone  to  be  cut, 
observes  all  dimensions,  and  measures  the  pattern  to  see  that  it  will 
make  a  block  of  the  size  and  shape  indicated  on  the  diagram.  He  then 
squares  the  upper  surface  and  removes  projections  to  an  approximate 
level,  then  the  surface  is  smoothed,  first  with  the  coarser  tools  and  then 
with  those  that  give  a  finer  finish.  When  one  surface  is  completed  the 
block  is  turned,  and  the  other  surfaces  are  smoothed  in  succession,  each 
being  squared  accurately  with  those  already  finished. 

A  variety  of  tools  is  used  in  cutting  granite.  Some  are  the  property 
of  the  cutters,  while  others  are  supplied  by  the  company.  They  differ 
in  shape  and  in  temper  of  the  steel  from  those  employed  for  the  softer 
limestones  and  marbles,  though  they  may  have  the  same  names.  Cutting 
granite  is  in  effect  a  crushing  process,  as  the  impact  of  a  hammer  on  a  tool 
causes  hard,  brittle  minerals  to  crumble  into  small  fragments  or  dust. 
The  wooden  mallets  commonly  used  in  driving  tools  for  dressing  softer 
stones,  are  ineffective  on  granite,  where  sturdier  implements  are  required. 
The  granite  cutter's  hand  hammer  is  of  steel  weighing  2}4  to  4  pounds, 
with  faces  hardened  by  tempering.  The  heads  of  cutting  tools  are 
bluntly  tapered  and  slightly  rounded  on  the  ends,  which  are  also  hardened 
so  that  no  burr  results  from  continued  hammering.  Various  hand  and 
pneumatic  tools  used  in  dressing  granite  are  shown  in  figure  28.     Each 



tool  has  its  special  function  and  has  been  perfected  by  many  years,  even 
centuries  in  some  instances,  of  practical  experience. 

Granite  cutting  may  not  be  so  fine  an  art  as  metal  machining  or 
cabinet  making,  but  angles  and  dimensions  must  be  reasonably  true.     In 


Peen  Hammer 



Point  Chisel  Chipper       Hand  Set  or         Tracer 

Pitching  Tool 

Wedge  and  Shims 

Scotia  Hammer 

Hand  Plug  Drill  Bull  Set       Striking  Hammer 


Surfacing   Machine  Tools 

Fig.  28. — Granite  cutting  tools.      {Courtesy  of  Federal  Board  for   Vocational  Education.) 

fine  building  and  mausoleum  work  tolerances  may  not  exceed  one  thirty- 
second  inch  and  rarely  are  restricted  to  one  sixty-fourth  inch. 

Pneumatic  tools  are  guided  by  hand,  but  the  impact  is  supplied  by 
compressed  air.     The  tool  strikes  very  rapid  blows  which  require  no 


effort  by  the  workman;  he  therefore  can  direct  his  entire  attention  to 
guiding  it  in  the  proper  course.  Much  greater  speed  is  attained  by  use  of 
such  tools  than  hand  hammers. 

A  "bull  sett,"  one  of  the  most  useful  tools  employed  in  granite 
dressing  is  a  heavy,  blunt-edged  hammer  held  in  position  by  one  man 
while  struck  with  a  sledge  by  another;  it  is  used  for  removing  irregular 
ends,  which  may  extend  6  inches  or  1  foot  beyond  required  dimensions 
or  for  breaking  sawed  slabs  transversely.  The  removal  of  unnecessary 
rock  by  spalling  is  known  locally  as  "pitching  off."  Skill  in  manipula- 
tion, as  well  as  keen  understanding  of  the  rift  or  grain  of  the  rock,  is 
essential  when  using  a  bull  sett,  as  a  mistake  in  judgment  resulting  in  a 
spall  breaking  beyond  the  line  ruins  a  block  for  its  intended  use. 

Operation  of  Surfacing-machine. — While  surfacing-machine  work 
may  logically  be  classed  with  hand  operations  it  is  sufficiently  distinct 
to  justify  consideration  in  a  separate  section.  It  involves  "roughing 
down"  surfaces  to  a  comparatively  uniform  condition.  The  first  step 
in  manufacture  is  termed  "lining"  and  involves  working  the  edges  of  a 
block  to  required  dimensions,  usually  with  pneumatic  chisels.  The  next 
step,  known  as  "pointing"  or  "surfacing,"  is  to  dress  the  faces  to  edge 
dimensions  with  hand  tools  and  hammers  or,  when  surfaces  are  large 
and  rough,  with  a  surfacing-machine. 

The  machine  consists  essentially  of  a  cutting  head  mounted  on  a 
horizontal  swinging  arm  which  can  be  raised  or  lowered  to  different 
working  levels.  Cutting  tools  fit  into  the  nose  of  the  cutting  head  and 
are  driven  against  the  stone  by  rapid  blows  of  an  air-driven  piston  ham- 
mer. An  operator  guiding  the  tool  over  the  surface  of  the  stone  repro- 
duces the  hand-pointing  process  on  a  larger  scale  and  about  five  times 
as  fast.  As  the  cutter  travels  over  the  rock  it  chips  off  fragments, 
gradually  working  down  to  an  even  surface.  A  heavy  tool  removes  the 
larger  projections,  followed  by  various  smaller  types  to  finish  the  surface. 
Common  surfacing-machine  tools  are  illustrated  in  figure  28. 

A  surfacer  has  numerous  applications,  such  as  smoothing  rock  before 
polishing,  smoothing  curved  or  cylindrical  surfaces,  and  recessing  panels. 
It  may  be  employed  for  rough,  heavy  moldings  and  flutings.  A  four- 
point  tool,  which  has  a  square  face  consisting  of  four  blunt  projections, 
generally  is  used  for  recessing  and  shaping,  or  for  reducing  surfaces  to  an 
even  plane  before  polishing.  If  a  hammered-surface  finish  is  desired 
a  bush  hammer  is  used  in  the  surfacing-machine.  The  latter  consists 
of  a  series  of  parallel  steel  plates,  and  the  tools  are  graded  4,  8,  10,  and 
12,  according  to  the  number  of  plates,  12  giving  the  finest  surface. 
Building  and  mausoleum  stone  usually  has  a  10-cut  surface,  while  a  12-cut 
is  preferred  for  monuments. 

A  screen  of  wire  netting  commonly  protects  workmen  from  flying 
fragments  of  stone.  As  much  dust  is  produced  dust  collectors  usually 
are  provided. 


Carving. — Carving  is  a  hand  operation  that  demands  skill  and  experi- 
ence. It  is  essentially  the  same  process  described  in  some  detail  under 
limestone,  though  granite  works  much  more  slowly.  A  variety  of 
pneumatic  tools  is  used.  As  a  rule,  fine-grained  granites  are  best-adapted 
for  carving,  though  there  are  notable  exceptions.  Much  of  the  intricate 
carving  and  lettering  formerly  done  entirely  by  hand  is  now  accomplished 
by  sand  blasting. 

Sand  Blasting. — Sand  blasting  marks  an  advance  in  the  art  of  granite 
carving  comparable  in  importance  to  the  advent  of  explosives  or  of 
compressed-air  drills  in  rock  quarrying.  It  is  more  precise,  capable 
of  greater  detail,  and  much  more  rapid  than  any  other  carving 

A  polished-rock  surface  is  first  coated  with  a  molten  rubberlike  or 
gluelike  compound,  known  as  "dope,"  which  hardens  to  a  tough,  elastic 
consistency.  Lettering  and  other  designs  are  imprinted  on  the  surface, 
and  with  a  small  sharp  tool  like  a  scalpel  the  coating  is  removed  from  all 
parts  that  are  to  be  cut  below  the  surface.  The  cutting  of  symmetrical 
designs,  rose  petals,  ivy  leaves,  and  trailing  vines  requires  artistic  talent 
and  infinite  patience,  but  carving  is  accomplished  much  more  expeditiously 
in  the  rubbery  compound  than  in  solid  rock. 

Stone  thus  prepared  is  placed  in  an  illuminated  closed  chamber  in  such 
a  position  that  the  surface  to  be  carved  is  vertical  and  faces  the  operator, 
who  observes  it  through  a  window.  A  nozzle,  through  which  compressed 
air  at  a  pressure  of  80  to  100  pounds  per  square  inch  drives  a  stream  of 
fine  sand,  or  more  commonly  powdered  Carborundum,  is  held  through  a 
curtain  which  protects  the  operator  from  the  abrasive  dust.  The  sand 
blast  is  directed  against  the  design,  and  curiously  enough  the  exposed 
hard  granite  is  quickly  cut  away  while  the  sand  has  little  or  no  effect 
on  the  soft  coating.  Certain  parts  of  letters  or  designs  may  be  cut 
}4  to  1  inch  in  depth.  The  precision  and  fineness  of  detail  are  remark- 
able. Rose  petals  may  be  cut  so  thin  that  they  are  almost  transparent. 
In  its  higher  refinements  sand  blasting  may  be  done  in  successive  steps. 
Petals  or  leaves  may  be  depressed  to  varying  degrees,  covered  with  a 
protective  coating,  then  outlined  by  deeper  cuts.  A  screen  background 
produces  a  series  of  deep  holes  in  lines  resembling  a  honeycomb.  The 
delicate  and  exquisite  detail  attained  would  be  impossible  with  hand 
tools,  and  the  time  required  is  reduced  to  a  mere  fraction  of  that  which 
hand  carving  demands. 

Mechanical  Equipment. — Machines  that  have  replaced  the  slow 
laborious  hand  work  employed  30  or  40  years  ago  cover  three  main 
processes — sawing,  smoothing,  and  polishing.  Although  much  toil 
has  been  eliminated  in  these  important  processes  and  production  per 
man  has  increased  enormously  since  machines  were  introduced,  improve- 
ments constantly  are  being  made. 


Sawing. — In  the  early  days  of  granite  working  drilling,  blasting,  and 
wedging  were  the  only  known  means  of  subdividing  blocks.  Granite  is 
difficult  to  saw,  but  many  years  of  experiment  have  developed  machines 
that  give  effective  service.  Saws  have  been  used  occasionally  for  a 
number  of  years  but  have  been  generally  accepted  only  during  the  past 
10  or  15.  There  are  now  two  well-recognized  methods  of  sawing  granite 
— with  gang  saws  and  with  circular  saws. 

Gang  saws  similar  in  construction  and  operation  to  those  described 
in  the  chapters  on  sandstone  and  limestone  are  used  most  widely.  The 
frames  of  some  saws  travel  back  and  forth  in  a  straight  line;  others  have 
the  swinging  motion  so  common  in  limestone  sawing.  The  blades  are 
one-half  to  five-eighths  inch  thick,  with  notches  about  a  foot  apart  in  the 
lower  edge  to  carry  steel-shot  abrasive  beneath  them.  The  rate  of  cutting 
is  4  to  9  inches  an  hour.  Most  modern  saw  beds  are  equipped  with 
concrete  sumps,  in  which  used  shot  are  collected  and  elevated  mechan- 
ically to  a  box  above  the  saws  for  redistribution.  Several  blades  may  be 
used,  and  as  the  frame  holding  them  is  carried  downward  by  a  worm 
gear  a  block  may  be  cut  into  slabs  at  one  operation. 

Circular  saws  for  cutting  granite  are  5  to  12  feet  in  diameter  and 
provided  with  detachable  notched-steel  teeth.  An  abundance  of  water 
is  supplied,  and  steel  shot  are  fed  to  the  blade  continuously.  Some  saws 
are  provided  with  automatic  shot  feed.  Granite  blocks  are  mounted 
end  to  end  on  cars  and  the  spaces  between  filled  with  plaster  of  paris 
to  keep  the  shot  in  the  cut  as  the  saw  passes  from  one  block  to  another. 
Cars  carrying  blocks  are  conveyed  slowly  beneath  the  saw,  and  operation 
is  therefore  continuous.  Sawed  slabs  or  blocks  are  removed  and  empty 
cars  lifted  with  an  overhead  crane,  carried  back  to  the  starting  point, 
and  placed  on  the  track  again.  The  rate  of  travel  ranges  from  l^-i  to  as 
high  as  5  inches  a  minute;  therefore  the  sawing  rate  in  blocks  4  feet 
thick  is  25  to  possibly  100  square  feet  an  hour.  A  disadvantage  of  the 
circular  saw  is  its  inability  to  make  more  than  a  single  cut  at  once.  When 
slabs  are  to  be  sawed  on  both  sides  the  block  is  returned  to  a  starting 
car  and  carefully  aligned  for  a  parallel  cut.  Both  circular  and  gang  saws 
are  used  very  widely. 

An  unusual  granite-cutting  machine,  known  as  the  "Chase"  saw, 
consists  of  a  series  of  nine  massive  steel  blades,  about  20  inches  wide 
and  M  inch  thick  arranged  in  tandem,  pivoted  near  the  center  and  swing- 
ing back  and  forth  with  an  edgewise  motion  actuated  by  a  crank  and 
pitman.  Steel  shot  are  used  as  abrasive.  Granite  blocks  are  mounted 
on  a  traveling  bed  and  joined  with  plaster  of  paris  in  exactly  the  same 
way  as  for  cutting  by  a  circular  saw.  The  machine  can  saw  blocks  with  a 
maximum  thickness  of  about  5  feet,  and  cuts  at  a  rate  of  about  2  inches  a 
minute  in  blocks  4  feet  thick,  or  about  40  square  feet  an  hour.  Like 
the  circular  saw  it  is  limited  to  single  cuts,  but  its  operation  is  con- 


tinuous.  In  so  far  as  the  writer  is  informed,  only  one  such  saw  is  now  in 

Sawing  of  granite  is  costly  and  therefore  employed  only  in  preparing 
the  higher  grades  of  ornamental  or  structural  stone.  Though  expensive, 
sawing  has  certain  definite  advantages.  Thin  slabs  which  could  not  be 
shaped  profitably  in  any  other  way  are  readily  obtained.  Furthermore, 
the  most  attractive  surface  on  some  granites  parallels  the  hard  way, 
and  by  ordinary  methods  of  splitting  with  wedges  it  is  difficult  to  obtain 
blocks  having  their  larger  surfaces  parallel  to  this  direction,  while 
sawing  may  be  done  as  readily  in  one  direction  as  another. 

An  important  advantage  of  sawing  is  conservation  of  stone.  In 
splitting  with  wedges  irregularities  are  bound  to  occur,  and  much  stone 
is  wasted  in  smoothing  surfaces,  while  a  saw  removes  little  more  than  an 
inch  of  material  and  leaves  the  surfaces  smooth  and  straight.  Such 
smooth  faces  are  advantageous  in  following  processes,  for  sawed  slabs 
are  smoothed  with  very  little  labor  before  polishing.  Sawed  blocks  of 
cut  stone  that  have  had  no  surface  treatment  other  than  sand  blasting 
are  acceptable  to  many  builders  and  architects. 

Finishing  the  Surface. — A  crude  form  of  granite  polishing  was  known 
to  the  Egyptians,  but  the  art  apparently  was  lost  until  rediscovered  by 
granite  workers  at  Aberdeen,  Scotland,  about  1820.  Polished  granite 
is  now  used  widely  for  monuments  and  ornamental  building  purposes;  and 
because  of  its  hardness,  crystalline  character,  variety  of  color,  and  trans- 
parent grain  it  has  superior  beauty  and  endurance.  Sawed  slabs,  or  blocks 
reduced  to  uniformity  with  surfacing  machines,  are  carried  through 
several  stages  of  treatment  before  a  final  polish  is  attained.  The  suc- 
cessive steps  are  known  in  Vermont  as  "ironing,"  "emerying,"  "honing," 
and  "buffing."  Although  different  names  may  be  applied  in  other 
States  the  processes  are  essentially  the  same  in  all  granite  districts. 

IRONING, — Surfaced  or  sawed  blocks  are  placed  in  groups  of  8  or  10 
on  a  timber  bed  with  their  upper  surfaces  on  an  even  plane.  The 
rectangular  group  of  blocks  is  surrounded  by  a  wooden  box,  with  the 
bottom  a  little  lower  than  the  surface  of  the  rock.  All  cracks  in  the  box 
and  between  the  blocks  are  filled  with  plaster  of  paris.  A  worker  guides  a 
belt-driven  revolving  head  over  the  blocks,  and  steel  shot  with  water 
coming  between  the  rotating  head  and  the  stone  gradually  wear  down  the 
surface.  The  rotary  head,  known  as  a  "scroll,"  is  a  series  of  concentric 
or  spiral  iron  rings  or  segments  of  various  patterns,  some  of  which  are 
broken  or  notched.  The  patterns  are  designed  to  keep  the  abrasive 
under  the  scroll  as  long  as  possible  and  to  make  it  cut  effectively.  For 
machines  guided  by  hand  scrolls  may  be  3  or  4  feet  in  diameter.  The 
process  of  thus  wearing  down  a  surface  with  steel  shot  is  known  locally 
as  "ironing."  Two  beds  usually  are  provided  within  reach  of  each 
machine,  and,  while  stone  on  one  is  being  smoothed,  blocks  are  being 


leveled  and  set  in  plaster  on  the  other;  thus  the  machine  may  be  kept 
in  almost  constant  use. 

EMERYiNG. — The  next  step,  known  as  "emerying,"  produces  a 
smoother  finish.  It  requires  a  lighter  scroll  and  emery  or  more  com- 
monly, Carborundum  powder,  as  abrasive.  Three  or  four  grades  of 
abrasive  successively  finer  in  grain  size  are  employed,  the  coarser  being 
washed  carefully  from  the  surface  before  the  next  is  added. 

BUFFING. — For  the  final  polishing  process,  generally  known  as  "buff- 
ing," a  buffer  head  is  operated  in  the  same  way  as  the  scrolls.  It  consists 
of  a  circular  disk  mounted  with  numerous  folds  of  paper-mill  felt.  Putty 
powder  (extremely  fine-grained  tin  oxide)  is  added,  with  a  moderate 
supply  of  water.  If  more  than  one  surface  is  to  be  polished  the  block  is 
turned  and  reset  in  another  bed.  An  experienced  worker  can  completely 
polish  a  bed  in  1  day.  Small  surfaces,  and  designs  in  other  than  flat 
surfaces  are  polished  by  hand  methods  or  by  small  machines  which  will  be 
described  later. 

MODIFIED  METHODS  OF  FINISHING  SURFACES. — The  brief  descriptions 
already  given  cover  processes  that  have  been  long  used,  but  certain 
recent  changes  and  improvements  deserve  mention.  Automatic  polishers 
that  require  little  or  no  hand  work  are  being  used  more  widely.  On  some 
the  rotating  scroll  is  driven  back  and  forth  over  the  length  of  the  bed  or 
block,  its  movement  being  automatically  reversed  with  a  trip  set  in  any 
desired  position. 

Another  type  of  automatic  polisher  travels  laterally  across  a  bed 
mounted  directly  on  a  large  car.  The  car  carrying  the  stone  moves  back- 
ward and  forward  while  the  polishing  wheel  travels  crosswise,  both 
motions  being  under  control  of  an  operator.  Such  mechanically  operated 
ironing  wheels  may  weigh  3,000  pounds,  and  therefore  cut  very  rapidly. 
Ironing,  emerying,  and  buffing  follow  in  succession  by  changing  the  rotat- 
ing heads  and  the  abrasive.  Starting  with  rough,  unsurfaced  quarry 
blocks  a  final  polish  may  be  attained  at  a  rate  of  about  15  square  feet  an 
hour  on  one  machine. 

Much  surface  finishing  is  now  done  without  setting  the  blocks  in 
plaster  of  paris.  They  are  merely  placed  and  leveled  on  a  base  block  in 
an  enclosed  area  which  collects  the  splash.  A  great  deal  of  time  is  saved 
thereby.  When  plaster  beds  are  dispensed  with,  provision  is  made  for 
mechanical  recovery  and  return  to  the  surface  of  used  coarser  abrasive. 
A  typical  mill  is  equipped  with  three  machines,  the  first  using  coarse 
silicon  carbide,  the  second  four  successive  grades  of  fine  silicon  carbide 
or  emery,  and  the  third  a  buffer  head.  Automatic  polishers  are  employed, 
and  blocks  may  be  mounted  on  opposite  sides  of  each  machine  for 
alternate  and  practically  continuous  operation.  It  is  claimed  that  such 
equipment  will  polish  about  350  square  feet  a  day.     To  attain  this 


footage,  however,  sawed  slabs  only  are  used,  a  circumstance  which 
shortens  the  smoothing  time  materially,  as  it  eliminates  ironing. 

SPECIAL  SURFACE  FINISHING. — Many  blocks  that  can  not  conveniently 
be  placed  beneath  a  regular  buffer  are  polished  with  special  machines  con- 
sisting of  small  buffer  heads  guided  over  the  surface  by  hand  and  driven 
by  small  electric  motors  mounted  directly  on  movable  frames.  Small, 
air-driven,  portable  polishing  disks  are  used  for  narrow  edges.  Curved 
or  irregular  surfaces  are  polished  by  hand. 

Carborundum  Machines. — Specially  designed  silicon  carbide  wheels 
cut  moldings  and  rabbitts,  shape  fluted  columns,  recess  panels,  and 
handle  similar  processes.  They  must  be  operated  carefully  and  with  an 
abundance  of  water.  The  granite  block  usually  is  mounted  on  a  traveling 
bed  that  carries  it  beneath  the  wheel,  which  cuts  a  groove  about  one- 
eighth  inch  deep  at  each  motion.  Some  wheel  mountings  may  be  reversed 
to  groove  both  the  top  and  bottom  of  a  block.  On  others  the  crosshead 
carrying  the  arbor  unit  will  swing  through  an  angle  of  90°  to  cut  moldings 
of  any  desired  inclination.  A  "contour"  machine  is  a  special  type 
designed  to  follow  a  given  pattern.  The  life  of  a  wheel  varies;  with 
fairly  constant  use  one  costing  $7.50  will  last  about  one  day.  Car- 
borundum machines  cut  accurately,  and  provide  a  very  smooth  finish; 
a  single  machine  accomplishes  in  a  given  period  very  much  more  than  a 
cutter  using  hand  tools. 

Turning  Lathes. — Ornamental  granite  in  sound  blocks  absolutely  free 
from  incipient  seams  is  widely  used  for  columns.  The  shaping,  turning, 
and  polishing  of  columns  are  a  distinct  granite-cutting  art.  The  block 
first  is  roughed  out  to  an  approximately  cylindrical  form  by  drilling, 
wedging,  shaping  with  a  bull  sett,  and  dressing  down  with  hand  hammer 
and  chisel.  Exceptionally,  a  cylindrical  block  of  granite  is  cut  by  means 
of  a  rotating  drum  fed  with  steel  shot. 

The  rough  cylinder  is  mounted  in  a  lathe  in  which  it  rotates  slowly. 
One  or  more  steel  disks  are  mounted  on  axes  inclined  about  45°  to  the 
axis  of  the  column.  The  disk  is  not  power-driven  but  turns  freely  as  its 
edge  comes  in  contact  with  the  rotating  column.  As  the  disk  travels 
slowly  lengthwise  to  the  column  it  chips  off  projections  and  gradually 
works  the  surface  to  a  uniform  cylindrical  shape.  The  column  is  then 
ground  smooth  with  steel  shot,  followed  by  emery  or  other  abrasive,  and 
polished  with  putty  powder  on  buffing  pads  held  against  it  as  it  rotates. 

One  mill  in  Barre,  Vt.,  speciaUzes  in  cutting  columns.  Large  lathes 
are  provided  for  turning  massive  monoliths.  Numerous  small  lathes 
are  employed  for  small  columns,  balusters,  and  spindles,  as  well  as  for 
ornamental  urns,  vases,  and  flowerpots,  which  are  used  principally  in 
cemeteries.  The  dimensions  and  shapes  are  shown  in  drawings  which  for 
smaller  objects  are  full  size.  As  turning  proceeds,  diameters  are  measured 
with   calipers,   and  contours  are  fitted  to  patterns.     Square  bases  and 


caps  of  columns  are  cut  in  the  lathe  with  Carborundum  wheels,  the 
lathe  being  locked  from  turning  while  each  cut  is  in  progress.  Silicon 
carbide  wheels  also  cut  grooves  in  cylindrical  objects,  the  wheel  and  the 
stone  rotating  at  the  same  time.  The  turned  column  is  placed  in  another 
lathe  for  ironing,  emerying,  and  buffing.  An  iron  plate  is  fitted  to 
irregular  contours,  and  an  abrasive  is  fed  under  the  plate  by  hand  as  the 
column  rotates.  For  straight  surfaces  a  flat  bar  is  used;  for  small, 
curved  surfaces  a  piece  of  iron  pipe  is  held  firmly  against  the  rock  and 
moved  back  and  forth  while  an  abrasive  mud  is  added.  Very  beautiful 
polished  objects  are  thus  manufactured. 

Surface  Finishes. — Granite  products  have  various  types  of  surface 
finish.  For  certain  building  and  monumental  uses  a  "rock-faced" 
finish  is  preferred — that  is,  a  rough  broken  surface  like  that  obtained 
when  spalls  are  broken  off  with  a  sledge.  Edges  of  rock-faced  surfaces 
usually  are  outlined  with  a  pneumatic  tool. 

A  "hammered"  or  "axed"  finish  is  obtained  by  surfacing  with  a  bush 
hammer.  It  shows  faint  parallel  ridges,  and  the  surface  is  white  or  very 
light.  A  "steeled"  surface  is  obtained  by  "ironing"  with  steel  shot.  It 
is  intermediate  in  smoothness  between  hammered  and  polished,  for  it 
shows  faintly  the  color  of  the  rock  rather  than  the  uniform  white  or  light 
gray  of  the  hammered  surface;  thus,  a  steeled  Barre  granite  is  bluish. 
A  polished  surface  is  the  most  ornamental,  for  it  brings  out  the  color  of 
each  individual  surface  grain  and  shows  all  details  of  texture.  It  is  also 
easiest  to  clean.  Polished  granite  is  used  widely  for  monuments  and  for 
the  lower  courses,  columns,  and  other  prominent  parts  of  large  buildings. 
A  granite  that  shows  a  sharp  contrast  between  polished  and  hammered 
surfaces  is  preferred  for  monuments,  because  inscriptions  stand  out 

Arrangement  of  Mills. — In  modern  granite  mills  machines  are 
arranged  in  logical  order,  so  that  blocks  travel  by  the  shortest  and  most 
convenient  route  until  they  arrive  at  the  point  of  storage  or  shipment. 
Overhead  traveling  cranes  handle  blocks  expeditiously.  Small  cranes 
are  provided  for  quick  handling  of  small  blocks,  while  large,  powerful, 
though  slower  moving  cranes,  handle  masses  weighing  up  to  40  or  50 
tons.  The  general  arrangement  and  operation  of  cranes  are  similar  to 
those  of  limestone-finishing  mills  described  in  some  detail  in  a  previous 
chapter.  Mills  are  usually  well  lighted,  heated,  and  ventilated  and  are 
equipped  with  suction  fans  for  removing  granite  dust  from  machines  and 

Storage  and  Shipment. — Products  of  granite  mills  are  sold  chiefly  to 
retail  monument  dealers  or  to  builders  and  contractors.  As  large  stocks 
may  accumulate,  space  must  be  provided  for  storage,  and  equipment 
for  handling  and  loading.  Monuments  and  polished  building  stones  are 
crated  carefully  to  protect  them  from  damage  during  handling  and 


transportation,  and  usually  stored  under  cover  in  such  positions  that  they 
may  be  readily  located  and  conveniently  loaded.  Polished  and  carved 
surfaces  are  protected  with  wrapping  paper  and  sometimes  with  special 
waterproof  paper  under  the  crating  to  guard  against  temporary  stains. 
Building  granite  ordinarily  is  stored  in  the  open.  Sometimes  the  stone 
for  an  entire  structure  is  cut  before  any  is  shipped,  which  requires  careful 
planning  and  arrangement  so  that  blocks  may  be  shipped  in  the  order  in 
which  they  are  to  be  placed.  On  other  contracts  rock  may  be  loaded  for 
shipment  practically  as  fast  as  cut.  As  granite  is  a  heavy  product  all 
unnecessary  handling  is  avoided. 


Finished  monuments  from  the  mills  of  Barre,  Vt.,  are  the  most  widely 
distributed  in  all  granites  and  are  marketed  in  practically  every  State. 
The  granites  of  Quincy,  Mass.,  also  are  widely  distributed.  Granite 
monuments  from  St.  Cloud,  Minn.,  and  from  Wisconsin  are  marketed 
largely  in  the  Middle  West,  although  they  are  used  to  some  extent  in 
more  distant  States.  The  "black  granites"  of  Pennsylvania  and  New 
England  are  sold  chiefly  in  New  York  City.  Building  granites  produced 
principally  near  the  Atlantic  seacoast  of  New  England,  and  in  Penn- 
sylvania, North  Carolina,  Georgia,  and  California  are  marketed  chiefly 
in  the  larger  cities  where  they  are  used  for  entire  structures  or  for 
base  courses  and  trim  in  residences,  office  buildings,  stores,  banks, 
churches,  schools,  and  other  public  buildings.  An  important  application 
is  in  bridge  construction.  For  this  use  it  may  be  shipped  for  long 
distances;  for  example,  Georgia  and  North  CaroUna  stone  has  been  used 
in  large  bridges  in  Philadelphia  and  New  York. 


About  60  per  cent  of  the  imports  of  unmanufactured  monumental 
granite  is  obtained  from  Sweden.  The  Swedish  granites  are  chiefly  dark 
varieties,  the  so-called  black  granites.  Red  granite  from  Finland  is 
second  in  importance.  Imports  of  monumental  base  stock  and  building 
granite  come  chiefly  from  Canada. 

Imported  manufactured  granite  consists  largely  of  monument  dies 
with  polished  surfaces.  The  chief  imports,  which  come  from  Germany, 
consist  of  dies  manufactured  from  Swedish  granite.  Finland  is  second  in 
importance  for  manufactured  as  well  as  for  unmanufactured  granite. 
Imported  manufactured  granite  is  purchased  for  the  most  part  by  whole- 
sale dealers  in  Ohio,  for  sale  to  retail  monument  dealers  west  of  the 

According  to  tariff  classification  granite  exports  are  combined  with 
exports  of  a  number  of  other  commodities  and  therefore  cannot  be  shown 
separately,  but  the  amount  is  small. 


According  to  the  Tariff  Act  of  1930  granite  suitable  for  use  as  monu- 
mental, paving,  or  building  stone,  not  specially  provided  for,  hewn, 
dressed,  pointed,  pitched,  lined  or  polished,  or  otherwise  manufactured 
bears  a  duty  of  60  per  centum  ad  valorem;  on  unmanufactured  granite 
the  duty  is  25  cents  a  cubic  foot. 


Buifding  granite  is  sold  principally  on  lump-sum  contracts.  When 
sold  on  smaller  contracts  random  blocks  without  cutting  or  carving  are 
quoted  at  prices  ranging  from  $1.40  to  $2.25  a  cubic  foot  at  points  of 
consumption.  Unmanufactured  monumental  granite  is  $3  to  $4.50  a 
cubic  foot  f.o.b.  quarry. 


AxjBURY,  Lewis  E.  The  Structural  and  Industrial  Materials  of  California.  Cali- 
fornia State  Min.  Bur.  Bull.  38,  1906,  pp.  23-61. 

Bowles,  Oliver.  Structural  and  Ornamental  Stones  of  Minnesota.  U.  S.  Geol. 
Survey  Bull.  663,  1918,  225  pp. 

Bowles,  Oliver,  and  Hatmaker,  Paul.  Trends  in  the  Production  and  Uses  of 
Granite  as  Dimension  Stone.  Rept.  of  Investigations  3065,  U.  S.  Bur.  of  Mines. 
1931,  21  pp. 

Buckley,  E.  R.  Building  and  Ornamental  Stones  of  Wisconsin.  Wisconsin  Geol. 
and  Nat.  Hist.  Survey  Bull.  4,  1898,  544  pp. 

Buckley,  E.  R.,  and  Buehler,  H.  A.  The  Quarrying  Industry  of  Missouri.  Mis- 
souri Bur.  Geol.  and  Mines,  vol.  2,  2d  ser.,  1904,  pp.  60-85. 

Coons,  A.  T.  Chapters  on  Stone.  Mineral  Resources  of  the  United  States,  pub- 
lished annually  by  the  U.  S.  Bur.  of  Mines.  (U.  S.  Geol.  Survey  prior  to  1924, 
Minerals  Yearbook  since  1931.) 

Dale,  T.  Nelson.  The  Commercial  Granites  of  New  England.  U.  S.  Geol.  Survey 
Bull.  738,  1923,  488  pp. 

Eckel,  E.  C.  Building  Stones  and  Clays.  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  Inc.,  New  York, 
1912,  pp.  32-68. 

Federal  Board  for  Vocational  Education.  Granite  Cutting,  An  Analysis  of  the 
Granite  Cutter's  Trade.     Bull.  137,  1929,  251  pp. 

Merrill,  G.  P.,  and  Matthews,  E.  B.  The  Building  and  Decorative  Stones  of 
Maryland.     Maryland  Geol.  Survey,  vol.  2,  pt.  2,  1898,  pp.  136-168. 

Nash,  J.  P.     Texas  Granites.     Univ.  of  Texas  Bull.  1725,  1917,  8  pp. 

Newland,  D.  H.  The  Quarry  Materials  of  New  York;  Granite,  Gneiss,  Trap,  and 
Marble.     New  York  State  Museum  Bull.  181,  1916,  pp.  58-175. 

Richardson,  C.  H.  Building  Stones  and  Clays.  Syracuse  Univ.  Book  Store, 
Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  1917,  pp.  38-133. 

U.  S.  Tariff  Commission.  Granite.  Rept.  to  the  President  of  the  United  States, 
1929,  72  pp. 

Watson,  T.  L.  A  PreUminary  Report  on  a  Part  of  the  Granites  and  Gneisses  of 
Georgia.     Georgia  Geol.  Survey  Bull.  9-A,  1902,  367  pp. 

Granites  of  the  Southeastern  Atlantic  States.     U.  S.  Geol.  Survey  Bull. 

426,  1910,  282  pp. 

Watson,  T.  L.,  and  Laney,  F.  B.  The  Building  and  Ornamental  Stones  of  North 
Carolina.     North  Carolina  Geol.  Survey  Bull.  2,  1906,  283  pp. 




Marble  working  is  an  ancient  art.  Because  of  its  attractive  crystalline 
form  marble  was  one  of  the  first  stones  to  be  used  for  carving  and  for 
structural  purposes.  Biblical  references  to  its  use  in  Solomon's  Temple 
at  Jerusalem  and  the  palace  of  Shushan  indicate  that  it  was  well-known 
for  building  and  decoration  more  than  1,000  years  before  the  Christian 
era.  Parian  marble  was  used  by  the  early  Greek  sculptors  in  such 
famous  statues  as  Venus  de  Medici,  and  the  Parthenon  was  built  of  the 
renowned  Pentelic  marble.  Carrara,  Italy,  has  long  been  a  center  of 
marble  production,  as  well  as  of  art  and  architecture.  We  are,  indeed, 
indebted  to  the  enduring  qualities  of  this  stone  for  preservation  of  many 
magnificant  and  inspiring  examples  of  sculpture  and  structural  design 
that  might  otherwise  have  been  lost.  Numerous  invaluable  records 
inscribed  on  marble  slabs  have  added  to  our  wealth  of  ancient  history. 


In  its  geologic  sense  the  term  "marble"  is  applied  to  rocks  consisting 
of  crystallized  grains  of  calcite,  dolomite,  or  a  mixture  of  the  two.  Marble 
has  the  same  chemical  composition  as  limestone  or  dolomite,  the  chief 
difference  being  that  the  component  particles  of  calcium  or  magnesium 
carbonates  in  limestone  are  granular  and  noncrystalline.  It  is  regarded 
as  a  metamorphic  rock  resulting  from  the  recrystallization  of  limestone. 

In  its  commercial  sense,  the  term  has  a  much  wider  application.  As 
susceptibility  to  polish  is  one  of  its  chief  commercial  assets,  all  calcareous 
rocks  capable  of  taking  a  polish  are  classed  as  marbles.  Furthermore, 
serpentine  rocks,  if  attractive  and  capable  of  taking  a  good  polish,  are  so 
classed,  even  though  containing  little  calcium  or  magnesium  carbonates, 
as  they  are  commercial  substitutes  for  true  marbles. 


Aside  from  serpentine  and  other  extraordinary  varieties,  marble 
consists  almost  entirely  of  calcium  or  magnesium  carbonates.  A  calcite 
marble  may  include  95  to  almost  100  per  cent  calcium  carbonate.  If 
impurities  are  disregarded  a  dolomite  marble  contains  approximately  54 
per  cent  calcium  carbonate  and  46  per  cent  magnesium  carbonate.  Those 
comprising  mixtures  of  calcite  and  dolomite  may  have  compositions  any- 


MARBLE  169 

where  between  these  two  extremes.  Varying  percentages  of  impurities 
are  present  in  practically  all  marbles.  The  more  common  impurities  are 
silica  (Si02),  either  as  free  quartz  or  combined  in  silicates;  iron  oxides, 
such  as  hematite  (Fe203)  and  limonite  (2Fe203.3H20) ;  manganese  oxide 
(MnO);  alumina  (AI2O3),  in  the  form  of  aluminum  silicates;  and  sulphur, 
usually  as  pyrite  (FeS2).  Small  quantities  of  organic  matter  may  be 
present ;  in  some  marbles  it  has  been  converted  into  graphite.  Impurities 
occur  as  common  minerals,  and  their  presence  gives  to  colored  marble  the 
veins  and  markings  that  sometimes  adapt  it  to  decorative  uses.  The 
more  common  mineral  impurities  are  quartz  or  some  other  form  of  free 
silica,  such  as  chert  or  flint,  hematite,  limonite,  graphite,  mica,  chlorite, 
tremolite,  woUastonite,  diopside,  hornblende,  tourmaline,  and  pyrite. 
In  the  marbles  of  southern  Ontario,  Parks^*  notes  the  presence  of  37 
minerals  that  have  been  formed  by  metamorphic  processes  acting  on 
the  impurities  of  the  original  limestone.  Impurities  in  their  relation  to 
use  are  discussed  more  fully  on  pages  175  to  177. 


Marbles  may  be  classed  in  three  groups. 

The  first  group,  which  includes  by  far  the  largest  proportion,  com- 
prises those  resulting  from  recrystallization  of  limestone.  Most  of  them 
are  highly  crystalline  and  are  usually  white,  though  gray,  black,  or  other 
markings  may  be  present.  A  preponderance  of  the  Alabama,  Georgia, 
Vermont,  Massachusetts,  Connecticut,  and  southeastern  New  York 
marbles  are  -of  this  type.  The  original  rocks  were  formed  in  the  sea, 
mainly  as  accumulations  of  the  calcareous  remains  of  marine  organisms, 
which  were  consolidated  to  form  coherent  rocks  termed  "limestone." 
The  origin  of  limestone  is  described  more  fully  in  the  chapter  on  limestone. 
Heat  and  pressure,  usually  accompanied  by  extreme  deformation  of  the 
beds,  resulted  in  the  highly  crystalline  condition  most  commercial 
marbles  exhibit.  Recrystallization  as  a  result  of  igneous  intrusion  has 
been  noted.  Fossiliferous  or  subcrystalline  marbles  have  been  subjected 
to  less  extreme  metamorphism,  and  in  many  instances  the  original  fossils 
remain  almost  intact.  They  have  sufficiently  close  texture  to  take  a 
good  polish  and  at  the  same  time  show  attractive  color  effects.  Water 
probably  has  assisted  greatly  in  their  recrystallization.  In  fact,  some 
marbles  seem  to  have  been  altered  from  limestones  chiefly  by  circulating 
water,  for  they  show  no  evidence  of  deformation  or  extreme  pressure,  nor 
are  they  near  igneous  intrusions. 

The  second  group  comprises  the  onyx  marbles.  These  consist 
essentially  of  calcium  carbonate  and  are  purely  chemical  deposits  that 
have  not  resulted  from  metamorphism  of  preexisting  limestone  beds. 

^'  Parks,  W.  A.,  Report  on  the  Building  and  Ornamental  Stones  of  Canada. 
Canada  Dept.  of  Mines,  Mines  Branch,  vol.  1,  no.  100,  1912,  p.  307. 


Such  calcareous  chemical  deposits  are  of  two  types.  One,  which  is 
regarded  as  a  product  of  precipitation  from  hot  springs,  is  termed  traver- 
tine. As  most  travertines  are  porous  and  can  not  take  a  fine  polish, 
they  are  classed  with  limestones  rather  than  with  marbles.  The  other 
type,  true  onyx  marble,  usually  is  regarded  as  a  deposit  from  cold-water 
solutions,  commonly  in  limestone  caves,  hence  the  name  "cave  onyx"  is 
sometimes  applied  to  it.  Impurities,  such  as  iron  and  manganese  oxides, 
may  be  present  in  varying  amounts  in  successive  layers  of  this  marble, 
and  thus  beautiful  banding  may  result.  This  type  is  commonly  known 
as  Mexican  onyx  because  very  fine  deposits  have  been  found  in  Mexico. 
Many  onyx  marbles  are  semitranslucent. 

The  third  group  includes  the  verde  antiques.  The  name  is  applied  to 
marbles  of  prevailing  green  color,  consisting  chiefly  of  serpentine,  a 
hydrous  magnesium  silicate.  They  are  highly  decorative  stones  the 
green  color  being  interspersed  at  times  with  streaks  or  veins  of  red  and 
white.  In  no  respect  are  they  comparable  with  true  marbles  in  either 
composition  or  origin.  Serpentine  is  in  general  derived  from  the  altera- 
tion of  basic  igneous  rocks,  such  as  the  peridotites  which  are  rich  in  olivine 
and  pyroxene,  or  from  magnesium  silicate  rocks  formed  by  metamorphism 
of  impure  dolomitic  limestone.  The  process  is  accompanied  by  hydra- 
tion, with  an  addition  of  13  to  14  per  cent  of  water.  The  movement 
occasioned  by  the  swelling  that  results  probably  accounts  for  most  of  the 
unsoundness  common  to  verde  antique. 


Hardness. — As  defined  on  a  previous  page,  hardness  is  a  measure 
of  the  resistance  the  surface  of  a  substance  offers  to  abrasion.  As  given 
in  Moh's  scale  the  hardness  of  calcite  is  3  and  dolomite  3.5  to  4,  whereas 
window  glass  is  about  6.  Marbles  are  harder  than  most  limestones,  for 
while  they  may  consist  of  the  same  mineral — calcite — grains  of  limestone 
usually  are  cemented  together  less  firmly,  and  hardness  of  a  granular 
rock  is  measured  by  the  degree  of  cohesion  between  grains  rather  than  by 
the  actual  hardness  of  the  mineral.  The  presence  of  such  impurities  as 
flint  or  silicate  minerals  may  increase  the  hardness  of  a  marble  very 
greatly.  Hardness  of  the  mass  as  a  whole  is  an  indication  of  "work- 
ability" and  is  an  important  property,  as  the  cost  of  quarrying  marbles 
that  are  worked  slowly  by  tools  is  much  higher  than  that  of  those  easily 
worked.  Although  the  cost  of  quarrying  hard  marble  may  be  high, 
hardness  is  a  desirable  property  if  the  material  is  to  be  exposed  to  abrasion. 

High  resistance  to  abrasion  and  uniform  hardness  are  desirable 
qualities  in  marbles  to  be  used  for  sills,  steps,  or  floor  tile,  all  of  which  are 
exposed  to  the  friction  of  feet  of  pedestrians.  In  constructing  floor 
patterns  of  different  marbles  it  is  important  that  they  be  equally  resistant 

MARBLE  171 

to  abrasion,  otherwise  the  floor  eventually  will  become  uneven.  This 
condition  may  be  observed  in  the  Union  Station  at  Washington,  D,  C, 
where  tiles  of  relatively  pure  calcite  marble  are  worn  down  in  places 
nearly  half  an  inch  lower  than  the  smaller  squares  of  harder,  colored, 
siliceous  marble. 

Specific  Gravity  and  Weight  per  Cubic  Foot. — The  specific  gravity  of  a 
substance  is  its  weight  compared  with  that  of  an  equal  volume  of  water. 
The  specific  gravity  of  calcite  is  2.7  and  that  of  dolomite  about  2.9. 
Consequently,  dolomite  marbles  are  heavier  than  calcite  marbles.  It  is 
found  that  the  actual  weight  per  cubic  foot  of  a  block  differs  more  or  less 
from  its  theoretical  weight  calculated  from  the  specific  gravity  of  the 
constituent  minerals.  A  porous  rock  of  given  volume  will  be  lighter  than 
an  equal  volume  of  similar  nonporous  material. 

The  pore  space  in  most  marbles  is  so  small  that  the  actual  weight 
does  not  differ  greatly  from  that  calculated  from  specific  gravity.  Marbles 
range  from  165  to  180  pounds  per  cubic  foot  in  actual  weight. 

Solubility. — The  solubility  of  marble  deserves  careful  consideration  if 
its  use  for  exterior  purposes  is  contemplated,  because  all  stones  dissolve 
slowly  or  disintegrate  when  exposed  to  atmospheric  agencies.  Usually 
the  rate  of  solution  is  extremely  slow,  but  it  may  be  rapid  enough  under 
certain  conditions  to  impair  the  value  of  stone  for  building.  The  rate  of 
solution  varies  in  different  marbles,  depending  on  chemical  composition, 
texture,  and  porosity.  Surface  waters  which  contain  certain  dissolved 
gases,  such  as  carbon  dioxide,  dissolve  the  carbonates  to  a  limited  degree. 
Near  large  cities  various  acids  from  smoke  are  taken  up  by  rain  and 
increase  its  power  of  solution.  If  a  stone  is  permeable  it  usually  dissolves 
more  rapidly  than  if  impervious.  Calcite  dissolves  more  rapidly  than 
dolomite  under  the  same  conditions  if  the  texture  of  each  is  similar,  but 
the  tendency  for  dolomite  to  occur  with  granular  texture  often  reverses 
the  order  of  their  solubility. 

Color. — The  color  of  a  marble,  one  of  its  most  important  physical 
properties,  is  governed  by  the  nature  of  the  constituents.  Marbles  con- 
sisting of  pure  calcite  or  dolomite  are  white,  whereas  green  is  the  prevail- 
ing color  of  verde  antique.  Variations  from  the  whiteness  of  a  pure  marble 
are  due  to  admixtures  of  foreign  substances.  Such  impurities  may  be 
distributed  uniformly  and  thus  give  uniform  coloration  or  they  may  be 
present  in  bands  or  streaks,  giving  clouded  or  otherwise  nonuniform 
colors.  Very  beautiful  banded  effects  are  obtained  by  sawing  veined 
marbles  in  certain  directions. 

The  causes  of  some  colors  in  marbles  are  easily  determined.  Black 
and  grayish  shades  are  attributed  to  carbonaceous  matter,  which  is 
usually  present  as  fine  scales  of  graphite ;  red,  pink,  or  reddish  brown  are 
due  mainly  to  the  presence  of  manganese  oxides  or  to  hematite;  yellow- 
brown,  yellow,  or  cream  are  caused  by  minute  grains  of  limonite,  a 


hydrous  oxide  of  iron.     Other  colors,  such  as  the  bluish  tint  found  in 
some  beds  of  white  marble,  are  difficult  to  explain. 

Highly  colored  marbles  are  usually  those  that  have  been  brecciated 
or  fractured,  subsequent  consolidation  being  accompanied  by  infiltration 
of  coloring  material  from  surrounding  soil  and  rocks.  They  are  mostly  of 
foreign  origin. 

For  certain  purposes,  particularly  for  monuments  on  which  inscrip- 
tions are  cut,  marble  which  presents  a  distinct  contrast  between  chiseled 
and  polished  surfaces  is  desirable.  A  chiseled  surface  is  opaque  and 
somewhat  granular  and  reflects  rather  than  absorbs  light ;  hence  it  tends  to 
appear  white  or  light-colored,  even  if  the  stone  is  dark.  When  a  face  is 
polished  the  reflecting  surfaces  are  removed,  and  light  is  permitted  to 
enter  the  crystals  and  be  absorbed,  which  causes  the  polished  surface  to 
appear  relatively  dark.  The  contrast  usually  is  more  pronounced  in 
colored  and  less  marked  in  the  white  marbles. 

Each  bed  in  a  deposit  exhibits  more  or  less  constancy  of  color;  there- 
fore, desirable  uniformity  in  color  ordinarily  can  be  maintained  by 
working  each  bed  separately.  If  the  texture  or  color  of  marble  in  a 
deposit  varies,  care  is  taken  to  quarry  in  such  manner  as  will  tend  to 
produce  material  that  may  be  closely  classified.  Some  variations  in 
color,  though  slight,  may  detract  immensely  from  the  market  value. 
Lenses  and  bands  of  bluish  material  may  pass  irregularly  through  the 
white,  occasioning  excessive  waste  or  necessitating  classification  in  a 
lower  grade. 

Colors  may  be  permanent  or  may  change  after  exposure  to  sunlight  or 
weather,  the  more  highly  colored  marbles  being  most  subject  to  such 
changes.  Severity  of  climate  is  an  important  factor  in  these  changes. 
Permanence  of  color  is  highly  desirable.  Most  high-grade  American 
marbles  show  very  slight  color  alteration  even  after  long  periods.  A 
soiled  surface  must  not,   of  course,  be  confused  with  color  changes. 

Translucence. — Translucence  is  a  measure  of  the  capacity  of  marbles 
for  transmitting  light.  The  more  translucent  varieties,  if  fine-grained, 
are  best-adapted  for  novelties  or  other  ornamental  purposes.  Some 
marbles  look  waxy,  and  this  property  seems  to  be  related  to  translucence. 
The  depth  to  which  light  will  penetrate  the  best  statuary  marbles  ranges 
from  }yi  to  13-^  inches.  Certain  beds  in  many  marble  deposits  of  the 
United  States  are  exceptionally  translucent.  The  beautiful  so-called 
"transparencies"  in  the  roof  of  the  Lincoln  Memorial  at  Washington, 
D.  C.  are  translucent  slabs  of  clouded  and  veined  Alabama  marble. 
Certain  modes  of  artificial  treatment  are  known  to  increase  translucence, 
but  usually  the  effects  of  such  treatment  are  far  less  permanent  than  the 
material  itself  and  consequently  are  not  to  be  recommended. 

Texture. — Grains  of  calcite  and  dolomite  that  make  up  a  marble  mass 
are  crystalline  and  have  a  definite  cleavage,  showing  bright  reflecting 

MARBLE  173 

faces  on  a  broken  surface.  Usually  the  cleavages  appear  about  equally- 
prominent  in  every  direction.  In  some  marbles,  however,  the  grains 
are  elongated  in  one  direction  by  the  folding  or  plication  of  beds.  Most 
marbles  consist  of  a  single  mineral,  and  therefore  have  a  homogeneity 
that  is  favorable  for  resistance  to  weathering  because  of  uniform  expansion 
and  contraction  with  temperature  changes.  The  texture  of  a  marble 
thus  depends  on  the  form,  size,  uniformity,  and  arrangement  of  its  grains, 
and  on  the  nature  and  size  of  grains  of  accessory  minerals. 

The  size  of  grain  is  commonly  described  as  fine,  medium,  or  coarse. 
Such  terms  are  indefinite  and  may  have  quite  different  meanings,  the 
interpretation  depending  upon  the  range  of  texture  experienced  by  the 
observer.  To  place  texture  upon  an  absolute  basis  Dale  graded 
the  marbles  of  Vermont  into  six  classes,  based  upon  average  grain 
diameter,  as  follows:  Extra  fine,  0.06  millimeter;  very  fine,  0.10;  fine,  0.12; 
medium,  0.15;  coarse,  0.24;  and  extra  coarse,  0.50. 

Rift  or  Grain. — While  the  terms  "rift"  and  "grain"  have  distinctive 
meanings  as  applied  to  sandstone  and  granite,  in  connection  with  marble 
they  are  used  synonymously  for  the  direction  of  easiest  splitting.  The 
rift  usually  parallels  the  bedding,  and  it  is  probably  due  to  elongation 
of  grain  caused  by  pressure.  It  may  be  emphasized  by  the  presence  of 
platy  or  fibrous  minerals,  such  as  scales  of  mica  or  graphite  or  needles  of 
actinolite.  These  usually  occupy  positions  with  their  long  axes  parallel 
to  the  direction  of  grain  elongation  and  thus  increase  the  tendency  to 
split  in  that  direction.  Quarrymen  find  it  advantageous  to  follow  the 
direction  of  easy  splitting,  for  thus  wedges  may  be  placed  much  farther 
apart  than  where  no  rift  exists. 

Porosity. — Porosity  is  the  volume  of  pore  space  expressed  as  a 
percentage  of  the  total  volume  of  a  rock  mass.  The  pore  space  of  high- 
grade  marbles  is  usually  very  small,  ranging  from  0.0002  to  0.5  per  cent. 
A  fine-grained  marble  may  have  more  pore  space  than  one  of  coarser 
texture,  but  the  opposite  is  more  often  true.  Low  porosity  in  exterior 
marble  is  desirable,  as  pores  permit  infiltration  of  water,  which  may  dis- 
solve or  discolor  the  stone  or  cause  disintegration  by  freezing.  Porous 
stones  also  collect  soot  or  particles  of  soil  and  therefore  are  not 
satisfactory  when  exposed  to  excessive  smoke  or  dust.  Practically  all 
marbles  recommended  for  exterior  use  have  very  low  porosity. 

Strength. — The  strength  of  marble  is  the  measure  of  its  capacity  to 
resist  stresses  of  various  kinds.  It  depends  partly  on  the  rift,  on  the 
cleavage  and  hardness  of  the  grains,  and  partly  on  the  state  of 
aggregation,  including  degree  of  cohesion,  interlocking  of  grains,  and 
nature  of  cementing  material  if  such  is  present.  Compressive,  transverse, 
tensional  or  cohesive,  and  shearing  strength  all  affect  use,  but  compres- 
sive strength  is  the  quality  most  commonly  tested. 


Although  strength  alone  is  not  a  sure  criterion  of  durability,  knowledge 
of  the  capability  of  any  stone  to  withstand  stresses  of  various  kinds  has 
great  value  if  the  material  is  to  be  used  for  purposes  involving  extra- 
ordinary strains.  Practically  all  commercial  grades  of  sound  white 
marbles  can  support  many  times  the  weight  of  structures  in  which  they 
are  ordinarily  used,  though  some  brecciated  and  veined  marbles  are  too 
weak  to  sustain  heavy  loads  with  perfect  safety.  As  a  rule,  marble  is 
stronger  across  the  bedding  plane  than  parallel  to  it.  Compressive 
strength  has  no  significance  in  judging  the  quality  of  cemetery  memorials. 

Transverse  strength  indicates  the  suitability  of  a  marble  for  door  or 
window  caps  or  for  bridging  material  that  must  bear  heavy  loads.  Break- 
age of  caps,  however,  must  not  always  be  attributed  to  weakness  in  the 
material  employed,  as  unequal  settling  or  improper  laying  may  be  the 
chief  cause. 

When  subjected  to  crushing  strain  rocks  can  be  compressed  appreci- 
ably before  rupture  occurs.  A  measure  of  this  compressibility  in  terms 
of  the  load  is  what  is  known  as  the  modulus  of  elasticity.  The  compressi- 
bility of  marble  is  so  small  that  it  has  little  significance,  except  possibly 
in  calculating  the  effect  of  a  very  heavy  superstructure  on  a  masonry 
arch  or  in  proportioning  abutments  and  piers  of  massive  bridges,  A  high 
modulus  of  elasticity  is  desirable  in  marble  subjected  to  minor  stresses 
and  strains  due  to  setthng  of  buildings. 


Meaning  of  Unsoundness. — The  term  "unsoundness"  refers  to  all 
cracks  or  lines  of  weakness  other  than  bedding  planes  that  cause  marble 
to  break  before  or  during  manufacture.  The  various  types  are  known 
locally  as  "joints,"  "headers,"  "cutters,"  "hairlines,"  "slicks,"  "seams," 
"slick  seams,"  "dry  seams,"  or  "dries,"  and  "cracks."  The  term 
"reed"  is  applied  to  a  weakness  that  parallels  the  bedding. 

Nature  and  Importance  of  Joints. — Most  joints,  as  they  appear  in 
marble  deposits,  are  straight  and  uniform,  though  some  may  be  curved  or 
irregular.  Some  are  open  and  conspicuous  and  others  so  obscure  that 
they  can  be  recognized  only  by  long  and  constant  practice  on  the  part  of 
those  skilled  in  their  detection.  The  spacing  of  joints  is  variable.  They 
tend  to  occur  in  groups  of  closely  spaced  fractures,  separated  by  masses 
which  contain  few  joints.  In  certain  Vermont  quarries  such  closely 
spaced  groups  are  termed  "fish-backs."  In  some  deposits  joints  may  be 
10  to  30  feet  apart,  in  others,  separated  by  only  a  few  inches.  Needless 
to  say,  wide  spacing  adds  greatly  to  the  commercial  value  of  a  deposit. 

Origin  of  Joints. — Authorities  generally  agree  that  joints  are  caused 
by  strains  in  rock  masses.  As  pointed  out  in  the  chapter  on  granite,  a 
compressive  force  in  one  direction  will  develop  two  systems  of  joints  at 
right  angles  to  each  other,  and  at  angles  of  45°  to  the  line  of  pressure. 

MARBLE  175 

Torsional  forces  or  earthquake  shocks  alone  or  in  conjunction  with  other 
forces  may  have  a  similar  effect.  Both  direction  and  spacing,  as  observed 
at  the  surface,  may  persist  with  remarkable  uniformity  at  depths  of  100 
feet  or  more. 

Therefore,  according  to  the  theory  noted  in  the  paragraph  immedi- 
ately preceding,  which  is  supported  by  results  of  many  observations, 
joints  tend  to  occur  in  regular  systems.  Two  systems  approximately  at 
right  angles  to  each  other  are  not  uncommon.  Occasionally  a  third  or 
fourth  system  may  appear.  Exceptionally  no  well-defined  systems  can  be 
recognized.  The  systematic  arrangement  is  recognized  by  most  quarry- 
men  and  is  an  important  factor  in  the  economy  of  marble  working. 
Greater  loss  results  from  quarrying  without  regard  for  unsoundness  than 
from  any  other  cause.  Operators  may  augment  the  proportion  of  sound 
stock  by  making  careful  study  and  detailed  diagrams  of  all  visible 
unsoundness  and  by  quarrying  in  conformity  with  it.  That  is,  walls 
should  be  made  to  parallel  the  major  joint  systems,  and  all  subsequent 
cuts  so  arranged  in  spacing  and  direction  that  seams  will  intersect  blocks 
as  little  as  possible.  Blocks  intersected  by  oblique  joints  are  almost 

Unsoundness  in  Verde  Antique. — Joints  in  serpentine  marble,  or 
what  commonly  is  called  "verde  antique,"  usually  are  rather  abundant 
and  extremely  irregular.  They  are  probably  caused  chiefly  by  expansion 
or  swelling  due  to  hydration  as  the  serpentine  is  formed.  Consequently, 
joints  are  usually  less  systematic  in  this  variety  than  in  white  marbles, 
and  large,  sound  blocks  are  more  difficult  to  obtain.  Occasionally  the 
cracks  are  recemented  by  crystalline  calcite,  which  produces  an  attractive 
white  veining  on  a  green  background.  The  so-called  brecciated  marbles 
are  composed  of  many  irregular  and  usually  angular  fragments  that  have 
been  cemented  by  chemical  precipitation  of  calcium  carbonate. 

Glass  Seams. — Joints  that  have  been  recemented  in  nature  are 
sometimes  termed  "glass  seams."  They  may  be  strong  enough  to 
permit  sawing  the  marble  even  into  thin  stock,  but  such  seams  are  usually 
planes  of  weakness.  The  filling  is  generally  calcite,  though  occasionally 
silica  in  the  form  of  quartz,  flint,  or  chert.  A  siliceous  filling  is  least 
desirable  because  its  extreme  hardness  makes  sawing  and  polishing 
difficult,  and  because  its  surface  is  nonuniform.  In  any  case,  a  glass 
seam  usually  appears  as  a  conspicuous  line  which  can  be  regarded  only  as  a 
blemish  when  present  in  otherwise  uniform  marble. 


Iron  Sulphides. — The  chief  iron  sulphides  in  marble  are  pyrite  and 
marcasite,  which  have  the  same  chemical  composition  (expressed  by 
the  formula  FeS2),  though  they  differ  in  crystal  form.     In  many  marble 


deposits  they  are  accessory  minerals,  pyrite  being  the  more  common, 
and  may  appear  as  scattered  crystals  of  variable  size  or  form  prominent 
bands  and  masses.  Decomposition  of  the  sulphides  may  result  in  undesir- 
able discolorations,  consisting  of  iron  oxides. 

Most  authors  who  have  discussed  impurities  in  building  stone  have 
stated  unreservedly  that  pyrite  is  injurious  when  the  stone  is  used  for 
exterior  work.  This  statement  is  not  always  true,  however.  Although 
the  sulphides  in  some  marbles  decompose  and  form  undesirable  dis- 
colorations in  a  few  months,  those  in  marble  from  other  deposits  may 
withstand  many  years  of  weathering  and  show  no  appreciable  change. 
Some  American  marbles  containing  pyrite  have  been  exposed  to  the 
weather  for  more  than  100  years  without  noticeable  staining. 

Pyrite  is  usually  more  stable  than  marcasite.  Solid  crystals  of  either 
mineral  usually  decompose  slowly,  though  finely  divided  granular  or 
porous  forms  of  either  alter  rapidly.  Mixtures  of  pyrite  and  marcasite 
decompose  more  readily  than  the  pure  minerals.  A  fair  conception  of 
the  probable  stability  of  the  sulphides  in  a  marble  may  be  gained  by 
making  observations  and  tests.  The  most  reliable  information  is  obtain- 
able by  observing  stain  effects  on  structures  of  sulphide-bearing  marble 
or  on  weathered  outcrops  of  the  deposit  from  which  it  was  obtained. 
Iron  sulphide  is  not  necessarily  injurious  in  marble  but  should  be  avoided 
carefully  in  the  selection  of  stone  for  exterior  uses  where  discoloration  is 
undesirable.  In  some  instances,  however,  discoloration  by  weathering 
may  not  be  detrimental,  for  such  color  changes  may  blend  with  the  normal 
mellowing  and  ageing  of  the  stone. 

Marble  containing  pyrite  may  be  used  to  advantage  for  interior 
structural  or  ornamental  purposes,  as  bands  and  patches  of  the  iron 
sulphide  minerals  produce  beautiful  effects  on  polished  surfaces.  Pyrite 
crystals  are  very  hard,  however,  and  may  injure  tools  used  in  cutting. 

Silica. — Knots  or  bands  of  silica  derived  from  skeletal  remains  of 
organisms  may  be  original  constituents  of  marble.  Silica  may  also  be 
introduced  into  a  marble  bed  at  a  later  stage  in  the  history  of  the  deposit. 
Water  that  percolates  through  fissures  in  the  mass  may  contain  small 
quantities  of  silica  in  solution,  which  may  be  precipitated  in  cracks  and 
cavities.  Silica  in  this  form  tends  to  follow  unsoundness  and  may  even 
effectually  seal  fractures.  The  presence  of  silica  usually  detracts  from 
the  appearance  of  marble.  As  a  rule,  the  flinty  or  cherty  mass  differs 
from  the  marble  in  color  or  texture  and  constitutes  a  blemish  comparable 
to  that  produced  by  a  knot  in  an  otherwise  uniform  stick  of  timber. 
Occasionally,  however,  flinty  masses  are  the  basis  for  distinctive  decora- 
tive markings  that  are  an  asset  to  the  stone.  Silica  is  at  least  twice  as 
hard  as  ordinary  marble,  consequently,  it  greatly  retards  channeling, 
drilling,  or  sawing  and  injures  tools,  especially  wire  saws.  A  flint  ball 
may  divert  a  saw  to  one  side  or  may  greatly  reduce  the  rate  of  cutting. 

MARBLE  177 

Moreover,  uniformity  of  finish  under  a  buffer  is  difficult  to  obtain  on  the 
surface  of  a  flinty  marble  on  account  of  its  unequal  hardness. 

Silicated  Marbles. — Silicated  marbles  contain  pyroxenes,  amphiboles, 
mica,  chlorite,  or  other  silicates  which  are  commonly  formed  by  alteration 
of  interbedded  impurities.  Marbles  may  therefore  contain  bands  of  these 
minerals,  which  sometimes  remain  conformable  with  the  original  bedding. 
In  such  form  they  are  not  serious  imperfections  and  may  even  facilitate 
quarrying.  However,  silicate  impurities,  especially  mica  and  chlorite, 
may  be  scattered  throughout  the  mass  in  dark  bands  and  patches  which 
generally  detract  from  the  market  value  of  the  stone  although  at  times 
they  may  be  adapted  to  ornamental  use. 

Dolomitic  marbles  may  contain  tremolite,  a  silicate  of  calcium  and 
magnesium.  The  mineral  generally  occurs  in  the  form  of  white  crystals 
with  a  silky  luster  and  a  characteristic  diamond-shaped  cross  section. 
They  may  be  microscopic  in  size  or  may  attain  a  length  of  2  inches,  and 
are  much  harder  than  marble.  Wollastonite,  diopside,  olivine,  and 
tourmaline  are  other  common  silicates  present  in  marbles. 

Dolomite  in  Marble. — Marble  composed  of  alternating  masses  of 
dolomite  and  calcite  is  undesirable.  When  dolomite  is  present  in  lenses 
or  bands,  the  resulting  unequal  weathering  will  produce  a  nonuniform 
surface.  Differences  in  texture,  color,  or  susceptibility  to  polish  of  the 
two  minerals  are  also  probable.  Although  pure  dolomite,  or  intimate 
mixtures  of  dolomite  and  calcite,  is  not  to  be  regarded  as  an  inferior 
type  of  marble,  heterogeneous  mixtures  in  the  form  of  lenses,  knots,  or 
bands  are  undesirable  for  the  reasons  given. 


Intimate  knowledge  of  the  geology  of  marble  deposits  is  a  practical 
necessity  for  intelligent  quarry  development.  Beds  of  high  quality  must 
be  followed,  and  this  demands  an  understanding  of  their  stratigraphy, 
including  folding  and  faulting.  The  origin  and  occurrence  of  imperfec- 
tions should  be  known.  Operations  also  depend  upon  rock  structures, 
such  as  joints  and  dikes. 

The  quality  of  a  marble  tends  to  be  fairly  constant  throughout  a 
given  bed  over  wide  areas.  An  adjoining  bed,  even  though  only  a  few 
feet  away,  may  have  been  deposited  much  later  or  earlier  and  under 
vastly  different  conditions.  Therefore,  the  greatest  changes  in  quality 
and  character  of  rock  are  found  in  passing  from  one  bed  to  another. 
To  obtain  high  quality  and  uniformity  in  the  product  the  bedding  must  be 
followed  closely.  Each  bed  generally  is  designated  by  a  particular  name, 
and  quarrymen  usually  are  so  familiar  with  characteristics  of  successive 
strata  that  they  can  assign  a  block  in  a  stock  pile  to  its  proper  bed  by 
visual  examination.  This  intimate  knowledge  of  stratigraphy  is  exceed- 
ingly practical  in  recognizing  desirable  beds  in  new  openings  made  along 


the  strike  or  in  outcrops  where  beds  reappear  at  the  surface  through 
folding  or  faulting.  Certain  beds  may  be  traced  for  many  miles  and  may 
maintain  remarkable  uniformity  in  quality  and  thickness.  They  may, 
however,  narrow,  widen,  or  disappear  entirely,  and  the  quality  may 


Marble  is  used  mainly  for  buildings  and  monuments,  interior  decora- 
tion, statuary,  and  novelties. 

In  exterior  building  marbles  qualities  of  endurance  rank  equally  in 
importance  with  appearance.  For  such  outdoor  uses,  therefore,  marbles 
should  be  strong,  uniform,  close-grained  (though  not  necessarily  fine- 
grained), reasonably  nonabsorptive,  and  free  from  impurities  that  may 
stain  or  corrode  the  surface.  While  uniformity  in  color  was  once  desir- 
able, the  present  tendency  is  toward  blending  of  mixed  colors. 

For  interior  decoration,  appearance  is  the  prime  factor  determining 
value.  Both  pure  white  and  variously  colored  marbles  are  applied  to  the 
various  uses,  including  floors,  steps,  baseboards,  columns,  balusters,  wall 
panels,  wainscoting,  and  arches.  That  used  for  floors  and  stair  treads 
should  be  reasonably  resistant  to  abrasion.  Brecciated  marbles,  most  of 
which  are  imported,  are  widely  used  for  columns  and  wainscoting. 
Verde  antique  is  popular  for  interior  decorative  effects.  It  is  used  some- 
times as  an  exterior  ornamental  stone  as,  for  example,  on  banks  and  store 
fronts.  Onyx  marble  is  popular  for  interior  decoration,  as  it  has  a  wax- 
like appearance  and  attractive  banding.  Interior  marble  is  used  in 
various  minor  ways,  such  as  for  table  tops,  lavatory  fittings,  and  sanitary 
work  generally. 

Statuary  marble  is  the  most  valuable  variety  quarried.  It  must  be 
piire  white,  uniform  and  usually  fine-grained  in  texture,  and  somewhat 
translucent,  and  must  have  marked  adaptability  for  carving.  Numerous 
statuary  and  decorative  marbles  from  American  quarries  are  now  on  the 
market,  each  having  its  own  particular  trade  name. 

All  the  more  ornamental  types  are  used  for  novelties.  A  favorite 
use  of  onyx  is  for  the  manufacture  of  gear-shift  balls.  Onyx,  verde 
antique,  and  true  marbles  are  manufactured  into  inkwells,  lamp  bases, 
smoking  sets,  clock  cases,  paperweights,  and  various  other  gift-shop 

Waste  marble  is  used  as  crushed  stone,  terrazzo,  stucco,  and  riprap, 
for  lime,  for  fluxing,  and  for  various  chemical  uses  covered  in  a  later 
chapter  on  limestone.  Waste  blocks  are  also  cut  into  convenient  sizes 
for  ashlar  used  in  house  construction. 


As  recrystallization,  the  outstanding  characteristic  of  marble,  is 
promoted  chiefly  by  heat  and  pressure  acting  on  the  original  limestone, 



most  marbles  are  confined  to  areas  of  extreme  folding  or  igneous  intrusion, 
hence,  occur  chiefly  in  mountainous  regions.  The  important  marble 
belts  of  the  United  States  are  in  the  Appalachian  region  of  the  Eastern 
States  and  in  the  Rocky  Mountain  and  Coast  Ranges  of  the  West. 
Deposits  also  occur  in  several  Central  States  and  in  Alaska. 

The  Appalachian  belt,  which  is  the  most  productive,  follows  a  com- 
paratively narrow,  well-defined  course  as  shown  in  figure  29.  Beginning 
at  the  Canadian  border  in  northern  Vermont  it  extends  due  south 
through  western  Massachusetts  and  Connecticut  and  eastern  New  York 
to  within  a  short  distance  of  New  York  City.     No  marble  of  consequence 

Fig.  29. — Map  showing  marble  deposits  of  eastern  United  States.      (Prepared  by  H.  Herbert 


occurs  in  New  Jersey,  except  in  the  extreme  west,  but  the  belt  reappears 
prominently  in  southern  Pennsylvania  and  extends  southwestward 
through  Maryland,  Virginia.  North  Carolina,  Tennessee,  Georgia,  and 

Marbles  of  the  Central  States  occur  in  isolated  localities,  principally 
Minnesota,  Missouri,  and  Texas.  For  the  most  part,  recrystallization 
has  been  accompanied  by  very  little,  if  any,  deformation  of  beds. 

Various  types  of  marbles  are  found  in  the  Rocky  Mountain  and 
Pacific  Coast  States  (in  parts  of  California,  Nevada,  Montana,  and 
Colorado,  with  more  restricted  areas  in  Idaho,  southwestern  Oregon,  and 
northeastern  Washington)  but  many  are  too  inaccessible  to  have  com- 
mercial importance  at  this  time. 




The  volume  in  cubic  feet  and  value  of  marble  sold  in  the  United 
States  over  a  period  of  years  are  shown  in  the  following  table  by  uses: 

Marble  Sold  by  Producers  in  the  United  States,   1924-1937,  by  Uses 

Building  stone 

„*„1     „4 






















863 , 690 







3 , 559 , 686 






















583 , 890 




















1 , 669 , 689 

668 , 820 
1 , 092 , 280 















Marble  Sold  by  Producers  in  the  United  States,  1929,  by  States  and  Uses 

Building  and  monu- 
mental (rough  and 

Other  uses 



Cubic  feet 









Massachusetts .... 


New  York 



Other  States* 










$       381,781 










S  61,738 


















$       443,519 















*  Alaska,  Arizona,  Arkansas,  Colorado,  Idaho,  Maryland,  Montana,  New  Jersey,  North   Carolina, 
Utah,  Virginia,  and  Washington. 

MARBLE  181 

The  eight  leading  States,  in  order  of  production  value  in  1929,  were 
Tennessee,  Vermont,  Georgia,  Missouri,  Alabama,  New  York,  Massa- 
chusetts, and  California.  The  preceding  table,  compiled  by  the  Bureau  of 
Mines,  shows  the  total  marble  production  during  1929  by  States.  These 
figures  are  given  in  preference  to  those  of  later  years,  when  conditions 
were  more  disturbed. 

In  1929,  111,580  cubic  feet  of  verde  antique  (serpentine  marble), 
valued  at  $842,058,  was  sold  in  the  United  States;  in  1930,  98,490  cubic 
feet,  valued  at  $695,131;  in  1931,  39,150  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $218,098; 
and  in  1937,  16,300  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $145,136. 


Occurrences  of  marble  in  the  United  States  are  described  in  the 
following  pages  by  States  in  order  of  their  production  value  in  1929,  as 
that  year  was  probably  more  nearly  normal  than  the  three  succeeding 
years.  Descriptions  are  confined  chiefly  to  deposits  in  which  quarries 
have  been  recently  in  operation,  minor  attention  being  given  to  unworked 
areas  or  abandoned  quarries. 

Tennessee.-* — As  the  preceding  table  indicates,  in  1929  Tennessee 
produced  1,312,180  cubic  feet  of  building  and  monumental  marble,  valued 
at  $5,678,596,  or  about  35.5  per  cent  of  the  total  value  of  marble  produced 
in  the  country.  Production  in  1930  was  1,019,300  cubic  feet,  valued  at 
$3,355,673;  in  1931,  525,900  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $2,407,878;  and  in  1937, 
267,370  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $1,384,961. 

General  Distribution. — The  widely  known  marbles  of  east  Tennessee 
occur  in  rocks  of  Palaeozoic  age  in  what  is  known  as  the  Holston  member 
of  the  Chickamauga  formation.  The  latter  formation  is  of  wide  extent 
and  consists  chiefly  of  limestone.  The  Holston  beds  are  confined  to  the 
Tennessee  River  Valley  and  outcrop  in  a  series  of  nearly  parallel  bands. 
The  area  is  12  to  16  miles  wide  and  over  125  miles  long.  Marbles  of 
commercial  quality  occur  in  many  places,  and  the  supply  is  practically 
inexhaustible.  Two  important  railway  lines  traverse  the  area — the 
Southern  Railway,  which  extends  throughout  its  length,  and  the  Louis- 
ville &  Nashville  Railway,  which  crosses  it. 

Tennessee  marble  was  used  locally  for  tombstones  in  very  early  days ; 
but  the  history  of  production  as  an  industry  dates  from  1838,  when  the 
United  States  Government  opened  a  quarry  in  Hawkins  County  to 
provide  interior  marble  for  the  Capitol  at  Washington.  During  ensuing 
years  other  quarries  were  opened  until  an  industry  of  great  magnitude  was 

^^  Data  on  Tennessee  marble  deposits  have  been  compiled  chiefly  from  Tennessee 
Geol.  Survey  Bull.  28,  Marble  Deposits  of  East  Tennessee,  by  Gordon,  Dale,  and 
Bowles,  as  recorded  in  the  bibliography  at  the  end  of  this  chapter.  This  information 
was  supplemented  by  that  obtained  during  visits  to  most  of  the  quarries  by  the 



The  belts  of  the  Knoxville  district  are  shown  in  figure  30,  which  is 
modified  from  Gordon's  index  map.^^  The  seven  belts  shown  in  the 
figure  lie  in  approximately  parallel  positions  running  southwest  and 
represent  a  series  of  folds  resulting  from  lateral  pressure  exerted  northwest- 
southeast.  Named  in  order,  from  northwest  to  southeast,  they  are :  Luttrell 
belt.  Black  Oak  belt,  Concord  belt,  Knoxville  belt,  French  Broad  belt. 
Meadow  belt,  and  Bays  Mountain  belt.  The  Galbraith  belt  in  Hawkins 
County  is  regarded  as  a  continuation  of  the  Black  Oak  belt.  The 
Meadow  belt  was  described  later  than  the  others  and  does  not  appear  in 
the  sketch.     Although  some  good  marble  is  quarried  near  the  boundaries 

Fig.  30. — Map  showing  marble  deposits  of  eastern  Tennessee. 

of  the  formation,  by  far  the  best  and  most  productive  quarries  are  those 
near  the  middle  of  the  area. 

Luttrell  Belt. — The  Luttrell  belt  about  55  miles  long  extends  from 
Hawkins  County  southwestward  without  interruption  to  about  8  miles 
north  of  Knoxville.  As  it  fringes  the  northwestern  boundary  of  the 
basin,  it  contains  much  earthy  and  shaly  matter.  Good  marble  abounds 
in  many  places;  but  owing  to  narrow  outcrops  and  heavy  stripping, 
conditions  do  not  favor  development. 

Black  Oak  and  Galbraith  Belt. — The  Black  Oak  belt  begins  at  Corryton 
and  extends  southwestward  through  Fountain  City  to  a  point  about  5 
miles  northwest  of  Knoxville,  where  it  is  interrupted  by  faulting  and 

"  Work  cited,  p.  27. 

MARBLE  183 

erosion.  It  reappears  6  miles  farther  on  and  continues  into  Monroe 
County.  Near  Corryton  the  outcrop  is  one  half  to  three  fourths  mile 
wide,  but  throughout  the  remainder  of  its  course  rarely  exceeds  one 
fourth  mile.  Many  impure  limestone  and  shale  beds  appear  with  the 

A  northeastern  extension  known  as  the  Galbraith  belt  occurs  in 
central  Hawkins  County  and  in  near-by  Virginia.  Folding  at  this  point 
has  been  so  great  that  the  beds  are  overturned,  bringing  the  Knox 
dolomite  above  the  marble,  which  occurs  in  massive  layers  and  is  pre- 
dominantly dark  red  or  chocolate.  Splashes  of  white  in  places  represent 
crystallized  remains  of  bryozoans,  corals,  and  other  organisms. 

Numerous  quarries  have  been  opened  in  this  area,  and  some  are  the 
oldest  in  the  State.  The  Dougherty  or  National  quarry  supplied  stone 
for  the  United  States  Capitol.  Much  of  the  marble  was  used  for  table 
and  dresser  tops,  but  with  the  decline  of  this  fashion  and  a  growing 
demand  for  pink  and  gray,  production  has  ceased  in  this  vicinity. 

Concord  Belt. — The  southwestern  extremity  of  the  Concord  belt  is  at 
Sweetwater,  whence  it  extends  northeast  past  Loudon,  Lenoir  City,  and 
Concord  through  the  northern  outskirts  of  Knoxville  and  ends  near 
Strawberry  Plains  in  a  closed  loop  about  4  miles  across.  In  general, 
earthy  and  shaly  beds  are  less  prominent  than  in  the  belts  to  the  north, 
while  the  marble  becomes  proportionally  thicker,  except  in  a  section  near 
Knoxville  where  the  belt  is  thin.  The  Southern  Railway  follows  this  belt 
closely  throughout  its  entire  length,  and  in  several  places  the  Tennessee 
River  intersects  it. 

Knoxville  Belt. — The  KJnoxville  belt,  where  much  excellent  marble  is 
quarried,  appears  several  miles  southeast  of  Sweetwater,  Monroe  County, 
and  extends  northeast  through  Friendsville,  Louisville,  and  southern 
Knoxville  to  the  vicinity  of  Ruggles  Ferry  on  the  Holston  River.  Near 
the  two  extremities  of  the  belt  the  rocks  dip  southeast  at  an  angle  of 
about  30°,  but  near  Louisville  they  lie  more  nearly  horizontal.  This 
accounts  for  the  wide  outcrop  which  appears  just  beyond  the  northern 
corner  of  the  Friendsville  area,  as  shown  on  the  map.  Many  quarries 
have  been  opened  on  the  belt  from  the  railway  station  at  Meadow  to  the 
northern  extremity.  The  prevailing  marble  is  a  popular  shade  of  pink, 
with  smaller  quantities  of  chocolate  and  gray. 

French  Broad  Belt. — The  French  Broad  belt  is  shaped  like  a  great 
U,  with  its  base  about  3  miles  southeast  of  Knoxville  and  its  sides  extend- 
ing northeast  8  or  9  miles.  Locally  it  is  sometimes  called  the  "  wishbone." 
The  shape  is  due  to  the  planing  off  by  erosion  of  a  southwestern  pitching 
anticlinal  fold.  The  northern  arm  of  this  fold  is  the  center  of  a  thriving 
quarry  industry.  The  marble  formation  is  about  300  feet  thick,  and 
about  half  is  of  commercial  grade.  Several  active  quarries  are  situated 
near  the  junction  of  the  Holston  and  French  Broad  Rivers. 


Meadow  Belt. — The  Meadow  belt,  which  is  not  shown  on  the  map  as  a 
separate  band,  is  quite  close  to  the  Knoxville  belt.  It  has  been  traced 
from  near  Miser  southwestward  to  a  point  beyond  the  railway  station  at 
Meadow,  at  which  place  it  has  been  quarried  to  some  extent. 

Bays  Mountain  Belt. — This,  the  southernmost  of  the  marble  belts, 
is  situated  along  the  north  side  of  Bays  Mountain  5  to  7  miles  southeast 
of  Knoxville.  It  is  chiefly  in  Knox  County,  though  it  extends  a  short 
distance  into  Blount  County.  The  widest  outcrop  is  near  Neubert 
Springs,  where  the  exposure  forms  the  base  of  a  U-shaped  loop  which 
opens  to  the  southwest  as  the  result  of  the  planing  off  by  erosion  of  a 
northeast-pitching  anticlinal  fold.  As  this  belt  is  near  the  southern 
boundary  of  the  marble  basin  it  contains  more  silty  and  shaly  materials 
than  the  central  belts.  The  beds  have  a  maximum  thickness  of  about 
300  feet. 

Productive  Areas. — The  Hawkins  County  area,  which  is  now  unpro- 
ductive, has  been  described  briefly  in  the  section  devoted  to  the  Galbraith 
belt.  The  five  productive  areas  outlined  in  rectangles  on  the  sketch 
map,  figure  30,  and  designated  1,  2,  3,  4,  and  5,  are  briefly  described  in 
order  as  follows. 

LUTTRELL  AREA. — The  Only  important  quarries  are  at  Luttrell  and 
are  situated  on  the  lowest  bed  of  the  Luttrell  belt.  This  bed  is  about  75 
feet  thick  and  dips  32°  in  a  direction  S.35°E.  Mud  seams  12  to  20  feet 
apart  run  N.50°  to  55°E.  A  series  of  seams  or  cutters  spaced  at  moderate 
intervals  runs  N.60°  to  80°W.  A  light  red  shading  into  dark  red  marble 
of  good  quality  is  obtained,  and  waste  is  burned  into  lime. 

CONCORD  AREA. — Several  quarries  are,  or  have  been,  in  operation 
near  Concord  on  the  Black  Oak,  Concord,  and  Knoxville  belts.  A 
quarry  which  was  at  one  time  of  considerable  importance  is  on  a  westward 
continuation  of  the  Black  Oak  belt  about  3  miles  north  of  Ebenezer. 
It  was  opened  on  a  shallow  synclinal  fold,  and  the  relatively  thin 
layer  of  overburden  and  nearly  level  attitude  of  the  beds  offered  favorable 
quarry  conditions.  The  main  ledge  is  a  50-foot  bed  of  light  pink  marble 
with  heavy  ledges  of  dark  red  or  "cedar"  marble  above  and  below. 
Originally  only  the  dark  red  was  quarried,  but  later  both  types  were 
marketed.  A  prominent  series  of  nearly  vertical  seams  or  cutters  runs 
N.40°W.  They  are  spaced  8  to  20  feet  apart  throughout  most  of  the 

The  most  prominent  beds  quarried  at  Concord  are  75  to  80  feet  thick, 
with  deep  red  or  chocolate  marble  in  the  upper  part  and  light  red  shading 
to  pink  in  the  lower.  The  beds  dip  30°  to  40°,  while  irregular  mud  seams 
are  nearly  fiat  or  slant  at  a  moderate  angle.  The  quarry  is  near  the 
river,  and  in  early  years  much  of  the  product  was  shipped  by  water.  A 
large  part  of  the  waste  marble  has  been  burned  into  lime. 

MARBLE  185 

For  many  years  several  quarries  were  worked  about  43-^  miles  south 
of  Ebenezer,  but  only  one  has  been  in  operation  recently.  It  is  an 
important  producer  and  provides  an  attractive  grade  of  pink  marble 
known  to  the  trade  as  ''Bond  Pink." 

FRiENDSviLLE  AREA. — The  productive  area  on  the  Knoxville  and 
Meadow  marble  belts  extends  from  the  station  at  Meadow  to  Louisville; 
Friendsville  is  about  the  middle  of  the  district.  In  this  area  about  26 
active  and  abandoned  quarries  have  been  noted,  but  not  more  than  five 
or  six  have  produced  during  recent  years. 

The  most  southerly  active  quarries  are  about  1^  miles  west  of 
McMullen  station,  where  very  sound  marble  occurs  in  beds  about  120 
feet  thick,  the  upper  50  feet  being  red  and  the  remainder  light  pink  to 
gray.  The  principal  development  has  been  during  the  past  few  years, 
and  much  high-grade  marble  is  now  produced. 

About  11^  miles  east  of  Friendsville  is  a  second  group  of  active 
quarries.  As  sound,  attractive  marble  is  available  in  large  blocks,  this  is 
the  most  productive  part  of  the  district.  Pink  and  red  marbles  are  most 
abundant,  although  gray  is  also  found.  The  most  southerly  of  the  three 
openings  uncovers  beds  about  75  feet  thick,  and  the  best  grade  is  found  in 
the  lower  25  feet.  The  marble,  covered  with  a  moderate  overburden 
of  sandy  soil,  dips  under  the  hill  at  an  angle  of  about  15°.  Many  mud 
seams  appear  near  the  surface,  but  cutters  in  the  rock  are  rare.  At  the 
second  and  third  openings  to  the  north  the  overburden  becomes  much 
heavier,  and  underground  methods  employing  modern  electric-driven 
equipment  are  used.  Part  of  the  waste  is  ground  and  sold  as  agricultural 
limestone.  Two  miles  west  of  Louisville  a  similar  pink  marble  is  quarried, 
and  is  marketed  under  the  trade  name  "Anderson  Pink."  It  is  of  good 
quality  and  available  in  large,  sound  blocks. 

KNOXVILLE  AREA. — The  Knoxville  area,  occupying  the  center  of 
the  marble  valley,  is  about  3  miles  wide  and  6  miles  long  and  extends 
northeastward  from  Knoxville  along  the  valley  of  the  Tennessee  River 
beyond  the  junction  of  its  tributary  streams,  the  Holston  and  French 
Broad  Rivers.  An  abundance  of  high-grade  rock  is  available  in  this 
territory  and  usually  at  least  a  dozen  quarries  are  in  active  operation. 

About  43^-^  miles  east  of  Knoxville  the  deposit  is  extensive  and  has 
been  worked  for  many  years.  A  group  of  quarries  provides  high-quality 
light  pink  and  gray  marbles,  which  are  well-suited  for  structural  uses  and 
for  carving.  Much  of  the  waste  is  burned  into  lime.  These  quarries 
are  on  the  northern  limb  of  the  French  Broad  belt,  which  extends  east- 
ward through  the  loop  of  the  river  at  the  Forks.  East  of  the  Forks  is  an 
important  group  of  quarries  extending  about  2  miles  east  of  the  river, 
where  good-quality  pink  and  gray  marble  is  quarried  by  several  companies. 
In  places,  fissures  and  solution  cavities  increase  the  difficulty  of  quarrying. 
The  Knoxville  belt  to  the  north  provides  another  important  quarry  area, 


particularly  in  the  section  between  the  Tennessee  and  Holston  Rivers, 
\}/2  to  4  miles  northeast  of  Knoxville.  In  the  western  part  of  this  section 
the  beds  are  150  to  200  feet  thick,  with  pink  marble  in  the  bottom,  gray- 
above,  and  some  of  the  darker  reds  near  the  top.  The  chief  output  is  of 
the  light  gray  type,  which  is  very  attractive  for  interior  decoration. 
The  quarries  farther  east  produce  high-grade,  light  pink  marbles. 

NEUBERT  SPRINGS  AREA. — Marble  has  been  quarried  to  some 
extent  on  the  Bays  Mountain  belt  near  Neubert  Springs  about  8  miles 
directly  southeast  of  Knoxville.  The  bed  dips  about  75°,  an  unusually 
high  angle  in  the  Tennessee  district.  This  area  is  close  to  the  southern 
fringe  of  the  marble  valley,  so  an  excessive  amount  of  impure  material  is 
mixed  with  the  good  marble.  Although  pink  and  gray  marbles  of  good 
quality  are  available,  the  proportion  of  waste  is  high. 

Characteristics  of  Tennessee  Marbles,  joint  systems. — Two  com- 
plementary sets  of  major  joints  prevail  throughout  the  region,  one  set 
striking  N.40°-60°E.,  and  the  other  N.40°-60°W.  Weathering  tends 
to  follow  the  joints,  forming  solution  cavities  which  have  been  filled 
with  residual  reddish  clay.  When  the  clay  is  removed  the  marble 
surface  in  some  districts  consists  of  irregular  prongs  5  to  20  feet  high  and 
2  to  10  feet  apart  at  the  base.  As  solution  tends  to  follow  all  planes  of 
weakness  the  prongs  usually  consist  of  sound  high-grade  marble.  Opera- 
tions on  these  irregular  surfaces  are  known  locally  as  "boulder  quarries." 

fossil  content. — Tennessee  marbles  consist  mainly  of  calcareous 
remains  of  two  kinds  of  marine  invertebrates — crinoids  and  bryozoa. 
Secondary  crystallized  calcite  encloses  the  crinoidal  fragments  and  fills 
the  bryozoan  cells,  as  well  as  all  the  interstices.  Unlike  most  marbles 
those  of  the  Knoxville  district  are  not  highly  metamorphosed,  and  multi- 
tudes of  fossils  show  no  distortion,  recrystallization  evidently  having 
involved  only  slight  deformation. 

"crowfoot"  structure. — The  most  characteristic  structures  of 
Tennessee  marbles  are  the  stylolites  known  locally  as  "crowfoot." 
They  are  irregular  or  zigzag  grayish,  black,  greenish,  or  reddish  suture 
planes.  The  markings,  which  occur  in  bands  usually  3^f  o  to  1  inch  wide, 
generally  parallel  the  bedding  and  are  from  a  few  inches  to  several  feet 
apart.  These  irregular  markings  appear  prominently  on  marble  steps, 
floor  tile,  and  wainscoting  in  innumerable  public  buildings  throughout  the 
country.  The  origin  of  stylolites  is  somewhat  obscure.  It  is  assumed 
that  they  consisted  originally  of  thin  bands  of  carbonaceous  and  iron- 
bearing  shales.  Percolating  acid  waters  attacked  the  beds  above  and 
below  the  shale,  dissolving  the  marble  and  leaving  very  irregular  surfaces. 
The  pressure  of  overlying  strata,  or  that  occasioned  by  folding,  forced 
the  beds  together,  and  with  intermeshing  of  projections  above  and 
below  the  shale  was  pressed  into  all  irregularities.  Later  faulting  and 
dislocation  made  the  crenelations  even  more  irregular. 

MARBLE  187 

TEXTURE. — In  general,  Tennessee  marbles  consist  of  calcite  grains  in 
a  groundmass  of  disintegrated  bryozoa.  Most  of  them  are  fine-grained, 
but  owing  to  the  presence  of  larger  scattered  fossils  many  are  variable 
in  texture.  In  all  but  the  coarse,  dark  marbles  of  Hawkins  County  the 
crinoidal  remains,  with  the  secondary  calcite  about  them,  make  up 
approximately  one  third  of  the  rock  and  the  bryozoa  about  two  thirds. 
Because  of  the  fineness  and  irregularity  of  the  groundmass  the  rock  is 
much  stronger  than  uniformly  crystallized  marbles. 

Physical  Properties. — Dale-^  has  divided  Tennessee  marbles  into  six 
groups  on  the  basis  of  color,  as  follows:  (1)  Gray;  (2)  faintly  pinkish  gray; 
(3)  pink  ^subdivided  into  light,  medium,  and  dark);  (4)  fine  dark  red;  (5) 
coarse  dark  red;  and  (6)  variegated.  The  gray  and  pale  pink  varieties 
are  used  most  widely.  The  marbles  are  of  a  high  degree  of  purity,  with  a 
calcium  carbonate  content  of  about  99  per  cent.  Even  those  of  chocolate 
color  have  an  iron  content  of  not  more  than  0.5  per  cent.  Chemical 
purity  is  attributed  to  the  almost  exclusively  organic  origin  of  the  cal- 
careous sediments.  Tennessee  marble  is  of  low  porosity,  the  pore  space 
averaging,  according  to  tests  by  the  U.  S.  Bureau  of  Standards,  about 
0.5  per  cent;  it  is  much  lower  in  some  varieties. 

The  marble  of  this  State  is  highly  resistant  to  abrasion  and  therefore 
is  well-suited  for  use  as  floor  tile  and  stair  treads.  Notable  examples  of 
use  are  the  concourses  of  the  Grand  Central  and  Pennsylvania  Stations 
in  New  York,  where  for  many  years  Tennessee  marble  tile  has  withstood 
the  wear  of  intensive  pedestrian  traffic. 

Manufacture  and  Distribution. — Many  large,  well-equipped  mills 
are  in  operation  in  and  about  Knoxville,  where  marble  is  manufactured 
into  a  great  variety  of  architectural  and  ornamental  forms  particularly 
for  interior  use.  Great  quantities  of  marble  are  also  shipped  in  rough 
blocks  to  mills  in  the  larger  cities  in  all  parts  of  the  country. 

Vermont.27— In  1929  Vermont  produced  1,185,100  cubic  feet  of 
building  and  monumental  marble,  valued  at  $4,763,471,  or  about  29.8  per 
cent  of  the  total  value  of  marble  produced  in  the  United  States  during  that 
year.  Production  in  1930  amounted  to  1,098,080  cubic  feet,  valued  at 
$4,206,456;  in  1931,  905,280  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $3,187,431;  and  in  1937, 
302,100  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $1,539,571. 

General  Features  of  Marble  Belt. — ^The  great  marble  belt  of  western 
Vermont,  which  is  about  80  miles  long,  lies  chiefly  between  the  Green 
Mountains  and  the  parallel  Taconic  Range  to  the  west,  a  valley 
ranging  in  width  from  }i  mile  to  4  miles.  To  the  south,  from  Pine  Hill 
to  Danby  Hill,  the  marble  lies  between  the  Taconic  Range  and  an 

2«  Dale,  T.  Nelson,  Work  cited,  p.  146. 

2^  The  principal  data  on  Vermont  marbles  were  obtained  from  U.  S.  Geol.  Survey 
Bull.  521,  The  Commercial  Marbles  of  Western  Vermont,  by  T.  Nelson  Dale,  supple- 
mented by  visits  of  the  author  to  nearly  all  the  quarries. 


intermediate  range  and  it  also  extends  north  of  the  Taconic  Range, 
ending  between  Middlebury  and  Bristol.  A  parallel  occurrence  of 
marble,  known  as  the  West  Rutland  belt,  is  about  6  miles  long  and 
3^^  mile  wide.  This  lies  west  of  Rutland  and  occupies  a  minor  longitudinal 
valley  through  which  the  Castleton  River  flows. 

When  in  normal  position  a  slaty  schist  overlies  the  marble,  and  a 
dolomite  lies  beneath,  but  in  places  these  relations  are  disturbed  by 
faulting.  Records  of  drill  cores  and  data  from  sections  at  the  quarries 
show  that  the  thickness  of  the  marble  ranges  from  335  to  more  than  850 
feet.  The  beds  were  no  doubt  originally  laid  down  as  horizontal  lime- 
stone strata  in  the  sea  bottom,  but  in  consequence  of  powerful  crustal 
contraction  which  operated  mostly  west-northwest  to  east-southeast  the 
limestones  were  recrystallized  into  marbles  and  at  the  same  time  intensely 
folded  and  in  places  even  faulted.  The  strike  of  the  folds  is  generally 
north  and  south,  although  in  places  it  varies  somewhat.  During  subse- 
quent ages  crests  of  folds  were  eroded  away,  leaving  the  marble  exposed. 
At  a  still  later  period  cross  fractures  were  formed  through  which  a  dense, 
molten-rock  magma  was  injected,  forming  trap  dikes.  These  are  2  inches 
to  25  feet  wide  but  are  not  numerous. 

Important  Geologic  Features,  complexities  caused  by  folding. — 
Rocks  of  the  great  marble  belt  of  Vermont  have  been  intensely  folded. 
Most  beds  are  steeply  inchned,  the  only  horizontal  ones  being  sections 
in  the  bottoms  of  the  troughs  or  tops  of  the  arches.  As  folds  are  repeated 
a  single  bed  may  appear  in  a  succession  of  outcrops  and  lateral  folding 
may  complicate  greatly  the  problem  of  tracing  their  course.  For  exam- 
ple, an  offset  of  one  fourth  mile  in  the  position  of  certain  well-defined 
marble  beds  at  West  Rutland  has  been  attributed  to  a  sharp  double 
lateral  fold  in  the  form  of  the  letter  S.  It  will  be  seen  that  if  the  upper 
and  lower  parts  of  the  letter  are  continued  as  horizontal  lines,  the  upper 
to  the  right  and  the  lower  to  the  left,  they  will  represent  the  same  bed 
following  the  same  direction  but  will  be  offset  from  each  other  by  the 
width  of  the  letter. 

effect  of  pitch  of  folds. — The  axes  of  folds  are  rarely  horizontal, 
but  the  degree  of  pitch  is  usually  small — 5  to  20°.  The  practical  effect 
of  the  pitch  is  to  cause  variation  in  the  distance  of  a  bed  from  the  surface 
as  a  quarry  is  advanced  along  the  strike.  If  the  advance  is  made  in  the 
direction  of  dip  a  desirable  bed  plunges  deeper  and  deeper  beneath  the 
surface,  and  in  time  reaches  a  point  beyond  which  it  can  not  be  worked 
economically.  If  a  quarry  is  advanced  in  the  opposite  direction  the  bed 
gradually  comes  closer  to  the  surface  until  it  runs  out. 

joint  systems. — Major  joints  generally  appear  in  systematic  arrange- 
ment. The  most  prominent  set  strikes  N.65°-80°W.,  with  a  comple- 
mentary set  N.10°-20°E.  A  second  system  strikes  N.75°-80°E.,  with  its 
complementary  system  N.10°-20°W.     Diagonal  joints  occur  in  places. 

MARBLE  189 

FAULTING. — "Faulting"  is  a  geological  term  applied  to  rock  fracturing 
with  movement  along  the  fractured  surface,  resulting  in  dislocation  or 
change  in  relative  position  of  beds.  The  amount  of  dislocation  is  known 
as  the  "throw"  of  the  fault.  Wherever  sharp  folding  is  found,  faulting  is 
likely  to  occur.  In  many  places  in  western  Vermont  the  displacement  is 
only  a  few  feet;  in  others  it  may  be  several  hundred.  When  a  major 
fault  plane  is  encountered  in  quarrying,  the  first  step  is  to  ascertain  the 
direction  of  throw  and  extent  of  displacement.  Even  a  skilled  geologist 
may  have  difficulty  in  interpreting  the  structure,  and  core  drilling  may  be 
necessary  before  the  continuation  of  the  lost  beds  is  discovered. 

EFFECT  OF  DIKES. — Trap  dikes  usually  occur  in  regions  of  close 
jointing.  Small  branching  dikes  may  invade  the  marble  on  both  sides  of 
the  larger  ones.  Both  close  jointing  and  lateral  intrusions  discourage 
quarrying  close  to  dikes.  Most  dikes  in  Vermont  follow  a  course  about 
N.60°-70°E.,  and  the  next  most  prevalent  direction  is  N.25°-40°E. 

EFFECT  OF  EROSION. — Exposurc  of  marble  beds  at  the  surface  is  due 
to  removal  of  overlying  schist  by  erosion,  which  at  the  same  time  carried 
away  much  marble,  leaving  truncated  folds.  Where  either  an  anticlinal 
fold  (arch)  or  synclinal  fold  (trough)  has  been  truncated  by  erosion 
remnants  of  both  limbs  of  the  fold  must  remain  in  the  earth.  If  only 
one  appears  in  an  outcrop  it  may  be  possible  to  locate  the  other  by  recon- 
structing in  theory  the  original  structure  and  estimating  its  probable 
width  at  the  point  of  truncation.  Such  a  truncated  major  fold  is  in 
evidence  south  of  West  Rutland,  for  the  beds  of  both  the  east  and  west 
limbs  have  been  found.  Naturally  beds  on  the  east  side  appear  in  reverse 
order  to  those  on  the  west.  Ability  to  picture  reconstruction  of  the 
marble  folds  has  great  practical  value  in  facilitating  search  for  remnants 
of  beds  that  may  be  concealed  by  glacial  debris. 

EFFECT  OF  WEATHERING. — Long  ceuturics  of  Weathering  on  exposed 
surfaces  or  on  rock  covered  with  sand  or  gravel  generally  have  resulted  in 
alteration  of  marble  to  a  depth  of  15  or  20  feet,  and  such  material  must  be 
discarded  as  waste.  Exceptionally,  marble  exposed  at  the  surface  is  of 
good  quality,  but  usually  some  alteration  has  taken  place  unless  a  cover- 
ing of  glacial  till  or  water-worked  clay  has  protected  it  from  weathering 
effects.  In  some  places  the  imperviousness  of  clay  has  preserved  the  most 
delicate  glacial  striations,  and  good  marble  may  be  quarried  within  a  few 
inches  of  the  surface. 

General  Succession  of  Beds. — Throughout  many  parts  of  the  marble 
belt  a  definite  succession  of  workable  beds  may  be  traced.  Beginning  at 
the  overlying  schist  the  succession  as  given  by  Dale^*  is  as  follows:  (1) 
Upper  graphitic  marbles;  (2)  white  graphitic  and  muscovite  marbles 
alternating;  (3)  upper  clouded  light  gray  marbles;  (4)  intermediate 
dolomite;  (5)  lower  clouded  white  marbles;  (6)  lower  graphitic  marbles. 

28  Dale,  T.  Nelson,  Work  cited,  p.  96. 


The  entire  succession  is  present  at  few,  if  any,  localities;  certain  beds  are 
prominent  in  one  region,  while  others  furnish  the  chief  supply  at  another 
point.  At  West  Rutland  the  average  thickness  of  all  workable  beds  was 
estimated  by  Dale  as  783  feet  and  at  Proctor  as  616  feet.  This  belt 
no  doubt  contains  an  extensive  reserve  supply  of  marble. 

Character  of  Marbles. — Commercial  marbles  that  abound  throughout 
the  valley  are  of  a  high  degree  of  purity;  many  consist  of  98  to  more  than 
99  per  cent  calcium  carbonate.  Porosity  is  low,  and  colors  are  attractive 
for  interior  or  exterior  use.  They  are  widely  known  and  are  used  exten- 
sively in  all  parts  of  the  country. 

Individual  Quarry  Districts. — Marble  occurrences  in  the  chief  produc- 
ing districts  are  briefly  described  in  the  following  pages,  beginning  with 
the  most  southerly  quarries  and  advancing  toward  the  northern  end  of 
the  belt. 

DORSET  MOUNTAIN. — The  Imperial  quarry  is  in  the  southern  part  of 
Rutland  County  about  1}4  miles  southwest  of  Danby  on  the  northeastern 
flank  of  Dorset  Mountain  and  about  700  feet  above  the  railroad.  Both 
open-pit  and  underground  methods  of  quarrying  have  been  employed. 
The  rock  is  a  coarse-grained,  faintly  cream  calcite  marble,  which  is  some- 
what translucent.  Joints  are  fairly  regular,  and  large  sound  blocks  are 
obtainable.  Blocks  are  conveyed  to  the  railroad  by  means  of  cable  cars 
over  an  inclined  railway  three  fourths  of  a  mile  long.  The  marble  is  used 
for  exterior  and  interior  building  and  for  memorials.  The  Amphitheater 
in  Arlington  Cemetery  near  Washington,  D.  C,  was  built  of  stone  from 
this  quarry. 

The  White  Stone  Brook  quarry  a  short  distance  south  of  the 
Imperial  quarry  is  served  by  the  same  cable-car  railway.  The  beds, 
which  total  about  100  feet  in  thickness,  dip  to  the  east  5  to  10°.  The 
stone  is  coarse-grained  and  white  to  cream,  with  faint  yellow  to  greenish 
gray  streaks  and  spots.  It  takes  a  good  polish  and  is  used  for  interior 
and  exterior  building. 

CLARENDON. — The  Clarendon  quarry  is  about  3  miles  southeast 
of  West  Rutland.  The  maximum  thickness  of  the  beds  here  is  327  feet. 
The  upper  beds  are  graphitic  marbles,  the  middle  beds  are  white,  lightly 
mottled  and  banded,  while  the  lowest  is  a  variegated  graphitic  marble. 
Major  joints  strike  N.35°W.  and  are  3  to  7  feet  apart.  All  the  marbles 
take  a  high  polish  and  are  well-adapted  for  construction.  The  products 
are  standard  Vermont  marbles  that  have  been  used  for  many  years. 

WEST  RUTLAND,  WEST  SIDE. — As  prcviously  stated,  the  structure  at 
West  Rutland  is  a  truncated  anticline,  and  the  quarries  fall  into  two 
groups — those  on  the  western  limb  and  those  on  the  eastern.  Six  large 
quarries  have  been  in  operation  on  the  west  side;  only  one  is  now  active, 
although  others  are  equipped  for  production.  Marble  occurs  in  a  variety 
of  beds,  aggregating  nearly  200  feet  in  thickness.     Joints  are  in  regular 



systems,  and  their  direction  and  spacing  are  remarkably  uniform,  even  at 
depths  of  100  to  150  feet.  Some  of  the  quarries  are  very  large.  Much 
high-grade  marble  has  been  removed  from  drifts  which  extend  along  the 
beds  from  the  original  open-pit  workings.  Very  attractive  green,  blue, 
purplish  gray,  and  cream  marbles  predominate.  The  products  are 
employed  chiefly  for  interior  decoration. 

WEST  RUTLAND,  EAST  SIDE. — The  eastern  limb  of  the  anticline  is  the 
most  productive  region  in  Vermont.  Beginning  near  the  railroad  station 
at  West  Rutland  an  almost  continuous  line  of  about  12  quarries  extends 
for  nearly  1  mile  to  the  north.     Those  farthest  to  the  south,  including  the 

Fig.  31. — Starting  a  tunnel  400  feet  beneath  the  surface  in  a  West  Rutland,  Vt.,  marble 
quarry.     {Courtesy  of  Vermont  Marble  Company.) 

Covered,  New  Opening,  and  Upper  Gilson,  are  in  an  upper  eastern  series 
of  beds,  and  those  to  the  north  are  in  an  adjoining  western  and  lower 
series.  The  quarries  are  all  narrow  openings  along  the  strike,  and  they 
follow  the  dip  of  the  beds,  which  usually  ranges  from  35°  to  45°E., 
though  in  places  it  curves  at  steeper  or  flatter  angles.  The  Covered 
quarry  is  the  largest  in  Vermont;  it  is  nearly  400  feet  deep  and  extends 
about  one  fourth  mile  underground  to  the  south.  In  places  the  roof  of 
the  underground  workings  is  more  than  100  feet  high  and  is  supported 
by  large  square  pillars  of  the  original  marble  beds.  An  early  stage  in 
projecting  a  new  tunnel  is  shown  in  figure  31.  At  the  Main  quarries 
long  drifts  have  been  projected  in  the  direction  of  the  strike  until  they 
meet,  which  permits  the  use  of  electric  mine  railroads  for  haulage.  In 
the  Main  and  in  the  West  Blue  quarries  Nos.  1,  2,  3,  and  4  many  distinc- 
tive beds  are  encountered,  and  high-grade  white,  bluish,  greenish,  and 


pink  architectural  marbles  are  produced.  Thousands  of  quarry  blocks 
are  kept  at  West  Rutland  in  a  storage  yard  served  by  a  50-ton-capacity 
gantry  crane.     Lime  is  manufactured  as  a  by-product. 

PROCTOR. — The  beds  in  this  locality  dip  about  60°E.  The  quarries 
follow  the  dip  downward  and  extend  along  the  strike.  About  five  large 
openings  have  been  made,  but  recent  activity  has  been  confined  to  the 
Sutherland  Falls  quarry.  Typical  Proctor  marble  is  bluish  white  and 
translucent.  Very  extensive  marble-finishing  shops  are  operated  at 
Proctor,  and  slabs  are  brought  in  from  various  mills  up  and  down  the 

PITTSFORD. — During  recent  years  the  Pittsford  district  has  attained 
increasing  importance.  The  Pittsford  Italian  quarry,  formerly  known  as 
the  Turner,  is  about  three  fourths  mile  southwest  of  the  station  at  Florence 
in  Pittsford  township  and  intersects  the  same  beds  as  the  Proctor  quarries. 
The  most  typical  product  is  a  bluish  white  calcite  marble,  mottled  with 
gray.  Beds  strike  N.25°-30°W.  and  dip  75°E.N.E.  Tunnels  are 
extended  along  the  strike. 

The  Florentine  quarry,  which  is  about  1}^  miles  west  of  the  station  at 
Florence,  intersects  the  upper  graphitic  beds  immediately  underlying  the 
Taconic  Range  schists.  The  beds  strike  N.25°W.  and  dip  60°  to  70°W. 
Structurally  the  beds  belong  to  the  east  limb  of  a  syncline.  The  charac- 
teristic product  is  a  dark  bluish  gray  graphitic  calcite  marble,  finely 
banded  with  gray  and  uniformly  fine-grained. 

The  Hollister  quarry  1^^  miles  northwest  of  Florence  station  is  a  very 
old  opening,  which  has  been  extended  to  a  series  of  seven  quarries  known 
as  Pittsford  Valley  Nos.  1  to  7.  Nos.  2  and  7  are  on  the  well-known 
Brandon  Italian  beds,  which  have  been  quarried  for  many  years  near 
Brandon  farther  north.  These  quarries  are  very  deep,  and  many  lofty 
chambers  and  drifts  have  been  formed  by  removing  all  the  marble  except 
that  left  as  massive  pillars  for  roof  support.  The  beds  strike  N.5°W. 
and  are  almost  vertical,  dipping  80°  to  nearly  90°E.  The  typical  rock  is  a 
light  bluish  gray  marble,  with  irregular  mottling  due  to  the  recurrence 
of  fine,  gray,  plicated  beds.  It  takes  a  high  polish,  which  emphasizes 
the  mottled  effect.  Generally  the  marbles  are  more  bluish  than  those 
at  Proctor.  In  1931  eight  quarries  in  this  district  were  either  oper- 
ating or  equipped  to  produce.  These  quarries  are  noteworthy  for  the 
production  of  unusually  large,  sound  blocks.  Masses  weighing  55  to  65 
tons  have  been  quarried  for  the  manufacture  of  monolithic  columns. 
The  bowl  of  Scott  fountain,  Belle  Isle,  Detroit,  was  made  from  a  single 
block  weighing  65  tons  obtained  from  a  Pittsford  Valley  quarry. 

BRANDON. — Marble  regarded  as  identical  with  that  obtained  in  some 
Pittsford  Valley  quarries  occurs  in  an  excavation  about  one  half  mile 
south  of  Brandon.  It  is  a  mottled,  light  bluish  gray  rock  suitable  for 
architectural  work.     A  more  recently  developed  quarry  has  also  operated 

MARBLE  193 

actively  in  the  Brandon  area,  producing  a  standard  marble  characteristic 
of  this  part  of  the  marble  belt. 

Other  quarries  have  been  worked  north  of  Brandon  near  Middlebury, 
Monkton,  and  Bristol,  but  they  have  not  been  active  recently. 

Economic  Features  of  the  Marble  Belt. — A  discussion  of  the  western 
Vermont  marble  belt  would  not  be  complete  without  brief  consideration 
of  certain  important  economic  factors.  Available  water  power  has  been 
exceptionally  advantageous  in  developing  the  industry,  for  several  large 
hydroelectric  plants  on  Otter  Creek  supply  power  to  practically  all  the 
quarries  and  mills.  The  sand  resources  of  the  marble  valley  have  also 
been  utilized  to  provide  an  abrasive  for  sawing  and  surfacing  the  marble. 

The  marble  beds  are  extremely  folded,  with  enlargement  or  thinning 
of  certain  members,  and  there  are  numerous  faults.  Therefore,  many 
uncertainties  confront  workers  in  opening  new  quarries  and  in  enlarging 
those  now  in  operation.  To  minimize  the  risk  of  unwise  development 
extensive  prospect  drilling  is  constantly  conducted.  Cores  are  carefully 
examined,  recorded,  and  stored  in  fireproof  buildings  for  future  reference. 
The  great  volume  of  information  thus  accumulated  is  of  inestimable  value 
in  interpreting  geological  structures,  estimating  reserves,  and  planning 
future  activity. 

Quarry  Districts  Outside  Western  Marble  Belt. — Although  a  large  part 
of  the  Vermont  production  is  confined  to  the  western  belt  previously 
considered,  there  are  several  important  quarry  districts  outside  this  area. 
Four  deserve  mention,  as  each  produces  marble  of  a  type  quite  distinct 
from  those  already  described. 

swANTON. — A  marble  industry  has  been  developed  1  mile  southeast  of 
Swanton,  Franklin  County,  near  Lake  Champlain  in  northern  Vermont. 
The  beds  are  150  feet  thick.  The  marbles  are  described  as  quartzose 
dolomites  containing  fine-grained  magnetite.  In  certain  beds  the 
magnetite  has  been  oxidized  to  hematite,  which  makes  the  rock  charac- 
teristically reddish.  Some  of  the  beds  are  of  uniform  color;  others  are 
mottled  red  and  white.  The  products  are  known  commercially  as 
"Champlain  marbles,"  and  five  distinct  types  are  marketed.  On 
account  of  the  high  silica  content  they  are  difficult  to  saw  and  finish. 
They  are  highly  ornamental  and  particularly  adapted  for  floor  tile  and 
stair  treads,  as  they  resist  abrasion  remarkably  well.  A  finishing  mill 
is  operated  in  connection  with  the  quarry.  Similar  marble  is  obtained 
farther  south  near  St.  Albans. 

ISLE  LA  MOTTE. — A  marble  quarry  at  the  south  end  of  Isle  La  Motte 
in  Lake  Champlain,  Grand  Isle  County,  was  one  of  the  earliest  to  be 
worked  in  America,  having  been  opened  for  lime  burning  in  1664  and 
reopened  in  1788  to  furnish  building  stone.  The  deposit  covers  several 
acres  but  is  shallow.  The  rock  is  a  fossiliferous  calcite  marble  that  has 
been  recrystallized,  largely  by  chemical  processes,  with  little  compression 


or  distortion.  Crinoid  and  gastropod  fossil  casts  show  their  character- 
istic circular  structure  on  polished  surfaces.  The  quarried  stone  is 
dark  gray  but  when  polished  appears  almost  black,  with  occasional  white 
markings.  It  is  classed  commercially  with  black  marbles  and  is  used 
chiefly  for  floor  tile,  base,  and  wainscoting. 

ROXBURY. — A  deposit  of  serpentine  50  to  60  feet  wide  is  quarried 
about  1  mile  south  of  Roxbury  in  Washington  County,  14  miles  southwest 
of  Montpelier.  The  rock  was  originally  a  basic  dike,  probably  consisting 
of  peri'dotite  which  has  altered  to  serpentine.  Polished  surfaces  are 
almost  black  but  are  intersected  by  a  network  of  veins,  some  of  which 
consist  of  white  magnesite  and  others  of  a  mixture  of  magnesite  and 
serpentine,  which  gives  a  light  green  color.  Stone  from  later  openings  is 
a  lighter  green.  The  color  contrasts  are  exceptionally  attractive.  The 
product  is  sold  as  "Vermont  verde  antique"  and  is  widely  employed  for 
columns,  wainscoting,  and  various  other  decoratives  uses.  Verde  antique 
is  also  obtained  in  a  northward  extension  of  the  belt  at  Moretown. 

ROCHESTER. — Serpentine  marbles  occur  in  various  parts  of  Vermont, 
and  new  developments  are  to  be  expected.  A  more  recent  operation 
than  that  at  Roxbury  has  been  noted  at  Rochester  in  the  extreme  north- 
western part  of  Windsor  County,  where  an  attractive  verde  antique  is 
quarried  and  shipped  to  finishing  mills  in  rough  blocks.  Verde  antique  is 
quarried  also  at  Proctorsville,  southern  Windsor  County. 

Marble  Mills. — Large  mills  for  sawing  marble  blocks  into  slabs  and 
other  rectangular  forms  are  situated  at  West  Rutland,  Center  Rutland, 
and  Florence. 

Georgia. — In  1929  Georgia  produced  676,190  cubic  feet  of  building 
and  monumental  marble,  valued  at  $3,739,825,  or  about  23.4  per  cent 
of  the  total  production  of  the  United  States.  Separate  figures  are  not 
available  for  1930.  Production  in  1931  was  497,370  cubic  feet,  valued 
at  $3,323,421;  and  in  1937,  197,340  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $1,030,407. 

Pickens  County:  general  description. — The  marble  industry  of 
Georgia  is  confined  almost  entirely  to  Pickens  County  in  the  north- 
central  part  of  the  State,  where  narrow  belts  occur  in  folded  strata 
of  Cambrian  age.  Certain  well-defined  belts  have  been  described  and 
mapped  by  Bayley.^^  The  Long  Swamp  Creek  belt  is  about  3  miles 
long,  beginning  2  miles  northeast  of  Jasper  and  terminating  about  1% 
miles  north  of  the  railroad  station  at  Tate.  Its  width  ranges  from  a 
few  feet  to  125  feet;  the  depth  is  unknown.  It  consists  of  a  fine- 
grained, even-grained  white  rock  of  sugary  texture.  According  to  Bay- 
ley's  analyses,  the  marble  is  very  pure,  containing  97  to  99  per  cent  total 
carbonates.  Two  analyses  show  a  considerable  content  of  magnesium. 
It  is  folded  so  closely  that  its  structure  is  hard  to  interpret. 

2»  Bayley,  W.  S.,  Geology  of  the  Tate  Quadrangle.  Geol.  Survey  of  Georgia 
Bull.  43,  1928,  pp.  75-102. 

MARBLE  195 

The  Marble  Hill  belt  is  a  hook-shaped  area  with  its  barb  extending 
lyi  miles  north  of  Tate  post  office  and  the  stem  curving  around  to  Marble 
Hill  2}^  miles  to  the  northeast.  Beyond  Marble  Hill  the  rock  again 
appears  in  two  branches,  one  extending  about  1  mile  southwest  of  the 
Amicalola  quarry  and  the  other  southwest  about  l^i  miles  toward 
Dawsonville.  The  main  section  of  the  belt,  which  extends  from  near 
Tate  post  office  to  a  point  beyond  Marble  Hill  post  office,  is  about 
7}^  miles  long;  and  many  quarry  openings  have  been  made  in  this  terri- 
tory, which  provides  the  great  bulk  of  Georgia  commercial  marbles. 
In  general,  the  marbles  are  of  the  high-calcium  type  containing  93  to 
99  per  cent  calcium  carbonate.     They  are  very  strong  and  of  low  absorp- 

FiG.  32. — Diagram  showing  how  truncation  of  an  anticline  may  furnish  a  wide  e.xposure  of  a 
narrow  bed.     a,  marble  bed;  6,  to  c,  marble  exposure. 

tion,  the  porosity,  according  to  United  States  Bureau  of  Standards  tests, 
averaging  about  0.5  per  cent.  Varieties  recommended  for  exterior  use 
have  still  lower  porosity.  They  are  highly  crystalline  and  of  sugary 
texture.  The  colors  are  mostly  white,  gray,  or  bluish  with  subsidiary 

The  Keithsburg  belt  is  more  extensive  than  the  Marble  Hill  belt  but 
is  unproductive.  Although  situated  in  Cherokee  County,  it  is  related 
geologically  to  the  system  of  belts  most  highly  developed  in  Pickens 
County  and  therefore  demands  brief  treatment  at  this  time.  Beginning 
about  2  miles  southeast  of  Nelson  it  curves  southwestward  to  about 
2  miles  northwest  of  Canton.  The  rock,  which  is  exposed  in  many 
places,  is  chiefly  fine-grained  and  blue-gray,  with  a  distinct  schistosity 
due  to  mica  flakes.  The  marbles  are  too  impure  for  commercial  use. 
A  fourth  small  parallel  exposure,  known  as  the  Sharp  Mountain  Creek 
belt,  extends  southwestward  from  about  1  mile  north  of  Ball  Ground. 

The  most  productive  marble  quarries  of  Georgia  are  confined  to  a 
relatively  small  area  near  Tate  and  Marble  Hill,  in  Pickens  County.     The 


valley  of  Long  Swamp  Creek  IJ^  miles  east  of  the  railway  station  at 
Tate  is  nearly  one  half  mile  wide  and  is  underlain  with  marble  6  to  8  feet 
beneath  the  soil.  Evidently  the  unusual  width  of  the  deposit  is  due  to 
truncation  of  an  anticlinal  fold,  because  the  beds  dip  in  opposite  directions 
on  the  east  and  west  sides.  As  indicated  in  figure  32,  the  removal  of 
the  top  of  such  a  fold  by  long  erosion  might  provide  a  surface  exposure 
(a  to  b)  three  or  four  times  as  wide  as  the  actual  thickness  of  the  belt. 
The  Creole  and  the  Cherokee  quarries  are  on  the  west  limb  of  the  fold, 
and  the  Etowah  is  on  the  east  limb.     These  quarries  are  described  later. 

The  remarkable  attractiveness  and  uniformity  of  the  marbles  in 
Pickens  County  were  recognized  by  early  pioneers.  The  first  systematic 
quarrying  was  done  about  1840,  and  in  1842  a  small  mill  with  one  gang 
saw  was  operated  at  Marble  Hill.  Nearly  all  the  early  production  was 
for  tombstones,  which  were  hauled  many  miles  by  mules  or  oxen.  With 
the  advent  of  railways,  markets  were  greatly  expanded,  and  with  an 
increasing  use  for  marble  in  the  construction  field  the  industry  became 
firmly  established.  The  products  of  these  great  quarries  and  mills  now 
reach  every  section  of  the  country  and  are  employed  for  memorials,  for 
exterior  and  interior  building,  for  numerous  ornamental  effects,  and  for 
sculpture.  A  notable  example  of  the  last  use  is  the  heroic  figure  of 
Abraham  Lincoln  carved  by  Daniel  Chester  French,  and  placed  in  that 
great  American  shrine,  the  Lincoln  Memorial,  in  Washington,  D.  C. 
Reserve  beds  of  marble  which  cover  several  square  miles  to  a  depth  of  at 
least  185  feet  are  practically  inexhaustible. 

Quarries  that  are  now  or  have  recently  been  active  are  described 
briefly  in  the  following  paragraphs.  Geographically  they  fall  in  two 
groups — those  of  the  Tate  district  and  those  of  the  Marble  Hill  district. 

THE  TATE  QUARRIES. — Near  Tate  are  two  comparatively  new  quarries 
known  as  Silver  Gray  No.  1  and  Silver  Gray  No.  2.  The  silver- 
tone  grayish  crystalline  marble  from  these  quarries  is  sold  prin- 
cipally for  monuments.  Large  quantities  of  dark  blue  and  clouded 
marbles  with  a  white  background  are  produced  at  the  Creole  quarry 
also  close  to  Tate.  Color  contrasts  are  sharp,  and  the  stone  is  well- 
suited  for  matched  panels  and  other  interior  decorative  effects.  Blocks 
of  large  size  free  from  impurities  and  seams,  are  obtainable.  The  marble 
works  easily  and  takes  a  good  polish. 

The  Light  Cherokee  quarry,  situated  close  to  Silver  Gray  No.  1,  is 
very  large  and  deep.  It  furnishes  several  shades  of  light  and  dark 
gray  coarsely  crystallized  translucent  marbles,  which  are  suitable  for  both 
interior  and  exterior  use.  The  coloring  matter  is  less  pronounced  and 
more  uniformly  distributed  than  in  the  Creole  quarry.  The  Mezzotint 
quarry  in  the  same  group  furnishes  stone  characterized  by  dark  gray 
wavy  veining  on  a  light  gray  background.  It  is  much  used  in  interiors 
of  buildings. 

MARBLE  197 

Marble  from  the  Etowah  quarry,  within  a  few  hundred  yards  of  the 
Creole,  is  an  outstanding  type,  for  while  it  is  of  characteristic  coarsely 
crystalline  structure  it  is  colored  various  delicate  tints  of  pink  (sometimes 
banded  with  white  and  with  darker  pinks)  which  are  attributed  to 
finely  divided  particles  of  hematite.  It  is  adapted  for  both  interior  and 
exterior  work  and  is  often  used  as  a  trim  in  contrast  with  white  marble, 
as  well  as  for  wainscoting  and  tiling. 

THE  MARBLE  HILL  QUARRIES. — The  sccoud  important  group  of  quarries 
is  near  Marble  Hill  3  to  4  miles  east  and  northeast  of  Tate.  Most  of 
them  are  in  a  narrow,  high-walled  valley,  through  which  flows  the  east 
fork  of  Longswamp  Creek.  Many  years  ago  one  supplied  marble  for 
stair  treads  and  tiling  for  the  Georgia  State  Capitol.  Geologists  claim 
that  the  white  marbles  of  this  area  have  resulted  from  alteration  of 
dark  marble  through  contact  metamorphism  from  an  intrusive  mass  of 
hornblende.  The  marble  is  coarse-grained  and  translucent.  Tremolite 
and  muscovite  appear  in  places  and  make  polishing  difficult.  The  Spring 
and  the  New  York  quarries,  about  100  yards  apart,  furnish  white  and 
clouded  marbles.  Stone  from  the  Rosepia  quarry,  which  is  not  readily 
obtainable  in  large  sizes,  is  fine-grained  and  therefore  quite  unlike  the 
widely  used  Georgia  types.  It  is  pink,  with  brownish  clouding,  and  is 
adapted  primarily  for  interior  use.  White  marble  for  building,  interior 
decoration,  and  monumental  purposes  is  provided  by  the  Kennesaw 
quarry,  which  has  been  worked  for  many  years  and  is  very  large.  The 
Amicolola  quarry  is  about  1  mile  south  of  the  New  York.  In  this  district 
joints  are  widely  spaced  and  therefore  blocks  of  large  size  are  available. 
Much  of  the  product  is  pure  white.  Tremolite,  which  occurs  in  small 
irregular  blades,  is  the  chief  accessory  mineral. 

NORTHERN  PICKENS  COUNTY. — During  reccut  years  marble  of  monu- 
mental grade  has  been  produced  at  Whitestone  in  northern  Pickens 
County  on  the  Godfrey  property,  as  described  by  McCallie.^"  The  best 
marble  is  coarse-grained  and  light  to  dark  gray.  Crushed  and  pulverized 
products  are  also  sold. 

STORAGE  AND  MANUFACTURE. — Much  of  the  marble  from  the  Tate 
and  Marble  Hill  districts  is  manufactured  into  finished  products  in  very 
extensive  and  well-equipped  mills,  most  of  which  are  operated  by  one 
large  quarrying  company,  and  others  by  manufacturing  firms  that  have 
no  quarries.  There  are  marble-finishing  mills  at  Tate,  Marble  Hill, 
Marietta,  Canton,  Nelson,  and  Ball  Ground.  A  feature  of  interest  in 
the  quarry  region  is  the  operation  of  great  overhead  traveling  cranes 
that  convey  marble  blocks  to  storage  piles.  Acres  of  ground  are  covered 
with  blocks  waiting  their  turn  for  conveyance  to  mills.  Railways  provide 
transportation  between  quarries,  storage  yards,  and  mills. 

^  McCallie,  S.  W.,  Marbles  of  Georgia.  Geol.  Survey  of  Georgia  Bull.  1,  1907, 
pp.  49-50. 


Marbles  Outside  Pickens  County. — Marble  deposits  have  been  noted 
in  several  counties  outside  the  widely  known  Pickens  County  district, 
but  few  have  attained  commercial  importance.  Recent  activity  has  been 
confined  to  a  region  about  2  miles  southwest  of  Hollysprings  in  Cherokee 
County,  where  a  quarry  is  operated  for  the  production  of  green  serpentine 
marble  (verde  antique).  The  rock  occurs  in  a  lenslike  deposit  about 
600  feet  long,  with  a  maximum  width  of  about  150  feet.  Numerous 
veins  intersecting  the  massive  serpentine  make  it  highly  ornamental. 
They  are  of  two  kinds.  A  network  of  narrow  veins,  ranging  from  mere 
hair  lines  to  one  half  inch  in  width  and  filled  with  dark  green  serpentine, 
is  the  most  attractive  feature  of  the  rock.  Larger  and  more  persistent 
veins  up  to  5  inches  in  width  are  filled  with  dolomite  and  talc;  these 
veins  are  sometimes  open  and  cause  much  waste.  As  in  most  verde 
antique  deposits  quarrymen  must  contend  with  much  unsoundness,  but 
by  cutting  in  accordance  with  joints,  masses  large  enough  for  orna- 
mental columns  may  be  obtained.  As  waste  is  great  and  the  rock  can 
not  be  cut  rapidly,  quarrying  is  expensive,  but  on  account  of  its  highly 
ornamental  character  for  baseboards,  panels,  columns,  and  pedestals 
the  marble  commands  a  higher  price  than  white  varieties.  Two  types 
are  marketed,  a  rich  dark  green  and  a  light  green,  both  of  which  have 
attractive  patterns. 

Missouri. — In  1929,  477,010  cubic  feet  of  block  marble  was  produced 
in  Missouri;  it  was  valued  at  $927,530,  or  about  5.8  per  cent  of  the  value 
of  total  production  for  the  United  States.  In  1930,  production  fell  to 
395,960  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $839,616;  in  1931  to  216,730  cubic  feet, 
valued  at  $553,291;  and  in  1937,  to  180,860  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $445,114. 

Carthage  District. — The  most  important  marble-producing  center  in 
Missouri  is  at  Carthage,  Jasper  County.  Geologically  the  rock  belongs 
to  the  Burlington  division  of  the  Mississippian  or  Lower  Carboniferous. 
It  is  a  formation  of  wide  extent  in  the  State  and  in  many  places  is  quarried 
as  limestone;  in  fact,  the  Carthage  stone  is  sometimes  described  as  lime- 
stone rather  than  marble.  Buckley  and  Buehler,^!  in  their  detailed 
description  of  the  district  consistently  speak  of  the  rock  as  limestone. 
However,  during  the  many  years  since  this  report  was  written  the  rock 
has  become  well-established  as  a  commercial  marble. 

At  Carthage  the  marble  occurs  in  heavy,  coarsely  crystalline  beds. 
It  is  white  to  light  gray,  with  a  bluish  gray  tint,  although  on  a  tooled 
surface  it  appears  almost  white.  It  is  uniform  in  texture  and  color  and 
has  been  recrystallized  with  little  or  no  evidence  of  compression  or 
distortion.  In  one  respect  it  resembles  Tennessee  marble,  for  it  is 
characterized  by  the  presence  of  stylolites  or  suture  joints  parallel  to  the 
bedding  and  2  to  20  inches  apart.     However,  some  of  them  are  less  desir- 

31  Buckley,  E.  R.,  and  Buehler,  H.  A.,  The  Quarrying  Industry  of  Missouri. 
Missouri  Bur.  of  Geol.  and  Mines,  vol.  2,  2d  ser.,  1904,  pp.  121-134. 

MARBLE  199 

able  than  in  Tennessee,  as  they  are  inchned  to  weather  more  rapidly  than 
the  intervening  rock.  The  highest  quality  of  stone  used  as  monument 
stock  contains  only  the  very  finest  of  them.  So-called  "tar  seams" 
containing  bituminous  matter  cause  waste  in  some  quarries.  Layers  of 
flint  nodules  occur  in  places.  The  stone  takes  a  good  polish,  is  very 
strong,  attractive,  and  enduring,  and  is  used  widely  for  both  structural 
and  monumental  purposes. 

Several  quarries,  mostly  north  of  the  city,  have  been  opened,  but 
during  recent  years  production  has  been  chiefly  in  the  hands  of  one  large 
company.  Some  stone  is  sawed  and  finished  in  the  district,  but  much 
of  it  is  shipped  in  rough  blocks. 

Phenix  District. — The  marble  at  Phenix,  Greene  County,  is  of  the 
same  geologic  age  as  that  at  Carthage  and  resembles  the  rock  from  that 
place  in  many  respects.  It  is  coarsely  crystalline  and  bluish  gray  and 
occurs  in  thick  beds.  Where  free  from  chert  or  flint  nodules,  large, 
sound,  practically  flawless  blocks  of  uniform  texture  may  be  quarried. 
Fortunately,  the  chert  nodules  are  confined  mostly  to  certain  zones  or 
layers.  Suture  joints  or  stylolites  occur,  as  at  Carthage;  they  are  2  to  14 
inches  apart  and  range  from  fine  pencil-like  markings  to  wavelike  zones  3 
inches  in  width;  the  larger  ones  are  undesirable.  In  some  beds  the  rock  is 
quite  fossiliferous,  and  the  color  is  a  little  darker  than  that  of  the  Carthage 
marble.  A  practically  inexhaustible  supply  is  available.  A  large  mill  is 
operated  in  connection  with  the  quarry,  and  both  mill  and  quarry  are 
well-equipped  with  modern  machinery.  Both  rough  and  finished  stone 
is  produced  for  exterior  and  interior  construction. 

South  Greerifield  District. — The  Logan  quarry  at  South  Greenfield, 
Dade  County,  w^as  in  operation  in  1929  and  following  years.  According 
to  report,  the  stone  closely  resembles  Carthage  marble. 

Joplin  District. — South  of  Joplin,  Newton  County,  beds  of  the 
Mississippian  formation  similar  to  those  described  above  are  quarried 
for  the  production  of  interior  and  exterior  marble.  The  best  bed  is  9  feet 
thick,  coarse-grained  and  fossiliferous  at  the  bottom  and  dense  and 
compact  near  the  top.  It  is  uniform  in  texture  and  a  pleasing  gray. 
The  suture  jomts  are  very  tight  and  only  slightly  susceptible  to  weather- 
ing.    Both  rough  and  finished  stone  is  marketed. 

Ozora  District.— Crystsdline  limestone  that  may  be  classed  as  marble 
occurs  in  eastern  Ste.  Genevieve  County.  Much  of  it  is  so  intersected  by 
cutters  that  large,  sound  blocks  are  difficult  to  obtain,  on  which  account 
some  operations  have  not  been  profitable.  The  most  successful  quarry 
is  at  Ozora.  The  beds  worked  are  in  the  Kimswick  formation,  which 
lies  geologically  at  a  higher  level  than  the  Burlington,  in  which  the  other 
marble  quarries  of  the  State  are  located.  A  very  attractive  fossiliferous 
golden-vein  marble  sold  in  rough  blocks  for  interior  work  has  won  a  good 
reputation.     The  walls  of  the  elevator  lobbies  in  the  Department  of 


Commerce  Building  in  Washington,  D.  C,  are  good  examples  of  its 
decorative  value. 

Alabama. — Building  and  monumental  marble  produced  in  Alabama 
in  1929  was  reported  as  amounting  to  52,900  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $381,- 
781,  or  about  2.4  per  cent  of  the  value  of  the  total  production  for  the 
United  States.  Production  was  considerably  higher  in  1928.  Produc- 
tion in  1930  was  99,790  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $481,186;  in  1931,  46,390 
cubic  feet  valued  at  $201,976;  and  in  1937,  57,050  cubic  feet,  valued  at 

General  Distribution. — The  most  important  marbles  of  Alabama  pass 
through  southern  Talladega  and  northern  Coosa  Counties  in  a  continuous 
belt  about  35  miles  long,  with  a  maximum  width  of  1^^  miles  near 
Sylacauga.  They  range  in  geologic  age  from  Middle  Cambrian  to  Middle 
Ordovician.  On  the  southeast  the  belt  is  bordered  by  the  Talladega 
slate  or  phyllite  and  for  most  of  its  length  on  the  northwest  by  the 
Knox  dolomite.  Prouty^^  mentions  several  occurrences  outside  this 
belt  which  have  not  been  worked  commercially. 

Characteristics  of  Marbles. — The  marble  beds  are  at  least  200  feet  thick 
in  their  best  occurrences  and  usually  dip  about  30°  southeast  toward  the 
slate.  There  is  evidence  of  intense  compression  and  folding;  in  conse- 
quence, definite  systems  of  j  oints  have  been  developed.  A  high  percentage 
of  waste  is  caused  by  the  many  irregular,  radial,  and  closely  spaced  joints. 

Alabama  marbles  are  mostly  white,  and  some  beds  provide  pure, 
flawless  material  of  statuary  grade.  They  are  a  little  finer-grained  than 
the  Vermont  and  much  finer-grained  than  most  of  the  Georgia  marbles. 
Layers  of  light  green  talc  and  schist  give  ornamental  patterns  or  clouding 
to  some  varieties.  Some  Alabama  marbles  are  translucent.  Porosity  is 
low,  averaging  according  to  United  States  Bureau  of  Standards  tests 
about  0.5  per  cent,  with  a  somewhat  lower  percentage  in  varieties  best 
adapted  for  exterior  use.  The  marble  is  notably  pure,  consisting  of  98 
to  more  than  99  per  cent  calcium  carbonate.  The  products  are  widely 
known  and  are  marketed  in  all  parts  of  the  country. 

Productive  Areas. — The  most  productive  region  is  at  Gantts  Quarry 
about  2  miles  southwest  of  Sylacauga,  Talladega  County,  where  very 
large  open-pit  and  underground  openings  have  been  made.  Diagonal 
jointing  predominates.  About  15  beds  have  been  worked,  each  4  to  11 
feet  thick.  Because  of  differences  in  color  and  texture  of  the  beds 
several  standard  types  are  produced.  The  quarry  is  well-equipped  with 
the  most  modern  machinery.  In  a  completely  furnished  mill  adjacent  to 
the  quarry  the  marble  is  manufactured  into  finished  products,  chiefly  for 
use  in  building. 

^2  Prouty,  W.  F.,  Preliminary  Report  on  the  Crystalline  and  Other  Marbles  of 
Alabama.     Geol.  Survey  of  Alabama  Bull.  18,  1916,  pp.  41-42. 

MARBLE  201 

A  second  large  quarry  is  about  three  fourths  mile  northeast.  For 
the  most  part,  joint  planes  in  this  locality  run  with  dip  and  strike,  but 
occasional  diagonal  joints  result  in  considerable  waste.  Some  beds  are 
clouded,  and  others  are  a  very  attractive  cream  white.  Quarry  blocks 
are  shipped  chiefly  to  New  York,  for  manufacture  into  finished  products. 

Another  quarry  has  been  opened  immediately  northeast  of  that 
mentioned  above.  It  is  operated  on  the  same  beds  and  produces  stone 
of  the  same  general  quaHty.  High-quality  marbles  have  been  quarried 
at  various  other  points  on  the  belt. 

Alabama  marbles  are  used  for  exterior  and  interior  building  and 
decoration  and  for  monuments.  Some  of  the  waste  is  sold  in  large 
fragments  for  use  as  riprap,  and  much  of  it  is  crushed  for  terrazzo,  furnace 
flux,  or  other  uses  or  ground  to  a  fine  powder  and  sold  as  whiting 

New  York. — Building  and  monumental  marble  produced  in  New 
York  in  1929  reached  a  volume  of  51,220  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $129,202, 
which  represents  about  0.8  per  cent  of  the  total  production  value  for  the 
United  States.  Production  in  1930  was  68,350  cubic  feet,  valued  at 
$161,214;  in  1931,  22,770  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $56,059;  and  in  1936 
9,890  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $57,774.  Circumstances  are  somewhat 
pecuhar  in  New  York,  in  that  more  marble,  in  both  quantity  and  value, 
is  sold  rough  for  riprap,  stucco,  terrazzo,  cast  stone,  and  crushed  stone 
and  as  marble  flour  than  as  dimension  stone.  Present  producing  areas 
of  block  marble  are  confined  to  Clinton,  St.  Lawrence,  and  Dutchess 

Clinton  County. — The  Chazy  limestone  near  Plattsburg  and  Bluff 
Point  is  crystalline  enough  to  take  a  good  polish.  Much  of  it  is  quite 
fossiliferous  and  furnishes  variegated  white,  gray,  and  pink  marbles  suit- 
able for  interior  use.  A  black  marble  deposit  has  been  developed  near 

St.  Lawrence  County. — A  belt  of  pre-Cambrian  marble  occurs  near 
Gouverneur.  It  is  medium-textured,  is  mottled  gray  and  white  or  solid 
blue-gray  and  takes  a  lustrous  polish.  Much  of  it  contains  6  to  7  per 
cent  magnesium  and  in  a  few  places  is  almost  pure  dolomite.  It  is  used 
for  both  building  and  monumental  work.  The  main  district  is  about  1 
mile  southeast  of  Gouverneur,  where  several  quarries  have  been  operated 
for  many  years.  Much  of  the  waste  at  dimension-stone  quarries  and  the 
entire  production  of  others  are  used  as  crushed  stone  for  ballast,  road 
construction,  stucco,  and  cast  stone. 

Dutchess  County. — The  productive  quarry  area  of  Dutchess  County  is 
about  2  miles  northeast  of  Wingdale.  At  least  two  large  openings  have 
been  made,  the  rock  dipping  about  40°  to  the  east  in  the  south  quarry  and 
50°  to  60°  west  in  the  north  quarry.  They  yield  a  uniform  white  dolomitic 
marble  of  fine,  compact  texture  that  has  been  in  wide  demand  for  archi- 


tectural  uses.  At  Wingdale  a  large,  well-equipped  marble-finishing  mill 
is  operated. 

Other  Quarry  Districts. — Marbles  have  been  produced  at  various 
other  places  in  New  Yoi*k,  among  them  the  black  marbles  of  Glens  Falls, 
the  verde  antique  of  Port  Henry,  and  the  white  marble  of  Tuckahoe. 
The  last  marble  has  been  used  quite  extensively  as  building  stone  in 
New  York  City  but  is  now  used  principally  for  chemical  purposes  and  the 
manufacture  of  cast  stone. 

Massachusetts. — The  volume  of  building  and  monumental  marble 
produced  in  Massachusetts  in  1929  was  19,720  cubic  feet,  valued  at 
197,910,  or  a  little  more  than  0.5  per  cent  of  the  total  production  value 
in  the  United  States.  Production  in  1936  was  9,110  cubic  feet  valued  at 

The  true  marble  areas  of  the  State  are  confined  to  Berkshire  County, 
where  dolomitic  marbles  predominate.  They  are  fine-  to  medium-grained 
and  of  uniform  texture  and  shade  from  white  to  gray.  Verde  antique  is 
quarried  near  Springfield,  Hampden  County. 

Marbles  of  the  Berkshire  Hills  have  been  quarried  near  Ashley  Falls, 
West  Stockbridge,  and  Lee,  but  during  recent  years  activity  has  been 
confined  to  the  last  locality.  Two  types  are  produced  at  Lee — a  clouded 
and  a  pure  white.  Tremolite  crystals  are  present  in  places  and  cause 
some  difficulty  because  they  are  harder  than  marble  and  on  exposure 
tend  to  weather  and  leave  a  pitted  surface.  The  stone  polishes  well  and 
gives  satisfactory  service  for  interior  and  exterior  construction  and  for 
monuments.     A  large  marble-finishing  mill  is  operated  near  the  quarries. 

In  several  places  on  and  near  Russel  Mountain  about  4  miles  from 
Westfield,  Hampden  County,  very  attractive  verde  antique  has  been 
quarried.  Two  types  of  material  occur — a  50-foot  dike  of  serpentine, 
which  is  regarded  as  an  alteration  product  of  basic  igneous  rock,  and  a 
75-foot  bed  of  dolomitic  marble  impregnated  with  serpentine.  Massive 
rock  from  the  dike  is  of  a  rich  dark  green,  variegated  by  bright  green 
spots.     A  small  finishing  mill  has  been  operated  intermittently, 

California. — In  1929  California  produced  14,260  cubic  feet  of  block 
marble  valued  at  $71,259,  or  less  than  0.5  per  cent  of  the  total  production 
value  for  the  country.  In  1930,  15,740  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $50,640; 
in  1931,  15,390  cubic  feet,  valued  at  $46,399;  and  in  1932,  10,910  cubic 
feet,  valued  at  $35,905,  were  reported.  California  marble  is  used  almost 
entirely  for  interior  decoration.  Numerous  deposits  have  been  noted  in 
at  least  28  counties,  but  most  of  them  are  small  or  inaccessible,  and  in 
many  places  the  rock  is  too  shattered  to  permit  quarrying  large,  sound 

A  fine-grained,  hard,  dolomitic  marble  is  quarried  near  Lone  Pine, 
Inyo  County.  The  deposit  is  notable  for  its  varied  colors — yellow, 
black,  and  white,  as  well  as  white  mottled  with  yellow,  gray,  and  black. 

MARBLE  203 

Pink,  yellow,  and  gray  varieties  occur  at  Columbia,  Tuolumne  County, 
The  belt  is  150  feet  wide,  and  sound  blocks  of  large  size  are  easily  obtain- 
able. The  numerous  limestone  deposits  of  San  Bernardino  County  are 
nearly  all  crystalline  enough  to  be  classed  as  marble,  but  little  recent 
production  has  been  noted.  A  quarry  near  Volcano,  Amador  County, 
has  been  operated  intermittently  for  many  years  for  building  and  monu- 
mental marble. 

Onyx  marbles  have  been  reported  from  several  localities  in  Cali- 
fornia, but  production  has  been  small.  A  veinlike  deposit  at  Suisun, 
Solano  County,  has  been  designated  as  onyx  or  travertine.  The  onyx 
deposits  of  California  have  been  described  by  Aubury.^^ 

Other  Marble -producing  States. — About  98  per  cent  of  the  total 
block  marble  produced  in  the  country  is  obtained  from  the  eight  States 
already  considered.  The  remaining  2  per  cent  originates  in  numerous 
centers  that  are  small  factors  in  present  production,  but  some  are  interest- 
ing and  promise  much  wider  development  in  the  future.  They  are 
described  briefly  by  States  or  Territories  in  alphabetical  order. 

Alaska. — Numerous  marble  deposits  in  southeastern  Alaska  have  been 
described  by  Burchard.^^  While  several  companies  have  operated  in 
various  places  production  has  been  confined  chiefly  to  Tokeen  on  Marble 
Island  and  Calder  on  Prince  of  Wales  Island.  The  Calder  quarry  is  on  a 
bluff  about  100  feet  above  sea  level.  Metamorphism  of  the  original 
limestone  probably  was  caused  by  an  intrusive  granite  which  lies  north- 
east of  the  marble.  The  belt  is  approximately  3,000  feet  wide  and  at 
least  200  feet  deep.  Three  types  of  marble  are  quarried — a  pure  white, 
which  is  the  most  valuable,  a  blue-veined  white,  and  a  light  blue  or 
mottled  variety.  The  white  marble  is  very  pure,  as  analyses  show  more 
than  99  per  cent  calcium  carbonate.  Blocks  are  conveyed  over  an 
inclined  railway  to  a  wharf  on  deep  water  at  Marble  Cove. 

At  Tokeen  a  deposit  about  2,500  feet  wide  and  not  far  above  water 
level  includes  white,  blue-black,  and  various  shades  of  gray  marbles. 
They  are  medium-  to  fine-grained,  take  a  good  polish,  and  resemble  some 
Italian  varieties.  Matched  slabs  having  dark  veins  on  a  white  back- 
ground are  much  in  demand  for  interior  decoration.  A  high  percentage 
of  waste  is  occasioned  by  close  and  irregular  joints. 

All  Alaska  marbles  are  shipped  by  freight  steamers  to  finishing  mills 
on  the  Pacific  coast,  the  largest  being  at  Tacoma,  Wash.  To  save  freight 
only  perfect  blocks  are  shipped.  Finished  products  are  marketed  chiefly 
throughout  the  Pacific  Coast  States. 

''  Aubury,  Lewis  E.,  The  Structural  and  Industrial  Materials  of  California. 
California  State  Min.  Bur.  Bull.  38,  1906,  pp.  111-114. 

3*  Burchard,  E.  F.,  Marble  Resources  of  Southeastern  Alaska.  U.  S.  Geol. 
Survey  Bull.  682,  1920,  p.  118. 


Arizona. — Onyx  marbles  are  the  only  types  produced  in  Arizona. 
The  most  extensively  developed  deposit  consisting  of  bedded  calcite  and 
aragonite  beautifully  colored  by  iron  oxides  is  at  Mayer,  Yavapai 
County,  15  miles  southeast  of  Prescott.  Highly  ornamental  products 
are  obtainable  from  blocks  having  combined  shades  of  white,  green,  and 
red.  The  deposit  ranges  in  thickness  from  a  few  inches  to  25  feet  and 
covers  an  area  of  about  1  square  mile.  A  finishing  plant  is  at  Dyersville, 

A  second  deposit  is  on  Camp  Creek  west  of  Cave  Creek,  Maricopa 
County,  about  52  miles  north  of  Phoenix.  It  consists  of  boulders  of 
calcite  and  aragonite  in  soft  travertine.  After  conveyance  to  a  mill  at 
Phoenix  the  boulders  are  cemented  together  in  a  solid  mass  with  plaster 
of  paris  and  sawed  into  slabs  and  blocks  for  polishing. 

Arkansas. — The  best-known  marbles  of  Arkansas  occur  northeast  of 
Batesville,  Independence  County.  The  rock  is  classed  by  geologists  as 
limestone,  but  it  is  recrystallized  enough  to  take  a  good  polish  and  is 
therefore  classed  commercially  as  marble.  It  consists  of  almost  pure 
calcium  carbonate  occurring  in  the  Boone  chert  series  of  lower  Carbonifer- 
ous Age.  The  rock  is  gray,  of  oolitic  texture,  and  although  more  crystal- 
line, resembles  Bedford  limestone.  It  occurs  in  beds  3  to  5  feet  thick 
and  being  comparatively  free  from  flaws  or  seams  may  be  obtained  in 
large,  sound  blocks  suitable  for  exterior  building.  It  has  been  used  to  a 
limited  extent  as  monumental  stone. 

Black  marbles  of  very  good  quality,  occurring  in  the  Fayetteville  and 
Pitkin  formations  of  Mississippian  age,  outcrop  on  the  north  slope  of  the 
Boston  Mountain  escarpment.  Several  quarries  have  been  opened  near 
Marshall  and  at  other  points  west  of  Batesville,  and  the  product  is 
marketed  as  "Arkansas  Black." 

In  1929  a  deposit  in  the  Kims  wick  and  Ferndale  formations  of  Ordo- 
vician  age  was  developed  near  Guion,  Izard  County,  about  20  miles  north- 
west of  Batesville.  The  marble  is  coarsely  crystallized  and  of  a  prevailing 
light  gray;  it  occurs  in  approximately  horizontal  beds.  Fair  success  has 
been  attained  in  quarrying  it  with  a  wire  saw. 

A  small  amount  of  marble  is  produced  at  times  near  Cartney,  Baxter 

Colorado. — Marble  has  been  quarried  quite  extensively  on  Yule 
Creek  near  Marble  in  northern  Gunnison  County,  at  a  point  about 
10,000  feet  above  sea  level  and  about  2,000  feet  higher  than  the  Crystal 
River  Railroad.  It  occurs  in  massive  beds  at  least  100  feet  thick,  with 
widely  spaced  joints  which  permit  very  large,  sound  blocks  to  be  quarried. 
Pure  white  marbles  almost  of  statuary  grade  are  obtainable,  as  well  as 
faintly  clouded  and  golden-vein  types  that  afford  very  attractive  archi- 
tectural effects.  A  large,  well-equipped  mill  is  operated  at  Marble. 
The  industry  is  handicapped  somewhat  by  difficult,  costly  transportation. 

MARBLE  205 

The  Lincoln  Memorial  in  Washington,  D.  C,  is  built  mainly  of  marble 
from  this  quarry.  The  superstructure  of  the  Tomb  of  the  Unknown 
Soldier  at  Arlington  also  is  of  Colorado  marble. 

Maryland. — Although  marbles  occur  in  many  localities  in  Maryland 
they  have  been  actively  quarried  in  only  two  districts  during  recent  years. 
White  marbles  are  quarried  at  Cockeysville,  Baltimore  County,  and 
verde  antique  at  Cardiff,  Harford  County.  Years  ago  a  highly  orna- 
mental conglomerate  known  as  "Potomac  marble"  was  quarried  near 
Point  of  Rocks,  Frederick  County,  but  there  has  been  no  recent 

The  Cockeysville  deposit  about  15  miles  north  of  Baltimore  is  of 
Ordovician  age  and  consists  of  fine-grained,  white,  dolomitic  marble  of 
uniform  texture.  Pyrite  crystals  are  quite  common,  but  they  are  unu- 
sually stable,  as  evidenced  by  marble  structures  containing  pyrite  being 
exposed  to  the  weather  for  over  100  years  with  no  evidence  of  staining. 
Polished  Cockeysville  marble  is  of  a  dazzling  whiteness  quite  noticeable 
in  structures  in  many  parts  of  Baltimore.  Many  monolithic  columns 
have  been  manufactured  for  large  buildings.  The  cheaper  grades  of  this 
marble  have  been  sold  extensively  for  residential  door  steps,  a  characteris- 
tic feature  of  many  houses  in  Baltimore.  The  stone  has  a  good  reputation 
and  has  been  widely  used  for  many  years.  A  well-equipped  finishing 
mill  is  operated  in  connection  with  the  quarry. 

A  large  serpentine  area  extends  from  the  Susquehanna  River  near  the 
Maryland-Pennsylvania  boundary  southwestward  through  Harford 
County  into  Baltimore  County.  Quarries  have  been  worked  in  various 
places,  but  present  production  is  confined  to  one  large  quarry  at  Cardiff. 
The  rock  is  a  very  attractive,  dark  green,  veined  serpentine — a  typical 
verde  antique.  Formerly  the  chief  products  were  granules,  terrazzo, 
stucco,  and  sand ;  and  while  these  are  still  important,  the  principal  output 
since  1920  is  block  marble,  which  is  in  demand  by  architects  and 
builders.  During  recent  years  the  operation  has  become  increasingly 
extensive.  The  directions  of  the  quarry  walls  have  been  altered  in  the 
lower  part  of  the  quarry  to  conform  to  the  major  joints,  and  waste  has 
been  reduced  thereby.  On  account  of  a  heavy  overburden  of  defective 
rock  underground  drifting  methods  are  pursued.  Unsound  blocks  are 
manufactured  into  floor  tile  and  baseboard  in  a  mill  at  the  quarry,  and 
large,  sound  blocks  are  shipped  to  New  York  and  other  cities. 

Michigan. — An  attractive  verde  antique  was  quarried  some  years 
ago  in  a  small  way  in  Marquette  County. 

Montana. — Marble  for  interior  building  purposes,  described  as  jet- 
black  with  a  delicate  gold  vein,  has  been  quarried  near  Townsend,  Broad- 
water County.  It  is  shipped  in  rough  blocks.  A  vein  of  onyx 
marble  65  feet  wide  in  Gallatin  County,  about  5  miles  north  of  Manhat- 
tan, has  been  worked  in  a  small  way  since  1930.     A  silicified,  banded, 


ornamental  rock  known  as  "Montana  onyx"  occurs  near  Virginia  City, 
Madison  County. 

New  Jersey. — A  light  green  verde  antique  of  attractive  veining  has 
been  quarried  about  2  miles  from  Phillipsburg,  Warren  County. 
Although  the  chief  product  is  terrazzo,  wider  use  of  the  stone  in  block 
form  is  in  prospect. 

North  Carolina. — Commercial  marble  developments  of  North  Carolina 
have  been  confined  almost  entirely  to  Cherokee  County.  The  marble 
bed,  extending  across  the  county  in  a  belt  1,000  feet  to  about  a  half  mile 
wide,  is  a  northward  extension  of  the  beds  of  Fannin  County,  Ga.  It 
strikes  northeast  and  dips  about  50°  southeast.  The  largest  early  opera- 
tions were  near  Murphy  and  Regal,  but  recent  production  has  been  from 
a  quarry  near  Marble.  Two  types  of  marble  are  obtained — a  dark  bluish 
gray,  some  of  which  is  streaked  and  mottled  with  white,  and  a  more  or  less 
uniform  white  stone.  Close,  irregular  jointing  at  various  intersecting 
angles  has  discouraged  quarrying  in  this  region,  but  the  joints  are  more 
regular  and  more  widely  spaced  near  Marble  than  in  other  parts  of  the 
belt.     A  large  marble-finishing  plant  has  recently  been  built. 

Pennsylvania. — A  deposit  of  white  marble  in  York  County  has 
been  worked  to  a  limited  extent  for  local  use.  White  marble  was  also 
quarried  quite  extensively  in  past  years  at  King  of  Prussia,  Montgomery 
County.  Yellowish  green  serpentine  from  Chester  County  has  been 
used  for  facing  buildings,  chiefly  in  and  about  Philadelphia  and  also  in 
Washington,  D.  C.  This  stone  weathers  too  rapidly  for  satisfactory 
exterior  use  and  therefore  has  not  been  quarried  for  many  years. 

Puerto  Rico. — A  large,  undeveloped  deposit  of  gray  marble  with 
attractive  dendritic  markings  consisting  chiefly  of  manganese  oxide  occurs 
at  the  surface  in  the  southern  part  of  Puerto  Rico.  It  takes  a  good 
polish  and  is  available  in  large  blocks. 

Texas. — There  is  a  deposit  of  attractive  black  marble  near  Marfa, 
Brewster  County,  which  was  developed  to  some  extent  in  1929. 

Utah. — An  interior  building  marble  is  produced  in  small  quantity  at 
Thistle,  Utah  County.  On  account  of  its  unusual  markings  one 
variety  is  called  "birdseye." 

Virginia. — A  black  marble  of  good  quality  is  quarried  near  Harrison- 
burg, Rockingham  County.  During  recent  years  it  has  been  used  prin- 
cipally for  terrazzo,  but  a  mill  for  producing  slabs  was  erected  in  1933. 

Washington. — Multicolored  marble  chips  for  terrazzo  floors  are  pro- 
duced in  Stevens  County. 


Prospecting. — Marble  is  a  recrystallized — that  is,  a  metamorphosed — 
limestone.  Metamorphism  that  converts  limestone  into  marble  is  usu- 
ally brought  about  by  intense  pressure  and  folding.     Thus,  the  direction 

MARBLE  207 

and  thickness  of  any  bed  may  change  abruptly,  either  laterally  or  verti- 
cally. On  this  account,  marble  beds  are  more  uncertain  in  position  and 
extent  than  flat-lying  sandstones  or  limestones,  and  careful  prospecting 
is  essential  to  successful  marble  quarrying.  It  is  extremely  unwise  to 
proceed  with  development  work  or  with  the  extension  of  openings  without 
reasonable  assurance  that  an  available  mass  of  sound,  attractive  marble  is 
sufficiently  uniform  in  quality  and  abundant  in  supply  for  profitable 

Most  marble  beds  outcrop  in  long,  narrow  bands  which  may  extend 
many  miles  and  represent  truncated  edges  of  folds  in  the  rock;  they  may 
be  curved  or  straight,  depending  upon  the  topography  and  the  nature 
of  the  fold.  A  geologist  may,  by  careful  study  of  outcrops  exposed  here 
and  there,  obtain  a  knowledge  of  the  chief  structural  features  and  thus 
determine  the  position,  thickness,  and  attitude  of  beds  with  fair  accuracy. 
Geologic  maps  of  marble  belts,  if  carefully  made,  have  inestimable  value 
to  a  prospector,  for  by  consulting  them  he  may  determine  the  position 
of  marble  belts  beneath  the  surface  and  know  something  of  their  extent 
and  attitude. 

Knowledge  of  exposed  beds  and  their  continuation  beneath  the  sur- 
face is,  however,  insufficient.  The  nature  and  quality  of  the  rock  and 
extent  of  reserves  can  be  determined  definitely  only  by  drilling.  So  much 
depends  upon  color,  texture,  uniformity,  and  general  appearance  that 
core  drilling  is  necessary,  for  only  by  such  means  can  solid  samples  be 
obtained  at  depth.  As  a  rule,  marble  can  be  worked  profitably  only  on  a 
large  scale,  and  a  considerable  outlay  to  determine  whether  conditions 
are  favorable  is  regarded  as  a  justifiable  expense.  Therefore,  the  larger 
marble  companies  do  very  extensive  core  drilling.  The  general  prin- 
ciples of  core  drilling  have  been  described  in  chapter  IV,  and  the  subject 
is  presented  at  this  time  merely  to  emphasize  its  importance  in  view  of 
the  uncertain  and  variable  character  of  most  marble  deposits. 

Economic  Conditions. — The  success  of  a  marble  enterprise  depends 
upon  several  important  considerations  quite  distinct  from  the  quality 
and  extent  of  a  deposit.  A  wise  prospective  marble  producer  gives 
careful  consideration  to  market  demands,  prices,  transportation  facilities, 
competitive  conditions,  availability  of  labor,  wage  scale,  and  other  eco- 
nomic questions  for  which  a  reasonably  satisfactory  answer  should  be 
obtained  before  large  expenditures  are  made.  Many  enterprises  have 
failed  because  these  matters  have  not  been  fully  studied. 

Quarry  Plan. — The  chief  factors  which  influence  the  plan  of  quarry 
operation  are  dip  of  the  beds,  depth  of  overburden,  and  uniformity  of  the 
product  in  the  beds;  these  factors  are  intimately  related.  If  desirable 
beds  are  thin  and  dip  at  steep  angles,  shallow  quarries  are  worked  along 
the  outcrop,  or  underground  mining  is  employed.  However,  thick  beds 
dipping  at  steep  angles  may  be  worked  in  deep  open  pits,  as  at  Knoxville, 



Tenn.     If  the  strata  are  flat  and  the  desirable  bed  is  near  the  surface,  a 
wide,  shallow  quarry  results. 

As  regards  flat-lying  uniform  beds  of  great  thickness,  a  heavy  over- 
burden tends  to  promote  deep  quarrying,  whereas  a  light  overburden 
will  encourage  the  development  of  wider,  shallower  pits.  If  beds  are 
vertical  or  steeply  inclined  a  heavy  overburden  makes  deep  quarrying  or 
tunneling  almost  obligatory,  whereas  if  only  light  stripping  is  necessary 
greater  lateral  development  is  possible  in  the  direction  of  the  strike. 

Fig.  33. — Method  of  channeling  marble  in  Georgia.      {Courteny  of  Georgia  Marble  Company.) 

Quarry  plans  may  be  influenced  greatly  by  the  quality  of  the  deposit. 
For  example,  if  the  marble  commands  a  high  price,  removal  of  a  heavy 
overburden  over  an  extended  area  may  be  fully  justified,  or  underground 
methods  might  be  employed.  For  a  low-priced  marble  neither  plan 
might  be  economically  possible. 

Channeling. — After  a  rock  surface  is  cleared  of  all  loose  material  by 
any  of  the  stripping  methods  described  in  chapter  IV  the  next  step  is  to 
make  primary  cuts  by  means  of  which  blocks  are  separated  from  solid 
beds.  As  the  integrity  of  blocks  must  be  preserved  explosives  are  used 
sparingly.  If  the  upper  level  of  the  rock  is  inferior  through  ages  of 
weathering  its  removal  as  waste  may  be  expedited  by  careful  use  of 
explosives;  but  where  sound  and  serviceable  rock  is  worked,  very  little, 
if  any,  explosive  is  employed. 

MARBLE  209 

Primary  cuts  are  made  almost  universally  with  channeling  machines, 
the  general  principles  of  which  have  been  describe^  in  the  chapter  on 
limestone.  Both  steam  and  compressed-air  machines  are  used  in  marble 
quarrying.     The  channeling  process  is  illustrated  in  figure  33. 

Sullivan,  Ingersoll-Rand,  Wardwell,  Tysaman,  and  several  other  types 
of  channeling  machines  are  used,  and  each  has  its  advocates.  A  favorite 
machine  is  the  double-swivel  channeler,  which  can  be  used  for  straight 
vertical  cuts,  for  undercutting,  or  for  cutting  out  corners.  A  few  quarries 
in  which  operations  are  scattered  over  a  wide  area,  and  in  which  elec- 
tricity is  not  used,  employ  machines  with  portable  boilers  attached. 
The  "duplex"  channeler  consists  of  two  machines  on  a  single  truck  work- 
ing in  the  same  channel. 

The  electric-air  channeler  is  self-contained,  as  all  the  mechanism  is 
on  the  channeler  truck.  The  air,  compressed  by  a  motor-driven  "pul- 
sator,"  is  never  exhausted  into  the  open  but  simply  driven  back  and 
forth  under  pressure  in  a  closed  circuit.  The  machine  may  be  used  for 
vertical,  inclined,  or  horizontal  channeling. 

The  chief  factors  to  be  considered  in  channeling  are  dip  of  the  beds, 
soundness,  and  rift  of  the  deposit.  Where  the  rock  is  uniform,  with  no 
open  bedding  planes  and  no  decided  rift,  channeling  may  be  conducted 
on  a  level  floor,  a  most  desirable  condition.  However,  if  the  beds  are 
inclined  it  may  be  necessary  to  quarry  each  bed  separately  to  maintain 
uniformity.  The  removal  of  right-angled  blocks  from  successive  dipping 
beds  results  in  an  uneven  or  saw  tooth  floor,  which  necessitates  con- 
struction of  an  elevated  track  for  the  channeling  machine.  An  improved 
method  of  quarrying  on  dipping  beds  is  to  place  the  channeling-machine 
track  on  the  inclined  rock  surface  in  the  direction  of  the  dip.  A  balance 
weight  overcomes  the  force  of  gravity  which  tends  to  pull  the  machine 

The  tendency  of  joints  to  occur  in  parallel  systems  has  been  pointed 
out.  The  importance  of  recognizing  such  systems  and  quarrying  in 
accordance  with  them  can  scarcely  be  overestimated.  A  practical 
quarryman  realizes  that  the  prime  object  in  marble  quarrying  is  not  to 
establish  high  records  in  rate  of  channeling  or  in  gross  production  per  man 
per  month,  irrespective  of  form  or  quality  of  the  product,  but  rather  to 
produce  sound  blocks  of  uniform  quality.  Cuts  are,  therefore,  usually 
made  perpendicular  to  or  more  rarely  parallel  to  joints,  and  spaced  to 
reduce  to  a  minimum  the  number  of  joints  in  blocks.  In  many  deposits 
one  system  is  prominent,  and  cross  joints  are  few.  Under  such  con- 
ditions it  is  wise  to  channel  in  one  direction  only — at  right  angles  to  the 
chief  system.  Advantage  may  thus  be  taken  of  joints  in  making  cross 
breaks.  If  joint  systems  permit,  cuts  are  made  at  right  angles  to  the 
direction  of  rift  to  take  advantage  gf  the  direction  of  easy  splitting  in 
making  cross  breaks  by  drilling  and  wedging. 


The  rate  of  channeling  varies  greatly,  depending  on  the  hardness  of 
the  marble  and  convenience  of  operation.  Where  the  machine  works  on 
an  elevated  track  the  daily  average  is  low  because  so  much  time  is  lost 
in  moving  tracks.  Recorded  average  rates  range  from  25  to  80  square 
feet  a  day  for  one  machine. 

Use  of  Wire  Saws  in  Marble  Quarries. — The  construction  and 
operation  of  wire  saws  are  described  in  detail  in  a  later  chapter  on  slate. 
This  method  of  cutting  rather  than  channeling  is  followed  in  many 
European  marble  quarries  but  has  been  used  to  a  very  limited  extent  in 
cutting  American  marbles.  Wire  saws  were  employed  about  1914,  with 
favorable  results,  in  a  large  quarry  at  Marble,  Colo.,  and  WeigeF^  has 
described  their  successful  use  in  an  Arkansas  quarry  during  1929. 
Companies  in  Vermont  and  Tennessee  have  tried  them,  with  rather 
discouraging  consequences.  They  are,  however,  used  in  trimming  blocks 
in  quarry  yards  as  described  later.  There  seems  to  be  no  valid  reason  why 
this  equipment  should  not  prove  as  successful  in  quarries  as  in  yards,  or 
should  be  less  advantageous  in  American  quarries  than  in  those  of  Europe. 
No  doubt  problems  that  now  confront  American  operators  will  be  solved 
and  wire  saws  will  in  time  be  recognized  as  standard  equipment  in 
quarrying  marble  as  they  are  already  recognized  in  the  quarrying  of  slate. 

Drilling. — A  certain  amount  of  channeling  is  regarded  as  necessary  in 
most  marble  quarries.  However,  rock  masses  are  separated  by  drilling 
and  wedging  wherever  possible  because  they  are  ordinarily  much  less 
expensive  than  channeling.  Drilling  and  wedging  are  almost  invariably 
used  for  floor  cuts. 

The  tripod,  bar  drill  or  quarry  bar,  gadder,  and  hammer  drill  are  the 
chief  types  of  drills  employed.  As  the  name  implies,  a  tripod  is  a  drill 
mounted  on  three  iron  legs.  Its  use  is  confined  almost  entirely  to  vertical 
holes,  and  it  must  be  moved  to  a  new  position  for  each  hole.  The 
quarry  bar  has  been  described  in  the  chapter  on  granite.  It  is  used 
chiefly  for  vertical  drilling,  but  a  bar  of  adjustable  height  may  also  be 
used  for  projecting  holes  in  horizontal  rows  in  a  bench  face.  A  gadder 
is  a  bar  held  in  vertical  or  inclined  position,  to  which  a  drill  is  attached 
for  making  horizontal  holes  in  the  face,  either  in  vertical  or  inclined 
rows.  Two  gadders  are  shown  at  the  right  in  figure  36,  page  215.  The 
hammer  drill,  which  has  been  described,  has  replaced  to  a  great  extent 
heavier  types  of  drills  in  many  marble  quarries. 

Drilling  usually  follows  the  direction  of  the  rift  or  grain  of  the  marble, 
thus  taking  advantage  of  the  ease  of  splitting.  The  spacing  of  holes 
ranges  from  4  inches  to  2  feet,  depending  on  the  rift.  Drill  holes  should 
be  as  small  as  possible  without  detracting  from  wedging  efficiency; 
most  hammer-drill  holes  are  1}^  to  1^^  inches  in  diameter  at  the  top. 

^^See  bibliography  at  the  end  of  this  chapter. 

MARBLE  211 

If  the  rock  is  uniform  and  sound,  lines  of  drill  holes  may  be  spaced 
regularly  to  give  uniform,  rectangular  blocks.  If  unsound  or  lacking 
in  uniformity  of  color  or  texture,  adjustment  of  the  spacing  or 
direction  of  the  lines  of  holes  may  be  necessary  to  avoid  waste  and  to 
grade  the  product  properly.  Making  alternate  holes  shallow  and 
intervening  holes  the  full  depth  of  the  break  desired  is  common  practice. 
The  depth  of  each  hole  is  marked  on  the  surface  of  the  rock  to  guide 
workers  in  selecting  wedges. 

Wedging. — Wherever  possible  blocks  should  be  separated  by  wedging, 
particularly  where  breaks  are  made  to  parallel  the  rift.  To  obtain  a 
straight,  uniform  fracture  proper  wedges  should  be  used,  and  they  should 
be  carefully  driven .  * '  Plug-and-f eather ' '  wedges,  as  previously  described 
are  universally  employed. 

A  type  of  wedge  that  has  proved  highly  successful  is  one  of  which  the 
feathers  are  3  feet  long  and  the  plug  3  feet  9  inches;  the  additional  9 
inches  is  required  for  driving.  The  feathers  are  curved  on  one  surface  to 
fit  the  drill  hole ;  the  flat  surface  is  perfectly  straight  and  gives  a  uniform 
taper  from  one  end  to  the  other.  The  important  feature  is  that,  with 
the  wedge  in  any  position,  the  total  diameter  of  feathers  and  wedge  is 
the  same  at  all  points.  Consequently,  when  the  plug  and  feathers  are 
inserted  into  the  drill  hole  the  inner  side  of  each  feather  is  in  contact  with 
the  plug  and  the  outer  side  with  the  wall  of  the  drill  hole  throughout  its 
entire  length.  Therefore,  when  the  plug  is  driven  the  feathers  are  forced 
apart  a  uniform  distance  at  every  point.  As  a  result  the  pressure 
exerted  is  distributed  uniformly  over  their  full  length.  Straight,  even 
fractures  are  thus  obtained  with  much  lighter  sledging  than  by  any 
other  method  yet  devised.  In  driving  wedges  it  is  important  that  the 
strain  on  all  of  them  should  be  equal.  A  more  uniform  break  will  result 
by  giving  the  rock  sufficient  time  to  fracture  gradually,  therefore  wedging 
should  never  be  unduly  hastened,  especially  in  marble  that  has  no  rift. 

A  pronounced  rift  is  exceptionally  advantageous  in  wedging,  for  it 
may  allow  comparatively  wide  spacing  of  holes  and  permit  extending 
floor  breaks  to  double  the  width  of  the  ordinary  marble  block.  Thus, 
a  great  saving  is  accomplished,  for  channel  cuts  may  be  made  at  intervals 
of  10  or  12  rather  than  5  or  6  feet,  and  intermediate  breaks  may  be  made 
by  drilling  and  wedging,  which  is  a  less  costly  method  than  channeling. 

Usually  rift  parallels  bedding;  therefore,  if  the  bedding  dips  at  a 
steep  angle,  the  rift  may  be  inclined  in  like  manner.  If  the  rift  is  inclined 
and  the  quarry  floor  level,  the  direction  in  which  drill  holes  are  projected 
for  floor  breaks  is  exceedingly  important.  In  a  Colorado  quarry  where 
the  floor  is  level  and  rift  steeply  inclined,  channel  cuts  are  made  parallel 
to  the  strike  of  the  rock.  The  influence  of  rift  on  the  process  of  wedging 
under  such  conditions  is  shown  in  figure  34.  When  the  row  of  key  blocks 
has  been  removed  and  holes  are  drilled  in  the  direction  shown  by  arrow  a 



in  the  figure,  the  break  made  by  wedging  tends  to  leave  the  plane  of  the 
drill  holes  and  slant  upward  on  the  rift,  thus  removing  a  corner  of  the 
block,  as  at  x.  When  holes  are  drilled  in  the  opposite  direction,  shown 
by  the  arrow  6,  if  the  channel  cut  is  not  continued  lower  than  the  plane 
of  the  drill  holes,  the  break  will  be  straight,  as  it  will  not  run  down  below 
the  bottom  of  the  channel  cut.  It  is  apparent  that,  to  avoid  waste  by 
broken  corners  and  to  reduce  expense  in  drilling,  the  row  of  key  block,s 
should  be  taken  out  as  near  as  possible  to  the  left  side  of  the  quarry,  as 
shown  in  the  figure,  so  that  most  of  the  drilling  may  be  done  in  direction  b. 
Loosening  Key  Blocks. — In  opening  up  a  new  floor  the  first  blocks 
to  be  removed  are  known  as  "key  blocks."  Their  removal  is  difficult 
because  no  face  is  available  from  which  to  work.     If  a  band  or  mass  of 

Fig.  34. — Diagram  showing  influence  of  rift  on  bottom  breaks. 

inferior  rock  traverses  a  quarry,  key  blocks  may  be  located  therein  and 
removed  readily  by  blasting  into  fragments  but  if  key  blocks  consist  of 
good  marble  they  are  usually  preserved.  After  channels  are  cut  on  four 
sides  the  most  difficult  step  is  to  make  a  floor  break  for  the  first  block.  A 
common  method  is  to  insert  a  slanting  iron  plate  in  the  bottom  of  the 
channel  cut  and  place  the  point  of  a  wedge  between  it  and  the  key  block. 
When  the  wedge  is  driven  the  entire  strain  is  exerted  at  the  bottom  of  the 
block.  A  series  of  such  wedges  may  be  placed  close  together  and  sledged 
in  succession.  A  horizontal  rift  greatly  assists  the  process.  After  the 
first  block  has  been  removed,  horizontal  bottom  holes  may  be  drilled  and 
the  next  block  broken  free  by  wedging. 

Hoisting  Out  Key  Blocks. — Any  one  of  three  methods  may  be  used 
for  hoisting  out  the  first  key  block.  The  first  is  by  use  of  the  Lewis  pin, 
which  is  adapted  only  to  strong  rock.  A  hole  several  inches  deep  is 
drilled  at  the  center  of  the  upper  surface,  and  a  bar  with  an  eye  in  the  top 
is  placed  in  the  hole  with  a  wedge  at  each  side  of  it.  The  bar  is  thicker 
at  the  bottom  than  at  the  top,  so  that  when  pulled  upward  it  tends  to 
tighten  on  the  wedges,  and  the  block  may  be  lifted  out  with  a  derrick 
hoist.  A  second  method,  which  may  also  be  employed  in  strong  rock  is 
the  use  of  grab  hooks.  Small  pieces  may  have  to  be  broken  from  the 
corners  of  adjoining  blocks  to  make  room  for  the  hooks.     If  beds  are  weak 



a  third  method  is  employed.     Chain  loops  or  cables  are  thrown  over  the 
block  from  opposite  sides  and  drawn  tight. 

Subsequent  Floor  Breaks. — Removal  of  a  row  of  key  blocks  provides 
a  working  face  from  which  floor  and  vertical  breaks  may  be  made  for 
subsequent  removal  of  blocks.  Floor  breaks  are  usually  made  by  drilling 
and  wedging,  though  horizontal  channel  cuts  may  be  made  under  certain 
conditions — for  example,  in  driving  tunnel  headings.  Where  quarrying 
is  conducted  on  a  steeply  slanting  floor  the  wedging  method  would  incur 
the  danger  of  blocks  sliding  down  upon  the  men  the  moment  they  were 
broken  loose.  To  overcome  this  a  single  hole  is  drilled  at  the  center 
of  the  floor  line,  and  a  light  powder  charge  is  exploded  in  it.  The  charge 
is  so  small  that  it  makes  the  floor  break  without  otherwise  shattering 
the  block. 

Roof  Line  Drill  Ho/es-y  >  /  /  /  '  /  /  / 
Tunnel  Channel  Cuh_ 

.Channel  Cuh 


Floor  Line 
Drill  Holes- 
'  /  /  A 


///  / 


/// //  // / / / ' /  /  / /  /  /// 

'     /    e  '  /  /  / 



^     /// 

Fig.  35. — Diagram  illustrating  method  of  driving  a  tunnel  in  marble. 

Underground  Operations. — To  follow  steeply  inclined  beds  without 
the  heavy  expense  of  excessive  stripping  may  demand  underground 
mining.  Extracting  marble  blocks  from  drifts  and  tunnels  is  not  uncom- 
mon; very  extensive  underground  operations  are  conducted,  particularly 
in  Vermont.  In  underground  work  the  most  difficult  step  is  to  drive 
the  preliminary  opening  at  the  roof.  If  the  drift  cuts  across  the  beds 
open  joints  or  seams  are  rarely  available,  and  the  heading  must  be  driven 
in  the  solid  rock  without  any  assistance  from  rock  structures.  A  com- 
mon method  of  advancing  a  tunnel  or  drift  is  shown  in  figure  35.  First 
a  channel  cut  about  7  feet  deep  is  made,  beginning  about  3  feet  above  the 
floor  and  slanting  downward  to  meet  the  floor  line.  A  row  of  horizontal 
holes  is  then  drilled  at  the  floor  and  another  at  the  roof,  the  heading  being 

6  or  7  feet  high.     Horizontal  holes  are  also  drilled  in  vertical  rows  about 

7  feet  apart.  The  lower  wedge-shaped  mass  of  rock  x  in  the  figure  is  dis- 
lodged by  blasting  in  the  drill  holes  below  the  channel  cut.  Light  charges 
of  black  blasting  powder  are  used  so  that  the  marble  beneath  is  not 
shattered.  The  upper  overhanging  ledge  y  is  then  broken  down  by  dis- 
charging blasts  in  the  holes  above  the  channel  cut.  Broken  rock  is 
removed  and  the  process  repeated.     If  the  heading  is  driven  parallel 


with  the  bedding  an  open  seam  may  be  utiHzed  for  roof  or  floor.  A  bed 
of  soft  schist  or  talc  sometimes  serves  as  a  cushion  to  preserve  underlying 
rock  from  the  effects  of  blasting. 

If  a  tunnel  is  driven  in  beds  of  high-grade  marble  the  process  may  be 
modified  to  preserve  the  blocks.  To  provide  space  for  removal  of  key 
blocks  channel  cuts  must  be  made.  Horizontal  floor  cuts  may  be  made 
with  a  channeling  machine,  a  slow  process.  Vertical  cuts  may  be  made 
with  a  reciprocating  drill  mounted  on  a  rotating  head.  While  operating 
it  is  rotated  back  and  forth  through  a  vertical  arc,  and  thus  it  cuts  a 
channel  in  much  the  same  way  as  the  circle-cutting  drill  described  in  the 
chapter  on  sandstone. 

When  a  preliminary  heading  of  sufficient  width  and  length  is  obtained 
channeling  machines  or  drills  may  be  set  up  on  the  floor,  and  operation 
proceeds  like  that  in  an  open  quarry.  As  underground  workings  are 
enlarged  pillars  of  marble  15  to  20  feet  square  are  left  for  support  at 
50-  to  80-foot  intervals,  depending  upon  the  strength  and  stability  of 
the  roof. 

In  underground  work  certain  complications  are  encountered  which 
do  not  concern  open-pit  quarrymen.  Artificial  lighting  and  ventilation 
must  be  provided,  and  lateral  haulage  to  open  shafts  becomes  increasingly 
difficult.  In  some  extensive  workings  in  Vermont  trackage  is  provided 
for  hauling  blocks  through  tunnels  to  hoist  derricks  at  open  quarries. 
Cable  cars  or  electric  trolleys  may  be  used. 

Undercutting. — The  tunnel  method  may  be  modified  by  enlarging  the 
quarry  floor  by  an  outward  inclination  of  wall  cuts.  The  process  is 
simple,  requiring  no  additional  equipment  and  no  expensive  preliminary 
operation.  A  wide  floor  space  is  obtained  with  a  minimum  of  stripping, 
and  with  moderate  extension  no  supporting  pillars  are  present  to  obstruct 
quarry  operations.  There  are,  however,  certain  disadvantages.  In 
tunneling,  the  projection  of  a  preliminary  opening  is  costly  and  may  pro- 
duce only  waste  rock,  but  when  once  completed  the  subsequent  channel- 
ing and  drilling  are  carried  on  with  almost  the  same  facility  as  in  an 
open  quarry.  In  undercutting,  however,  every  wall  cut  is  slanting,  and 
channeling  at  an  angle  is  slow  and  relatively  expensive.  Moreover 
blocks  of  the  outer  row  are  angular,  resulting  in  waste. 

In  extensive  undercutting  the  danger  from  overhanging  rock  may  be 
averted  by  leaving  wing  supports  of  marble  at  intervals.  Undercutting 
is  employed  successfully  in  many  Georgia  and  Vermont  marble  quarries. 
It  is  illustrated  at  the  right  in  figure  36. 

Hoisting. — As  a  step  preparatory  to  hoisting,  blocks  usually  are  turned 
down  by  a  gang  of  men  with  crowbars.  The  hoist  cable  may  be  attached 
by  grab  hooks,  chains,  or  cable  slings.  Grab  hooks  are  employed  only 
when  rock  is  hard  and  coherent.  Two  holes  for  the  hooks  are  made  on 
opposite  sides  of  a  block  a  few  inches  from  the  top.     The  mistake  is  some- 



times  made  of  drilling  grab  hook  holes  too  deep,  for  the  chief  strain  then 
comes  not  at  the  tips  of  the  hooks  but  on  the  curved  parts  that  are  in 
contact  with  the  upper  edge  of  the  block.  Consequently,  a  corner  of 
a  block  may  chip  off  and  allow  the  whole  mass  to  fall.  Holes  should  be 
deep  enough  to  allow  a  firm  grip  of  the  rock,  but  the  chief  pressure  should 
fall  on  the  tip  of  the  hook  in  the  bottom  of  the  hole.  Also,  the  rock 
should  be  carefully  balanced,  as  partial  rotation  may  cause  the  hooks 
to  slip.     A  safer  method  of  attachment  is  to  pass  a  chain  completely 

Fig.  36. 

-A  marble  quarry  showing  simultaneous  hoisting,  channeling  and  gadding 
operations.     {Courtesy  of  Georgia  Marble  Company.) 

around  the  block,  as  shown  in  figure  36.  Another  method  of  attachment 
is  by  means  of  a  pair  of  cable  slings,  which  are  quickly  handled  and  per- 
mit easy  balancing. 

Hoisting  usually  is  done  by  powerful  derricks.  Masts  and  booms  may 
be  of  wood  or  steel.  Spliced  wooden  derricks  having  mast  and  boom, 
each  in  four  pieces,  are  used  in  some  regions.  They  are  easy  to  transport 
and  set  up.  Many  derricks  have  a  lifting  capacity  of  15  to  18  tons,  but 
some  are  much  larger.  Derrick  guys  usually  are  supported  by  angle-steel 
bars  set  in  concrete.  The  size  of  a  derrick  and  choice  of  its  location 
are  governed  by  the  position  and  inclination  of  beds  and  by  the  plan  of 
development.  Steam,  compressed-air,  or  electric  hoists  may  be  used. 
Blocks  are  hoisted  from  the  quarry  and  loaded  on  cars  in  one  operation,  if 


possible;  if  a  second  step  is  necessary  they  are  placed  in  a  convenient 
position  for  future  loading. 

Scabbling. — The  term  "scabbling,"  as  used  by  quarrymen,  denotes 
the  trimming  of  blocks  to  true  rectangular  form.  Where  a  mill  is  close 
to  a  quarry  this  process  may  be  omitted.  If  situated  at  a  distance,  or 
if  the  marble  is  to  be  sold  in  crude  form,  blocks  are  scabbled  to  avoid 
carrying  waste  material.  The  most  common  method  is  by  manual  labor 
with  a  scabbling  pick.  Hammer  drills  and  wedges  are  used  occasionally 
to  remove  the  more  prominent  surface  irregularities.  In  Tennessee  a 
bar  drill,  mounted  on  a  triangular  plank  frame  resting  on  the  surface 
of  the  block,  is  used  to  advantage.  Drill  holes  are  sunk  in  a  row,  and 
their  position  is  guided  by  the  inner  edge  of  the  plank  base.  By  driving 
wedges  in  such  drill  holes  an  irregular  surface  is  easily  slabbed  off.  Wire 
saws  are  used  successfully  at  some  quarries.  A  number  of  blocks  may  be 
lined  up  and  trimmed  simultaneously  with  a  single  wire.  Some  operators 
regard  this  as  the  most  economical  method. 


In  some  quarry  regions  mills  are  situated  so  favorably  that  short 
hauls  only  are  required.  In  several  eastern  localities  blocks  are  loaded 
by  quarry  derricks  directly  upon  transfer  cars.  For  distant  haulage 
railroad  cars  and  locomotives,  electric  trolley  lines,  and  tractors  are 
utilized.  Cable  cars  may  be  required  on  steep  grades.  Teams  and 
wagons  were  frequently  used  in  past  years,  but  the  present  tendency  to 
consolidate  companies  into  large  units  and  the  necessity  for  greater  speed 
have  led  to  more  general  use  of  rail  transport. 


Most  marble  quarries  of  the  United  States  have  plants  equipped  more 
or  less  completely  for  sawing,  polishing,  carving,  or  otherwise  preparing 
marble  for  structural  and  memorial  uses.  Also  in  many  large  cities  mills 
are  operated  by  independent  companies. 

Mill  Location  and  Construction. — Mills  operated  by  quarry  com- 
panies may  be  close  to  quarries  or  in  some  near-by  town.  Water  supply, 
power,  and  labor  conditions  are  the  chief  factors  that  govern  location. 
Laborers  usually  are  better  satisfied  if  mills  are  near  towns  where  schools 
and  other  public  institutions  are  more  convenient  and  better  equipped 
than  in  comparatively  unsettled  regions. 

The  most  modern  mills  are  fireproof,  and  many  that  are  not  have 
sprinkler  systems.  In  most  northern  mills  hot-air-  or  steam-heating 
systems  are  used. 

Power. — Water,  steam,  and  electricity  are  sources  of  power;  the  last 
is  the  most  widely  employed.  Some  large  companies  develop  their  own 
electric  power,  while  others  purchase  it  from  power  lines.     One  motor 



may  provide  power  for  the  entire  mill,  but  it  is  usually  advantageous  to 
employ  smaller  units.  For  transmission  from  fly-wheel  to  countershaft 
pulley  two  types  of  belts  are  employed,  a  broad  one  of  leather  or  fabric 
and  a  rope  belt.  The  latter  has  the  advantages  of  low  first  cost  and  of 
easy  tightening,  the  pulley  designed  for  this  purpose  being  applied  to  a 
single  turn  of  the  rope.  Direct  water  power  is  commonly  transmitted 
by  gears. 






Sl-ock  Pile 



Fig.  37. — Convenient  track  arrangement  for  a  marble  mill. 

Arrangement  of  Mill,  Shop,  and  Yard. — The  mill  is  that  part  of  the 
finishing  plant  where  gang  sawing  is  done ;  all  other  finishing  is  classed  as 
shop  work.  Stone  is  a  heavy  product,  consequently  the  mill,  shop,  and 
yard  usually  are  arranged  to  permit  minimum  handling. 

Where  both  sawing  and  shop  work  are  conducted  the  mill  and  shop  are 
often  placed  30  to  60  feet  apart,  with  an  overhead  traveling  crane  between. 
A  convenient  arrangement  for  a  large  finishing  mill  is  shown  in  figure  37. 
One  traveling  crane  unloads  blocks  from  cars  on  their  arrival  at  the  mill 
and  either  piles  them  or  loads  them  on  transfer  cars.  A  track  passes 
down  the  center  with  gangs  on  either  side,  and  a  small  locomotive 



crane  spots  transfer  cars.  Beyond  the  mill  is  the  shop,  and  at  the  end 
of  it  another  smaller  traveling  crane  loads  finished  stock  on  railroad  cars. 
Sawing. — A  first  and  very  important  step  in  milling  is  sawing  the 
marble  into  slabs  or  rectangular  blocks.  The  gang  saws  universally 
used  are  similar  in  construction  and  operation  to  those  employed  in 
sandstone  and  limestone  mills,  as  described  in  preceding  chapters. 
Silica  sand  is  the  abrasive  used  most  commonly,  though  in  some  mills 
steel  shot  are  employed,  and  greater  speed  in  sawing  is  attained  thereby. 

'Xa  gl:    '11 

_  -..a^;*      ill 

Fig.  38. — Gang  saw  in  operation  in  a  marble  mill.      (Courtesy  of  Vermont  Marble  Company.) 

Shot  are  rarely  used  on  marbles  that  are  porous  or  contain  soft  veins,  as  steel 
particles  may  lodge  and  cause  rusty  stains  or  may  interfere  with  later 
finishing  processes.  Slabs  usually  are  sawed  parallel  to  the  grain, 
though  sometimes  distinctive  markings  are  obtained  by  sawing  crosswise. 
Great  saving  of  material  may  be  effected  by  sawing  parallel  with  any 
joints  that  may  be  present  in  blocks.  However,  if  cuts  must  parallel 
the  grain  it  may  be  impossible  to  saw  in  accordance  with  the  unsoundness. 
As  a  rule,  unsound  blocks  can  be  sawed  to  better  advantage  into  cubic 
stock  than  into  thin  slabs.  The  rate  of  sawing  varies  greatly,  depending 
on  the  hardness  of  the  marble.  In  stone  of  moderate  hardness,  the  blades 
may  sink  at  a  rate  of  1  to  2  inches  an  hour;  in  extremely  hard  marbles  they 
may  advance  not  more  than  3  or  4  inches  during  an  entire  shift.  Gang- 
saw  operation  is  illustrated  in  figure  38. 

MARBLE  219 

Gang-car  and  transfer-car  systems  employed  in  marble  mills  are  similar 
to  those  used  in  sandstone  mills.  Some  large  mills  have  more  than  40 
sawing  machines  and  are  equipped  with  every  modern  contrivance  for 
handling  materials.  Sawed  blocks  and  slabs  are  removed  from  cars  by 
overhead  cranes  or  derricks.  Cubic  stock  may  be  handled  with  grab 
hooks  or  smooth-faced  iron  clamps  which  automatically  close  upon  a 
block  when  under  tension.  Thin  slabs  may  be  removed  in  the  same  way 
or  by  cable  slings. 

Wire  saws  are  used  to  a  limited  extent  in  place  of  gang  saws.  Several 
blocks  may  be  lined  up  and  sawed  simultaneously.  The  operation 
requires  little  power  or  attention  and  gives  satisfactory  results  in  uniform 
material  if  slight  variation  in  the  thickness  of  slabs  may  be  allowed. 

Shop  or  Finishing  Plant. — All  finishing  of  marble  after  sawing  is 
conducted  in  the  shop.  Where  shops  are  operated  in  conjunction  with 
mills  they  are  usually  so  situated  that  sawed  material  can  be  transferred 
to  them  with  the  greatest  facility.  The  shop  may  be  a  continuation  of 
the  mill,  or  the  two  buildings  may  be  in  parallel  positions  with  a  traveling 
crane  between.  Various  shop  operations  are  described  in  following 

Coping  and  Jointing. — "Coping"  and  "jointing"  are  terms  appHed 
to  the  subdivision  of  marble  slabs  into  baseboards,  tile,  or  other  finished 
products  by  means  of  Carborundum  wheels  or  saws.  In  its  strict  sense 
coping  is  the  process  of  cutting  one  slab  into  two  without  regard  to  the 
finish  of  edges.  In  jointing,  however,  the  edges  must  be  true  and 
square  with  the  face  and  without  chipped  corners.  Carborundum  wheels 
generally  are  employed  for  jointing  because  they  usually  leave  so  smooth 
a  surface  that  edge  rubbing  is  unnecessary.  For  this  operation  the  wheel 
should  project  through  the  slab  into  a  groove  in  the  steel  bed. 

Rubbing. — Slabs  and  blocks  cut  to  approximate  size  are  squared  and 
finished  on  a  "rubbing  bed,"  consisting  of  a  horizontal  circular  bed  of 
cast  iron  revolving  at  moderate  speed.  Most  beds  are  driven  from  above 
by  countershaft  and  gears,  but  some  are  geared  underneath.  Marble 
slabs  or  blocks  held  on  the  surface  of  the  revolving  disk  to  which  sand  and 
water  are  supplied  are  worn  down  to  desired  dimensions  and  smoothness. 
Carborundum  beds  are  used  to  some  extent  for  rubbing  small  pieces. 
Curved  and  irregular  surfaces  require  hand  rubbing  with  Carborundum 
bricks  or  with  small  pieces  of  marble  supplied  with  sand  and  water. 

Gritting  and  Buffing. — Gritting  is  a  process  which  gives  a  smoother 
surface  than  rubbing.  Emery  powder  is  sometimes  used  as  abrasive  for 
this  purpose.  More  frequently  abrasive  bricks  are  attached  to  revolving 
buffer  heads  which  travel  over  the  surface.  The  bricks  are  of  silicon 
carbide  or  aluminum  oxide,  of  varying  degrees  of  fineness,  depending  upon 
the  finish  desired.  Gritting  produces  what  is  known  to  the  trade  as  a 
"hone"  finish.     For  hand-gritting  curved  or  irregular  surfaces,  natural 



hone  or  pumice  is  used,  though  artificial  abrasives  are  displacing  them 

Buffing,  the  process  which  gives  the  final  polish  to  marble,  is  accom- 
plished by  guiding  over  the  wetted  surface  a  buffer  head  of  felt  or  other 
material  of  soft  texture.  "Putty  powder,"  consisting  of  tin  oxide  or  a 
mixture  of  tin  oxide  and  oxalic  acid,  is  used  as  abrasive.  Chromium 
oxide — a  green  powder — is  also  used.  Figure  39  shows  a  buffer  or 
"Jenny  Lind,"  as  it  is  called  in  England.     Various  abrasive  heads  are 

Fig.  39. — A  buffer  used  for  gritting  and  polishing  marble  surfaces. 

Marble  Company.) 

{Courtesy  of  Vermont 

shown  in  the  foreground.     Irregular  surfaces  are  polished  by  hand  with 
putty  powder  on  a  felt  buffer  or  with  a  piece  of  fine  sandstone  or  hone. 

Shop  Sawing. — Marble  blocks  are  recut  in  the  shop  to  various  shapes 
and  dimensions.  A  perforated  circular  saw,  a  diamond  circular  saw,  or  a 
single  blade  in  a  straight-cut  gang  frame  may  be  employed.  A  perforated- 
steel  circular  saw  employing  sand  or  steel  shot  as  abrasive  cuts  fairly 
well,  but  in  many  shops  it  is  now  replaced  by  the  more  rapidly  cutting 
diamond  saw.  Circular  diamond  saws  (see  figure  40)  are  20  to  72  inches 
in  diameter.  The  first  cost  is  high,  but  with  care  the  cost  of  maintenance 
is  not  excessive.  They  occupy  little  space  and  saw  rapidly.  An  abun- 
dance of  water  is  necessary  for  successful  operation,  and  care  must  be 
exercised  to  avoid  overcrowding.  Two  diamond  saws  adjustable  for 
width  may  be  arranged  to  work  simultaneously  on  the  same  shaft. 



Planing. — Planers  are  used  for  cutting  moldings  and  cornices.  Usu- 
ally the  cutting  tool  is  stationary,  except  for  the  lateral  or  vertical 
movements  necessary  for  adjustment.  The  marble  slab  is  carried  on  a 
traveling  bed  beneath  the  tool,  which  scrapes  it  to  the  desired  thickness 
and  to  a  shape  governed  by  the  contour  of  the  tool.  A  great  deal  of  this 
work  is  now  done  with  Carborundum  machines. 

Fig.  40. 

A  diamond  saw  6  feet  in  diameter  equipped  with  125  diamond  teeth  sawing  a 
block  of  marble.      (Courtesy  of  Vermont  Marble  Company.) 

Machining  with  Carborundum  Wheels. — Silicon  carbide  used  as  an 
abrading-  or  grinding  agent  occupies  an  important  place  in  all  modern 
marble  shops.  Carborundum  wheels  run  at  high  speed,  and  an  abundant 
supply  of  water  is  directed  upon  the  cutting  edge.  For  straight  slabs  or 
blocks,  cutting  wheels  of  several  types  are  in  use.  The  smaller  ones 
consist  of  solid  Carborundum,  or  they  may  have  steel  centers.  Large 
wheels  are  made  of  iron  or  steel  and  have  inserted  teeth.  Other  wheels 
have  steel  centers,  with  rims  of  silicon  carbide  which  are  thicker  than  the 
steel.     They  are  used  until  the  rim  is  worn  down  to  the  thickness  of  the 


steel,  then  they  may  be  rerimmed.  Carborundum  machines  are  capable 
of  varied  adaptations  and  can  cut  curved  work,  moldings,  cornices,  and 
balusters  with  great  success.  The  wheel  of  the  machine  is  a  negative  of 
the  desired  pattern.  The  marble  block  travels  on  the  machine  bed 
beneath  the  wheel,  which  cuts  it  to  the  desired  shape ;  or  it  may  be  placed 
on  a  ball-bearing  plate  and  held  against  the  revolving  wheel.  In  cutting 
balusters  the  marble  and  the  Carborundum  wheel  are  brought  into 
contact  while  rotating  in  opposite  directions.  The  peripheral  velocity 
of  the  wheel  is  approximately  5,000  feet  a  minute,  while  the  baluster 
rotates  at  about  100  revolutions  a  minute.  In  fluting  or  in  making 
balusters  it  is  advantageous  to  rough  out  marble  to  the  general  shape 
desired  before  working  it  with  a  wheel.  If  the  wheel  must  remove 
considerable  material  the  process  is  best  divided  into  two  operations.  A 
6  to  10  grit  may  be  used  for  the  roughing  operation,  which  may  remove 
stone  to  a  depth  of  three  fourths  inch  under  favorable  circumstances. 
For  the  finishing  cut  a  40-grit  wheel  usually  is  employed. 

Cutting  Columns. — Two  principal  methods  are  employed  for  cutting 
marble  columns.  A  drum  column-cutter  is  a  circular  steel  drum  which 
rotates  on  a  vertical  axis.  Sand  or  steel  shot  may  be  used  as  the  cutting 
agent,  or  the  drum  may  have  diamond  teeth.  The  largest  diamond- 
toothed  drum  column-cutter  on  record  was  used  in  cutting  columns  for 
the  Lincoln  Memorial  in  Washington,  D.  C.  They  are  7  feet  5  inches  in 
diameter  and  were  prepared  in  sections,  each  58  inches  long.  The  drum, 
which  had  80  diamond  teeth,  completed  a  section  in  4  to  5  hours. 

Drum  column-cutters  give  satisfaction  for  short  columns  or  for  short 
sections,  as  described  above.  For  large  monoliths  a  lathe  must  be 
employed.  The  marble  generally  is  roughed  out  by  hand  to  within  one 
half  inch  of  the  finished  diameter  before  being  placed  in  the  lathe.  As 
the  column  rotates  shaping  is  accomplished  with  a  cutting  tool  similar  to 
that  used  in  ordinary  machine  lathes  for  turning  metal  shafts.  Actuated 
by  worm  gear  or  other  device,  the  tool  travels  slowly  back  and  forth. 
For  polishing  plain  columns  a  lathe  may  also  be  used,  though  fluted 
columns  are  rubbed  or  polished  by  hand. 

Cutting  and  Carving. — All  complicated  patterns  or  other  irregular 
designs  must  be  cut  by  hand.  Much  of  the  straight  and  simple  cornice 
and  molding  work  formerly  shaped  with  hand  tools  is  now  manufactured 
with  planers  or  Carborundum  machines.  Hand  carving  may  be  done 
with  hand  tools  and  hammers  but  is  accomplished  much  more 
rapidly  with  pneumatic  tools. 

Sand  blasting  is  commonly  used  for  lettering  headstones.  A  shield 
with  an  opening  the  size  and  shape  of  the  inscription  area  is  placed  over  a 
monument.  In  early  practice  steel  letters  were  glued  on  the  surface  of 
the  rock  in  proper  position,  and  a  sand  blast  directed  at  high  pressure 
against  this  surface  for  a  few  moments  cut  down  the  entire  area  except 

MARBLE  223 

that  protected  by  the  steel.  A  httle  hand  trimming  was  necessary  to 
correct  irregularities  caused  by  varying  hardness  of  the  stone.  A  more 
modern  practice,  employing  a  rubberlike  "dope"  instead  of  steel,  has 
been  described  in  the  preceding  chapter  on  granite.  Much  time  is  saved 
by  the  sand-blasting  method,  especially  when  many  monuments  of  the 
same  size  and  shape  are  manufactured. 

Handling  Material. — Overhead  electric  traveling  cranes  are  widely 
used  for  handling  heavy  material.  In  many  shops  small  stock  is  handled 
with  great  facility  by  means  of  small  hand-operated  trucks. 


Regardless  of  the  high  quality  of  any  marble  deposit  there  is  always 
a  certain  percentage  of  loss,  owing  to  processes  involved  in  quarrying, 
trimming,  and  manufacture.  Imperfections  that  are  present  in  most 
deposits  result  in  further  waste.  In  fact,  the  final  product  may  be  much 
less  than  half  the  gross  amount  quarried.  The  problem  of  waste  is 
therefore  vitally  important  to  every  producer. 

To  minimize  the  heavy  burden  waste  disposal  places  upon  his  industry 
the  marble  producer  first  directs  attention  toward  all  types  of  improved 
equipment  and  modern  methods  of  excavation  which  tend  to  keep  the 
proportion  of  waste  to  a  minimum;  he  then  seeks  all  possible  outlets  for 
marketing  unavoidable  waste.  The  first  phase  of  the  problem  is  pre- 
vention of  waste;  the  second  is  utilization  of  waste. 

Prevention  of  Waste. — The  chief  causes  of  waste  are  natural  imper- 
fections, such  as  joints,  strain  breaks,  impurities,  and  lack  of  uniformity 
or  attractiveness  in  color  and  texture.  Systematic  prospecting  and 
development  of  the  best  beds  in  a  deposit  are  important  steps  toward 
reducing  waste.  Making  quarry  walls  parallel  to  major  rock  structures, 
such  as  joint  systems,  is  equally  important.  When  quarrying  steeply 
inclined  beds  and  maintaining  a  level  floor  it  may  be  found  desirable  to 
separate  blocks  parallel  to  the  bedding,  to  maintain  uniformity  in  the 
quality  of  material  in  each  block.  When  angular  blocks  are  thus 
produced,  much  waste  results  if  they  are  cut  into  cubic  stock,  as  the 
corners  must  be  thrown  away;  when  cut  into  thin  slabs  waste  may  be 
much  less.  Various  problems  of  this  nature  confront  every  marble 

The  more  common  impurities  in  marble  are  silica,  pyrite,  and  mica. 
These  minerals  tend  to  occur  in  definite  zones  or  beds,  the  more  impure  of 
which  may  be  separated  and  rejected  by  making  cuts  parallel  to  the 
bedding.  If  bands  or  streaks  of  undesirable  minerals  pass  diagonally 
through  blocks,  waste  may  be  excessive. 

A  condition  of  strain  within  a  marble  mass  has  in  certain  places 
caused  so  great  a  proportion  of  waste  that  workings  have  been  abandoned. 
Usually  the  rock  is  under  severe  compressive  stress  in  one  direction  only. 


Quarrying  relieves  the  stress  at  certain  points,  and  consequent  expansion 
may  cause  fracturing.  Furthermore,  expansion  of  one  mass  that  is  in 
rigid  connection  with  the  main  mass  still  under  compression  may  cause 
irregular  or  oblique  fractures  to  form  between  the  two  masses.  To 
overcome  heavy  losses  from  this  cause  attempts  have  been  made  to  afford 
relief  by  uniform  expansion  of  as  large  a  mass  as  possible  at  once.  To 
this  end,  a  line  of  closely  spaced,  deep  drill  holes  is  projected  along  each 
side  of  the  quarry  parallel  to  the  direction  of  compression,  and  a  similar 
line  across  the  quarry  at  right  angles  to  the  first  line.  The  rock  slowly 
expands,  crushing  the  webs  between  the  drill  holes  and  closing  the  holes 
in  the  transverse  row.  Some  benefit  has  resulted  from  the  method, 
but  the  problem  of  overcoming  strain  breaks  has  not  yet  been  satis- 
factorily solved. 

Utilization  of  Waste. — Although  the  proportion  of  waste  may  be  kept 
at  a  minimum  by  the  adoption  of  economical  quarry  methods  and  use  of 
efficient  machinery,  the  unavoidable  waste  may  still  be  large.  Many 
manufacturers  in  various  lines  of  industry  have  found  that  the  fabrication 
and  sale  of  byproducts  from  materials  otherwise  wasted  have  placed 
their  industries  on  a  profitable  basis.  Extensive  waste  heaps  at  many 
marble  quarries  testify  to  the  need  of  greater  development  along  the  line 
of  utilizing  as  well  as  avoiding  waste.  Marble  producers  are  peculiarly 
fortunate,  in  view  of  the  wide  field  of  usefulness  for  their  waste  products. 
Many  commercial  marbles  are  pure  calcium  carbonate,  the  uses  for  which 
are  very  numerous.  Some  waste  is  now  consumed  for  burning  into  lime, 
as  crushed  stone,  as  agricultural  limestone,  and  in  various  other  ways. 
The  many  potential  uses  are  covered  in  detail  in  a  later  chapter  on 
crushed  and  broken  limestone. 


All  high-grade  marbles  have  a  nationwide  market  range.  Marketing 
is  somewhat  complex,  because  there  are  at  least  five  types  of  agencies 
for  this  purpose.  To  the  first  group  belong  the  so-called  wholesalers,  who 
sell  marble  to  the  trade  chiefly  in  blocks  or  as  sawed  stock.  The  second 
consists  of  manufacturers  who  do  not  own  quarries  but  buy  marble 
blocks  and  finish  them.  Interior  marble  usually  is  both  finished  and  set 
by  them.  A  third  group  comprises  dealers  or  contractors  who  have 
neither  quarries  nor  mills  but  buy  finished  marble  and  sell  it  to  cus- 
tomers, set  in  place.  Producers  who  have  quarries  but  no  finishing  mills 
or  shops  form  the  fourth  agency.  They  sell  their  product  in  blocks  to 
wholesalers  or  manufacturers.  The  fifth  and  largest  group  is  composed 
of  manufacturing  producers  who  have  quarries,  mills,  and  shops,  and 
engage  in  any  and  all  activities  of  the  trade.  The  merchandising  of 
unfinished  marble  within  the  trade  has  no  set  rule  or  established  general 
customs.     A  wholesaler  sometimes  sells  rough  blocks  direct  to  owners 



of  buildings  in  which  the  marble  is  to  be  used,  and  the  owners  have  the 
material  sawed  and  finished. 

Marble  in  the  block  and  in  sawed  slabs  more  than  2  inches  thick  is 
sold  by  the  cubic  foot ;  slabs  2  inches  thick  and  less  are  sold  by  the  square 
foot.  To  be  "merchantable"  blocks  usually  must  be  at  least  5  or  6  feet 
long,  3  or  more  feet  wide,  and  2  or  more  feet  thick.  In  some  localities  a 
standard  block  is  7  by  5  by  4  feet,  but  great  variations  in  size  may  occur. 
Measurements  should  as  nearly  as  possible  exclude  surface  irregularities. 
Contracts  for  finished  marble  in  place  are  usually  on  a  lump-sum 
basis.  Much  of  the  marble  produced  is  sold  on  large  contracts  closed  long 
before  time  of  delivery. 

Marble  is  classified  as  to  kinds  or  varieties,  and  each  kind  often 
exhibits  enough  variation  to  require  separation  into  two  or  more  grades. 
Rare,  beautiful  marbles  are  high-priced  but  have  a  limited  market ;  those 
agreeable  in  tone,  texture,  and  finish  and  readily  obtainable  in  large 
quantities  bring  a  fair  price  and  have  a  wide  market. 


The  following  table  compiled  by  the  United  States  Bureau  of  Mines 
gives  imports  of  marbles  for  consumption  in  this  country  during  recent 
years : 

Marble,  Breccia,  and  Onyx  Imported  for  Consumption  in  the  United  States, 

1924-1937,  BY  Kinds 


In  blocks 

Slabs  or  paving 

All  other 





ficial feet 








$  97,935 





























































153 , 828 
















































Exports  of  marble  in  block  form  are  very  much  smaller  than  imports, 
averaging  about  65,000  cubic  feet  a  year. 


The  Tariff  Act  of  1930  provides  a  duty  of  65  cents  a  cubic  foot  on 
marble  in  rough  blocks  and  $1.00  a  cubic  foot  if  sawed  or  dressed  and  over 

2  inches  thick.  Sawed  slabs  of  various  sizes  and  thicknesses  carry  duties 
of  from  8  to  13  cents  a  superficial  foot,  with  an  additional  charge  of 

3  cents  if  rubbed  and  6  cents  if  polished.  Manufactured  articles,  con- 
sisting chiefly  or  entirely  of  marble,  carry  a  duty  of  50'per  cent  ad  valorem. 
The  duties  are  essentially  the  same  as  under  the  Tariff  Act  of  1922. 


Marbles  vary  greatly  in  quality  and  therefore  in  price.  The  price 
range  may  be  $1.50  to  $7,  or  even  more,  a  cubic  foot.  American  marbles 
for  exterior  building  purposes  average  about  $2  a  cubic  foot  in  rough 
blocks.  Prices  of  interior  rough  blocks  at  the  quarry  are  quite  variable, 
ranging  from  $2  to  $7  and  averaging  about  $2.40  a  cubic  foot.  Monu- 
mental stock  in  rough  blocks  averages  about  $2  to  $3  a  cubic  foot,  though 
not  much  domestic  marble  is  sold  in  this  form.  Verde  antique  in  large, 
sound  blocks  of  attractive  color  and  capable  of  a  fine  polish  commands 
prices  of  $6  to  $8  a  cubic  foot  at  the  quarry.  Onyx  marbles  vary  greatly 
in  price,  depending  on  appearance  and  size  of  blocks.  The  price  may 
range  from  $5  to  $15  a  cubic  foot. 

French  and  Italian  marbles  sell  in  New  York  at  $4.50  to  $11.50  a 
cubic  foot  depending  on  quality.  In  1931  second-quality  Italian  marble 
was  selling  at  $4.75  to  $5.75  a  cubic  foot.  Belgian  black  marble  has  sold 
in  New  York  at  about  $1.75  a  cubic  foot  in  rough  blocks,  though  in  1929 
and  1930  the  price  was  much  higher. 


The  following  bibliography  comprises  the  more  important  books  and  periodicals 
pertaining  to  marble  and  the  marble  industry: 

AuBURY,  Lewis  E.     The  Structural  and  Industrial  Materials  of  California.     Cali- 
fornia State  Min.  Bur.  Bull.  38,  1906,  pp.  95-110. 
Bayley,  W.  S.     Geology  of  the  Tate  Quadrangle,  Georgia.     Geol.  Survey  of  Georgia 

Bull.  43,  1928,  170  pp. 
Bowles,  Oliver.     The  Technology  of  Marble  Quarrying.     U.  S.  Bur.  of  Mines  Bull. 

106,  1916,  174  pp. 
BuRCHARD,  Ernest  Francis.     Marble  Resources  of  Southeastern  Alaska,  with  a 

Section  on  the  Geography  and   Geology  by  Theodore  Chapin.     U.   S.   Geol. 

Survey  Bull.  682,  1920,  118  pp. 
Granite,  Marble,  and  Other  Building  Stones  of  the  South.     Manufacturers 

Record  61,  vol.  7,  pt.  2,  1912,  pp.  59-60. 
Butts,   Charles.     Variegated   Marble  Southeast  of  Calera,   Shelby  County,  Ala. 

Contributions  to  Economic  Geology,  1910,  pt.  1,  U.  S.  Geol.  Survey  Bull.  470, 

1911,  pp.  237-239. 

MARBLE  227 

California  State  Mining  Bureau.     Marble.     Bull.  38,  1906,  pp.  95-114. 
Dale,  T.  Nelson.     The  Commercial  Marbles  of  Western  Vermont.     TJ.  S.  Geol. 
Survey  Bull.  521,  1912,  170  pp. 

The  Calcite  Marble  .and  Dolomite  of  Eastern  Vermont.     U.  S.  Geol.  Survey 

BuU.  589, 1915,  67  pp. 

Danekbr,  Uerome  G.  The  Romance  of  Georgia  Marble.  Thompsen-Ellis  Co., 
New  "york,  1927,  79  pp. 

IDarto^,  N.  H.  Marble  of  White  Pine  County,  Nev.  Contributions  to  Economic 
Geology,  1907,  pt.  1,  Metals  and  Nonmetals  except  Fuels,  U.  S.  Geol.  Survey 
Bull.  340,  1908,  pp.  377-380. 

Eckel,  Edwin  C.  Building  Stones  and  Clays;  Their  Origin,  Characters,  and  Exami- 
nation.    John  Wiley  &  Sons,  Inc.,  New  York,  1912,  pp.  166-181. 

Gordon,  Charles  H.  The  Marbles  of  Tennessee.  State  Geol.  Survey  of  Tennessee 
Extract  (D)  from  Bull.  2,  Preliminary  Papers  on  the  Mineral  Resources  of 
Tennessee,  1911,  33  pp. 

Gordon,  Charles  H.,  Dale,  T.  Nelson,  and  Bowles,  Oliver.  Marbles  of  East 
Tennessee.  Pt.  1,  Occurrence  and  Distribution;  pt.  2,  Constitution  and  Adap- 
tations of  the  Holston  Marbles;  pt.  3,  Technology  of  Marble  Quarrying.  Div. 
of  Geol.  State  of  Tennessee  Bull.  28,  1924,  264  pp.  (Prepared  in  cooperation 
with  the  U.  S.  Geol.  Survey,  U.  S.  Bur.  of  Mines,  and  the  Div.  of  Geol.  State 
of  Tennessee.) 

Kessler,  D.  W.  a  Study  of  Problems  Relating  to  the  Maintenance  of  Interior 
Marble.     U.  S.  Bur.  of  Standards  Tech.  Paper  350,  1927,  91  pp. 

Physical  and  Chemical  Tests  of  the  Commercial  Marbles  of  the  United 

States.     U.  S.  Bur.  of  Standards  Tech.  Paper  123,  1919,  54  pp. 

Permeability  of  Stone.     U.  S.  Bureau  of  Standards  Technol.  Paper  305, 

1926,  172  pp. 

Lent,  Frank  A.  (compiled  by).  Trade  Names  and  Descriptions  of  Marbles,  Lime- 
stones, Sandstones,  Granites,  and  Other  Building  Stones  Quarried  in  the  United 
States,  Canada,  and  Other  Countries.  Stone  Publishing  Co.,  New  York,  1925, 

McCallie,  S.  W.  a  Preliminary  Report  on  the  Marbles  of  Georgia.  Geol.  Survey 
of  Georgia  BuU.  1,  2d  ed.,  1907,  126  pp. 

Merrill,  George  P.  The  Onyx  Marbles;  Their  Origin,  Composition,  and  Uses 
Both  Ancient  and  Modern.  U.  S.  Nat.  Museum  Rept.  for  1893,  1895,  pp. 

Stones  for  Building  and  Decoration.     John  Wiley  &  Sons,  New  York,  1910, 

551  pp. 

Report  on  Some  Carbonic  Acid  Tests  on  the  Weathering  of  Marbles  and 

Limestones.     Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Museum,  vol.  49,  1916,  pp.  347-349. 

Merrill,  George  P.,  and  Mathews,  Edward  B.  The  Building  and  Decorative 
Stones  of  Maryland,  Containing  an  Account  of  Their  Properties  and  Distribution. 
Maryland  Geol.  Survey,  vol.  2,  pt.  2,  1898,  pp.  99-119,  171-197. 

Mineral  Resources  of  the  United  States.  Chapters  on  Stone,  containing  statistical 
and  general  information,  published  each  year  by  the  U.  S.  Bur.  of  Mines,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  (Prior  to  1924  published  by  the  U.  S.  Geol.  Survey,  Minerals 
Yearbook  since  1931.) 

Newland,  D.  H.  The  Quarry  Materials  of  New  York — Granite,  Gneiss,  Trap,  and 
Marble.     New  York  State  Museum  Bull.  181,  1916,  pp.  176-208. 

Parks,  William  A.  Report  on  the  Building  and  Ornamental  Stones  of  Canada. 
Canada  Dept.  of  Mines,  Mines  Branch,  vol.  1,  no.  100,  1912,  376  pp.;  vol.  2, 
no.  203,  1914,  264  pp. ;  vol.  3,  no.  279,  1914,  304  pp. ;  vol.  4,  no.  388,  1916,  333  pp. ; 
vol.  5,  no.  452,  1917,  236  pp. 


Parks,  Bryan,  Hansell,  J.  M.,  and  Bonewits,  E.  E.  Black  Marbles  of  Northern 
Arkansas:  Arkansas  State  Geol.  Survey  Inf.  Circ.  3,  1932,  51  pp. 

Prouty,  William  Frederick.  Preliminary  Report  on  the  Crystalline  and  Other 
Marbles  of  Alabama.     Geol.  Survey  of  Alabama  Bull.  18,  1916,  212  pp. 

Renwick,  W.  G.  Marble  and  Marble  Working.  Crosby,  Lockwood  &  Sons, 
London,  1909,  226  pp. 

Richardson,  Charles  H.  Building  Stones  and  Clays.  Syracuse  Univ.  Book  Store, 
Syracuse,  1917,  pp.  134-228. 

Sewell,  John  Stephen.  Chapter  on  Marble;  Marketing  of  Metals  and  Minerals, 
edited  by  Spurr  and  Wormser.  McGraw-Hill  Book  Company,  Inc.,  New  York, 
1925,  pp.  415-426. 

Stone  (a  monthly  magazine  devoted  to  the  building  and  monumental  stone  industries). 
Stone  Publishing  Co.,  New  York. 

Tenney,  J.  B.  The  Mineral  Industries  of  Arizona.  Univ.  of  Arizona  Bull.  125, 
1928,  pp.  107-108.     (Describes  onyx.) 

Through  the  Ages.  (A  magazine  devoted  to  the  uses  of  marble,  its  universal  adapta- 
bility, beauty,  permanence,  and  economy.)  Nat.  Assoc.  Marble  Dealers, 
Baltimore.     (Discontinued  in  1932.) 

Warnes,  a.  R.  Building  Stones;  Their  Properties,  Decay,  and  Preservation. 
Ernest  Benn,  Ltd.,  London,  1926,  269  pp. 

Watson,  John.  British  and  Foreign  Marbles  and  Other  Ornamental  Stone.  Cam- 
bridge University  Press,  1916,  485  pp. 

Weigel,  W.  M.  Application  of  the  Wire  Saw  in  Marble  Quarrying.  Am.  Inst. 
Min.  and  Met.  Eng.  Tech.  Pub.  262,  1930,  7  pp. 



Slate,  like  marble,  belongs  to  the  metamorphic  group  of  rocks. 
According  to  the  standard  definition  established  by  the  American 
Society  for  Testing  Materials,  it  is  "a  microgranular  crystalline  stone 
derived  from  argillaceous  sediments  by  regional  metamorphism  and 
characterized  by  perfect  cleavage  entirely  independent  of  original  bedding, 
which  cleavage  has  been  induced  by  pressure  within  the  earth."  In 
simpler  language,  it  may  be  defined  as  a  fine-grained  rock  derived  fronT"**! 
clays  and  shales  and  possessing  a  cleavage  that  permits  it  to  be  split  '^ 
readily  into  thin,  smooth  sheets.  The  term  includes  materials  differing 
widely  in  color  and  varying  considerably  in  chemical  and  mineralogical 


Except  for  certain  rare  varieties  of  igneous  origin  formed  from  volcanic 
ash  or  igneous  dikes,  slates  have  originated  from  sedimentary  deposits 
consisting  largely  of  clay.  Minerals  originally  present  with  the  clay  in 
limited  quantities  include  quartz;  mica;  feldspar;  zircon;  compounds  of 
iron,  lime,  and  magnesia;  and  carbonaceous  matter,  together  with 
silicates  other  than  those  named.  Through  many  centuries  the  clays 
carried  by  rivers  were  laid  down  as  bedded  deposits  in  deep  water,  and 
in  later  ages  they  may  have  been  covered  with  beds  of  sand,  gravel,  or 
limestone.  The  pressure  of  such  superimposed  beds  gradually  consoli- 
dated the  clays  into  deposits  of  shale,  a  laminated  rock  consisting  essen- 
tially of  clay  but  without  the  splitting  properties  of  slate. 

Many  shales  have  been  subjected  to  intense  metamorphism  and  have 
thereby  been  altered  into  slates.  The  changes  brought  about  by  this 
process  were  both  chemical  and  mechanical.  The  constituent  minerals 
were  transformed  into  new  minerals,  such  as  mica,  quartz,  chlorite, 
magnetite,  graphite,  tormaline,  and  various  others,  and  the  first  three 
usually  predominated.  The  mica  and  chlorite  occur  as  microscopic 
flakes.  The  intense  pressure  tended  to  compress  the  rock  and  cause  it  to 
expand  at  right  angles  to  the  direction  of  pressure.  The  innumerable 
tiny  flakes  of  mica  and  chlorite,  formed  as  a  result  of  metamorphism, 
assumed  positions  with  their  flat  surfaces  lying  in  the  plane  of  flowage 
or   elongation.     Such   parallelism   of   mineral   grains   resulted   in   that 



tendency  to  split  with  ease  in  one  direction  which  has  been  termed 
"slaty  cleavage."  As  the  rock  usually  is  folded  and  contorted  slaty 
cleavage  may  intersect  bedding  planes  at  various  angles,  a  feature  which 
distinguishes  slate  from  shale,  for  the  latter  rock  shows  no  tendency  to 
split,  except  in  a  direction  parallel  to  the  bedding. 

If  the  process  of  metamorphism  is  so  incomplete  that  much  of  the 
clay  remains  unaltered  the  slate  is  termed  "clay  slate."  When  the 
process  is  carried  farther  and  little  or  no  clay  remains  the  rock  is  called 
"mica  slate."  This  type  possesses  greater  strength,  is  denser  and  more 
resistant  to  absorption,  and  therefore  more  enduring  than  clay  slate. 
It  constitutes  practically  the  entire  supply  of  commercial  slate  in  the 
United  States.  Continued  intensive  metamorphism  of  mica  slate  pro- 
duces more  complete  recrystallization,  forming  coarser  grains  and 
developing  in  the  rock  a  schistosity  commonly  wavy  and  irregular.  Such 
highly  metamorphosed  rocks  are  known  as  "phyllites"  or  "mica  schists." 


One  of  the  most  abundant  minerals  in  mica  slate  is  secondary  musco- 
vite,  or  white  mica,  commonly  termed  "sericite" — a  hydrous  silicate  of 
potash  and  aluminum.  It  appears  in  very  minute  flakes  whose  outlines 
are  recognizable  only  under  a  microscope  with  high  magnification. 
Small  grains  of  quartz  also  abound  and  are  distributed  regularly  among 
the  mica  flakes.  Usually  considerable  amounts  of  the  micalike  mineral 
chlorite  are  also  present.  Chlorites  are  of  various  kinds,  the  more 
common  being  hydrous  silicates  of  aluminum  and  iron  or  magnesium. 
Clay,  or  kaolin,  usually  occurs  only  in  small  quantities  in  mica  slates, 
though  it  may  be  quite  abundant  in  clay  slates.  Minerals  of  minor 
importance  are  rutile,  andalusite,  hematite,  pyrite,  carbonaceous  matter, 
graphite,  feldspar,  zircon,  tourmaline,  calcite,  dolomite,  and  siderite; 
very  small  quantities  of  many  other  minerals  are  commonly  identified. 
The  general  range  of  mineral  composition  is  shown  in  the  following  table. 

Mineral  Composition  of  Average  Slate 

Per  cent 

Mica  (sericite) 38-40 

Chlorite 6-18 

Quartz 31-45 

Hematite 3-  6 

Rutile 1-  IM 


Results  of  many  analyses  indicate  that  clays,  shales,  and  slates 
differ  little  in  chemical  composition,  as  the  changes  that  occur  during 
metamorphism  are  confined  largely  to  rearrangement  of  chemical  elements 
into  new  minerals  and  to  changes  in  such  physical  characteristics  as 
hardness    and    cleavage.     Chemical    composition,    while    of    scientific 

SLATE  231 

interest,  has  so  little  economic  significance  that  detailed  chemical  analyses 
tell  little  or  nothing  of  the  true  value  of  slates.  Their  commercial 
adaptability  depends  chiefly  on  mineralogical  composition,  structure,  and 
texture.  The  range  in  composition  of  average  slate,  constituents  of  less 
importance  being  omitted,  is  as  follows: 

Range  of  Chemical  Composition  of  Slate 

Per  cent  Per  cent 

Silica 50-67         Soda 0.5-4 

Alumina 1 1-23         Magnesia 0 . 5-5 

Ferric  oxide 0 . 5-7  Lime 0 . 3-5 

Ferrous  oxide 0.5-9  Water  above  110°C 2.5-4 

Potash 1.5-5.5 


Color. — Slates  are  of  various  colors,  the  most  common  being  light  and 
dark  gray,  bluish  gray,  blue-black,  red,  green,  purple,  and  mottled. 
Yellow,  brown,  and  buff  are  occasionally  found  but  as  these  colors  usually 
have  resulted  from  weathering,  the  slates  are  rarely  of  marketable  quality. 
The  color  of  a  slate  is  determined  by  its  chemical  and  mineralogical 
composition.  Gray  and  bluish  gray  are  due  chiefly  to  the  presence  of 
carbonaceous  material  and  other  colors  principally  to  iron  compounds. 
Slates  containing  large  proportions  of  finely  divided  carbonaceous  matter 
are  black.  Permanence  of  color  has  considerable  economic  importance, 
for  although  some  slates  maintain  their  original  colors  for  many  years, 
others  change  to  new  shades  within  a  comparatively  short  time.  Such 
changes  may  be  due  to  the  presence  of  small  quantities  of  iron-lime- 
magnesia  carbonates,  which  decompose  readily  with  the  formation  of  the 
yellow  hydrous  iron  oxide,  limonite.  Moderate,  uniform  fading  may  not 
be  detrimental  to  appearance  and  may  even  produce  a  more  pleasing 
effect.  However,  in  replacing  broken  slates  which  are  subject  to  color 
changes  it  may  be  difficult  or  impossible  to  match  colors. 

Green  slates  are  of  two  types,  the  unfading  and  the  fading,  or  "sea 
green."  The  former  maintains  a  green  color  indefinitely;  the  latter  when 
freshly  quarried  is  greenish  gray,  which  after  a  few  years'  exposure 
changes  to  brownish  gray  or  buff.  This  change  is  not  regarded  as 
evidence  of  deterioration;  it  is,  in  fact,  a  weather-aging  effect  that  many 
architects  prefer.  Circular  and  oval  green  spots  occurring  in  certain 
New  York  and  Vermont  slates  have  long  attracted  attention.  They 
are  probably  the  result  of  chemical  changes,  such  as  reduction  of  iron 
oxide  caused  by  decay  of  organisms. 

Strength. — Slate,  consisting  as  it  does  chiefly  of  very  small  overlapping 
flakes  consolidated  under  pressure,  is  a  strong  rock.  Tests  are  commonly 
made  of  compressive  strength;  elasticity;  and  modulus  of  rupture,  or 
breaking  strength.  The  last  property,  which  is  most  significant  for  a 
majority  of  the  uses  to  which  slate  is  put,  is  determined  by  measuring  the 


breaking  load  applied  at  the  middle  of  a  bar  of  slate  supported  near  the 
ends.  The  modulus  of  rupture  of  commercial  slates  is  7,000  to  12,000 
pounds  a  square  inch. 

Porosity. — Most  mica  slates  of  good  commercial  quality  are  practically 
impervious  to  moisture,  their  porosity  ranges  from  0.02  to  about  0.45 
per  cent.     They  are  therefore  well-adapted  for  sanitary  uses. 

Electrical  Resistance. — Uniformly  clear  slate  free  from  spots,  veins, 
or  iron-bearing  minerals  and  low  in  carbon  is  highly  resistant  to  electric- 
ity. Moisture  increases  its  conductivity;  hence  after  quarrying  it 
usually  is  seasoned  at  least  three  months  before  use. 

Durability. — High-grade  slates,  consisting  essentially  of  stable  silicate 
minerals,  which  are  very  resistant  to  weathering,  are  among  the  most 
durable  building  materials.  However,  to  obtain  the  most  enduring  types 
careful  selection  must  be  made.  Calcium  carbonate  apparently  is  the 
least  desirable  constituent  of  slates  designed  to  resist  long  exposure, 
especially  to  sulphur  fumes,  for  sulphur  trioxide  acting  on  calcium 
carbonate  forms  calcium  sulphate,  or  gypsum,  a  mineral  which  expands 
greatly  during  crystallization  with  disruptive  effects.  Medium-grade 
slates  are  serviceable  for  25  to  50  years,  and  the  highest  grades  will  far 
outlive  most  structures  on  which  they  are  placed.  Ferguson'^  has 
recorded  that  slate  quarried  near  Delta,  Pa.,  in  1734  was  used  for  roofing 
seven  buildings  in  succession.  In  1930,  the  seventh  building,  a  hog  pen, 
was  located  near  Delta.  A  sample  of  the  slate  has  been  rescued  from 
this  lowly  use  and  is  now  on  exhibit  at  the  United  States  Bureau  of 
Mines,  Washington,  D.  C.  After  nearly  200  years  in  service  it  shows  no 
evidence  of  deterioration.  Even  longer  periods  of  use  have  been  known 
in  the  Old  World.  A  slate-roofed  Saxon  chapel  standing  in  Bradford-on- 
Avon,  Wiltshire,  England,  was  built  in  the  eighth  century,  and  though 
moss-covered  it  is  still  in  good  condition  after  1,200  years  of  constant 
exposure  to  climatic  changes.  Slate  tombs  high  in  the  Alps  near  Oisans, 
France  (which,  from  money  and  jewels  found  in  them,  archeologists  have 
concluded  were  constructed  about  500  B.  C),  are  still  in  good  condition. 


Bedding. — The  shales  from  which  slates  originated  were  deposited 
primarily  as  clay  beds.  The  beds  of  shale,  at  first  horizontal,  were 
tilted  by  subsequent  earth  movements,  and  the  intense  metamorphism 
that  converted  them  into  slates  folded  and  contorted  them.  Differences 
in  conditions  of  deposition  often  resulted  in  variations  in  color  and 
texture  of  successive  strata  and  such  variations  make  possible  tracing 
folds  and  contortions  on  a  quarry  wall.  Bands  representing  beds  of 
darker  slate  are  known  among  quarrymen  as   "ribbons."     In  many 

36  Ferguson,  E.  G.  W.,  Peach  Bottom  Slate  Deposits,  Pennsylvania.  Min.  World, 
vol.  33,  1910,  p.  183. 

SLATE  233 

deposits  the  original  bedding  has  been  so  obHterated  that  it  is  extremely 
difficult  to  trace.  Recognition  of  beds  is  important,  for  while  the  slate 
in  any  one  bed  tends  to  be  uniform  for  considerable  areas,  it  may  differ 
greatly  in  successive  beds.  Therefore,  for  the  proper  development  of  a 
deposit  of  desirable  slate  the  original  bedding  must  be  followed.  Thus, 
in  the  Pen  Argyl  district  of  Pennsylvania  quarries  are  situated  on  the 
"Albion  vein,"  the  "Diamond  vein,"  the  "United  States  vein,"  or  the 
"Pennsylvania  vein,"  each  of  which  is  of  limited  thickness.  These 
so-called  veins,  or  beds,  are  vertical  or  dip  at  steep  angles,  and  their 
direction  may  change  with  depth.  The  folds  (inclination)  of  beds  have 
direct  bearing  on  the  location  of  quarry  openings  and  on  plan  of 

Slaty  Cleavage. — Slaty  cleavage  is  the  structure  which  above  all 
others  differentiates  slate  from  other  rocks  and  gives  it  economic  value. 
A  true  slate  can  be  split  into  thin  sheets  with  smooth,  even  surfaces. 
Some  Pennsylvania  slates  can  be  split  as  thin  as  one  thirty-second  of  an 
inch,  but  such  sheets  are  too  thin  for  practical  use.  In  the  manufacture 
of  blackboard  slates  uniform,  smooth  slabs  4  by  6  feet  or  larger  may  be 
split  readily  to  a  thickness  of  three-eighths  or  one-half  inch.  In  some 
deposits  slaty  cleavage  is  less  pronounced  than  in  others  and  the  rock 
splits  with  greater  difficulty. 

Slaty  cleavage  may  parallel  beds,  though  commonly  it  intersects  them 
at  angles  of  5  to  30°  and  may  even  cross  them  at  right  angles.  Most 
slates  split  with  the  greatest  ease  when  freshly  quarried.  Repeated 
freezing  and  thawing  destroy  the  splitting  quality. 

Grain. — Although  they  split  most  readily  in  the  direction  of  slaty 
cleavage,  many  slates  have  a  second  direction  of  splitting  which,  is  less 
pronounced,  but  has  economic  significance.  In  slate  literature  this 
second  direction  is  called  the  "grain,"  though  quarrymen  use  the  terms 
"sculp"  or  "scallop."  It  is  approximately  at  right  angles  to  slaty 
cleavage,  usually  nearly  parallels  the  cleavage  dip,  and  may  commonly 
be  recognized  by  lines  or  striations  on  the  cleavage  surface.  It  seems 
to  result  from  mineral  orientation,  for  many  minerals  lie  so  that  their 
flat  faces  parallel  the  direction  of  the  slaty  cleavage  and  their  long  axes 
parallel  the  grain.  In  some  deposits  the  grain  is  distinct,  whereas  in 
others  there  is  practically  none. 

The  relative  ease  with  which  slate  splits  in  the  direction  of  grain 
compared  with  the  difficulty  with  which  it  breaks  in  any  other  vertical 
plane  has  distinct  practical  value  in  subdividing  the  larger  blocks  and 
reducing  them  to  convenient  sizes.  In  roofing  slate  the  grain  should 
always  parallel  the  long  sides,  so  that  breakage,  which  is  most  likely  to 
occur  in  the  direction  of  grain,  will  parallel  the  dip  of  the  roof. 

Joints. — Joints,  seams,  or  "headers"  are  more  or  less  regular  parallel 
systems  of  cracks,  or  fractures,  in  rocks,  caused  by  pressure  or  movement. 


The  origin  of  joints  in  rocks  has  been  covered  in  some  detail  in  the 
chapter  on  granite.  They  may  parallel  the  strike  of  beds  or  the  direction 
of  dip,  or  may  run  diagonally.  There  are  also  horizontal  joints,  some- 
times termed  "bottom"  or  ''flat  joints."  In  the  Pennsylvania  deposits 
curved,  or  undulating,  joints  have  been  noted.  An  open  seam  that 
parallels  the  bedding  is  termed  a  "loose  ribbon." 

Ribbons. — "Ribbons"  are  dark  bands  a  fraction  of  an  inch  to  several 
inches  in  width  intersecting  blocks  of  slate  at  various  angles.  They 
represent  minor  beds  of  somewhat  different  composition  from  the  main 
body  of  rock.  As  they  always  parallel  the  bedding  they  serve  as  markers 
or  indicators  that  assist  in  tracing  folded  or  otherwise  contorted  beds. 
They  are  characteristic  of  the  Lehigh  and  Northampton  County,  Pa. 
slates.  The  "soft-vein"  ribbons  in  these  slates  usually  are  rich  in 
carbonates  and  carbon  and  as  a  rule,  disintegrate  more  readily  than 
clear  slate.  Ribbon  slate  is  therefore  used  for  second-  or  lower-grade 
roofing  and  as  structural  slate.  In  "hard-vein"  slate,  however,  most  of 
the  ribbons  resist  weathering,  and  this  variety  may  be  employed  for  high- 
grade  roofing  or  other  exterior  uses. 


Curved  or  Irregular  Cleavage. — Cleavage  in  other  than  a  straight, 
even  plane  is  undesirable  in  slate,  though  a  small  curvature  is  permissible 
for  small  roofing  slate.  Blackboards  and  structural  slate  products  are 
subdivided  by  splitting,  and  a  crooked  split  necessitates  much  labor  to 
reduce  the  slab  to  an  even  plane.  A  block  of  slate  having  curved  cleavage 
may  produce  only  three  slabs  of  a  given  thickness,  whereas  a  straight- 
splitting  block  of  the  same  thickness  may  produce  five  or  six  similar  slabs. 

Slip  or  False  Cleavage. — Slip  cleavage  is  a  tendency  to  split  along 
incipient  joint  planes  or  seams.  It  usually  runs  diagonal  to  the  slaty 
cleavage,  causing  waste. 

Veins. — Veins  are  common  in  slate  quarries.  They  may  follow 
bedding  or  cleavage  planes,  intersect  them  at  various  angles,  or  be  very 
irregular.  Veins  of  quartz  are  termed  "flints"  by  quarrymen.  Calcite 
or  "spar"  veins  are  common,  as  are  also  those  filled  with  a  mixture  of 
quartz,  calcite,  dolomite,  and  possibly  chlorite  and  biotite. 

Impurities. — One  of  the  most  undesirable  impurities  in  some  slates,  is 
calcium,  usually  in  carbonate  form.  Its  harmful  effects  have  been 
mentioned  under  "Durability."  Iron  carbonate  is  sometimes  present,, 
and  its  decomposition  not  only  weakens  the  state,  but  the  resulting  ironi 
oxides  may  cause  stains.  Iron  sulphides  may  oxidize  and  form  spots 
and  stains.  The  stabihty  of  the  iron  sulphides  has  been  discussed  in 
some  detail  in  the  chapter  on  marble.  The  oxidation  of  iron-bearing 
minerals,  especially  ferrous  carbonate,  often  causes  color  changes. 
Nodules  oi  flint  or  q^uartz  encountered  ia  some  slates  greatly  increase  the. 

SLATE  235 

difficulty  of  working.  Carbon  usually  is  regarded  as  an  agent  of  dis- 
integration and  is  particularly  undesirable  in  electrical  slate,  as  it  acts  as  a 
conductor  and  promotes  leakage  of  current. 


Roofing. — In  early  years  roofing  was,  with  minor  exceptions,  the  only 
use  for  slate,  and  it  is  still  a  very  important  one.  Slate  is  durable,  attrac- 
tive, noninflammable,  and  adaptable  to  the  most  artistic  architectural 
effects.  There  are  two  grades  of  roofing  slates — standard  and  the  so- 
called  architectural.  Material  for  standard  slates  should  have  straight, 
uniform,  smooth  cleavage,  and  the  color  should  be  permanent,  or  if  it  is 
subject  to  change,  uniform  color  aging  without  deterioration  is  usually 
demanded.  In  the  United  States  standard  slates  are  sold  by  the  "square  " 
— enough  slate  to  cover  100  square  feet  of  sloping-roof  surface  with  a 
3-inch  head  lap.  In  France  and  England  the  unit  is  a  "mille,"  consisting 
of  1,200  slates  of  any  given  size  and  60  additional  to  cover  loss  by  break- 
age. Standard  slates  range  in  size  from  6  by  10  to  4  by  24  inches,  and  in 
thickness  from  three-sixteenths  to  one-fourth  inch.  The  number  of 
slates  required  for  a  square  ranges  from  85  to  686,  according  to  size. 
The  weight  of  a  square  of  average  standard  roofing  slate  is  about  650 

Architectural  grades  have  attained  prominence  during  the  past  10 
years.  They  meet  the  demand  of  modern  architecture  for  rough,  rugged 
building  materials  rather  than  for  the  smooth,  mathematically  exact  types 
formerly  popular.  Architectural  slates  may  be  1  to  2}4  inches  thick 
and  2  to  4  feet  long.  Surfaces  may  be  rough  and  uneven  and  colors 
variable.  For  large  structures  the  heavier  slates  are  placed  near  the 
eaves  with  the  smaller  and  thinner  ones  toward  the  ridge.  Slates  thus 
graduated  in  size  and  of  a  variety  of  blending  colors  produce  very  beautiful 
architectural  effects.  Slate  slabs  set  in  mastic  are  also  used  extensively 
for  flat  roofs,  roof  promenades,  and  terraces. 

Mill  Stock. — While  roofing  was  originally  the  dominant  branch  of  the 
slate  industry  many  other  uses  have  developed.  Slate  worked  up  into 
slabs  of  various  sizes  and  shapes  is  classed  as  "mill  stock."  The  different 
products  are  described  in  following  paragraphs. 

Blackboards  and  School  Slates. — Slate  suitable  for  blackboards  and 
feuUetim  beards  must  be  soft,  and  also  of  uniform  color  and  texture. 
Sueh  material  is  obtained  chiefly  from  what  is  known  as  the  "soft-vein" 
region  of  Lehigh  and  Northampton  Counties,  Pa.  The  soft  vein  is  the 
northern  slate  belt,  which  includes  the  region  in  and  about  Bangor, 
East  Bangor,  Pen  Argyl,  Danielsville,  Slatington,  and  Slatedale.  This 
comparatively  small  area,  about  30  miles  long,  provides  most  of  the 
world's  production  of  blackboard  slate.     Because  of  their  smoothness, 


uniformity,  permanence,  and  attractiveness,  slate  blackboards  are 
superior  to  all  other  types  now  in  use. 

School  slates  were  once  commonly  used  in  America,  but  demand  for 
them  has  greatly  declined.  Foreign  demand  is  considerable,  and  most  of 
those  now  manufactured  are  exported.  As  school  slates  are  small  their 
manufacture  permits  utilization  of  the  smaller  pieces  of  slate,  many  of 
which  otherwise  would  be  wasted.  Slate  for  this  purpose  is  similar  to 
that  used  for  blackboards,  and  deposits  are  confined  largely  to  the  same 

Structural  Slate. — Although  roofing  slate  ordinarily  is  regarded  as 
structural  material,  a  distinction  is  made  in  the  slate  industry,  the  term 
"structural  slate"  being  employed  for  products  used  chiefly  for  interior 
structural  and  sanitary  purposes.  The  chief  products  are  mantels, 
floor  tiles,  steps,  risers,  flagging,  skirting  or  baseboard,  window  sills, 
lavatory  slabs,  billiard  and  other  table  tops,  wainscoting,  hearths,  well 
caps,  vats,  sinks,  laundry  tubs,  grave  vaults,  sanitary  ware,  refrigerator 
shelves,  flour  bins,  and  dough  troughs.  Soft,  even-grained  slate,  prefer- 
ably not  highly  fissile,  is  required  for  such  purposes. 

Floors  and  Walks. — Slate  is  being  used  in  increasing  quantities  for 
ornamental  flagging  in  sidewalks,  porches,  and  sun  parlors.  Some  is 
honed  and  fitted  for  close  joints,  but  much  is  used  with  split  or  "quarry 
cleft"  surface  and  in  irregular  outline,  which  permits  utilization  of  much 
slate  that  heretofore  has  been  discarded  as  waste. 

Electrical  Slate. — Certain  types  of  slate  have  very  high  dielectric 
strength  and  on  this  account  are  suitable  for  electric  panels  and  switch- 
boards. Their  superior  qualities  are  strength,  rigidity,  toughness,  and 
easy  workability.  Also,  they  can  be  matched  easily  when  switchboards 
are  enlarged.  Electrical  slate  should  be  low  in  magnetite,  carbon,  and 
other  low-resistance  minerals  and  capable  of  being  cut  and  drilled 
easily  without  scaling. 

Granules  and  Flour. — Slate  crushed  to  granular  form  is  employed 
widely  in  the  manufacture  of  slate-surfaced  composition  roofing.  Red, 
green,  blue-black,  and  gray  granules  are  manufactured  from  slates  having 
these  natural  colors.  Granules  are  also  artificially  colored  to  provide 
materials  for  the  highly  colored  roofs  demanded  by  many  architects 
and  home  builders.  Ground  slate  is  used  for  surfacing  tennis  courts 
and  other  playgrounds.  Pulverized  slate,  known  as  "slate  flour,"  is 
used  as  a  filler  in  paints,  road  asphalt-surface  mixtures,  roofing  mastic, 
and  various  other  products. 


European  History. — One  of  the  earliest  references  regarding  the  use 
of  slate  concerns  a  slate-roofed  chapel  at  Bradford-on-Avon,  England, 
built  in  the  eighth  century.     In  the  twelfth  century  thick,  rough  Welsh 

SLATE  237 

slates  were  used.  However,  it  was  not  until  the  latter  part  of  the 
eighteenth  century  that  the  slate  industry  attained  importance,  and  even 
then  methods  were  crude  and  wasteful.  After  1850,  with  the  develop- 
ment of  foreign  trade  and  extension  of  railways  the  Welsh  slate  industry 
grew  rapidly.  In  France  the  industry  made  rapid  progress  about  the 
same  period. 

History  in  America. — The  oldest  slate  quarry  on  record  in  America 
was  opened  near  Delta,  Pa.,  in  1734.  The  first  quarry  in  Virginia  was 
opened  about  1787  to  provide  slate  for  the  roof  of  the  State  Capitol, 
and  in  Georgia  the  first  production  was  in  1850.  From  these  early 
beginnings  slate  quarrying  spread  to  eastern  Pennsylvania,  New  York, 
Vermont,  and  Maine,  and  between  1870  and  1880  it  became  a  well- 
established  industry.  Welsh  slate  workers  were  the  originators  of  the 
industry  in  several  districts. 

Although  production  has  assumed  fair  magnitude  it  has  not  increased 
proportionally  with  building  construction.  This  is  singular  in  view  of 
the  adaptability  and  permanence  of  slate  and  the  satisfactory  service 
afforded  in  its  many  applications. 

Reasons  for  Slow  Growth. — As  may  be  noted  from  the  table  on  the 
following  page,  which  shows  production  over  a  period  of  years,  the 
industry  grew  rapidly  during  1923,  and  maintained  its  increased  volume 
from  1924  to  1926.  In  the  three  following  years,  which  were  generally 
prosperous,  there  was  decided  recession.  Lack  of  sustained  activity  is 
due  to  various  causes.  It  is  to  be  attributed  chiefly  to  the  keen  competi- 
tion that  slate  must  meet  in  every  line  of  production — a  condition 
covered  more  completely  in  the  section  on  marketing.  Other  reasons  for 
slow  growth  are  excessive  waste  and  high  cost  of  quarrying  and  manu- 
facture. These  difficulties  are  being  overcome  measurably,  as  will  be 
shown  later. 


The  active  slate-producing  districts  of  the  United  States  are  the 
Monson  district,  Me.;  the  New  York- Vermont  district,  including  Wash- 
ington County,  N.  Y.,  and  Rutland  County,  Vt. ;  the  Lehigh  district, 
including  Lehigh  and  Northampton  Counties,  Pa.,  and  Sussex  County, 
N.  J.;  the  Peach  Bottom  district,  including  Lancaster  and  York 
Counties,  Pa.,  and  Harford  County,  Md.;  and  the  Buckingham 
County  (Arvonia)  and  Albemarle  County  districts  of  Virginia.  The 
geographic  locations  of  these  areas  are  shown  in  figure  41.  These 
districts  produce  roofing  slate,  and  some  of  them  also  produce  mill 
stock,  roofing  granules,  and  slate  flour.  Roofing  granules,  flour,  and 
some  other  products  have  also  been  manufactured  during  recent  years  in 
California,  Georgia,  Tennessee,  and  Utah. 




The  following  table  prepared  by  the  United  States  Bureau  of  Mines 
shows  sales  of  slate,  by  uses,  from  1926  to  1937.  The  total  quantity  and 
value  given  for  each  use  are  the  totals  of  the  reports  of  quarrymen  (not 

Fig.  41. — Map  showing  principal  slate-producing  areas  in  the  United  States.     (Prepared 

by  H.  Herbert  Hughes.) 

selling  agents),  and  the  value  is  that  f.o.b.  quarry  or  nearest  point  of 

Slate  (Other  Than  Granules  and  Flour)  Sold  by  Producers  in  the  United 
States,   1926-1937,  by  Uses 


g  slate 

Mill  stock 


Other  uses* 




Short  tons 

(100  square 










$  73,127 












483 , 280 












124 , 524 






























2 , 089 , 650 



73 , 240 
















103 , 690 















73 , 554 



*  Includes  flagstones,  walkways,  stepping  stones,  and  miscellaneous  slate. 



The  following  table  shows  distribution  of  production  by  States; 
The  amounts  vary  from  year  to  year,  but  the  relative  production  of  the 
States  is  fairly  constant.  The  1929  figures  are  shown  because  they  are 
probably  more  typical  than  those  for  later  years. 

Slate  Sold  by  Producers  in  the  United  States,   1929,  by  States  and  Uses 



Mill  stock 

Other  uses 






Square  feet 


Total  value' 












$          1,315 













$       38,316 









S     613,996 

$       653,627 








1 , 222 , 660 













*  Included  under  "Undistributed." 

t  Includes  output  of  States  entered  as  (*)  above. 


Because  of  the  unusual  conditions  prevailing  in  1930,  1931,  and  1932, 
it  is  deemed  advisable  to  use  1929  figures  to  indicate  the  relative  standing 
of  the  various  States. 

Maine. — Sales  of  slate  in  Maine  in  1929  were  valued  at  $653,627,  or 
about  5.8  per  cent  of  the  total  production-value  for  the  United  States. 
Production  in  1930  was  valued  at  $506,322,  in  1931  at  $257,619;  and  in 
1937  at  $388,521.  During  recent  years  two  large  companies  have  fur- 
nished most  of  the  supply,  though  others  have  produced  at  times. 

The  slate  region  of  Maine  lies  in  about  the  center  of  the  State  in 
southern  Piscataquis  County  near  Monson,  Blanchard,  and  Brownsville. 
Slate  occurs  in  a  belt  15  to  20  miles  wide,  and  the  commercial  beds  lie 
south  of  the  central  granite  area.  The  strike  is  in  general  northeast, 
and  the  dip  is  very  steep,  ranging  from  80°  to  vertical.  The  general 
structure  is  obscure. 

Monson  District. — Production  in  Maine  is  confined  almost  exclusively 
to  the  vicinity  of  Monson.     The  commercial  beds  are  of  very  fine-grained, 

"  The  geology  of  the  various  slate  districts  is  based  mainly  on  U.  S.  Geol.  Survey 
Bull.  586,  Slate  in  the  United  States,  by  T.  Nelson  Dale. 


dense,  uniform,  blue-black  slate.  The  slaty  cleavage  is  vertical  and 
therefore  practically  parallels  the  bedding.  Originally  open-pit  methods 
were  used,  but  recent  production  has  been  principally  from  underground 

The  largest  pit,  known  as  the  old  Pond  quarry,  is  500  feet  long,  100 
feet  wide,  and  250  to  400  feet  deep.  This  opening  intersects  about 
15  beds  of  slate  interbedded  w^ith  dark  gray  or  black  quartzite.  The 
structure  of  the  slate  does  not  favor  open-pit  working,  chiefly  on  account 
of  the  vertical  cleavage,  which  weakens  the  walls.  Obviously,  water 
entering  vertical  cleavage  planes  and  freezing  therein  will  cause  walls  to 
spall.  Furthermore,  rock  with  vertical  cleavage  is  less  capable  of 
sustaining  weight  than  flat-lying  masses  and  will  bulge  inward  and  finally 
collapse  under  intense  pressure.  On  this  account,  operations  in  recent 
years  have  been  confined  to  certain  thick  beds  of  high  quality,  and 
underground  methods  have  been  followed.  Details  of  the  method  are 
given  in  the  section  dealing  with  technology. 

Workings  adjoining  the  old  Pond  quarry  have  been  conducted  chiefly 
on  one  bed  9  feet  thick  dipping  at  about  10°  from  vertical.  The  cleavage 
is  vertical  and  nearly  parallels  the  strike  of  the  beds,  the  angle  of  inter- 
section ranging  from  5  to  10°.  The  grain  is  vertical  and  perpendicular  to 
the  cleavage.  The  9-foot  bed  and  other  parallel  beds  have  been  quarried 
extensively  near  the  Pond  quarry  and  at  other  points  over  a  distance  of 
3  miles  to  the  northwest. 

Another  series  of  openings  is  or  has  been  worked  about  1  mile  south 
of  Monson  village.  The  chief  bed  worked  is  10  feet  thick,  stands  vertical, 
and  strikes  N.63°E.  The  cleavage  is  vertical  and  nearly  parallels  the 
strike.  The  grain  is  vertical  and  at  right  angles  to  the  cleavage.  For 
many  years  slate  was  removed  from  long,  narrow,  vertical  openings,  but 
the  difiiculty  of  maintaining  safe  walls  at  depths  of  300  to  350  feet  was  so 
great,  especially  in  view  of  the  inclined  open  joints  occurring  frequently 
throughout  the  district,  that  underground  stoping  methods  were  adopted 
and  have  been  employed  with  success. 

Various  other  openings  have  been  made  near  Monson,  and  the  general 
structure  is  similar  in  all  deposits.  Narrow,  vertical  beds  with  vertical 
cleavage  are  the  most  notable  characteristics. 

Monson  slate  is  especially  adaptable  for  the  manufacture  of  switch- 
boards, panels,  and  other  electrical  insulators.  Not  only  has  it  excep- 
tionally high  dielectric  strength,  but  it  is  easily  cut  and  drilled,  and  the 
uniform  ebonylike  surface  is  attractive.  A  large  percentage  of  the  total 
production  in  this  district  is  electrical  slate,  though  some  blackboards 
and  a  limited  quantity  of  sanitary  and  structural  slate  are  also  manu- 
factured. Roofing-slate  production  has  always  been  small,  but  this 
branch  of  the  industry  is  attaining  greater  importance. 

SLATE  241 

Large,  well-equipped  finishing  mills  are  maintained  in  the  Monson 
district.  Electrically  driven  machinery  of  the  most  modern  type  is 
employed  to  saw,  plane,  rub,  polish,  and  drill  slabs  of  slate  with  the 
utmost  accuracy  and  precision.  Monson  slate  has  won  an  excellent 
reputation  for  both  quality  and  workmanship.  The  product  is  trans- 
ported by  a  narrow-gage  railway  6  miles  long,  connecting  with  the  Bangor 
and  Aroostook  Railroad.  Winter  weather  is  severe,  and  difl&culty  is 
experienced  at  times  from  the  heavy  snowfall. 

North  Blanchard  District. — Many  years  ago  two  large  quarries  were 
operated  at  North  Blanchard  about  6  miles  west  of  Monson  for  produc- 
tion of  electrical,  structural,  and  roofing  slate,  but  no  activity  has  been 
reported  during  recent  years.  A  series  of  alternating  beds  of  dark  gray 
slate  and  quartzite  having  a  total  thickness  of  50  to  65  feet  strikes 
N.25°  to  37°E.,  and  dips  about  80°.  The  slaty  cleavage  parallels  both 
dip  and  strike  and  is  at  right  angles  to  the  grain,  which  is  vertical.  The 
best  beds  are  4  to  7  feet  thick.     The  quarries  are  near  the  railroad. 

Brownsville  District. — A  dark  gray  slate  was  quarried  many  years  ago 
in  southeastern  Piscataquis  County  near  Brownsville.  Numerous  slate 
beds  over  an  area  more  than  160  feet  wide  are  interbedded  with  quartz- 
ites,  as  in  the  other  districts.  The  best  beds  are  6  to  9  feet  thick,  run 
northeast,  and  dip  about  75°.  The  cleavage  approximately  parallels 
bedding.  Roofing  slate  was  the  chief  product,  but  no  production  has 
been  reported  from  this  district  since  about  1914. 

New  York-Vermont.  General  Features. — An  important  slate  district 
extends  from  Rutland  County  west-central  Vermont  into  Washington 
County,  New  York.  Slate  production  in  Vermont  in  1929  was  valued  at 
$3,704,894,  or  about  33  per  cent  of  the  value  of  total  production  for  the 
entire  country.  Production  in  1930  was  valued  at  $2,463,241,  in  1931  at 
$1,508,518,  and  in  1937  at  $1,431,798.  Roofing  slate  is  the  chief  product, 
but  material  for  floors,  walks,  mill  stock,  granules,  and  slate  flour  is  also 
produced  in  large  quantities.  Production  in  New  York  in  1929  was 
valued  at  $838,531,  or  about  7.5  per  cent  of  the  value  of  total  production 
for  the  United  States.  In  1930  it  was  valued  at  $438,619,  in  1931  at 
$325,476,  and  in  1937  at  $360,064.  Granules  and  slate  flour  constitute 
about  three  fourths  of  the  production,  and  roofing  slate  one  fourth. 

Geology. — As  the  area  embraced  is  a  continuous  geologic  unit,  it  is 
discussed  as  a  whole.  The  geology  of  the  district  is  complex.  The 
slates  are  of  two  ages — those  of  Ordovician  age  including  red,  bright 
green,  and  black  slates  and  those  of  Cambrian  age  including  green, 
purple,  and  variegated  slates.  In  some  places  the  Cambrian  rocks  pro- 
trude through  the  Ordovician,  and  intense  folding  and  faulting  make  the 
relationships  obscure.  The  slate  beds  lie  in  close  folds  more  or  less 
overturned  to  the  west  with  eastward-dipping  slaty  cleavage.     Most  of 

^42  rtiE  STONE  7:ndvstr7e& 

the  Cambrian  roofing-slate  quarries  are  close  to  the  boundairy  between  the 
'Cambrian  and  Ordovician.  In  general,  the  slaty  cleavage  dips  eastward 
•30  to  50°  and  either  parallels  the  beds  or  crosses  them  at  a  low  angle. 
The  grain  Or  sculp  is  usually  vertical  bttt  variable  in  direction  in  different 
'quarries.  Close  jointing  in  the  dip  direction  occurs  in  .pilaces.  Quaittz 
veins,  p'yrite  crystals,  and  dikes  appear  in  some  areas. 
;  ■  Varieties  and  Uses. — The  various  types  of  slate  with  their  distribiition 
iand  uses  are  described  in  following  paragraphs. 

Sea-green  > Slate. — The  term  "sea-green"  is  applied  ^to  a  varieity  of 
'slate  'that  w-hen  first  quarried  is  light  gray  to  slightly  greenish  gray,  but 
^hich  after  a  few  years'  exposure  changes  to  a  buff  or  brownish  gray. 
'This  color-aging  is  preferred  by  some  architects  and  builders.  As  both 
the  sea-green  and  unfading  green  slates  are  of  Cambrian  age  and  evi- 
dently belong  to  the  same  period  of  deposition  it  is  difficult  to  find  a  reason 
for  the  difference  in  degree  of  permanence  in  color.  Generally,  the  sea- 
green  slates  are  found  in  the  region  south  of  a  point  about  2  miles  north 
of  Poultney,  and  the  unfading  green  slates  north  of  that  point,  but 
exceptionally  the  occurrences  are  reversed.  The  difference  probably  is 
due  to  a  change  in  sedimentation,  the  southern  area  having  more  car- 
bonate and  the  northern  less  carbonate  and  more  chlorite  and  pyrite. 
Some  of  the  sea-green  slates  are  classed  as  hard,  others  as  soft.  They  are 
used  chiefly  for  roofing  and  to  a  small  but  increasing  extent  for  floors  and 

Unfading-green  Slate. — The  slate  termed  "unfading  green"  is  greenish 
gray,  a  color  it  maintains  indefinitely.  It  contains  more  pyrite  and 
magnetite  than  the  sea-green  and  splits  less  readily.  Unfading-green 
slate  is  confined  chiefly,  though  not  entirely,  to  that  part  of  the  slate  area 
which  lies  north  of  Poultney.     It  is  used  principally  for  roofing. 

Purple  and  Variegated  Slates. — The  so-called  "purple"  slate  is  dark 
purplish  brown,  the  purple  color  being  attributed  to  a  mixture  of  the  red 
of  hematite  with  the  bluish  green  of  chlorite.  The  "variegated"  is 
greenish  brown,  with  irregular  purple  patches  giving  a  mottled  effect, 
which  is  attributed  to  irregular  distribution  of  hematite.  Both  types  are 
interbedded  with  the  sea-green  and  unfading-green  slates  but  are  less 
susceptible  to  color  changes  than  are  the  sea-green  varieties. 

Mill-stock  Slates. — Certain  purple  and  green  slates  having  poor  cleav- 
age are  used  for  various  milled  products,  such  as  floor  tile,  vats,  mantles, 
baseboards,  sills,  steps,  and  to  a  small  extent  billiard-table  tops,  sanitary 
slabs,  and  blackboards.  Some  purple  slates  are  well-adapted  for  elec- 
trical uses.  Most  of  the  slate  used  for  milling  purposes  is  obtained  in 
the  northern  district,  near  Fair  Haven,  Vt. 

Red  Slates. — Red  slates  associated  with  bright  green  varieties  of 
Ordovician  age  are  found  in  Washington  County,  N.  Y.,  near  Granville. 
The  red  color  is  due  to  abundant  hematite.     These  slates  occur  in  beds 

SLATE  243 

10  to  25  feet  thick,  and  are  used  for  granules  and  to  a  limited  extent  for 

Flagging  and  Building  Stone. — Slate  for  copings,  flagging,  terraces, 
ornamental  walkways,  and  walls  made  entirely  of  slate  or  in  combination 
with  other  stones  is  produced  in  increasing  quantities,  particularly  in 
Washington  County,  N.  Y.  Very  attractive  sidewalks  and  porch  floors 
are  made  by  fitting  together  flagstones  of  various  sizes,  shapes,  and 

Granules  and  Slate  Flour. — Granules  for  the  manufacture  of  prepared 
roofing  are  made  of  both  red  and  green  slate  at  Granville,  Middle  Gran- 
ville, Poultney,  and  Hampton.  Slate  is  also  ground  to  a  fine  powder 
and  sold  as  a  filler  for  roofing  mastic,  paint,  road  asphalt,  and  various 
other  products. 

General  Distribution  of  Quarries  and  Mills. — Aside  from  granules, 
flour,  and  slate  for  floors,  walks,  and  walls  the  product  of  Washington 
County,  N.  Y.,  is  roofing  slate.  Many  slates  are  of  the  thick,  heavy 
types  known  as  architectural  grades.  Their  rough  texture  and  attrac- 
tive, variegated  colors  adapt  them  for  ornamental  roofing  material.  A 
few  large  companies  have  quarries  near  Granville  and  Middle  Granville, 
and  many  small  quarry  operators  sell  their  products  to  them. 

In  the  southern  slate  district  of  Vermont,  which  extends  from  Poult- 
ney to  West  Pawlet,  the  chief  product  is  roofing  slate.  Numerous 
quarries  are  operated  throughout  this  district  and  produce  slates  in  a 
wide  variety  of  color  combinations.  Granules  are  also  manufactured, 
chiefly  from  green  slates.  In  the  northern  district  of  Vermont,  near 
Poultney,  Fair  Haven,  and  Hydeville  both  roofing  and  mill  stock  are 
produced.  Several  slate-finishing  mills  are  operated,  particularly  in  and 
near  Fair  Haven.  Structural,  electrical,  and  roofing  slates  are  important 
products  of  this  territory. 

It  may  be  observed  from  the  above  descriptions  that  Vermont  and 
New  York  produce  slates  in  an  attractive  variety  of  colors  particularly 
well-adapted  for  roofing  high-class  residences  and  larger  structures. 
The  heavy  architectural  grades  are  sold  widely  for  ornamental  roofs. 
With  proper  color  blending  and  graduation  of  size  they  produce  effects 
unsurpassed  in  attractiveness  by  any  other  roofing  material.  More 
than  20  companies  quarry  slate  in  New  York  and  more  than  50  companies 
in  Vermont. 

Pennsylvania.  Lehigh  District.  General  Features. — The  Lehigh  dis- 
trict comprises  Lehigh  and  Northampton  Counties,  Pa.,  and  Sussex 
County,  N.J.  The  Pennsylvania  slates  occur  in  a  strip  2  to  4  miles  wide 
on  the  south  side  of  Blue  Mountain,  extending  from  Delaware  Water  Gap 
on  the  Delaware  River  southwest  to  a  point  4  miles  west  of  Lehigh 
Gap  on  the  Lehigh  River — about  32  miles.  Quarries  centered  chiefly 
around  Bangor,  Pen  Argyl,  Windgap,  and  Slatington  constitute  the  most 


productive  slate  area  in  the  United  States.  The  Sussex  County  (N.  J.) 
deposit,  extending  from  Newton  and  Lafayette  to  the  Delaware  River,  is 
regarded  as  an  eastward  continuation  of  the  Pennsylvania  beds. 

Slate  produced  in  Pennsylvania  in  1929  was  valued  at  $4,798,200,  or 
about  42.7  per  cent  of  the  value  of  total  production  in  the  United  States. 
Production  in  1930  was  valued  at  $3,634,258,  in  1931  at  $2,791,752,  and  in 
1937  at  $2,735,744.  A  small  part  of  the  Pennsylvania  production  was 
obtained  from  the  Peach  Bottom  district,  which  is  considered  in  a  sub- 
sequent section  of  this  chapter.  Roofing  and  mill  stock  are  both  pro- 
duced extensively,  and  there  is  a  small  production  of  granules  and  slate 

Geology. — A  Cambrian  and  Ordovician  dolomite  and  limestone  plain 
3  to  6  miles  wide  extends  north  and  northeast  from  Easton,  Pa.,  following 
the  general  direction  of  the  Delaware  River  as  far  as  Belvidere.  The 
upper  member,  the  Jacksonburg  limestone,  provides  the  well-known 
cement  rock  of  the  Lehigh  Valley.  The  limestone  dips  northwest,  and 
overlying  it  is  the  Martinsburg  formation,  which  includes  the  slate  beds. 
At  the  southeast  the  shales  and  slates  are  in  contact  with  the  underlying 
limestone  and  at  the  northwest  dip  under  the  Silurian  conglomerate  and 
sandstone  of  Blue  Mountain.  The  slate  belt  is  1,600  to  6,000  feet  wide, 
but  only  a  few  hundred  feet  are  of  commercial  quality. 

The  slate  formation  consists  of  two  lithologically  different  rock  types. 
The  lower  section,  known  as  the  "hard-vein"  belt  is  made  up  of  hard 
closely  bedded  slates  interbedded  in  places  with  sandstone.  It  occurs 
farthest  south  passing  through  Belfast  and  Chapman  Quarries.  Above 
it  are  beds  of  nearly  pure  sandstone,  and  higher  still,  a  second  type  of 
slate,  which  is  soft  and  thick-bedded,  with  occasional  sandy  layers. 
The  upper  section  constitutes  the  "soft-vein"  belt,  which  extends  from 
East  Bangor  through  Bangor,  Pen  Argyl,  Windgap,  Danielsville,  and 
Slatington  to  Slatedale.  From  the  structural  relations  it  is  evident  that 
the  soft-vein  slate  everywhere  occurs  nearest  the  mountain. 

The  slate  beds  consist  of  a  succession  of  close  folds  generally  over- 
turned northward  so  that  their  axial  planes  have  a  general  southerly  dip. 
Folds  are  easily  recognized  by  the  curve  of  the  ribbon.  The  slaty 
cleavage  dips  southward  at  various  angles,  usually  ranging  from  5  to  20°, 
and  therefore  intersects  the  ribbon  at  a  high  angle. 

Varieties  and  Uses.  Hard-vein  Slate. — "Hard-vein"  slate,  as  the 
name  implies,  is  relatively  hard  compared  with  the  overlying  beds.  It  is 
used  almost  exclusively  for  roofing,  walks,  and  masonry  walls,  as  it  is  too 
hard  for  milling.  The  rock  is  blue-gray,  with  somewhat  darker  carbon- 
aceous beds.  The  more  siliceous  beds  have  a  faintly  silvery  sheen. 
Ribbons,  consisting  mostly  of  siliceous  minerals  highly  resistant  to 
weathering,  are  numerous  and  closely  spaced.  They  scarcely  deflect 
the  cleavage,  which  is  remarkably  well-developed. 

SLATE  245 

CHAPMAN  QUARRIES  DISTRICT. — The  most  productivG  district  in  the 
hard-vein  belt  is  at  Chapman  Quarries  station  on  the  Lehigh  &  New 
England  Railway.  Quarrying  began  in  this  district  about  1860. 
Numerous  openings  have  been  made,  but  only  two  or  three  of  the 
largest  have  been  quarried  actively  during  recent  years.  The  slate  beds 
in  this  area  are  folded  and  contorted,  synclines  and  anticlines  appearing 
on  quarry  walls.  The  slaty  cleavage,  however,  is  remarkably  constant, 
generally  ranging  from  10  to  20°  in  a  southerly  direction.  The  principal 
joints,  which  strike  about  N.60°E.,  are  nearly  vertical  and  form  many 
of  the  smooth  faces  seen  on  quarry  walls.  The  grain  is  vertical  and 
strikes  N.37°-53°W.  While  variations  occur  in  different  quarries  the 
general  structure  is  much  the  same  throughout  the  district.  For  many 
years  the  larger  quarries  have  continuously  produced  large  quantities  of 
roofing  slate.  Heavy,  rough-textured  architectural  slates  are  produced 
in  increasing  quantities,  and  heavy  flagging  and  grave  vaults  are  made  in 
limited  amounts. 

BELFAST-EDELMAN  DISTRICT. — Typical  hard-vein  slate  of  this  area 
lies  within  a  radius  of  23-^  miles  of  Edelman  on  the  Delaware,  Lackawanna, 
&  Western  Railway.  Only  two  quarries  have  been  active  recently,  one 
at  Edelman  and  one  at  Belfast.  In  the  Edelman  quarry  major  joints 
strike  in  a  general  northeasterly  direction  and  are  quite  regular.  Slaty 
cleavage  dipping  about  10°S.  cuts  across  the  intensely  folded  beds.  A 
vertical  grain  trends  about  N.50°W.  In  the  Belfast  quarry  the  cleavage 
dips  east  at  angles  of  5  to  22°,  while  the  grain  trends  about  N.40°W.  and 
is  vertical.     Roofing  slate  is  the  main  product. 

Soft-vein  Slate. — The  upper  soft-vein  member  of  the  Martinsburg 
formation  consists  of  thick  beds  of  light  to  dark  bluish  gray  slate  alter- 
nating with  thinner,  almost  black  beds  (ribbons).  The  wider  ribbon-free 
bands  are  known  as  "big  beds";  they  are  particularly  prized,  as  they 
provide  clear  stock  for  blackboards  and  other  of  the  higher-priced 
products.  Ribbons,  which  consist  of  thin  carbonaceous  beds,  have  an 
important  bearing  on  the  value  of  slate,  for  most  of  them  disintegrate 
upon  exposure  a  little  more  rapidly  than  the  main  body.  For  this  reason 
ribboned  slate  is  not  favored  for  the  most  enduring  uses,  though  some  of 
it  will  give  good  service  for  50  or  more  years.  Because  of  their  carbon 
content  ribbons  are  not  good  electrical  insulators  and  therefore  must  be 
avoided  in  the  manufacture  of  switchboards  and  panels.  For  certain 
exposed  uses  they  detract  from  appearance,  but  as  they  do  not  affect 
strength  greatly,  ribbon  slate  is  widely  used  for  many  structural  applica- 
tions, such  as  steps,  risers,  baseboard,  wainscoting,  etc.  Its  easy 
workability  makes  soft-vein  slate  particularly  desirable  mill  stock. 

"Hard  rolls"  is  a  name  given  to  the  sandy  portions  of  beds  which  are 
usually  discarded,  partly  because  they  dull  tools  rapidly  and  are  therefore 
worked  with  difficulty  and  partly  because  the  cleavage  is  inclined  to  be 


curved  or  irregular.  Siliceous  knots,  which  are  present  in  places,  affect 
the  workability  of  the  slate  and  cause  uneven  cleavage. 

In  the  eastern  or  Bangor-Pen  Argyl  part  of  this  region,  the  soft-vein 
member  of  the  Martinsburg  formation  may  be  separated  into  two  parts — 
the  lower  or  Bangor  beds  and  the  upper  or  Pen  Argyl  beds.  The  former 
extend  from  East  Bangor  through  Bangor  and  thence  southwestward, 
passing  from  }^  to  l^z  miles  south  of  Pen  Argyl.  The  upper  beds  pass 
through  the  southern  part  of  the  town  of  Pen  Argyl  and  through  West 
Pen  Argyl  and  Windgap.  It  is  customary  in  the  Pen  Argyl  and  Bangor 
districts  to  recognize  certain  subdivisions  called  "runs,"  which  include  the 
several  beds  of  slate  exposed  in  a  quarry  or  group  of  quarries.  Generally 
accepted  names  are  applied  to  the  more  important  runs,  and  the  slate  in 
some  instances  is  well-known  to  the  trade  by  the  name  of  the  run  from 
which  it  is  obtained.  In  general,  the  slate  of  any  particular  run  is  fairly 
constant  in  quality  from  one  quarry  to  another,  although  variations  occur. 

BANGOR  DISTRICT. — The  lower  beds  of  soft-vein  slate  are  slightly 
harder  than  the  upper,  and  ribbons  are  somewhat  closer  together. 
Beginning  at  the  top  of  the  Bangor  beds,  the  following  runs  generally  are 
recognized:  North  Bangor  No.  3,  North  Bangor  No.  2,  North  Bangor, 
Bangor  Union,  Old  Bangor,  and  Grand  Central.  Each  is  subdivided  into 
certain  characteristic  beds  on  the  basis  of  thickness,  ribbon,  and  color. 
Seven  or  eight  companies  operate  quarries  near  Bangor  and  East  Bangor, 
where  more  than  30  quarries  are  or  have  been  active.  The  main  product 
is  roofing  slate  which  has  won  a  high  reputation  through  many  years  of 
satisfactory  service.  Some  beds  are  suitable  for  mill  stock,  and  several 
large  mills  are  operated.  Certain  thin  beds  intermediate  in  color  between 
the  carbonaceous  black  of  the  ribbons  and  the  light  gray  of  the  big  beds 
are  used  for  school  slates. 

PEN  ARGYL  AND  WINDGAP  DISTRICT. — The  Upper  soft-vcin  slates  that 
extend  southwest  from  Pen  Argyl  are  grouped  into  well-recognized  runs 
in  the  same  manner  as  those  at  Bangor.  Beginning  with  the  topmost 
beds  the  following  runs  appear  in  succession:  Pennsylvania,  United 
States,  Diamond,  Albion,  Acme,  and  Phoenix.  The  runs  are  not  in 
direct  contact  with  each  other  but  are  separated  by  intervening  beds 
75  to  280  feet  thick,  consisting  of  unworkable  slaty  rock.  Each  run  is 
made  up  of  a  series  of  individual  beds;  the  Albion  run,  for  example, 
consists  of  12  beds  with  an  aggregate  thickness  of  184  feet;  some  are  big 
beds,  some  ribboned  slate,  and  others  unworkable  rock.  The  Albion 
"gray  bed"  is  of  exceptionally  high  quality. 

Eight  or  10  companies  operate  quarries  in  and  about  Pen  Argyl. 
The  largest  and  deepest  open-pit  slate  quarries  in  the  country  are  in  this 
territory;  a  maximum  depth  of  725  feet  has  been  attained,  and  depths  of 
400  to  500  feet  are  not  uncommon.  Deep  quarrying  is  not  entirely  a 
matter  of  choice;  it  is  influenced  by  rock  structures.     Beds  dip  at  very 



steep  angles  and  in  places  are  almost  vertical.  As  property  lines  or  heavy 
overburden  in  many  places  restricts  extension  of  quarries  along  the  strike 
and  as  beds  are  of  limited  thickness,  a  great  volume  of  production  can  be 
attained  only  by  following  the  beds  to  greater  and  greater  depths. 

Rock  structures  are  favorable  for  quarrying.     Slaty  cleavage  gener- 
ally dips  south  at  a  low  angle,  and  quarry  floors  are  maintained  parallel 


Fig.  42. — View  from  the  bottom  of  a  ^late  quarry  450  feet  deep  at  Pen  Argyl,  Pa. 

of  I ngersoll-Rand  Company.) 


to  it.  Open  seams  and  loose  ribbons  provide  smooth,  uniform  quarry 
walls  in  places. 

Figure  42  illustrates  a  deep  quarry  in  the  Pen  Argyl  district.  The 
curved  wall  at  the  right  resulted  from  the  presence  of  a  loose  ribbon. 

In  1929  five  companies  were  operating  near  Windgap  about  23^^  miles 
southwest  of  Pen  Argyl.     The  same  beds  as  at  Pen  Argyl  are  present;  and 


conditions  are  similar,  although  each  quarry  has  its  own  peculiar 

Both  roofing  and  mill  stock  are  obtained  from  most  of  the  quarries 
throughout  the  Pen  Argyl-Windgap  district,  and  large,  well-equipped 
mills  are  associated  with  the  quarries.  Durable,  unfading  slates  with 
straight,  easy  cleavage  are  used  for  high-grade  roofing  material;  rough 
splitting  slate  and  mill  ends  for  heavy  architectural  roofing-slates;  big 
beds  for  blackboards  and  large  slabs  of  clear  structural  slate;  smaller 
beds  of  high  dielectric  strength  for  panels  and  switchboards ;  and  ribboned 
beds  for  various  structural  and  sanitary  applications.  Granules  and 
slate  flour  are  manufactured  to  a  limited  extent. 

SLATiNGTON  DISTRICT. — A  westward  extension  of  the  soft-vein  slate 
beds  has  been  quarried  extensively  in  western  Northampton  County  near 
Berlinsville  and  across  the  Lehigh  River  in  Lehigh  County  at  Slatington, 
Emerald,  and  Slatedale.  The  quarries  near  Slatington  occupy  an  area 
of  about  3  square  miles  along  Trout  Creek  and  its  tributaries.  As  in  the 
eastern  Northampton  County  district,  quarrymen  give  special  names 
to  the  commercial  beds.  Following  the  beds  dow^nward — that  is,  from 
north  to  south  the  following  are  recognized:  Columbia,  Manhattan, 
Locke,  Star,  Keystone,  Mammoth,  Big  Franklin,  Little  Franklin,  Wash- 
ington, Trout  Creek,  Blue  Mountain,  Saegersville,  and  Peach  Bottom. 

The  "Franklin  big  bed"  and  "Washington  big  bed,"  as  they  are 
sometimes  termed,  are  the  most  widely  known,  as  they  provide  clear 
stock  of  high  quality  in  large  sizes.  Some  of  the  beds  mentioned  may  be 
duplications,  for  the  folding  is  close,  and  the  same  bed  could  easily 
reappear  several  times.  Complete  anticlines  or  synclines  are  observable 
on  some  quarry  walls,  as  the  folding  in  this  district  is  around  axial  planes 
that  stand  more  nearly  vertical  than  at  Bangor  and  Pen  Argyl  and  have 
the  effect  of  repeating  the  outcrop  of  individual  beds.  The  curvature 
is  plainly  marked  by  ribbons.  Slaty  cleavage  is  quite  steep,  in  many 
places  reaching  60  to  75°,  though  in  some  quarries  it  may  be  as  low  as 
35°.  Curved  cleavage  has  been  noted  in  some  beds.  The  grain  is 
nearly  vertical  and  at  right  angles  to  the  cleavage.  Joints  or  "headers" 
dip  at  various  angles.  The  rock  is  dark  bluish  gray,  and  most  of  it  splits 
easily.  About  10  companies  were  active  in  the  district  in  1930.  A  great 
many  quarries  have  been  worked,  some  of  them  to  depths  of  300  or  more 
feet,  but  most  of  them  are  now  abandoned.  Slate  is  being  mined  locally, 
in  addition  to  the  usual  quarry  operations.  Both  roofing  and  mill  stock 
are  produced  by  all  the  companies. 

New  Jersey. — An  eastward  extension  of  the  Pennsylvania  slate  beds 
crosses  the  Delaware  River  and  extends  into  Sussex  County,  N.  J.,  as  far 
as  Lafayette  and  Newton.  The  deposit  is  regarded  as  a  continuation  of 
the  hard-vein  slate  occurring  at  Chapman  Quarries  and  Belfast.  Near 
Lafayette,  where  commercial  development  has  taken  place,  the  beds  dip 

SLATE  249 

about  18°  northwest,  while  the  slaty  cleavage  dips  about  19°  southeast. 
The  grain  is  vertical  and  at  right  angles  to  the  strike  of  the  beds.  The 
slate  is  blue-gray  and  intersected  by  numerous  ribbons  at  1-  to  15-inch 
intervals.  Like  the  hard- vein  ribbons  of  Pennsylvania,  they  resist 

For  a  number  of  years  before  1918  roofing  slate  was  produced  from 
a  quarry  about  11^  miles  north  of  Lafayette.  The  quarry  was  reopened 
in  1922  and  again  in  1928.  Slate  of  high  tensile  strength,  low  porosity, 
and  attractive  color  is  obtainable  in  this  district,  but  economical  operation 
evidently  has  not  yet  been  perfected,  for  activity  ceased  again  in  1930. 

Pennsylvania-Maryland.  Peach  Bottom  District. — The  slate  belt  of 
the  Peach  Bottom  district  is  one-fifth  to  one-half  mile  wide,  extending 
from  about  1  mile  northeast  of  the  Susquehanna  River  in  Fulton  town- 
ship, Lancaster  County,  Pa.,  southwest  across  the  river,  across  Peach 
Bottom  township,  York  County,  and  continuing  about  3  miles  in  Cardiff 
township,  Harford  County,  Md.  Its  total  length  is  about  10  miles.  For- 
merly about  1}4  miles  were  beneath  the  Susquehanna  River,  but  since 
the  Conowingo  Dam  was  completed  a  larger  part  of  it  is  submerged. 
Quarries  are  situated  near  Delta,  Pa.,  and  Cardiff,  Md. 

The  slate,  bordered  by  schist,  is  regarded  as  of  pre-Cambrian  age  and 
overlies  older  gneisses  and  serpentine.  Three  parallel  belts  75  to  120  feet 
thick  extend  northeast-southwest,  but  their  structural  relations  are 
obscure.  Slaty  cleavage  is  uniformly  vertical  or  dips  at  a  steep  angle. 
One  or  more  nearly  horizontal  joints  pitching  gently  southward  usually 
are  present  40  to  60  feet  below  the  surface  and  known  locally  as  "big  flat 
joints."  They  include  2  to  3  feet  of  crushed  slate,  the  fracturing  of  which 
has  evidently  resulted  from  secondary  crustal  movement.  Commercial 
slate  occurs  only  below  this  joint.  Other  joints  intersect  the  slate,  some 
being  vertical  and  others  dipping  at  various  angles.  Inclined  joints, 
with  quartz  veins  and  lenses,  cause  much  waste.  The  grain  dips  20  to  50° 

As  recorded  on  page  237,  the  first  slate  quarry  opened  in  America  was 
in  the  Peach  Bottom  district,  and  slate  therefrom  used  on  seven  successive 
roofs  over  a  period  of  nearly  200  years  is  still  in  excellent  condition. 
Although  Peach  Bottom  slate  generally  is  recognized  as  of  superior 
quality,  the  industry  has  never  flourished.  Lack  of  activity  is  due  to 
unfavorable  quarry  conditions,  which  are  discussed  in  a  subsequent 
section  on  quarry  methods  in  the  various  districts. 

Peach  Bottom  slate  is  dark  bluish  gray,  with  a  lustrous  cleavage 
surface.  It  contains  graphite,  magnetite,  and  a  little  pyrite  but  is 
notably  free  of  carbonate.  An  unusual  feature  is  the  presence  of  numer- 
ous small  crystals  of  andalusite.  The  main  product  is  roofing  slate,  which 
has  an  excellent  reputation.  At  times  a  small  amount  of  structural 
slate  is  made.     Only  two  companies  have  produced  during  recent  years. 


Two  large  mills,  one  in  Maryland  and  one  in  Pennsylvania,    produce 
granules  and  slate  flour. 

Virginia.  Buckingham  and  Fluvanna  Counties. — Slate  extends  from 
Fluvanna  County  across  the  James  River  and  southward  over  5  miles. 
From  fossils  found  in  the  beds  the  rock  is  identified  as  of  Ordovician  age. 
The  slate  occupies  a  zone  about  two  fifths  mile  wide  along  Hunts  Creek,  a 
southern  tributary  of  Slate  River.  At  Penlan  it  strikes  N.30°E.,  at 
Arvonia  N.35°E.,  and  on  the  north  side  of  the  James  River  3}^  miles 
north-northeast  of  Arvonia  N.20°E.  The  best  commercial  slate  occurs 
near  Arvonia  in  a  belt  200  to  250  feet  wide  and  about  1  mile  long.  To  the 
south  of  this  area  the  slate  is  of  good  quality,  but  the  belt  becomes  too 
narrow  for  profitable  mining;  to  the  north,  while  the  belt  becomes  wider, 
the  slate  is  poorer  in  quality  and  splits  with  greater  difficulty. 

Bedding  dips  southeast  at  steep  angles  of  80  to  85°.  Slaty  cleavage 
parallels  bedding.  Vertical  dip  joints  strike  about  northwest;  other 
joints  run  northeast  and  in  diagonal  directions.  There  are  also  gently 
undulating  "flat  joints"  which  the  grain  parallels.  Closed  seams  or 
planes  of  weakness,  known  locally  as  "post,"  cross  the  deposit  at  20-  to 
60-foot  intervals  and  serve  as  headings  for  the  benches.  The  post  runs 
diagonally,  causing  much  waste  in  places.  A  diabase  dike  7  feet  across 
was  uncovered  in  opening  a  new  quarry  in  1930. 

Nature  has  provided  a  very  interesting  index  or  guide  to  the  best 
commercial  slates.  A  certain  easily  recognized  bed  serves  as  a  reliable 
marker  in  locating  workable  beds.  This  indicator  bed  is  about  20  feet 
wide  and  consists  of  characteristically  spotted  or  pitted  rock.  It  occurs 
on  the  western  side  of  the  belt,  and  good  slate  always  begins  about 
20  feet  east  of  this  bed. 

Buckingham  slate  is  very  dark  gray  or  slightly  greenish,  with  a 
lustrous  surface.  It  contains  a  little  graphite,  magnetite,  and  pyrite 
but  is  notably  free  of  carbonate.  It  splits  with  difficulty,  with  a  rough 
surface,  which  is  an  asset  according  to  modern  architectural  demands  for 
variegated  texture.  Virginia  slate  is  so  hard  that  channeling  machines 
can  not  be  used,  and  quarrying  is  done  by  drilling  and  blasting.  As 
timed  by  the  writer,  a  pneumatic  drill  bit  1  inch  in  diameter  sinks  at  a 
rate  of  only  2  inches  a  minute.  Except  for  small  quantities  used  locally 
for  monuments  and  a  small  but  increasing  amount  for  walks  and  terraces 
the  entire  production  is  roofing  slate.  It  is  very  durable  and  has  a 
splendid  reputation.  Slates  from  the  roof  of  the  McGuire  residence  in 
Alexandria,  Va.,  which  was  built  in  1820,  show  no  discoloration  or  sign  of 
deterioration.  Three  large  companies  were  operating  quarries  in  1931. 
The  largest  excavations  are  500  to  600  feet  long,  250  feet  wide,  and  200  to 
225  feet  deep. 

Albemarle  County. — The  slate  outcrop  of  Albemarle  County  lies  east 
of  the  Blue  Ridge  and  10  to  12  miles  west  of  the  Buckingham  County 

SLATE  251 

belt.  Quarries  have  been  opened  at  Esmont  on  Ballinger  Creek,  a  small 
tributary  of  James  River.  The  rock  is  intensely  folded  into  a  series  of 
synelines  and  anticlines.  Slaty  cleavage  dips  northeast  at  an  angle  of 
70°  to  80°.  Discontinuous  vertical  joints  strike  N.58°W.  and  are  spaced 
2  to  10  feet  apart.  Close,  irregular  jointing  causes  much  waste  in  the 
upper  levels.  Both  black  and  green  slates  occur,  and  the  same  beds 
appear  repeatedly  on  account  of  close  folding.  One  opening  has  been 
worked  to  a  depth  of  about  200  feet.  The  slate  is  soft  enough  to  permit 
channeling  machines  to  be  used  in  the  quarry  and  circular  saws  in  the 
mill.     Both  roofing  slate  and  granules  are  produced. 

During  recent  years  roofing  slate  of  good  quality  has  been  produced 
at  Monticello,  but  no  details  of  structure  have  been  obtained. 

States  of  Minor  Importance. — The  following  States  have  been  inter- 
mittent producers  of  slate  on  a  small  scale. 

Arkansas. — The  slate  area  of  Arkansas  extends  about  100  miles  west 
from  Little  Rock  nearly  to  Mena  and  has  an  average  width  of  15  miles. 
The  principal  developments  are  near  Norman  and  Slatington  in  Mont- 
gomery County.  The  rock  is  compressed  closely  in  overturned  pitching 
folds.  In  some  places  cleavage  parallels  bedding;  in  others  it  is  oblique. 
Both  red  and  green  sla.tes  are  obtainable,  and  near  Mena,  Polk  County, 
greenish  gray  and  black  slates  occur.  Many  attempts  have  been  made  to 
develop  the  Arkansas  deposits,  but  none  has  been  successful  on  account 
of  the  distance  from  markets,  high  freight  rates,  and  large  proportion  of 
waste.  Mill  stock  was  produced  years  ago,  but  recent  production  has 
been  confined  to  a  small  amount  of  flagging  for  walks. 

California. — Between  1889  and  1915,  when  activity  practically 
ceased,  Eldorado  County,  Calif.,  produced  considerable  roofing  slate, 
attaining  a  maximum  of  10,000  squares  a  year  in  1903  and  1906.  Quarry- 
ing was  conducted  most  actively  near  Kelsey.  The  slate  which  is  of 
Jurassic  age  is  bordered  by  a  large  area  of  diabase.  The  bedding  is 
marked  by  numerous  ribbons,  which  are  generally  within  10°  of  the  plane 
of  slaty  cleavage,  the  latter  being  practically  vertical  with  a  N.25°W. 
strike.  The  ribbons  are  not  of  marketable  quality.  A  series  of  joints 
parallels  the  grain,  which  strikes  N.55°E.  and  dips  70  to  80  northwest. 
The  rock  is  dark  gray  and  resembles  Pennsylvania  slate  in  general 
appearance.  A  6-mile  aerial  tramway  was  employed  to  carry  the  product 
to  the  railroad  near  Placerville.  The  Chili  Bar  quarry  about  3  miles 
north  of  Placerville  has  been  worked  intermittently  for  the  production  of 
granules,  and  at  times  a  similar  product  is  produced  in  Tuolumne  County. 

Georgia. — The  Rockmart  formation  of  Polk  County  has  been  the  most 
productive  slate  belt  of  Georgia,  yielding  bluish  gray  roofing  slate,  with 
some  interruption,  from  1880  to  1913,  with  a  maximum  output  of  5,000 
squares  in  1894.  The  slate  is  of  Ordovician  age  and  is  underlain  with 
limestone.     Bedding    strikes    N.20°-40°E.    and    dips    southeast    about 


20  to  25°.  Slaty  cleavage  strikes  with  the  bedding  and  dips  40  to  45° 
southeast.  Ribbons  are  spaced  2  to  5  feet  apart  in  places,  and  joints  are 
15  to  18  feet  apart.  Decline  of  the  industry  is  attributed  to  increasing 
cost  and  unsystematic  development. 

A  second  slate  district  of  Georgia  is  in  the  Conasauga  formation 
of  Cambrian  age.  The  best  slate,  which  is  greenish  gray,  occurs  south 
of  Fair  Mount,  Bartow  County.  The  beds  are  greatly  folded  and 
contorted,  with  cleavage  dipping  9  to  45°.  A  small  amount  of  roofing 
slate  was  made  prior  to  1913,  but  recent  production  has  been  confined  to 
green  granules  and  slate  flour. 

Michigan. — A  large  deposit  of  black  slate  occurs  at  Arvon,  Baraga 
County,  close  to  water  transportation.  More  than  50,000  squares  of 
roofing  slate  were  made  before  1881,  when  the  quarry  was  last  worked. 
According  to  report  the  slate  is  of  good  quality,  but  the  industry  failed 
because  of  mismanagement. 

Tennessee. — Purplish,  greenish,  and  black  slates,  probably  of  Cam- 
brian age,  occur  in  Monroe  County.  Green  slate  has  been  quarried  to 
some  extent  near  Tellico  Plains  for  granule  manufacture,  but  operations 
were  discontinued  in  1928,  and  the  plant  was  moved  to  Fair  Mount,  Ga. 

Utah. — Green  and  purple  slates  occur  in  Slate  Canyon  about  2  miles 
southeast  of  Provo  station.  Purple  slates  are  more  abundant  and  have 
better  cleavage  than  the  green.  Granules  were  produced  in  a  small  way 
prior  to  1922. 


The  economical  development  of  deposits  involves  many  complex 
problems,  because  slate,  having  resulted  from  intense  regional  meta- 
morphism,  usually  occurs  in  folded  or  steeply  inclined  strata.  As  pointed 
out  in  the  discussion  of  the  origin  of  slate,  the  rock  consisted  originally 
of  clay  deposited  in  horizontal  beds  on  the  sea  floor.  Materials  forming 
each  distinct  original  bed  were  deposited  under  fairly  similar  conditions 
and  were  uniform  over  wide  areas.  No  matter  how  intense  subsequent 
metamorphism  may  have  been,  changes  were  usually  the  same  within  the 
boundaries  of  each  bed,  and  therefore  slate  as  it  appears  today  shows 
remarkably  constant  quality  throughout  the  extent  of  each  bed. 
Changes  in  thickness  may  occur  as  a  result  of  folding,  but  from  charac- 
teristic qualities  certain  well-defined  beds  may  be  recognized  at  points 
miles  apart.  Therefore,  if  high-quality  slate  is  found  in  a  certain  bed 
an  operator  plans  his  quarry  to  follow  this  bed.  Knowledge  of  geological 
structure  is  usually  advantageous,  as,  for  example,  in  regions  where  close 
folding  brings  a  desirable  bed  to  the  surface  in  a  succession  of  outcrops, 
where  a  pitching  axis  of  a  fold  depresses  a  bed  laterally  below  the  limit  of 
economic  recovery,  or  where  a  fault  carries  a  bed  beyond  the  boundaries 
of  a  quarry. 

SLATE  253 

The  plan  of  a  quarry  is  governed  chiefly  by  geologic  structures.  In 
Northampton  County,  Pa.,  beds  are  marked  clearly  by  ribbons  and  thus 
are  easy  to  trace.  Bedding  dips  at  steep  angles,  ranging  from  70°  to 
vertical.  Following  desirable  beds  under  such  conditions  carries  quarries 
down  500  to  700  feet.  Such  quarries  may  be  worked  for  years,  with 
little  expense  for  removal  of  overburden  but  with  some  attendant  incon- 
venience in  access  and  hoisting.  As  the  slaty  cleavage  is  nearly  horizontal 
or  dips  at  low  angles  quarry  walls  are  very  strong,  with  no  apparent  danger 
of  bulging  or  collapse  even  at  the  greatest  depths  to  which  quarries  are 
now  worked. 

In  Maine  the  beds  are  narrow  and  vertical,  and  the  cleavage  is  also 
vertical,  a  condition  which  makes  walls  weak  and  in  constant  danger  of 
collapsing  if  open  pits  are  sunk  200  feet  or  more.  The  necessity  for  deep 
mining,  combined  with  the  inherent  weakness  in  the  walls,  led  to  the 
ingenious  method  of  driving  deep  shafts  with  lateral  tunnels  and  removing 
rock  by  overhead  stoping.  Slate  in  the  Peach  Bottom  district  of  Penn- 
sylvania and  Maryland  likewise  has  vertical  cleavage,  but  through  lack 
of  foresight  the  weak  walls  were  so  overburdened  with  piles  of  waste  that 
very  expensive  slides  resulted. 

In  Buckingham  County,  Va.,  bedding  and  cleavage  stand  at  angles 
approaching  vertical,  but  cleavage  is  less  perfect  than  in  Pennsylvania  or 
Maine,  and  the  effects  of  freezing  and  thawing  are  less  severe.  The 
beds  are  thick  enough  to  permit  wide  openings,  and  quarrying  is  not 
conducted  at  excessive  depths. 

In  the  New  York- Vermont  area  bedding  dips  at  an  average  angle  of 
40  or  45°,  ranging  in  different  quarries  from  15  to  60°.  This  condition 
necessitates  wide,  comparatively  shallow  quarrying,  for  with  vertical 
descent  a  pit  may  pass  entirely  through  the  desirable  beds.  Further 
development  then  demands  extension  along  the  strike.  Extension  of  a 
pit  down  the  dip  of  beds  requires  removal  of  an  increasingly  heavy 
overburden.  Where  beds  are  inclined  moderately,  underground  methods 
have  been  followed  in  a  few  quarries  in  Vermont  and  near  Slatington,  Pa. 

Steeply  inclined  open  joints  and  "loose  ribbons"  are  structures  that 
demand  careful  attention,  as  they  may  endanger  operations  through  slides 
of  rock  masses  left  without  support.  Several  quarries  have  been  closed 
because  of  such  slides.  A  wise  operator  plans  his  quarry  as  a  permanent 
industry  and  at  the  outset  maps  a  plan  that  will  permit  untrammeled 
development  indefinitely.  Lack  of  capital  has  been  the  chief  cause  of 
inadequate  development  of  many  slate  quarries. 


Stripping. — Stripping  methods  are  described  in  some  detail  in  a 
previous  chapter.     Where  quarries  are  carried  to  great  depths  or  where 


underground  operations  are  followed  no  stripping  may  be  required  for 
10  to  20  years.  It  may  become  necessary  at  more  frequent  intervals  in 
regions  where  quarries  are  comparatively  wide  and  shallow.  A  heavy 
overburden  of  soil  and  decayed  rock  usually  is  handled  by  power  shovels. 
Removal  of  overburden  to  an  insufficient  distance  has  often  necessitated 
handling  waste  material  a  second  time  when  workings  are  enlarged. 
More  progressive  quarrymen  transport  overburden  and  waste  far  enough 
to  permit  development  for  many  years  without  rehandling. 

Drilling. — Compressed-air,  nonreciprocating,  automatic  rotation, 
hollow-steel  hammer  drills  are  the  most  popular.  In  a  few  quarries 
where  no  air  compressor  has  been  provided  steam  tripod  drills  are  used. 
Churn  drills  are  employed  occasionally  where  there  is  a  depth  of  20  to 
50  feet  of  waste  rock  that  requires  heavy  blasting  for  removal.  Soft-vein 
Pennsylvania  slate  may  be  drilled  rapidly.  A  maximum  of  240  feet  of 
drill  hole  per  man  during  an  eight-hour  shift  has  been  noted.  The  hard- 
vein  slate  of  Pennsylvania  and  the  Virginia  slate  are  drilled  much  more 

To  avoid  damage  to  good  slate,  drilling  in  the  adjacent  country  rock 
is  sometimes  necessary;  and  if  such  rock  is  highly  sihceous,  as  in  the 
Maine  deposits,  drilling  may  be  much  slower  than  in  pure  slate. 

Blasting. — Commonly  10  to  40,  or  even  50,  feet  of  slate  nearest  the 
surface  is  altered  by  ages  of  weathering  and  must  be  removed  as  waste 
before  merchantable  rock  beneath  can  be  reached.  Dynamite  blasts  in 
tripod,  hammer,  or  churn-drill  holes  are  used  to  shatter  the  upper  levels, 
but  heavy  blasting  close  to  sound  slate  is  carefully  avoided.  Waste 
immediately  above  good  slate  is  commonly  channeled,  and  then  fractured 
for  removal  with  light  charges  of  black  blasting  powder. 

Black  blasting  pow'der  always  is  employed  in  commercial  slate,  as 
the  higher  grade  explosives  cause  much  waste.  Very  small  charges  may 
be  utilized  to  advantage  in  making  cross  fractures  or  floor  breaks, 
but  in  best  practice  drill  holes  for  such  shots  are  only  three  eighths  to 
five  eighths  inch  in  diameter;  and  it  is  customary,  even  when  firing  with 
electricity,  to  place  a  length  of  fuse  in  a  hole  merely  to  take  up  space  and 
distribute  a  small  charge  throughout  the  length  of  the  hole.  Shots  may 
be  fired  with  a  fuse  or  by  electricity. 

Before  channeling  machines  were  introduced  blasting  was  the  chief 
method  of  separating  the  larger  blocks,  and  the  method  persists  in  regions 
where  the  slate  is  regarded  as  too  hard  for  profitable  channeling  or  for 
sawing  with  wire.  In  such  quarries  walls  are  rough  and  irregular,  blocks 
are  rarely  uniform  or  rectangular,  and  waste  usually  is  excessive. 

Wedging. — Wedges,  used  for  making  floor  breaks  in  deposits  where 
quarry  floors  parallel  cleavage,  may  be  driven  in  drill  holes  or  in  notches 
cut  in  the  face.  For  subdividing  larger  masses  the  plug-and-feather 
method  described  in  a  previous  chapter  generally  is  used.     Wedging  is 

SLATE  255 

much  easier,  and  a  smoother  surface  is  obtained  parallel  to  the  grain  than 
in  other  directions. 

Channeling. — Channeling  machines  are  described  in  the  chapter  on 
limestone.  Steam-driven  machines  were  introduced  first  in  the  slate 
industry  about  1897  and  were  superseded  by  compressed-air  machines. 
Channeling  machines  have  been  used  widely  in  working  the  softer  slates, 
notably  in  Pennsylvania  and  in  Maine,  but  have  not  been  favored  in 
the  New  York-Vermont,  the  Peach  Bottom,  or  the  Virginia  districts. 
Their  employment  in  the  softer  slates  marked  a  great  in^provement  over 
previous  methods,  but  wire  saws  have  rendered  them  obsolete  except  in 
Maine  quarries. 

A  machine  known  as  a  "bar  channeler"  or  bar  drill,  previously 
described  in  the  chapter  on  granite,  preceded  the  modern  channeling 
machine.  It  was  introduced  in  slate  quarries  about  1887,  but  the  process 
was  so  slow  that  it  was  not  used  widely;  however,  the  method  has  per- 
sisted in  some  quarries  where  the  "stunning"  effect  of  channeling 
machines  causes  excessive  waste. 

Cutting  with  Wire  Saws.  Early  History. — Wire  saws  have  been 
used  for  many  years  in  Europe  for  making  long,  deep  cuts  in  slate,  marble, 
limestone,  and  travertine  quarries,  but  until  recently  have  been  used  to  a 
very  limited  extent  in  America.  The  only  early  record  of  successful 
use  in  the  United  States  concerns  one  marble  quarry  in  Colorado  where 
about  1913  they  were  employed  to  cut 
out  a  mass  of  marble  between  two 
deep,  open  quarries.  Their  use  as 
yard  equipment  for  trimming  blocks       fig.  43.— Details  of  steel  wire  used  as 

of     limestone    and    marble    is    not    Un-    ''"re  saw  in  quarrying,  natural  size,     a, 
,      ,       .  ,.  ,         .  1  cross  section. 

common,  but  wire  saws  did  not  become 

an  essential  part  of  any  quarrying  industry  in  American  until  general 
acceptance  in  the  slate  quarries  of  Pennsylvania  during  the  summer 
of  1928. 

Equipment  and  Method. — A  wire  saw  is  simply  an  adaptation  by 
modern  machinery  of  one  of  the  most  ancient  stone-working  methods. 
The  man  of  the  Stone  age  shaped  his  stone  implements  by  abrasion  or 
grinding;  a  wire  saw  utilizes  this  same  principle,  as  it  cuts  stone  from  its 
original  bed  by  a  simple  abrasive  process.  Sawing  is  done  with  a  three- 
strand  steel  cable  three  sixteenths  or  one  fourth  inch  in  diameter  and  800 
to  2,400  feet  long,  running  as  an  endless  belt.  Wire  of  the  smaller  size  is 
illustrated  in  figure  43.  Splicing  requires  skill  and  care,  as  the  splice 
must  be  strong  enough  to  withstand  heavy  tension  and  also  be  smooth 
and  without  enlargements.  Any  projection  of  the  wire  beyond  the 
standard  diameter  would  bind  in  a  cut,  and  the  wire  would  be  broken. 
An  8-  to  10-foot  lap  usually  is  provided  in  making  a  splice.  Driving 
equipment  ordinarily  consists  of  a  10-horsepower  electric  motor  with 



worm-gear  reduction  running  in  oil.  The  driving  pulley  is  one  double- 
grooved  cast-iron  sheave,  or  a  pair  of  single-grooved  sheaves,  40  inches  in 
diameter.  The  wire  passes  from  one  groove  to  the  tension  pulley,  back 
to  the  second  groove,  and  from  there  to  the  quarry  where  the  slate  is  cut. 
It  travels  at  about  15  feet  a  second. 

The  tension  equipment  is  a  suspended  platform  on  which  a  weight  of 
800  to  2,000  pounds  is  placed  to  give  necessary  tension  to  the  wire. 
The  tension  carriage  may  travel  back  and  forth  on  a  track;  thus,  the 
necessary  adjustment  in  length  of  the  wire  can  be  made  as  the  cut  pro- 
gresses. The  arrangement  of  driving  and  tension  equipment  is  shown  in 
figure  44,  A.  Orienting  pulleys  mounted  on  standards  conduct  the  wire 
from  the  driving  equipment  to  the  cutting  unit  in  the  quarry. 

Unii-    ' 

Fig.  44. — Diagram  of  wire  saw.      A,  driving  end;  B,  cutting  end. 

Equipment  in  the  quarry  includes  a  pair  of  angle-steel  standards  14  to 
18  feet  long,  each  having  one  or  two  sheaves  at  the  top  for  receiving  and 
conducting  the  wire  to  a  lower  sheave  which  travels  up  or  down  by  a  rope- 
pull  or  chain-pull  worm  gear.  An  upper  guide  pulley  is  shown  in  figure 
45.  The  standards,  which  usually  are  set  60  to  100  feet  apart,  are  placed 
either  on  platforms  over  the  edges  of  open  benches  or  in  holes  10  to  14 
feet  deep  and  large  enough  to  accommodate  the  movable  sheaves.  By 
lowering  the  guide  pulleys  the  wire  is  brought  in  contact  with  the  slate 
and  when  fed  with  sand  and  water  it  makes  a  cut  over  the  entire  distance 
between  the  standards.  The  arrangement  of  the  cutting  equipment  is 
shown  in  figure  44,  B.  The  original  equipment  had  guide  pulleys  26 
inches  in  diameter,  but  18-  or  20-inch  sheaves  are  satisfactory.  The 
heavy  tension  maintained  on  the  wire  prevents  excessive  upward  curvature 
of  the  cutting  strands,  making  it  possible  to  complete  a  cut  with  the 
center  not  more  than  a  few  inches  higher  than  the  ends. 



Holes  or  open  benches  must  be  provided  to  accommodate  the  standards 
carrying  the  movable  guide  pulleys,  which  descend  as  the  cut  progresses. 
Where  there  are  open  benches  platforms  are  secured  to  the  wall  of  the 
bench  and  the  standards  erected  on  the  platforms.  Where  there  are  no 
open  benches  a  core  drill  making  a  36-inch  circular  hole  is  used  for 
sinking  holes  in  the  rock.  It  consists  essentially  of  a  rotating  notched- 
steel  drum  30  to  42  inches  high  to  which  steel  shot  are  supplied  as  abrasive. 
When  the  drum  has  cut  to  its  full  depth,  it  is  elevated  and  moved  laterally 
to  permit  removal  of  the  core;  then  it  is  again  put  in  place,  and  another 
section  is  cut.  This  process  is  repeated  until  a  hole  of  the  desired  depth  is 
obtained.     Holes  may  be  vertical  or  inclined  at  any  angle  up  to  45°, 

Fig.  45. — Wire-saw  standard  and  guide  pulley;  sand  box  in  foreground. 

although  cutting  is  slower  in  inclined  holes.  Inclination  is  commonly 
desirable  to  follow  the  direction  of  the  ribbon  so  that  the  standards  may 
be  similarly  inclined,  making  the  cut  parallel  the  ribbon  and  thus  reducing 
waste.  Sand  and  water  are  supplied  through  V-shaped  boxes,  as  shown  in 
figure  45.  Sand  is  carried  into  the  cut  by  a  small  stream  of  water  from  a 
rubber  hose  entering  the  upper  end  of  the  sand  box.  For  a  cut  80  to 
100  feet  long  three  or  four  sand  boxes  are  used,  one  being  placed  as  close 
as  possible  to  the  point  at  which  the  wire  enters  the  rock. 

A  sand  box  developed  in  the  Indiana  limestone  district,  where  wire 
saws  are  used  for  scabbling,  consists  of  two  compartments.  One  is 
kept  nearly  full  of  sand,  and  a  stream  of  water  supplied  to  it  overflows 
through  a  hole  into  the  second  compartment,  which  contains  water  only. 
A  thick  sand  slurry  is  drawn  off  continuously  through  a  spigot  and 
thinned  to  any  desired  consistency  by  the  addition  of  a  stream  of  water 
from  the  second  compartment. 


With  a  cut  80  feet  long  in  the  soft-vein  slate  of  Pennsylvania  the 
cutting  rate  is  approximately  4  inches  an  hour.  At  this  rate  the  guide 
pulleys  should  be  fed  downward  about  1  inch  every  15  minutes.  A 
convenient  measure  of  cutting  accomplishment  is  the  surface  area  obtained 
by  multiplying  the  length  of  a  cut  by  its  depth.  Thus,  a  cut  80  feet  long 
and  10  feet  deep  provides  800  square  feet  of  surface.  Figure  46  shows  the 
lower  sheave  and  the  wire  where  it  emerges  from  the  cut. 

Introduction  of  Wire  Sawing  in  Pennsylvania. — The  United  States 
Bureau  of  Mines,  the  National  Slate  Association,  and  a  group  of  Penn- 

FiG.  46. — Wire  saw  at  the  point  where  it  leaves  the  cut. 

sylvania  slate  producers  cooperated  late  in  1926  in  the  purchase  of  wire- 
saw  equipment  from  a  Belgian  firm.  The  first  cuts  were  completed  early 
in  1927,  and  the  unqualified  success  attained  led  to  its  almost  immediate 
and  general  acceptance  by  the  slate  industry  of  Northampton  County,  Pa. 
Within  two  years  about  30  wire  saws  and  12  core  drills  were  operating, 
and  work  with  channeling  machines  was  practically  abandoned.  Many 
improvements  in  equipment  were  worked  out,  and  several  American  firms 
undertook  its  manufacture.  Its  successful  use  in  slate  has  led  to  its 
introduction  in  some  limestone  and  sandstone  districts. 

Cost  of  Cutting. — Few  details  of  the  cost  of  operating  with  wire  saws 
have  been  obtained.  The  records  of  one  company  provide  fairly  com- 
plete figures  for  11  months'  operation  of  wire  saws  and  core  drill,  although 

SLATE  259 

the  labor  had  to  be  estimated  in  part,  as  it  was  diverted  to  other  work 
at  times.  During  the  period  covered,  44  wire-saw  cuts  totahng  22,753 
square  feet  of  surface  were  made.  As  nearly  as  can  be  determined  the 
total  cost,  including  labor,  power,  repairs,  supplies,  and  interest  on  the 
investment,  was  14.3  cents  a  square  foot.  In  making  these  44  cuts,  35 
core-drill  holes  were  required.  To  obtain  a  figure  comparable  with 
channeling-machine  costs,  the  core-drilling  cost  for  each  square  foot  of 
surface  sawed,  amounting  to  10.1  cents,  must  be  added,  making  a  total 
cutting  cost  of  24.4  cents  a  square  foot.  This  record  dated  from  the 
beginning  of  operation  of  both  the  wire  saw  and  the  core  drill.  The 
efficiency  of  new  equipment  of  this  character  is  very  poor  during  the  first 
few  months  of  operation;  therefore,  the  cost  figures  given  probably  are 
much  higher  than  those  obtainable  toward  the  end  of  the  11-month 

Channeling-machine  costs  in  the  same  quarry  have  been  calculated  in 
two  ways:  (1)  The  average  daily  footage  over  a  5-month  period  was 
divided  into  the  total  cost  of  channeling-machine  operation,  estimated  at 
$20  a  day,  giving  a  figure  of  64.5  cents  a  square  foot;  (2)  the  actual 
channeling-machine  cutting  in  square  feet  was  taken  for  a  19-day  period, 
and  the  total  labor,  supplies,  repairs,  power,  and  interest  on  the  invest- 
ment for  that  period  were  charged  to  it.  Th'is  method  gave  a  cost  of  73.1 
cents  a  square  foot.  For  the  same  footage,  therefore,  channeling-machine 
costs  in  this  particular  quarry  are  two  and  one-half  to  three  times  as  high 
as  wire-saw  costs,  even  when  the  latter  probably  are  materially  higher 
than  the  average  costs  under  normal  operating  conditions  with  skilled 
workers.  A  rate  obtained  by  another  quarry  company  was  18.9  cents  a 
square  foot  for  wire  saws  compared  with  50  to  70  cents  for  channeling. 
Several  years'  experience  by  many  operators  has  confirmed  the  early 
favorable  estimates  and  has  firmly  established  the  conviction  that  the 
wire  saw  is  the  most  economical  means  of  cutting  slate. 

Advantages  of  Cutting  with  Wire. — Aside  from  the  definite  saving  in 
cost  of  operation,  as  previously  mentioned,  the  wire  saw  has  other 
advantages,  the  most  important  being  reduction  in  waste  of  rock.  Search 
for  a  practical  means  of  reducing  excessive  waste  was,  in  fact,  the  incen- 
tive for  the  original  experiments,  and  results  have  fully  justified  the  effort. 
In  making  a  cut  a  wire  saw  removes  about  one  ninth  as  much  material  as  a 
channeling  machine,  because  a  cut  made  with  wire  is  only  about  }i 
inch  wide,  whereas  the  width  of  a  channel  cut  is  2'^i  to  23^^  inches. 
Still  more  important  is  the  fact  that  a  channeling  machine  wastes  much 
rock  on  either  side  of  a  cut  through  shattering  or  "stunning,"  but  the 
wire,  cutting  by  simple  abrasion,  leaves  the  rock  unimpaired.  Formerly 
many  subdivisions  into  blocks  were  made  by  wedging  along  the  grain  or 
sculp,  and  much  stone  was  wasted  because  of  irregularities  in  fractures. 
Separation  of  blocks  with  wire  results  in  smoother,  straighter  surfaces 


with  less  waste.  In  some  quarries  the  grain  and  ribbon  meet  at  obUque 
angles,  commonly  approaching  60°.  By  channeling  parallel  with  the 
ribbon  and  wedging  on  the  grain  angular  blocks  are  obtained,  and  in 
cutting  them  to  cubical  mill  stock  many  triangular  masses  of  good  slate 
are  wasted.  It  is  customary  now  to  make  wire-saw  cuts  parallel  to  and 
at  right  angles  to  ribbons,  thus  producing  right-angled  blocks  that  are 
utilized  for  mill-stock  products,  with  a  saving  in  stone  of  10  to  15  per 
cent  over  former  methods. 

It  is  difficult  to  determine  accurately  the  saving  of  rock  accomplished  by 
using  a  wire  saw.  No  records  of  the  gross  tonnage  of  rock  quarried  have 
been  kept  under  either  former  or  present  conditions.  Various  operators 
estimate  a  saving  of  30  to  50  per  cent.  Other  advantages  are  speed  of 
operation,  adaptability  for  continuous  work  during  day  and  night  until  a 
cut  is  completed,  simplicity  and  ease  of  operation,  and  ability  to  make 
inclined  cuts  conform  with  ribbons  or  other  rock  structures.  Through 
this  new  method  of  making  primary  cuts,  with  consequent  reduction  in 
cost  of  operation  and  better  utilization  of  raw  materials,  an  annual  saving 
to  the  Pennsylvania  slate  industry  of  at  least  a  quarter  of  a  million  dollars 
has  been  accomplished.  Quarry  methods  have  been  revolutionized,  and 
the  industry  has  been  established  on  a  more  secure  basis.  Other  slate 
regions  have  been  slow  in  following  this  lead,  but  experiments  are  contem- 
plated, and  after  fair  trial  and  patient  effort  to  overcome  the  difficulties 
peculiar  to  each  deposit,  definite  success  will  no  doubt  be  attained. 

Floor  Breaks. — Methods  of  separating  masses  of  slate  at  the  quarry 
floor  vary  greatly,  depending  upon  the  structure  of  the  rock.  In  Penn- 
sylvania and  in  the  New  York- Vermont  district,  where  slaty  cleavage 
dips  5  to  45°,  a  quarry  floor  is  maintained  parallel  with  cleavage,  and 
floor  breaks  are  easily  made  by  splitting  in  that  direction.  Notches  are 
cut  in  the  face  and  wedges  driven  into  them,  a  process  known  as  "driving 
up  splits."  For  separating  exceptionally  large  masses  drill  holes  are 
projected  at  the  floor  of  the  bench  to  parallel  the  slaty  cleavage,  and  a 
fracture  is  made  by  means  of  small  charges  of  black  blasting  powder. 
Where  slaty  cleavage  is  vertical  or  nearly  so  floor  breaks  are  made  with 
greater  difficulty.     Wherever  possible  horizontal  seams  are  utilized. 

Subdivision  of  Blocks. — In  quarries  where  the  floor  parallels  slaty 
cleavage  most  primary  blocks  are  too  large  to  be  hoisted  to  the  surface. 
Subdivision  parallel  to  cleavage  is  accomplished  by  cutting  notches  in 
the  face  of  the  bench  in  a  line  parallel  to  the  cleavage  and  about  18  inches 
or  2  feet  from  the  top  of  the  bench.  A  split  is  made  by  driving  wedges 
in  the  notches.  Longitudinal  vertical  fractures  are  made  by  drilling  and 
wedging  in  the  direction  of  the  grain.  Breaks  across  the  grain  are  made 
in  the  same  manner,  but  drill  holes  must  be  closer  together  than  where 
they  are  parallel  with  the  grain. 

Block  Raising. — After  a  block  of  the  desired  size  is  broken  loose, 
several  men  working  simultaneously  raise  it  by  heavy  bars  with  curved 

SLATE  261 

ends,  used  as  levers.  Freeing  the  rock  is  sometimes  slow  and  difficult, 
not  only  because  of  its  weight  but  because  of  many  interlocking  corners 
that  must  be  actually  broken.  The  most  effective  work  results  when 
the  energies  of  all  the  men  are  applied  to  their  bars  at  exactly  the  same 
moment.  To  obtain  such  unanimity  a  foreman  frequently  leads  in  a 
sing-song  rhyme,  the  men  joining  and  keeping  perfect  time  with  their 
crowbars.  When  a  block  is  raised  sufficiently  a  fragment  of  stone  or  a 
wedge  is  dropped  in  the  crack,  the  bars  are  placed  in  more  advantageous 
positions,  and  the  process  is  continued  until  a  hoist  chain  can  be  passed 
under  the  block. 

Hoisting. — Wooden  derricks  and  compressed-air  hoisting  engines 
are  used  in  the  Monson  (Me.)  district,  but  in  practically  all  other  districts 
overhead  cableway  hoists  are  employed.  Derricks  may  be  advantageous 
where  a  quarry  is  small  or  where,  as  in  Maine,  rock  is  removed  from  deep, 
narrow  quarries  or  from  mine  shafts.  In  most  regions,  however,  pits 
are  so  wide  that  a  derrick  boom  can  not  reach  all  parts.  For  large  pits 
three  to  six  parallel  cableways  are  commonly  required  to  serve  properly 
all  parts  of  an  excavation.  The  main  cables  range  in  diameter  from  13^^ 
to  2)^^  inches,  and  the  draw  cables  from  3^  to  %  inch.  Most  of  them 
are  designed  to  carry  3  to  5  tons.  Cable  spans  between  supports  (wooden 
or  structural  steel  masts)  range  from  500  to  1,800  feet.  An  advantage  of 
the  cableway  system  at  many  quarries  is  its  ability  to  convey  waste  rock 
to  the  spoil  bank  by  a  single  handling.  Carriages  equipped  with  auto- 
matic dumping  devices  are  widely  used.  Supplementary  derricks  are 
used  at  some  quarries  for  hoisting  from  pits  or  for  yard  service. 

Signaling  is  usually  done  from  a  small  house  known  as  a  "motion 
shanty,"  which  overhangs  the  brink  of  a  pit  in  such  a  position  that  a 
signal  man  has  a  clear  view  of  the  entire  quarry  floor.  (See  fig.  42.) 
By  means  of  an  electric  button  for  each  cableway  the  signal  man  sends 
to  hoist  engineers  the  messages  which  control  all  hoisting  in  the  quarry. 
At  some  quarries,  particularly  in  the  Vermont-New  York  district,  a 
board  arm  is  used  in  place  of  electric  devices.  A  board  about  2)-^  feet 
long  and  5  or  6  inches  wide,  pivoted  near  one  end,  is  attached  to  the  roof 
of  the  motion  shanty  and  moved  by  a  wire  leading  inside.  The  signal 
code  is  based  on  the  motions  of  the  board. 

The  only  means  workmen  have  of  entering  or  leaving  the  deeper 
quarries  is  by  cableway  pan.  A  special  signal  is  given  when  men  rather 
than  materials  are  being  conveyed,  so  that  hoist  engineers  may  exercise 
special  care.     Hoisting  accidents  rarely  occur. 


Influence  of  Rock  Structures. — The  various  processes  by  which 
blocks  of  slate  are  separated  from  their  original  beds  and  hoisted  to  the 
surface  are  covered  in  preceding  paragraphs.  There  are  many  variations 
in  the  manner  in  which  these  processes  are  combined,  and  differences  in 



method  depend  chiefly  on  rock  structures.  Ease  of  sphtting,  direction 
of  slaty  cleavage,  direction  of  grain,  position  of  joints,  and  dip  of  beds 
influence  the  method.  Slate  can  not  be  quarried  successfully  without 
detailed  knowledge  of  these  physical  properties,  and  familiarity  with  them 
is  gained  only  by  actually  working  with  the  rock  for  some  time.  A 
quarryman  learns  to  know  his  rock,  and  this  knowledge  guides  him  in  his 
choice  of  methods.  Quarry  methods  in  their  relation  to  rock  structures 
in  each  of  the  principal  producing  districts  are  covered  in  following  pages. 
Pen  Argyl-Bangor  District. — The  slate  area  of  eastern  Northampton 
County  includes  quarries  in  and  about  Windgap,  Pen  Argyl,  Bangor, 
North  Bangor,  and  East  Bangor.  The  output  of  this  region  exceeds  that 
of  any  other  slate  district  in  the  United  States. 

Fig.  47. — Rock  structures  and  quarry  plan  at  a  typical  Pen  Argyl,  Pa.,  slate  quarry, 
a,  direction  of  grain;  b,  ribbon;  c,  direction  of  dip  of  slaty  cleavage;  d,  "loose  ribbon;"  r, 
drainage  sump;  /,  mass  of  slate  ready  for  floor  break;  g,  h,  drill  holes  for  "scallop"  or 
"sculp"  blasting. 

The  strike  of  the  rock  is  in  general  east-west  but  differs  considerably 
in  different  quarries.  The  structural  feature  that  has  greatest  effect  on 
the  quarry  plan  is  the  steep  dip  of  beds,  as  indicated  by  ribbons.  In 
several  deep  quarries  the  ribbon  is  vertical  or  curves  back  and  forth 
from  north  to  south  in  gentle,  sweeping  folds,  usually  at  steep  angles, 
though  in  some  quarries  at  East  Bangor  it  dips  only  30  to  40°.  In 
general,  however,  beds  are  so  nearly  vertical  that  the  region  is  character- 
ized by  deep  quarries  with  vertical  or  nearly  vertical  walls.  Loose 
ribbons  and  open  joints  may  commonly  be  utilized  to  take  the  place  of 
channel  or  wire-saw  cuts.  Joints  are  generally  spaced  to  permit  removal 
of  large  blocks. 

A  second  structural  feature  which  is  decidedly  favorable  is  a  slaty 
cleavage  dipping  at  low  angles,  ranging  from  5  to  30°.  Quarry  floors  are 
maintained  parallel  to  cleavage;  thus,  blocks  are  easily  separated,  and 
most  of  the  floors  are  flat  enough  to  be  worked  conveniently. 

The  positions  of  ribbon  and  grain  govern  the  direction  of  cuts  in  a 
quarry.  In  some  quarries  they  intersect  at  nearly  right  angles;  in  others, 
at  angles  of  70  or  80°.  Before  wire  saws  were  introduced  it  was  customary 
to  channel  parallel  to  the  ribbon  and  to  make  cross  breaks  parallel  the 
grain,  either  by  wedging  in  drill  holes  or  by  using  light  charges  of  black 




Fig.  48. — Method  of  cutting  a  channel  in 
which  standards  are  placed  for  transverse 
cuts,  a,  core  drill  holes;  b,  wire  saw  cuts  to 
make  channel;  c,  subsequent  transverse  wire 
saw  cuts. 

blasting  powder.  This  resulted  in  the  production  of  angular  blocks,  as 
indicated  in  figure  47,  and  in  cutting  such  blocks  into  right-angled  mill 
stock  the  waste  was  excessive.  Since  wire  saws  have  been  used  it  is 
customary  to  make  cuts  parallel  to  and  at  right  angles  to  ribbons,  produc- 
ing rectangular  blocks  that  may  be  cut  advantageously  into  structural 
products.  However,  for  roofing  manufacture  angular  blocks  commonly 
are  used  because  there  is  less  waste  in  reducing  them  to  thin  roofing  than 
in  cutting  them  into  slabs  or  cubical  stock. 

In  opening  up  a  new  floor  with  wire  saws  core-drill  holes  are  sunk  in 
the  corners  of  the  quarry,  and  from  them  wall  cuts  may  be  made  in  two 
directions  at  right  angles.  Core 
drilling  is  slow  and  expensive, 
therefore  operators  usually  plan 
to  utilize  the  holes  to  best  advan- 
tage. Where  a  series  of  parallel 
cuts  is  to  be  made  four  holes  may 
be  drilled,  as  shown  diagram- 
matically  in  figure  48.  Wire-saw 
cuts  are  made  as  indicated  at  b, 
and  the  slate  lying  between  them 
is  removed.  A  trench  is  thus 
formed  in  which  a  standard  may  be 
placed  in  any  desired  position  for  making  the  subsequent  cuts,  c. 

A  wire-saw  cut  is  only  one  fourth  inch  wide,  and  blocks  may  jam  in 
relnoval  if  proper  precautions  are  not  taken  when  a  new  bench  is  opened. 
To  facilitate  removal  of  key  blocks  cuts  are  not  made  parallel  but  con- 
verge, as  shown  in  figure  48.  Binding  is  avoided  by  removing  blocks  first 
at  the  wider  end  of  the  wedge-shaped  mass.  The  cuts  also  are  inclined 
slightly  toward  each  other,  so  that  the  mass  of  rock  between  is  narrower 
at  the  bottom  than  at  the  top;  then,  as  wedges  are  driven  and  blocks 
lifted  the  wider  space  in  the  upper  levels  provides  ample  room  for  any 
necessary  lateral  movement. 

The  advantages  to  be  gained  from  wire  saws  are  now  generally 
recognized,  and  they  are  widely  used  to  make  numerous  parallel  cuts 
whereby  slate  is  obtained  in  smooth,  rectangular  blocks.  Operators  are 
beginning  to  realize  the  advantage  of  numerous  cuts;  consequently,  the 
general  appearance  of  quarries  is  markedly  changed.  Instead  of  curved, 
irregularly  broken  bench  walls,  floors  rise  from  bench  to  bench  in  regular 
steps  resembling  those  of  a  marble  quarry.  Wire-saw  equipment  in 
process  of  making  a  cut  80  feet  long  is  shown  in  the  center  of  figure  49. 
The  walls  at  the  upper  left  corner  were  cut  with  wires. 

Slatington  District. — The  Slatington  district,  comprising  the  quarries 
of  Lehigh  and  eastern  Northampton  Counties,  Pa.,  is  characterized  by  a 
series  of  close  folds  with  east  and  west  axes  that  pitch  east.     The  ribbon 



is  distinct,  and  many  loose  ribbons  or  open  bedding  planes  greatly  facilitate 
quarrying.  Because  of  the  close,  repeated  folding  quarrying  is  complex, 
and  an  operator  must  have  a  clear  idea  of  the  rock  folds  in  and  about  his 
quarry  to  develop  the  slate  to  best  advantage.  A  succession  of  folds 
may  cause  a  bed  of  high-grade  slate  to  reach  or  approach  the  surface  in 
several  places.  Probably  in  some  quarries  what  has  been  regarded  as  a 
succession  of  good  beds  is  merely  a  single  bed  brought  to  the  surface  by 
repeated  folding.  Some  quarries  are  on  synclines  and  others  on  anticlines ; 
still  others  are  worked  on  single  limbs  of  large  folds. 

Fig.  49. — A  Pennsylvania  slate  quarry,  illustrating  method  of  developing  a  new  bench 
with  wire  saws;  standard  holding  guide  pulleys  in  foreground.  {Courtesy  of  I nger soil-Rand 

A  remarkable  feature  of  the  Slatington  district  is  the  uniform  dip  of 
slaty  cleavage.  With  few  exceptions,  it  dips  60  to  75°  south,  irrespective 
of  the  folding  of  the  beds.  The  sculp  or  grain  is  also  remarkably  constant, 
crossing  the  rock  generally  a  little  east  of  south,  and  dipping  to  the  east 
at  a  steep  angle,  approximately  85  to  88°  from  the  horizontal.  Hence, 
following  the  sculp  tends  slightly  to  undercut  the  east  walls  of  quarries. 

Joints  and  loose  ribbons  are  utilized  for  headings  and  bench  floors. 
If  no  open  seam  or  ribbon  is  available  floor  breaks  must  be  made  in  the 
hard-way  direction,  which  gives  rough,  uneven  floors.  The  downward 
curvature  of  a  high-grade  big  bed  under  a  great  thickness  of  waste  rock 



has  led  to  the  development  of  underground  methods.  One  quarry  near 
Berlinsville  has  quite  extensive  underground  workings. 

Hard -vein  District. — Structures  of  the  hard-vein  slate  at  Chapman 
Quarries  and  Belfast,  Pa.,  are  similar  to  those  in  the  soft  vein  of  eastern 
Northampton  County.  Slaty  cleavage  dips  5  to  15°,  and  quarry  floors 
are  maintained  parallel  with  it.  Wire  saws  are  used  successfully, 
although  the  rate  of  sawing  is  somewhat  slower  than  in  the  softer  slates. 
A  vertical  grain  is  utilized  in  making  cross  fractures. 

Granville -Fair  Haven  District. — In  Washington  County,  N.  Y.,  and 
Rutland  County,  Vt.,  the  slates  dip  at  angles  approaching  45°.  Quarries 
are  relatively  shallow  because  the  depth  of  overburden  becomes  very 

Fig.  50. — Rock  structures  and  method  of  separating  blocks  in  a  quarry  near  Fair 
Haven,  Vt.  o,  grain  direction;  b,  open  bedding  planes;  c,  split  holes;  d,  notches  for  wedging; 
e,  break  on  grain;/,  break  across  grain;  g,  dip  of  beds  and  slaty  cleavage. 

heavy  in  following  down  the  dip.  In  some  workings  near  West  Pawlet, 
however,  the  beds  dip  steeply,  and  quarries  are  deep.  Slaty  cleavage  is 
at  steeper  angles  than  in  Northampton  County,  Pa.,  ranging  from  10  to 
30°.  Quarry  floors  parallel  the  cleavage  and  are  inconveniently  steep 
in  some  quarries.  Channeling  machines  are  not  used  in  this  territory, 
as  it  is  claimed  that  the  rock  is  too  hard  for  successful  operation.  Vertical 
joints  are  utilized  wherever  possible  for  walls  and  bench  headings.  If 
joints  are  not  available  fractures  are  made  with  charges  of  black  blasting 
powder.  Rock  structures  and  methods  in  a  typical  quarry  of  this 
district  are  shown  in  figure  50. 

Open  beds,  as  indicated  at  b,  commonly  occur  at  intervals  of  5  to  7 
feet  and  are  thus  spaced  conveniently  for  bench  floors.  Cleavage  par- 
allels bedding.  If  a  floor  is  tight,  holes  are  drilled  along  the  bed  from  the 
open  side,  as  shown  at  c,  and  very  light  charges  of  black  blasting  powder 


are  fired  in  them  to  jar  the  rock  and  free  the  bed.  When  the  floor  is  free, 
a  break  is  made  on  the  grain  by  blasting  in  holes  drilled  the  full  depth  of 
the  bed.  One  hole  is  made  for  about  each  15  feet  of  the  desired  break. 
"Foot  joints"  or  "headers"  are  commonly  utihzed  to  form  the  third 
free  face,  but  if  they  are  not  available,  blasting  is  used.  Large  masses 
are  thus  set  free,  and  further  subdivision  is  made  first  by  driving  wedges 
in  notches  cut  in  the  face,  as  shown  at  d,  and  then  by  using  plugs  and 
feathers  in  drill  holes  parallel  to  and  across  the  grain,  as  shown  at  e  and  /. 
In  some  quarries  in  the  southern  part  of  the  slate  area  the  dip  of  beds 
and  cleavage  approaches  60  or  70°;  consequently,  underground  methods 
have  been  followed.  Webs  or  elongated  pillars  of  slate  are  left  at  intervals 
to  support  the  steep,  overhanging  roof. 

Overhead   cableway   hoists   are   used   almost   universally.     Roofing 

slate  is  manufactured  at  the  quarries, 
although  mills  for  structural  and  electrical 
slate  usually  are  situated  at  near-by  towns. 
Peach  Bottom  District. — Although  Peach 
Bottom  slate  has  a  nation-wide  reputation 
for  high  quality,  in  some  respects  quarry 
conditions  are  unfavorable.  In  a  number 
of  quarries  steeply  inclined  open  joints 
have  permitted  unsupported  masses  of  rock 
to  slide  into  the  pits.  The  tendency  toward 
driff  f»  'leThlrSpSl'Mon-  wall  collapse  is  increased  through  the  pres- 
son,  Me.  a,  drift;  ?>,  10-foot  slate  ence  of  a  vertical  cleavage  which  weakens 
'if^bed^rVpefventaurms';  walls  and  makes  them  incapable  of  support- 
/,  horizontal  roof  seam;  g,  drill  ing  heavy  loads.  Channeling  machines  are 
holes  for  blasting.  ^^^    ^^^^^    p^^^j^    ^ecause    the    vertical 

cleavage  is  unfavorable  and  partly  because  the  rock  is  considered  too 
hard.  Benches  are  worked  to  open  joints  wherever  possible.  If  no 
flat  joints  occur  floor  breaks  must  be  made  by  blasting  across  the  cleavage. 
Monson  District. — Conditions  at  Monson,  Me.,  are  similar  to  those 
in  the  Peach  Bottom  area,  except  that  the  best  beds  are  relatively  thin. 
Both  bedding  and  slaty  cleavage  are  vertical,  and  much  of  the  highest- 
grade  slate  is  obtained  from  one  10-foot  bed.  Deep  quarrying  in  narrow 
opencuts  was  beset  with  many  difficulties,  owing  to  bulging  or  collapse  of 
the  walls.  Cross  supports,  consisting  of  steel  I-beams  and  concrete,  were 
constructed  at  great  expense  in  an  effort  to  hold  the  walls  apart,  but  at 
depths  beyond  300  feet  they  were  inadequate.  An  overhead-stoping 
system  was  then  introduced  and  has  been  very  successful.  The  first 
step  was  to  project  drifts  right  and  left  at  the  old  quarry  floors  about  300 
feet  below  the  surface.  They  were  driven  80  to  100  feet  along  the  slate 
bed,  and  vertical  wall  seams  and  horizontal  floor  and  roof  seams  were  of 
great  assistance.     The  procedure  when  a  drift  is  completed  is  shown 


f                   J 












SLATE  267 

in  figure  51.  At  the  northwest  side  of  the  drift,  or  at  the  left,  as  shown  in 
the  figure,  a  2-foot  slate  bed,  c,  is  separated  by  a  few  inches  of  quartzite, 
d,  from  the  10-foot  slate  bed,  h.  Good  slate  could  be  obtained  from  the 
2-foot  bed,  but  as  the  slate  drills  much  more  easily  and  rapidly  than  the 
quartzite,  holes  are  drilled  in  the  narrow  bed,  which  is  largely  destroyed 
in  quarrying.  Drills  are  mounted  on  scaffolds  and  holes  laid  out  on  16- 
inch  centers  and  staggered,  as  shown  at  g  in  the  figure.  The  depth  of 
holes  is  governed  by  the  position  of  the  back  seam,  but  it  averages  about 
12  feet.  The  holes  are  loaded  with  light  charges  of  black  blasting 
powder  and  fired  singly,  beginning  at  the  lowest.  They  are  staggered  to 
prevent  the  discharge  of  explosive  in  one  hole  from  shattering  the  rock 
surrounding  the  succeeding  hole.  The  narrow  band  of  quartzite  serves 
as  a  cushion  and  prevents  shattering  of  good  slate  in  the  10-foot  bed.  A 
mass  of  stone  is  worked  down  in  this  way  until  an  upper  seam  is  reached, 
as  shown  at  /  in  the  figure ;  then  a  final  shot  is  discharged  in  a  vertical 
hole  drilled  in  the  back  corner  at  the  southeast  side  to  clear  down  all  the 
slate  to  the  open  seam.  From  the  mass  of  stone  thus  thrown  down  all 
good  material  is  selected,  hauled  to  the  drift  entrance  by  cable,  and 
lifted  to  the  surface  by  derrick  hoists.  Waste  slate  is  left  on  the  floor, 
and  the  heavy  cost  of  removal  is  thereby  saved.  Thus,  the  floor  is 
constantly  built  up  with  waste;  for  ideal  operation  it  should  keep  pace 
with  the  upward  progress  of  stoping  from  the  roof.  Waste  is  not  suffi- 
cient in  volume  to  build  up  the  floor  as  fast  as  the  roof  is  elevated,  and 
additional  rock  is  blasted  from  drift  walls  to  keep  it  within  easy  reach  of 
the  roof.     The  drift  is  gradually  worked  upward  toward  the  surface. 

The  method  proved  so  successful  that  one  company  put  down  a  shaft 
1,000  feet  deep  and  drove  lateral  tunnels  from  its  bottom.  Thus,  a 
reserve  of  slate  is  provided  for  many  years'  constant  mining.  Advantages 
of  the  stoping  method  are:  (1)  The  great  saving  occasioned  by  leaving 
waste  rock  in  the  pit;  (2)  reduction  in  hazard  from  roof  falls,  as  the  floor  is 
at  all  times  only  a  short  distance  below  the  roof;  (3)  reduction  in  hazard 
from  fragments  of  falling  rock  during  hoisting  or  from  falls  of  rock  from 
walls  or  upper  edge  of  excavation;  (4)  elimination  of  impediment  to  opera- 
tion from  snow,  ice,  or  inclement  weather;  (5)  absence  of  danger  from 
collapsing  walls. 

Where  a  series  of  many  parallel  slate  beds  is  worked  open-pit  methods 
are  followed.  Channeling  machines  are  used,  but  they  cut  rather  slowly 
on  "edge-grain"  rock. 

Arvonia  District. — Slate  structures  of  Buckingham  County,  Va.,  are 
similar  to  those  in  the  Peach  Bottom  and  Monson  districts,  in  that  bedding 
and  slaty  cleavage  are  nearly  vertical,  ranging  from  80  to  85°.  Open-pit 
methods  are  employed,  and  some  quarries  reach  a  depth  of  225  feet. 
Walls  are  quite  secure,  with  no  apparent  danger  of  collapse.  Buckingham 
slate  is  so  hard  that  no  successful  means  of  cutting  it  has  yet  been  found. 


In  opening  a  new  floor  a  trench  6  to  10  feet  wide  and  12  feet  deep  is  first 
made,  usually  in  a  zone  of  defective  rock,  as  the  heavy  blasting  required 
would  destroy  good  slate.  Benches  are  always  terminated  at  closed 
seams  or  "post,"  along  which  the  rock  breaks  easily.  From  the  bottom  of 
the  trench  horizontal  holes  are  drilled  about  12  feet  deep,  and  about  12 
feet  back  from  the  edge  of  the  trench  steeply  inclined  holes  are  sunk 
parallel  to  the  slaty  cleavage.  Vertical  holes  are  drilled  also  along 
the  "post."  Black  blasting-powder  charges  are  fired  simultaneously 
in  all  the  holes,  and  thus  a  mass  of  slate  is  broken  loose.  A  disadvan- 
tage of  the  method  is  fracturing  in  three  planes  simultaneously,  which 
shatters  the  slate  excessively.  According  to  best  quarry  practice  a 
fracture  should  be  made  by  blasting  only  when  there  are  five  free  faces 
instead  of  three. 


Slate  blocks  transported  to  quarry  banks  by  cableways  usually  are 
placed  on  small  cars  and  conveyed  to  splitting  sheds  or  mills  for  treat- 
ment. For  this  haulage,  gasoline  locomotives  are  popular.  Sometimes 
finishing  mills  are  located  in  towns  several  miles  distant  from  quarries, 
necessitating  transportation  by  motor  trucks  or  other  means. 

An  important  part  of  yard  transportation  is  involved  in  the  disposal 
of  waste  rock.  Tracks  from  quarry  banks  usually  lead  by  a  moderate  to 
steep  incline  over  a  waste  heap,  which  gradually  increases  in  height  and 
in  lateral  extent  as  cars  loaded  with  waste  are  hauled  by  cable  and 
dumped  at  the  end  of  the  track.  In  some  instances  quarry  waste  is 
conveyed  directly  by  overhead  cableways,  and  if  an  automatic  trip  is 
provided  no  labor  is  required  for  disposal. 

Transportation  also  involves  conveyance  of  finished  products  to 
railway  sidings  or  storage  yards.  As  roofing  slates  often  are  split  at 
shanties  on  high  waste  heaps  the  slates  are  conveyed  down  to  the  normal 
ground  level  by  cable  cars.  For  this  purpose  long  eight-wheel  cars 
commonly  are  used.  In  many  places  where  transportation  lines  are  not 
immediately  available  teams  and  wagons  or  motor  trucks  are  used  for 
both  short  and  long  hauls. 

A  unique  method  of  transporting  slate  from  quarry  to  railway  is  an 
electrically  driven  aerial  tramway  2  miles  long  at  South  Poultney,  Vt. 
It  carries  400  buckets  and  has  a  capacity  of  about  200  squares  a  day. 
Two  men  load  and  three  unload  the  buckets. 


The  manufacture  of  roofing  slate  is  the  oldest  branch  of  the  industry, 
and,  strangely  enough,  the  essential  processes  of  splitting  and  trimming 
are  conducted  in  the  same  way  as  when  the  industry  was  in  its  infancy. 
Many  years  ago  a  slate-splitting  machine  was  invented  and  used  success- 

SLATE  269 

fully  in  an  experimental  way,  but  never  for  commercial  production. 
This  machine  split  the  slate  by  rapid  impact  of  a  flexible  steel  blade. 

Shanty  Method. — What  is  known  as  the  "shanty  method"  of  making 
slate  dates  back  to  the  beginning  of  the  industry  and  is  still  widely  used. 
Quarry  blocks  of  suitable  slate  are  conveyed  directly  to  splitting  shanties, 
which  usually  are  high  on  waste  heaps.  The  shanties  are  only  large 
enough  to  accommodate  two  men — a  splitter  and  a  trimmer — and  are 
heated  in  winter  by  small  coal  stoves. 

The  first  process  is  known  as  "block  making,"  a  reduction  of  large 
masses  to  sizes  suitable  for  splitting.  Blocks  are  split  to  any  desired 
thickness  by  driving  wedges  in  the  direction  of  slaty  cleavage.  They  are 
then  "scalloped"  longitudinally  in  the  grain  direction  by  wedging  in 
plug  holes. 

Intimate  knowledge  of  the  physical  properties  of  slate  is  essential  in 
breaking  and  splitting  blocks  properly.  A  skilled  slate  worker  drives  a 
wedge  or  plug  until  a  strain  is  placed  on  the  rock;  he  then  procures  a 
straight  break  by  striking  a  blow  with  a  wooden  sledge  at  a  particular 
point  on  the  rock ;  he  can  thus  within  certain  limits  force  a  fracture  where 
desired.  The  slate  is  split  on  the  grain  into  masses  about  14  to  24  inches 
wide,  and  these  are  then  broken  across. 

Various  methods  are  used  to  subdivide  slate  masses  across  the  grain. 
The  corners  may  be  notched  with  a  chisel  or  with  a  small  saw  and  a 
smooth,  even  break  obtained  by  striking  one  or  two  heavy  blows  with  a 
large  wooden  mallet.  To  cushion  the  blow  and  thus  preserve  the  slate 
from  damage  a  thin  flake  of  slate  or  a  handful  of  fine  slate  rubbish 
usually  is  placed  on  the  surface  of  the  rock  where  the  mallet  strikes. 
Slates  that  break  with  difficulty  may  be  sawed  across  with  circular  saws. 

After  they  are  broken  across  the  cleavage  the  masses  of  slate  are 
split  parallel  to  the  cleavage  with  a  hammer  and  special  chisel  known  as  a 
"splitter";  the  thicknesses  thus  produced  are  sufficient  for  eight  slates 
each.  The  thickness  of  a  slab  is  always  measured  with  the  splitter. 
Thus,  if  a  thickness  of  %6  iiich  is  required  for  the  finished  slate,  the 
splitter  blade  is  eight  times  ^e  inch,  or  1}^  inches  wide;  if  the  thickness  is 
to  be  increased  slightly  the  blacksmith  is  instructed  to  make  the  splitters  a 
little  wider. 

Blocks  are  not  allowed  to  dry  out  until  finally  made  into  roofing 
slates,  as  they  split  with  much  greater  ease  if  the  quarry  sap  is  not  allowed 
to  evaporate.  Maine  slates  are  said  to  be  an  exception  to  this  rule,  as 
they  split  readily  when  dry.  Blocks  are  made  in  the  yard  and  finished 
blocks  piled  in  the  shanty.  Here  a  slate  splitter  sits  on  a  low  seat  with  a 
block  of  slate  resting  against  his  knee.  His  tools  are  a  wide,  flexible, 
splitting  chisel  and  wooden  mallet.  Blocks  always  are  split  in  the  center 
until  slates  of  finished  thickness  are  obtained.  Some  slates  are  split 
from  the  ends  of  the  blocks  and  others  from  the  sides.     For  tough- 


splitting  slate  the  chisel  may  be  greased.  A  pneumatic  chisel  that  has 
been  used  successfully  in  Vermont  is  impelled  by  rapid  vibrations  on  the 
same  principle  as  a  pneumatic  drill  or  stone-dressing  tool. 

A  trimmer  takes  the  slabs  from  a  splitter  and  cuts  them  rectangular. 
The  trimming  equipment  most  often  used,  particularly  in  Pennsylvania, 
is  a  straight  blade  about  3  feet  long,  run  by  a  foot  treadle.  The  outer 
end  of  the  blade  is  attached  to  an  overhead  spring  pole,  so  that  the 
blade  strikes  repeated  blows  when  once  set  in  motion  by  the  treadle. 
Another  common  type  is  a  rotary  trimmer  which  has  a  curved  blade 
similar  to  the  cutting  blade  of  a  lawn  mower.  Most  trimmers  of  this 
type  are  run  by  foot  treadles,  though  at  some  plants  they  are  belt-driven 
from  a  countershaft. 

The  steel  gage  bar  on  which  slates  rest  for  trimming  has  a  series  of 
notches  which  serve  as  guides  in  trimming  to  standard  sizes.  A  skilled 
trimmer  can  determine  very  quickly  the  size  to  which  each  slate  will 
trim  to  best  advantage.  The  following  table  shows  the  standard  sizes, 
in  inches,  of  roofing  slates  carried  in  stock  by  most  companies: 

Slate  Sizes  for  Sloping  Roofs 

10  X 


14  X    9 

18  X  12 

10  X 


14  X  10 

20  X  10 

10  X 


14  X  12 

20  X  11 

12  X 


16  X    8 

20  X  12 

12  X 


16  X    9 

20  X  14 

12  X 


16  X  10 

22  X  11 

12  X 


16  X  12 

22  X  12 

12  X 


18  X     9 

22  X  14 

14  X 


18  X  10 

24  X  12 

14  X 


18  X  11 

24  X  14 

Slate  Sizes  for  Flat  Roofs* 

6  X 


10  X    6 

12  X    6 

6  X 


10  X    7 

12  X     7 

6  X 


10  X    8 

12  X     8 

3  for  ordinal 

•y  service  usually  are  ^ie 

inch  thick. 

For  promen; 

ordinary  service  they  may  be  }'i  to  ?^  inch  thick. 

To  facilitate  handling  roofing  slates  racks  with  a  series  of  shelves 
divided  into  compartments  are  provided  within  easy  reach  of  the  trimmer. 
Slates  are  sorted  according  to  size  and  quality  as  they  are  made,  and  a 
section  is  reserved  for  each  class.  Once  a  day,  either  just  before  closing 
time  or  early  in  the  morning,  the  slates  are  loaded  on  cars  and  taken  to  the 
piling  yards.     A  typical  roofing-slate  piling  yard  is  shown  in  figure  52. 

Mill  Method. — One  efficiently  planned  roofing-slate  mill  has  been 
operating  for  many  years  near  Poultney,  Vt.  About  1925  several  com- 
panies in  Pennsylvania  erected  and  equipped  mills  for  the  same  purpose. 
A  plan  of  a  typical  mill  is  shown  in  figure  53.  Blocks  are  brought  into 
the  mill  on  cars  and  stored  at  c.  The  mills  are  equipped  with  overhead 
traveling   cranes   or   derrick   hoists.     Slate   blocks   are   cut   to   desired 



lengths  with  circular  saws.  By  using  saws  objectionable  "ribbons"  or 
"  hard  ends  "  may  be  cut  off,  and  thus  many  blocks  which  would  be  thrown 
away  by  the  old  method  may  be  used.  A  saw  cut  provides  a  smooth 
surface,  which  makes  splitting  easier  and  also  tends  to  conserve  slate, 
for  it  is  straight,  while  the  breaking  method  often  results  in  crooked  and 
uneven  fractures.  One  company  has  equipped  its  mill  with  a  60-inch 
diamond  saw  for  cross  cutting  blocks  of  "hard-vein"  slate.  It  is  claimed 
that  waste  is  reduced  at  least  15  per  cent  thereby,  and  mill  production 
per  man  is  increased  a  like  amount.  In  mills  one  blockmaker  and 
helper  can  provide  blocks  for  two  splitters.  By  the  shanty  method  a 
splitter  spends  part  of  his  time  making  blocks,  piling  slates,  or  shoveling 
rubbish;  by  the  mill  method  he  splits  practically  all  the  time.     All 

Fig.  52. — Typical  roofing-slate  piling  yard  with  splitting  shanties  in  background. 

trimming  machines  in  mills  are  power-driven;  thus,  the  tiring  operation 
of  a  foot  treadle  is  avoided.  Also,  finished  slates  are  piled  in  portable 
racks  mounted  on  wheels.  The  filled  racks  are  hauled  to  the  storage 
yard  by  gasoline  locomotive,  horse,  or  other  means.  Thus,  arduous 
rehandling  of  slate  is  avoided.  Waste  from  both  trimmer  and  splitter 
falls  down  slides  into  cars  on  depressed  tracks  and  is  conveyed  to  a  dump, 
or  it  may  be  carried  continuously  with  a  belt  conveyor. 

"Architectural"  Slates. — The  preceding  paragraphs  on  roofing  slate 
deal  exclusively  with  standard  types  three  sixteenths  to  one  fourth  inch 
in  thickness.  Until  recent  years  only  smooth  slates  of  uniform  size  and 
color  have  been  in  demand,  but  modern  architectural  taste  calls  for 
increasing  quantities  of  rough-textured  slates,  graded  in  size  and  of  vari- 
able and  mottled  colors.  Slates  showing  contrasting  color  effects  are 
obtained  mainly  in  the  New  York- Vermont  district,  but  many  textural  or 
"architectural  grades"  are  produced  in  other  districts.     Variations  in 














Fig.  53. — Plan  of  roofing  slate  mill,  a,  track  for  slate  blocks 
block  storage;  e,  saw  beds;  /,  boxes  for  waste;  g,  blockmakers;  h, 
belt  conveyor  for  waste;  I,  track  for  portable  slate  rocks;  m,  track 

;  h,  traveling  crane;  c,  d, 
splitters;  z,  trimmers;  k, 
for  waste. 

SLATE  273 

sizes,  colors,  and  surface  finish  produce  rustic  effects  that  are  very  attrac- 
tive, particularly  in  large  structures.  The  demand  for  slate  of  this  type 
has  been  advantageous  to  producers.  No  substitute  materials  have  been 
found  that  provide  the  rustic  effects  of  the  natural  slates,  and  therefore 
this  branch  of  the  industry  has  grown  rapidly.  Furthermore,  large, 
heavy  slates,  some  of  them  1  to  2  inches  thick,  may  be  manufactured 
from  beds  where  the  material  has  too  poor  a  cleavage  for  manufacture 
into  standard-grade  roofing  slate,  and  more  complete  utilization  of  quarry 
rock  is  possible.  Special  types  of  powerful  trimming  machines  are 
employed  to  dress  massive  slates.  The  knives  are  constructed  purposely 
to  make  wavy,  irregular  outlines. 


Finished  slates  are  piled  on  edge  in  storage  yards,  and  each  pile 
comprises  slates  of  the  same  size.  They  are  placed  in  a  nearly  vertical 
position  and  usually  are  stacked  not  more  than  three  tiers  high  (see 
figure  52).  As  a  rule,  slates  are  punched  for  nailing  before  shipment. 
A  punching  machine,  operated  by  a  foot  treadle  or  motor,  punches  two 
holes  simultaneously.  The  side  uppermost  in  punching  is  placed  down- 
ward on  the  roof,  for  the  punch  makes  an  inverted  conical  hole,  the 
larger  part  of  which  provides  a  ready  means  of  countersinking  a  nail 
head.  Slate  too  thick  to  punch  and  some  thin  slates  on  special  orders 
are  drilled  and  countersunk,  usually  with  motor-driven  rotary  drills. 


To  endure  for  many  years  a  slate  roof  must  consist  of  high-grade 
material  free  from  cracks  or  other  defects.  The  units  must  be  of  standard 
thickness  and  proper  manufacture,  with  the  grain  parallel  to  the  long  axis. 
Part  of  the  responsibility  for  a  good  roof  rests  however  with  the  roofer, 
for  excellent-quality  slate  may  make  a  leaky  roof  if  improperly  placed. 
That  any  carpenter  can  lay  slate  is  a  common  statement,  and  many  roofs 
are  laid  by  inexperienced  workmen,  but  they  give  much  better  service 
when  placed  by  men  who  specialize  in  such  work.  For  example,  in 
placing  slates  most  carpenters  drive  the  nails  "home,"  just  as  they  would 
in  securing  wooden  shingles,  with  the  result  that  if  the  sheeting  dries 
and  shrinks  the  slates  are  cracked.  A  skilled  slate  roofer  does  not  drive 
the  nail  to  its  full  depth,  but  allows  the  slate  to  hang  loosely. 

Another  common  error  is  due  to  mistaken  economy  or  even  dis- 
honesty on  the  part  of  a  roofer  who  to  save  slates  may  give  a  head  lap  less 
than  the  regulation  requirement  of  3  inches.  As  a  result  the  roof  may 
leak,  not  through  any  fault  of  the  material,  but  because  of  improper 
workmanship.  The  law  in  some  States  renders  it  illegal  to  place  slate 
with  less  than  a  3-inch  head  lap.  Nails  and  other  metal  work  used  in 
conjunction  with  slate  should  be  durable. 



Slate  suitable  for  the  manufacture  of  school  slates  is  found  in  soft, 
black  beds  free  of  all  hard  streaks  or  knots  of  flinty  material.  The 
rough  blocks  are  split  in  the  same  manner  as  roofing  slates,  but  trimming 
is  done  with  small  saws  rotating  at  high  speed.  The  shape  of  one  type  in 
common  use  is  shown  in  figure  54.     When  trimmed  to  size  they  are 

delivered  to  school-slate  factories.  Here 
the  edges  are  first  beveled;  then  the 
slate  is  placed  on  edge  between  two 
knives,  and  a  descending  bar  forces  it 
down,  so  that  the  knives  scrape  off  all 
rough  projections.  A  second  pair  of 
knives  gives  a  smoother  surface.  The 
slates  are  then  polished  between  sanded 
drums,  thoroughly  washed  in  hot  water, 
and  carried  on  a  belt  conveyor  through 
a  heated  chamber  for  drying  before  being 
piled.  They  are  then  ready  for  framing. 
Fig.  54.— Type  of  rotary  saw  used  for   gjates  broken  in  framing  are  unframed 

trimming  school  slates.  n  .  ci  i 

and  recut  to  smaller  sizes,  iseveral 
million  school  slates  are  manufactured  in  the  United  States  every  year, 
and  about  90  per  cent  are  exported. 


The  term  "mill  stock"  includes  all  forms  of  structural  slate,  such  as 
steps,  wainscoting,  baseboard,  lavatory  enclosures,  and  mausoleum 
crypts,  as  well  as  billiard  tables,  grave  vaults,  blackboards,  and  electrical 
panels  or  switchboards.  The  chief  processes  within  the  mill  are  hoisting, 
sawing,  planing,  edging  or  jointing,  rubbing,  and  buffing  or  polishing. 
Mills  usually  are  close  to  quarries  and  are  in  the  form  of  long  closed 
sheds.  Slate  blocks  are  brought  from  quarries  on  cars  hauled  by  gasoline 
locomotive  or  some  other  means.  Derricks  are  provided  for  handling 
blocks  and  waste,  but  some  newer  mills  have  overhead  traveling  cranes  of 
5-  to  10-ton  capacity. 

Sawing. — Quarry  blocks  are  measured  and  marked  in  accordance 
with  the  products  to  which  they  will  cut  to  best  advantage.  A  marked 
block  is  placed  on  a  saw  bed,  which  is  propelled  back  and  forth  by  a 
pinion  working  in  a  rack  of  cogs.  Different  rates  of  travel  are  made 
possible  by  a  system  of  gears.  The  slow  speed  may  be  not  more  than 
3  inches  a  minute ;  when  thinner  or  softer  slate  is  cut  a  bed  may  travel  20 
inches  a  minute  or  faster.  The  belt  which  drives  the  saw  runs  on  a 
cone  of  pulleys;  thus  different  rates  of  rotation  may  be  obtained,  and  the 
desired  speed  is  governed  by  the  nature  of  a  slate  block.     An  average 

SLATE  276 

rate  is  six  or  seven  revolutions  a  minute.  Saws  range  from  24  to  48 
inches  in  diameter  and  are  about  %  inch  thick.  The  teeth  are  so  widened 
that  a  saw  makes  a  cut  about  ^i  inch  wide.  Ordinarily  the  saw  tooth  is 
part  of  the  blade,  but  an  inserted  tooth  saw  is  used  where  flint  knots  or 
pyrite  crystals  are  liable  to  break  teeth.  Some  experimental  work  has 
been  done  with  tungsten  carbide-tipped  teeth,  but  such  saws  are  not 
yet  used  commercially. 

Gang  saws  are  employed  to  a  limited  extent  in  Vermont  in  slate 
regarded  too  hard  for  circular  saws.  They  are  the  same  in  principle  as 
gangs  described  in  the  chapter  on  limestone,  except  that  the  blades  are 
only  about  6  feet  long.     Steel  shot  are  used  as  abrasive. 

Experiments  are  contemplated  with  the  view  of  adapting  wire  saws 
for  reducing  mill  blocks. 

Disposal  of  Sawed  Blocks. — After  sawing  is  completed  the  next  step 
in  manufacture  depends  upon  the  purpose  for  which  the  slate  is  to  be 
used.  When  clear  blackboard  stock  is  obtained  the  block  is  hoisted 
from  the  saw  bed  and  leaned  against  a  wooden  or  concrete  pedestal. 
With  hammer  and  thin  flexible  steel  chisels  it  is  split  into  slabs  about 
one  half  inch  thick.  Slate  with  a  straight  split  is  in  great  demand,  for  if  a 
curved  or  twisted  surface  is  obtained  the  finishing  process  is  expensive, 
as  much  slate  must  be  worn  away  to  reduce  the  surface  to  a  perfectly 
uniform  plane.  Finishing  processes  are  described  in  later  paragraphs. 
For  other  forms  of  mill  stock,  sawed  blocks  are  split  to  approximate 
thicknesses  desired  and  placed  on  planer  beds. 

Surface  Finishing. — Planing  is  the  first  step  in  surface  finishing. 
The  tool — a  heavy  blade  set  horizontally  and  adjustable  laterally  and 
vertically — planes  the  surface  of  a  block  as  it  is  carried  back  and  forth  on  a 
traveling  bed.  With  each  motion  the  tool  is  moved  laterally  until  it  has 
passed  over  the  entire  surface.  If  all  irregularities  are  not  removed  the 
tool  is  set  at  a  lower  level  and  the  block  replaned.  It  is  then  turned  over 
so  that  the  smooth  surface  rests  on  the  bed,  and  the  opposite  side  is 
planed  in  the  same  manner,  but  special  care  must  be  taken  to  obtain  the 
desired  thickness  for  the  finished  product.  A  block  is  not  reduced  to  its 
final  thickness  in  a  planer,  for  some  allowance  must  be  made  for  removing 
slate  during  subsequent  processes,  such  as  rubbing  or  honing.  Black- 
boards are  planed  only  when  they  are  uneven  or  have  a  curved  split. 
For  rougher  forms  of  structural  slate,  such  as  grave  vaults,  planing  gives 
the  final  surface  finish. 

For  a  smoother  finish  slabs  are  placed  on  rubbing  beds  similar  to  those 
used  in  marble  and  sandstone  mills.  They  consist  of  cast-iron  disks 
12  or  14  feet  in  diameter  which  rotate  in  a  horizontal  plane  with  the  slate 
slabs  resting  on  the  upper  surface.  A  stream  of  water  is  constantly 
supplied,  and  sand  is  used  as  abrasive.  A  rubbing  bed  is  not  only  used  to 
obtain  a  smooth  surface  but  also  to  grind  rectangular  blocks  to  size.     An 


operator  uses  a  gage  and  square  and  thus  can  turn  out  blocks  true  to 
size  and  having  right  angles.  A  rubbing  bed  also  is  used  for  making 
beveled  edges  on  switchboards  and  other  products,  though  often  a  coarse 
file,  pneumatic  tool,  or  Carborundum  wheel  is  used  for  this  purpose. 

Certain  products,  such  as  blackboards  and  switchboards,  require  a 
much  smoother  finish  than  is  obtainable  on  a  rubbing  bed.  A  fine  polish 
or  honed  finish  may  be  obtained  with  a  belt  or  drum  sander,  a  buffer, 
some  other  form  of  polishing  machine,  or  by  hand.  A  buffer,  which  is 
most  commonly  used,  consists  of  two  movable  arms;  one  attached  to  the 
end  of  the  other,  holding  a  rotating  buffer  head.  The  latter  is  belt- 
driven,  with  one  belt  for  each  arm,  and  the  pulleys  are  so  adjusted  that 
their  axes  coincide  with  the  axes  of  rotation  of  the  arms ;  thus,  the  polishing 
head  may  be  moved  about  to  any  desired  position  without  interfering  in 
any  way  with  the  movement  of  belts.  The  rotating  head  is  fitted  with  a 
set  of  six  or  seven  blocks  set  in  plaster  of  paris  and  consisting  of  polishing 
materials  made  up  in  accordance  with  various  formulas  worked  out  by 
mill  operators.  A  stream  of  water  is  directed  on  the  surface,  and  the 
rotating  head  is  moved  back  and  forth  until  a  fine  polish  is  obtained.  A 
special  type  of  multiple-head  polishing  machine,  consisting  of  a  series  of 
six  rotating  arms,  each  with  a  polishing  block,  has  been  devised  to  take 
the  place  of  a  buffer.  The  circles  overlap,  and  the  arms  are  so  adjusted 
that  blocks  follow  each  other  over  the  same  ground  with  no  interference. 
A  slab  of  slate  to  be  polished  is  placed  on  a  traveling  bed  which  conveys  it 
back  and  forth  beneath  the  rotating  arms.  In  some  mills  blackboards  are 
finished  by  hand  methods  with  steel  scrapers  and  polishing  blocks. 

Through  the  use  of  drum  sanders  instead  of  rubbing  beds  and  buffers  a 
noteworthy  advance  in  surface  finishing  has  been  accomplished  by  a 
Maine  slate  company.  Paper-backed  silica  sandpaper  is  wound  spirally 
on  drums,  three  drums  are  arranged  in  series,  and  slate  slabs  are  passed 
beneath  them  on  a  traveling  rubber-covered  bed.  First,  coarse  grit  is 
used  to  bring  down  the  surface  to  fair  uniformity  and  smoothness,  and  for 
finishing  finer  grits  are  used.  A  drum  sander  is  several  times  faster  than 
a  rubbing  bed  and  may  with  further  development  also  replace  planers. 

Carborundum  machines  are  used  widely  to  cut  cove  base  and  floor  tile, 
to  cut  bevels  or  grooves,  to  trim  blackboards,  and  to  recut  slabs  to  smaller 
sizes.  The  bed  carrying  the  slate  slab  is  stationary,  and  the  rotating 
wheel  travels  back  and  forth.  The  machine  cuts  rapidly  and  accurately 
and  leaves  a  very  smooth  surface. 

Drilling  Holes. — Electrical  companies  using  switchboards  commonly 
drill  them  for  wiring,  but  sometimes  this  is  done  at  slate  mills.  Extreme 
accuracy  is  demanded,  as  to  both  position  of  holes  and  workmanship. 
One  mill  in  Maine  uses  a  spindle  drill  which  can  bore  16  holes  at  once. 
The  spindles  that  hold  the  drills  are  flexible  and  so  may  be  adjusted  to 
position.     A  pattern  or  template  is  used  through  which  the  drills  mark  the 



slate  block.     The  template  is  then  removed,  and  the  drills  are  guided 
accurately  by  the  depressions  thus  formed. 








































































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Storage. — Blackboards,  electrical  slate,  panels,  steps,  and  other 
structural  forms  usually  are  stored  at  the  finishing  end  of  the  mill. 
Racks  are  provided  where  all  slabs  may  be  placed  on  edge,  for  thus  each 
one  is  available  when  needed. 



Flow  Sheet  of  Slate  Mills. — The  machines  in  a  mill  should  be  so 
arranged  that  the  slate  passes  most  directly  from  one  to  another,  for  much 
time  and  labor  are  saved  thereby.  The  normal  order  of  operations  in 
slate  manufacture  is  shown  in  the  flow  sheet,  figure  55.  A  plan  of  a  typi- 
cal mill  arranged  for  convenient  operation  is  shown  in  figure  56.  Slate 
blocks  are  brought  from  the  quarry  into  the  mill  on  track  a,  track  h  being 
used  for  removal  of  waste.  Blocks  are  handled  by  derricks  c,  between  the 
tracks.  Saws,  d,  are  arranged  down  one  side  of  the  mill  and  planers,  e, 
down  the  other  side.     After  the  preliminary  stages  of  sawing  and  planing, 

I  slabs  are  finished  in  the  three  wings, 
I  as  shown   at  the  left.     Each  wing 

;::  I         E    [E  © 



s;=;  ;=;0 



0;:;  ;=;s 

H  [a  ©  I      ;::  ::: 

has  a  rubbing  bed  /,  near  its  en- 
trance followed  by  a  series  of  finish- 
ing machines,  such  as  Carborundum 
bevelers,  recutters,  and  polishing 
machines,  as  shown  at  g  and  h. 
Each  wing  may  be  devoted  to  a 
particular  product;  for  example,  one 
may  be  used  for  blackboards,  one 
for  electrical  slate,  and  a  third  for 
structural  slate.  A  railway  siding 
at  the  ends  of  the  wings  provides  a 
ready  means  of  shipping  mill  prod- 
ucts. An  important  feature  of  the 
mill  is  the  facility  with  which  it 
56.— Plan  of  a  well-designed  slate  permits     expansion.     If     increased 


b,    mill-car    tracks;  c,  derricks;  capacity    is   demanded   it   may   be 

!;  /,  rubbing  beds;  0,  «,  .  ,  ,. 

mill,     a, 

d,   saws;    c,    planers;  j,  x^.^.^-..^.   "— -,  »'•-',         i     i  j  j  i- 

Carborundum  machines,  polishing  machines;  extended     and     one     Or    more     addl- 

i,  space  for  storage  and  crating.  tional  wings  added,  as  indicated  by 

the  dotted  lines  in  the  figure,  without  interfering  in  any  way  with  the 
logical  order  of  machine  arrangement. 

Marbleizing  Slate. — For  ornamental  switchboards,  mantels,  and 
certain  other  interior  decorative  products  architectural  taste  sometimes 
demands  a  finish  other  than  the  natural  slate  surface.  Repeated  painting 
and  baking  to  simulate  verde  antique,  bloodstone,  or  well-known  mar- 
bles, is  known  as  "marbleizing."  The  following  is  a  typical  process. 
The  slabs  first  are  painted  black,  then  baked  several  hours  in  a  cham- 
ber heated  to  175°F.  They  are  then  dipped  in  a  trough  of  water 
having  red,  white,  and  green  paint  floating  on  the  surface.  A  skilled 
operator  can  stir  the  water  in  such  a  manner  as  to  obtain  various 
patterns  with  the  floating  paint.  When  a  slab  of  slate  is  brought  into 
contact  with  the  surface  the  paint  adheres  and  reproduces  a  pattern.  It 
is  baked  a  second  time,  varnished,  baked  a  third  time,  polished  with 
pumice,  and  finally  baked  a  fourth  time.     This  gives  a  "bloodstone" 

SLATE  279 

finish.     If  no  green  paint  is  used  a  "  Venetian  "  finish  results.     Checker- 
boards, flags,  and  various  other  designs  also  are  made  by  this  process. 

"Struco"  Slate. — A  later  development  in  surface  decoration  of  slate, 
to  which  the  trade  name  ''Struco"  has  been  applied,  involves  processes 
that  are  quicker  and  less  expensive  then  marbleizing.  Color  patterns  are 
applied  as  lacquers  with  a  nitrocellulose  base  and  a  volatile  hydrocarbon 
as  the  vehicle  or  solvent.  Unlike  a  paint,  the  drying  and  hardening  are 
brought  about  by  evaporation  rather  than  oxidation.  A  slate  slab  first  is 
polished  with  a  belt  sander  or  buffer.  The  lacquer  is  then  applied  to  the 
surface  with  a  spray  nozzle  operated  with  compressed  air.  The  highly 
volatile  solvent  evaporates  in  15  or  20  minutes,  leaving  a  firm,  hard 
surface.  A  pattern  is  then  applied  over  the  base  coat  by  a  printing  proc- 
ess. A  copper  plate  is  engraved  as  a  photographic  reproduction  of  an 
attractive  veined  marble.  Lacquer  is  applied  to  the  plate,  and  when  a 
soft-rubber  roller  is  passed  over  it  and  then  over  the  slate  surface  the 
pattern  is  transferred  in  every  detail.  A  transparent  surface  coat  is  then 
applied;  and,  after  hardening,  it  is  carefully  polished.  Struco  slate  is 
unaffected  by  sudden  changes  of  temperature  or  by  hot  or  cold  water  and 
is  highly  resistant  to  chemicals.  Moderately  decorative  surface  finishes 
are  in  demand  for  shower  stalls  and  wainscoting,  while  the  more  orna- 
mental types  are  used  for  table  tops,  radiator  covers,  lamp  bases,  smoking 
sets,  clocks,  and  various  novelties.  Struco  products  are  not  designed  to 
replace  slate  in  its  legitimate  field  but  rather  to  find  use  in  places  where 
colors  other  than  the  natural  shades  are  desired. 


Ornamental  flagging  is  becoming  increasingly  important.  Slate  with 
a  honed  finish  and  very  close  joints  makes  a  beautiful  floor.  Material 
from  different  regions  permits  floor  designs  in  color  patterns  that  vie  in 
beauty  with  the  most  ornate  rugs  and  have  the  added  value  of  indestructi- 
bility by  fire,  water,  or  continuous  wear.  For  paving  yards,  porches, 
courts,  roofs,  or  ornamental  walkways,  rough-textured,  natural  cleft 
slates  are  employed.  Two  main  styles  are  in  general  use.  The  "regular  " 
style  consists  of  rectangular  flags  of  various  sizes  and  colors  fitted  together 
with  close  joints;  the  "irregular"  is  made  of  random  shapes  and  sizes  that 
are  necessarily  less  closely  fitted  and  require  well-cemented  joints. 

Slates  of  various  colors  are  being  used  as  wall  stone  in  such  structures 
as  churches  and  college  buildings,  particularly  in  conjunction  with  other 
kinds  of  stone,  to  produce  variegated  effects  in  color  and  texture. 


Slate  crushed  to  sizes  comparable  with  grains  of  fine  gravel  is  known 
commercially  as  "granules,"  the  manufacture  of  which  has  developed 
into  an  important  industry.     Granules  range  in  size  from  10-  to  30-mesh 



and  are  used  to  coat  various  forms  of  tar  roofing.  Although  most  granules 
consist  of  slate,  other  materials,  such  as  trap  rock,  shale,  and  serpentine, 
are  also  used.  The  industry  is,  with  few  exceptions,  distinct  from  the 
manufacture  of  roofing  slate;  it  is,  in  fact,  a  competitor,  for  large  quanti- 
ties of  slate-surfaced  roofing  are  now  being  sold  for  use  not  only  on  sheds, 
garages,  and  other  inexpensive  structures  but  also  on  moderate-price 

dwelling  houses  of  a  class 
commonly  roofed  with  slate. 
Although  slate  quarry  waste  is 
ground  and  pulverized  to  a  limited 
extent  most  plants  making  granules 
and  flour  operate  quarries  exclu- 
sively for  these  purposes,  and  in 
nearly  every  instance  the  rock  is 
unsuitable  for  roofing  or  mill  stock. 
The  types  of  crushing  and  grinding 
equipment  used  vary  widely. 
Where  a  plant  is  erected  primarily 
for  making  granules,  the  purpose 
is  to  crush  with  a  minimum  pro- 
duction of  fines,  which  are  dis- 
carded largely  as  waste,  but  where 
there  is  a  good  market  for  pulver- 
ized material  a  large  proportion  of 
fines  may  not  be  regarded  as  a 
disadvantage.  Even  where  the 
same  type  of  product  is  desired 
no  two  grinding  plants  are  alike. 
Variations  are  due  to  differences 
in  raw  materials,  amount  of  capital 
available,  and  varying  opinions 
regarding  efficiency  of  machines. 
A  flow  sheet  of  a  typical  mill  using 
waste  from  a  large  Pennsylvania  quarry  which  produces  both  roofing 
and  mill  stock  is  shown  in  figure  57.  The  mill  is  electrically  driven 
with  individual  motors  for  each  machine  and  produces  both  granules  and 
slate  flour. 


~  I  ' 




















Fig.  57. — Flow  sheet  of  a  mill  for  manufactur- 
ing slate  granules  and  slate  flour. 


An  outstanding  feature  of  the  slate  industry  is  the  high  proportion 
of  waste.  It  is  reported  that  in  one  large  quarry  in  Vermont  about 
15  tons  of  waste  rock  are  removed  for  each  ton  of  roofing  slate  recovered. 
In  most  regions  waste  averages  70  to  90  per  cent  of  gross  production;  in 

SLATE  281 

other  places,  particularly  in  underground  mining,  it  may  be  as  low  as 
50  or  60  per  cent.  In  Wales  1  ton  of  slate  is  said  to  be  produced  for  every 
8  tons  of  waste  rock  quarried. 

Waste  is  due  to  a  variety  of  causes.  Slate  occurs  in  beds  commonly 
termed  "veins"  by  quarrymen,  though  they  are  not  veins  in  the  sense  in 
which  the  term  is  used  geologically.  Beds  of  inferior  rock  alternate  with 
the  good  beds,  and  because  of  their  intimate  association  the  former  must 
often  be  removed  to  secure  the  latter.  Furthermore,  only  part  of  the 
good  beds  may  be  used,  for  much  must  be  discarded  because  of  such 
imperfections  as  siliceous  knots,  ribbons,  and  cracks.  A  considerable 
percentage  also  is  lost  in  the  process  of  removal ;  blasting  may  shatter  it, 
or  irregular  fractures  caused  by  wedging  may  result  in  loss.  A  further 
heavy  percentage  of  waste  results  from  the  manufacture  of  roofing 
slates,  and  great  quantities  of  refuse  must  be  removed  from  beneath  the 
saws  and  planers  of  a  structural  slate  mill. 

Slate  quarrymen  have  approached  the  problem  of  waste  from  two 
angles.  The  first  involves  modifications  in  methods  and  machines 
whereby  a  substantial  reduction  in  the  percentage  of  waste  may  be 
attained ;  the  second  concerns  various  ways  in  which  waste  slate  may  be 

Prevention  of  Waste. — Slate  is  subject  to  many  natural  imperfections 
over  which  a  quarryman  has  no  control.  If  only  40  per  cent  of  the  mass 
of  rock  blocked  out  in  a  quarry  is  usable,  60  per  cent  is  the  lowest  mini- 
mum to  which  waste  may  be  reduced,  even  in  theory.  In  actual  practice 
the  proportion  of  waste  must  exceed  60  per  cent  by  varying  amounts 
depending  on  the  efficiency  of  quarrying  and  manufacture.  If  the  final 
product  constitutes  only  15  per  cent  of  gross  production  and  85  per  cent 
is  waste,  obviously  25  of  the  40  per  cent,  or  five  eighths  of  the  good  slate, 
is  wasted  in  quarrying  and  manufacture.  A  certain  percentage  of  the 
good  rock  must  necessarily  be  lost  in  these  processes,  but  whatever 
share  of  this  five  eighths  may  be  saved  by  improved  processes  or  equip- 
ment may  be  termed  "preventable  waste." 

Much  thought  and  experimenting  have  been  devoted  to  ways  of 
reducing  the  proportion  of  waste.  A  first  step  is  to  plan  development 
systematically  in  conformity  with  rock  structures.  The  imperfections 
of  slate  and  joints,  ribbons,  or  other  structural  features  can  not  be 
changed,  and  the  most  orderly  quarries  are  planned  to  minimize  their 
effects.  A  second  step  in  conservation  is  care  in  the  use  of  explosives. 
Much  waste  results  in  some  quarry  regions  from  excessive  blasting, 
because  the  belief  prevails  that  no  other  means  can  be  used  successfully 
for  separating  primary  rock  masses.  In  other  regions  much  more  eco- 
nomical methods  have  been  worked  out.  Wire  saws  now  widely  used  in 
Pennsylvania  have  reduced  waste  in  amounts  ranging  from  25  to  50  per 
cent  of  the  proportion  under  former  processes.     Channeling  machines  are 


a  great  improvement  over  blasting  methods,  and  wire  saws  represent 
equal  advancement  over  channeling. 

Utilization  of  Waste. — Owing  to  imperfections  of  rock  and  the  inevi- 
table loss  of  material  in  quarrying  and  manufacture,  a  large  percentage 
of  the  gross  production  of  slate  quarries  must  be  considered  waste,  even 
under  the  most  efficient  quarrying  and  manufacturing  methods.  The 
need  for  some  useful  outlet  for  waste  slate  has  been  felt  for  many  years. 
Various  investigators  have  given  attention  to  the  problem,  but  results 
have  had  little  practical  value.  Slate  consists  of  silicates  that  have  few 
uses  compared  with  some  other  rocks.  For  example,  limestone  may  be 
used  for  lime  and  cement  manufacture,  agricultural  purposes,  and  furnace 
flux;  while  slate  is  unsuitable  for  these  purposes.  Its  commercial 
adaptability  is,  therefore,  greatly  restricted,  and  on  this  account  all  but 
a  very  small  fraction  of  the  waste  accumulation  since  slate  was  first 
quarried  is  still  lying  in  veritable  mountains  awaiting  possible  utilization. 

Some  years  ago  interest  was  centered  in  a  Welsh  enterprise  for  the 
conversion  of  great  quantities  of  waste  slate  into  useful  products. 
Extravagant  claims  were  made  and  the  plant  was  operated  for  a  short 
time,  but  the  enterprise  failed;  however,  some  progress  is  being  made  in 
waste  utilization  in  Great  Britain. 

Uses  of  Waste  in  Massive  and  Granular  Form. — Waste  slate  from  split- 
ting shanties  was  at  one  time  cut  into  3-  by  6-inch  rectangles,  set  in 
mastic  on  a  backing  of  prepared  roofing,  and  sold  for  use  on  flat  roofs 
under  the  name  "inlaid  slate."  One  plant  operated  from  1905  to  1917, 
but  there  has  been  no  production  since.  Waste  slabs  have  been  manu- 
factured into  perforated-slate  lath  and  veneer.  The  latter  product,  which 
was  used  for  interior  walls,  consisted  of  a  thin  slab  of  slate  attached  to 
gypsum  board.  These  projects  never  advanced  beyond  the  experimental 

Manufacture  of  granules  for  slate-surfaced  composition  roofing  has 
developed  into  an  important  industry,  but,  as  stated  previously,  only  a 
small  fraction  of  the  raw  material  is  waste  from  slate  quarries  or  mills. 

Waste  Slate  as  a  Filler. — Waste  rock  from  mills  and  quarries  is  used  to 
some  extent  pulverized.  Many  products,  such  as  paper,  rubber,  road 
asphalt,  floor  coverings,  and  paints  require  as  one  of  their  important 
constituents  a  considerable  percentage  of  finely  pulverized  inert  mineral 
matter  to  give  "body."  to  obtain  desired  consistency,  or  to  supply  the 
necessary  wearing  or  other  qualities  demanded.  Such  materials  are 
known  as  "fillers."  Slate  dust  is  a  satisfactory  filler  in  many  such 

To  encourage  wider  use  of  waste  slate  the  United  States  Bureau  of 
Mines  in  1920  and  1921  cooperated  in  experiments  with  about  45  indus- 
trial firms.  The  cooperating  companies  were  manufacturers  of  rubber 
products,    linoleum    and    oilcloth,    road    asphalt,    and    plastic    roofing. 

SLATE  283 

Plant  and  laboratory  tests  with  samples  of  slate  flour  were  conducted,  and 
results  were  submitted  to  the  bureau  for  compilation.  It  was  found  that 
finely  pulverized  slate  is  a  satisfactory  filler  for  mechanical  rubber  goods 
but  not  for  the  higher  grades  of  rubber,  such  as  are  used  in  automobile 
tires.  Slate  flour  gives  good  service  as  a  filler  in  linoleum,  oilcloth,  and 
window  shades,  except  where  white  is  desired.  It  is  well-adapted  for 
filler  in  plastic  roofing  and  flooring,  and  several  hundred  carloads  are  so 
used  every  year. 

Tests  in  laboratories  of  companies  preparing  road-asphalt  mixtures 
indicate  that  for  resistance  to  impact  slate  flour  about  equals  other 
fillers  in  bonded  briquets  and  is  somewhat  superior  in  sheet-surface 
mixtures.  In  cementing  value  it  was  found  to  be  superior  to  both  lime- 
stone and  Portland  cement  in  asphalt-bonded  briquets  and  intermediate 
between  them  in  standard  sheet  surface  mixtures.  Elutriation  tests 
indicate  that  slate  flour  contains  approximately  15  to  25  per  cent  more 
fine  dust  that  constitutes  effective  filler  than  limestone,  trap  rock,  or 
Portland  cement.  In  low  weight  for  a  given  volume — a  desirable  feature 
of  a  filler, — slate  is  about  equivalent  to  limestone  and  approximately 
10  per  cent  superior  to  portland  cement.  Slate  flour  is  therefore  an 
exceptionally  good  filler  for  road  asphalt-surface  mixtures. 

Ground  slate  has  been  used  in  various  ceramic  products,  but  no 
conclusive  results  have  been  obtained.  On  account  of  its  low  fusion 
point  it  has  some  possibilities  as  a  glazing  material.  Considerable 
quantities  of  finely  pulverized  slate  are  consumed  as  paint  filler.  Pro- 
ducers of  slate  flour  in  cooperation  with  consuming  industries  have 
developed  many  uses  in  minor  products. 

It  is  evident,  therefore,  that  slate  flour  may  be  employed  in  quite 
a  variety  of  ways,  and  some  consuming  industries  are  actual  or  potential 
users  of  large  quantities.  However,  slate  flour,  like  granules,  is  produced 
in  very  small  amount  from  slate  waste ;  most  of  it  is  derived  from  quarries 
worked  exclusively  for  crushed  and  pulverized  products. 


The  grading  of  roofing  slate  varies  in  different  localities.  In  the 
Bangor  district  of  Pennsylvania  slates  are  graded  as  No.  1,  clear;  No.  2, 
clear;  No.  1,  ribbon,  where  the  ribbon  is  not  exposed  on  the  finished  roof; 
and  No.  2,  ribbon,  where  it  is  exposed.  They  are  graded  similarly  at 
Pen  Argyl,  Pa.,  with  omission  of  No.  2  ribbon.  At  Slatington,  Pa.,  and 
in  Vermont  they  are  graded  as  No.  1,  No.  2,  and  intermediate.  Peach 
Bottom  slates  are  graded  as  No.  1  and  No.  2.  The  Virginia  product  is 
known  in  the  trade  as  Buckingham  slate  and  graded  as  No.  1  and  No.  2. 
Heavy,  rough  types  are  known  as  architectural  grades. 

To  establish  more  uniform  and  definite  grading  the  Federal  Specifica- 
tions Board  has  framed  a  specification  for  roofing  slate  to  be  used  by 


Government  departments.  Three  grades,  designated  A,  B,  and  C,  are 
based  mainly  on  strength,  absorption,  and  depth  of  softening  when 
immersed  in  an  acid  bath.  The  specification  was  pubhshed  as  of  July  26, 

Much  valuable  information  on  types  of  roofs,  method  of  laying, 
slope,  gutters,  flashings,  snow  guards,  and  other  data  a  slate  roofer 
should  know  are  given  in  an  illustrated  booklet,  "Slate  Roofs,"  issued 
in  1926  by  the  National  Slate  Association. 

Structural  slate  is  graded  as  ribbon  or  clear  in  Pennsylvania  and 
according  to  color  in  Vermont.  A  series  of  pamphlets  on  data  and 
standards,  issued  by  the  Structural  Service  Bureau  of  Philadelphia,  has 
accomplished  much  in  simplifying  manufacture,  in  assisting  architects 
and  builders  to  place  orders  for  structural  slate  quickly  and  easily,  and  in 
making  it  possible  for  manufacturers  to  fill  orders  promptly  from  standard 
sizes  kept  in  stock. 

The  requirements  for  electrical  slate  are  more  rigid  than  for  structural 
or  roofing  slate;  in  addition  to  easy  workability  it  must  have  high  dielec- 
tric strength  and  must  therefore  be  free  of  all  ribbons  or  other  conducting 
materials.  No  definite  specifications  have  been  established,  although 
much   progress  has  been  made  in  perfecting  testing  methods. 

Slate  granules  generally  are  limited  in  size  between  10-  and  30-mesh. 
Equidimensional  rather  than  flat  grains  are  preferred.  Fines  are  rigidly 
excluded ;  the  percentage  allowed  usually  is  so  low  that  granules  in  storage 
ordinarily  are  air-cleaned  while  being  loaded  to  remove  the  fines  produced 
in  handling. 

No  generally  used  specifications  have  been  adopted  for  slate  flour  as 
it  is  used  in  many  different  products  which  have  varied  requirements. 
Manufacturers  of  similar  products  differ  widely  among  themselves  in  size 
requirements  for  fillers.  Producers  of  slate  flour  are  obliged  to  modify 
their  milling  equipment  to  satisfy  the  demands  of  individual  customers. 


Consideration  of  the  uses  of  slate  makes  it  evident  that  the  chief 
consuming  industries  are  the  building  trades  and  manufacturers  of  elec- 
trical equipment.  As  building  construction  is  a  nationwide  industry,  the 
chief  centers  of  consumption  are  fixed  largely  by  freight  rates,  building 
programs,  and  the  activity  of  selling  agents.  Roofing  slate  is  used 
widely  on  buildings  east  of  the  Mississippi  River,  but  because  of  former 
high  freight  rates  the  demand  west  of  the  Mississippi  was  limited. 
Recently  rail-water  rates  have  been  reduced,  and  increasing  quantities  of 
slate  are  reaching  Pacific  coast  points  by  way  of  the  Panama  Canal. 
Likewise,  reduction  of  rates  is  opening  up  extensive  markets  south  of  the 
Carolinas,  where  little  slate  has  been  used  except  in  New  Orleans.  Here 
the  necessity  for  conserving  the  rain-water  supply  has  encouraged  the  use 

SLATE  285 

of  insoluble,  sanitary  slate  roofs.  Structural  slate  is  less  affected  by- 
freight  and  thus  has  a  somewhat  wider  market  than  roofing  slate. 

The  centers  of  electrical  slate  consumption  are  the  large  eastern  and 
middle  western  industrial  cities,  such  as  New  York,  Boston,  Philadelphia, 
Schenectady,  Pittsburgh,  Chicago,  and  St.  Louis.  The  market  for 
blackboards  is  general  throughout  the  United  States  and  Canada. 
Most  school  slates  are  exported.  A  marked  growth  in  use  of  slate  for 
floors  and  walks  has  been  evident  since  1925  and  is  rapidly  spreading 
over  the  entire  country,  because  the  pieces  are  classed  as  "scrap"  slate 
and  are  carried  at  lowest  freight  rates.  There  is  a  scattered  demand  for 
slate  blackboards  and  for  structural  slate  in  the  insular  possessions  of  the 
United  States  and  in  Cuba. 

The  chief  marketing  points  for  slate  are  Pen  Argyl,  Bangor,  Slating- 
ton,  Easton,  Bethlehem,  Philadelphia,  and  Delta,  Pa.;  New  York  City; 
Monson  and  Portland,  Me.;  Boston,  Mass.;  Granville,  N.  Y.;  Poultney 
and  Fair  Haven,  Vt.;  and  Richmond  and  Norfolk,  Va.  There  are 
practically  no  seasonal  fluctuations  in  the  demand  for  electrical  slate, 
but  owing  to  building  inactivity  the  demand  for  structural,  roofing,  and 
scrap  slate  is  somewhat  restricted  in  winter.  Subnormal  demand  for 
blackboards  usually  is  in  evidence  during  March,  April,  and  May. 

The  slate  industry  has  very  difficult  marketing  problems.  Lack  of 
more  consistent  growth  in  the  industry  is  to  be  attributed  chiefly  to  the 
keen  competition  slate  must  meet  in  every  line  of  consumption.  Various 
types  of  roofing  are  advertised  much  more  widely,  and  many  are  syn- 
thetic products  that  can  be  manufactured  at  low  cost.  Similarly,  slate 
meets  much  competition  in  structural  and  electrical  applications. 

Lack  of  efficient  selling  and  advertising  agencies  also  retards  effective 
marketing;  those  sections  of  the  industry  that  are  most  inactive  in  this 
respect  are  the  least  prosperous.  There  is,  however,  evidence  of  a  move- 
ment toward  bettering  this  condition  through  establishment  of  joint 
marketing  agencies  in  some  localities  to  bring  about  better  contacts 
between  producers,  distributors,  and  roofing  and  setting  contractors,  thus 
promoting  sales  and  insuring  better  service  to  ultimate  consumers.  The 
outstanding  problem  in  all  slate  regions  is  to  find  a  large  enough  market  to 
absorb  the  normal  output  of  the  quarries.  Marketing  companies  and 
associations  are  exerting  a  growing  influence,  particularly  in  Pennsylvania 
and  Virginia.  Sales  organizations  in  Vermont  and  New  York  have  been 
effective  only  in  marketing  structural  slate  and  that  used  for  floors,  walks, 
and  walls.  Those  who  have  the  best  interest  of  the  industry  at  heart 
contend  that  excellent  service  under  the  most  exacting  requirements  will 
enhance  the  salability  of  the  products.  Expansion  of  markets  therefore 
depends  to  quite  a  degree  on  proper  classification  of  slate  and  on  the 
diversion  of  each  type  to  the  use  for  which  it  is  best  adapted.  This 
requires  an  exact  and  intimate  knowledge  of  properties  and  qualities, 


and  to  obtain  the  necessary  fundamental  data  the  National  Slate  Associa- 
tion and  Committee  D-16  of  the  American  Society  for  Testing  Materials 
are  sponsoring  studies  of  properties  and  methods  of  tests.  The  United 
States  Bureau  of  Standards  and  several  college  laboratories,  notably  those 
of  Lafayette  College,  Lehigh  University,  Pennsylvania  State  College, 
Rensselaer  Polytechnic  Institute,  and  Massachusetts  Institute  of 
Technology,  are  collaborating  in  these  studies. 

Persistent  price-cutting,  even  at  levels  below  the  cost  of  production, 
has  characterized  slate  marketing.  As  this  is  due  in  a  measure  to  an 
insufficient  knowledge  of  quarrying  and  milling  costs  an  effort  has  been 
made  to  establish  better  and  more  uniform  cost  keeping,  and  a  cost- 
accounting  system  for  the  industry  has  been  published. ^^ 

Structural  slate  is  sold  to  slate-setting  contractors.  Roofing  slate  is 
sold  to  roofers  and  building-supply  dealers  through  jobbers  or  brokers  or 
directly  by  quarry  operators.  To  lessen  breakage  and  prevent  reducing 
the  requisite  3-inch  head  lap,  nail  holes  for  attachment  of  the  slate 
usually  are  punched  before  shipment. 

Slate  flour,  granules,  and  scrap  are  sold  by  the  ton,  though  scrap  used 
for  floors  and  walks  sometimes  is  figured  in  superficial  feet.  Granules 
are  sold  in  bulk  in  carload  lots  direct  to  manufacturers  of  composition 
roofing.  Slate  flour  is  disposed  of  to  paint  manufacturers  and  marketed 
in  small  amounts  to  miscellaneous  users,  such  as  manufacturers  of  roofing 
mastic,  rubber,  and  linoleum.  It  usually  is  sold  in  paper  bags  or  wooden 
barrels  but  may  be  marketed  in  bulk  to  large  consumers.  Roofing  slate 
sells  by  the  square  (enough  to  cover  100  square  feet  when  placed  on  a 
sloping  roof  with  standard  3-inch  head  lap),  mill  stock  and  blackboards 
by  the  square  foot,  baseboard  by  the  running  foot,  and  school  slates  by 
the  dozen. 


Slate  imports  range  from  $50,000  to  $130,000  in  annual  value.  There 
are  fluctuations  from  year  to  year,  both  in  total  and  in  relative  amounts 
from  different  countries.  During  recent  years  the  chief  sources  of 
foreign  slates  have  been  Italy,  France,  Portugal,  Norway,  and  the 
United  Kingdom.  About  15  per  cent  by  value  in  1929  was  roofing  slate. 
The  remainder  was  made  up  of  blackboards  and  of  slabs  and  other  prod- 
ucts not  clearly  specified. 

From  1925  to  1929  annual  exports  of  roofing  slate  ranged  from  5,000 
to  10,000  squares  a  year  and  had  an  average  value  of  $9  to  $12  a  square. 
Between  75  and  85  per  cent  were  sold  in  Canada.  Exports  of  other  slate 
products  over  a  period  of  years  are  shown  in  the  following  table  compiled 
by  the  United  States  Bureau  of  Mines: 

^*  Bowles,  Oliver,  A  System  of  Accounts  for  the  Slate  Industry.  Rept.  of  Investi- 
gations 2971,  Bureau  of  Mines,  1929,  25  pp. 



Slate  Other  Than  Roofing  Exported  from  the  United  States,  1929-1930  and 

1936-1937  BY  Uses 














School  slates,  cases* 




$  95,935 


$  20,204 


$  35,011 

Electrical         slate, 

square  feet 










square  feet 









Billiard  tables, 

square  feet 









Structural,    square 










Slate  granules  and 

"flour,"        short 









$335  304 

S353 , 233 



*  Cases  weigh  130  to  165  pounds  each;  average  is  135  pounds. 

Practically  all  exports  of  roofing  slate  and  granules,  over  95  per  cent  of 
the  structural,  and  over  50  per  cent  of  the  electrical  slate  were  shipped  to 
Canada  in  1929.  School  slates  also  vi^ere  shipped  to  Canada;  but  India, 
Netherland  East  Indies,  Australia,  and  New  Zealand  took  the  largest 
quantities  in  1929.  South  America,  West  Indies,  and  Asia  furnished 
markets  for  electrical  slate;  and  Mexico,  Central  America,  and  the 
Philippine  Islands  for  billiard-table  slate.  The  above  data  are  typical 
of  the  export  trade  in  any  year. 


Before  1913  the  duty  on  imported  slates,  chimney  pieces,  mantels, 
slabs  for  tables,  roofing  slates,  and  all  other  manufactures  of  slate  w^as 
20  per  cent  ad  valorem.  The  act  of  October  1913  reduced  it  to  10  per  cent ; 
that  of  September  1922  raised  it  to  15  per  cent;  and  the  act  of  1930 
raised  it  to  25  per  cent  ad  valorem. 


Roofing-slate  prices  are  quoted  at  times  in  trade  magazines,  though 
many  sales  are  made  by  individual  bargaining  at  prices  that  may  diverge 
widely  from  those  quoted  in  the  market  columns.  The  price  per  square 
varies  with  the  size,  and  the  larger  sizes  command  higher  prices.  The 
average  selling  price  of  all  kinds  in  1929  was  $10.65  a  square.  In  1932  it 
was  $7.43  a  square. 

Mill  products  are  not  quoted  regularly,  but  list  prices  are  supplied  to 
customers.     The  average  selling  price  a  square  foot  for  the  various 


products  in  1929  was  as  follows:  Electrical,  80  cents;  structural,  40  cents; 
vaults,  26  cents;  blackboards,  30  cents;  billiard-table  tops,  40  cents;  and 
flagging,  10  cents.  Granules  and  slate  flour  sold  at  about  $5.80  a  ton. 
The  above  figures  are  based  on  selling  prices  at  the  quarry  or  mill. 
Prices  were  somewhat  lower  in  1930,  1931  and  1932. 


AuBURY,  Lewis  E.  The  Structural  and  Industrial  Materials  of  California.  Cali- 
fornia State  Min.  Bur.  Bull.  38,  1906,  pp.  149-154. 

Behre,  C.  H.,  Jr.  Observations  on  Structures  in  the  Slates  of  Northampton  County, 
Pa.  Jour.  Geol.,  vol.  34,  no.  6,  pp.  481-506. 

Mineral  Industry  1927,   1928,   1929,   1930,   and  1931    (chapters  on  slate). 

McGraw-Hill  Book  Company,  Inc.,  New  York. 

■ Geologic  Factors  in  the  Development  of  the  Eastern  Pennsylvania  Slate 

Belt.     Am.  Inst.  Min.  and  Met.  Eng.  Tech.  Paper  66,  1928,  18  pp. 

Slate  Deposits  of  Northampton  County.     Pennsylvania  Topog.  and  Geol. 

Survey  Bull   M  9,  1927,  312  pp. 

- — Slate  in  Pennsylvania.     Pennsylvania  Topog.  and  Geol.  Survey  Bull.  M  16, 

1933,  400  pp. 
Bowles,  Oliver.     The  Characteristics  of  Slate.     Proc.  Am.  Soc.  Test.  Mat.,  vol.  23, 
pt.  2,  1923,  pp.  524-534. 

Fundamental   Factors  in  the   Testing  of   Mineral   Products  with   Special 

Reference  to  Slate  and  Related  Materials.     Proc.  Am.  Soc.  Test.  Mat.,  vol.  29,  pt. 
2,  1929,  pp.  902-908. 

The  Technology  of  Slate.     Bur.  of  Mines  Bull.  218,  1922,  132  pp. 

The  Wire  Saw  in  Slate  Quarrying:  Bur.  of  Mines  Tech.  Paper  469,  1930, 

31  pp. 

Consumption  Trends  in  the  Roofing  Slate  Industry.     Bur.  of  Mines  Rept. 

of  Investigations  3221,  1933,  3  pp.  (mimeographed). 

A  System  of  Accounts  for  the  Slate  Industry.     Bur.  Mines  Rept.  of  Investi- 
gations 2971,  1929,  25  pp.  (mimeographed). 

The  Marketing  of  Metals  and  Minerals  (chapter  on  slate).     McGraw-Hill 

Book  Company,  Inc.,  New  York,  1925,  pp.  524-529. 

Coons,  A.  T.  Mineral  Resources  of  the  United  States  (chapters  on  slate).  Pub- 
lished annually  by  the  U.  S.  Bur.  of  Mines  (prior  to  1924  by  the  U.  S.  Geol. 
Survey,  Minerals  Yearbook  since  1931.) 

Dale,  T.  Nelson.  The  Slate  Belt  of  Eastern  New  York  and  Western  Vermont. 
U.  S.  Geol.  Survey,  Nineteenth  Ann.  Rept.,  pt.  3,  1897-1898,  1898,  pp.  153-307. 

Dale,  T.  Nelson,  and  others.  Slate  in  the  United  States.  U.  S.  Geol.  Survey  Bull. 
586,  1914,  220  pp. 

Eckel,  E.  C.  Building  Stones  and  Clays.  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  Inc.,  New  York, 
1912,  pp.  95-126. 

HiRSCHWALD,  J.  Handbuch  der  bautechnischen  Gesteinspriifung.  Verlag  von 
Gebriider  Borntraeger,  Berlin,  1912,  923  pp. 

Kessler,  D.  W.  and  Sligh,  W.  H.  Physical  Properties  and  Weathering  Char- 
acteristics of  Slate.     U.  S.  Bur.  of  Standards  Res.  Paper  477,  1932,  35  pp. 

Matthews,  Edwar,d  B.  An  Account  of  the  Character  and  Distribution  of  Maryland 
Building  Stones  (section  on  slate).  Maryland  Geol.  Survey,  vol.  2,  1898,  pp. 

National  Slate  Association.     Slate  Roofs.     Philadelphia,  1926,  84  pp. 

North,  F.  J.     The  Slates  of  Wales.     2d  ed.,  Univ.  of  Wales,  Cardiff,  1927,  84  pp. 

SLATE  289 

Purdue,  A.  H.  The  Slates  of  Arkansas.  Contributions  to  Economic  Geologj^ 
1909,  pt.  1  (f),  U.  S.  Geol.  Survey  Bull.  430,  1910,  pp.  317-334. 

Richardson,  C.  H.  Building  Stones  and  Clays.  Syracuse  Univ.  Book  Store, 
Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  1917,  pp.  267-302. 

Shearer,  H.  K.  The  Slate  Deposits  of  Georgia.  Geol.  Survev  Georgia  Bull.  34, 
1918,  192  pp. 



Production  of  soapstone  is  commonly  considered  part  of  the  talc 
industry,  as  talc  is  a  constituent,  but  the  uses  of  these  commodities  are 
for  the  most  part  quite  diverse,  because  at  least  95  per  cent  of  all  talc 
produced  is  sold  pulverized  while  a  large  proportion  of  all  soapstone 
quarried  is  sold  as  blocks  of  various  shapes  and  sizes.  Soapstone  is  used 
widely  in  construction  and  for  building  accessories,  therefore  it  may 
properly  be  called  part  of  the  dimension-stone  industry. 


The  term  "soapstone"  in  its  original  sense  apparently  was  synony- 
mous with  steatite  or  massive  talc;  however,  it  more  properly  includes  all 
dark  gray  to  greenish  talcose  massive  rocks  which  have  a  soapy  feel  and 
which  with  few  exceptions,  are  soft  enough  to  be  carved  easily  with  a 
knife.  Nearly  all  soapstone  produced  for  commerce  is  metamorphic  rock 
containing  10  to  80  per  cent  talc,  a  hydrous  magnesium  silicate  of 
composition  expressed  by  the  formula  H2Mg3(Si03)4.  The  most  char- 
acteristic physical  properties  of  talc  are  its  softness  (it  may  be  scratched 
easily  with  the  finger  nail)  and  its  soapy  feel.  Although  talc  is  the  most 
characteristic,  and  frequently  the  chief,  constituent  of  soapstone  other 
minerals  are  present  in  varying  amounts;  chlorite,  amphibole,  pyroxene, 
and  mica  are  the  more  common  constituents,  with  smaller  amounts  of 
pyrite,  quartz,  calcite,  and  dolomite.  Soapstone  must  therefore  be 
regarded  as  a  rock  rather  than  a  mineral;  and  because  of  its  variable 
composition,  its  hardness  and  strength  are  also  variable. 


Soapstone  was  carved  into  ornaments  by  the  ancient  Egyptians  and 
Assyrians,  and  for  many  centuries  the  Chinese  have  used  it  for  the  same 
purpose.  It  has  long  been  used  in  limited  quantities  as  a  building  mate- 
rial. The  cathedral  of  Trondhjem,  Norway,  is  built  of  soapstone  from 

Soapstone  was  first  used  in  the  United  States  by  the  American 
Indians,  who,  recognizing  its  heat-retaining  qualities,  shaped  it  into 
bowls,  pots,  cooking  stones,  and  other  objects  now  on  display  in  many 
museums.  The  term  "potstone,"  which  is  still  applied  to  soapstone  in 
some  localities,  originated  from  these  early  uses.     Deposits  in  Albemarle 




County,  Va.,  were  opened  on  a  semicommercial  scale  about  1880. 
During  later  years  the  industry  migrated  into  Nelson  County,  and  recent 
activity  has  been  confined  to  the  vicinity  of  Schuyler.  A  small  produc- 
tion has  been  noted  at  various  times  in  Maryland,  North  Carolina,  Rhode 
Island,  Vermont,  and  California,  but  Virginia  has  always  dominated  the 
industry.     A  quarry  near  Marriottsville,  Md.,  was  reopened  in  1933. 

During  recent  years  so  much  of  the  production  has  been  in  the  hands 
of  a  single  company  that  figures  can  not  be  published  without  revealing 
individual  statistics.  However,  the  following  table,  compiled  from 
United  States  Geological  Survey  publications,  is  presented  as  a  record  of 
output  for  a  number  of  years. 

Domestic  Soapstone  Sold  in  the  United  States,  1916-1924 


short  tons 




S     489,606 

























*  Sawed  and  manufactured  talc  included  under  soapstone. 


The  uses  of  soapstone  are  related  intimately  to  its  physical  properties. 
Its  easy  workability,  light  color,  and  resistance  to  weathering  or  water 
action  fit  it  admirably  for  many  structural  purposes;  laundry  tubs,  sinks, 
aquariums,  wainscoting,  mantels,  baseboards,  stair  treads,  tiles,  and 
spandrels  are  made  of  soapstone.  Floor  tile  and  steps  sometimes  are 
calcined  to  make  them  harder  than  rock  in  its  natural  state.  Because 
of  its  resistance  to  chemical  action  and  low  absorptive  properties  soap- 
stone  is  adaptable  for  laboratory  table  tops  and  sinks,  hoods,  ovens,  acid 
tanks,  vats,  trays,  development  tanks  for  photographs  and  blue  prints, 
drains,  and  furnace  blocks  for  lining  retorts  in  paper  mills.  Some 
soapstones  have  high  dielectric  strength,  which,  combined  with  easy 
workability,  makes  them  desirable  for  electrical  insulation  units,  such  as 
switchboards,  panels,  barriers,  fuse  guards,  bases,  circuit-breaker  com- 
partments, insulating  floor  slabs,  battery-room  flooring  or  shelving,  and 
similar  products.  Because  of  its  ability  to  resist  and  to  retain  heat, 
soapstone  is  employed  for  griddles,  foot  warmers,  fireless  cooker  stones, 


fireplaces,  hearths,  and  furnace  linings;  some  of  these  uses,  however,  are 

Soapstone  is  divided  into  three  grades — soft,  regular,  and  hard. 
The  high  heat  resistance  of  the  soft  grade  makes  it  especially  desirable  for 
furnace  linings  and  other  uses  where  high  temperatures  prevail.  The 
hard  grade,  containing  a  large  proportion  of  the  harder  siliceous  minerals, 
such  as  hornblende  and  actinolite,  is  best  suited  for  stair  treads,  floor  tile, 
and  other  products  subject  to  wear.  The  regular  grade,  midway  in 
properties  between  the  hard  and  soft,  is  by  far  the  most  abundant. 
Virtually  all  fabricated  equipment  having  interlocking  joints,  such  as 
laundry  tubs,  sinks,  and  sanitary  partitions,  is  made  of  soapstone  of  this 

Granular  soapstone,  hardened  by  heat  treatment,  is  used  for  surfacing 
prepared  roofing.  Pulverized  waste  material  is  employed  as  an  admix- 
ture in  concrete  and  as  a  filler  and  sold  to  some  extent  for  dusting  coal 


Most  soapstone  is  regarded  as  an  alteration  product  of  basic  igneous 
rocks  rich  in  magnesium.  The  extensive  deposits  near  Schuyler,  Va., 
consist  of  irregular  or  lenslike  dikes  bordered  with  mica  schist  and 
peridotite.  These  deposits  have  been  studied  and  described  in  some 
detail,  but  very  little  is  known  of  the  occurrences  in  other  States.  The 
important  deposits  in  Virginia  form  a  belt  which  extends  through  Nelson, 
Albemarle,  and  Orange  Counties  and  for  many  years  have  constituted 
the  chief  source  of  supply.  Small  deposits  have  been  noted  in  Fairfax, 
Franklin,  Amelia,  and  Henry  Counties.  Soapstone  is  quarried  near 
Thetford  Mines,  Quebec,  Canada,  for  production  of  furnace  blocks  and 
pulverized  products. 


The  normal  size  of  quarries  at  Schuyler,  Va.,  is  100  feet  long  by  100  to 
120  feet  wide,  the  width  being  governed  by  the  size  of  the  dike.  Enough 
soapstone  to  provide  a  good  face  is  left  in  place  along  the  hanging  wall. 
If  several  quarries  are  opened  on  one  dike,  walls  22  feet  wide  are  left 
standing  between  operations.  The  depth  to  which  a  quarry  may  be 
worked  depends  on  safety  of  the  walls;  the  average  depth  is  nearly 
200  feet. 

Overburden  is  removed  chiefly  by  steam  shovels  and  drag  scrapers, 
though  hydraulic  methods  have  been  used.  Occasionally  good  stone  is 
found  near  the  surface,  but  usually  the  upper  floors  are  removed  as  waste. 
No  explosives  are  used  in  either  waste  or  good  rock.  Overburden  and 
waste  usually  are  dumped  into  pits  that  have  been  worked  out  and 



A  stripped  quarry  floor  is  channeled  across  the  strike  with  steam 
or  electric-air  machines.  The  distance  between  channel  cuts  is  4  to 
6  feet,  and  the  average  depth  6>^  feet.  After  a  center  row  of  key  blocks 
is  removed  all  other  channeled  masses  are  undercut  to  their  full  depth. 
An  undercutter  is  a  reciprocating  machine  that  works  like  a  channeler. 
In  soft  rock  a  Jeffrey  longwall  undercutter  with  stellite  teeth  is  used 
satisfactorily.  One  end  of  the  undercut  mass  is  channeled  across  and 
the  end  block  broken  out.  The  mass  is  then  subdivided  by  drilling  holes 
parallel  to  the  natural  parting  planes  of  the  rock,  and  by  splitting  with 
wedges.  As  the  natural  grain  dips  at  angles  of  30  to  60°  blocks 
are  roughly  diamond-shaped.  An  average  block  is  4  by  4  by  6  feet. 
Each  is  graded  according  to  hardness,  color,  and  soundness.  Swinging- 
boom  derricks  lift  them  from  the  quarry  floor  and  place  them  on  cars  or 
stock  piles,  depending  upon  current  mill  requirements. 


As  with  other  types  of  dimension  stone,  sawing  is  the  first  step  in 
manufacturing  soapstone   products.     Gang  saws,   like   those   used  for 

Fig.  58. 

-Two  soapstone  saw  mills  with  overhead  traveling  crane  between  them,  Schuyler, 
Va.      (Photo  by  H.  Herbert  Hughes.) 

marble  and  limestone,  are  employed,  and  30-  to  46-mesh  sea  sand  is 
used  as  abrasive.  Saws  travel  back  and  forth  at  about  84  complete 
strokes  a  minute  in  the  day  time,  while  at  night  when  other  machinery  is 
shut  down  the  speed  is  increased  to  about  100  strokes  a  minute.  Gangs 
cut  through  the  stone  at  about  4  inches  an  hour.  Most  of  the  stock  is  cut 
into  thin  slabs,  which  results  in  less  waste  from  oblique-angled  blocks 
than  if  cubic  stock  were  manufactured.     For  most  uses  saw  cuts  are  made 


to  parallel  the  grain.  Sawed  slabs  are  transferred  to  either  a  stock  mill 
or  a  custom  mill.  Figure  58  illustrates  two  soapstone  saw  mills  with  an 
overhead  traveling  crane  between. 

A  stock  mill  produces  standard  products,  such  as  laundry  tubs,  sinks, 
and  furnace  blocks.  Trimming  is  done  with  a  steel-toothed  hand  saw 
similar  to  that  used  in  wood  working.  The  slab  surfaces  are  finished 
on  rubbing  beds  and  tongued  and  grooved  with  Carborundum  wheels. 
In  assembling  tubs  one  small  bolt  secures  each  corner  but  is  not  exposed 
in  the  interior.  All  joints  are  set  in  cement,  consisting  of  linseed  oil, 
litharge,  and  whiting,  which  expands  as  it  seasons,  insuring  watertight 
joints.  An  important  function  of  a  stock  mill  is  the  manufacture  of 
furnace  blocks.  These  are  made  in  numerous  sizes  and  shapes  3  inches 
to  3  feet  long.  Blocks  are  cut  with  circular  diamond  saws,  and  care  is 
taken  that  the  direction  of  grain  is  always  at  right  angles  to  the  exposed 
surface  when  a  block  is  set  in  place;  otherwise,  it  is  liable  to  spall. 

All  other  soapstone,  consisting  chiefly  of  structural  material,  is 
fabricated  in  the  custom  mill  according  to  specifications.  The  general 
procedure  is  similar  to  that  in  a  stock  mill,  except  that  blue  prints  are 
followed  on  all  jobs.  Furthermore,  much  stone  used  in  the  custom  mill 
is  harder  than  that  employed  for  laundry  tubs  or  furnace  blocks.  There- 
fore, circular  silicon  carbide  saws  are  used  instead  of  hand  saws  for 
trimming,  and  Carborundum  grinders  supplement  rubbing  beds.  Rub- 
bed slabs  pass  to  a  checker,  who  designates  from  blue  prints  the  additional 
fabricating  to  be  done.  Completed  slabs  are  assembled  in  the  mill  or 
on  the  job,  depending  on  the  nature  of  the  order. 

Some  higher-grade  waste  soapstone  is  pulverized  as  filler,  chiefly  for 
use  in  the  rubber  industry.  For  this  purpose  crushers,  hammer  mills, 
tube  mills,  screens,  and  air  classifiers  are  the  chief  types  of  equipment 


Markets  for  soapstone  are  world-wide,  but  only  a  small  proportion 
of  the  production  is  exported.  The  largest  consumption  is  east  of  the 
Mississippi  River,  particularly  in  the  Atlantic  Seaboard  States.  The 
increasing  use  of  soapstone  for  architectural  purposes  during  recent  years 
has  resulted  in  fluctuations  in  demand  that  parallel  the  seasonal  activity 
of  building.  Shipments  are  now  made  almost  entirely  by  rail  and 
wherever  practical  in  carload  lots.  Most  soapstone  products,  except 
furnace  blocks,  are  crated. 

There  is  at  present  practically  no  competition  within  the  industry  in 
marketing  soapstone.  However,  it  meets  with  very  keen  competition 
from  other  materials,  including  marble,  slate,  sandstone,  limestone,  and 
certain  synthetic  products,  in  virtually  every  market  except  for  furnace 


The  unit  of  measurement  for  manufactured  soapstone  is  a  square  foot 
13^^  inches  thick.  All  products,  regardless  of  size,  shape,  or  use,  are 
reduced  to  this  unit.  Furnace  blocks  comprise  the  largest  low-priced 
output,  while  complicated  development  tanks  and  similar  equipment 
requiring  much  skilled  labor  bring  the  highest  prices.  Nearly  all  sales 
are  made  direct  to  builders  and  contractors;  there  are  no  brokers  or 


A  metamorphic  rock  known  as  "greenstone,"  consisting  essentially  of 
actinolite  and  chlorite,  outcrops  prominently  at  Lynchburg,  Va.  It  has 
an  attractive  unfading  green  color  that  renders  it  suitable  for  structural 
and  ornamental  building.  Many  years  ago  it  was  used  as  a  local  build- 
ing stone.  Basements,  chimneys,  and  entire  houses  made  of  it  show  no 
evidence  of  change  or  deterioration.  During  recent  years  the  quarries 
have  been  reopened,  and  a  mill  has  been  constructed  for  the  manu- 
facture of  structural  and  decorative  slabs  and  other  products. 


Bowles,  Oliver.     Chapters  on  Talc  and  Soapstone.     Mineral  Industry,  1930  and 

1931,  McGraw-Hill  Book  Company,  Inc.,  New  York. 
Bowles,  Oliver,  and  Stoddard,  B.  H.     Chapters  on  Talc  and  Soapstone.     Bur. 

of  Mines  Mineral  Resources  of  the  United  States,  for  1928,  1929,  1930,  and  1931. 

(Included  in  chapter  on  dimension  stone  in  Minerals  Yearbook  after  1931.) 
BuRFOOT,  J.  D.     The  Origin  of  the  Talc  and  Soapstone  Deposits  of  Virginia.     Jour. 

Econ.  GeoL,  vol.  25,  1930,  pp.  806-826. 
Hughes,  H.  Herbert.     Soapstone.     Bur.  of  Mines  Inf.  Circ.  6563,  1931,  18  pp. 
Ryan,  C.  W.     Soapstone  Mining  in  Virginia.     Am.  Inst.  Min.  and  Met.  Eng.  Tech. 

Pub.  160,  1929,  31  pp. 



The  term  "boulders"  is  applied  to  loose  fragments  of  rock  as  con- 
trasted with  solid  beds  or  masses,  which  are  designated  "rock  in  place," 
and  is  restricted  to  masses  that  have  become  loosened  from  the  parent 
ledge  by  natural  processes,  such  as  by  water,  frost  action,  or  glaciation. 
Boulders  usually  are  plentiful  in  rugged  regions  where  bedrock  is  close 
to  the  surface  and  along  old  shore  lines  and  river  beds.  They  are  rare  or 
absent  in  ancient  lake  beds  that  are  now  land  areas  or  in  deltas  or  out- 
wash  plains  of  rivers,  for  only  the  finer,  lighter  products  of  rock  disintegra- 
tion are  disposed  in  such  places. 

A  great  difference  is  to  be  observed  between  boulders  in  northern 
states  compared  with  those  in  the  south.  In  its  southward  movement 
the  great  ice  sheet  of  the  glacial  age  reached  northern  New  Jersey,  central 
Pennsylvania,  and,  roughly,  a  line  that  followed  the  Ohio  and  Missouri 
Rivers.  North  of  this  line  most  of  the  surface  soil  is  glacial  till,  and  much 
of  it  remains  in  the  condition  in  which  it  was  left  by  the  ice,  though  large 
areas  have  been  re  worked  and  assorted  by  water  action.  Materials 
carried  by  the  ice  may  have  been  picked  up  at  widely  separated  points  and 
carried  long  distances.  Boulders  in  glacial  regions  may  therefore  consist 
of  a  great  variety  of  rocks;  granites,  gneisses,  syenites,  limestones,  sand- 
stones, and  conglomerates  may  all  be  found  within  a  restricted  area. 
Usually  they  are  rounded  and  show  other  evidences  of  excessive 

In  the  area  south  of  the  southern  limit  of  glaciation  some  boulders 
may  have  been  transported  limited  distances  by  rivers  or  other  agencies, 
but  for  the  most  part  they  are  of  local  origin.  In  limestone  regions 
boulders  consist  of  fragments  of  underlying  limestone;  likewise,  in  granite 
regions,  few,  if  any,  are  to  be  found  that  are  not  related  directly  to 
outcrops  in  the  immediate  neighborhood.  Ordinarily  they  are  more 
angular  than  those  of  glaciated  regions. 

As  nature  had  thus  fashioned  building  blocks  and  left  them  conven- 
iently placed  on  the  surface  of  the  ground  they  probably  constituted 
materials  for  the  most  primitive  habitations  built  by  ancient  races. 
Their  ready  availability  led  to  early  use  by  pioneers,  and  they  are  still 
important  construction  materials. 




A  use  of  stone  of  which  Httle  mention  has  been  made  is  as  fencing. 
The  subject  has  been  neglected  because  it  falls  midway  between  two  great 
jBelds  of  activity — mining  and  agriculture.  A  very  small  part  of  such 
stone  is  quarried  rock;  nearly  all  of  it  consists  of  boulders  picked  up  by 
farmers  while  working  in  their  fields.  Employment  of  stone  in  this  way 
serves  a  twofold  purpose — clearing  land  of  annoying  obstructions  and 
fencing  it.  Such  work  must  be  classed  as  farm  labor;  it  is  not  properly 
part  of  the  mining  industry.  Compilers  of  agricultural  statistics  are 
interested  in  the  size  of  fields  and  mileage  of  fences  but  have  subdivided 
fences  by  kinds  to  a  very  limited  extent.  Hence,  for  quite  logical  reasons, 
no  record  has  been  kept  of  the  mileage  of  stone  fences  or  the  amount  of 
material  used  in  their  construction. 

Most  stone  fences  now  in  existence  were  built  many  years  ago.  It 
was  necessary  for  pioneer  farmers  to  clear  the  land,  and  labor  being 
cheap,  the  cost  of  building  stone  walls  along  the  borders  of  fields  was  not 

Stone  has  long  been  a  choice  material  for  ornamental  walls  and  fences 
in  town  and  suburban  estates.  Since  such  walls  are  erected  for  archi- 
tectural effect  rather  than  practical  value  waste  rock  is  used  little,  but  a 
surprisingly  large  amount  of  quarried  rock  cut  into  regular  dimensions 
and  having  a  rather  high  marketable  value  is  so  consumed.  Walls  and 
fences  of  this  material  look  so  solid  and  rugged  that  they  are  invaluable 
artistic  additions  to  any  home. 

Certain  objections  have  been  raised  to  stone  fences.  Unless  well- 
built,  sheep  can  scale  them;  they  harbor  weeds,  brush,  insects,  and 
burrowing  animals;  and  their  removal  for  the  enlargement  of  fields  is 
expensive.  On  the  other  hand,  such  fences,  properly  built  with  foun- 
dations that  will  not  heave  with  frost  action,  are  the  most  enduring  of 
all  types ;  moreover,  they  are  attractive  and  are  fireproof,  often  preventing 
a  blaze  spreading  from  field  to  field. 

The  extent  to  which  stone  is  used  for  fencing  is  quite  variable  in 
different  parts  of  the  country.  Throughout  the  Great  Plains  region  of 
the  Middle  West  very  little  stone  occurs,  and  the  Rocky  Mountain  and 
Far  West  States  have  few  stone  fences.  In  the  New  England  and  other 
Eastern  States,  however,  granite  and  limestone  boulders  abound  and 
have  been  widely  used  for  this  purpose.  Throughout  Connecticut, 
Rhode  Island,  and  other  Northeastern  States  there  are  miles  and  miles 
of  fences  made  of  the  abundant  granites  and  other  igneous  rocks.  In 
northern  Virginia  many  roads  and  fields  are  neatly  fenced  for  long 
stretches  with  limestone  boulders. 

Data  for  determining  the  mileage  of  stone  fences  in  the  United  States 
are  meager.     In  so  far  as  the  writer  has  ascertained  statistics  cover  only 


the  North  Central  States  and  certain  selected  parts  of  New  York.  The 
first  of  these  areas  comprises  States  where  very  little  stone  is  found  on 
farms,  and  consequently  few  such  fences  are  built.  According  to  a 
report^^  of  the  United  States  Department  of  Agriculture  only  about 
0.17  per  cent  of  the  fences  were  of  stone  in  the  following  11  States:  South 
Dakota,  Nebraska,  Kansas,  Minnesota,  Iowa,  Missouri,  Wisconsin, 
Illinois,  Michigan,  Indiana,  and  Ohio.  In  this  group  Wisconsin  stands 
highest,  with  0.8  per  cent.  A  second  recorded  study  by  Myers^"  covered 
53  farms  in  New  York  averaging  173.4  acres  each.  The  average  length 
of  stone  fence  per  farm  was  122.5  rods,  or  8.1  per  cent  of  the  total  fencing. 
In  certain  sections  the  percentage  ran  as  high  as  36. 

If  it  is  assumed  that  the  figure  8.1  per  cent,  obtained  by  Cornell 
University  for  parts  of  New  York,  typifies  the  more  rugged  and  older 
settled  parts  of  the  East,  which  occupy  about  one  sixth  of  the  area  of 
the  United  States,  and  that  the  figure,  0.17  per  cent,  obtained  by  the 
United  States  Department  of  Agriculture  for  the  North  Central  States, 
is  a  fair  average  for  the  rest  of  the  country,  a  basis  has  been  established 
for  estimating  the  total  extent  of  stone  fences.  Figures  thus  obtained 
may  be  far  from  correct,  but  they  at  least  supply  an  estimate  on  which  to 
hinge  comments  until  better  figures  are  obtainable. 

According  to  census  figures,  some  years  ago  there  were  5,371,000,000 
rods  of  fence  in  the  United  States.  On  the  basis  given  above  the  approxi- 
mate length  of  stone  fences  would  be  78,620,000  rods  or  about  246,000 

To  determine  the  cubic  contents  of  this  volume  of  fencing  a  certain 
amount  of  guesswork  again  is  required,  for  fences  are  not  of  uniform 
size;  some  built  long  ago  are  massive,  while  others,  especially  those  built 
more  recently  are  of  much  smaller  proportions.  Many  limestone  fences 
in  Virginia  are  about  2  feet  wide  at  the  bottom,  1  foot  wide  at  the  top, 
and  43^^  to  5  feet  high.  If  average  dimensions  are  assumed  to  be  2}'^ 
feet  wide  at  the  bottom,  13-^  feet  at  top,  and  5  feet  high,  the  total  volume 
would  reach  the  staggering  figure  of  nearly  13,000,000,000  cubic  feet. 
Practically  all  the  fences  are  dry  walls  built  without  mortar.  The  stones 
are  laid  carefully  and  packed  so  closely  that  the  air  spaces  between  them 
probably  do  not  occupy  more  than  one  fourth  of  the  entire  volume. 
Assuming  that  three  fourths  of  the  volume  is  solid  stone  weighing  about 
160  pounds  to  the  cubic  foot  the  weight  of  stone  used  in  fences  approaches 
780,000,000  tons,  which  is  equivalent  to  about  280  times  the  pro- 
duction of  dimension  stone  in  the  United  States  in  1931.     The  figures 

33  Humphrey,  H.  N.,  Cost  of  Fencing  Farms  in  the  North  Central  States.  U.  S. 
Dept.  of  Agriculture  Bull.  321,  1909. 

'"'  Myers,  W.  I.,  An  Economic  Study  of  Farm  Layout.  Cornell  Univ.  Agric.  Exp. 
Sta.  Memoir  34,  1920. 


given  above  may,  of  course,  be  very  much  in  error,  but  at  least  they  show 
a  use  of  stone  of  very  great  magnitude. 

This  lowly  application  that  finds  no  place  in  statistics  and  little 
mention  in  song  or  story  fills  in  toto  an  important  place  in  rural  life. 
But  what  of  the  future?  As  stone  fences  gradually  deteriorate  through 
action  of  the  elements,  the  high  cost  of  labor  for  repairs  or  rebuilding 
leads  to  replacement  of  many  of  them  with  wire  fences.  The  widening  of 
highways  and  enlargement  of  fields  may  also  demand  their  removal.     The 

!•  iG.  59. — Graceful  limestone  fences  in  Virginia.     (Photo  by  the  author.) 

material  from  some  of  them  has  been  used  for  building  purposes,  or 
crushed  for  hard-road  construction.  Diminishing  use  is  in  prospect, 
but  any  movement  toward  wholesale  destruction  is  to  be  regretted,  for 
nothing  is  more  enduring  than  the  rocks  from  which  this  old  world  is 
made.  Not  only  are  stone  fences  substantial  and  long  lived,  but  they  are 
picturesque  and  lend  an  attractiveness  to  rural  landscapes  that  would  be 
sadly  missed. 

It  is  evident  that  the  dignity,  stability,  and  ruggedness  of  stone 
fences  are  fully  appreciated  in  some  localities.  During  active  repaving 
and  road  widening  in  northern  Virginia  in  1930  and  1931,  numerous 
stone  fences  were  moved  back  and  rebuilt  in  attractive  forms  that 
enhance  the  beauty  of  an  already  charming  landscape.  Pillored  gate- 
ways and  graceful  curves,  as  illustrated  in  figure  59,  feature  both  new 
and  old  fences.  Such  structures  add  the  charm  of  artistry  to  the  utility 
of  substantial  and  enduring  stone. 


As  stated  previously,  boulders  were  used  by  the  early  settlers  long 
before  the  days  of  quarrying.     Although  modern  methods  have  made  it 



possible  to  shape  bed  rock  into  building  units  quickly  and  at  moderate 
cost,  the  use  of  boulders  has  by  no  means  been  abandoned;  they  are  still 
popular  and  are  widely  used.  Perhaps  their  most  prominent  use  is  in 
rustic  fireplaces  and  exterior  chimneys,  the  latter  constituting  prominent 
features  of  many  beautifully  designed  residences.  They  are  also  used 
extensively  for  basements,  lower  courses,  and  porch  walls.  Entire 
exterior  house  walls  of  boulders  are  by  no  means  uncommon;  in  fact,  the 
present  demand  for  ruggedness  and  variety  in  architecture  has  led  to 
increasing  use.     An  unusual  use  is  shown  in  figure  60. 

Fig.  60. — A  unique  type  of  boulder  construction  combining  chimney  with  stairway. 

hy  H.  Herbert  Hughes.) 


As  mentioned  heretofore,  the  greatest  variation  in  materials  is  in 
glaciated  country.  In  such  regions  boulder  houses  may  have  in  the  same 
wall  granites,  gneisses,  syenites,  trap  rocks,  limestones,  sandstones,  and 
mica  schists  interspersed  occasionally  with  beautiful  red  jasper 

The  use  of  boulders  is  not  confined  to  modest  dwelling  houses. 
Many  mansions  costing  thousands  of  dollars,  mountain  resorts,  hotels, 
and  public  buildings  are  built  largely  of  them.  Farmers  may  be  paid 
by  the  wagon  load  for  hauling  rocks  from  their  farms  to  build  such 
structures.  Although  the  work  of  construction  is  slow  and  expensive 
many  buildings  of  this  type  are  of  beautiful  rustic  design;  they  will 
endure  for  many  years,  and  their  maintenance  cost  is  low. 



Many  foreign  countries  are  rich  in  structural  and  ornamental  materials 
of  mineral  origin.  In  the  Old  World  structural  stones  were  used  far 
back  in  prehistoric  ages,  and  the  acid  test  of  time  has  proved  that  many- 
are  remarkably  enduring.  Multitudes  of  beautiful,  serviceable  American 
stones  are  no  doubt  just  as  capable  of  resisting  the  storms  of  centuries, 
but  our  New  World  civilization  is  as  yet  far  too  young  to  prove  their 
qualities.  In  European  countries  magnificent  cathedrals  and  other 
public  buildings  erected  centuries  ago  are  centers  of  interest  for  travelers 
from  all  nations.  It  is  fitting,  therefore,  that  some  attention  be  given 
to  the  sources  of  supply  of  materials  which  people  of  foreign  lands  have 
found  to  be  essential  for  the  noblest  and  most  substantial  types  of 

The  primary  purpose  of  this  book  is  to  cover  adequately  the  stone 
industries  of  the  United  States,  for  space  would  not  permit  a  treatise 
covering  in  detail  these  industries  throughout  the  world.  Nevertheless, 
many  foreign  stones  are  now,  or  have  been,  used  extensively  in  America, 
and  it  is  therefore  desirable  to  give  some  attention  to  those  that  are 
used  in  conjunction  with,  or  as  substitutes  for,  stone  of  domestic  origin. 
As  brevity  is  necessary,  attention  will  be  given  chiefly  to  stones  from  other 
lands  that  find  prominent  use  in  the  United  States. 


To  indicate  the  extent  to  which  foreign  stones  are  used  in  this  country, 
a  table  of  imports  compiled  by  the  United  States  Bureau  of  Mines  is 
shown  on  page  302.  It  comprises  a  table  covering  stone,  to  which  has 
been  added  the  value  of  imported  slate. 

The  future  consumption  of  foreign  stone  in  America  is  hard  to  predict. 
Demands  during  the  depression  years  were  subnormal  and,  coupled  with 
depressed  markets,  imports  have  been  and  will  continue  to  be  influ- 
enced by  the  tariff  revision  of  1930  and  subsequent  revisions. 

*i  Acknowledgment  is  hereby  made  of  helpful  information  obtained  from  certain 
unpublished  manuscripts  on  foreign  building  stones  compiled  some  years  ago  by 
T.  C.  Hopkins  for  the  U.  S.  Geol.  Survey. 




Stone  Imported  for  Consumption  in  the  United  States,   1929-1930 
AND  1936-1937,  BY  Kinds 














Marble,    breccia, 

and  onyx: 
In  blocks,  rough, 

etc.,  cubic  feet 
Sawed,  cubic  feet 
Slabs   or   paving 

tiles,  superficial 



649 , 899 


253 , 267 





254 , 179 
329 , 279 









$297 , 501 

67 , 789 

All  other  manu- 

69 , 403 

Mosaic     cubes     of 
marble  or  onyx. 








Dressed,       cubic 

$     292,644 


$     266,318 

43 , 089 

$  67,293 
63 , 627 



Rough,  cubic  feet 




$     671,587 

$     428,355 




$245  819 

Quartzite,    short 




$     174,334t 
64, 997 t 


$  91,120 


$249  003 

Travertine,      cubic 

18  677 

Stone  (other) : 

$        62,674 



$       23,396 



$     5,471 



$     6,310 

Rough       (monu- 
mental    or 
building),  cubic 


6  617 

Rough      (other). 

19  639 


$     480,618 

$     300,721 

$  16,209 

$  32  566 


$       95,073 

$       48,065 

$     4,851 

$     4  824 

Grand  total 




$986  250 

*  Not  separately  classified. 

t  Figures  cover  June  18  to  December  31:  not  separately  classified  prior  to  change  in  tariff. 


Canada. — The  Tyndall  limestone  of  Ordovician  age,  occurring  about 
30  miles  northwest  of  Winnipeg,  Manitoba,  generally  is  regarded  as  the 
best  building  limestone  in  western  Canada.  The  main  productive  ridge 
is  about  }4  mile  wide  and  1  mile  long,  although  less  easily  available  rock 
occurs  over  a  much  wider  area.     Two  main  types  of  stone  are  obtained — 


an  upper  buff-mottled  stone  in  beds  12  to  13  feet  thick  in  all,  and  a  lower 
blue-mottled  stone  5  to  6  feet  thick.  Both  kinds  extended  below  the 
floor  of  the  quarry  at  the  stage  of  progress  covered  by  Park's  original 
description  (see  bibliography),  and  the  total  thickness  of  the  formation 
was  about  130  feet.  The  rock  has  a  characteristic  mottled  appearance 
due  to  evenly  distributed  dark  patches.  Blocks  are  sawed,  cut,  and 
carved  in  large,  well-equipped  finishing  mills,  either  at  the  quarries  or  in 
Winnipeg.  Some  waste  material  is  burned  into  lime.  The  product  is 
used  widely  for  public  buildings  in  Winnipeg  and  other  midwestern  cities. 

Limestones  are  plentiful  in  Ontario,  and  numerous  quarries  have 
been  opened  in  many  localities.  Most  of  them,  however,  are  small  and 
supply  stone  only  for  local  use.  Dark,  heavily  bedded  limestones  of  the 
Black  River  formation  have  been  used  so  widely  in  Kingston  that  it  has 
been  called  the  Limestone  City.  Other  noteworthy  occurrences  are  the 
Trenton,  which  is  used  to  some  extent  in  Ottawa;  the  Niagara  limestone 
at  Hamilton;  and  the  Onondaga  near  St.  Marys.  The  largest  building 
limestone  quarry  in  Ontario  is  at  Queenston  near  Niagara  Falls.  While 
it  has  been  worked  for  many  years,  activities  have  been  enlarged  greatly 
under  new  ownership  since  1925.  Rock  of  high  quality  occurs  in  iflat- 
lying  beds  about  15  feet  thick  all  told,  with  a  moderate  overburden. 
The  stone  is  a  pleasing  silver  gray  that  mellows  with  time.  It  has  low 
absorptive  properties  and  is  highly  resistant  to  weathering.  The  quarry 
product  is  sold  as  rough  blocks  or  slabs  for  fabrication  in  independent 
mills.  It  is  used  in  constructing  many  large  buildings  in  Hamilton, 
Toronto,  and  other  Canadian  cities. 

Numerous  buildings  in  Montreal  are  made  of  limestone  quarried  in  or 
near  the  city.  The  stone  belongs  to  the  Chazy  and  Trenton  formations 
and  is  of  three  main  types.  The  first,  a  grayish,  medium-grained,  semi- 
crystalline  limestone  is  of  the  highest  grade  and  is  suitable  for  cut  stone. 
The  second,  a  hard,  dark,  fine-grained  variety,  and  the  third,  an  inter- 
banding  of  the  first  and  second,  are  used  mainly  for  rock-faced  work. 
Trenton  limestones  have  been  quarried  extensively  in  Portneuf  County, 
Quebec,  and  used  for  building  purposes  in  Quebec  city  and  in  Montreal. 

Cuba. — Buff  and  blue  oolitic  limestone  is  quarried  in  the  suburbs  of 
Havana.  It  is  somewhat  like  Indiana  limestone  but  is  finer-grained  and 
softer.  It  may  be  cut  readily  with  an  ax  or  hand  saw  but  hardens  upon 
exposure.  As  the  deposit  is  conveniently  situated  and  easily  worked  the 
stone  is  used  quite  extensively  for  building  houses  in  Havana. 

Bermuda. — Bermuda  limestone  is  a  porous  aggregation  of  shell  and 
coral  fragments,  ranging  from  a  chalky,  white,  fine-grained,  soft  type  to  a 
darker,  coarser,  and  harder  form.  It  is  worked  so  easily  that  blocks  are 
cut  out  with  long-handled  chisels  and  subdivided  to  desired  sizes  and 
shapes  with  hand  saws.  Many  houses  are  built  of  the  softer  types;  even 
the  roofs   consist   of   thin  slabs.     When  whitewashed   this   variety  is 



durable  enough  for  a  mild,  moderate  climate  like  that  of  Bermuda.  The 
harder  rock  has  been  used  for  fortifications  and  other  Government  works 
on  the  islands. 

France. — The  Caen  stone,  a  Jurassic  oolitic  variety  quarried  near 
Caen,  Falaise,  and  Bayeux  in  Normandy,  is  one  of  the  best  known  lime- 
stones of  France.  It  is  a  soft,  fine-grained,  light-colored  rock  admirably 
adapted  for  carved  work.  While  not  suitable  for  outdoor  use  in  a  climate 
like  that  of  the  United  States  it  has  been  popular  for  many  centuries  as 
an  interior  decorative  stone,  particularly  in  Gothic  architecture.     It  was 

Fig.  61. — Underground  limestone  mines,  Commercy,  France.      (Courtesy  of  J.  B.  Newsom.) 

shipped  to  England  in  large  quantities  shortly  after  the  Norman  con- 
quest and  employed  in  such  notable  structures  as  the  Cathedral  of 
Canterbury  and  Westminster  Abbey.  The  workable  beds  have  a 
maximum  thickness  of  20  to  25  feet  and  cover  a  wide  area.  Most  of  the 
workings  are  underground,  though  some  stone  is  taken  from  open 
quarries.  It  is  shipped  by  water  to  various  European  ports  and  to 

Jurassic  oolitic  limestones  are  quarried  also  in  the  Department  of 
Meuse  on  the  east  side  of  the  Paris  Basin.  Highly  fossiliferous  stone, 
consisting  chiefly  of  crinoid  fragments,  is  obtained  from  open-pit  quarries 
at  Euville  and  Lerouville  and  from  underground  workings  at  Commercy. 
The  latter  are  shown  in  figure  61.  This  has  been  used  for  fortifications, 
canals,  and  many  notable  buildings  in  Paris.  "Comblanchien"  is  a  well- 
known  Jurassic  type.  As  shown  in  figure  62,  canals  are  of  great  assist- 
ance in  transportation. 

Large  quarries  of  similar  stone  have  long  been  worked  near  Auxerre 
in  the  Department  of  Yonne  southeast  of  Paris.     It  is  reported  that  43 


quarries  were  operated  in  1889.  Large  sawmills  were  employed  to  shape 
blocks  for  the  construction  of  canals  and  as  building  stone  used  in  France, 
England,  Belgium,  and  the  United  States. 

Jurassic  oolites  and  Lower  Cretaceous  lime